What is the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder? Calculator for calculating the working volume of an internal combustion engine

Cylinder this is a geometric body that is formed by rotating a rectangle on an axis coinciding with one of its sides. Word " cylinder" comes from the Greek word " kylindros».

Calculating the Volume of a Cylinder

Calculating the Volume of a Cylinder produced by the following formula:

V = π r2 h

V- cylinder volume

h- cylinder height

r- base radius

π - 3.14

How to calculate cylinder volume, we all passed in high school, and this knowledge is most actively used in their work by designers of various machines and mechanisms, consumer goods, as well as architects.

Engineers have to make cylinder volume calculation in cases where they are engaged in the design of tasks equipped with columns. True, recently these architectural elements in their, so to speak, “ classical"variant (that is, together with the base and the capital) are quite rare, but their" simplified» Varieties consisting of a single trunk (which, in fact, is cylinder) are widely used. Often, restorers of various structures of great historical and cultural value have to deal with columns, however, in their work, calculating the volume of a cylinder is far from the most common procedure. However, if we are talking about the complete restoration of columns lost for one reason or another, then it also has to be done.

It is carried out when the development of various containers of the appropriate form is underway. As an illustrative example of such, we can cite, say, medical syringes, as well as thermos flasks. It should be noted that in the first case, such a parameter as volume is very important, since the exact amount of medication administered to the patient during injection depends on it.

In engineering cylinders are extremely widespread: suffice it to say that almost all shafts and their individual components used, say, in internal combustion engines, have their shape. Besides, cylinder volume calculation- one of the most important tasks that designers have to solve when designing modern gasoline and diesel power units, because many of their characteristics depend on this parameter, and first of all, such an important one as power. Almost all types ICE are supplied with pistons, which also have cylindrical shape.

Extremely common parts that are present in the design of many complex technical devices are roller bearings. As you might guess from their very name, one of their main components are strong and wear-resistant metal rollers that have a cylindrical shape. It is thanks to this geometry that these parts have a sufficiently large bearing capacity and in most cases are able to withstand very significant loads than their ball counterparts. Roller bearings are precision parts and therefore the correct cylinder volume calculation(in this case - the video) plays an important role.

Concrete mortars are used for the construction of the foundation, the erection of walls and the pouring of the floor. Before the start of activities, it is important to choose the design of the foundation, correctly calculate the total level of costs and determine the required amount of building materials. Knowing how to calculate the volume of concrete, you can determine the estimated cost of construction activities, accurately plan the duration of the concrete work and avoid unexpected costs. Let us dwell in detail on the methodology for performing calculations for various, as well as walls and floors.

Strip foundation scheme

What methods can calculate the volume of concrete

The execution of construction work is preceded by the development of the project. At this stage, the type of foundation base is determined, and the volume of concrete solution required for the construction of the base is calculated. At the design stage, the need for a solution for pouring monolithic walls and a concrete floor is calculated. Determination of the cubic capacity of the concrete mix necessary for the performance of work is carried out according to the volume of the concreted structures of the building.

Various methods are used to perform calculations.:

  • manual. It is based on the calculation of the volumes of the foundation, main walls and floor. The calculation is made on a conventional calculator according to school formulas for calculating volume and does not take into account the concrete shrinkage coefficient. The value obtained differs slightly from the results of calculations using software tools;
  • program. The initial data entered into the program about the type of foundation, its dimensions, design features and brand of concrete are promptly processed. As a result, a fairly accurate result is produced, which you can focus on when purchasing building materials for building a foundation base, building walls or pouring a floor.

Features when calculating the volume of concrete

To obtain an accurate result, it is not enough to take into account only the internal size of the formwork. The second method is more accurate, since the online calculator takes into account all the data: the type of foundation, the section of the foundation base, the presence of a reinforcing cage and the grade of mortar.

Getting ready to determine the volume of concrete - how to calculate without errors

When preparing to perform calculations, it should be remembered that the need for a concrete mixture is determined in cubic meters, and not in kilograms, tons or liters. As a result of manual or software calculations, the volume of the binder solution will be determined, and not its mass. One of the main mistakes that novice developers make is to perform calculations before the type of foundation is determined.

The decision on the design of the foundation is made after the following works have been completed:

  • the production of geodetic measures to determine the properties of the soil, the level of freezing and the location of aquifers;
  • calculation of the load capacity of the base. It is determined on the basis of weight, design features of the structure and natural factors.

How to calculate the amount (volume) of concrete mix
  • type of foundation being built;
  • foundation dimensions, its configuration;
  • brand of mixture used for concreting;
  • soil freezing depth.

The accuracy with which the volume of concrete is calculated depends on the data used for the calculation.

