How to contact the other world and how to talk with the soul of a dead person? Communication with the afterlife is possible.

Relatively recently, a method of communication with the dead has become widespread - instrumental transcommunication (ITC) or the phenomenon of electronic voices (EPG).

Its essence lies in the fact that almost every person is able to contact the afterlife and communicate with the soul of a deceased loved one. To do this, you do not need to have any psychic abilities or perform magical rituals with the invocation of otherworldly forces. Everything is quite simple ... and at the same time difficult to understand, since this phenomenon has not yet been studied ...

To communicate with the subtle world, it is enough to have a little patience, to own a computer at the level of an average user, to have a microphone and headphones.

There are many developed methods of transcommunication, but they are all based on the same basic principles - the recording and processing of audio signals. The source material can be white noise of radio waves or an overlay of several audio broadcasts of radio stations online (from 4 to 8), for example, in English, or phonemic audio blanks.

I want to focus on the experience of using only multitrack method, which, in my opinion, is the most accessible, understandable and best in terms of quality of perception. This technique, based on the Audacity audio editor, with all the settings, is described in detail on the Svitnev family website ( - article dated 08.10.2011), so there is no point in reprinting it here. But first, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my practice of ITK.

How it works in 2 words: set up the appropriate software, connect a microphone and turn on the phonemic preset (I used a recording of 8 English-language radio stations, mixed into one). Next, bring the microphone to the speaker at the maximum distance BEFORE the background appears in the speakers. Mentally or aloud ask questions and start recording. After that, you process the received recorded sound with any audio editor (in our case, free Audacity) and listen through headphones.

Important nuances and personal observations:

1. When listening, you must use in-ear headphones that are inserted into the ear (vacuum).

2. It is advisable to use a desktop computer with a separate plug-in microphone.

3. Be sober, rested and emotionally calm.

4. Communication is carried out unilaterally, that is, first you ask a question, then you process and listen to a 20-30 second recording, and this takes 5-10 minutes.

5. It is advisable to personally know the interlocutor during his lifetime and ask him to get in touch. Otherwise, you may simply be frightened or offended by individuals from the lower layers of the subtle world.

6. This is a connection for one person. It happens that you clearly heard a phrase and let a friend or relative listen to the recording, but he does not hear it or hears something completely different. Nobody really knows why this happens. Probably, this is somehow still connected with telepathy, as well as individual characteristics of perception. But it is already reliably known that it is the interlocutors of the subtle world that form the communication channel with us, it is they who adapt to the maximum to the characteristics of our mind and specific equipment.

7. In recordings made by the multitrack method, voices are almost always heard, duplicating or clarifying information from the main interlocutor. They can go as if in the background or foreground of the main voice.

8. On the other side there are so-called "stations" - groups of entities with whom you can also communicate. Through them, you can ask to get in touch with a deceased loved one. In Russia and the countries of the former CIS, the most popular station is Sanchita. They communicate in Russian with voice-over voices. Of the Russian-speaking ones, there are also Energetika, Cosmos, Time Stream, etc.

Examples of communication with the dead (communication with Sanchita from 01/09/2014)

Records were processed in the same way. For better perception in each file I duplicated the phrase 4 times.

1. The question was asked about what kind of world they have - wave or material.
Answer: You will be surprised at our world, our world as usual (better), only differently. (male and female voices speaking)

2. I asked if the theory of corpuscular-wave dualism is correct?
Answer: This is nonsense, you understand?

3. Sanchita, this is Sanchita. (Several voices sound at once in the foreground and background)

4. End of communication.

5. Shared uncut audio track. There are many interesting things in it. At the end, part of the phrase is even in English: “After all | let "s meet late at night | better." Translation: let's meet late at night.

It is hard to believe that people receive messages from the other world, but it is a fact. I, too, was rather a skeptic - until I witnessed such a contact in St. Petersburg. I wrote about this in three June issues of the newspaper "Life" in the current 2009 year. And calls came from all over the country - readers beg for the address of scientists who are engaged in similar experiments.
Since it is impossible to answer everyone by phone and e-mail, I will try to fulfill your request through my personal diary. I had to resuscitate him for the sake of such a case.
Here is the website address of the Russian Association for Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK), a public organization that researches the phenomenon of electronic voices:
Through this site, you can contact the head of RAITK Artem Mikheev and his colleagues. But I want to warn everyone - research is still at the experimental stage. Keep in mind that RAITK is not an occult services firm, its members are engaged in science.
And a personal request from me - do not rush to independently try to make contact with another world using modern technologies, this is still the lot of a few scientists. Believe me, the load on the psyche unprepared for such contacts is very high! Maybe it’s enough for you to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of friends and relatives who have gone to another world? Take comfort in the fact that the soul is immortal. And separation from people dear to you who have gone to another world is only temporary.
And now I am posting - also at the request of readers - a digest of my notes on the instrumental connection with the other world.

