How ours performed at Eurovision. Russian participants of "Eurovision" in the history of the contest

Today you will not find a person who has not watched the broadcast of the annual Eurovision music contest at least once. Performers from the countries of the European Broadcasting Union demonstrate their vocal skills in this show. A representative of each state performs one composition, for which he receives points from viewers of other countries. By counting these points, the name of the winner of the competition becomes known.

Eurovision: list of participants from previous years

The Eurovision Song Contest was first held in Switzerland in 1956. Then only 7 countries participated in the competition, representatives of each performed several songs. Lis Assia won. Since then a lot has changed. So, for example, in 1986, the 1st place was taken by the representative of Belgium, Sandra Kim, who was only 13 years old. After her performance, it was decided to introduce age restrictions, according to which only participants who have reached the age of 16 are allowed to perform.

The list of Eurovision participants is constantly changing. Some performers try their hand more than once. Here, for example, Dima Bilan in 2006 fought from Russia for the victory, but he failed to become a prize-winner. And in 2008, Bilan decided to try again, which brought him the long-awaited 1st place for his country. By the way, this is the only case in the history of Eurovision when the representative of Russia became the winner.

But among the list of countries there are those who should rightfully be considered leaders. So, Ireland took the honorable 1st place at Eurovision 7 times, England, France and Luxembourg - 5 times each, and Sweden and Holland - 4 times each.

1969 was an interesting year in the history of the competition. The Eurovision participants then impressed everyone with their vocal abilities so much that according to the voting results, 1 place went to 4 countries at once. These were the Netherlands represented by Lenny Kuhr, France represented by Frida Boccara, Great Britain and Lulu, as well as Spain and the singer Salome.

Eurovision participants: famous performers and representatives of countries 2015

During the existence of the contest, Eurovision participants have become famous performers. So, for example, the AVVA group, Celine Dion, Lara Fabian, and even the Russian kings of the pop scene Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva once shone on the stage of the competition. Someone managed to win an honorable victory, but someone did not. The main thing is that these performers are recognized by the public not only in their countries, but also far beyond their borders.

If at the very beginning of the existence of Eurovision, the quality of singing, timbre, vocal abilities of a particular singer were mainly evaluated, then over the past decade there has been a certain change: the talent of the performer is relegated to the background, and first of all, the viewer chooses outrageous, unusual and colorful stage image . This is best evidenced by the performers who took first place in several recent years. Thus, the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 gave victory to the Finnish rock band Lordi with their composition Hard Rock Hallelujah. The rockers overtook Dima Bilan, who then took second place. There were many versions of why the rock band won the competition. Some experts said that the audience was tired of ballads and tearful songs, others argued that everyone voted for "Lordi" for the sake of a joke. Be that as it may, the whole world was talking about rockers then.

Besides, a prime example An eccentric personality is another participant of Eurovision 2014 Conchita Wurst. Conchita is a stage persona young man named Thomas, and with his appearance he wanted to prove to the world that any person should have the right to show their true desires and their real face to society, despite their hobbies and preferences.

The list of Eurovision 2014 participants included many talented performers, but Conchita surpassed everyone, which once again confirms that the viewer needs extraordinary artists.

Participants of Eurovision 2015 are already known. Among them: Polina Gagarina from Russia, Yuzari and Maimuna from Belarus, Moldova will be represented by Eduard Romanyuta, Latvia by Aminata Savadogo, Sweden by Mons Zelmerlev.

Very soon we will find out who will be in the top three leaders of Eurovision 2015 - May 23 the final will take place this wonderful annual music competition. Well, now we just have time to choose our favorite, so that later we can cheer for him and send messages during the voting!

In the last decade, the annual European song contest has been in the center of attention of all residents of our state. In the spring, all the media and ordinary citizens, together with them, begin a heated discussion of the future vocal competition, in May everyone freezes in anticipation, but after the final for a few more months, the whole country is excited by the results. How many of our talented performers in history have performed at the Eurovision Song Contest? The list of participants from Russia, all successful and not so good numbers will be described below.

