How to make runes. How to make runes with your own hands: a master class

When dividing a single piece of wood into separate plates, it is necessary to lay down the fact that these plates should be made in excess. For example, if you are cutting a classic futhark of 25 runes, make about thirty plates for this. Making runes is a very responsible process, and it is possible that some runes cannot be cut the first time. For this, you need a reserve.

From the point of view of magic, carving runes is a process of interaction between two elements - wood (ether) and metal (air). If the runes are not cut out, but burned out, then instead of metal we are dealing with the element of fire. Before you begin the process, make sure that your interaction with these elements is harmonious. The harmony of interaction with the element of wood (ether) is checked at the stage of selecting the source material. Harmonization with respect to metal or fire is achieved through meditation on the cutting edge of a blade or a burning candle. In the process of meditation, it is necessary to reach a state in which it is quite difficult for you to separate yourself from the blade or from the flame. At the same time, a certain degree of concentration is necessary, since it is not your task to cause accidental fires. The next necessary component for carving or burning runes is an entry into contact with the higher beings of the runic world. One of the gods of the runic egregor or one of the influential inhabitants of one of the runic worlds can act as such creatures. The classic approach is to get a rune-carving blessing from Odin, Thor, or Freya. From the point of view of ritual magic, it is necessary to dedicate the carved runes to one of these higher beings. The position of the rune cutter should be that we cut runes not for ourselves and not on our own whim, but for the sake of Odin and for his glory. It is necessary to receive feedback from the deity, which can be expressed in a change in our state or in any signs that appear to us through the material world. For example, at the moment of thinking about the runes, a bird may fly past the window, thunder may sound outside the window, a loud sound may be heard, or another event that may attract our attention. Having dedicated your thoughts to Odin, you need to feel whether this sign is a blessing or, on the contrary, warns us against actions that are currently undesirable. Those who have direct experience and skills in working with energy channels can take the state by attuning to the channel formed when contemplating the corresponding runic mandala. Adepts of bioenergetic practices - by turning on the Sun or Mars, they can receive a blessing to create runes from interaction with a channel laid to the Sun or Mars. Remember that the sign of the quality of the rune cutting process is your being in an altered state of consciousness. You can also increase interaction with the god whose blessing will extend to your work by dedicating food or drink to this deity, followed by the use of the dedicate.

If you have a ritual blade, then perhaps this is the best fit as a carving tool. Do not forget to just make sure that the forces manifested in our world through this blade do not contradict the letter and spirit of the runic contract.

The plates on which the runes are carved can be lightly sanded, soaked in oil and varnished. These procedures are useful if you do not plan to feed this rune set with your own blood. Sanding, impregnation and varnishing are subject to the same laws as cutting or burning. Except that in this case we will deal with the elements earth and water. Harmonizing meditation on the element Earth is attunement to complex patterns of natural or artificial origin. A harmonizing attunement to the element of water is meditation on the surface of the water. It is desirable that the oil and varnish be consecrated. Consecration is possible through the dedication of a given substance to a deity. The bioenergetic practice of charging this substance from the channel of the deity, the Sun or Mars will also help. During the period of time until the oil has been absorbed and the lacquer has not dried up, it is the most fertile for bioenergetic charging, since it is at this time that the matter of the processed plate retains a certain amorphousness, on which it is easy to impose an energy charging structure.

If you decide to do rune magic or rune divination, you need at least one set of runes. You can buy a ready-made kit in the store, or you can make it yourself.

Moreover, given the low quality of ready-made runes sold in occult stores, I strongly recommend making a set with your own hands. However, in the manufacture of runes at home, there are some subtleties. We will talk about them in more detail below. So how do you make runes? Rune material.

The main rule is that the material for making runes must be of natural origin. Very high quality runes are obtained by making them from hardwood. This material is quite widespread and easy to process. If you decide to make runes from wood, then choose the breed that suits you. This can be done, for example, according to the horoscope of the druids. In fact, wood is practically the only “living” material available for processing, apart from skin and bone. However, the skin is quite difficult to process, and the bone suitable for processing is very difficult to get in our time. You can also use clay. It is convenient in that it easily changes shape, and after final processing it becomes hard as a stone. However, it should be remembered that after firing, the clay becomes brittle and, therefore, your runes can be easily damaged.

