Irina Dubtsova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Is Irina Dubtsova having an affair with DJ Leonid Rudenko? Leonid Rudenko family

Irina Dubtsova has been captivating listeners with her creativity since the beginning of the new century. For some time her songs were performed by other singers and singers. But after winning the Star Factory, she fell in love with her style of performance and charisma, for which she received the nickname "iron lady of Russian show business." Now a popular performer and author of her songs is very popular and in demand, everyone follows her creative activity with great attention.

The artist does not slow down her creative path by participating in various television projects. She won the second prize at the New Wave in Jurmala. Irina Dubtsova participates in the "Just Like It" super-season, which is attended by the best performers of this project in recent years.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova from the first days of fame is discussed by everyone who is familiar with her work. She even celebrated the wedding on a television scale. The whole country followed the development of the personal life of the now popular singer. Recently, the parameters of the artist have been widely discussed. They say a lot of different things about height, weight, age. How old is Irina Dubtsova is also interesting to all her fans. This interest is due to the fact that the singer and composer tries to appear at various events in such dresses that would emphasize the curvaceous figure. The artist opts for smaller corset dresses. For this purpose, the fixation of the bust occurs on the neck. Folds appear on the back in such an outfit. Dubtsova's age is 35 years.

Irina is 172 cm tall and weighs 74 kg. Recently, the singer looks very thin, so all connoisseurs of her creative activity are excited about the well-being of their favorite. The artist does not like these questions, saying that it would be better for fans to be interested in her work, and not other information.

Biography of Irina Dubtsova

The artist's full name is Irina Viktorovna Dubtsova. She was born on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, in 1982. Her hometown was the hero city of Volgograd. From early childhood, Ira was engaged in creativity. She read poetry, performed romances written by her, and painted.

The creative biography of Irina Dubtsova began very early. Already at the age of 11, the girl began to perform in the children's group "Jem" organized by her father, the repertoire of which was written by the youngest performer.

After graduating from school, he studies at the Volgograd School of Arts. P.A.Serebryakova at the vocal department, which she graduated from externally in 2001. After that, Irina Dubtsova became the soloist of the Girls group, led by Igor Matvienko. She became the winner of the "Star Factory 2", which was headed by Igor Krutoy. The next victory for the singer was the New Wave contest in Jurmala, where she won second place. In 2015, the popular performer won the competition "Just Like"

For a long time now, the artist has been pleasing her fans with her masterpieces. The songs that she wrote can be heard performed by other artists.

Personal life of Irina Dubtsova

The personal life of Irina Dubtsova is a steep slide. For the first time she fell in love with Roman Chernitsyn. The girl was so in love that she agreed to celebrate the wedding magnificently at the Star Factory, during her participation. For some time, Irina and Roman were happy, but then, after the birth of their son Artyom, the first marriage of the popular artist broke up.

After some time, Irina Dubtsova met with Tigran. They were very happy. But after some time they broke up due to the intrigues of the ex-wife of her beloved Irina Dubtsova.

Since 2008, the popular performer has lived with Leonid Rudenko. She was very happy and loved, although several times information appeared in the media that the lovers broke up.

Now the media constantly appears information about the artist's new lovers, but she does not confirm this information.

Family of Irina Dubtsova

Until recently, according to the singer herself, the family of Irina Dubtsova is her son Artyom, mother, father and the artist herself. Most recently, a popular artist said that grief happened in her family: on her birthday, her beloved father, Irina Dubtsova, suddenly died. He organized a group, the permanent leader of which he was. It lasted for 30 years. Her father helped the artist become a popular singer, developing her creative talent from a young age.

The singer's mother loved her husband so much that she herself fell ill after his death. Irina Dubtsova worried about her beloved mother for a long time. The singer took her to Moscow so that she would move away from grief. Now the mother of Irina Dubtsova lives with her daughter in an apartment bought by a popular performer. She looks after the artist's son, her grandson, during Irina's tours.