History reference

For the first time, Eurovision was held in Switzerland, and its goal was to unite Western Europe trying to recover from the war. Although the European vocal competition traces its history back to 1956, Soviet Union according to understandable political reasons never once sent his representatives there. The competition gained popularity and became one of the most important annual events for Europe. In 1991, the Union collapsed, and Russia, like other former republics, began to establish ties with the West, so the presence of representatives of our country at such an event was only a matter of time. Eurovision participants from Russia appeared at the contest already in 1994.

Getting started and some stats

The first test of the pen was a fairly well-known blues performer who performed under the pseudonym Judith. Maria was chosen for such an honorable mission among 10 applicants for "Program A". Her song "The Eternal Wanderer" took ninth place at the competition in Dublin, the start was not the worst, at least she got into the top ten, which the Eurovision participants from Russia could not achieve until 2000. Although there were more than enough attempts. Since 1994, only three times our country has not participated in the final, but all three times in the 90s. Eurovision participants from Russia have reached the final 19 times in all the years to the present. In 1996, Andrei Kosinsky could not pass qualifying round to the finals, in 1998 they were not allowed because of the low rating, and ORT did not broadcast the competition in live, which caused a second failure in 1999. The channel was able to draw conclusions, in 2000 our country triumphantly returned to the European singing competition.

"Eurovision". Russia: participants and places in the 90s

After a rather good start at ORT, they decided that venerable performers, well known in their homeland, should represent our state at the European competition. Therefore, in 1995, the future king of pop recovered again in Dublin domestic stage- Philip Kirkorov. According to the artist, he had only 10 days to prepare after he was taken aback by the news. This, perhaps, can explain the failure of the song "Lullaby for the Volcano", which took 17th place. Or maybe the reason was the fact, revealed a little later, that the composition was not original, like most of Kirkorov's repertoire. But, one way or another, after his failure, Philip repeatedly helped many Russian and not only young performers at Eurovision. And the prima donna of the national stage with the song of the same name Alla Pugacheva in 1997 was able to take only 15th place, and again in Dublin. Europe could not understand and accept the manner and style of Alla Borisovna, so her performance can be safely considered a failure.

Shock five-year plan

After a short two-year break, our country triumphantly returned to Eurovision. The list of participants from Russia in the first years of the new millennium was very diverse. In 2000, a young Tatar woman went to Stockholm, who conquered Europe with her song "Solo" and thus earned the first silver for Russia. The well-deserved second place in the competition became a real sensation, and Alsou became a national heroine. Intoxicated with success, in 2001 ORT producers sent a rather extraordinary rock band Mumiy Troll to Copenhagen. Not everyone could understand him in his homeland, and even more so the Europeans could not, so the group took only 12th place. The song of the boy band "Prime Minister" called "Girl from the North" was sung by the whole country, and its English-language counterpart did not resonate with Europeans in 2002 in Tallinn. Probably the reason for the 10th place was also too great excitement performers. The most controversial among those who were sent to Eurovision by Russia, participants of all seasons, are the infamous Tatu girl group. Incredibly, in 2003 in Riga it was they who took 3rd place with the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask", thereby bringing the first bronze to their country. For the next two years, the Eurovision participants from Russia were graduates of the Star Factory. In Turkish Istanbul in 2004, Yulia Savicheva performed very worthily. But difficult choreographic steps prevented the artist from focusing entirely on vocals, and the result was 12th place. The performance in Kyiv in 2005 by Natasha Podolskaya was the biggest failure since the time of Pugacheva, because the "manufacturer" also took 15th place.

Light streak and real victory

Be that as it may, domestic artists continued to perform at Eurovision. Participants from Russia for 10 years were very different. From popular stars to unknown bands. And their age ranged from young stars children's song contest to the representatives of the oldest generation. In 2006, the conqueror of young hearts, Dima Bilan, went to Athens for a vocal competition. His number was interesting, and the song would definitely have won, if not for the outrageous Finnish rock band Lordi, who overtook Dima. jaded standard good numbers Europe was hungry for spectacle, so Bilan was in second place. Nevertheless, it was another silver in the piggy bank of our country. What turned out to be symbolic was the little-known female pop group "Silver" with "Song No. 1", which went to conquer European audiences in Helsinki in 2007, but received, however, bronze, although third place turned out to be a very unexpected, but pleasant result. But 2008 was a real sensation for Russia, because he promised to return to Eurovision and win, he kept his word. A delightful act accompanied by violinist Edwin Marton and a star figure skating Evgenia Plushenko, as well as the amazing voice of the vocalist and the touching song did their job - they conquered Europe, and Russia took first place.