Another rune material is stone. Very high-quality runes come out of the stone, but it takes an extremely long time to make them, because the stone is extremely difficult to process. Instead of carving runes in stone, they can be painted. In this case, the paint should be chosen resistant to liquid and abrasion. Another natural material for making your runes is metal. However, making runes from metal is still not recommended.

Other materials - paper, plastic, rubber, concrete, synthetic resins, plasticine - are unsuitable for making runes. They are not natural, so working with them will be difficult, inconsistent, and most importantly, inefficient. What kind of paint to use. It is not necessary to paint over the marks obtained on your blanks, but it is desirable. When coloring, the symbol of the rune will differ from the material from which it is made, so the image will turn out clearer and more contrasting. In addition, when coloring a rune symbol, the rune receives a certain energy charge, which is essential in the process of magical action. Aesthetically colored runes look much more pleasant, and the feeling of runes in the process of divination is far from the last component of success.

There is an opinion that the most effective material for coloring runes is your own blood. It really is. By coloring runic symbols with your own blood, you kind of give them a part of yourself, a little of your own energy, and therefore your connection with the runes in the future will be much stronger, and the interaction will be effective. If you opted for ordinary paint, use only natural dyes, preferably red.

How to make runes. You have prepared the necessary materials and now you can begin the actual production of runes. I will say right away - haste in the manufacture of runes is unacceptable. No conveyor. Each rune must be crafted separately. First we prepare the rune itself, then we cut out the symbols on it, and finally we color the carved symbols. You should not do all the runes in one breath, for example, overnight, but you should not stretch the process unnecessarily either. Just pick your own rhythm for it process and do it at your convenience. Try in the process of making each sign to “feel” its essence, the material from which it is made. Try to merge with him as if internally. Imagine that this piece of clay (wood, bone) seems to be a part of you. Next, you should start processing and drawing the sign of the rune. When drawing a sign, try to think about its meaning and the message that these symbols contain.

Each rune should become for you not just a piece of clay with signs drawn on it, but a meaningful sign, a combination of meanings, some images and feelings. Then paint the rune, approaching this process in much the same way as the manufacturing process. After you have finished making the rune, look at it carefully. If something does not suit you, some parts do not like, then you should immediately get rid of this rune and start the process of its manufacture again. It is important that the runes that you have prepared are ideal for you, so that you like them and are close.

Keep your runes away from prying eyes. After all, if strangers look at your runes, or, God forbid, take them into their own hands, then the runes lose not only their energy invested by you in their manufacture, but also the connection with you, with your inner world, your essence. If someone begins to use your runes for their intended purpose, he will be able to use the energy that you concluded in them. Therefore, try to keep your runes in a secluded place. When transporting, keep the runes in a bag, which can be made either from leather or from dense matter tied with woolen thread. If you want to maintain the energy potential of your runes at the proper level, I advise you to take them out more often, touch them with your hands, look at them. These actions will support the energy of your runes at the proper level.

So I started writing the title and immediately the thought came to my mind - a lot of historical artifacts with runic inscriptions were found, objects with runic formulas were found, but I don’t remember that I heard that divinatory runes were found. But this is by the way.

Basic questions about how to make runes.

1 - Who?
2 - How exactly? Asking the question "how exactly" I mean the sacrament, a kind of ritual in direct production.
2 - Material and form.

Who should make the runes?

Well, everything is simple here. I will speak without vehemence and categorical. Make your own runes. The overwhelming majority think so. But this, in my opinion, is the main trap. Runes don't have to be made very easy. It would seem that he took a piece of cardboard, scissors and a pencil, and even with crooked hands, after 15 minutes you have a ready-made set. Will he work? I doubt it very much. The creation of such a tool should be shown the utmost respect. You can't cheat. The runes must be made with all diligence and diligence. And, in my firm opinion, such a thing must be beautiful.

Is it possible? It all depends on the point of view. There is no single answer. And not because I'm a person of interest. Just logic suggests that in ancient times it was possible to get runes in several ways. I don't think buying runes was "taboo". You can also look from this side: for example, you buy expensive and well-made runes. But in this case, you spend your money, and you didn’t find this money on the road, you worked for it, which means that there is a lot of your work in the runes that you buy. Just please don't waste your money on badly made hacks, these are common and worth every penny. It’s not a pity for money in this case, intentions will suffer.

How exactly to make runes?

