How does the author relate to Olga Larina. The image of Olga Larina

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" reveals the problem of the social society of those times. In this work, the main characters could not deal with their own feelings, depriving themselves of the right to happiness. One of these heroines with an unfortunate fate will be discussed.

The image and characterization of Olga Ilyinskaya with quotes in the novel Oblomov will help to fully reveal her difficult character and better understand this woman.

Olga's appearance

It is difficult to call a young creature a beauty. The appearance of the girl is far from ideals and generally accepted standards.

"Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty ... But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony."

Being small in stature, she managed to walk like a queen, with her head held high. The girl felt the breed, to become. She wasn't pretending to be better. She didn't flirt, she didn't fawn. It was as natural as possible in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Everything in her was real, without a drop of falsehood and lies.

“In a rare girl you will meet such simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed ... no lies, no tinsel, no intent!”.

A family

Olga was raised not by her parents, but by an aunt who replaced her father and mother. The girl remembered her mother from a portrait that hung in the living room. About her father, since he took her away from the estate at the age of five, she had no information. Becoming an orphan, the child was left to himself. The baby lacked support, care, warm words. The aunt was not up to her. She was too immersed in secular life, and she did not care about the suffering of her niece.


Despite the eternal employment, the aunt was able to set aside time for the education of the growing niece. Olga was not one of those who are forced to sit down for lessons with a whip. She has always strived to gain new knowledge, constantly developing and moving forward in this direction. Books were an outlet, and music served as a source of inspiration. In addition to playing the piano, she sang beautifully. Her voice, though soft, was strong.

“From this pure, strong girlish voice, my heart beat, my nerves trembled, my eyes sparkled and swam with tears ...”


Oddly enough, she loved solitude. Noisy companies, fun gatherings with friends are not about Olga. She did not seek to acquire new acquaintances, revealing her soul to strangers. Someone considered her too smart, others, on the contrary, narrow-minded.

“Some considered her close-minded, because wise maxims did not break from her tongue ...”

Not distinguished by talkativeness, she preferred to live in her shell. In that invented little world where it was good and calm. External calmness was strikingly different from the internal state of the soul. The girl always clearly knew what she wanted from life and tried to implement her plans.

“If she has any intention, then the matter will boil ..”

First love or acquaintance with Oblomov

First love came at the age of 20. The meeting was planned. Stolz brought Oblomov to Olga's aunt's house. Hearing the angelic voice of Oblomov, he realized that he was gone. The feeling turned out to be mutual. Since then, the meetings have become regular. Young people became interested in each other and began to think about living together.

How love changes a person

Love can change any person. Olga was no exception. She seemed to have wings behind her back from the overwhelming feelings. Everything in her seethed and seethed with the desire to turn the world upside down, changing it, making it better, cleaner. Olga's chosen one was a different field. Understanding the emotions and ambitions of a lover is too difficult a task. It was difficult for him to resist this volcano of passions, sweeping away everything in its path. He wanted to see in her a quiet, calm woman who devoted herself completely to home and family. Olga, on the contrary, wanted to shake up Ilya, change his inner world and his usual way of life.

“She dreamed of how“ she would order him to read the books ”that Stoltz had left, then read the newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, finish the plan for arranging the estate, get ready to go abroad - in a word, he would not doze off with her; she will show him the goal, make him fall in love again with everything that he stopped loving.

First disappointment

Time passed, nothing changed. Everything remained in place. Olga knew perfectly well what she was doing, allowing the relationship to go too far. It was not in her nature to retreat. She continued to hope, sincerely believing that she could remake Oblomov, adjusting the ideal man in all respects to her model, but sooner or later any patience comes to an end.


She is tired of fighting. The girl was gnawed by doubts whether she had made a mistake by deciding to link her life with a weak-willed, weak person incapable of action. Sacrificing yourself all your life for love, why? She had already been treading water for too long, which was unusual for her. It's time to move on, but apparently alone.

"I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me - and you died a very long time ago."

This phrase became decisive before Olga put an end to her relationship with her beloved, as it seemed to her, ended so early.

Stolz: life jacket or attempt number two

He was always for her, first of all, a close friend, a mentor. She shared everything that was going on in her soul. Stolz always found time to support, lend a shoulder, making it clear that she was always there, and she could rely on him in any situation. They had common interests. Similar positions. They could well become one, which Andrey counted on. Licking emotional wounds after parting with Oblomov, Olga decided in Paris. In the city of love, where there is a place for hope, faith in the best. It was here that she met with Stolz.