Bridge to another world
A sensational experiment by Russian scientists made it possible to hear a voice from the other world.
Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Svitnev and his colleagues from the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK) have done what until recently seemed mystical.
They developed a way of information communication with the deceased. With the help of specially designed devices and a computer, scientists have built a bridge to another world, where everyone who lived on Earth goes. This contact made it possible to finally give an answer to the most secret answer - is there an afterlife? And what awaits our souls there?
- It is impossible to die, we are all alive. We have a world of harmony and justice, - the subscriber from the next world answered the scientists.
Electronic equipment, snatching these words from imaginary non-existence, distorted the speech, but Vadim and Natasha Svitnev, their children Pavel and Yegor, immediately recognized their native voice, soft and kind:
- This is our Mitya!
Dmitry Svitnev died in a car accident when he was twenty-one years old.
There are five of us: father, mother and three sons. Five rays, five fingers of one hand, and together - a whole, a family, - Natalia Svitneva wrote in her diary. - Healthy, happy, cheerful, young, on the threshold of a radiant tomorrow. Do we need paint to describe what befell us on October 10, 2006 at 10 pm on the Peterhof Highway and why, from all the acceleration of our happy life, we flew into the complete darkness of despair, fear and confusion?! What happened divided our life into two parts: "before" and "after" ...
... Natasha Svitneva and her husband Vadim, like the author of these lines, belong to the generation that was brought up as atheists in their childhood as a Young Pioneer Komsomol.
- There is no God, there is only that which is material! - hammered strict teachers. There is no soul, only the body!
We firmly memorized - if the heart stops for more than five minutes, life ends. And everything that is beyond the grave, heaven and hell - mythology, "priest's tales." We were then taught to consider ourselves meat ...
But are we just thinking carcasses? Without a soul, without God's eternal spark? After the death of their son Mitya, his parents asked themselves this question many times.
What is death - a transition to another world or a point, the end of the existence of a person? Vadim and Natasha Svitnev would give anything in the world just to hear Mitya's native voice at least once.
Vadim read about the experiments carried out around the world by enthusiasts who tried to get in touch with dead people using technical means. And he was surprised to learn that such geniuses as Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla tried to build a “radio bridge to the next world”.
Vadim was delighted to learn that back in 1959, Friedrich Jurgenson was the first to record the phenomenon of electronic voices - he recorded the voice of his dead mother on a tape recorder. Jurgenson called his method of communication with the "world of the dead" "instrumental transcommunication".
Svitnev found followers of Jurgenson in Russia. The meeting with the head of the Russian Association for Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK) Artem Mikheev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was a major event for Vadim and Natasha. And not only for them.
- This is fate, - says Artem. - The Svitnevs managed to do what researchers all over the world have been struggling with for five decades. They did not just come into contact with another world. They have established a targeted relationship, stable and strong. And their son Mitya became the operator from that side ...
- Our son passed into another world on October 10, 2006, - says Natalia. - A was born on January 1, 1985. Almost mirror dates. And on the Internet, his nickname was the four letters MNTR. This is a mirror image of the name Mitya. In addition to these, there are many other incredible numerical and logical coincidences that convince us that the plots of all the stories that we live are written by the hand of the One Creator. And nothing is impossible for God. As for boundless love...
Mitya Svitnev responded from the other world to the call of his parents - the equipment of the Transradio complex accepted his voice.
- Svitnevs, finally we waited! - sounded words from the other world.
- I asked questions into the microphone, writing down the answers on a laptop, sometimes the answers came before I had time to ask out loud, - says Vadim. - Then they told me "from there": "Ask questions mentally, we hear you well." This is something like a station on the other side, which they themselves call "Energy". Mitya, his friends and our parents speak to us from another world. It's unbelievable, but it's actually happening...
Vadim Svitnev invented a multi-track method of communication with the other world, which significantly improved the quality of communication. The first phrase he adopted from there to the modernized equipment was the clearly pronounced words: “Those who conquered fear, answer!”
Svitnev realized that his method was working successfully, that he was on the right track.
Well, thank God you figured it out! - answered Vadim from the next world son. Everyone at the station is cheering!
Prospects for transcommunication, according to Svitnev, are opening up very broad.
- This is the first step towards creating a permanent bridge to the next world - says the scientist. – A technical way has been opened to create a miniature microprocessor receiver like a cell phone.
Vadim Svitnev spoke about his research at a scientific conference in St. Petersburg. Here are his conclusions, verified by the experience of more than three thousand audio recordings of communication with the afterlife (Vadim calls it the Subtle physical) world: “God exists, and everything in the Universe happens according to his plan. There is no death in the Universe, but there is only a transition from one space-time continuum to another by throwing off denser shells, while all the accumulated individual qualities and memory are preserved. From the Subtle World they watch us, listen and record every thought of any person on Earth, therefore it is important to realize the purity of thoughts, speech and actions.
“Our communication takes place in a relaxed manner, as in ordinary life,” Vadim and Natasha Svitnev explain. - We discuss our family affairs with our son, calm down, support each other in turn, joke, congratulate on the holidays. Mitya's lively voice is the most generous reward for our faith, which has not been broken by long months of cruel testing. Mitya told us many times: "I'm back!" For almost a year and a half now, our full-fledged dialogue with the other world has been going on, achieved through daily persistent experiments, trial and error. We dare to say that it is becoming less and less otherworldly for us. This is what we hear from the other side - this is just a grain of a grandiose and beautiful world that has opened up before us.
Here are just a few phrases taken from the other world:
"We, the dead, who missed our death, are in touch."
“I am Mitya. I survived!" "I have already returned! I'm completely alive here."
“Happiness awaits us. There are doors here, you can open them.
"You and I are radiant with the Lord."
"The main secret of our connection is the Heart."