Children of Irina Dubtsova

Now the famous artist and composer has one son, whose name is Artyom. He was born in 2008 and became the first child of Irina Dubtsova and her first husband Roman. The popular performer dreams of having at least three children, so her dream has come true so far by a third.

In 2012, during the "New Wave" in Jurmala, where the artist participated, information appeared that Irina Dubtsova would soon become a mother for the second time. This information was shared by the artist herself on social networks. But after some time it turned out that she had a spontaneous miscarriage. The singer worried about this for some time, refusing to talk about this topic.

The children of Irina Dubtsova will be happy and loved, no matter how many of them are born in the singer's family. Irina stated this in an interview.

The son of Irina Dubtsova - Artyom

The only son of Irina Dubtsova was born in 2008. Some time later, his parents divorced. For some time, Artyom's father did not participate in the fate of his son. But 2 years after the divorce from Irina, Roman began to communicate with Artyom.

The boy is doing well at school, about which the popular artist shares with admirers of her creative talent. The son of Irina Dubtsova, Artyom, also goes in for sports, receiving awards in various competitions.

The boy is very allergic, so Irina took her son to the Maldives, where they spent most of the spring when the plants bloom.

Former husband of Irina Dubtsova - Roman Chernitsyn

The ex-husband of Irina Dubtsova, Roman Chernitsyn, has been the permanent leader of the Plazma group for 20 years. The group is popular in rock style.

Irina and Roman met a long time ago. She was 16 years old at that moment, and Roman was 10 years older than her, he was already 26 years old. But young people began to meet when Irina Dubtsova was 18 years old. Roman made an offer to a young girl during the open air of the Star Factory. He presented Dubtsova with a ring, which she accepted. The wedding was also open air.

After some time, the young couple divorced. Roman did not communicate with either his ex-wife or his son. In 2011, Roman began dating his son.

In 2014, Chernitsyn proposed to his new darling, who soon became his wife.

Former husband of Irina Dubtsova - Tigran Malyants

After a divorce from her first husband, the popular singer and performer Irina Dubtsova met Tigran Malyants, who is a dentist and works in one of the Moscow dental clinics. For some time, Tigran met with the singer, and then left the family after an 18-year marriage. The singer's chosen one was 45, and she was 26 years old. The young singer tried to become a real mother for Tigran's young daughter. But she constantly did petty dirty tricks, trying to make her father leave Irina and return home. In addition, Tigran's ex-wife constantly added fuel to the fire, exposing the popular performer in an unfavorable color.

The ex-husband of Irina Dubtsova, Tigran Malyants, made an offer to the singer. She even bought a wedding dress, but after a while the former lovers broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

Former husband of Irina Dubtsova - Konstantin Svarevsky

After parting with Tigran Malyants, at one of the social events, Irina Dubtsova met Konstantin Svarevsky. He is a big businessman who tried to surround the popular singer and performer with care and attention. Irina Dubtsova thought that she had finally met the only person whom heaven had promised her, and moved to Konstantin with her son. The chosen one of Irina Dubtsova was also good to the son of his beloved. The singer in 2012 was delighted that she would have a child from Konstantin.

After some time, the ex-husband of Irina Dubtsova, Konstantin Svarevsky, began to demand that Irina quit her career and take care of the house and children. There was a scandal, after which Irina Dubtsova lost her child. After some time, the singer took her son Artyom and returned to her apartment.

The civil husband of Irina Dubtsova - Leonid Rudenko

In 2014, Irina Dubtsova began dating DJ Leonid Rudenko. Together they began to go on tour and appear at all secular parties. After some time, Leonid even moved to the singer in her apartment. But three months later, a quarrel occurred between Irina and Leonid, after which the young musician moved out from his beloved and stopped communicating with her.