Marriage. Trying to be happy.

Andrei surrounded with attention and care. She enjoyed courtship.

"Continuous, intelligent and passionate worship of a man like Stolz"

Restored injured, offended self-esteem. She was grateful to him. Gradually, the heart began to thaw. The woman felt that she was ready for a new relationship, that she was ripe for the family.

“She experienced happiness and could not determine where the boundaries were, what it was.”

Becoming a wife, for the first time she was able to understand what it means to be loved and to love.

A few years later

For several years the couple lived in a happy marriage. It seemed to Olga that it was in Stolz:

"Not blindly, but with consciousness, and her ideal of male perfection was embodied in him."

But life stuck. The woman is bored. The uniform rhythm of gray everyday life was stifling, not giving way to the accumulated energy. Olga lacked the hectic activities that she led with Ilya. She tried to attribute her state of mind to fatigue, depression, but the situation did not improve, heating up more and more. Andrei intuitively felt changes in mood, not understanding the true cause of his wife's depressed state. Did they make a mistake, and the attempt to become happy failed, but why?


Who is to blame for what happens to us at a particular stage of life. For the most part, we are ourselves. In the modern world, Olga would not be bored and not obsessed with problems. At that time, there were only a few women with a masculine character. They were not understood and not accepted in society. She alone would not have been able to change anything, but she herself was not ready to change, being selfish in her soul. Family life was not for her. She had to accept the situation or let go.

One of the key secondary characters of the work is the younger sister of the main character Tatyana Olga Larina.

The poet presents Olga as a sweet, obedient girl, embodying femininity and grace, with blue eyes, a light smiling face, a slender figure and light curls.

The girl is distinguished by cheerfulness, coquettishness, without experiencing emotional experiences, captivating the surrounding men with her charm. However, Olga's inner world is not rich in spiritual content, since the girl lives without thinking about life's problems, hiding her lack of spirituality and emptiness.

From the author's point of view, this type of women is widespread and is a reflection of a typical portrait of romantic heroines of romance novels, distinguished by simplicity, spontaneity, living out of habit and incapable of any kind of reasoning and discussion.

Olga, like all such women, repeat, as a rule, the fate of their mothers, based on the continuation of tribal traditions and inheriting the practical experience of the older generation.

The heroine expects the same life as her mother, the criteria for which are housekeeping, raising children, caring for her husband. Olga from early childhood is ready for the role of a faithful wife and a good mother, having received the education necessary for this life in the form of learning French, playing music, embroidery, housekeeping skills, so the girl does not expect any troubles and difficulties in the future.

The storyline of the novel in verse is based on the creation by the poet of a love triangle between Olga, Lensky and the main character Onegin.

The young, poetic soul of Lensky is passionately in love with a young beauty, but Olga, being a naive and ingenuous child, involuntarily becomes guilty of the death of her lover, because she allows herself to flirt with Onegin, whom Lensky is forced, being a decent person, to challenge to a duel, which has become for the latter fatal.

Feeling no guilt behind herself and not long experiencing the death of her beloved Lensky, Olga meets a military officer at the ball, whom she later marries and repeats the fate of her mother, becoming a portly lady.

Using the image of Olga Larina in the work, the poet makes a vivid accent on the individuality and sensuality of the complex nature of the main character of the novel, Tatyana Larina, who is the exact opposite of her younger sister.

Composition about Olya Larina

The great poet of all eras A.S. Pushkin created several female images in his novel "Eugene Onegin". Olga Larina is considered one of the main images. The image of the girl is closely connected with the poet Lensky. Olga was Tatyana's sister. The unique and cheerful disposition, Olga's good looks set off Tatyana's quiet character and originality.

The heroine had a windy character and spent more time with Lensky. Among society, the poet was considered her fiancé. She spent more time at social events and loved to dance and have fun. Tatyana, on the contrary, was silent and preferred to spend time alone with a book in her hands. Externally, Olga was a beautiful girl with blue eyes, shiny and golden curls and a wonderful smile. And her voice was simply mesmerizing.

Despite the beauty and cheerful disposition, the main character Onegin finds flaws in the girl. He characterizes her as a girl with a round face and compares her to the moon, showing her stupidity. According to Onegin and the author himself, in addition to appearance, Olga did not have a rich inner world. The poverty of Olga's soul was based on lack of spirituality and complacency.