Fall from the top of the pedestal

The Eurovision participants from Russia for all the years have been representatives of the Federation itself, so for many it still remains a mystery how in 2009 a native of Ukraine passed the qualifying round and represented our country at the competition in Moscow. The song "Mamo" in Ukrainian and Russian took only 11th place, which was a crushing defeat after the previous victory. The next Eurovision participants from Russia, the new and unknown to a wide audience, the Musical Group of Peter Nalich, again took 11th place in Norway in 2010, probably because the song was frankly boring and clearly not in the format of a European competition. Such a deafening failure, like that of Alexei Vorobyov in 2011 in Germany, the Russian representatives have not had since the 90s. The artist took 16th place, and even several high-profile scandals were associated with his name.

Unexpected decisions

After three failures in a row, the producers had to come up with something obviously new and unusual, and they decided to make the most unexpected move that Russia had ever made at the Eurovision Song Contest. The participants of all seasons were more or less young artists, which cannot be said about the Buranovsky Babushkas that hit Europe in 2012. The fervent team of Russian old women took second place, which no one could have guessed for sure. And in 2013, Russia sent a young and talented winner of the Voice project to the competition, who took 5th place and entered the top ten, which was also a pretty good result.


All participants of the Eurovision Song Contest in Russia over the past 10 years have not experienced such pressure as the domestic representatives of 2014 and 2015 due to the aggravation of the situation in the world and the general political situation. Despite the fact that music is out of politics, Europe perceives our country in the last two years more hostile. Perhaps this factor influenced the fact that the Tolmacheva sisters last year took only 9th place at the Eurovision Song Contest in Denmark, although their song and number as a whole were quite strong. But Polina Gagarina this year managed to get silver and take second place, which the whole country was very proud of, because now they are especially worried about their representatives in Russia.

The organizers of Eurovision had a good goal: to merge the countries of Europe that were scattered after the Second World War in a single musical impulse. In 1956, the first competition was held, and the place was chosen in the best possible way: the action took place in Lugano, the southern city of Switzerland, distinguished by its diplomacy. The victory was also received by the representative of this country - Liz Assia with the song Refrain. The show has never been canceled since this year.

Eurovision rules

The participants are required to have a live sound (there can only be accompaniment in the recording), an original three-minute composition and no more than 6 people simultaneously on stage. You can sing in any language. Participants must be over 16 years old: since 2003, the Junior Eurovision Song Contest has been founded for underage musicians (participants children's competition 2006, the Tolmacheva sisters represented Russia at the adult competition in 2014).


The show is broadcast live, and after that, SMS voting begins, allowing you to choose best performers. Depending on the number of voters, participants receive from 12 to 1 point from each of the countries (or do not receive a single point if they are not voted for). And six years ago, music experts joined the audience: five professionals from each country also vote for their favorite songs.

Sometimes countries receive the same number of points - in this case, the number of 10 and 12 points is taken into account. By the way, in 1969, when this rule had not yet been taken into account, four countries were declared winners at once: France, Spain, the Netherlands and Great Britain. The rest of the participants did not like it much, so now the jury is choosing the favorite more carefully.

Eurovision countries

Only countries that are members of the European Broadcasting Union (hence the name of the competition) can participate in Eurovision, that is, it is not the geography that matters, but the channel that will broadcast the show live. For many who wish, this regulation becomes a serious obstacle: Kazakhstan, which applied for membership in the EBU, was not approved by the organizers of the competition.

The Eurovision organizers do not advocate for new participants at all, but this does not interrupt the appetite of many countries dreaming of participating in the contest. Compared to 1956, the number of performers has increased 9 times: instead of 7 states, 39 are now competing. By the way, Australia will enter the stage this year. The green continent will be presented for the first time in history by singer Guy Sebastian. The only "but": in the event of Australia's victory, they have not yet been allowed to host Eurovision at home.

But there are those who are never denied participation: these are the countries of the so-called "Big Five", which includes the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. These states never tremble for qualifying performances and always automatically find themselves in the final.