Runes are undoubtedly a potentially magical thing. Do runes carry a magical charge when simply created? Don't know. But it may well be. Will the runes be filled with magical energy to the brim if you brandish a hammer when creating them, calling it Thor's hammer? I doubt.

I am writing this to the fact that in this case, as in any other case, it is necessary to include common sense. No need to blindly follow some "rituals" described (fictional) in many forums. Be critical. No one knows exactly what the rituals were. And those that were, I think, underwent significant changes in different areas or over time. If someone describes such a ritual in detail, then most likely he himself invented it. But what I am absolutely sure of is that in the business of runes, the most important thing is personal feelings. The fundamental point is your personal feelings. Your feelings are a guiding thread, a beacon in the night, a finger pointing. Listen carefully to yourself, your feelings, your inner voice and, I am sure, you will succeed without swinging a hammer and dancing with a tambourine. Blindly following invented rituals has never yielded a positive result. The same applies to the initiation of purchased runes for yourself. The same rules work. Just listen to yourself.

Well, what to make runes from?

Anyone who is interested in the topic of runes will be able to find a lot of information on the Internet. There are a huge number of options. Starting with wood and ending with dough. Usually the first thing that comes to mind is to make them from ash, with a knife dipped in their own blood. By analogy - Odin - spear - blood - Yggdrasil. This is the mythological side.

I suggest you look at the issue of material from a historical perspective. And what were the runes made of in those distant times. The options are actually the same as now. With the exception of some modern materials, such as plastics, I will write about it a little later.

So, from the point of view of historical reliability, the material for runes is primarily wood. Which one? It's already a matter of personal preference. For example, I really like working with hardwoods - oak, beech. Now you can buy any tree that your heart desires. From simple larch and birch to exotic African species. Wood itself is a very pleasant material. Warm, as if he remembers the hands that handled him.

Drawing runes on a tree in terms of historical accuracy, in my opinion, is primarily wood carving and your own blood. There are very simple methods, for example, burning out, or complex ones, for example, inlay. About the mass of other ways, I will not talk. For this, there are books on needlework and craftsmanship.

The second material is bone. Many items were made from bone. Runes, I'm sure, are no exception. The bones of a strong wild beast, which is a feat to kill, is an excellent material for runes. And what could be better than the bones of marine animals, the horns of a narwhal or the tusk of a walrus? For people whose life is closely connected with the sea, this is an ideal material. And sea water will not be able to spoil such runes. Real runes of the sea people.

You can make runes from a lot of other materials. Clay? Probably. Metal? It may well be. But most likely not iron. More like copper or bronze. For the rich - silver.

I am very skeptical about stone, as a material from which runes can be made. It's my personal opinion. If you like this option, please, everything is in your hands. The stone is quite labor-intensive material for processing. If you look for, as advised, 24 or 25 identical stones, then you will find them, not immediately of course. Inscriptions on stones made with paint, blood or varnish will not last long. And the stone is cold, not a living material.

Now, let's move away from historical realities and touch on a little modernity. Literally two words. You can make runes from plastic. There is such material. It is also called polymer clay. Very popular among needlewomen of all stripes. When you buy something made of clay and possibly stone, it is very likely that it is made of plastic. What is good about this material? Easy to work with, easy to buy. And yet, an important point, plastic easily imitates different materials. Clay, stone, such as marble and amber. They make very beautiful things “under amber” from plastic. No special knowledge is required for work, basic techniques are enough.

Two words about form. I don't think it should be round or square. In addition to aesthetics, here is another point: when divining in runic layouts, for a correct reading, the position of the rune is important: direct or reverse. In the case of round or square runes, difficulties may arise.


Runic magic today is of increasing interest to beginner esotericists, but before buying a practice kit, many of them are wondering how to make runes with their own hands, and in general, is it possible. We have created a detailed instruction for you with all the answers on this topic.

Why do homemade runes work better?

Any magical object that the esoteric comes into contact with during work interacts with the energy of its owner, thereby creating a strong energy connection that works in both directions: from the esoteric to the object and vice versa. It is not for nothing that there are special rituals for charging new Tarot decks, amulets, pendulums and other tools of magical work.

When a person makes a magical instrument with his own hands, he transfers much more of his own energy to it, which means that the object becomes closer to its master even at the time of creation. All this is fully applicable to the runes.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made kit, charge it and successfully use it in practice, but nevertheless, knowing how to make runes with your own hands will still be useful, because after some time you may want to work with your own hand-made futhark.