Among the villagers, Olga was considered a simple, playful, frivolous and carefree girl. She possessed great vitality and longed for fun and celebrations. Like any young girl, Olga was too impressionable for praise. Therefore, Eugene managed to quickly interest the girl.

At a ball in the Larins' house, the hero began to court Olga. The heroine began to reject the attention and feelings of the poet. After such an attitude towards himself, Lensky burned with strong jealousy. He mistakenly assumed that Olga was peculiar and cunning. In fact, due to the underdevelopment and limitations of the soul, signs of attention were of great importance for Olga. Jealous Lensky challenged Onegin to a duel. Before the duel, looking into Olga's eyes, the poet felt remorse. Despite his true feelings, the heroine did not love the poet. The girl was not capable of deception, as well as deep feelings. The girl perceived love as a hobby and a way of self-affirmation. After a tragic death in a duel, the girl did not mourn for long and fell in love with a military man, whom she later married. In the novel, Olga's hallmark is flirtatiousness.

Option 3

One of the main characters of the most unique work "Eugene Onegin" is Olga, whom we get to know through Lensky, who burned with ardent love for her.

He was delighted with her bright image, completely innocent, and therefore he liked to spend all his free time with her. In secular society, he was considered the bridegroom of the girl. And although the author shows us a portrait of Olga, filled with purity and beauty, he still does not consider her ideal. Even her appearance and character, he describes very briefly and inexpressively. Pushkin shows us the image of a hand-written beauty without a flaw. It is Onegin who helps us understand the reason for this discrepancy. He sees in the features of the girl the absence of life, which is the result of lack of spirituality and conflictlessness. Of course, Onegin's opinion cannot be considered from an objective point of view, because, as we can see, Olga is simple and direct. She is constantly flirtatious, and she likes praise, like any woman, from men. That is why Onegin managed to easily capture her attention at the ball. The girl is not preoccupied with any problems, and therefore she lives for her own pleasure, fluttering like a butterfly from one object she likes to another.

Olga is kind, but spiritually poor. This is what confuses Onegin, and maybe for someone she will be a wonderful wife, but not for him and not for the author. After all, Eugene and the writer himself, above all, appreciated the rich inner world in people, and not ostentatious charm. Due to the fact that she is limited in spirituality, she is simply not capable of high feelings. Lensky, whom she never rejected and even agreed to marry him, simply forgets and dances all evening with Onegin. And this lack of spirituality prevents her from comprehending why her young man left the ball so early. Overwhelmed by zealous thoughts, Lensky decided for the last time before the duel to look at his beloved. However, he sees that Olga is not tormented by conscience about her behavior, and she is just as cheerful and carefree. When Lensky tragically dies in a duel, we see that Olga was not particularly worried. Soon she begins to accept the courtship of one young lancer.

In the image of Olga, the author showed the type of coquette women who, throughout their lives, are cheerful and often acted out. They do not have deep feelings towards them men. Their life path is carefree and frivolous. However, here Olga's frivolity most likely comes from nature. And if we add to all these qualities a superficial perception of ongoing events and ease of judgment, we get an ordinary and popular female image, seductive enough, but not deep.

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One of the most famous works of A. S. Pushkin both in Russia and abroad is his novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", written in the period from 1823 to 1830 of the 19th century. In many ways, the enduring popularity of the novel is due to its status as an integral part of the compulsory school curriculum. To write a high-quality essay on a work, we advise you to read the novel, perhaps at first not in one gulp, excerpts, but use quotes from Eugene Onegin to show that you really know the material.

Eugene Onegin. Explanation with Tatyana in the village

The story is told on behalf of a friend of the protagonist of the novel, who is Eugene Onegin, a native of St. Petersburg, 26 years old:

“... Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva ...”

"... having lived without a goal, without labor, until the age of twenty-six ..."

Onegin was born into a noble family, which gradually went bankrupt through the fault of the head of the family, who strove to live beyond his means, but provided his son with a worthy upbringing, by the standards of that time:

“... His father lived in debt, gave three balls annually, and finally squandered”

“... first Madame followed him, then Monsieur replaced her”

"... having fun and luxury a child ..."

The result of Eugene's upbringing and education was his knowledge of languages ​​​​(French, Latin, Greek), history, the basics of philosophy and economics, good manners, the ability to dance:

“He was perfectly able to speak and write in French, he danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease”

"... a philosopher at eighteen..."