Eurovision rejections

"Eurovision" is an expensive pleasure, so the most common reason for countries' refusals is economic. In second place is politics, which intervenes in the competition every now and then. For example, Armenia refused to send its musicians to Baku in 2012 due to strained relations with Azerbaijan, and Morocco was not shown at the competition for a long time due to conflicts with Israel.

There are those who do not want to go to the show, accusing the judges of bias. The Czech Republic turned out to be the most dissatisfied country: since 2009, the state stubbornly avoided Eurovision (in three years of participation, the Czechs scored only 10 points in total), and only this year decided to try their hand again.

Turkey said no this year, with a backlog of complaints. Muslims are unhappy with the victory of the bearded Conchita Wurst last year and Finnish Krista Siegfrids' lesbian kiss with her backing vocalist, which was captured by cameras during the semi-finals in 2013.

Famous participants of Eurovision

Many performers believe that Eurovision is a stepping stone to world popularity. In fact, the competition, even if it gives a few seconds of fame, gives few people a chance to become truly famous. There are also pleasant exceptions. For example, in 1974 swedish band ABBA, at that moment unfamiliar even within their native country, won first place with the song Waterloo. This victory instantly brought the team success all over the world: 8 singles of the group, one after another, firmly established themselves at the top of the British charts, and in the USA, three albums of the quartet became gold and one platinum. By the way, the Waterloo hit in 2005, thanks to the vote of viewers from 31 countries, was recognized as the best Eurovision song in history.

Celine Dion was already a star in Canada and France by the time of the competition. The victory in 1988 with the song Ne partez pas sans moi (the singer represented Switzerland) expanded her geography: Dion's records began to be sold in Asia, Australia and most European countries, and made her think about recording singles in English. Approximately the same story happened with the Spaniard Julio Iglesias, who in 1994 reached fourth place with the song Gwendolyne, and then learned to sing in Portuguese, French and Italian and made himself known in Europe.

The Brainstorm group, which took third place in 2000 (by the way, these were the first performers who performed in the competition from Latvia), Eurovision, if not opened the whole planet, but allowed them to successfully tour Scandinavia and consolidate their success in Eastern Europe, the Baltic states and Russia.

It also happened vice versa: when performers with a name took part in a music competition, but did not achieve leadership in the competition. So, Tatu, despite encouraging forecasts, took only third place, the British Blue became 11th, and Patricia Kaas - eighth.

Eurovision scandals

They like to criticize Eurovision: the first places are probably bought, the lyrics are unoriginal, and the countries vote not for the composition, but for their neighbors. Even texts, behavior and appearance some of the contestants.

In 1973, fans of the Israeli singer Ilanit were seriously worried about the life of the singer. On the eve of the contest, the singer received threats from Islamic radicals who made no secret of the impending attack. Nevertheless, the performer took the stage, having previously put on a bulletproof vest. Fortunately, nothing dangerous for her life did not happen.

In 2007, a scandal arose around the Ukrainian participant - the singer Verka Serdyuchka (aka Andrey Danilko), in whose song the words "Russia, goodbye" were heard. The culprit of the story herself explained that the text contains the phrase Lasha Tumbai, which means “whipped cream” in Mongolian. Be that as it may, Verka's performance turned out to be prophetic: relations with Russia deteriorated sharply, and now the singer is a rare bird in our area.

And the Spaniard Daniel Dihes was “lucky” to be the victim of a bully in a red cap Jimmy Jump, who usually breaks into football matches to make the audience laugh and get into the frame. In 2010, Jimmy chose Eurovision as the venue and snuck onto the stage during Daniel's performance. Jimmy flaunted in front of the cameras for a full 15 seconds, until the shocked guards began to act. Dihes (who hadn't lost his temper during Jump's antics) was allowed to sing one more time.

Non-standard participants of the show, representatives of sexual minorities or alternative musical genres, also attract attention to themselves. Several times such musicians managed to win, which angered many spectators, but did not cancel their victory. In 1998, it was transgender Dana International from Israel; in 2006, hard rockers Lordi caused a wave of irritation, and last year Thomas Neuwirth became a bone of contention, who appeared on stage in the form of a woman with a beard Conchita Wurst.

Last update: 05/11/2016

The debut year for Russia at Eurovision was 1994. The honor to become the first participant of the contest representing our country was awarded to the singer Masha Katz also known by the pseudonym Judith. In Irish Dublin, she performed the song "Eternal Wanderer" and took 9th place.