At the beginning of 2017, Leonid and Irina began to meet again, about which the common-law husband of Irina Dubtsova, Leonid Rudenko, spoke on his Instagram page. The young musician regretted that he could not go to the Maldives with his beloved and her son Artyom due to his employment. Rudenko is looking forward to the chosen one in Moscow, saying that he is preparing a surprise for her, from which she will be shocked. That this Leonid prefers not to tell.

Photo by Irina Dubtsova before and after plastic surgery

After a vacation in the Maldives, Irina Dubtsova posted her photo on her microblog, in which the singer appeared very thin, which was immediately noticed by admirers of her talent. Immediately there was a rumor that the popular performer had liposuction. The most persistent listeners began to ask the most famous artist about this. Some media posted photos of Irina Dubtsova before and after plastic surgery.

A popular performer and composer said that she looks like this because of anti-allergic hormone therapy. The singer sits on it every spring, as she suffers from allergies. Irina Dubtsova takes hormonal drugs, after which she recovers. This is the look to which admirers of his creative talent are accustomed. But after a while, the singer stops taking hormones and immediately begins to lose weight, which everyone notices.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Dubtsova

Pages on Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Dubtsova are replenished every day. Here the singer and actress shares with admirers of her creative activity everything that happens in her life. She posts her photos and pictures of her family members on her page.

In many photos you can see the singer's son, whom she is proud of and whose success she shares with her subscribers. The number of subscribed users on the Instagram page of Irina Dubtsova recently exceeded 470 thousand people who actively like photos of the popular performer and post wishes. The essence of the wishes is that Irina would give her creativity for many years to come and make people happy with it.

Here you can also hear many popular compositions, both performed by Irina Dubtsova herself and other Russian pop stars.

They argue about DJ Leonid Rudenko. Are there many DJs who could say that about themselves? Press releases call his success in the West the third breakthrough in Russian pop music after PPK and Tatu. And Leonid himself is gradually becoming a pop star in Russia itself.

Rudenko's success in the dance world is really impressive compared to other Russian DJs. The composition Leonid Rudenko - Summerfish was in the Top 30 Dance Air Play in the USA for several weeks and in the Top 100 downloads on iTunes and (including the first place). His tracks are licensed in 15 countries by such giants as Sony BMG or Ministry Of Sound.

But the real breakthrough in both Russian and international charts was the release in February 2009 of the track Everybody, according to the same press releases. It was released in more than 30 countries around the world, hit the Top40 UK, the video for Everybody is played on many TV channels around the world. Leonid's tracks are played by all the most reputable DJs in the world: Tiesto, Judge Jules, Eric Morillo, Pete Tong, Paul van Dyk, etc.

Recognition in Russia also followed, if you can call it an invitation as a special guest to the Muz-TV Award - 2009. Which, however, gave the ambitious artist to write on his MySpace: “Having made a name for himself in Russia, Leonid Rudenko is now making plans to conquer the rest Europe".

So where did this elusive Rudenko make a name for himself? Does the artist darken? This is what Chaskora's music reviewer Guru Ken talks with the same Leonid Rudenko.

- This is true? Is your Everybody clip really played in many countries around the world?

Up to the time when we came to work and at the same time relax in Turkey, our video was also playing in the hotel ... I managed to become not only a local character. And these are not unfounded assertions, but facts. And when I communicate with our Western-oriented artists, for example with Sergey Lazarev, they understand what it is, we speak the same language.

The music I make is hard to play live. You can put session musicians, add instruments, but most of the music is made on computers. That's why I act as a DJ. Igor Krutoy plays the piano at his concerts, but it’s not easy for me to play my plan on the keys. This technology was not invented by me, it was long before me.

- What is the difference between Rudenko as a DJ and Rudenko as a composer?

All the music of Leonid Rudenko, which is heard on the radio and on TV, is entirely written by me.

A certain soviet club format has been formed in Moscow, which includes remixes of Russian songs interspersed with popular radio hits. Things are a little better in the regions. In Moscow, few people know about real club music. I'm not talking about club music as a niche product. And what about the music, to which people openly dance, and do not stand or sit with cocktails. It is necessary to dance to such music, it is not called dance music for nothing.