“He knew enough Latin to parse epigraphs, talk about Juvenal, put vale at the end of the letter, but he remembered, though not without sin, two verses from the Aeneid”

“... days of the past, anecdotes from Romulus to the present day he kept in his memory”

"... read Adam Smith and was a deep economy ..."

Eugene does not like and does not understand poetry; on occasion, he can easily compose an epigram on the topic of the day:

“... He could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea, no matter how hard we fought, to distinguish. Scolded Homer, Theocritus ... "

"... He had a happy talent ... to excite the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams."

Onegin is distinguished by restlessness, in principle he cannot do anything for a long time:

"... hard work was sickening to him ..."

"... cut in the latest fashion, like a London dandy dressed ..."

“... There was a pedant in his clothes, and what we called a dandy. He spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors ... "

All these qualities of the character become the key to a favorable attitude towards him in the world:

“Onegin was in the opinion of many ... a small scientist, but a pedant ...”

"The light decided that he was smart and very nice"

A life full of entertainment quickly bores the main character, for some time the only passion of Eugene is love adventures, but they gradually bother him:

“But in what he was a true genius, what he knew more firmly than all sciences, what was for him from childhood and labor, and torment, and joy, what occupied his yearning laziness all day, was the science of tender passion ... "

“... The beauties were not for long the subject of his usual thoughts, they managed to tire the betrayals ...”

“... He no longer fell in love with beauties, but dragged himself somehow ...”

“Similar to the English spleen, in short: the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little ...”

Despite the fact that society as a whole is bored with the protagonist, he takes into account his rules, which ultimately cost Lensky his life, because, even realizing the senselessness and uselessness of the duel, Onegin cannot refuse it:

"...but wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame..."

“... but the whisper, the laughter of fools ... And here is public opinion! Spring of honor, our idol!

At the time of the story, the young man is the last heir to the family, to which he and his uncle belong:

"... Heir to all his relatives ..."

Despite the father’s squandered fortune, the material values ​​​​remaining in the family are apparently enough to provide the protagonist with a comfortable existence without the need to serve, lead a secular lifestyle:

“Lagging in the inactivity of leisure, without service, without a wife, without work, he did not know how to do anything ...”

"... three houses are calling for the evening ..."

"... an honorary citizen backstage ..."

Onegin is rather prudent. Upon learning of the imminent death of his uncle, Onegin does not feel sympathy for him, but he is quite ready to pretend to be such in order to receive an inheritance:

“Having read the sad message, Yevgeny immediately galloped headlong to the rendezvous by mail and already yawned in advance, getting ready, for the sake of money, for sighs, boredom and deceit.”

His behavior in society becomes more and more distant and impolite:

“... when he wanted to destroy his rivals, as he sarcastically slandered ...”

"... to his caustic dispute, and to the joke, with bile in half, and the anger of gloomy epigrams ..."

“... he pouted and, indignantly, swore Lensky to infuriate and take revenge in order ...”

Gradually, the opinion of society about Onegin is transformed:

"... cold and lazy souls ..."

"...this cloudy eccentric..."

"... an eccentric sad and dangerous ..."

“Our neighbor is ignorant; crazy; he is a pharmacist…”

“He doesn’t fit the ladies’ hand…”

He perceives himself as a gloomy and indifferent person, even trying to exaggerate, speaking about his own person:

“... always frowning, silent, angry and coldly jealous! That's me"

“... Start crying: your tears will not touch my heart, but will only infuriate it ...”

“... No matter how much I love you, once I get used to it, I will immediately stop loving you ...”

However, in this image there is a lot of ostentation, panache. Onegin knows how to understand people and appreciate them:

“... although he, of course, knew people, and generally despised them, but (there are no rules without exceptions) he distinguished others very much and respected the feelings of others ...”

“... my Eugene, not respecting the heart in him, loved both the spirit of his judgments and a common sense about this and that”

“I would choose another when I was like you, a poet ...”

Even his “rebuke” to young Tatyana is caused by his unwillingness to cause her even more suffering than the pain of refusal:

“... but he did not want to deceive the gullibility of an innocent soul ...”

He tries to be delicate with her and tries to warn the girl against careless impulses in the future, although there is still a share of panache and narcissism in his words:

“Learn to rule yourself; not everyone will understand you like me; inexperience leads to trouble ... "

In fact, he is quite capable of experiencing compassion and tenderness:

"... her embarrassment, fatigue in his soul gave birth to pity"

“... the gaze of his eyes was wonderfully gentle ...”

