Methodological development on the topic: The play "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti." The amazing adventures of Masha and Vitya Theater of the adventures of Masha and Vitya

Music script

New Year's performance

« New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya"

(the overture sounds, the curtain is closed, Masha and Vitya appear)

M - Vitya, Vitya...look at this toy...

Q - A toy? What toy?...

M - Oh, Vitya, this one is straight out of a fairy tale...

Q - It’s funny to listen to you...from a fairy tale...all this nonsense is not some kind of fairy tale


M - Don’t you believe in miracles, Vitya? Don't believe in fairy tales?

B - Of course not. Any miracle is the work of man. You'll be at school

Learn physics, chemistry and'll understand. And fairy tales are for

Preschool children.

M – And I don’t want to listen to you. Just think how smart he was. I definitely am

I know, my grandmother told me that miracles often occur,

Especially on New Year's Eve...

Q - You are mistaken... these are all inventions of your grandmother... and Baba Yaga, and

Leshy, and Kashchei the immortal...

M - Is Baba Yaga a fiction? ...Well you know...

Song “There are no miracles in the world these days”

M - And still there are fairy tales, you will soon see for yourself (approaches

Kulise) Eniki, beniks, brooms, brooms, hello Grandfather Frost!!!

Well, let's go, let's go... please.

(music “witchcraft”, Masha brings out Santa Claus).

M - Here, meet me, real Grandfather Freezing.

D.M. - Father Frost.

B – Very nice. Which theater are you from?

M – (addresses Santa Claus) Can I hit him?

Q - Masha claims that you are the real Santa Claus...

D.M. - Certainly.

Q - In this case, you are entitled to a real Snow Maiden. Where is she?

D.M. “Kashchei the immortal stole it.” He wanted all the guys New Year

Steal. He knows that the Snow Maiden only good people comes

So he hid it in his kingdom...

M - How can it be? We need to help the Snow Maiden, and without the New Year, we won’t be able to

How can you not...

D.M. - Of course, the New Year won’t start without the Snow Maiden... Just get through

The Kashcheevo kingdom is not an easy matter, but I have no way there.

M - I’ll get through, I’ll help the Snow Maiden...

D.M. “Won’t you be scared if I let you into a fairy tale?” There's all sorts of stuff there


Q - Excuse me... but could you take me too... to a fairy tale...?

M - Something else. There, how Baba Yaga will look at you, you and the glasses with fear

You will lose...

Q - You know, my mother tells me that girls always need to be protected... and

Although I understand that there is no Baba Yaga... and this is just one thing is not enough

Scientific imagination...but still...

D.M. - Well, okay... I agree... go to a fairy tale together, there you will see that

There is, and what is not. For now, remember:

D.M. performs a song

Is waiting for you difficult road there's no secret to it

To help you a little, I will give three pieces of advice.

Don’t expect help in a fairy tale, try to help yourself along the way,

For those who are waiting for help.

A long road awaits you, and I won’t hide it

It is sometimes not easy to recognize evil under the guise of good.

If things get tough on the way, we must not get lost

And you, friends, hold on to each other tighter

(against the background of the song D.M. leaves the stage)

M - Are you coming with me?

Q – Where?

M - In a fairy tale, of course! So how are you going?

B – (after thinking) I’m going, I can’t let you go alone, just keep in mind that I’m still

I don't believe in fairy tales either.

M – Stop imagining. Went.

(MUSIC...the curtain opens a little. The children look in)

M - How beautiful!!!

B - Nothing special

M - No especially! Once we're in magical forest, then you owe me


B – Stop imagining.

(the curtain opens completely. A rehearsal is underway on stage:

Baba Yaga, the goblin and Matvey the Cat.


Cat - Can’t you strike a chord normally???

Leshy - What?

Baba Yaga – Took one and a half octaves higher...

K - Yes, he took the rooster

B.Ya. - To you Kashchei for such amateur performances...

K - Do you know what he will do instead of the New Year?

L - Well, what...?

K - What, what...give me a tool, that’s what.

L - (roars) Oh, my miserable life, everyone scolds me, in my native

The team, in their own cave, they put them to shame... how can you play here???

B.Ya. - Fine, fine…

K - Okay...

B.Ya. - Even though he is evil spirits, he also has his own feelings

K - Oh, okay, okay... na...

(thunder sounds, lights flash, strobe light)

B.Ya. - Alarm... Someone snuck into our forest... The alarm went off.

L - A...who could this be...?