They are different for each type of foundation.:

  • when calculating the tape base, its dimensions and shape are taken into account;
  • for a columnar base, it is important to know the number of concrete columns and their dimensions;
  • you can calculate the cube of concrete for a solid slab by its thickness and dimensions.

The accuracy of the result obtained depends on the completeness of the data used for the calculation.

How to calculate concrete in cubes for a foundation

For all types of foundations, the need for concrete is determined by a formula that takes into account the total volume of foundation structures being erected. In this case, the part of the foundation poured into the ground is also taken into account without fail. To perform calculations, one should be guided by the dimensions indicated in the project documentation.

  • columnar;
  • grillage.

Determining the need for concrete mortar for each type of foundation has its own characteristics.

How to calculate a cube of concrete for a tape base

strip foundation calculator

The base of the tape type is quite popular. It is used for the construction of private houses, outbuildings and country houses. The structure is a solid concrete strip reinforced with steel bars. Monolithic tape follows the contour of the building, including internal partitions.

Table of composition and proportions of concrete mix

The calculation of the volume of concrete for a monolithic strip foundation is carried out using a simple formula V = AxBxP. Let's decrypt it:

  • V - the need for a concrete solution, expressed in cubic meters;
  • A is the thickness of the foundation tape;
  • B - height of the tape base, including the underground part;
  • P is the perimeter of the formed tape contour.

Multiplying these parameters together, we calculate the total cubic capacity of the concrete solution.

Consider the calculation algorithm for a strip base with dimensions of 6x8 m, a thickness of 0.5 m and a height of 1.2 m. Perform the calculation according to the following algorithm:

  1. Calculate the perimeter by doubling the length of the sides 2x(6+8)=28m.
  2. Calculate the cross-sectional area by multiplying the thickness and height of the tape 0.5x1.2 \u003d 0.6 m 2.
  3. Determine the volume by multiplying the perimeter by the cross-sectional area 28x0.6 \u003d 16.8 m 3.

The result obtained has a small error due to the fact that reinforced concrete reinforcement and mixture shrinkage during vibration compaction are not taken into account.

Strip foundation scheme

How to calculate a cube of concrete for a pile type foundation

The base in the form of concrete columns is one of the simplest. It consists of reinforced concrete supports evenly spaced along the contour of the building, including at the corners of the building, as well as at the intersection of internal partitions with walls. Part of the support elements is located in the ground and transfers the load from the mass of the structure to the soil. The calculation algorithm provides for determining the total need for concrete by multiplying the volume of individual columns by their number.

For calculations, use the formula - V \u003d Sxn, which is deciphered as follows:

  • V is the amount of solution for pouring columns;
  • S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the support element;
  • n is the total number of pile columns.

Using the example of the requirements of a project involving the installation of 40 piles with a diameter of 0.3 m and a total length of 1.8 m, we calculate the required amount of concrete:

  1. Calculate the area of ​​the pile by multiplying the coefficient 3.14 by the square of the radius - 3.14x0.15x0.15 \u003d 0.07065 m 2.
  2. Calculate the volume of one support by multiplying its area by the length - 0.07065x1.8 \u003d 0.127 m 3.
  3. Determine the required amount of the mixture by multiplying the volume of one pile by the total number of supports 0.127x40 \u003d 5.08 m 3.

How to calculate the cube of concrete

With a rectangular section of the supporting columns, to calculate the cross section, it is necessary to multiply the width and thickness of the element.

How to calculate concrete for a column base with a reinforced concrete grillage

To improve the strength characteristics of the columnar base, the protruding parts of the supports are combined with a reinforced concrete structure, which is called a grillage. It is made in the form of a solid reinforced concrete tape or slab, in which the column heads are concreted.

How to calculate the volume of concrete for the construction of a strip foundation and piles
  1. Determine the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the grillage by multiplying its thickness by the height;
  2. Calculate the volume of the grillage by multiplying the cross-sectional area by the length of the structure.

The obtained value corresponds to the need for a concrete mixture for concreting the grillage base.

We calculate the volume of concrete for the foundation in the form of a solid slab

The slab type base is used on difficult soils with a high moisture concentration. Buildings without a basement are erected on it. This design allows you to evenly distribute the load from the mass of the structure on the soil and provide increased rigidity and stability of the object under construction. The use of reinforcement allows you to increase the strength of the slab foundation. The structure is a reinforced concrete slab in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.

How to calculate the volume of concrete

Explanation of designations:

  • V is the volume of concrete composition for pouring the slab;
  • S is the area of ​​the slab base in cross section;
  • L is the length of the foundation structure.

For a foundation 12 m long, 10 m wide and 0.5 m thick, consider the calculation algorithm:

  1. Determine the area by multiplying the width of the slab by its thickness 10x0.5 \u003d 5 m 2.
  2. Calculate the volume of the base by multiplying the length of the structure by the area 12x5 \u003d 60 m 3.

