Backing track to Boris Ganago's story "The Parrot". Boris Ganago: Let's be like children (Stories)

Boris Ganago

And the meeting was given...

It's already late?

There have never been bets like this before! In one of the American schools, the director and students imprisoned him: he had to crawl on his knees, without stopping once, from school to his home. And this is one and a half kilometers!

At the start, a group of teenagers laughed and hooted. But seeing the difficulty with which each meter was given to a rather plump and elderly teacher, the mockery gradually died down. Some, noticing how drops of sweat rolled down from their wrinkled faces, were ready to shout: “Enough!”

But a bet is a bet, and the laws of the pack are merciless: you either win or lose!

However, no one realized the essence and depth of the bet from the undergrowth. It seemed to them that the director was behind the times and with his calls was slowing down the progress of centuries. Today the rhythms are different, and the old man is undermining their foundations.

The last meters were especially difficult for him. The teacher turned pale and gasped with difficulty.

Should I call a doctor? - passers-by became worried.

However, the director crawled.

But there was no rejoicing. The defeated looked down guiltily.

The idea of ​​the bet was born in a stormy verbal battle. The director called:

Mowgli children, who had not heard words since birth, grew up and already lost the ability to speak humanly. A similar threat hangs over modern children. Teenagers who grew up in the jungle new civilization video drugs, who have not read since childhood, may lose the amazing gift of turning a word into an image.

By reading, we live many lives. The priceless spiritual experience of great people becomes ours. Thoughts and feelings accumulated over centuries are transmitted to us and enrich us.

A person understands the world not only formally and logically, but also emotionally and figuratively, generally comprehending the essence of eras.

Sometimes they interrupted him:

Why do we need this?!

But he continued:

When letters are transformed into words, into a series of images and events, mental films are created and creative forces. We become creators!

We no longer need video clips, the flickering of which paralyzes our attention and zombifies us, turning us into video addicts and destroying our personality.

Entire generations are at risk. Video production - Mass culture- infects with the spirit of debauchery, expels chastity and purity.

Reading is a mysterious contact with the soul of the author, with his hereditary memory. With his spirit he either elevates or lowers us to the biological level, to animal base instincts.

The images born while reading will live in us until the end of our days, influencing our thoughts and actions.

The teacher's voice alternately sounded soulful and thunderous. But none of the disciples listened to him, for they had already lost the gift of listening. Only when the director proposed a bet, agreeing in advance to any conditions, did the teenagers come up with what they thought was a win-win option. They made a promise to read fiction if...

The director fulfilled the terms of the bet. Now they had to bow their heads before world culture and crawl its way from earth to heaven.

Will these zombies be able to revive the gift given to them for co-creativity, empathy, and joy, or will they have lost it forever?

Are their hearts irrevocably petrified?

Is it too late?

The Abyss has opened...

The authorities of one of the prisons decided to broaden the horizons of prisoners. Maybe they took a disastrous path because of their grounded views?

An astronomer was invited. Many did not believe in this idea: were thieves, rapists and murderers really interested in anything other than money, vodka and cards? But they objected to the skeptics: the reason they are in prison is because they have not seen anything beautiful in the world. In a word, they took a risk.

The lecturer turned out to be fascinated by the sky and also took with him picturesque slides with views of distant galaxies, Milky Way, mysterious nebulae. The prisoners, having learned who had come this time to educate them, looked at each other mockingly. But as soon as endless distances, foggy swirls flashed on the screen and sublime music began to sound, they quieted down. Maybe they remembered their childhood, when they raised their heads to the sky.

The abyss of stars has opened up and is full;
The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom.

Those sentenced to captivity began to have a sparkle in their eyes. Perhaps a guess flashed about your involvement in the eternal and infinite?

Everyone listened quietly. Only one took a nap. But he also woke up when the conversation turned to a gold bar that had fallen from nowhere. A thirst for knowledge has awakened, so to speak. It is not without reason that the poet wrote:

After all, if the stars light up, does that mean someone needs it?
So, does anyone want them to exist?
...This means that it is necessary that every evening over the rooftops
Did at least one star light up?!

Vladimir Mayakovsky “Listen!”

When Gagarin’s smile shone on the screen after the poems, those who had long forgotten how to rejoice began to smile like children. Something touched their hearts.