Dance music has little in common with radio music. Although there are successful experiments with radium fate, such as the Chemical Brothers. But in general, artists like David Guetta are very different - as DJs and as radio musicians. It is impossible to make a set list only from your own compositions, but it is my compositions that are the stoppers for which people come to my performances.

- Do you ever sing on your DJ sets?

In my songs, everything is invented by me, except that I do not sing and I have co-authors for the lyrics. I heard myself, my voice, and it seems to me that this is not my talent. I don't know if I'm a talented person, but singing is not my forte. People should do what they are good enough at.

Right after our meeting, I'm going to start recording a new song. Contrary to rumors, I don't write for multi-million dollar studios. Everything is recorded in Moscow.

- Do you invite session vocalists to your concerts?

No, vocalists participate in my concerts in exceptional cases, when there are big concerts like "Olympic" at the Muz-TV awards or open grandiose venues. Usually my tours are a two-hour DJ set.

- Does the laptop sing for the vocalists?

Have you been to clubs? Does anyone sing in clubs?

- Katya Chekhova sings.

Here which way to turn. Take the songs of David Guetta. It's always Guetta's duet with a guest star, like Willis. And now Guetta plays sets for 200 thousand people. He is alone on stage. If Chris Willis gave a concert, then Willis would sing, and Guetta's music would come from a laptop.

In my situation, the key figure that accumulates all the musical processes is me, Rudenko. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, I drive alone, like a DJ.

- That is, at your concerts, those songs that are heard on the radio are heard from a recorded disc?

I guess, yes.

- But what prevents you from bringing a guest vocalist with you and doing a full-fledged concert?

Firstly, this is the specificity of DJ tours, as is customary. Secondly, foreign singers sing with me, they simply won’t go on a tour of Russia with me. I have Americans, British, etc. singing. Economically, it is simply unprofitable to carry them all over Russia. I can't take a student at a music school for a hundred dollars, because I have an international status.

- What is the proportion of live sound and pre-recorded samples in your sets?

You're asking the question in such an unprofessional way because you're off topic. Everything that you hear in the songs is played by my hands. But that doesn't mean I play everything live. I have only two hands, and at the same time I play eight parts: guitar, bass, pad, drums ... You can’t play them with two hands. So my music is studio in nature.

- So you always perform under plywood? And at the Muz-TV awards, too, was the performance under plywood?

Why do you think so?

- You yourself talk about it.

Why do you think so? Listen carefully to the radio version and what was played at the awards. A cappella appeared in one place, the parts changed places.

- Did you play it live?

Look at the entry. I have equipment there, there are CD players… You should not expect such a live sound from this kind of performances, like a symphony orchestra. Do you understand?

- Okay, I can't wait. On what basis do you choose vocalists?

The way she sings. When I make songs, I have an idea of ​​how they should sound. And I am engaged in the embodiment of what was playing in my head. If I want to have Britney Spears vocals in my song Everybody, then I'm looking for it. And found.

- Why don't other famous DJs write their own songs?

Few write their own songs. And this is the situation on a global scale. But on the other hand, most of the world-famous DJs write their own songs. Among those who gather hundreds of thousands of people for their performances, everyone writes their own songs.

No matter how you treat DJs with disdain, but show me other artists who can collect hundreds of thousands and millions for their concerts. Show the artists who can keep this audience excited for hours so that people clap, squeal, dance. Not many pop artists are capable of that.

DJs are also part of the culture. If their songs began to play on the radio, this indicates that they have become a full-fledged part of the global music industry.

- Musicians don't like DJs because they think they just play other people's records.

But such DJs will not gather hundreds of thousands of people. People will come only to those whose songs they know and want to listen to.

- Do you use songs as a catalyst for success?