The resulting value corresponds to the need for concrete mix. If the slab foundation has a complex configuration, then it should be divided on the plan into simpler figures, and then the area and volume should be calculated for each.

How to correctly calculate the cube of concrete for the construction of walls

Calculator for calculating the amount of concrete for a strip foundation on the site

For the construction of massive buildings, strong boxes are constructed from concrete reinforced with steel reinforcement. To determine the need for building materials, builders face the task of calculating the volume of concrete for such structures. To perform calculations, use the following formula - V \u003d (S-S1) x H.

Let us decipher the notation included in the formula:

  • V - the amount of concrete mix for building walls;
  • S is the total area of ​​the wall surface;
  • S1 - total area of ​​window and door openings;
  • H is the height of the concreted wall box.

When performing calculations, the total area of ​​the openings is determined by summing up the individual openings. The calculation algorithm is reminiscent of determining the need for concrete for a slab base and can easily be done independently using a calculator.

How to calculate a cube of concrete for pouring a floor

How to calculate the volume of concrete for the floor

To increase the load capacity of the floor and ensure its flatness, a concrete screed is performed. After the concrete has hardened, such a surface serves as the basis for laying floor coverings or ceramic tiles. To prevent cracking, the thickness of the formed concrete screed is 5–10 cm. This is due to the fact that the thinner material cracks during operation. It is important to correctly calculate the cube of concrete so that the formed screed is strong and has the thickness provided for by the project.

The formula for determining the amount of solution V \u003d Sxh is easily deciphered:

  • V is the amount of poured material;
  • S is the total area of ​​the concreted screed;
  • h is the thickness of the concrete base.

Let's figure out how to perform calculations for a room with dimensions of 6x8 m and a concrete base thickness of 0.06 m:

  1. Determine the area of ​​​​the floor surface by multiplying the length and width of the room - 6x8 \u003d 48 m 2.
  2. Calculate the volume of poured concrete composition to form a screed by multiplying the area by the layer thickness - 48x0.06 = 2.88 m 3.

Guided by the above algorithm, you can easily determine the amount of concrete composition for concreting the floor. There are situations when the rough surface has a slope. In this case, the formed screed has a different thickness over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In this situation, you can use the average layer thickness, which reduces the accuracy of the calculations.

Conclusion - why you need to know how to calculate a cube of concrete

Being engaged in construction and planning to independently produce a concrete solution or purchase it at the enterprises of reinforced concrete products in the required quantity, it is important to know how to calculate the volume of concrete. This will allow you to predict the amount of upcoming expenses, purchase building materials in a timely manner, and complete the work on schedule. You can make calculations both manually on a calculator and using software tools. The main thing is to master the calculation methodology and use reliable data to determine the amount of concrete.

They are the most common type of cardboard boxes in Ukraine. Such boxes are used for a variety of purposes - they have proven themselves equally well for packaging finished products, for transport operations, and as a "container for everything in the world." At the same time, the range of goods and types of products that are packed in cardboard boxes is very extensive and varied. Thus, corrugated cardboard boxes are used for packaging of oversized and oversized cargo, as well as cargo of various weights. This point is very important to understand before calculating the volume of the box you need.

Why is it important to know the exact volume of a rectangular box?

As we noted earlier, cardboard boxes are mainly used for the storage and transportation of goods and cargo. Imagine that you are engaged in the production of any product, while you can use just the same huge warehouse to store finished products, but we guarantee you that sooner or later you will not have enough space for the entire range of products. Or you are the owner of a store, for example, household goods. In any case, you will try to expand the assortment to increase sales and, as a result, profit - which means you just need to have at least a few copies of each item on hand, in the back room of the store. Both of these examples (large and medium-sized businesses) clearly show that without taking into account the total volume of packaged finished products, it is almost impossible to establish an uninterrupted operation of the enterprise - everything must fit and everything must be sold.

In addition to storage, knowing the volume of your packaged products will come in handy in the shipping process. It should be noted right away that the type of transport here should mean literally everyone - the transportation of packaged goods by road, by plane, by ship, and by rail is carried out based on two main parameters - the volume of cargo and its weight. At the same time, it does not matter which shipping company you choose to deliver your products - volume, as the main value for assessing the cargo and, as a result, the cost of its transportation, is used by both private and state transport and postal companies.

Calculation of the volume of standard boxes of rectangular and square shape

This type of volume calculation is perhaps the simplest, since we are all familiar with it from school. The volume in this case reflects the dimensions of the object in a three-dimensional plane and for any rectangular or square cardboard box will determine its capacity. To determine the volume, you need to perform a few simple calculations: measure the length, width and height of the box, and then multiply the resulting values. If you are going, knowing only the dimensions of the product or cargo that will be packed in it, then you should measure the dimensions of the cargo and add 5-10 millimeters to each of the values ​​\u200b\u200b(length, width, height), and then multiply the resulting values.