In relations with Lensky, realizing that they are too different for true friendship, Onegin for the time being spares the feelings of the poet and does not try to ridicule his enthusiastic ideas about life:

“... He tried to keep a cooling word in his mouth ...”

In his character there is both nobility and self-esteem, and those around him recognize this:

"... I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor"

“How can your heart and mind be the feelings of a petty slave?”

“... in that terrible hour you acted nobly ...”

“... not for the first time he showed his soul direct nobility here ...”

In the course of the work, it becomes obvious that Eugene knows how to love and suffer:

"... Eugene is in love with Tatyana like a child ..."

“... Onegin dries up - and almost suffers from consumption”

“... He drives up every day; he follows her like a shadow…”

“... but he is stubborn, does not want to lag behind, still hopes, is busy ...”

Onegin can be really strict with himself:

“…alone with his soul, he was dissatisfied with himself…”

“... in a strict analysis, calling himself to a secret court, he accused himself of many things ...”

"In the anguish of heart remorse ..."

Able to admit his mistakes:

"... how wrong I was, how punished"

Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina. Explanation with Onegin in St. Petersburg

A girl from a noble family living in the provinces:

" the wilderness of a forgotten village..."

The family is poor:

“… we don’t shine with anything…”

"...a simple, Russian family..."

“…oh, my father, the income is not enough…”

“Neither the beauty of her sister, nor the freshness of her ruddy face, would she have attracted the eyes”

In childhood, she was very different from her peers and behavior:

“Dika, sad, silent, like a forest doe is timid, she seemed like a stranger in her own family”

“She didn’t know how to caress ...”

“Child herself, in a crowd of children she didn’t want to play and jump ...”

“But even in these years Tatyana did not take dolls in her hands ...”

“And there were childish pranks alien to her ...”

In her youth she is dreamy and thoughtful:

"Reverence, her friend ... adorned the flow of rural leisure with dreams"

“... terrible stories in winter in the darkness of nights captivated her heart more ...”

“She liked novels early…”

“She loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony ...”

She keenly feels her otherness:

"Imagine: I'm alone here, no one understands me..."

The girl is quite smart, though wayward:

"... With the mind and will of the living ..."

"... And a wayward head..."

Tatyana has a very developed intuition, to the point that she has prophetic dreams:

“... suddenly Eugene grabs a long knife, and Lensky is instantly defeated ...”

Romantic and enthusiastic, she fell in love with Onegin at first sight only because:

"The time has come, she fell in love"

"The soul was waiting ... for someone"

Her letter to Eugene is written in French, in a very exalted tone, with grandiloquent "book" turns:

“I know you were sent to me by God, until the grave you are my keeper…”

“That in the highest council is destined ... That is the will of heaven: I am yours ...”

“Your wonderful look tormented me…”

“Who are you, my guardian angel, or an insidious tempter…”

In fact, she writes not to a living person, but to an invented image, and in the depths of her soul she herself understands this:

“Perhaps this is all empty, a deception of an inexperienced soul!”

"But your honor is my guarantee..."

However, credit must be given to her courage. She writes, despite the fact that she is infinitely afraid:

“I’m dying of shame and fear…”

Over time, it turns out that the love that Tatyana feels for Eugene is not an easy, quickly passing love:

"... Tatyana loves not jokingly ..."

She not only cherishes unhappy love in her soul, but tries to understand Onegin's character, comes to his abandoned village house, reads his books:

"Can't you see the manor's house?"

“Then I took up books”

“... the choice of them seemed strange to her”

“And little by little my Tatyana begins to understand ... the one for whom she is condemned to sigh by the fate of the imperious”

They marry her, but all suitors are refused:

“Buyanov got married: refusal. Ivan Petushkov - too. Hussar Pykhtin visited us ... "

At the family council, it was decided to go to Moscow, to the "fair fair of brides", but Tatyana remains indifferent to social life there:

“... Tanya, just like in a dream, she hears their speeches without participation ...”

“... Tatyana looks and does not see, the excitement of the world hates; she's stuffy here...

Far from everyone, and she herself seems an attractive bride:

“... they find her something strange, provincial and cutesy, and something pale and thin, but, by the way, very good-looking ...”

“Archival young men in a crowd look at Tanya stiffly and speak unfavorably about her among themselves”

The girl does not at all strive for general attention, but she is noticed:

“One sad jester finds her perfect…”

“... somehow Vyazemsky sat down with her ...”