Masha Katz was a member of such groups as "Quarter" and "League of Blues", as well as a backing vocalist of many famous Russian performers. She gives concerts, teaches vocals, takes part in dubbing films and cartoons. He has the title of "Voice of Russia".

In the next 1995, at Eurovision, which again took place in Dublin, Russia was represented by the popular crooner Philip Kirkorov. With the song "Lullaby for the Volcano" he took 17th place.

Philip Kirkorov is one of the most famous Russian performers, National artist Russia, winner of many prestigious awards, ex-husband famous singer Alla Pugacheva. Today, Kirkorov is engaged in producing and performing with concert programs.

AT 1996 the singer and composer had to go to the competition Andrey Kosinsky, however, his song "I am me" did not pass the additional qualifying round.

Andrey Kosinsky is a composer from St. Petersburg who has written songs for many famous variety performers, such as Valery Leontiev, Group "A" Studio, Alena Apina, Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Boyarsky.

AT 1997 represented the country Alla Pugacheva. Having performed the song "Diva", she took 15th place. Initially, it was supposed to be performed Valeriy Meladze however, he fell ill.

Alla Pugacheva began her singing career back in the 1960s, and later became famous throughout the country. Her repertoire includes more than 500 songs. She is - People's Artist USSR, has many awards, in particular, was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The next time Russia participated in the competition only in 2000. From our country, a young singer from Tatarstan participated in Eurovision Alsou, who at that time was not yet 17 years old. Alsou was waiting for a triumph - her song "Solo" took 2nd place in the competition.

Alsou, daughter of a businessman and former senator Federation Council Ralif Safin, start musical career at the age of 15 and almost immediately became popular. Until 2006, no one could repeat her achievement at Eurovision.

AT 2001 Russian rock band went to Eurovision "Mummy Troll" with the song "Lady Alpine Blue" ("Lady of the Blue Alps"). She took 12th place in the competition.

The Mumiy Troll group was created Ilya Lagutenko in Vladivostok back in 1983, however, it became popular and widely known only in the late 1990s after the release of the Morskaya album. The band continues to tour to this day.

AT 2002 on the song contest spoke Russian pop group "Prime Minister". Having performed the song "Northern Girl" ("Girl from the North"), the quartet became the tenth.

The Prime Minister group was formed in 1998, and gained popularity in 2000. It included Jean Grigoriev-Milimerov, Pete Jason, Vyacheslav Bodolika, Marat Chanyshev. Since 2005 they have been known as "PM Group". A new composition was recruited into the Prime Minister group.

In "Eurovision" 2003 participated popular both in Russia and abroad group "t.A.T.u.". At the competition in Latvia, the group performed the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask" and took 3rd place.

Group "t.A.T.u." was created in 1999 by the producer Ivan Shapovalov. The group included Julia Volkova and Elena Katina. Originally "t.A.T.u." shocked the public with the image of girls with gay, but subsequently abandoned it. This group has achieved recognition far beyond the borders of our country, however, since 2010, Volkova and Katina began to perform solo, although they performed together in 2012.

AT 2004 to the most popular in Europe musical competition the graduate of the TV project "Star Factory - 2" went Yulia Savicheva. Her song "Believe Me" ("Believe me") took 11th place.

Singer Yulia Savicheva became famous after she reached the final of Star Factory - 2 in 2003, and although she did not become the winner, her career was quite successful. To date, she continues to record albums, act in films, and participate in television projects.

Another member of the "Star Factory", singer Natalia Podolskaya, represented Russia at Eurovision in 2005. With the song "Nobody Hurt No One" ("No one will hurt each other"), she became 15th.

Belarusian pop singer Natalya Podolskaya in the early 2000s actively performed at various music festivals, such as " Slavic Marketplace"In Vitebsk, and in 2004 she got to the" Star Factory - 5 ", after which she became famous in Russia. Podolskaya is the wife of a famous pop singer singer Vladimir Presnyakov and often performs with him.

AT 2006 Eurovision participant from Russia Dima Bilan just a little was not enough to win the famous competition. Having performed the song "Never Let You Go" ("I will never let you go"), he became the second. Europeans liked the costumed rock band more that year Lordi from Finland.