B.Ya. - Let's see now. Eniki, beniks, brooms, brooms...become a wall


(Masha and Vitya pass with a song)

K – What about our New Year? After all, Kashchei promised to arrange it only for


L - Oh...they’re coming for the Snow Maiden...Well, that’s it...our New Year is gone.

K - Yes...Kashchey will give us some help

L - Why do that, huh? can...this...overcome them?

K - Gobble it up!

L - No... no... they need it...

K - No... we need them...

L - No... we need them...

K - No!!! Necessary….

B.Ya. - Be silent!!! To defeat them...we must separate them!

K and L – Separate!!!

K - And gobble it up! Oh Grandma Ezhka!

B.Ya. “I rushed to my place, lured them into the hut and fried them.” Together

Let's have dinner!!!

K – What about the rehearsal?

B.Ya. – After dinner!...And now everyone is in an ambush! Fast!

(they run away. The children walk along the proscenium singing.

Change of scene: Baba Yaga's room.

B.Ya. sings the song “After all, boys and girls...”)

M - Vitya, Vitya, look...a fairytale hut.

B – It can’t be... (reads) Dead end evil spirits 13.

M - Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest and your front to me.....well


(creaking hut)

B.Ya. - Oh, my little chicks, my darlings!!! Ask! Come in, have a seat.

Eat and drink, dear guests. How far are you going? In which

Are the countries overseas? For trade and merchant matters? Ali

Who are you going to fight?

Q - You see...the initial goal of our expedition was to penetrate so

The so-called Kashcheevo kingdom...

B.Ya. - AHHHH! My killer whales... Kashchei will destroy you: he will eat your womb,

He will drink blood and spread white bones through the air.

Q - In my opinion, you exaggerate the capabilities of this Kashchei.

B.Ya. - I? I??? Do you know Kashcheev's power? Who killed Ivan Tsarevich?

Kashchei? Finist is clear who killed the falcon? Back he is Kashchei

Immortal. No, my iris and don’t dream, don’t dream against

It's time to kill him.

M – Thank you very much, everything was very tasty.

B.Ya. - And then... we sat for a long time... started talking. Well, kids, climb onto the stove.

That's it, Mashenka. That's it, Vitya. As they say, morning is evening


(after making sure that the children are sleeping, he sings his witchcraft song “Cooking dinner is not a toy...”)

B.Ya. – (drinks water from a ladle) Should we go for a walk??? For your appetite.

(Masha and Vitya get off the stove)

M - Gone. I don't want Noah to have dinner.

B - Calm down. My dad is a candidate of technical sciences, and I won’t allow him to

You were eaten by some illiterate old woman. Quiet! So, let's see: the door too...what if...

(Vitya connects some wires,

Vitya covers Masha with a “hug”... resounds explosion .

The door is open. Children rejoice)

B – If you study well, then no castles will scare you.

M - Well done Vitya! Let's run!

(the children are back in fairy forest) MUSIC

M - You know, Vitya, now I won’t call you a professor, do you want it?

B - Well, of course you name it, I don’t mind.

M - Then I won’t call you bespectacled, do you want it?

B – There’s no need for a bespectacled person. Thank you. Masha, I think we are lost. How

It's creepy and scary here. And there is no compass.

M – If you are lost, that is the right way find a way.

In which?

M - Ask someone. There... someone is coming.

Q – Where?

M - Oh, but this is Leshy.

(The children are hiding. The goblin sings a song)

B - Hello!

Leshy - Hello.

M - Hello!

L - Great! Who are you? What are you doing in the forest?

Q - You see...we came on business: we’re going to help out the Snow Maiden, she,

Probably got into trouble...

(Masha warns Vitya to be silent, but he doesn’t understand)

Q - Why are you bothering me?

L – I won’t let you guys in. Look how nimble they are - Snow Maiden

They are in a hurry to help out. And then Baba Yaga will take my head off...

M – Aren’t you ashamed...and what do they teach you in the forest?

(Leshy sings a song)

L - Now you are kept with your parents... apricots, bananas

Eat...but I don’t know my mother They say she’s a witch...and where? Where did it go?

And everyone teases you... everyone shames you... everyone demands villainy from you. And

My soul may be a flower. A…

(The goblin is about to leave, Masha catches up with him)

M - Uncle Leshy, Uncle Leshy, we didn’t want to offend you, don’t leave,


L - For your affection, I can show you the way to the Kashcheevo kingdom.

M - Honestly?

L – Chchchchch! Who do you take me for? Just give it up to the boy.


M - No! I won’t go anywhere without Vitya. Let go!

(Leshy runs over to Vita)

L - Well, why did you get involved with the girl... huh? Leave her. And I'm like a man to you

I will show the man the way to Kashchei. Agree?