“... an old man inquires about her, straightening his wig”

“Meanwhile, some important general keeps his eyes on her”

She marries at the insistence of the family, without love, for a man whom she does not like very much:

"Who? is this general fat?

From the time of marriage, the secular manners of the already closed Tatiana take on a shade of even friendliness towards everyone, beyond which it is impossible to look:

“... She was leisurely, not cold, not talkative…”

"... sweet careless charm ..."

Not participating in any intrigues, not competing with anyone, Tatyana commands the respect of society, her husband is very proud of her:

“Ladies moved closer to her; the old women smiled at her; the men bowed lower…”

“... and all above and nose and shoulders were raised by the general who entered with her ...”

During the time that has passed since the first meeting with Onegin, Tatyana learned, on his advice, to control herself:

“And whatever confused her soul, no matter how much she was surprised, amazed, nothing changed her: the same tone was preserved in her, her bow was just as quiet”

"... she sits calm and free"

Her true feelings will appear only in the final scene, when she, suffering, will tell Onegin what is sore, reproaching him for the past and pointing out to him the real motives of his current feelings for her:

“The princess in front of him, alone, sits, not cleaned, pale, reads some letter and quietly pours tears like a river”

“Why do you have me in mind? Is it not because I must now appear in the highest society; that I am rich and noble? ... Is it not because my shame would now be noticed by everyone, and could bring you seductive honor in society?

Now she shows nobility of character. Recognizing that she continues to love Onegin, Tatyana reminds both him and herself that she must remain faithful to her husband:

“I love you (why dissemble?), But I am given to another; I will be faithful to him forever"

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky

Young nobleman 18 years old, attractive appearance, rich:

“... At almost eighteen years old ...”

"...Handsome, in full bloom of years..."

"... And black curls to the shoulders ..."

"... rich, good-looking ..."

Parents died:

“... and there, with an inscription of a sad father and mother, in tears, he honored the patriarchal ashes ...”

Philosopher and Poet:

"... an admirer of Kant and a poet ..."

Enthusiastic nature, up to exaltation, not fully formed:

"... and the mind, still in unsteady judgments, and eternally inspired gaze ..."

“... free-spirited dreams, an ardent and rather strange spirit, always enthusiastic speech ...”

He came from Germany immediately to the village, because he does not accept the rules according to which the high society exists:

"... he brought fruits of learning from foggy Germany ..."

“... I hate your fashionable light, dearer to me is the home circle ...”

Trusting and Ingenuous:

“... he innocently exposed his trusting conscience ...”

Believes in friendship and devotion:

“... he believed that his friends were ready to accept his chains for honor ...”

“... there are sacred friends chosen by the fate of people ...”

Rural society is perceived as an enviable groom:

“... Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom ...”

However, from childhood, Vladimir was engaged to the youngest daughter of the neighbors Larins, Olga, and at the time of the story he was in love with her and was going to marry her:

“And friends-neighbors, their fathers predicted crowns for the children…”

"... Holguin's adorer has arrived..."

“Ah, he loved, as in our summer they no longer love ...”

“... he believed that his soul should unite with him, that, languishing despondently, she was waiting for him every day ...”

"... in two weeks a happy date was appointed"

His love is platonic.

"... he had a sweet heart, an ignoramus ..."

“... in the confusion of tender shame, he only dares sometimes, encouraged by Olga’s smile, to play with a developed curl or kiss the edge of clothes ...”

“... and meanwhile, two, three pages ... he skips, blushing ...”

After being challenged to a duel, seeing Olga and realizing that she does not even understand what happened, Lensky forgives her and no longer takes revenge on Onegin, but only wants to protect the bride from the corrupting influence:

“... I will be her savior. I will not tolerate a corrupter tempting a young heart with fire and sighs and praises ... "

Olga Larina

Vladimir Lensky and Olga Larina

Tatiana's younger sister:

"Are you in love with a smaller one?"

Charming chubby ruddy blonde doll appearance:

"... full of innocent charms ..."

"... linen curls ..."

"... Eyes like the sky are blue ..."

"Round, red-faced, she ..."

“Ah, dear, how prettier Olga’s shoulders are, what a chest!”

According to Onegin, she is beautiful, but absolutely uninteresting:

“Olga has no life in features. Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madonna "

The mind of the younger Larina is not particularly developed, she is simple-minded, to the point of stupidity:

"... how the life of a poet is simple-minded ..."

“Before this clarity of sight, before this tender simplicity, before this frisky soul!”