General rules for making runes at home

Before you make runes yourself, you should familiarize yourself with simple but important rules so as not to confuse anything in the manufacturing process and not nullify the result of your work.

  1. Ask yourself: Are you really ready to create your own kit? Remember that these are not toys, so the rule “I will try, and if it doesn’t work out, I will give up” does not work here. Once you start making runes, you must finish them.
  2. Practice drawing runic symbols correctly, since it will be impossible to correct the erroneous inscription on an already finished object (it doesn’t matter if it’s stone, wood or paper). In addition, the runes may simply not want to work with such a "careless" master. If you think that instead of a spoiled pebble, you can simply take another one, then you are mistaken - you should not do this. Some runologists argue that if you don't get one rune, then the whole set needs to be redone.
  3. Do not start crafting your own runic kit if you are sick or in a bad mood. Remember that rune making is not so much a technical work as it is an energy work, so you should feel good and have a decent supply of energy.
  4. Choose the right material for the set: it should be pleasant to you personally. The most popular runes are made of wood and stone, but paper is also quite suitable for the first experiment. There are craftsmen who make runes from polymer clay, leather, and wax.
  5. Take your time! Do not set yourself the goal of making the entire set in a few hours, better try to make the runes with your own hands in stages, without haste, because only this approach will be the most fruitful. This is a magical work, not an assembly line!
  6. Before you draw a rune directly on the material, hold all the blanks in your hands, look at them and try to feel which one is more suitable for this symbol. Do this with every rune.
  7. Remember that all vertical lines of the symbol must be drawn from top to bottom, and not vice versa, and diagonal and oblique lines - from left to right.
  8. While drawing the image of the rune, think about it, about its meaning, say its name aloud or to yourself - this will attract its energy to you and tune in to contact with it.
  9. Don't ask anyone for help! If you can't make your own runes, then it's better to just buy a ready-made set from the store and charge it. Making your own set is an individual process, not a collective one, so you should not involve an outsider in working on it, even if he is an artist from God or a wood carving master.

Wooden runes are considered the most popular, as this material is closest to nature. Those who have chosen wood for work immediately wonder which breed is best suited for a runic set. The correct answer is any! Focus on your own feelings, compare several different breeds, touch them, try to feel. However, some runologists believe that a set from the tree that originally grows in your area, and not imported from other countries, will work best. For Russia, these are birch, oak, elm, larch, maple, spruce, pine, willow and others.

If you have decided on the material, it is time to figure out how to make runes from wood with your own hands.

  1. Make wooden blanks. Usually they look like rectangular or oval dice of the same size in the amount of 25 pieces (24 Elder Futhark runes and one empty Odin rune). You can make them with a wood cutter.
  2. There are several ways to apply images of runes to blanks: cut them with a chisel, burn them with a wood burning machine, or simply paint with paint, or, as some masters advise, with your own blood. Some combine the two, such as cutting and painting.
  3. The finished rune can be sanded and varnished if desired. If you like colored runes, you can paint wooden blanks with paint before drawing the symbols.

Stone is the second most popular material after wood. Most often, to create your own set, pebbles collected on the coast of the reservoir, or natural stones are used. If pebbles can be easily matched to size, then with natural stones the situation is more complicated, so you have to spend a lot of time finding pebbles of the right size.

Pebbles are recommended to be collected early in the morning in a secluded place, for example, on a shallow or in a deserted corner of an old park near a pond. In no case do not pick up stones near cemeteries, on the ruins of buildings, on roads - such materials are saturated with negative energy, so they are not suitable for work.

And now about how to properly make runes from stone:

  1. Rinse all stones under running water and let them dry on their own.
  2. Prepare the surface of the stone for painting. To do this, cover the stones with a transparent varnish and let it dry. If you want the runes to be colored, use an oil colored varnish.
  3. After the varnish has dried, you can draw a symbol on the stone. It is better to do this with enamel paint - it is more resistant.
  4. When the enamel dries (after about a day), cover each rune with another layer of clear varnish. After the paint has dried, the kit can be charged and used!

How to make a paper rune kit

Those who are wondering how to make do-it-yourself runes out of paper are the luckiest, because this method takes a minimum of time. But at the same time, it is worth considering that a paper or cardboard set will not serve you for a long time, so such runes are only suitable as a first experiment and for those who are not sure that they will be doing runic magic all the time.

