Painting on paper silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. Workshop "Techniques for drawing the main elements of Dymkovo painting

Svetlana Nesterova

Folk applied arts, including Dymkovo toy, are of great importance for the development of aesthetic artistic taste in children, help to better understand the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, customs.

Affectionately and gently call this toy - haze. All toys are very cheerful, cheerful and sometimes made with great humor.

I am sure that the origin of this toy is known to everyone. From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Kirov stands, one can see the village Dymkovo. In winter, when stoves are heated, in summer, on cloudy days, when fog, the village is all as if in smoke, in haze. Here in ancient times this toy was born.

The artist never draws in advance clear contours in patterns. If you look at the pattern, it is unusual simple: circles, straight and wavy lines, stripes, cells, spots, dots-peas. But the colors bright: crimson, red, green, yellow, orange, blue. Even the refinement of small details, where you need a very fine drawing, a thin line-stroke, is done with a soft brush, that is, a carpal reception.

note that the basis of the painting - circles, on which small elements. (Display)

Of course, you know that the brush must be held vertically with three fingers in relation to the sheet of paper. Broad lines are drawn with the whole brush, and thin lines, dots and cells - with the end of the brush. (Display)

Sometimes Dymkovo masters use"poke" (cotton wool wrapped around a match or stick, paper rolled into a tube). These simple devices not only speed up the creation of a pattern many times over, but also improve its quality. (Display) Thus, they are obtained quickly and equally.

We will now move on to practical part of our workshop. I hope you will feel "at the tips of your fingers the streams that feed the source of creative thought."

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All pictures and manuals for studying Dymkovo painting

Classes, games, scenarios on the topic of Dymkovo painting

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Summary of the lesson "Dymkovo toy" for children 6-7 years old

Nersesyan Naira Igorevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 144", Voronezh

Purpose: educators of senior and preparatory groups, primary school teachers, parents.
Target: Acquaintance of children with folk culture.
-Introduce the history of Dymkovo toys.
-To cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen, for the folk art of Russia.
-To consolidate children's knowledge about the process of making Dymkovo toys and the ability to talk about it.
-To form knowledge about the characteristic features of painting toys, the ability to create patterns according to one's own design. Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, a cage, dots-peas). Learn to paint with Dymkovo patterns.
-Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, color, creativity. To deepen aesthetic knowledge of folk arts and crafts.
Preliminary work: drawing up a presentation "Dymkovo toy", original Dymkovo toys for demonstration, printed stencils on white paper (A4 format) and colored pencils.
Lesson plan:
- 1. Organizational moment
2. Theoretical part. Introductory conversation about the history and process of creation with a demonstration of Dymkovo toys, paintings, presentations. Explanation of the painting sequence.
3. Final part.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, you all have toys, but what are they made of?
Children: Our toys are made of plastic, rubber, metal, wood, fabric.
Educator: Let's find out what toys are made in the village of Dymkoye?
Why is Dymkovo famous?
With my toy.
It has no smoky color,
And there is the love of people.
There is something of a rainbow in her,
From dew drops.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.
(V. Feofanov)
Educator: Affectionately and affectionately, the people call this toy - haze. Where does such an amazing name come from? Let's get acquainted with Dymkovo clay toys. I was born in the large settlement Dymkovo near the city of Vyatka. In ancient times, the inhabitants of this settlement, young and old, sculpted a clay toy for the spring fair. In winter, the whole settlement is in smoke from the fact that stoves are heated, toys are burned. On cloudy days, fog spreads from the river with a light haze. Perhaps this is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo. Dymkovo toys were made for an old holiday<Свистопляска>.Later, the fair-holiday became known as<Свистунья>. What are these toys, let's see?

Through mountain ranges
Through the rooftops of the villages
red-horned, yellow-horned
Clay deer rushes.

Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good
At the big turkey
All painted sides.
Look, a magnificent tail, He is not at all simple,
Like a sunny flower
Yes, scallop.

The Dymkovo young lady is all in orange, gold, scarlet and green patterns.

Look how good
This soul girl
Scarlet cheeks are burning
Amazing outfit.

Even the horses are in festive attire.

Clay horses rush
On stands that there are forces.
And they won't hold on to the tail
If the mane missed.

Educator: What do all these toys have in common?
Children: All toys have bright colors, all on a white background, covered with beautiful patterns.
Educator: And what do you think, what paint is first covered with a toy?
Children: White. On a white background, the patterns stand out well and beautifully..
Educator: Can you guess where the masters got the white color from?
Children: They took from the snow, from winter. Toys were sculpted in winter!!!
Educator: That's right. The masters took the white background from snow-covered fields, when in winter everything around is white and white. In those places, the winter is long, and there is a lot of snow. The craftsmen want to make the toy as clean and white as snow. Why are they bright?

Children: Because they were made for the holiday, so they were painted with bright colors.
Educator: What colors did the masters use to paint toys?
Children: They used bright colors: red, blue, crimson, yellow, orange, green.
Educator: What patterns do you see on toys?
Children: On the toys there are circles, dots, lines, cells, stripes, curves, waves, squares, rings, ovals.