Because of this, the girl cannot appreciate the nature of Lensky and his attitude towards her:

“Vladimir would have written odes, but Olga did not read them”

Olga is the bride of Vladimir Lensky, willingly spends time with him and encourages his courtship, but is hardly capable of a strong feeling, which she speaks quite directly

“In her rest, they sit in the dark, two ...”

“They are in the garden, hand in hand, walking in the morning time ...”

“… Encouraged by Olga’s smile…”

“He was loved… or so he thought…”

Windy, does not know how to behave in society, compromises both himself and his fiancé, flirting with another:

"... and a blush brighter blazed in her proud face"

"Flirty, windy child!"

“She already knows the trick, she’s already taught to change!”

Sincerely does not understand the problems of the situation:

“Olenka jumped from the porch to meet the poor singer, like a windy hope, frisky, carefree, cheerful, well, exactly the same as she was”

“Why did the evening disappear so early?” Was the first Olenkin question "

In the parting scene before the duel, Olga, looking into the face of Lensky, whose heart is breaking with longing, only asks, “What is the matter with you?” and having received the answer "So", without further questions, he lets him go.

After the death of the groom in a duel, the girl quickly falls in love with another and marries him:

"She didn't cry for long..."

Olga is one of the main characters of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". For the first time on the pages of the novel, we meet Olga not directly, but through the perception of the sublime, noble, romantic Lensky.

Ah, he loved, as in our summers

They no longer love; as one

The mad soul of a poet

Still condemned to love ...

The fact that Olga was the object of love of the young poet already anticipates the appearance of a beautiful bright image. “He was a touching witness to her infantile amusements”, spent the best moments of his life with her and was considered a groom in the public mind.

Full of innocent charms, In the eyes of her parents, she bloomed like a hidden lily of the valley, Unknown in the deaf grass Neither moths nor bees. It would seem that the poet admires the purity, spontaneity and charm of the heroine, as they admire the innocent charm of an unopened bud that promises to turn into a beautiful bright flower:

Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, linen curls, Movement, voice, light camp, Everything in Olga ... but take any novel and you will find it, right, Her portrait: he is very sweet, I used to love him myself, But he bored me immensely . A. S. Pushkin painted a magnificent portrait of an impeccable beauty, but still does not consider her a model of perfection, an object of the author's attention and admiration. What confuses the poet? What shortcomings do we see in this standard of female beauty? The author admits that in his youthful poems he himself worshiped girls like the heroine, but they bored him immensely. We find the answer in the first, direct assessment of the beloved hero of A.S. Pushkin Onegin. The look of this hero, tempted by life, not distorted by the subjective perception of a loving person, perceives the object of Lensky's adoration coldly and harshly, without the veil of the poet's romantic enthusiasm: There is no life in Olga's features. Exactly the same in the Vandykova Madona:

She is round, red-faced,

Like that stupid moon

In this stupid sky.

It is unlikely that Onegin objectively recreated the portrait of the heroine, but he emphasized a significant flaw in his presentation, which distorted the impression of Olga's impeccable appearance; the lack of harmony between the beautiful appearance and the poverty of the inner world, the poverty of spiritual life, illuminating the external appearance with the light of spiritual fire, the originality of the personality, painfully and tirelessly looking for its place in life. The lack of life in Olga's features is a consequence of lack of spirituality, lack of conflict, consumer attitude to the outside world, complacency and narrow-mindedness.

Onegin, of course, is unnecessarily caustic and critical, and his perception of the image of Olga

It cannot be considered objective. Olga is simple and direct, coquettish and playful, superficial and carefree, full of vitality and thirst for pleasure, worship, celebration. She is susceptible to praise, like any woman, which is why Onegin so easily managed to capture her attention at the ball at the Larins:

... deftly Onegin went with Olga;

Leads her, slipping carelessly,

And bending down, she whispers gently

Some vulgar madrigal

And shakes his hand - and blazed

In her selfish face

blush brighter

Olga carelessly rejects signs of Lensky's attention, motivating this with a promise to dance with Onegin. Of course, this is not a manifestation of female cunning and volatility, as her fiancé believes in a fit of jealousy. Just the external signs of attention, as well as the attributes of life in general, due to its mental underdevelopment, play a much greater role for it than the true movements of the soul. When the enraged Lensky, blazing with jealousy before the duel, could not resist the temptation to look at the coquette, wanting to strike her with the unexpectedness of her appearance, she, “like a windy hope, frisky, careless, cheerful”, childishly naturally asked why he disappeared from the ball so unexpectedly .