Singer Dima Bilan (real name - Victor Belan) began his career in pop music in the 2000s and gained immense popularity. He went to Eurovision already famous performer and continues to tour to this day.

AT 2007 a little-known group went to defend the honor of Russia at that time "Silver"(SEREBRO), which performed quite successfully with the song "Song # 1" ("Song No. 1") - it became the third.

The group "Silver" (SEREBRO) was formed in 2006 by the producer Maxim Fadeev and a member of the "Star Factory" Elena Temnikova. In addition to Temnikova herself, the group included Olga Seryabkina and Marina Lizorkina. Before Eurovision, the group did not perform anywhere, but thanks to a bright start, it immediately became quite popular. In 2009, Marina Lizorkina left the team, she was replaced by Anastasia Karpova.

AT 2008 went to Eurovision again Dima Bilan and this time he returned to his homeland in triumph. His song "Believe" ("Believe") took 1st place - Russia won the competition for the first time. Bilan did not perform alone on stage, a figure skater participated in the performance Evgeni Plushenko and Hungarian violinist and composer Edwin Marton.

AT 2009 Eurovision was first held in Moscow. Russia was represented at the competition by another graduate of the Star Factory - the singer Anastasia Prikhodko. She sang the song "Mamo" in Russian and Ukrainian and ended up in 11th place.

Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko participated in the TV show "Star Factory - 7", after which she gained fame.

AT 2010 national qualifying round passed Music band singer Petra Nalich. Nalich went to Eurovision with the song "Lost and Forgotten" ("Lost and Forgotten") and took 11th place.

Peter Nalich did not participate in the TV show and did not have famous producers. He became famous thanks to the Internet - after he posted on YouTube in 2007 a video he made himself for his own song "Guitar". The video was included in the top 20 most viewed Russian clips of the portal in November 2007. After that, the musical group began to give concerts and record studio albums.

AT 2011 singer participated in Eurovision from Russia Alexey Vorobyov with the song "Get You" ("Win you"). Vorobyov's participation in the competition was accompanied by a number of scandalous incidents; in the end, he performed far from successfully, taking 16th place.

Alexey Vorobyov began his musical and acting career in the mid 2000s. In 2005, he reached the final of the Secret of Success competition on the Rossiya TV channel, and in 2006 he starred in the television series Alice's Dreams on MTV. A year later, he received the MTV-2007 Discovery Award.

AT 2012 The team went to Eurovision "Buranovskiye grandmothers". Singing grandmothers in national costumes even before the start of the competition were considered favorites. They made a huge impression on the audience and with the song "Party for Everybody" came second.

"Buranovskiye Babushki" is a folklore musical group from the village of Buranovo, Udmurtia. Grandmothers sing songs in Udmurt and Russian, including re-singing famous hits.

In 2013, Russia was represented by singer Dina Garipova- winner of the TV show "Voice" on Channel One.

All Eurovision winners from 1992 to 2016.