Our world is separated from the world of the dead by an invisible wall. What awaits us beyond it - heaven, hell or non-existence, emptiness? These questions have always worried and will worry mankind.
- There is life too! - claimed the prophets of world religions. – The soul is immortal, because it is a part of God…
For thousands of years people have believed in an afterlife. But faith is just a dream. Only now it has become the truth, confirmed by experience. There are revelations about the afterlife both in the Holy Books and in the writings of the Church Fathers. The Apostle Paul, having been in the next world, said that he "heard inexpressible words that a man cannot retell."
“Everything is perishable – only one happiness beyond the grave is eternal, unchangeable, right,” wrote St. Theophan the Recluse.
Descriptions of ordeals of souls in the afterlife, hellish torments, bliss in paradise are considered by atheists to be legends. They had nothing to say before. Documented evidence appeared only half a century ago, when resuscitators learned how to start stopped hearts. And they can no longer be dismissed - they say, fiction. Patients resurrected by doctors have presented evidence that consciousness persisted after death. A person continues to feel like a person, watching his body from the side!

I had to interview people who had experienced clinical death. Policeman Boris Pilipchuk, nun Antonia, engineer Vladimir Efremov - they are very different people, they never knew each other. But everyone brought their news from the other world, which made it possible to prove that they were telling the truth. Pilipchuk - the date of birth of the future son, Anthony - a revelation about the fate of his ex-husband, Efremov - an invention that brought the State Prize to his team.
The most amazing thing is that none of them were afraid of death anymore - they talked about the other world with joy. How about a journey to a beautiful country where there is no pain, where love reigns...
Each of them did not stay there for long - resuscitation is effective only after two or three minutes. But, according to the resurrected, in eternity, the passage of time was not felt.
- What I saw is only a tiny part of the boundless multidimensional world! - Vladimir Efremov described what he experienced in a state of clinical death.
“Eternal life awaits us,” said the survivors of death. And in their eyes I saw some special light - they shone with tenderness and love for all people.
“What eternity will be like for us depends on what has been accomplished on Earth,” Nun Antonia affectionately assured me. - After all, hell is the pangs of conscience from unredeemed sins ...
- The soul sang from the joy of closeness to the Lord, - said the policeman Pylypchuk. This is the greatest blessing...
Today, we can back up their stories with other evidence—messages that researchers have learned to accept from another world. Scientists in many countries have established a connection with the afterlife with the help of technical means. This radio bridge is no longer a fantasy, I watched it work in St. Petersburg with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears. I testify: no trick, no quackery. Real contact! Getting in touch with the deceased, researchers receive not just greetings from relatives and friends, but knowledge from the other world. They step by step open the afterlife unknown to us, like polar explorers - Antarctica.
- There is no fear and horror, - candidate of technical sciences Vadim Svitnev analyzes messages from the next world. - There is harmony and justice everywhere.
Vadim Svitnev makes contact with another world with the help of a computer – from a gigantic chaotic set of sounds embedded in memory, meaningful answers to the questions asked (even mentally!) Are formed in some incomprehensible way.
- This connection does not depend on distance, - explains Svitnev. - Remember the great discovery of quantum physics - the phenomenon of nonlocality. Its essence is that between two elementary particles, if they are generated by one source, there is a connection that does not depend on distance. Perhaps contact with the other world is explained by interdimensional information interaction, justified by the laws of quantum mechanics.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Artem Mikheev, head of the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (RAITK) and his colleagues are already receiving targeted messages from people who have gone to another world. The most striking example of such a connection is the son of Vadim Svitnev Mitya, who left for another world in 2006, he constantly contacts his parents through a radio bridge. There is no doubt in the family that it is he: his intonations, his characteristic words are the most reliable password. His mother filled out ten thick notebooks in which she records communication sessions with her son.
Here are the phrases received by Russian scientists from another world. They testify - leaving the body, people continue to live in eternity. And help those who are still on Earth.
“Close to us. Patience helps to fulfill desires. I am completely alive here. Death is not a significant farce. It's impossible to die. I want to be believed. You run in the fog. See you in the future. Who calls people mortal? Your thoughts come to us. You will never die. The dense worlds are seen as coalesced snowdrifts. You have exhausted the bad reality. Believe me, you can help. We are not different in the future. I have not seen death.