I write songs because I love music. I love doing what I do. I don't write songs to be a star. I have been addicted to songs since childhood. When my parents gave me my first computer at the age of 10, I immediately began to learn from my friends how music is written on it. I absorbed the first wave of electronic music - The Prodigy, Scooter, Chemical Brothers...

- You didn’t listen to Russian pop music at all, did you?

Yes, she walked right past me. In fact, now many hits are the same electronic music as my Everybody. But if there is a person standing there with a microphone, then it is considered pop music. And if DJ Rudenko stands behind the turntables and plays his songs, then this is considered electronic music.

- Could you give up DJ sets and focus only on composing music?

I don't see the two as mutually exclusive. If 3.5 thousand people come to my sets and they like it, I myself get great pleasure. This is a much greater outburst of emotions than sitting at home and listening to your songs being played on the radio.

There are producers who compose music, and then send groups to perform with their music. I wouldn't be able to do that.

- How did a simple Russian guy manage to break through the wall that prevents Russian musicians from advancing in the West? Did you have a blat? Rich dad?

I didn't break through any walls. And he made no plans. It was the only possible continuation of a career. I originally thought of my career in this way. I liked Western music, because electronic music was invented there. I listened to foreign DJs and tried to do the same. Something worked, something didn't work. I knew where to go and where this music is received. Learning English really helped me a lot.

It just so happens that we have no prophets in our country. The big industry is there, abroad. And the only opportunity to express yourself is also there. Otherwise, you can ride around the cities and villages of our homeland for decades - and no one will know about you.

- How it all began? Have you sent your songs to labels?

Yes, I did. At first he sent CDs, then he began to write e-mails. And for many years they did not answer me! I was not upset and reasoned like this: since they didn’t answer, it means that I sent a low-quality track. So I have to do better.

- And when did the first result appear?

Around 2005, my instrumental hit the BBC 1 radio airwaves. It was played on the Saturday program nine times in a row, it was included in the first big compilation in the whole world. Then several successful local songs appeared. Then a few more songs got into different collections. Then came Destination...

- What pitfalls lie in wait for a musician in the West?

First, I signed one of those onerous contracts that are often offered to young musicians. The contract was for five years, but I soon got out of it. Then he signed a contract with a small Dutch company and also quickly broke up with her. Then another contract. And then I saw the light - situations with lawyers taught me a lot. Barely fought back sometimes.

And lately I've been quietly writing new songs. I have a standard contract with European labels for publication and distribution. I don't depend on anyone. I have a label in every country that distributes. For example, in Russia it is Ikra Music, in Spain it is Universal Music, etc.

- Are you satisfied with the results of your sales in the West?

Royalty money is quite long-term money, it takes a long time to collect it, at the end of the year. Reports will come next year, we'll see. It seems to be decent, but I can’t buy a private jet.

- When can we expect a big concert from you in a decent metropolitan hall?

I dream of taking a big hall, gathering authentic vocalists, ordering decorations, doing everything very beautifully, with ballet. Get it all on DVD. But all this is very laborious and expensive. Until I'm ready for it.

But everything is going the way it should be. Sometimes it's better not to rush things.

Because when something happens, you often think how good it was that it didn't happen a year ago, when I wasn't ready for it yet.

Musician Date of birth July 16 (Cancer) 1985 (34) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @rudenkoofficial

Leonid Rudenko is a DJ and composer who creates music in the style of house, ambient, trance and house. Rudenko is one of the few Russian musicians whose compositions not only regularly get into the rotation of foreign radio stations, but also occupy top positions in the dance music charts.

Leonid was born in Moscow on July 16, 1985. From childhood, Leonid was fond of dance music: according to Rudenko, he was inspired by the work of Bogdan Titomir, the Chemical Brothers and Prodigy groups.

By the age of 18, Leonid begins to write his own music and sends out demos to all Russian record companies. Unfortunately, Rudenko's work did not interest Russian producers, but Leonid does not despair and decides to storm Western studios. Luck smiled at him: producer Paul Van Dyke drew attention to Leonid's work and offered to create remixes for the songs of his ward. Successful cooperation made Rudenko famous in the musical circles of Great Britain, Denmark and Holland.