Now, when the stars appeared in the sky, the prisoners gathered at the cell window and thought about something. The sky beckoned to them.

Then they were offered a conversation with a clergyman. However, not everyone wanted to hear about the Star of Bethlehem, which announced the Savior.

Alas! Alas! If at one time the idea of ​​personal immortality had been conveyed to each of us, perhaps there would have been no prisons.


Pavlik was returning from school. He walked with his head down, thoughtful and upset.

“Something is happening with mom and dad in our ideal family, he thought sadly. - When did it start? Yes, yes, two months ago... At dinner, my mother said: “I’ve had enough of sitting at home. I’ll get a job.”

She began her search for options with her friends. She had a lot of them, and they were all in use.

That evening, mother, Zoya Ivanovna, came home looking unusual, excited and excited. And at dinner she said, laughing, that she had met Mikhail, the same one whom, as a student, she almost married. Pavel didn’t like his mother’s laughter; there was something unnatural about it.

He glanced furtively at his father. Ivan Petrovich sat and listened calmly, but his left eye began to twitch. It was always like this when he was worried. Pavel knew his dad well, he didn’t just love him - they were friends.

Having calmed down, my mother even somehow mockingly said that Mikhail had gone to America to live with relatives, completed his studies there, and got married. He had a son, and then sudden death father he returned to his homeland. Having taken over his father's house and enterprise, he turned into a kind of American-Russian businessman.

By the way,” she said, smiling, “Misha offered me a job, and, by the way, with a high salary.”

Well, how did you agree? - Dad asked.

Not yet, and I’m unlikely to agree,” my mother answered, frowning. - Mikhail has always been hot-tempered and unrestrained; he can call me Bunny in front of the employees, as he called me in those distant times. This will cause all sorts of controversy, and I don’t think you’ll like it either, Vanya.

It all started from that evening. Mom went somewhere every day, supposedly in search of work, and always returned late. She changed a lot, somehow became prettier and even her voice sounded different. Dad also began to stay late at work, and when he returned home, he immediately went to his office. The family stopped getting together for dinner.

After graduating from the law faculty of the university, Zoya Ivanovna worked for only two years: then her son was born. When Pavlik was three years old, Ivan Petrovich suggested that his wife place his son in kindergarten and return to work. However, Zoya decided to raise her son herself.

But her pedagogical techniques didn't reach the goal. Often she noisily, and sometimes even screamed, achieved the baby’s obedience, and he, not understanding what his mother wanted from him and why he was angry, began to roar. Zoya Ivanovna eagerly awaited her husband's return to give him the child. So gradually all issues in the matter of education passed to the father.

Raised in the Orthodox and large family, Ivan Petrovich is used to working with his younger brothers and sisters. He knew a lot and talked interestingly. Pavlik was drawn to his father, from him the boy heard about God the Creator, about the first people - Adam and Eve, about Jesus Christ. These stories sank into my soul little boy, and Pavlusha grew up as a believer, kind, and sympathetic. On Sundays, the father took his son to church for communion, and when the boy grew up, then to confession.

The older Pavlik became, the stronger their friendship was. Of course, he had friends, but his father remained the closest. They went to the pool together, in winter - to the skating rink, in summer - to pick mushrooms and berries.

Petya was wandering around the house. I'm tired of all the games.

Then my mother gave instructions to go to the store and also suggested:

Our neighbor, Maria Nikolaevna, broke her leg. There is no one to buy her bread. He can barely move around the room. Come on, I'll call and find out if she needs to buy anything.

Aunt Masha was happy about the call. And when the boy brought her a whole bag of groceries, she didn’t know how to thank him. For some reason, she showed Petya the empty cage in which the parrot had recently lived. It was her friend. Aunt Masha looked after him, shared her thoughts, and he took off and flew away. Now she has no one to say a word to, no one to care about. What kind of life is this if there is no one to take care of?

Petya looked at the empty cage, at the crutches, imagined Aunt Maria hobbling around the empty apartment, and an unexpected thought came to his mind. The fact is that he had long been saving the money that he was given for toys. I still couldn't find anything suitable. And now this strange thought is to buy a parrot for Aunt Masha.