0:40 - Irish singer and TV presenter Linda Martin won the 1992 Eurovision Song Contest with "Why Me".
0:57 - In 1993, Ireland won again - Irish singer and TV presenter Neve Kavanagh took first place with the song "In Your Eyes".
1:15 - In 1994, the Irish duet of Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan won with the song "Rock" n "Roll Kids".
1:38 - Secret Garden won the Eurovision Song Contest for Norway in 1995 with "Nocturne".
2:02 - 1996 - and the winner is again Ireland. Irish singer Aymar Quinn with the song The Voice brought the seventh victory to his country.
2:21 - In 1997, the British-American pop-rock band Katrina and the Waves brought victory to the UK with the song "Love Shine A Light".
2:41 - In 1998, the Israeli singer Dana International with the song "Diva" brought the first place to Israel.
3:03 - In 1999 Swedish singer and actress Charlotte Nilsson, representing Sweden in the contest with the song "Take Me to Your Heaven", won first place and brought victory to her country.
In 2000, the duo from Denmark, the Olsen Brothers, won the palm. Brothers Niels and Jürgen Olsen performed the song Fly on the Wings of Love, which brought Denmark the first place.
In 2001, the Estonian duet consisting of Tanel Padar and Dave Benton entered the Eurovision stage with the song Everybody. The hip hop team 2XL was on backing vocals. The musicians brought the first ever Estonian victory in the competition.
In 2002, the victory at Eurovision left for Latvia. It was won by Marie N - Latvian singer of Russian origin Maria Naumova, with the song I Wanna.
In 2003, the Turkish pop star Sertab Erener ascended the podium with the song Everyway That I Can.
In 2004, the winner was the representative of Ukraine - the singer Ruslana. Her performance was a real sensation thanks to the incendiary song Wild Dances. Vile dances
In 2005, luck smiled at the Greek Elena Paparizou - with the song My Number One, she brought Greece first place.
In 2006, the Eurovision Song Contest was rocked by heavy hard rock chords, and hot Finnish guys in costumes of mythical monsters appeared on the stage and performed the song Hard Rock Hallelujah. Creation Lordi bands literally blew up the public, and Finland took first place.
In 2007, Serbian pop singer Maria Sherifovic performed the song on mother tongue. Her “Prayer” was heard, despite the fact that it was not spoken in traditional English for the competition, and Maria brought victory to Serbia.
In 2008, luck smiled and Russian pop singer. Dima Bilan was the first winner from Russia. His song Believe and the spectacular number made a big impression on the audience.
In 2009 at Eurovision the first place was taken by the singer and violinist Belarusian origin Alexander Rybak, who represented Norway. Rybak performed the incendiary song Fairytale, which was very liked by many viewers and brought victory to Norway.
In 2010, the representative of Germany Lena Meyer-Landrut with the song Satellite became the undisputed favorite of the competition.
In 2011, the Azerbaijani duet Ell & Nikki, which includes Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal, brought first place to Azerbaijan with the song Running Scared.
In 2012, Swede of Moroccan-Berber origin Loreen won Sweden with the song Euphoria.
In 2013, the Danish singer Emmylie de Forest brought victory to her country with the song Only Teardrops.
In 2014, many Eurovision fans were in for a real shock. The bearded singer from Austria Conchita Wurst took first place in the competition with the song Rise Like a Phoenix. The real name of the singer who hides under this pseudonym is Thomas Neurwit.
In 2015, Sweden's Mons Selmerlöw won the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Heroes. Even before the final vote, many called the singer "the king of the stage."
In 2016, the winner of Eurovision was Ukrainian singer and actress of Crimean Tatar origin Jamala. With the song 1944, she brought Ukraine first place.

Eurovision All participants of Russia since 1994.

1995 Philip Kirkorov "Lullaby for the volcano"
At Eurovision 1995, Russia was represented by pop singer Philip Kirkorov.

1997 Alla Pugacheva "Diva"
In 1997, Alla Pugacheva represented our country, performing the song "Diva" she took 15th place.

2000 Alsu "Solo"
In 2000, Russia is represented by a 16-year-old singer from Tatarstan - Alsou, who was waiting for a triumph - her song "Solo" took 2nd place in the competition.

2001 "Mumiy Troll" "Lady Alpine Blue"
In 2001, the Russian rock band Mumiy Troll went to Eurovision. With the song "Lady Alpine Blue", the group took 12th place.

2002 "Prime Minister" "Northern Girl"
The pop group "Prime Minister" performed at the song contest in 2002. Having performed the song "Northern Girl", the quartet became the tenth.

2003 t.A.T.u. "Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask"
In 2003, the group “t.A.T.u.”, popular both in Russia and abroad, participated in Eurovision. At the competition in Latvia, the group performed the song "Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask" and took 3rd place.

2004 Julia Savicheva "Believe Me"
In 2004, they sent a modest graduate of the TV project "Star Factory - 2" Yulia Savicheva. With the song "Believe Me" she took 11th place.

2005 Natalia Podolskaya "Nobody Hurt No One"
Another member of the Star Factory, singer Natalya Podolskaya, represented Russia with a rock-style song "Nobody Hurt No One". At the competition, Natalia became the 15th.

2006 Dima Bilan "Never Let You Go"
Eurovision participant from Russia in 2006 Dima Bilan performed the song "Never Let You Go" and became the second.

2007 "Serebro" "Song #1"
In 2007, the unknown group "Silver" went to defend the honor of Russia, which performed quite successfully with the song "Song # 1" - it became the third.