In 2006-2007, Rudenko's career took off sharply. He signed a major contract with one of the most famous record labels in Belgium, his tracks were in the rotation of many European radio stations. In the summer of 2007, the track Nervous heads the top chart of one of the American dance radio stations.

The first single released in the musician's homeland was the composition "Destination". The following songs "Everybody" and "Summerfish", recorded in a duet with American singer Daniella, became world hits.

At the end of November 2009, Rudenko's first full-length album was released, bearing the unpretentious name "Album", and in 2014 Leonid performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Rudenko willingly collaborates with domestic performers: he has worked with Mitya Fomin, Jasmine, Dubtsova, as well as with the young Youtube star Sasha Spielberg.

The star of the series "Happy Together" and the ex-husband of Anastasia Stotskaya got married

Irina Dubtsova: “I am 34 years old, it is difficult to find a suitable companion”

Biography of Leonid Rudenko

Leonid is one of the most eligible bachelors in Russian show business. For a long time he did not talk about his personal life, and only in one interview did he mention a girl whom he met in his youth and who left him for a rich rival. Parting with his muse Rudenko experienced hard, for a long time he did not dare to enter into a new relationship. But recently, information appeared in the press about Leonid's romance with singer Irina Dubtsova. Initially, the couple had friendly relations, which grew into something more.

The romance of the star couple developed rapidly, the singer introduced her son Artem to Leonid, rumors about the upcoming wedding began to appear in the press. However, after a year of relationship, the couple announced their separation. About the reasons that led to the break, Leonid and Irina preferred to remain silent.

Personal life of Leonid Rudenko

Now Leonid is giving all his strength to the development of his musical career: he is working on recording new tracks and performing in clubs. The time free from creativity, Leonid devotes to his hobby - collecting cars.

On the screen, Leonid Rudenko gives the impression of a well-mannered and subtle person. In life, he ... so it turned out. He constantly smiled, thought for a long time and reasoned very beautifully.

There is no place in my heart yet

I don't remember my first date, but I guess it was at school. It probably wasn't bright enough for me to remember. In general, all my childhood, as now, in principle, I was passionate about music and my personal life was in the background. I think that most creative people who are really passionate about what they do are married to their work until a certain age. I'm not saying that it should be permanent, but in the period of formation and development, the choice of priorities is exactly that. All my peers, who lead a more classical way of life, have already got a family and children, because this is necessary from the point of view of a certain social burden. We have such a stereotype: if a girl is not married at 25, she is an old maid, if a man is not married at 25, something is wrong with him. Although if you look at European society, then there the period of formation of a man falls on a later age than in Russia. In our time in the USSR, everything was quite well planned: you graduated from a university, received a distribution, went to work, stood in line, moved to your apartment. In Europe, many young people start their fully active lives at the age of 30.
I will be 32 in July. I went through a certain stage of relations and at the moment I understood for sure that in order to realize my plans, to take place fully as a person and a man, I now need freedom. This is true for girls - when they enter into a relationship, they expect their logical continuation. But I can’t guarantee it now, and I don’t want to powder my brains. In order for a person to appear in life and in the heart, there must be a time and a place for this just in this heart. And with strong employment, there is neither one nor the other.

The girl must be busy

I'm not opposed to the girl sitting at home and taking care of the child. But at an active age, she should be busy with business. I will explain why: if next to a person who works hard and thinks, there is a person who does nothing, misunderstanding often arises on many global issues. They relate to finances, the regime of work and rest. And in order to absolutely understand a man who is constantly busy with business, a girl must also be busy. I'm not talking about work from morning to evening and not about the fact that she should provide for the family - I'm talking about the point of application of forces. Constantly being in four walls at a young age will lead to the fact that you start to get mad and think up a bunch of unnecessary thoughts.