Having said goodbye, Petya ran out into the street. He wanted to go to a pet store, where he had once seen various parrots. But now he looked at them through the eyes of Aunt Masha. Which one of them could she become friends with? Maybe this one will suit her, maybe this one?
Petya decided to ask his neighbor about the fugitive.

The next day he told his mother:

Call Aunt Masha... Maybe she needs something?

Mom even froze, then hugged her son to her and whispered:

This is how you become a person...

Petya was offended:

Wasn’t I a human before?

There was, of course, there was,” my mother smiled. - Only now your soul has also awakened... Thank God!

What is the soul? - the boy became wary.

This is the ability to love.

The mother looked searchingly at her son:

Maybe you can call yourself?

Petya was embarrassed.

Mom picked up the phone: - Maria Nikolaevna, excuse me, Petya has a question for you. I'll give him the phone now.

There was nowhere to go, and Petya muttered embarrassedly:

Aunt Masha, maybe I should buy you something?

Petya didn’t understand what happened on the other end of the line, only the neighbor answered in some unusual voice. She thanked him and asked him to bring milk if he went to the store. She doesn't need anything else. She thanked me again.
When Petya called her apartment, he heard the hasty clatter of crutches. Aunt Masha didn’t want to make him wait extra seconds. While the neighbor was looking for money, the boy, as if by chance, began to ask her about the missing parrot. Aunt Masha willingly told us about the color and behavior...

There were several parrots of this color in the pet store. Petya took a long time to choose. When he brought his gift to Aunt Masha, then... I don’t undertake to describe what happened next.
Imagine it yourself...

Boris Ganago

Children about the soul

2000 years

from the Nativity of Christ

By blessing

His Eminence

Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk,

Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus


For juniors and intermediates school age

Both children and adults read this book with interest. Its author, B.A. Ganago, an Orthodox teacher with extensive experience, in simple stories involves the reader in thinking about the main questions of existence.

© Publishing House of the Belarusian Exarchate

Responsible for the release:

Alexander Veynik,

Vladimir Grozov

Library Golden Ship.RU 2010

















Petya was wandering around the house. I'm tired of all the games. Then my mother gave instructions to go to the store and also suggested:

Our neighbor, Maria Nikolaevna, broke her leg. There is no one to buy her bread. He can barely move around the room. Come on, I'll call and find out if she needs to buy anything.

Aunt Masha was happy about the call. And when the boy brought her a whole bag of groceries, she didn’t know how to thank him. For some reason, she showed Petya the empty cage in which the parrot had recently lived. It was her friend. Aunt Masha looked after him, shared her thoughts, and he took off and flew away. Now she has no one to say a word to, no one to care about. What kind of life is this if there is no one to take care of?

Petya looked at the empty cage, at the crutches, imagined Aunt Mania hobbling around the empty apartment, and an unexpected thought came to his mind. The fact is that he had long been saving the money that he was given for toys. I still couldn't find anything suitable. And now this strange thought is to buy a parrot for Aunt Masha.

Having said goodbye, Petya ran out into the street. He wanted to go to a pet store, where he had once seen various parrots. But now he looked at them through the eyes of Aunt Masha. Which one of them could she become friends with? Maybe this one will suit her, maybe this one?

Petya decided to ask his neighbor about the fugitive. The next day he told his mother:

Call Aunt Masha... Maybe she needs something?

Mom even froze, then hugged her son to her and whispered:

So you become a man... Petya was offended:

Wasn’t I a human before?

There was, of course there was,” my mother smiled. - Only now your soul has also awakened... Thank God!

What is the soul? - the boy became wary.

This is the ability to love.

The mother looked searchingly at her son:

Maybe you can call yourself?

Petya was embarrassed. Mom answered the phone: Maria Nikolaevna, excuse me, Petya has a question for you. I'll give him the phone now.

There was nowhere to go, and Petya muttered embarrassedly:

Aunt Masha, maybe I should buy you something?

Petya didn’t understand what happened on the other end of the line, only the neighbor answered in some unusual voice. She thanked him and asked him to bring milk if he went to the store. She doesn't need anything else. She thanked me again.

When Petya called her apartment, he heard the hasty clatter of crutches. Aunt Masha didn’t want to make him wait extra seconds.