B – I agree! Deal?

L - Hands down!

(Leshy takes Vitya by the hand and begins to shake) MUSIC

B – Stop shaking!

L - Sorry, forgive me boy, I won’t run away anymore. I'm sorry,

Boy, let me go...

B - I won’t let you go. Sent by whom?

L - Baba Yaga.

Q – Purpose?

L - Separate you...

B - Tell me where the road to Kashchei is...

L - I don’t know, they don’t let me go there... let me go, boy, let me go...

B - So be it (let go)


L – (shaking, crying) Thank you, boy!

B – Please

L - Thank you. Goodbye. (extends his hand again, but remembers and runs away with

Screams away)

M - What's wrong with him?

B – A trifling electric charge. And why was he shaking so much?

B - Don’t come closer, Masha, it’s dangerous. You know perfectly well what it is

It might be a trap.

M - Let me go, you see that you need to help her (plucks an apple for himself and

Vitya) Take it!

B – No way. It's not washed

I am comfortable. Eat….Uncomfortable….

M - Thank you apple tree!

B - Thank you. Goodbye!

(Masha and Vitya are in the forest again. The theme of MASHA AND VITIA is playing!

MUSIC “The Bullseye is Rolling”

suddenly a wild cat suddenly jumps out and eats an apple)

M - Ay, what are you doing?

Cat (evil) - Meow...That's it, kids! That's it, chickens! We've arrived. You sit down.

Sit down.

(song “Matveya the Cat”)

K - Wild cat Matvey!

M - Masha.

K - Matvey, wild cat.

V – Vitya.

K – My kids are simple, I don’t have these things, without

Tricks. I immediately offered them to devour you... and I will...

M - Will devour...

B – Shhh...

K - you are mushrooms, say goodbye to each other for now, you want to howl? Howl! I love passion

When they howl... And I also love to be told fairy tales. Let's,

Girl, get started.

M - Tale about a turnip...

K - About whom?

M - About the turnip...

K – Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...we can talk about this, I grant you permission...Come on.

(while Masha is telling the cat a fairy tale, Vitya is doing some business...)

M - Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big and big. Grandfather pulls

He will pull, but he cannot pull it out.

K - Weak means grandfather got caught...I understand.

M - Grandfather called grandmother, they pulled and pulled... but they couldn’t pull it out.

K – It was a weak generation... well...

M - Grandma called the bug!!!

K - Who is she?

M - Well, a bug... well, a small dog... woof-woof...

K – Shhhhhhhhhhh...don’t bug...we’ll let you through...

M - She called the woman... well, the one we’re missing, she called the cat...

K – (smiling) This is a completely different matter. I approve. Let's move on.

M - They pull, they pull, but they can’t pull.

K - This is what I don’t believe... forgive me, but I don’t believe this

B – Masha, ready!!!

M - The cat called... the mouse

B – (releases the mouse) Forward!

(Matvey the cat runs after the mouse)

B – Masha, let’s run (the children run away, the Cat comes out)

K - Ugh... not real, electronic. Where are these? Did you run away? What are we now

Shall we tell Kashchei? Meow!!!

(background music sounds, children go on stage)

B - Here we are.

M - And nothing special happened to us. We are not afraid of you, Kashchei!!!

(Kashchey sings a song during which Kashchey’s servants take Vitya prisoner, and Masha is brought to Kashchey)

Kashchei - Are you afraid of me?

M - You? Not a bit!

K - And you don’t shudder?

M - Not a bit, why should I be afraid of you...after all, I know everything about you: death

You have a needle at the end, a needle in an egg, an egg in...

K - Well, okay... okay... okay... I'm babbling. Here I am for you right now (dialing

Mouth full of air) Ohhh!!!

M - What's wrong with you?

K – I’m struggling with my teeth. Ooooh

M - It’s my own fault, I lost my teeth. Tie it for him.

(servants tie the bandage)

K - I tried all the magic and sorcery, ... ten healers -

Vorozheev said... nothing helps...

M – What will you give me if I’m cured?

K – Everything... I’ll give everything... just help... UUUU!!!

M - Free the Snow Maiden immediately...

K - Come here, girl! Oh, what a girl, what a girl, what is this?

You? (Masha hits Kashchei on the hand) No, you give me your remedy first


M - the Snow Maiden first...

K - No... no... first tell me the remedy...

M - No, you first release...

K - no you...

M - No you...

K - No you...

M - No, you... (hits his teeth with his hand)

K – Ooooh, mommies!!! I remove the witchcraft spell, I free the Snow Maiden.