Everything here is different than you imagine! - something like this, as if by agreement, contactees from the other world answer the question about the structure of the afterlife. – Different physics, different relationships, everything is different.
- Of course, it is difficult for them to explain to us what our mind is not yet able to understand in short messages, - says Artem Mikheev. “Probably the same as teaching physics to a Neanderthal. But, if we summarize the messages received, we can try to imagine what happens to those who have gone to another world. But remember that you can’t rush there, suicide is a grave sin, everyone must go through their earthly path to the end. As contactees from the next world testify in their messages, they were met in the next world by close people - to console, to make it clear that they are not alone. In the first forty days, the deceased finds his new essence, he again feels healthy and young. All lost organs, hair, teeth are restored. But this is not an earthly physical body, it has other properties, it can pass through obstacles, instantly move in space. Memories of earthly life persist, even those that we thought were forgotten. Sex differences between men and women remain. But love has a different character - children are born only on Earth. There are animals and plants too. There is the highest technique, art. Whoever wants to do what he loves, using the experience gained in earthly life. Everyone learns, constantly developing spiritually - from the more experienced and enlightened, from the higher hierarchs, from the angels. All actions have a divine meaning. From there, from eternity, they take care of the earthly world - a training ground for the education of immortal souls ...

It is the transition of a person to another dimension. Change of measure - that's what death is.
People don't die, they move into . We will never know what death is. We will only be able to see the death of another person. We will never see our own death.
At the time of death, all the subtle bodies of a person move to the astral plane, to the dimension in which we are during sleep. And then, after 40 days, the person must go to prepare for the new birth. To the dimension where its potential is rewritten into a new incarnation.
If a person was a materialist, strongly attached to the house and relatives, things, then it will be very difficult for him to go for reincarnation. He will live in the same house in a subtle body, lie down in the same bed, sit down at the table during dinner with everyone, in a word, he will cause anxiety to his relatives, they will feel it, but they will not be able to understand anything with their minds.
In this case, it is necessary to mentally turn to the deceased, explain that he needs to go for reincarnation, wish him happiness, health, and all the best in the next life and ask him to leave.
When a person regrets the dead, their death, he does not let these dead go to the next life - he does not let go. And since he does not let go, he must provide nourishment for the essence of this deceased with his energy.
Not only does a person no longer have enough of his own energy to implement life plans, but also the energy of a deceased person begins to influence life, habits, views, unrealized plans of a deceased person begin to appear.
Very often, a person feeds with his energy not one dead person, but a whole crowd of deceased relatives, acquaintances, artists and other famous people: everyone whose death he has ever regretted.
And every year this crowd grows and grows, and health becomes worse, many unresolved problems and unfulfilled plans appear, interest in life disappears, heaviness, chronic fatigue, etc. appear.
There is a huge number of dimensions in which a huge number of living beings live.
Whether a person believes in the afterlife or not, it does not matter. After death, he will still get there and make sure for himself that he exists.
If a person during his life was a believer, spiritual, pious, aspired to the light, to the higher worlds, then he will fall into them after leaving the gross body. If you believed in Jesus Christ - you will fall into his world, in Allah - you will come to Allah, if you strive for nirvana - you will have nirvana. If you believe only in people, relatives and friends, then you will stay with them on Earth.
The orientation of our mind and desires for the Universe is a law.
If a person did not believe in either God or the devil, then he will not get anywhere, he will remain in limbo.
If a person during his life filled his mind with anger, envy, greed, hatred, committed disgusting deeds, then he will fall into the worlds of the lower astral plane, in which there is a strong mental pressure on consciousness. A person experiences severe mental anguish, as if his head is being clamped in a vise and slowly squeezing begins.