While the neighbor was looking for money, the boy, as if by chance, began to ask her about the missing parrot. Aunt Masha willingly told us about the color and behavior...

There were several parrots of this color in the pet store. Petya took a long time to choose. When he brought his gift to Aunt Masha, then... I don’t undertake to describe what happened next.

Imagine it yourself...


Dot, dot, comma,

Minus, the face is crooked.

Stick, stick, cucumber -

So the little man came out.

With this poem Nadya finished the drawing. Then, fearing that she would not be understood, she signed under it: “It’s me.” She carefully examined her creation and decided that it was missing something.

Young artist she went to the mirror and began to look at herself: what else needs to be completed so that anyone can understand who is depicted in the portrait?

Nadya loved to dress up and twirl in front of a large mirror, and tried different hairstyles. This time the girl tried on her mother’s hat with a veil.

She wanted to look mysterious and romantic, like the long-legged girls showing fashion on TV. Nadya imagined herself as an adult, cast a languid glance in the mirror and tried to walk with the gait of a fashion model. It didn't turn out very nicely, and when she stopped abruptly, the hat slid down onto her nose.

It’s good that no one saw her at that moment. If only we could laugh! In general, she didn’t like being a fashion model at all.

The girl took off her hat, and then her gaze fell on her grandmother’s hat. Unable to resist, she tried it on. And she froze, making an amazing discovery: she looked exactly like her grandmother. She just didn't have any wrinkles yet. Bye.

Now Nadya knew what she would become in many years. True, this future seemed very distant to her...

It became clear to Nadya why her grandmother loves her so much, why she watches her pranks with tender sadness and secretly sighs.

There were footsteps. Nadya hastily put her hat back in place and ran to the door. On the threshold she met... herself, only not so frisky. But the eyes were exactly the same: childishly surprised and joyful.

Nadya hugged her future self and quietly asked:

Grandma, is it true that you were me as a child?

Grandma paused, then smiled mysteriously and took out an old album from the shelf. After flipping through a few pages, she showed a photograph of a little girl who looked very much like Nadya.

That's what I was like.

Oh, really, you look like me! - the granddaughter exclaimed in delight.

Or maybe you are like me? - Grandmother asked, squinting slyly.

It doesn't matter who looks like whom. The main thing is that they are similar,” the little girl insisted.

Isn't it important? And look who I looked like...

And the grandmother began to leaf through the album. There were all sorts of faces there. And what faces! And each was beautiful in its own way. The peace, dignity and warmth that radiated from them attracted the eye. Nadya noticed that all of them - small children and gray-haired old men, young ladies and fit military men - were somewhat similar to each other... And to her.

Tell me about them,” the girl asked.

The grandmother hugged her blood to herself, and a story flowed about their family, going back from ancient centuries.

The time for cartoons had already come, but the girl didn’t want to watch them. She was discovering something amazing, something that had been there for a long time, but living inside her.

Boris Ganago

Children about the soul

2000 years

from the Nativity of Christ

By blessing

His Eminence

Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk,

Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus


For primary and secondary school age

Both children and adults read this book with interest. Its author, B.A. Ganago, an Orthodox teacher with extensive experience, in simple stories involves the reader in thinking about the main questions of existence.

© Publishing House of the Belarusian Exarchate

Responsible for the release:

Alexander Veynik,

Vladimir Grozov

Library Golden Ship.RU 2010

















Petya was wandering around the house. I'm tired of all the games. Then my mother gave instructions to go to the store and also suggested:

Our neighbor, Maria Nikolaevna, broke her leg. There is no one to buy her bread. He can barely move around the room. Come on, I'll call and find out if she needs to buy anything.

Aunt Masha was happy about the call. And when the boy brought her a whole bag of groceries, she didn’t know how to thank him. For some reason, she showed Petya the empty cage in which the parrot had recently lived. It was her friend. Aunt Masha looked after him, shared her thoughts, and he took off and flew away. Now she has no one to say a word to, no one to care about. What kind of life is this if there is no one to take care of?

Petya looked at the empty cage, at the crutches, imagined Aunt Mania hobbling around the empty apartment, and an unexpected thought came to his mind. The fact is that he had long been saving the money that he was given for toys. I still couldn't find anything suitable. And now this strange thought is to buy a parrot for Aunt Masha.