Raise the gate.

(recording "Raise the Gate")

(Snegurochka from Kashcheev’s captivity runs along the front stage)

M - Bring me a spoonful of soda and a glass of water

(servants bring)

M - Rinse!

K – (rinses) Good! Okay, it doesn't hurt!

B.Ya. “You’re sitting there, old devil, talking to a girl, but

You don’t know what kind of trouble has come to you... The fighter at the gate

It’s worth... boasting to blow your head off, and your ashes for the crows’ dinner


K - Who is this?

Cat - Yes boy...

K - Armor for me! The sword is a treasure!

B.Ya. – OOOO! Our Father!!!

Leshy - Well, dad, you give...

Cat - Yes, grandfather Kashchei...

K - The girl is in iron, I’ll come back... I’ll execute her at once, she’ll take the Snow Maiden

Forced me. Veera!


(the characters leave the stage, Vitya comes out)

Q - Let's see how you can resist my magnet, Kashchei the immortal.

(Kashchei and his retinue come out, Kashchei’s theme sounds)

Kashchei - Ha... hahahaha... Nothing to say, they found a fighter. One palm

I’ll put it down... I’ll slam another one down... one wet spot will remain.

Q - Listen Kashchei, you probably don’t know that I’ve been interested in

Science and technology.

Kashchei - Asya...or is it a frog croaking in the swamp?

Q - Okay, Kashchey, let’s be honest, there is no salvation for you!

Kashchei - No... it’s not a frog, it’s a mosquito squeaking in the forest...

B - Give me Masha, otherwise you will have a very bad time.

Kashchei - Oh, so... (swings his sword, but the sword is attracted

With a magnet, he takes a spear, the magnet attracts him too, his retinue backs away

Back and eventually runs away. Kashchei falls to the ground)

Kashchei - Put away your magic slingshot, where are you pulling me?

Q - Are you giving up?

Kashchei - I give up.

B - Let Masha go immediately.

Kashchei - Okay, okay, I’m letting go of your Masha, just let me go.

(Vitya lets go of Kashchey, Masha runs out)

M - Vitya,'s me. What about him?

B - I defeated him! Let's run. (run backstage)

(B.Ya., Leshy and the cat run out)

B.Ya. - It broke...what kind of damned life is this. Oh, killer whale, oh oh oh...

Lesh - Oh, dad...

Cat - Uncle Kashchei...

B.Ya – (listens to heartbeat)


One, two, three...Alive! Our killer whale is alive!!!

Lesh - (Raises Kashchei) come on, dad...

Kashchei - Where are they?

Cat - Escaped...

Kashchei - Catch up with them, grab them and devour them...

(the trio runs off in pursuit, Kashchei goes backstage,

Masha and Vitya on stage)

M - Thank you Vitya, you are a real comrade

B - Well, what is it, every boy would do this

M - No, not everyone, but only the bravest...

(there is a scream, a whistle... “here they are”, “hold them”...)

B - Baba Masha

(strobe, chase, song )

Children rejoice: “Hurray, Victory!!!”

B - Thank you, Masha!

M - Vit, what are you...I’m okay...

B - No, that’s why everything worked out for us, because you’re kind and good


(from different sides Snow Maiden and Father Frost appear)

Snow - Hello, Grandfather Frost!!!

D.M. - Hello, daughter! Hello dear! Thank you, Mashenka!

Thank you, Vitya! Well done!!!

(music sounds - the theme of each character,

They take turns dancing on stage)

D.M. - Happy New Year!

Snow - Happy New Year!

Final song. "He is the wizard"

Scenario New Year's performance in 3 "B" class. Uch All students in the class took the aste. The performance took place in the assembly hall. The time spent on the performance was 30 minutes. It turned out interesting musical fairy tale in excellent performance.

Slide 1-2. Children gather in the hall. The song from the film is playing. “New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti”,

Slide 3. They are met by buffoons.

1 buffoon:

Come, honest people!
The Christmas tree is calling us!
Get into a round dance.
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

2 buffoon:

Come, honest people,
Let's celebrate the New Year by dancing!

3 buffoon:

The frost is crackling outside the window.
Stick your nose out - your nose will freeze.
We don't want to go for a walk now!
Let's dance better!

4 buffoon:

And we will help you,
Choose the best dancers
Those who are playful and bright in dance
There's a big gift waiting at the end!

1 buffoon:

And to make it more fun
We invited guests.
Our guests are not ordinary,
Neither old nor young
All of them, believe me, brother,
We lived a thousand years ago.