Now let's more clearly and step by step analyze these mathematical operations:

In the international measurement system, to calculate the volume of a rectangular or square object (in our case, a cardboard box), the formula is used: Vm3 = L x W x H

  • V is, in fact, the volume that we need to calculate
  • L - box length
  • W - box width
  • H - the height of the box (the term "depth" can also be used, which, in general, is the same thing)

Let's analyze this formula for calculating the volume of cardboard boxes using a specific example with explanations. Suppose you want to calculate the volume of a four-valve carton box for packaging, say, electronics and home appliances. How to do it? We answer.

To begin with, you should immediately decide which units of measure you will use in your measurements - meters, centimeters or millimeters. It is important that all measurements of the parameters of your box are in the same value - in order to avoid inaccuracies and confusion. And the second important point is the internal and external dimensions of the box. To accurately measure the volume of a cardboard box, you need to figure out why you need the exact volume of this box. If you want to know the volume in order to accurately calculate the size of the cargo that will be packed in it, then use the internal dimensions. And if you need, in order to fill the vehicle body with products packed in such boxes as much as possible, then use the external dimensions.

This point is very important if you want to get accurate data without any margin of error.

We figured out the theory, now we turn to practical actions - we measure our box and calculate its volume.

Step #1

First you need to measure the length of the box. Look at the box from top to bottom and you will see that it has the shape of an equilateral rectangle. The longest side of the box is the length, denoted by the letter "L" (from the English "length" - length). Measure and record the result of the measurement somewhere - so as not to forget.

Step #2

Next, measure the width of our box. In any rectangular cardboard box, the shorter side is the width. According to the international measurement system, the width of a cardboard box is indicated by the letter "W" (from the English "width" - width). Measure and record the measurement result somewhere - so as not to forget. And remember about the same units of measurement for all measurements. For a square-shaped cardboard box, the “length” and “width” values ​​are the same, so you just need to measure one side of the corrugated cardboard box once and substitute the resulting size as both the length and the width of the box.

Step #3

We measure the height of our cardboard box. The height of a rectangular or square carton is usually the size of the side perpendicular to the flaps of the box. According to the international measurement system, the width of a cardboard box is indicated by the letter "H" (from the English "height" - height). The height of the cardboard box is taken as the distance from the top flap of the box to the bottom flap. Measure and record the measurement result somewhere - so as not to forget.

Step #4

Since all the quantities of interest to us have been determined and measured, we proceed directly to calculating the volume of interest to us for the packaging of electronics and electrical appliances.

According to the international measurement system, the volume of a cardboard box is indicated by the letter "V" (from the English "volume" - volume) and is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of the box.

In the process of measurements, we found out that the size of the box, let's say, is 600 x 400 x 400 millimeters. Next, we substitute these values ​​into the formula: Vm3 = L x W x H.

We get:

600 x 400 x 400 \u003d 96000000 mm3, which in terms of cubic meters is - 0.096 m3.

Step #5

Now it remains only to convert the volume of the cardboard box from cubic meters to liters. If the indication of cubic units of volume allows you to understand how many such cubes can be placed inside the box, then the value in liters makes it possible to calculate the volume of the box for packing small and bulk goods and cargo, for example, groceries and various cereals.

1 m3 = 1000 liters

Substitute our values ​​into this formula and get:

0.096 m3 cardboard box = 96 liter corrugated cardboard box.

That, in fact, is all! Now you know how to calculate the volume of a rectangular or square cardboard box. In the final part of the article, the editors of the Express Packing online store will tell you how to calculate any volume. For example, the volume of a cardboard box with a complex die-cut shape, or self-assembly.

How to calculate the volume of a box that has four sides, which is usually called a rectangular box. Before calculating the volume of the box, it is necessary to convert the dimensions of all sides, which is the length, width and height into meters. Further, the volume of this box is obtained by multiplying the length by the width and by the height (LxWxH). Thus, you get the volume in cubic meters.

Calculation of the volumetric weight of rectangular boxes:
X - length, Y - height, Z - width.

Calculation of the volumetric weight of cylindrical boxes (roll):
r - radius, h - height.

Calculation of the volumetric weight of boxes in the form of a prism (tube):
OB \u003d (½ length × height 1 × height 2) / 5000
OB = (S triangle × h)/5000;
h - height1, S triug - the area of ​​the triangle lying at the base of the tube, calculated by the Heron formula.

When measuring the load, the maximum indicators of the boundaries of the load are taken into account.