Having said goodbye, Petya ran out into the street. He wanted to go to a pet store, where he had once seen various parrots. But now he looked at them through the eyes of Aunt Masha. Which one of them could she become friends with? Maybe this one will suit her, maybe this one?

Petya decided to ask his neighbor about the fugitive. The next day he told his mother:

Call Aunt Masha... Maybe she needs something?

Mom even froze, then hugged her son to her and whispered:

So you become a man... Petya was offended:

Wasn’t I a human before?

There was, of course there was,” my mother smiled. - Only now your soul has also awakened... Thank God!

What is the soul? - the boy became wary.

This is the ability to love.

The mother looked searchingly at her son:

Maybe you can call yourself?

Petya was embarrassed. Mom answered the phone: Maria Nikolaevna, excuse me, Petya has a question for you. I'll give him the phone now.

There was nowhere to go, and Petya muttered embarrassedly:

Aunt Masha, maybe I should buy you something?

Petya didn’t understand what happened on the other end of the line, only the neighbor answered in some unusual voice. She thanked him and asked him to bring milk if he went to the store. She doesn't need anything else. She thanked me again.

When Petya called her apartment, he heard the hasty clatter of crutches. Aunt Masha didn’t want to make him wait extra seconds.

While the neighbor was looking for money, the boy, as if by chance, began to ask her about the missing parrot. Aunt Masha willingly told us about the color and behavior...

There were several parrots of this color in the pet store. Petya took a long time to choose. When he brought his gift to Aunt Masha, then... I don’t undertake to describe what happened next.

Imagine it yourself...


Dot, dot, comma,

Minus, the face is crooked.

Stick, stick, cucumber -

So the little man came out.

With this poem Nadya finished the drawing. Then, fearing that she would not be understood, she signed under it: “It’s me.” She carefully examined her creation and decided that it was missing something.

The young artist went to the mirror and began to look at herself: what else needs to be completed so that anyone can understand who is depicted in the portrait?

Nadya loved to dress up and twirl in front of a large mirror, and tried different hairstyles. This time the girl tried on her mother’s hat with a veil.

She wanted to look mysterious and romantic, like the long-legged girls showing fashion on TV. Nadya imagined herself as an adult, cast a languid glance in the mirror and tried to walk with the gait of a fashion model. It didn't turn out very nicely, and when she stopped abruptly, the hat slid down onto her nose.

It’s good that no one saw her at that moment. If only we could laugh! In general, she didn’t like being a fashion model at all.

The girl took off her hat, and then her gaze fell on her grandmother’s hat. Unable to resist, she tried it on. And she froze, making an amazing discovery: she looked exactly like her grandmother. She just didn't have any wrinkles yet. Bye.

Now Nadya knew what she would become in many years. True, this future seemed very distant to her...

It became clear to Nadya why her grandmother loves her so much, why she watches her pranks with tender sadness and secretly sighs.

There were footsteps. Nadya hastily put her hat back in place and ran to the door. On the threshold she met... herself, only not so frisky. But the eyes were exactly the same: childishly surprised and joyful.

Nadya hugged her future self and quietly asked:

Grandma, is it true that you were me as a child?

Grandma paused, then smiled mysteriously and took out an old album from the shelf. After flipping through a few pages, she showed a photograph of a little girl who looked very much like Nadya.

That's what I was like.

Oh, really, you look like me! - the granddaughter exclaimed in delight.

Or maybe you are like me? - Grandmother asked, squinting slyly.

It doesn't matter who looks like whom. The main thing is that they are similar,” the little girl insisted.

Isn't it important? And look who I looked like...

And the grandmother began to leaf through the album. There were all sorts of faces there. And what faces! And each was beautiful in its own way. The peace, dignity and warmth that radiated from them attracted the eye. Nadya noticed that all of them - small children and gray-haired old men, young ladies and fit military men - were somewhat similar to each other... And to her.

Tell me about them,” the girl asked.

The grandmother hugged her blood to herself, and a story flowed about their family, going back from ancient centuries.

The time for cartoons had already come, but the girl didn’t want to watch them. She was discovering something amazing, something that had been there for a long time, but living inside her.