3 buffoon:

And friends to celebrate the New Year
We can't live without a song.
Now we'll sing about the Christmas tree
And we'll go around it.

Slide 4. Buffoons lead a round dance around the Christmas tree with the song “Forest Aroma.”

4 buffoon:

We'll tell you a fairy tale now!
Listen up, friends!
We are without a New Year's fairy tale
You can't do it on New Year's Day!

The buffoons leave the stage. Slide 5 . Masha and Vitya come out.


We came with you to the holiday.
How many different toys are there?
Rain, garlands, confetti.
Santa Claus must come.
Come on, Vitya, just the two of us
Let's call Grandfather Frost.


To call Grandfather,
You need to shout loudly
Santa Claus lives in the forest,
If necessary, he will come himself.
Better, Masha, let's wait,
Let's sit together for now.


I don't like to wait long!
We will invite Grandfather to visit.


Okay, let's shout:
One two three four five...

Masha and Vitya:

Father Frost! Father Frost! Father Frost!

Slide 6. Leshy comes out dressed as Santa Claus with a backpack.


Hello guys, I brought you gifts.
And in the backpack there is a surprise for everyone.
I wandered through the forest with him like a tourist.


Hello Dedushka Moroz!


They've been waiting for me, I suppose.
Let's have three of us
We'll call the Snow Maiden.

Leshy, Masha, Vitya:

Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga comes out dressed as the Snow Maiden. Slide 6 (2nd half)

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I hear, I hear. I am the Snow Maiden.
I'm going to the guys for a holiday,
To mischievous people and shooters,
We will run and be mischievous.


Let's better dance.

Baba Yaga:

Dancing is no longer fashionable
It's better to eat cold snow.

Goblin ( grimacing):

Hooliganism, breaking glass, you can drop the Christmas tree


Is Santa Claus talking seriously now?


I'm kind of surprised too
Maybe he's just joking?

The real Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year to you, friends!
Me and my granddaughter
They came to you with gifts.

Goblin: Slide7

I'm already here Santa Claus,
And I ask you seriously,
Get out of here quickly!

Baba Yaga: Slide8

And now I’m going to bite!

Snow Maiden:

It's clear at first glance -
You and I are not welcome here.
We congratulated the children many times,
But we were not driven away anywhere,
Let's leave quickly
And we will celebrate the New Year together.


Wait, wait, don't go anywhere!


Let us now figure out which of you is the deceiver here.

Baba Yaga:

We're unlucky, so what?
Now you and I will be revealed!


That's it, Yaga, we need to save ourselves,
We're running away from the masquerade.

They tear off their costumes and run away.


We took them for you
You, friends, forgive us.

Father Frost:

You are not to blame for anything.

Snow Maiden:

We are very glad to see you
No forest prankster
It won't ruin this holiday.

Father Frost:

But Leshego and Yaga
You offended in vain,
They probably wanted
Attend a fun holiday.

Snow Maiden:

Let's go, guys, to a wonderful forest
A forest in which there are many fairy tales and miracles,
Find your offended friends
And come back to the holiday soon.

Father Frost:

Everyone you meet in the forest:
Squirrel, hare, red fox
Invite us to the New Year's holiday
We want to see everyone in the round dance today!

Snow Maiden:

Let there be a merry round dance
And happiness will come to us in the New Year!

Slide 9 Everyone leaves the stage. The presenter, Kolobok, Masha and Vitya come out.

Song from the film. “New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti”,

Adults and children know:
Once upon a time he lived in this world
In the Russian fairy tale Kolobok,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
On the holiday of the New Year tree,
Near the Christmas tree today
The tale never ends
The fairy tale is just beginning.

Sounds like rap .

Kolobok ( sings and dances):

Hey guys! Look at me!
I am Kolobok! Do as I do!
I scraped the bottom of the barrel, I swept the barns!
I left my grandmother and left my grandfather!
Fate lured me into the forest,
Here the struggle for life began.
This is where I grew up and became strong
Rap, rap, rap helped me with this!

Vitya :

Look, Masha, Kolobok is on the road,
How fast is it going my friend?
Let's try to catch up with him
And invite us to the New Year holiday.


Hello! Hello Kolobok!
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
You have such an outfit
Very, very fashionable look.


But such an outfit cannot be hidden in the forest,
You have to dance in it at the carnival,
Come visit us Kolobok for the New Year
We gather around the Christmas tree for a round dance.


I was rolling along the path,
I was in a hurry to get to your Christmas tree.
Suddenly at the old Christmas tree,
Met a wolf.