Where you go - there you will come. If you're going nowhere, you'll get there. Go to the light during life, so that later you do not find yourself in the darkness of ignorance.

Sometimes in my classes I propose to show people where their dead relatives, friends, relatives ended up. When they see those dimensions in which people experience terrible torment, the first thing they ask is: “How can I help them?”
It is very simple, if you have the spiritual power of the mind, then your only wish is that this person turn his consciousness to the Creator, accept the Spiritual Energy - the Holy Spirit, repent of all his actions and thoughts, and direct his consciousness upward, to the Higher worlds, as immediately you will see how he climbs the pillar up. One condition is important, if a person really realized and did everything that you told him, otherwise he will have to hang out there and suffer for a long time.
Do not watch action movies and horror films during your lifetime, do not communicate with rude, angry, touchy and ignorant people. Do not even look at them, at their faces, do not listen to their speech. Whatever you see and hear enters your mind.
Communicate with clean, bright, cheerful people who are full of enthusiasm, positive, love, joy. If you are lucky and you meet a real saint on this Earth, accept him as you can not worry about your future. He will take you where he goes. He will gradually make you holy (from the word light). The divine man goes to God.
Think about where you will go after death?

Programs for releasing the dead:

1. I release regret for all deceased relatives, loved ones, friends whose death I regret (a).
2. I wish you happiness, love, health, peace and prosperity in your next incarnation.
3. I ask the Higher powers to direct these souls to the light.
4. Turn mentally to the deceased relative and ask him to leave your field and go where he is supposed to.
5. Imagine that you cut off all invisible connections with the dead, that you are not connected to anyone, that no one can connect to your field and feed on your energy.
6. I appeal to you, all the dead people associated with me.
7. Go into the dimensions you are supposed to go into.
8. I wish you to get a new body in which you will be happy.
9. I forbid you to feed on my energy.
10. Accept the Holy Spirit, the highest energy, and go to the highest, bright, pure, spiritual worlds. Spiritualize your mind, turn to the Creator and ask for his blessing.
11. Repent for the sins you have committed, accept Spiritual energy and go to the space and time in which you are supposed to leave, stop being on Earth and feed on my life energy.
12. I wish you all the very best. Happiness to you, love and health in the next incarnation, love and light, peace and tranquility in your souls.
13. My aura is cleared of all creatures and entities, I establish protection against the introduction of creatures into my field.
14. I realize that you can not regret the death of people, regretting the death, I keep this person near me and do not let him go further.
15. (Imagine an elevator in front of you, a column of golden, spiritual energy leading to heaven, to other dimensions. Imagine how all your deceased relatives and close people who left the body enter it and go up through the channel of spiritual energy.)

Quite naturally, the human consciousness perceives Eternity as a kind of space surrounding everything material. In this regard, its level structure seems to us as the most acceptable for perception. Apparently, therefore, representatives of the other world are trying to convey information to us on the basis of just such a perception. However, if we leave aside the discussion about terminology, the resulting picture is understandable and accessible to everyone.

The level closest to physical substance is usually called the astral or ether. As for a person specifically, he is, as it were, a part of him, that is, in other words, we all exist simultaneously in the physical and spiritual worlds, between heaven and earth, so to speak. It would be logical to assume that a person has not only a bodily shell, but also a more refined one - the astral one, in which there is an even more refined substance - the soul. But more on that later.

As for the vital activity of the physical body, everyone knows about it from the school bench, from biology and anatomy textbooks. However, human life is not limited to this alone - the astral body in the process of life produces astral energy, or, in other words, life force.

This energy, constantly produced by the astral body, is in a static state (similar to static electricity) and goes into a dynamic state only during communication (by analogy, again, with static electricity, which forms a discharge only when grounded or in contact with a metal object).
Human life, therefore, is, in a simplified sense, from the point of view of energy balance - a constant process of accumulation and expenditure of energy - physical and astral. For the first, food and drink are necessary, for the second - communication with the surrounding material world and the Universe. Death terminates the existence of the first, and the second breaks the connection with reality. The astral body is released from the physical shell and transposed into a new quality - the soul, which has a connection only with the Universe. This process is described in sufficient detail by people who have experienced clinical death. Naturally, they do not describe its last stage, because they only get to the level closest to the material substance, their astral body still does not lose touch with the physical body, and they are not fully aware of the fact of death. The transposition of the astral body into the soul is called the second death. After that, the soul goes to another world. Once a voice from the other world so directly told me: "I have experienced the loss of the body twice."
The soul, entering the new world, discovers that it consists of several new realities, or levels, intended for souls with different degrees of "development". What it means to be on one level or another - I will try to explain further.