Do you know the history of your grandfathers, great-grandfathers, the history of your family? Maybe this story is your mirror?


The kid heard how in one fairy tale the son did not listen to his mother. Once he didn’t listen, another time... And mom turned into a bird and flew away.

The boy remembered what he had done today, and now a child’s hand grabbed his mother’s skirt:

Mommy, won't you fly away?

But no matter how tightly we hold our hands, mothers most often fly away... And we will fly away in due time. Let's fly away so we can meet forever.

In the meantime, mom is around, please her.


Little Nika grew up in an art workshop. Her grandmother brought her here when she painted her paintings. The grandmother was caring and affectionate with her granddaughter, but when she picked up her brushes, her gaze began to cloud over, moving far from the girl,

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Orthodox calendar

4th Week of Easter. Recollection of the appearance in heaven of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem (351). Mch. Akaki the centurion (303).

St. Nile of Sorsky (1508). Prpp. John of Zedaznia and his disciples: Aviva, bishop. Nekressky, Anthony of Martkop, David of Gareji, Zenon of Ikaltoy, Thaddeus of Stepantsminda, Ise (Iesse), bishop. Tsilkansky, Joseph, bishop. Alaverdi, Isidore of Samtavis, Mikhail of Ulumboy, Pyrrhus of Bret, Stefan of Hirs and Shio of Mgvim (VI) (Georgian). Finding the relics of St. Myrrh-streaming Nile, Athos (1815). Cathedral reverend father Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery on Athos.

Lyubechskaya (XI) and Zhirovitskaya (1470) icons of the Mother of God.

Acts 24, X, 1–16. In., 24 zach., VI, 56–69. Cross: 1 Cor., 125, I, 18–24. In., 60 credits, XIX, 6–11, 13–20, 25–28, 30–351.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Neil of Sorsky

Venerable Neil of Sorsky

Venerable Neil of Sorsky born in 1433. He took monastic vows at the Assumption Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. After living for some time under the guidance of the experienced elder Paisius Yaroslavov, the saint went on a pilgrimage to the holy places of the East. He lived for several years on Holy Mount Athos, studying the works of the holy fathers, perceiving them with his mind and heart and turning them into practical guidance in his life.

After returning to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, the monk did not remain to live there. But, desiring even greater feats, having built himself a cell, the saint settled 15 miles from the monastery on the Sora River. Soon, seeing his strict ascetic life, other monks began to come to him. This is how the monastery arose. But the Monk Nil introduced a charter in the new monastery, not a cenobitic one, but a new one for Russia - a monastery, in the image of the Athonite monasteries.

The monk was distinguished by his extreme non-covetousness. With a hermitage lifestyle, the Monk Nil excluded monastic land ownership and believed that monks should live only by the labor of their own hands. He himself was for the brethren an example of hard work and non-covetousness.

The Monk Neil is known not only as the founder of skete life in Russia and a great ascetic, but also as a spiritual writer. Having drawn up a charter based on the works of the holy fathers, the monk most of all draws the attention of the monks to mental work, by which he also means deep prayer and spiritual asceticism.

The Monk Neil died peacefully on May 7, 1508. Being deeply humble, he bequeathed to the brethren after his death to throw his body in the forest to be devoured by wild beasts and to be buried without honors.

Troparion to Saint Nile of Sorsky

Having fled, like David, the world, / and all that is in it, like the knowledge, having imputed, / and, dwelling in a silent place, / you were filled with spiritual joy, our Father Nile, / and you Having deigned to serve this God,/ you have prospered, like a phoenix,/ and like a fruitful vine,/ you have multiplied the children of the desert./ Thus we cry out with gratitude:/ glory to Him who strengthened you in the feat of living in the desert;/ glory to Him who chose you to depart from Russia There is a fair amount of the rule-maker’s line;// Glory to the One who Saviors us through your prayers.

Translation: You withdrew from the world, hiding like David (1 Sam. 23:14), and considering everything worldly to be dirt, and settling in a quiet place, you were filled with spiritual joy, our Father Neil, and wanted to serve To the One God, blossomed like a palm tree (Ps. 91:13), and like a fruitful vine, you increased the number of desert monks. Therefore, we exclaim with gratitude: “Glory to Him who strengthened you in the feat of living in the desert, glory to Him who chose you in Russia as a special founder of the rules for hermit monks, glory to the One who saves us through your prayers.”