Educator: What images can be seen in Dymkovo toys?
Children: Horse, cockerel, deer, ram, young lady.
Educator: The most common plots are: nannies with children, water carriers, rams with golden horns, turkeys, roosters, deer and, of course, young people, buffoons, ladies.

Educator: Let's find out how a toy is made?

(Children watch the video on the interactive whiteboard, the teacher talks in parallel).
A lot of work needs to be invested in order to make the toy so elegant. It is born three times. The first time it is born when it is molded from red clay. The traces of modeling are smoothed out to give the product a smooth and neat surface. The toy must be burned to make it durable. The toy heats up from strong heat, and when it cools down, the clay becomes ringing and strong. So the toy is born a second time. There is a trial by fire. And when is the third time born?
Children: The toy is born for the third time when it is whitewashed and painted with paints.
Educator: Then it is whitewashed with chalk, diluted milk, and painted. Sometimes pieces of gold leaf are stuck on top of the pattern, giving even more elegance to the toy. So it is born for the third time. Beautiful bright, elegant toys are sold at the fair. Making a toy, from modeling to painting, is a process unique and creative, never repeating. There are no and cannot be two absolutely identical products. Each toy is unique, one and only.

Educator: I suggest you become real folk craftsmen and paint stencils for Dymkovo toys.

Dymkovo painting is considered the most ancient Russian craft. This craft is more than 400 years old and it originated in the settlement of Dymkovo. Now it is the territory of the city of Kirov. Dymkovo toys were made for the spring pagan holiday "whistle", and now they are included in the symbols of the Kirov region, preserving the memory of the original traditions of the Vyatka region.

According to legend, the Whistling Festival was held in honor of the commemoration of those killed in the “Khlynov battle” and, according to pagan rites, was celebrated noisily with whistles and dances, fistfights, rolling balls along the ravine, feasting and drinking wine, and organizing fairs. Women sculpted figurines for this holidays - whistles and other toys in the form of ladies, nannies with children, gentlemen, goats, horses, made of clay and decorated with decorative drawings. The festivities turned into a sun festival and were celebrated for three days.

Creation technique

Let's start with the fact that initially the figurines of the Dymkovo toy were molded from a mixture of bright red clay with brown sand, which was mined on the river, and then fired in a kiln until completely dry. Then the toy was covered with chalk diluted with milk, creating a snow-white background for subsequent painting.

As in other ancient Russian crafts, tempera paints were used for coloring - dry pigments on egg yolk with kvass. Painted with feathers or sticks. The color scheme of toys is full of bright colors, mostly red, yellow, blue, green. Diamonds made of potal or gold leaf are added to the toys, as seen in the pictures.

Note. Now they use pieces of foil, copper potash or just golden paint.

The creation of the Dymkovo toy has come down to our times as a kind of modeling for children with their parents. You can try to make a Dymkovo toy yourself according to the model, having studied the principles of sculpting figures and elements of patterns and painting on toys. There are ample material and color choices on the market these days. Dymkovo figures are molded from dough, polymer clay, and painted with bright paints that do not contain varnish.

To make a horse or a young lady, we take special modeling clay, gypsum. We make a white background with white in two layers. Dry well.

For those who have never experienced modeling, the work may seem difficult, but even if it is just fun with children, the quality of the work does not matter, the process itself is important. Now we take bright colors and apply patterns. The painting is special and has its own elements and ornaments that have been established for many centuries. Patterns of geometric shape, bright without smooth transitions and halftones. Photo below:

Gold blotches in patterns are made with paints that can be bought at the store. At all times of paganism in Russia, they used geometric shapes and patterns as symbols, a rhombus was used in the meaning of fertility, wavy lines meant water, the red color of fire, so the red circle is a symbol of the sun, blue is the sky, green is the color of nature, earth , arable land and so on. Black was also used mainly for dyeing hair and eyebrows.

Painting such toys is not a very difficult task and a good training of fine motor skills of children's hands, uncomplicated drawings will help teach how to draw lines evenly with paints and brushes.

The process of sculpting the product is carried out in stages, piece by piece, and then the parts are joined together. Now the very process of making the figure and painting is given more attention so that the toy turns out to be of high quality.

The main bird of Vyatka toys has become a turkey, because it can be painted as brightly as possible and on the open tail there is a lot of space for bright ornaments.

Creativity in modern times

The painting of figurines in the Dymkovo painting is included in the program of preparatory classes for kindergartens. And many craftswomen are engaged in the manufacture of high-quality real toys, their works are in demand on the souvenir market, preserving and continuing the traditions of Russian craft.

Dymkovo toy is a bright representative of the Russian folk clay art craft. It is she who provides a unique opportunity to trace how this folk art developed over a long period of time, replacing many generations and dynasties of masters.

Dymkovo painting: history

The founder of this folk craft was the small settlement Dymkovo (hence the name), located near the city of Kirov.