It is also called the first new reality, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the general situation here is in many ways similar to the material world. This is quite natural, for the soul must be prepared to finally move to another world. If you like, this is a kind of “purgatory”, where for some time the soul awaits its further movement into Eternity, and at the same time receives “some instructions” on how to behave further.

However, this does not mean that the souls of all the dead fall on this level. Here only those who have not found true peace and balance before death. So, one of the souls who found themselves here told me: “We need to achieve balance, otherwise the lower level will hold the soul and begin to educate ...” In order to start moving to higher levels, it is necessary that the soul be in synchronous communication with them, in other words, it must "ripen" in order to comply with them.

Take, for example, a person who in this life was a thief. After death, he falls into a kind of dark substance filled with phantoms, which now and then play out very unsightly scenes from his earthly life in front of him, related to his “specialty”. Naturally, a person wants to get out of this “theater” as soon as possible, however, until his consciousness “finally admits” all his “mistakes in life”, he will not see freedom. The lower level influences the consciousness of the thief, trying to change it, perhaps even resorting to moralizing examples, allowing you to "communicate" with those who have already "corrected" or who immediately got to higher levels. What is the period of re-education - it is difficult to say. One thing is clear: just the desire to leave the "correctional institution" is not enough. According to otherworldly contactees, only the first reality itself can determine when to release the soul to freedom. In short, until the soul is ready to “go free with a clear conscience”, it will have to continue the course of “purification” at a lower level. So the poor thief will have to "steam on the bunk" until he finally repents of his earthly deeds.
By the way, there are no strict teachers or overseers here who monitor how carefully the instructions are received and followed by the wards of the lower level. Yes, and it is impossible to download or write off here. The "all-seeing eye" sees deep into the soul and pierces through thoughts; until they are as pure as rock crystal, there will be no transfer to the next class. Here, however, not only representatives of "criminal professions" are waiting. Mean people with base instincts in this reality will also be met "with readiness". Alcoholics, drug addicts, perverts and other "dregs of society" will have to undergo a "course of treatment and rehabilitation" here. Rapists must fully understand the essence of violence against others. In short, all deeds come out and you have to answer for everything!

As voices from the other world reported, some souls stay on the lower level for a short time, quickly realizing their mistakes and delusions made during life on the way to a higher goal. You can be sure that no one will be kept here in vain and everyone will see everything that they have done during their earthly life. Those whose relatives or acquaintances have died by committing suicide should not despair: the Universe is limitless, and for the soul experiencing this drama, there is a place to calm down. Another thing is that this soul will have a hard time at the first level for a long time.

In other words, the difficulties of the transition to higher levels are determined primarily by the near-death state of a person. Some, for example, willingly, quite consciously, sacrifice their lives for the sake of their fellowmen. "There is no higher virtue than to lay down one's life for one's neighbor." So suicide, in the broad sense of the word, suicide is different.

From the point of view of the theory of reincarnation, the soul gets the opportunity to choose if there is a desire to repeat the life path and get rid of the bad aspects of karma. However, this choice appears only after the soul leaves the first level and rises to the next, which is called the level of flowering. Thus, the lower level serves to bring the soul into a state of harmony so that it can move to higher levels of Eternity. But the time of purification for each soul that got here has its own time.
Therefore, discard all superstitions about hell and eternal torment - souls must and can move to higher levels, constantly climbing "to the mountain where the garden of Eden blooms."