Wolf :

Hello, glorious Kolobok!
Where are you going, my friend?


I'm in a hurry to go to third grade,
Let's dance around the Christmas tree!


I haven't eaten at all since morning,
Now I'll eat you!


Why are you gray, don’t rush,
The kids are waiting for us to visit.
Come see the children today


Well, thanks, I'll come,
If I don't get into trouble!


Kolobok rolled
On the road again.
And towards Kolobok -
Bear from the den.

Slide 12.


Hello, glorious Kolobok!
Where are you going, my friend?


I'm in a hurry to go to third grade,
Dance the Russian dance!


Maybe I'll eat you?


No! My friends are waiting for me!
Come see the children today
We will celebrate the New Year together!


I'll definitely come,
And I’ll bring Mishutka!


Slide 13.

Hare 1

Hello, glorious Kolobok!
Where are you going, my friend?


I'm in a hurry to go to third grade,
Dance the Russian dance!
Come visit the children
We will celebrate the New Year together!

Slide 14. The Fox runs out.


I'll catch you all now!
Oh, how many hares there are here!
I can eat anyone!
Here I am, sideways,
And I’ll take it home with me!

Slide 15. Kolobok, Wolf, Bear come out.


Fox, let the hare go!
We should all go visit!


Forgive me, friends!
Here it is, little bunny, take it!


How, forgive her, friends!

Slide 16.


You can't quarrel these days!


Well, you can forgive!


I will be friends with you!


And now, friends, go ahead!
The Christmas tree is waiting for us all to visit.

Slide 17. The performers of the sketch "Kolobok" leave the stage.


The winter forest greets us
Full of fairy tales and miracles.


There is a hut in a deep forest,
Very strange looking
It contains Koshcheev’s girlfriend,
He sits by the window.
She rushes about in the mortar,
What is her name?

Children: Yaga!

Slide 18. Grandmother-Hedgehog Dance. Music sounds to the tune of ditties. The girl sings ditties.

Look at me,

Well, why am I not beautiful?

My maiden beauty

Can't help but like it!

I'll walk in front of you,

I'll dance, I'll sing.

Well, what a cutie I am,

How I love myself!

Make way, all the people,

The girl is about to start dancing!

Get out of the way quickly!

Take care of your feet!..

Snowflakes run out . They surround Grandma the Hedgehog.


Guess, grandma, who we are?


These are our swan geese.


No, these are snowflakes.

Slide 19. Dance of snowflakes. The song “At the edge of the forest” is playing


Oh, grandma, how good you are,
We stood and laughed heartily,


Get dressed, dress up,
Come join us for a holiday.

Baba Yaga (runs away)

Slide 20. Kingdom of Winter.


Look how beautiful it is here
Everything around is white and white!
And paths and paths
Covered with pure snow.


We probably got caught
To the kingdom of Mother Winter.

Winter is dancing . The song sounds: “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest...


What's the news, tell me.
Report everything in order.
Are all snowdrifts deep?
Are the snows so high?
So as not to pass or pass,
To not find the road?
What about the rivers? Is everything covered in ice?
Is everything calm in my kingdom?


Oh lady, everything is as it should be
And you should be very happy
That everything is covered in silver
You can't hear bird songs at all,
Without songs, the forest is uninteresting.


Which songs? What nonsense?
Empty and stupid conversation
You better shut up
Don't teach me anymore!


I'm very ancient, that's true,
And I acted very badly,
I dared to speak against you,
I violated your strict order.
I have always lived in a deep forest,
Overgrown with leaves and moss.
I'm sorry, it's my fault
I will be happy to please you.


Don't you dare argue with me,
About bird songs and flowers.
My frozen forest is beautiful,
It is full of fabulous wonders.
And silvery white snow
Should be joyful for everyone.

The Crow flies.


Madam! Trouble, trouble!
People come to us here!


You, Leshy, lied to me,
And he didn’t tell the whole truth!
I'll get to you
I I'll deal with you.
I won't let guests on the threshold,
I will freeze many roads,
I will cover the paths with snow,
They will never find a way
Evil blizzards, fly here,
Come harder, colder.

Winter is ringing its bell. On slide 20.


Bring a snowman
Freeze the old man.

Slide 21


Oh, no, I'm afraid
I'm going to have a bad cold,
I'll get sick and die.
I I'd better run away.

Masha and Vitya:

Why are you angry now, Winter?


Yes, Leshy has made me angry once again.




Leshy? Was Leshy here?


And we're late again
After all, it’s been like this all day,
They were looking for him in the forest.


But let's not be discouraged,
We will try to catch up with Leshy.