Kontakion to St. Nil of Sorsky

For the love of Christ, having escaped from worldly troubles,/ you lived in the desert with a joyful soul,/ you labored well in it,/ like an Angel on earth, Father Nile, you lived:/ you lived vigilantly. Through labor and fasting you exhausted your eternal body for the sake of life./ Having now become worthy of it ,/ in the light of the ineffable joy of the Most Holy Trinity standing with the saints,/ pray, pray, falling down, your children,/ that we may be preserved from all slander and evil circumstances/ visible and invisible enemies/ / and our souls may be saved.

Translation: Because of the love for Christ, you withdrew from worldly shocks, and with a joyful soul settled in the desert, in it you labored beautifully, you lived like an Angel on earth, Father Neil, for with vigil and fasting you exhausted your body for the sake of eternal life. Having now been rewarded with it, in the light of the indescribable joy of standing with the saints Holy Trinity, pray, we pray to you on our knees, your children, for our salvation from all slander and evil attacks of visible and invisible enemies and the salvation of our souls.

Prayer to St. Nil of Sorsky

Oh, reverend and blessed Father Nile, our God-wise mentor and teacher! For the love of God, you removed yourself from worldly troubles, in the impassable desert and in the wilds you deigned to dwell, and like a fruitful vine, you multiplied the children of the desert in words, writings and life. the image of all monastic virtue appeared to you; and like an angel in the flesh, having lived on earth, now in the villages of Heaven, where they celebrate the unceasing voice, he dwells, and stands before God from the faces of the saints, to Him praise and praise are unceasingly brought shishi. We pray to you, O blessed God, instruct us, who live under your roof, to walk unfailingly in your footsteps and to love the Lord God with all our hearts, to lust for Him alone and eat about Him. think about it, courageously and skillfully fight against the enticing thoughts and tactics of the enemy always win; Let us love all the crampedness of the monastic life and help us to hate the redness of this world, for the love of Christ; Help us to plant every virtue that you yourself have labored for in our hearts. Pray to Christ God, and for all Orthodox Christians living in the world, to enlighten the mind and eyes of the heart, leading to salvation, to confirm me in faith and piety and in keeping His commandments, and to keep me from death. the knowledge of this world, and the remission of sins is granted to all Christians, He will also add everything needed for temporary life to everyone. Yes, all Christians, living in the desert and in the world, will live a quiet and silent life in all piety and honesty, and will glorify Christ with their lips and hearts, together with His beginninglessness By the Father and the Most Holy and the Good and His Life-giving Spirit, always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Reading the Gospel with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of John. Chapter 6, Art. 56-69.

56 He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him.

57 Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live by the Father, So and he who eats Me will live by Me.

58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: whoever eats this bread will live forever.

59 These things He spoke in the synagogue, teaching in Capernaum.

60 Many of His disciples, hearing this, said: What strange words! who can listen to this?

61 But Jesus, knowing within Himself that His disciples were grumbling about this, said to them: Is this tempting you?

62 Well, if you see the Son of Man rising there, where were you before?

63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh does not benefit at all. The words that I speak to you are spirit and life.

64 But there are some of you who are unbelievers. For Jesus knew from the beginning who the unbelievers were and who would betray Him.

65 And he said: This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless it is given to him from My Father.

66 From that time on, many of His disciples left Him and no longer walked with Him.

67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Will you also go away?”

68 Simon Peter answered Him: Lord! who should we go to? You have the verbs of eternal life: 69 and we believed and knew that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

(John ch. 6.56-69.)

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CHOICE OF THE MYRRHBEARERS – SERVICE OF CHRIST: A Word on the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

Myrrh-Bearing Women. Mikhail Nesterov

ABOUT neither did they submit to the fearfulness and timidity inherent in female nature and confessed their faith to the Divine Teacher, courageously standing before Him at the cross, serving Him with their whole lives, overcoming the curse of Eve with their faith and love.

(MP3 file. Duration 07:16 min. Size 6.67 Mb)

Hieromonk Alexy (Godlevsky)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R The section consists of five public conversations in which the content is revealed Orthodox doctrine within the framework of the Creed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


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