For example, the length of the box is 700 mm. (70 cm), width is 200 mm. (20 cm), and the height is only 40 mm. (4 cm). Having these data, we convert these values ​​​​from millimeters to meters by dividing the value by 1000 and then multiply these numbers among themselves. The volume is 0.7x0.2x0.04 = "0.0056 m? thickness of the tube (its diameter), multiply this value by the same, multiply it by the value "3.14 and divide by the number "4" - this way you get the area, but by multiplying by the height of the tube. For example, the thickness of the tube is 200 mm. (20 cm) and the height of the round tube is 850 mm (85 cm).

Thus, we get: the area of ​​the circle is = "3.14x0.2x0.2/4=0.031. Thus, the volume is =" 0.031x0.850=0.027 m?.

The most common question from customers is how to calculate the volume of cargo. The question is legitimate, since the choice of transport depends on the result of the calculation, and there is always the opportunity to choose a car from a cheaper range of models.

Each transport can carry a certain weight and cubic capacity, the parameters are usually indicated on the car body, but if you have any questions, you can always ask them to the managers of KVAD Logistics.

How to calculate the volume of cargo yourself?

If it is not difficult to weigh items for transportation, then certain problems arise with the calculation of volume.

Any object, if it occupies a separate space, has its maximum length, width and height in certain places. For example, if you are going to transport a statue, then it cannot be folded with some other object, thereby saving space. Therefore, its volume is considered separately. The width is taken as the width of the widest place, the height is considered from the floor to the highest point, the length is measured in a position perpendicular to the width vector parallel to the floor according to the same principle: the widest place is searched.

Items that can be nested in each other, such as frames and corners, building blocks, can be considered as a single value, adding 20-30% to the volume for packaging and placement in the truck.

The calculation of the cargo volume is very simple: the length is multiplied by the width and by the height. The resulting figure is converted into square meters.

If the load is not heavy, then voluminous and fairly light structures, for example, furniture, can be taken away in a small truck with a low carrying capacity. If, in addition to volume, objects will have a lot of weight, more powerful transport will be needed.

After calculating the volume of all types of cargo, the volumes are summarized. The resulting value is multiplied by 1.3. Tolerance is required because the load cannot be placed side by side, unless they are boxes of the same size. The allowed space is allocated to the voids that are formed during loading of uneven cargo.

Of course, this is a very rough estimate. The packaged cargo will have different volumes, and the packaging itself, perhaps, will somehow make it possible to create more capacious dimensions.

How to calculate the volume of cargo correctly?

If you need to transport cargo over a long distance, entrust the calculations to determine the volume of cargo to the professionals of KVAD Logistics.

Since the cargoes are sent simultaneously by many clients of the company, it is possible to place compact cargoes in one transport, and overall and heavy ones in another. As a result, you will have to pay less, since the transportation costs will be distributed more evenly and among all participants in proportion to the weight and volume of the shipped products. You do not need to think about how to calculate the volume of cargo. We will carry out this procedure for you and select the most profitable transportation options for you.

The cost of shipping goods is an important issue that interests many of our customers. Most transport companies price their services based on the volume of cargo in cubic meters - in other words, the volume of the space that the packaged cargo will occupy in the transport compartment of an aircraft, a sea container, a freight truck or a railway wagon.

Which delivery to choose - air, railway or car?

In order to navigate the prices for delivery and choose the most optimal mode of transport when ordering goods from China, you need to know the total volume of cargo in m 3 that you want to receive. A calculator on our website will help you calculate the volume, but in order to quickly get the desired result, you must use the following data:

  • type of packaging (box or cylinder);
  • basic packaging parameters - length, width and height (for boxes) or height and diameter (for cylinders);
  • number of packages in pieces.

By measuring the main packaging parameters with a ruler, you can calculate the volume of a box or cylinder, and then calculate the volume of the entire consignment in cubic meters. The figures obtained will help you compare the prices for delivery by one or another transport and choose the appropriate option.

Why do you need a volume calculator?

One of the main qualities of a modern businessman is the ability to quickly make important decisions and respond in a timely manner to changes in market trends. Our volume calculator helps you save time on calculations and get the numbers you need in just a few minutes.

Using the volume calculator is convenient and very simple: for calculations, enter the necessary numbers in the appropriate fields, and then feel free to click on the "Calculate" button. The volume calculator in m 3 gives the finished result, regardless of the units of measurement in which you entered the tare parameters - in centimeters or meters. The system automatically converts the data into the required format and displays the final result in cubic meters.

Knowing the volume of containers and the total volume of cargo, you can correctly choose the appropriate type of transport and place the goods in it as compactly as possible without overpaying for empty space. Use the online packaging volume calculator to quickly calculate the volume of a box or tubes, as well as the entire batch of goods. The second calculator will help you find out the estimated cost of shipping cargo from China by various modes of transport, taking into account its volume in m 3.

How to calculate the volume of a box?