Don’t be upset, Zimushka-Winter
Better get ready for the holiday with us quickly.


I was running, hurrying to the holiday
I composed a song and poems
Well, Leshy is an evil prankster
Took me and led me astray
I'll disappear into the darkness,
I won't get anywhere.

Slide 21. Scene of Baba Yaga, Leshy, Wolf.


Today is a holiday for people
And we sit, we get bored.
Could we invite guests?
But we don’t know who
If the Serpent Gorynych comes to us,
He will break all the dishes.
And if you call Koshchei, it won’t get any more fun.

Baba Yaga:

We could decorate the Christmas tree,
What should I put on the branches?
After all, you can’t hang it on her
A grip and an old rag.
This is where you get bored
And here we celebrate the holiday in sadness.


There is no cake, no treats,
And no entertainment.
And I would be terribly glad
Now have a masquerade.
I would dress up as a Hare.


I would be surprised!
I would wear a Wolf mask
And he would immediately eat you in it!


Yes, you have a thin intestine, and I will bruise your sides.

Baba Yaga:

Don't quarrel, boys, don't,
We will not have a masquerade, there will be no dancing, no cake.


Now I will pay, Yaga!

Masha and Vitya come out.


We came to you to apologize, we brought various gifts


We would like to invite you to a holiday,
Here is a bag of different gifts.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I can’t believe my eyes! You may have the wrong door.


We were in a hurry to get to the children's Christmas tree and got lost on the way.


Don't let them go back!
Take away the bag of gifts!


No, no, no.
We came to you and brought gifts.
And then they brought gifts.


Here we have a brand new frying pan for you, Yaga.

Masha Vitya:

So that the Wolf does not go hungry in the forest, he gets a bag of “Pedigri-fal”.


And you, Leshy, will receive from us a large birdhouse
You love forest singers, so you’ll put two starlings in it.

Baba Yaga:

Ah, I was moved to tears!


Thank you, dear guys, for the souvenirs and chocolates!


Thank you guys for everything!
We wouldn't even think
What will anyone remember about us?


Let's not mess things up now.

Masha and Vitya:

Let's go to the children,
And we'll spend the holiday together.


To meet Grandfather amicably,
Everyone needs to say, guys:
“Santa Claus, naughty, prankster,
Come soon to the holiday!”

Father Frost:

There are so many people in the hall!

A glorious holiday will be here.

So it's true what they told me

That the guys are waiting for me!

I went through all the obstacles,

The snow covered me

I knew that I would be welcome here.

That's why I hurried here!

Stand up, guys.

Everyone hurry up and dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

All speakers (the whole class) come on stage and sing the final song “The New Year's Stars Hung Up.”_

May winter be a silvery powder,
Will ruin any trouble,
We wish you only good things,
In the coming New Year!

Father Frost:

More cheerful, loud laughter.
More good friends and girlfriends,
Excellent marks and knowledge chest!

Snow Maiden:

It's time for us to part,
But in the New Year
I will definitely come to your Christmas tree.


Hours go by, days pass -
Such a law of nature
And today we want you,
To congratulate with new Year!

All the children says:

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

new ones first

It’s very strange why it’s such a great idea to put musical performance based on the play by Pavel Finn, which became the basis for the beloved film “The New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya,” has not been realized before in any of the capital’s theaters.

But better late than never. And for more than two years now, young theatergoers can get acquainted with two versions of the play at the Theater Russian Army– New Year’s (during the corresponding holidays) and all-season (presented during the rest of the year). My five-year-old niece and I got to the second one.

I would like to start with my impressions of the theater itself. I remember it from late Soviet times - a huge building, somewhat shabby, with dusty remnants of grandeur. Now there is no trace left of the former dilapidation. The building impresses not only with its size, but also with its interiors. Everything is good, beautiful, but strict, without frivolous excesses, as if making it clear that the theater is related to the army.

A spacious wardrobe, in which there was no crowd either before or after the performance.

I wanted to capture the ceiling of the wardrobe separately.

In the wardrobe there are soft sofas on which you can change your child's clothes. It blows a little entrance doors, so sitting for a long time is not very comfortable. Yes, and there is no need for this. There is plenty to walk around and see in the building.

You can climb this staircase to the entrance to the hall.

But we decided not to stop in the stalls, but to examine the entire theater from top to bottom, and climbed the side stairs to the balcony.

And those who purchased tickets to the balcony will watch the performance from these seats.

And the scene will look something like this:

In my opinion, it's too far.

After going down several flights of stairs, we find ourselves in the foyer of the amphitheater.