All feelings in Lensky were clouded,

And silently he hung his nose.

Gone is jealousy and vexation

Before this clarity of sight,

Before this gentle simplicity,

Before this frisky soul! ..

And Lensky, repenting of his stupid suspicions, already felt happy. But still, Olga did not love him so selflessly, frenziedly, like the poet himself, the way he imagined a genuine feeling. She did not deceive Lensky, she is simply not capable of a deep feeling ripening in the depths of her soul, but perceives it only as an external manifestation of affection, as a beautiful ritual of traditional self-expression.

After the tragic death - because of her - of Lensky, Olga did not grieve for long and soon became carried away by the lancer, who "managed to lull her suffering with love flattery":

And now with him before the altar

She shyly under the crown

Standing with bowed head

With fire in downcast eyes,

With a light smile on your lips.

In the image of Olga, A. S. Pushkin embodied one of the female types - a beautiful, charming woman, playful, cheerful, carefree. Flirtatiousness is her hallmark. She is not simulated by Olga, but natural. If we add to all the above qualities superficiality of perception and ease of judgment, then we get the most common female image, quite attractive, but not deep enough.

The characterization of Olga in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is important for the full disclosure of the image of Tatyana Larina. The author contrasts the sisters in order to show all the individual features of his "sweet ideal" - Tatyana. A quotation will help to most clearly reveal the image of Olga Larina.


Olga had blue eyes with a "clear" look, which are compared with the sky, flaxen curls and a light camp. Her movements, smile, voice - everything was attractive.

The heroine is full of "innocent charm" and "gentle simplicity." When describing the heroine, she is compared to a lily of the valley, which is not touched by either moths or bees. The author emphasizes in every possible way that Olga was beautiful, she had a “ruddy freshness”, the heroine was “sweet like a kiss of love”. All this attracted other people.


Such a portrait characteristic shows that she was a secular girl. From childhood, she was taught how to be in society. Hence the frivolity of the heroine.

She has always been carefree. Several times in the story the epithet "frisky" is mentioned, which further proves her frivolity. The author describes the character of the heroine unchanged: she remained exactly the same "windy hope" as she was in childhood. Most likely, it will remain so forever.

Olga was "always modest, always obedient, always as cheerful as the morning," that is, the way it was customary to be in society. The laughter of the heroine was always heard in the house. The surrounding people loved Olga, she had many friends and admirers.

Although the heroine was bored at the balls, and “the endless cotillion tormented her like a heavy dream,” she never showed it. She was always cheerful, she always wore the "mask" of secular society. From the very cradle, Olga was a “windy child”, even then she was learned by a “coquette”, who knew how to “know cunning” and change.

Olga was loved by many, but she was indifferent to everyone. Almost immediately, she forgot Lensky, who was in love with her, who, for her sake, challenged Onegin to a duel. It didn't take long for her "heart to suffer," "she didn't cry for long." "Unfaithful to her sadness", she was quickly "captivated" by another young man, who "lulled" her suffering with "love flattery". She marries him and soon leaves, leaving her parental home.

Attitude towards the heroine of other characters

Lensky is "captivated" by Olga's beauty, he is truly in love with her and is ready to do anything for her. He is happy at the thought of marriage with his beloved, because this marriage was predicted to them since childhood. He tries to spend all his time with her. Even at home, he is “busy with his Olga”, he draws pictures for her, writes poetry, but “Olga did not read them”, because she was “entertained in a completely different way”.

The author never once throughout the entire story said that Olga also loved Lensky, and the line “He was loved ... at least he thought so, and was happy” demonstrates the true attitude of the heroine towards the young poet: she was indifferent to him. Even after her betrayal, Lensky could not stop loving her. When she “jumped off the porch” to him, he was ready to forgive her everything.

The choice in favor of Tatyana is also given by Yevgeny Onegin, who is surprised that Lensky is in love with Olga, because "Olga has no life in features." According to the protagonist, Lensky, as a poet, should have chosen Tatyana with her unusual character, worthy of poetic admiration. He compares Olga to the "stupid moon" that shines in the "stupid sky". Everything in it is so ordinary that it does not attract attention.

This article will help to reveal the image of Olga Larina with the help of her appearance, character and the attitude of other heroes of the novel "Eugene Onegin" towards her, and will also help to write the essay "Characteristics of Olga Larina".

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