In order to calculate the volume of a box, it is necessary to measure its length, height and width. If you have a sample of packaging for your products, use a ruler to measure. Information about the parameters of the box can also be obtained from the supplier. There are two ways to calculate the volume of a box in cubic meters: using our online volume calculator in m 3 or using the formula yourself. Let's consider both options.

  • In order for the volume calculator to correctly calculate the volume of the box, select the option "Box volume". Measure the box, focusing on the image next to the calculator (or copy the information about its parameters from the seller's website), and enter the numbers into the volume calculation calculator. You can also specify the number of boxes and shipping costs per cubic meter. Click on the "Calculate" button - in the table below you will see the final result: the volume of the box in m 3. If you provided data on the number of boxes and the cost of delivery for calculations, then the plate will also show the total volume of cargo and the estimated amount of delivery.
  • You can independently calculate the volume of packaging using the formula that is studied in mathematics lessons at school: V = a * b * h. Here V is the volume, a is the length, b is the width and h is the height (note: all data obtained during measurements must be converted from centimeters to meters). Just multiply these numbers and you will get the required volume of the box in cubic meters.

How to calculate the volume of a cylinder (pipe)?

Your goods will be packed in a cylindrical container, and you want to know the volume of cargo? The calculator will easily cope with this task. For calculations, you will need parameters such as the height of the container and its diameter. Use a ruler to measure, as in the case of a box, or ask the supplier for packaging parameters. Next, our calculator for calculating the volume will be used:

  • mark the type of container (cylinder/pipe);
  • enter the packaging parameters in the appropriate lines;
  • indicate the number of pipes (if you know it);
  • click the "Calculate" button.

Done: the calculator calculated the volume of cargo in a second! The table with the results shows the volume in cubic meters of both one pipe and the total volume of your cargo (if the number of packages was indicated).

For independent calculations and consolidation of knowledge gained at school, use the formula V=π*r 2 *h. As we remember, V denotes volume, π is the number "pi" equal to 3.14, r 2 is the radius of the pipe squared, and h is its height. Multiplying all the numbers, you get the volume of the container of a cylindrical shape. Do not forget: after measuring the radius of the pipe and its height, convert centimeters to meters - and then you will get the correct result in m 3.

How to calculate the volume of cargo in different containers?

It's good when the entire load has the same dimensions - the online volume calculator solves such problems in a matter of seconds. And how to calculate the volume of cargo if it is packed in containers of various shapes - large and small boxes and cylinders?

There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to know the exact parameters of each type of container and its quantity. Our volume calculator in m 3 will help you quickly calculate the volume of cargo packed in containers of the same shape and size, after which all you have to do is add up all the numbers and get the total volume of your cargo.

How to calculate shipping cost?

Knowing the total volume of cargo in cubic meters, you can easily navigate the cost of delivery from China by various means of transport. To do this, use the calculation results provided by our Volume Calculator. In a special form located under the calculator, enter the received numbers in the "Volume" field. Select the delivery option (by sea, by air, by road, etc.), enter the points of departure and destination, and fill in other fields, then click the "Calculate" button. The system will automatically calculate the cost of shipping your cargo for the selected shipping option.

We will help you figure out how to correctly calculate the volume of transported cargo. This procedure is very important in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading containers or boxes of products into a vehicle. Thanks to modern technologies, it will not be difficult to calculate the volume, the main thing is your presence on our page.

The essence of the calculation of volumes and their role in the delivery process

Volume calculation is an important part of the delivery process, so the calculations must be carried out professionally and without errors. When calculating, it is necessary to indicate all dimensions that must be converted in advance to cubic meters. As practice has shown, this task is not feasible for everyone. At school, we were taught how to translate indicators into m3, but not everyone understands this. The volume of the cargo must be converted to m3 in order to know what area the box will occupy upon delivery.

What is the purpose of calculating cubic capacity?

The cubic capacity must be calculated in order to make a correct and competent application for the transportation. Also, knowing the volume of cargo in cubic meters, you can decide which type of transportation to choose.

How to make calculations and what is their importance?

First of all, let's recall the definition of volume, what it is and what formula is used to calculate it. However, there are times when certain difficulties arise when calculating the volume. This is due to the boxes of non-standard shape. Calculating the volume of an ordinary rectangular box will not be difficult, but the volume of boxes with non-standard shapes requires more care, there are special formulas for this. First you need to know the shape of the box. Consider what forms the boxes are:

  • cube shaped box
  • cylindrical box
  • rectangular box
  • box with the shape of a truncated pyramid (very rare)

After determining the shape, measurements of the box are taken. It is important to make accurate measurements to avoid error.

Why do you need to know the volume?