There is a buffet here.

There are not many visitors, perhaps due to the lack of cakes and pastries in the assortment. I found only sandwiches, chocolates, ice cream and drinks.

There is a good rise in the amphitheater

And it’s not as far to the stage as from the balcony, but it’s still better not to take the last rows.

Finally, we go down to the stalls.

Our seats were on the side, in the fourth row.

It’s a stone’s throw from the stage, but I had to hold the baby in my arms for the entire performance due to the almost complete lack of lifting. And this despite the fact that a child was sitting in front of her, whose head did not rise above the back of the chair.

Unfortunately, additional pillows for little ones are not provided. Although they would definitely be useful on the ground. The seats themselves are comfortable, the distance between the rows is standard, that is, your knees do not rest against the front row, but you won’t be able to walk along the row without lifting up your neighbors.

One unpleasant episode that I had to witness: for the seats in the third row right in front of us there were duplicate tickets - one pair had electronic tickets, the other had bought them at the box office. Of course, those who came later were accommodated by the ticket ushers in the hall. But, since almost everyone in the first rows was occupied, they had to move to less favorable seats. I can’t imagine how to protect myself from such a situation.

Finally, I’ll move on to my impressions of the performance.

I dearly love the 1975 film, so I was afraid that the performance would disappoint. However, this did not happen.
Perhaps because the creators did not completely copy the dialogues of forty years ago, but modernized them a little, leaving the main meaning. The main characters have also grown up a little - these are not first-graders, but much older schoolchildren. So the full-sized young actors playing their roles look quite organic.

Of course, the greatest impression on the children's audience is made negative characters. And this performance is no exception.

Koschey came out, perhaps, even too scary. Every time he appeared, the niece covered half of her face with her hand, but did not turn away from the stage.

Of course, wonderful costumes and scenery - not only projections, but also real ones - greatly enhance the performance.

The dances are choreographed and performed perfectly. The music and songs are exactly the same as in the film, only the words and arrangement have been slightly changed here and there. Of course, everything is performed to a soundtrack. But the theater is not positioned as a musical theater, so you shouldn’t expect live sound. Moreover, almost all songs were accompanied by fiery dances.

Children playing roles in the crowd are absolutely appropriate. Very nice guys, they did everything well, and weren’t on stage for too long.

But the fact that the performance is on almost an hour and a half without intermission, I liked it. Even the niece did not show any fatigue from the action, and there is no point in taking younger children to the performance. I think it is specifically designed for those aged 5 to 12 years.

St. Petersburg is world famous as the northern and cultural capital of Russia. The magnificent acting of theater and ballet artists is known beyond the borders of our state. Currently, there are more than 180 theaters in St. Petersburg, but the greatest pride of Russia is rightfully the St. Petersburg drama theaters.

The oldest of the theaters is the Alexandrinsky Theater. He has a wide repertoire, they stage classical performances based on the works of writers and playwrights from around the world. The number of spectators increases year by year. Theater named after Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya, which in besieged Leningrad was a true “ray of light” during a difficult period for the country, today it is also of interest to connoisseurs theatrical arts. At the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov the most brilliant talented actors St. Petersburg, playing in classical dramatic performances.

Most of all, residents of St. Petersburg love Maly Drama Theater. It was one of the three world theaters that received the title “Theater of Europe” in 1998. The Russian Entreprise Theater named after Andrei Mironov will be a real discovery for people who have recently begun to get acquainted with theaters and other St. Petersburg cultural institutions.

A special subculture has contributed to the uniqueness of the Liteiny Theater, and the productions on its stage are created by the most talented directors; they will be appreciated by those who love interesting, original and vibrant performances. The acting of the actors of the Nikolai Pavlovich Akim Comedy Theater is truly masterly, it makes you laugh and think, and does not leave any spectator indifferent. The "Comedian's Shelter" theater was awarded the name of an enterprise with state status.

The St. Petersburg theater "Comic Trust" has become a new trend in the theatrical environment. And for intellectuals, theater productions called “Mansion” are perfect. Theater " Baltic House" presents to the audience best performances directors with worldwide recognition.

Our online portal allows you to cover the entire diversity of theaters in St. Petersburg, as well as purchase tickets to all theater productions in the city and enjoy the works famous directors and professional acting famous actors and newbie actors.

These theaters are the most recognizable, interesting and famous in the city. If you don’t visit them, the real atmosphere of St. Petersburg will remain unknown. But by visiting our online resource, you can explore the great cultural heritage and see the best without leaving your home. theatrical performances and get the most unforgettable viewing experience.

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