The algorithm for creating paper runes is simple: rectangles are cut out of thick paper or cardboard of the same size, after which runic symbols are applied to them with paint, a marker or their own blood (there are those who prefer this particular method). After that, the paper set can be laminated to make it last longer.

If you are thinking about how to make runes at home, but paper, stone and wood do not appeal to you, try turning to other materials. Do not listen to those who claim that only wooden and stone runes will work - all this is nonsense! In fact, your energy connection with runic symbols is important, and what material they will be made of is the tenth thing. The main thing is that you like them and you feel them.

So, if you didn’t follow the classics and decided to choose a different material, pay attention to the following options:

  • bone
  • metal
  • polymer clay
  • salty dough

The technology for making runes from bone, metal and leather, in principle, is similar to wood and stone: first you need to cut blanks with a suitable tool, and then apply runic symbols to them. It is generally easy to work with polymer clay and salt dough: the blanks are formed by hand, after which they are baked in the oven, then they can be painted with colorless varnish and, after drying, symbols can be applied to the prepared surface.

In fact, you need to charge a ready-made rune set bought in a store. Home-made runes are saturated with your energy even in the process of creation, so all that is needed is to leave the unfolded ready-made set on a white fabric for literally a day, after which you can already get to work.

But, if you are the type of people who definitely need some kind of ritual, you can use recharging with the help of elemental energy. The methods of such activation are different, and each runologist conducts this ceremony in his own way. The main thing is to use elements corresponding to the elements, for example, an incense stick or incense for air, water for water, a candle for fire, salt for earth. Carry the runes through the smoke from the incense, over the candle, sprinkle with water and hold in salt, while mentally or aloud turning to the desired element and asking her for help. You can come up with your own ritual - in runic magic this is allowed.

You need to store homemade runes in a special bag or box, away from prying eyes, for example, in a closed desk drawer. It is better to make a "house" for runes with your own hands. A beautiful wooden box is also suitable. After divination, do not forget to remove the runes, do not leave them lying on the table. And most importantly - do not give your runes into the hands of strangers, even if it is a member of your family, not a whole set, not one at a time. Runes are very sensitive to human energy, therefore, for proper operation, only their owner can touch them.

That's all. Now you know how to make runes and activate them. Good luck with your work!

So, you have decided to make your own set of Runes with your own hands. What kind of wood are runes made of? Which tree is right for you? You will find the answer in this article.

If, after reading, you still have questions or doubts, we will be happy to help you decide on the choice of wood species.


Beech is a symbol of ancient knowledge, revealed in relics, ancient temples, spells and manuscripts. Beech is a conductor from the past to the future, transferring knowledge from generation to generation. He is able to accumulate information and keep it in himself for centuries. In the esoteric tradition of the North, the runes Nautiz and Perth are associated with beech.

From the master: Beech is a hard tree, but has a soft, enveloping energy. Beech dice are very pleasant to the touch, you will feel it as soon as you take them in your hands. It's a pleasure to work with him. It is not as difficult to carve and burn on beech as on ash and oak - beech is not fibrous and, despite its strength, is quite soft to work with. If you have never carved or burnt runes, but want to do it on hard wood, then beech is the perfect wood for you. My own Runes were carved by me on beech. Beech is suitable for any person, there are no restrictions on interaction with it, unlike, for example, elm and oak.


Ash symbolizes the divine nature of mankind. Helps a person to find his true purpose. Activates energy for clairvoyance. It enhances the ability to foresee those who sincerely want to see their future. This is a tree of rebirth, renewal. The bright Runes of the Elder Futhark - Gebo and Vunyo are associated with it. The ash tree also personifies the connection of two worlds - the world of gods and the world of people, the spiritual world and the material world, and therefore it is connected with the Runes Ansuz and Evaz. Ash is a tree suitable for all kinds of divination and magic.

From the master: Ash is a hardwood. The structure of the ash tree is fibrous. It will take strength and skill to carve Runes on it. If you have never carved Runes on an ash tree, then you will have to be patient. Be sure to get a few spare dice for the main kit in case you can’t immediately cut out some of the Runes. Don't go to work when you're low on energy or haven't had enough sleep.
If you want to burn Runes on Ash, then this can be difficult for a beginner too. However, it is undoubtedly much easier than cutting. The tool must be well heated.
Applying Runes with paint is not difficult.