Knowing the exact volume of the box, you can avoid problems during the loading of products into the vehicle. Little depends on the volume of the box itself, the main component is the size of the goods itself. If you ask why? We will answer, because initially it is necessary to focus on the dimensions of the cargo, for which the appropriate box will be selected. Knowing the dimensions of the cargo, you can calculate its volume in order to select the required box. Thus, we translate the volume of cargo into cubic meters, the special formula V = a * b * h will help us with this. As you can see, everything is easy.

It is also important to remember that in order to correctly determine the choice of transport, it is necessary to convert the volume of cargo into cubic meters. It is not difficult to carry out this calculation, for this you just need to first measure the dimensions of the cargo and multiply these indicators. To correctly calculate the delivery, it is imperative to convert units to m3.

What to do if the box is round and not rectangular? This situation is rare, but still it cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the container or box with a circle at the base. The following formula will help with this: V *r2*h. Do not forget, you must first correctly measure the parameters of the load.

Now back to math lessons!

The most frequently asked question is: “how to calculate the volume correctly?”. First of all, it is necessary to determine the volume of what needs to be calculated, namely, the shapes of what shape. Our site will also help you learn how to calculate the total volume of the cargo and the box itself.

What are the most common problems you encounter?

The confusion may lie in determining whether this figure is voluminous or flat. Calculating the volume itself is already the second question, initially you need to know the exact dimensions, remember that there are always three of them.

Now the question of delivery. Having made the necessary calculations of the volume of cargo, it is important to determine the type of delivery. This is a very important question in which no mistakes can be made. Therefore, in order to avoid shortcomings, it is necessary to accurately calculate the volume of cargo, after which, focusing on specific numbers, you can safely choose the type of transport.

Which mode of transport is right for you?

It is important to remember that the delivery process includes not only the correct calculation of cubic capacity, but also focuses on the specific placement of products. You have already familiarized yourself with the process of calculations and determination of cubic capacity, now the choice of a vehicle depends only on you.

There will be no problem. It is worth simply multiplying the value of length, width and height, measured in meters, by each other. For example, length - 3 meters, height - 1 meter, width - 15 meters. Example - we multiply 1 by 15 and by 3. The product of the quantities is 45 cubic meters (or).

Carry out the following calculations when determining the volume. It is known that for each substance there is a specific gravity, which corresponds to the weight of one cubic decimeter or one (for liquids). So water has a specific gravity of 1.0 kg/dm3. This means that 1000 will be one cubic meter. Thus, to determine the number of cubic meters, based on the available weight, you need to know the specific gravity of this substance.

You can measure the cubic volume in another simple way. To do this, immerse the object, the volume of which you want to find out, in water. The volume of water displaced will be equal to the volume of the object. Since the specific gravity of water, which was discussed above, is 1.0 kg / dm3, then you calculate the volume enough.

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When translating one value into another, it is worth paying attention first of all to the density of the substance, since its specific gravity can be used in calculations. Among other things, it is not necessary to use measuring instruments for taking measurements. Standard hand tools can also be used. For example, a thing whose length you know exactly. If you come across the concept of "linear meter", then this means an ordinary meter, defined in length.

Useful advice

Please note that it is not always easy to calculate the cubic volume. Sometimes it is not enough to know only linear (or linear) dimensions. Measurement may be sufficient to determine the cubic volume of a homogeneous substance without gaps. And to determine the volume of inhomogeneous objects, between which, due to their state or nature, there may be gaps (firewood, metal objects, parts, etc.), it is worth resorting to more complex calculations: through the specific mass or density of a substance, as well as its weight .


  • cubic meters calculator

Meter in Cuba, cubic meter or - standard unit of volume. In these units, the volume of premises is calculated, as well as the consumption of water and gas. They also often indicate the amount of some building materials, for example, boards. The rest, non-systemic units of volume measurement - liters, cubic decimeters and centimeters - are also translated into cubic ones.

You will need

  • - calculator;
  • - table of substance density;
  • - a computer.


To calculate the number of cubic meters, if the volume is known, but given in fractional, multiple or off-system units, then multiply it by the desired coefficient. For example, to calculate the number of meters in Cuba for cubic decimeters (litres), multiply their number by 0.001. To convert to centimeters and cubic millimeters, multiply their number by 0.000001 and 0.000000001, respectively.

Example: calculate how many cubic meters of water are in one bucket. Solution: the volume of a regular bucket is 10 liters. Multiply this number by one thousandth: 10 * 0.001 \u003d 0.01 m?. Answer: the volume of water in a bucket is 0.01 cubic meters.

If body weight is given, then to calculate the number of meters in Cuba, multiply it by the density. First convert the mass to, and the density - to kg / m?. The density of a substance is easy to find on the Internet or in relevant reference books. If it is unknown or the body consists of () several substances in the unknown, then measure the density yourself. If the task involves low-concentration, then their density can be taken equal to the density of water - 1000 (ton) per meter in Cuba.