I don't care about peers

I don’t look at young girls, because there’s nothing to talk about with them, unfortunately. At the same time, I do not demand a discussion of "War and Peace" or painting, which I myself do not understand. But coming home, talking about internal problems and getting wise advice is valuable. And these qualities are manifested during a long communication - they cannot be viewed in one or two times. But at the same time, I don’t bother too much about peers - there are girls who look very good both at 30 and at 35. The only question is that if a girl is 35, then she wants to decide here and now, and I just I can't provide right now.

I don't need someone to hold me

I believe that the degree of falling in love decreases with age and a healthy pragmatism is included. I do not need someone to support me, solve my problems. But for a successful and successful relationship, you need to turn on your head and understand when you can surrender to feelings and when not. The guys complain: "The girls went mercantile ..." But I think it's not about commercialism, but that the guys just pay attention to the wrong ones. There are really a lot of girls who are only interested in the material component, but at the same time there are many worthy girls, you just need to know where to meet them.
I have never met mercantile girls, simply because, in principle, I didn’t get to know each other so often. Each new acquaintance entails certain time and energy costs: you need to get to know each other, go somewhere, chat. This is quite difficult for me. That is, I didn’t get into a situation where you go to a restaurant with a girl, and she says: “Listen, the car needs to be repaired there, can you help me with new wheels?” I have never come across inadequate requests, like "Give me an apartment." I believe that if you really want to donate a car, you should want to help yourself, to do something nice. But when they begin to beg for it, it is strange and goes beyond the framework of normal human relations. It's not about greed - it's about approach. Friends got, by the way, in similar stories. Mostly when meeting new girls. By the way, if we talk about the criteria for my choice, then it is desirable that the girl be from Moscow - a girl who was born or raised in a big city is less concerned about the problem of getting hooked. For many visitors, the task is not to meet a good person and go with him all his life, but to improve his standard of living at the expense of someone, to stay in the city. It may sound harsh, but it's true.

I probably wouldn't meet in a club

I probably wouldn't pick up a girl at a club at five in the morning. Although, on the other hand, I am against labeling - even a very decent girl may want to hang out until six in the morning, and there is nothing wrong with that. Probably, just in most cases it is not worth getting acquainted under such circumstances.

I get energy from people

I try to stay close to the people, and I get energy from people. I don’t understand those who make art and surround themselves with a million guards, don’t take pictures with anyone. Actually, it is thanks to these people that the artist is popular - he earns money because someone likes it. And when someone wants to be photographed with him, that's fine. Refusal in this situation is simply a manifestation of disrespect.

Trying to win a heart didn't work

At the age of 25, I had boyish maximalism, which consisted in committing rash heroic deeds with which I thought to attract attention, win someone's heart. But they didn't work. I had one strong passion, rather than love, but passion. And I flew abroad, not knowing whether the meeting would take place in principle or not. Now I won’t dare to do this if I don’t know that they are waiting for me. I'm not ready to fly 24 hours, stand in the rain, wait for someone at the theater, not knowing whether she will come or not. Although, maybe that person just hasn't met yet.

I occasionally need solitude, but not for a lifetime

It’s hard for me to get out of a relationship, because I become attached, become attached to my soul. But if we are in different phases with a girl, then I consider it dishonest to lead her by the nose. Today, the main thing for me is work, career, self-realization, formation. And the girl wants a family, children, perhaps not now, but at least in six months. But I clearly understand that in six months I will not come to this. Promising something that will not happen is ugly. In such situations, you can not be selfish. I don't like goodbyes. As a rule, I do not find understanding on the part of the girls in this matter: "You will be left alone, it's impossible ..." But is it possible to know this in advance? None of us is an oracle, otherwise our life would be different. Besides, I'm not a sociopath, and communication is important to me. I occasionally need solitude, but certainly not for a lifetime.