Elm in the esoteric tradition associated with the Gebo rune. Elm is an exclusively male tree, it gives preference to men. Elm supports and develops the spiritual qualities of a real man. This tree will help you develop any bold undertaking, support you in a new business, project. It gives strength to the persistent, stubborn and hardworking. Elm will also help you get rid of fuss, petty worries over trifles. One contact with elm will last you for many years. In the Middle Ages, knights made spears from elm, because it was believed that elm spears instill courage in a warrior and bring good luck in battle. In magic, the elm brings stability, support, and reliability to the spell.
It's important to know! Elm will not support someone who is not ready to take responsibility, is used to complaining and considers himself a loser. If you are not ready to fight, are in a depressed state, if you do not have mental and physical strength, and you think that you are chronically unlucky, pay attention to another tree, for example, an apricot.

From the master: Elm is a medium-density wood species. Its structure is quite isotropic and even slightly porous. Carving runes on an elm is not a big deal.


Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of longevity and great vitality. The esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with the oak - Turisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Oak is used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, achieving stable success. This tree can seriously change a person's life for the better.
Oak is also a powerful energy donor. It will give you as much energy as you can take from it. Calms the soul, balances the work of the heart and nervous system, normalizes blood pressure.
It's important to know! Oak is a tough tree. His aura is very powerful, but it only perceives healthy people well. If a person has a serious chronic disease or is seriously ill, then it is better for him not to interact with this tree. If we are talking about infrequent and mild ailments, but in general a person is healthy, then oak, on the contrary, will help balance the flow of energies in the body and strengthen health.
Oak prefers wrestlers, strong and healthy people. He will heal wounds and share a piece of his longevity.

From the master: Oak wood is reliable and durable, has a fibrous structure. If you want to carve runes into an oak tree, you must be prepared for some pretty difficult work. However, the results will justify the effort. Oak firmly holds the energy of the sign, carved runes will last you a lifetime.


Apricot is a donor tree with nourishing energy. This tree personifies the Sun, gives vitality, joy and harmony. Apricot makes a person kinder, softens his character and smooths out sharp corners in relationships with loved ones. Apricot is used to attract love, build relationships, establish mutual understanding. Protects against infidelity and unnecessary stress in a love relationship. If something oppresses you, or you are in a depressive, apathetic state, then the apricot will share its positive energy with you and inspire hope and inspiration in you. The tree has no contraindications, suitable for everyone.

From the master: working with apricot is easy and pleasant - its wood is pleasant to the touch, durable, not fibrous, and carving runes on it is not difficult.


Aspen- a tree that absorbs negative energy. This property of aspen is considered magical. Aspen helps fight evil spirits. Contact with this tree will protect your aura from harmful and dangerous influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, causeless anxiety, phobias. In magic, the aspen is considered a tree that averts death. It awakens the inner healing resources of a person, makes it possible to come into contact with one's true essence, to understand one's desires. It perfectly separates the superficial (masks of a person) from the real (the essence of a person). Absorbs pain, relieves negative emotions. If you attach a piece of wood to a sore spot, then it will draw out the disease.

From the master: Aspen has a rather soft wood, pleasant wood. Working with it will not be difficult even for a beginner.


Linden- symbolizes joy, warmth, tranquility, protection, harmony. Helps to get rid of depression, pessimistic thoughts, depressing memories. Protects relationships from quarrels, gives strength to resolve conflicts. Stabilizes the atmosphere in the house, cleanses the house of excess, unnecessary energy, takes all the negative "on itself".
Linden helps business people to negotiate, conclude successful deals and establish partnerships.
Linden will help a woman in childbirth, give the newborn health.

From the master: Linden - soft, light, pleasant to the touch tree. It is easy to cut on it even for those who have never tried to do it. However, if you are going to burn Runes, then be careful: the material is very soft, and you need to adjust the pressing force. Also, runes can be applied to the linden with paint.