Having overcome all the difficulties of the transitional period of stay at the first level, the “purified” soul, together with other “pure” souls, enters the next level, called the level of flourishing. However, it is difficult to find terminology in the earthly language that is adequate to the descriptions of the next world by its representatives. Although if you imagine a picture of the full flowering of nature that opens before your eyes in the second half of summer, on a quiet clear day, then it probably best fits the descriptions of otherworldly contactees who communicated with me.
At this level, the majority of souls live in complete harmony and happy bliss. At this level, as at the lower level, there is a process of thinking, but here no one is engaged in training and re-education. Thinking allows souls at this level to create for themselves any “air palaces and castles”, plant paradise gardens and enjoy “bathing in azure lakes”. In short, to do whatever your heart desires, including solving unresolved earthly problems in your own way. As one of the voices told me: "Here we create everything beautiful."
Our imagination involuntarily draws ideal cities brought to absolute perfection, inhabited by souls living in perfect harmony with each other and with everything that surrounds them.
Here they feel very well the closeness of the Creator, but He is still invisible to them. “We know God, but we do not see Him, despite our closeness to Him,” a representative of the flowering level informed me in one of the messages. “There are higher levels where souls come into contact with the Creator.”
In general, as a result of analyzing information from this level, I got the impression that the souls on it live the same life as on earth: they go to the cinema and the theater, listen to music, read and write, meet and talk in places very similar to our cafes. They can even “eat and drink” if they wish, although, of course, no one feels either hunger or satiety here.
Loving couples can continue to live a life together here, enjoying spiritual unity and communication - all physical needs, of course, remain only in memories of earthly existence. However, it is known that over time, memories associated with bodily needs disappear.
There are no language barriers here - communication takes place, as we say, purely telepathically. And therefore, complete spiritual unity reigns.
In this regard, it is reasonable to assume that it is thanks to the possibility of telepathic communication that we have the opportunity to establish contact with representatives of the afterlife. I will talk more about this later.
Most of the messages we want to receive come from the flourish level, while the unwanted messages seep in from the lower level.
Naturally, the question arises about the essence and purpose of the flourishing level. Apparently, this is not the final destination of the human soul, but just a kind of "antechamber" of Eternity, where the knowledge of the Great Creator only begins. By the way, the training of the soul also takes place here - however, unlike the lower level, it brings joy. Voluntary knowledge of the secrets and wisdom of the universe takes place in an atmosphere of love and harmony. Each new lesson brings one closer to the Creator, the knowledge of Whom is considered a great reward and the highest good, the goal of everything. What kind of coercion can be here?
It is quite obvious that at this level the self-education of the soul in terms of cognition of the Truth of Truths does not end. And if we switch to earthly analogies, then here the souls receive only a primary education. The main universities are yet to come. It turns out that such a feature of human nature as the thirst for knowledge, raising one's intellectual level, is also very important in the afterlife. And if a person on earth studied, as they say, through a stump-deck, then he is unlikely to succeed in heavenly learning. "There are no limits to knowledge and self-improvement!" - only with such a motto to the soul, as they say, a direct road to paradise, to the knowledge of the unknown.
You can, of course, postpone your earthly universities until the afterlife - this will certainly be taught in that world, but is it worth wasting time there, contemplating how other souls with ever-increasing grandeur move towards the garden of Eden? Wouldn't it be better here, on earth, during this life to know “what is good and what is bad”, in order to only improve in the heavenly sciences there?
Being at the level of flowering, the soul can decide to make the process of reincarnation, if it deems it necessary to "take the course of life again". Preparations for this process will begin after "Level Management has been made aware of this decision". So, at one of the sessions using a magic crystal, a voice from the other world said: “To return, you need to decide on it, and then forget it.”
Before the preparation for reincarnation begins, the soul must decide what it would be useful for it to know anew during the new life. After that, for her, "the selection of a body" will begin, which is born in an appropriate life and time situation. As they say, in order to “learn the hardships of poverty”, it does not make sense to “instill” this soul into the body of a newborn in the family of an oil magnate. However, there are many points of view regarding the intricacies of the process of reincarnation. As for the representatives of the other world, they do not have specific information on this matter. The only thing I managed to learn from them is that the transformation takes place in the period between the decision to reincarnate and the birth of a new person. It is clear that at this moment the soul becomes "childish", which, in fact, is confirmed by voices from the afterlife. When the “body is picked up”, the transformation of the “consciousness of the soul” begins, and it not only forgets everything that it saw in the other world at the level of flowering, but also becomes like a newborn. Otherwise, what kind of “second life” could we then talk about? Look at a newborn - because he knows nothing, knows nothing and does not remember.
However, not every soul decides to reincarnate; who successfully passed exams in earthly universities, received a decent attestation at the lower level (if he did not pass it externally) and at the level of flourishing, and, moreover, is full of desire to learn the Truth further, begins to move to higher levels.