It is often possible to calculate the number of cubic meters based on the shape and size of the body (tank, room). For example, if the body looks like a rectangular parallelepiped, then its volume is equal to the product of length, width and height (height can be assumed to be thickness or ).

If the base of the body has a complex shape and constant height (prisms and cylinders), then multiply the area of ​​the base of the body by its height. So, for example, for a round cylinder, the area of ​​​​the base is? r?, Where r is the radius of the circle located at the base of the cylinder.

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It is impossible to build a house or build another structure without having a project that takes into account everything, including the consumption of materials, and in particular, the required volume of concrete.

You will need

  • - initial data;
  • - calculator.


Before proceeding with the calculation of the required volume concrete, determine the type of foundation (it can be columnar, slab and tape), as well as its configuration. The choice of the type of foundation and its configuration is determined by the bearing capacity of the soil on which the construction of the facility is planned.

To calculate a tiled foundation, you need to know the thickness of the slab and the surface area, as well as the presence of such additions as stiffeners, and, of course, their dimensions. The minimum thickness of the tiled foundation is 10 centimeters. Let's assume that the area of ​​the building being erected is 36 m2 (6x6), which means that 36 m2 x 0.1 m = 3.6 m3 will be needed to fill the slab foundation with a minimum thickness.

All measurements are in mm

H— Liquid level.

Y- Reservoir height.

L- The length of the container.

X- The tank is wide.

This program performs calculations of the volume of liquid in rectangular containers of various sizes, it will also help to calculate the surface area of ​​the tank, free and total volume.

As a result of the calculation, you will find out:

  • The total area of ​​the tank;
  • Lateral surface area;
  • bottom area;
  • Free volume;
  • The amount of liquid;
  • Capacity volume.

Technology for calculating the amount of liquid in tanks of various shapes

When the container has an irregular geometric shape (for example, in the form of a pyramid, parallelepiped, rectangle, etc.), it is necessary first of all to measure the internal linear dimensions and only after that to make calculations.

The calculation of the volume of liquid in a small rectangular container can be manually performed as follows. It is necessary to fill the entire tank with liquid to the brim. Then the volume of water in this case will be equal to the volume of the tank. Next, carefully drain all the water into separate containers. For example, in a special reservoir of the correct geometric shape or a measuring cylinder. On the measuring scale you can visually determine the volume of your tank. To calculate the amount of liquid in a rectangular container, it is best for you to use our online program, which will quickly and accurately perform all calculations.

If the tank is large and it is not possible to manually measure the amount of liquid, then the gas mass formula with a known molar mass can be used. For example, the mass of nitrogen is M = 0.028 kg / mol. These calculations are possible when the tank can be closed tightly (hermetically). Now, using a thermometer, we measure the temperature inside the tank, and the internal pressure with a manometer. Temperature must be expressed in Kelvin and pressure in Pascals. The volume of internal gas can be calculated using the following formula (V=(m∙R∙T)/(M∙P)). That is, we multiply the mass of the gas (m) by its temperature (T) and the gas constant (R). Next, the result should be divided into gas pressure (P) and molar mass (M). The volume will be expressed in m³.

How to calculate and find out the volume of an aquarium by size yourself

Aquariums are glass vessels that are filled with clean water to a certain level. Many aquarium owners have repeatedly thought about how large their tank is, how to perform calculations. The easiest and most reliable method is to use a tape measure and measure all the necessary parameters that should be entered into the appropriate cells of our calculator, and you will immediately get the finished result.

However, there is another way to determine the volume of the aquarium, which is a longer process, using a liter jar, gradually filling the entire container to the appropriate level.

The third method for calculating the volume of an aquarium is a special formula. We measure the depth of the tank, height and width in centimeters. For example, we got the following parameters: depth - 50 cm, height - 60 cm and width - 100 cm. According to these dimensions, the volume of the aquarium is calculated by the formula (V \u003d X * Y * H) or 100x50x60 \u003d 3,000,000 cm³. Next, we need to convert the result to liters. To do this, we multiply the finished value by 0.001. From here it follows - 0.001x3000000 centimeters, and we get, the volume of our tank will be 300 liters. We have calculated the total capacity of the tank, then we need to calculate the actual water level.

Each aquarium is filled significantly lower than its actual height, in order to avoid overflow of water, to close the lid, taking into account the screed. For example, when our aquarium is 60 centimeters high, then the glued screeds will be located 3-5 centimeters lower. With our size of 60 centimeters, a little less than 10% of the volume of the container falls on 5 cm ties. From here we can calculate the real volume of 300 liters - 10% \u003d 270 liters.

Important! A few percent should be taken away, taking into account the volume of glasses, the size of the aquarium or any other container, we remove it from the outside (without taking into account the thickness of the glasses).

From here, the volume of our tank will be equal to 260 liters.

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