Cedar has the most powerful energy. He is able to almost instantly help a person under stress: calm the nerves, give strength. Communication with cedar is also recommended for those who cannot cope with depression on their own: cedar will give mental strength, energy, restore the ability to feel joy and restore self-confidence. Cedar is an excellent protector from attacks by negative energy entities. It has cleansing properties, will help to recover from a long illness. Cedar was associated with immortality and fertility, because it was believed that its wood was not subject to destruction. Another property of cedar is help in improving the financial situation. A piece of cedar, placed in a pocket, purse or wallet, will be a kind of magnet for attracting money. The tree is suitable for everyone, has no contraindications.
From the master : cedar has a dense, strong and uniform structure, while being quite soft and comfortable to work with. Carving on cedar is relatively easy. This tree is also ideal for burning out.


Birch- a very gentle, soft, affectionate and compassionate tree. Despite this, she has a very strong influence, especially if you are in contact with her often or constantly. Birch protects from all misfortunes - physical and spiritual. This tree is used in healing. Birch is suitable for those who feel sick or weakened, it restores strength, relieves pain and suffering, helps to endure illness more easily, promotes recovery. Birch is especially good for women, young girls. It heals from female diseases, gives female strength, tenderness and attractiveness. Communication with a birch is useful for those who feel irritability, nervousness, as well as for those who are in apathy. Birch will relieve fatigue, give harmony, tranquility and balance. Birch is also known for its ability to protect against nightmares.
Birch has a good effect on newborns and babies: it protects them and cleans the "thin" space around the baby's crib. Pregnant women are also advised to keep in contact with this tree. A huge number of magical artifacts are made from birch. For example, amulets designed to protect against evil spirits.

From the master: birch has a fairly dense and uniform wood, pleasant to the touch. Working with this tree is not difficult, it is convenient to cut and burn it.


Pine- a tree of insight on the spiritual and intellectual levels. She supports in creative projects, plans. Relieves stress, treats nervous disorders, relieves feelings of guilt, irritation. This tree is cleansing - it cleans the energy space around a person, his aura, energy. To a person who really loves pine and to someone who comes to her for help with an open heart, she gives very powerful support. It slows down the flow of energies that cause aging. It is no coincidence that for many nations the pine is a symbol of immortality.
However, pine has contraindications: it can exacerbate angina pectoris, i.e. people who have severe heart failure should be more careful. However, this applies rather to long and close communication with a tree (for example, hourly walks through a pine forest).
From the master : As for working with this tree: the pine is not very tough, but fibrous. When working with it, special strength is not required, however, accuracy is required. It is very pleasant to work with this tree also because it has a pleasant coniferous smell.


Sweet cherry its magical properties are similar to cherries. She is also a symbol of love and is used in magic to attract love feelings. In ancient times, various rituals and divination were associated with this tree. These were rites of attracting love, divination by the number of years of life, and in some magical rituals, cherry juice was used instead of sacrificial blood. In Slavic languages, there are two different names for these trees - cherry and sweet cherry, however, in the languages ​​​​of the Romano-Germanic group, one word is used to designate them, which means "cherry". And cherries are divided into sour and sweet (which the Slavs call cherries).

From the master : sweet cherry is a fairly dense wood, similar in density to beech, but not so uniform, with beautiful veins from light to brown. It is quite comfortable to work with cherries.


Cherry is a symbol of love, passion, fertility. If you plan to guess about feelings and relationships, or make yourself a talisman for love, then cherry will create a suitable atmosphere for this and enhance the necessary energies. Cherry will also charge you with positive emotions, attract good luck. Is a donor, i.e. energizes a person. It is considered a "feminine" tree.

From master: Cherry in its structure and density is very similar to cherry, it is also comfortable to work with due to the fact that its structure is more uniform than, for example, oak, ash or pine. On the cherry it is convenient to both burn and cut. The pattern of the cherry is similar to the cherry, with transitions from light beige to brown, but overall has a lighter color.


The apple tree symbolizes love, healing, immortality, rebirth. In Scandinavian myths, the goddess of spring and youth, Idun, had a basket with rejuvenating apples, which she willingly shared with the gods, helping them to maintain eternal youth. The apple tree is also known as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. The tree is a donor, gives the ability to enjoy life, awakens sensuality.

From master: The apple tree is one of my favorite breeds. On an apple tree it is convenient to burn out and cut Runes. Surprisingly warm tree, uniform in structure, with a beautiful pattern inherent in many fruit trees.

I hope this article will help you decide on the choice of tree. In our workshop, you can always look at and choose blanks for making runes from the tree species listed in the article.
Wish you luck!

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