“Our holy goal is union with God!” - under this motto live all the souls who have reached high spiritual levels. Life - both on earth and in heaven - has its own meaning for everyone, and everyone pursues his own goal in it. Therefore, all the efforts of the soul to grow, improve and approach the main goal are very important and do not go unnoticed by the All-Seeing Eye.
Analyzing the recordings of conversations with otherworldly contactees, every time I catch myself thinking that the Great Creator is doing everything so that we, His creations, feel His presence literally at every step, realize His boundlessness and power, love and care. The advancement of the soul through the levels is not a whim of the Almighty, not a neglect of it, but a strict, methodical preparation for a "meeting at the highest level."
As you might guess, high spiritual levels are the very “gates to paradise”, and therefore it is quite natural that the Angel standing near them with his fiery sword drives away those souls that have not yet completely got rid of the remnants of the “earthly ideology of thinking”. At high levels, no one is building their "castles in the air" and does not create around themselves the "idealized life" that they dreamed of on earth. The souls that have entered the gates of paradise settle down on the heavenly spiritual levels, where existence and communication are built on a purely telepathic mental connection, and the souls themselves, throwing off their “earthly clothes” in anticipation, are dressed in robes of light and energy of the Creator. Robes in which it is not a shame to appear before the Creator.
Information from these levels is very scarce. I think everyone understands why: it is not easy to descend from such heights to the consciousness of a sinful and unworthy person. Let me remind you once again that we can and should receive all the information that interests us from the level of prosperity. I believe that the fact that from higher levels it is not difficult for souls to descend to lower ones does not require special comments, although in the human mind such a descent resembles an exit from a dry, warm and comfortable room to the street, where autumn bad weather is raging. However, souls cannot rise above “their” level: as they say, you cannot jump above your head.
Thus, we receive all information about high spiritual levels from those “good souls” who, having descended from their heights, communicate to us the will of God either through souls that are at the level of flowering, or directly through a “direct connection”. So, almost everything that happens at high levels is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. From fragmentary information, one can conclude that from these levels to our sinful earth, many souls had the good fortune to contemplate the greatest prophets who visited mankind. In addition, these levels are the final stage of the journey through the afterlife of an individualized soul. At the next stage, it finally unites with the Creator of all things and will never return in its former form. Therefore, we no longer have any information from her. The only thing left for us is to believe in the reunion of the soul with its Creator, as in the return of the prodigal son to his father's house.

Do you know how to talk to the soul of a dead person and open a portal to the afterlife? Since ancient times, people have tried to establish a connection with other dimensions, in various ways to call the souls of the dead for dialogue. But is it really possible or is it just a fantasy?

In the article:

How to talk to the soul of a dead person?

Everything unknown and mysterious throughout the history of mankind attracted people. And what could be more amazing and unreal than a dialogue with the deceased? That is why for a long time fortune-tellers, sorcerers and magicians have tried to find the most effective way to contact the soul of the deceased.

In some cases, a person can enter into a dialogue even against his will. Perhaps the spirit of the deceased will come to speak on his own and the person will not have to make any effort for this. To date, there are a lot of stories about how living people receive messages from the subtle world.

The deceased can come to your dream of his own free will, on his own in order to convey some important information. In addition, you can call a person into your dream. It is enough before going to bed to ask the deceased for help, to tell him to come to you.

Spiritualism as a way to contact the soul of the deceased

One of the most popular and sought-after (due to its simplicity and effectiveness) ways to contact the other world is a seance. Several variants of this ritual have survived to this day.

Often performed in the company of several people. To do this, you need a special board (with a pointer) on which the letters of the alphabet, the numbers of the word will be displayed: “Hello”, “Farewell”, “Yes”, “No”.

However, there are many variations of this method. Instead of a pointer, they can, a special charmed needle, a saucer. Often, instead of a professional board, a sheet of paper is used, on which all the necessary signs and words are written in a circle.

Experts still recommend resorting to such a method not on their own, but in the company of a person who has already made contact with the other world. At least it will keep you safe. In addition, a more experienced practitioner will better understand the mood of the spirit, its readiness to talk, will be able to compose the right questions and better decipher the answers received.

How to open a portal to the underworld?

Probably the easiest way to open a portal to the afterlife is to perform a ceremony using a mirror. For those who are familiar with magic and have been involved in the invocation of any entities, this method is familiar.

Very important:
if you use this method, be sure to protect yourself in advance. Standing in front of a mirror, draw a protective circle around you using salt or chalk. This is necessary, since anyone can come after the called soul from the other world. This "anyone" can not only quietly slip into our world, but also attack you.

Next, you need to peer into your reflection in the mirror, and then say who you are calling and for what. Wait a few minutes and listen to your feelings. Some people say that after that they began to see another reflection in the mirror, the silhouette of the called person.

Others claim that the fact that the soul has come can be felt. You will feel the presence of another person in the room, you may even hear the characteristic smell with which this person is associated, you may even hear her voice.

The spirit can announce its presence in any way, so listen to all your feelings. After the spirit appears, you can talk to him, ask what you want.

Very important
: when the dialogue is over, the spirit must be sent to another world. Often, if you make contact with a person with whom you had a good relationship, then he understands that he cannot linger in this world and leaves on his own. However, for safety net, it is better to say goodbye to the soul and ask her to leave.

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