Leonid Rudenko is the only Russian musician who immediately entered almost all European dance charts in 2006/2007: 9th place in the Holland hit parade, 12th in France (Highest new entry - the most successful start), 8th in the American dance chart and 65th place in the ranking of the most popular songs in Germany (by rotation in clubs). Leonid's tracks are licensed in 10 countries and receive support from the most authoritative representatives of the industry. Leonid is the only Russian musician whose copyright is tracked by Europe's largest company Talpa Music, which also represents the interests of such artists as David Guetta, Faithless, Bob Marley, etc.

Leonid works with the biggest dance music labels in Europe: Kontor/Egoiste, Cyber, Happy Music, Blanco y Negro, Time Records Italy, Fektive, Nervous USA, Quake Japan. Tracks by Leonid Rudenko are included in more than 20 compilations around the world by such companies as Sony-BMG, Ministry of Sound UK, PIAS, Universal, etc. Leonid's singles are in rotation on BBC Radio 1 (LR - Stardisease was included in the list of the best tracks 2006 aired last Saturday on BBC), Galaxy FM UK (Leonid Rudenko feat. Vicky Fee - Real Life was named as one of the biggest songs of the upcoming summer) and many other radio stations around the world.

Leonid Rudenko is the only musician from Russia who has worked with the most authoritative and respected vocalists in his field. The track is being prepared for release together with the dance diva of England - Shena. She has over 20 UK Top 10 songs including the world hits Junior Jack ft Shena - Stupidisco, Michael Gray - The Weekend, De Souza - Guilty. Moreover, Leonid recorded a song with a singer from London, Kay Jay, whose voice can be heard in the song Seamus Haji - Last night the a dj saved my life, released on Universal UK.

The first single together with American vocalist Leonid Rudenko feat. Daniella - Summerfish was released in the summer of 2006 in Holland, France and Japan. In France, the track was released 2 times on the Cyber(Royal Flush) label, where such stars as Junior Jack are published. In total, more than 5,000 records were sold (Vinyl 12”). In the largest online mp3 store (the largest store in the field of dance music, analogue of I-tunes in the pop industry), Summerfish stayed in 1st place in total sales for more than a month, and did not leave the Top 10 for several more weeks. Thus the song became the most legally sold vocal-dance track in the summer of 2006 (about 5000-6000 mp3 were sold).

On June 1st, 2007 the big American company Nervous from New York (which licenses most of the mainstream dance music from Europe, including the hit Mason vs. Princess superstar - perfect exceeder and Supafly - moving too fast) releases Maxi Cd Single Summerfish (10 tracks). The track gets 1st place in rotation on the largest dance radio in America (analogous to Russian DI.FM and Energy), and appears in rotation throughout the country. More than 400 orders come to the radio every day.

Leonid Rudenko - Summerfish included in Tiesto - In search of sunrise compilation.

Leonid's tracks are constantly supported by leading Russian DJs: Grad, Kolya, Kiriloff (Maximum Radio), Pimenov. Moreover, Leonid Rudenko - Real Life made their own remixes by Grad, Dj Kolya, Agent Smith, which can be regularly heard on the air of their show on Dynamite FM.

Leonid Rudenko - Real Life opens the official collection FortDance 2007 (Mixed by Grad).

In Germany, the rights are held by Kontor/Egoiste. Kontor is owned by Universal and deals with artists such as ATB, Supermode, Michael Gray.

In France, the release rights are held by Happy Music, whose portfolio includes such artists as Deep Dish, Eric Prydz, Freemasons, Michael Gray and Fedde le grand (author of No. 1 UK Chart - Put Your Hands Up For Detroit)

Each single is released with a large number of remixes from well-known western producers: Mischa Daniels, Ben Macklin, JS 16 (one of bombfunk mc's producers). In particular, the new single Big Boss will be released with a remix from one of the most sought-after producers in Europe - Thomas Gold. Thus, Leonid Rudenko occupies the niche that David Guetta and Bob Sinclar occupy in Europe, whose works are successfully heard both in clubs and on the radio and TV.

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