Initially, in the process of coloring the Dymkovo toys, only toys that needed to be bred were used. For this purpose, peroxide kvass or vinegar was used. The brush was made independently and was a canvas patch wound on a wooden stick. Such a homemade art tool was used when it was required to draw a line. In order to draw a speck, the masters used the end of an evenly cut twig.

Production of Dymkovo toys

These toys are still completely man-made art to this day. Each representative is the work of one master. For the production of the figurine, local red clay is used, which is thoroughly mixed with fine sand. The figurines are molded in parts, then the finished parts are connected and molded.

Before firing the finished figurines, they must first be dried. This process takes 2 to 20 days. Products are fired in a kiln at a temperature of 700 to 800 degrees. Then the surface of the toy is covered with special temperature white. In the old days, chalk diluted with milk was used for these purposes.

This completes the toy making process. Next comes the Dymkovo painting. It represents a completely unique folk style.

Elements of Dymkovo painting

To paint these toys, craftsmen have always used a strict geometric ornament. Dymkovo painting is a combination of circles, zigzags, strict straight lines or round spots, cells and just dots.

Elements of Dymkovo painting also include rhombuses made of either potal, which are glued over an already applied pattern.

Each master applies ornamental elements to the figurine in accordance with personal wishes, in a different order and in various combinations. At the same time, the product can be almost completely covered with a pattern, and sometimes the author's conciseness can be traced. That is why among the whole variety of Dymkovo toys it is simply impossible to find two identical figures.

Dymkovo painting is characterized by the use of special signs symbolizing the desire for truth, beauty and a healthy lifestyle. All patterns of Dymka's traditional painting are associated with nature and various amulets.

Moreover, each element of the picture has its own hidden meaning. So, the wavy line is a symbol of water. Crossed straight stripes mean a well log house, and a circle with a star in the middle represents the sun. Dymkovo painting, the pictures of which you can see a little below, also has various plant elements: grains, berries, leaves and flowers.

Dymkovo toy shape

Figures of riders, roosters and horses are classic for Dymkovo toys. Female figurines have expanding bell-shaped skirts and high headdresses - kokoshniks. Here, the expressiveness of details is of particular importance: the elegance of the hairstyle and headdress, all kinds of frills, capes, umbrellas, handbags and other ladies' accessories.

The coloring of human figures had a certain sequence. At first, hair, eyebrows and eyes were drawn with black paint. Three orange or red spots, placed on the face of the toy with the help of a splinter, meant the mouth and cheeks. Then the hat was painted and, last but not least, the bright skirt.

Characteristic features of animal painting

The painting of the Dymkovo toy has its own characteristics. Each clay character is painted in a special way. Traditional figurines of horsemen, roosters and other people's favorite characters are decorated very brightly, even fantastically: a horse can have bright blue round apples on its sides, a turkey has an enchantingly colorful fan-shaped tail, and a goat has red gilded horns.

Ducks-"lionfish" have a distinctive feature: a horizontal row of frills-wings. When you look at such a duck, you get the impression that it is wearing two aprons with a stucco frill. In addition, the painting of the toy provides for a certain sequence of applying patterns. First, a wide stripe is applied, passing on the chest of the duck, narrower stripes diverge from the neck, and only then are transverse lines are applied, forming a traditional checkered pattern.

The painting of whistles in the form of skates combines vertical stripes with rows of colorful peas. In this case, the shades used are not necessarily in harmony with each other.

Ducks and horses are the most popular images of animals used to create Dymkovo toys. Goats, cows, rams and pigs, as well as poultry are much less common. Anatomical details, as a rule, are not respected, so all animals are somewhat reminiscent of Dymkovo horses. Only the shape of the muzzle makes it possible to understand who is in front of us. The painting of these animals is represented by longitudinal rows of dark-colored dots or small peas that have different shades.

Dymkovo colors

The patterns of Dymkovo painting are unusually bright. Blue, red, orange, yellow, crimson, emerald and green are the main colors used in this technique. Brown and black paint are used only in small quantities.

It should be noted that the chosen tones also have their symbolic meanings. Green in the view of the common people is closely connected with the concept of life, symbolizes nature and peasant arable land. Moral purity, goodness and truth are, of course, white. not only fire, but also is the personification of health, strength and beauty. Blue is the color of the sky.


The final step in decorating the toy is the application of gilding. This is what distinguishes the Dymkovo toy, bringing unique features to its appearance. In Russia, real gold leaf was used for these purposes, which is very thin gold plates, laid with paper tapes (this did not allow the gold to stick together). Small diamonds were cut out of it, which were glued in the right places with the help of egg white.

Real Dymkovo painting

For painting toys, gouache paints are used, which are diluted on an egg, as well as tempera or designed specifically for ceramic products. For drawing patterns, ferrets or

Nowadays, Dymka, unfortunately, has long lost the qualities characteristic of a folk toy: immediacy and low cost. Of course, these products have a special plastic. However, due to excessive static and detailed clarity, Dymkovo figurines have become simply beautiful souvenirs.

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