2008 Dima Bilan "Believe"
In 2008, Dima Bilan again went to Eurovision and this time he returned to his homeland as a triumph. His song "Believe" took 1st place - Russia won the competition for the first time. Bilan did not perform alone on stage, he was assisted by figure skater Evgeni Plushenko and Hungarian violinist and composer Edwin Marton.

2009 Anastasia Prikhodko "Mamo"
In 2009 Eurovision was held in Moscow for the first time. Russia was represented at the competition by another graduate of the Star Factory - Ukrainian singer Anastasia Prikhodko. She sang the song "Mamo" in Russian and Ukrainian and ended up in 11th place.

2010 Peter Nalich "Lost and Forgotten"
In 2010, Russian singer Petr Nalich represented Russia at Eurovision with the song "Lost and Forgotten" and took 11th place.

2011 Alexey Vorobyov "Get You"
In 2011, Russian singer Alexei Vorobyov participated in Eurovision with the song "Get You".

2012 "Buranovskiye Babushki" "Party for Everybody"
In 2012, the Buranovskiye Babushki represented Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Party for Everybody", which they performed in Udmurt and English. They made a huge impression on the audience and eventually became the second.

2013 Dina Garipova "What If"
The winner of the TV show "Voice" Dina Garipova in 2013 took 5th place at the Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden, performing the romantic ballad "What If".

2014 Tolmacheva Sisters "Shine"
In 2014, twin sisters Anastasia and Maria Tolmacheva performed from Russia with the song "Shine" and took 7th place.

2015 Polina Gagarina "A Million Voices"
In 2015, Russia was represented by the winner of the "Star Factory-2" Polina Gagarina with the song "A Million Voices" and took the honorable 2nd place.

2016 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
In 2016, our country was represented by singer Sergey Lazarev and with the song "You Are the Only One" he took third place.

2017 To represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, the final of which will be held today on May 13 in Kyiv, was supposed to be singer Yulia Samoilova, but Ukraine banned the Russian participant from entering the country.
Russia is not participating in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017.

Eurovision 2017 final: countries and participants, performance order

The full list of participants in the Eurovision 2017 final looks like this:

1. UK - Lucy Jones, Never Give Up On You
2. Germany - Levina, Perfect Life
3. Spain - Manuel Navarro, Do It for Your Lover
4. Italy - Francesco Gabbani, Occidentali's Karma
5. France - Alma, Requiem
6. Ukraine - O.Torvald, Time
7. Australia - Isaiah Firebrace, Don't Come Easy
8. Armenia - Artsvik, Fly With Me
9. Azerbaijan - Dihaj, Skeletons
10. Belgium - Blanche, City Lights
11. Greece - Demi, This is Love
12. Cyprus - Hovig, Gravity
13. Moldova - Sunstroke Project, Hey Mamma

14. Poland - Kasia Mos, Flashlight
15. Portugal - Salvador Sobral, Amar pelos dois
16. Sweden - Robin Bengtsson, I Can't Go On
17. Austria - Nathan Trent, Running On Air
18. Bulgaria - Christian Kostov, Beautiful Mess
19. Belarus - NAVIBAND, History of Maygo Zhytsya
20. Denmark - Anja Nissen, Where I Am
21. Croatia - Jacques Hudek, My Friend
22. Norway - JOWST, Grab The Moment
23. Netherlands - OG3NE, Lights and Shadows
24. Hungary - Yotsy Papai, Origo
25. Romania - Ilinka and Alex Florea, Yodel It!
26. Israel - Imri Ziv, I Feel Alive,

Eurovision 2017 final: favorites, bookmakers' opinion
Bookmakers continue to accept bets on the winner of Eurovision 2017, notes. According to the rating, the victory of Italy is predicted, which is represented by Francesco Gabbani with the song Occidentali's Karma, EurovisionWorld reports.

The second place can be taken by Salvador Sobral from Portugal with the song Amar pelos dois.

Third place - the representative of Bulgaria Christian Kostov with the song Beautiful Mess.

Channel One will not show the broadcast on its air due to the fact that earlier the SBU banned Russian participant Yulia Samoilova from entering Ukraine.

Watch online final"Eurovision 2017" May 13, 2017 at 22.00 Moscow time on the sites and

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