Gates. Creation and application (Build Craft)

Gates allow you to replace complex or non-compact redstone circuits.

Gate Distribution:
1.Standard gate has one working condition
2.Iron gate has two working conditions
3.Gold Gate has four working conditions
4.Diamond gate has eight working conditions

1. Creation of gates.

a. Training
For the whole process you will need assembly table

The assembly table differs from other mechanisms by obtaining energy.

The assembly table is powered by laser

The laser is powered by RF (redstone flux) energy. To do this, we can use any engine from the mods: Forestry, BuildCraft, Thermal Expansions. For me the most practical is the electric motor from Forestry.

When you apply power to the laser, it will look something like this:

b. Craft gates

Let's go directly to the craft itself.

For a standard gate, we need a regular chip and a wire.

The interface is pretty clear. On the left, ingredients are placed, on the right, the item you want to create is selected, in the center, a bar showing the progress of creation. If there are powered lasers nearby, the item will begin to be created.

For those who are interested, here are all the gate recipes

One of the most delicious is the pulsating gate, for which you have to make a pulsating chip

After that, you need to craft an integration table (it is powered in the same way as the assembly table)

The integration table looks intimidating at first glance, but it's really simple, we have to put our gate there, and the pulsing chip.

It looks like this:

2. Gate operation conditions.

There are a lot of operating conditions for gates, and their uses are diverse. I wanted to show the most commonly used setting on the pulse gate as a redstone motor replacement.

Thank you for your attention!

Good luck in learning and development:3

BuildCraft is a Minecraft mod that aims at providing advanced building capabilities to the game. It is a mod that is compatible with Galacticraft.

Main compatible features:

  • Most machines can be automated using item pipes (including the Electric Compressor as of latest Galacticraft 3 versions)
  • Item pipes can be connected to Cargo Loader , Cargo Unloader
  • Fluid pipes can be connected to Fuel Loader , Refinery , Gas Liquefier , Water Electrolyzer , Methane Synthesizer
  • Galacticraft fluids can be placed into Buildcraft tanks


Buildcraft Oil and Fuel

Buildcraft generates oil wells near the surface of the Overworld (sometimes under water). These contain source blocks of Buildcraft Crude oil. Buildcraft oil can be refined into Buildcraft's Fuel which is usable as rocket fuel in Galacticraft. You can use either Buildcraft's refinery or the Galacticraft Refinery to transform Oil into Fuel.

If Buildcraft is installed, normally Buildcraft's Oil and Fuel will take the place of Galacticraft's standard Oil and Fuel. There's not too much difference between them at all - the color is different and the Galacticraft oil is found deeper underground - but both can be used in the same machines.

If you install the Buildcraft mod in an EXISTING GALACTICRAFT SAVED WORLD then you will find that suddenly all the Galacticraft oil and fuel has disappeared. (That"s because it gets de-registered - it literally does not exist in the game - if Buildcraft is installed) And the Buildcraft oil can only be found in newly generated Overworld chunks.

To solve this, Galacticraft gives a config option to use legacy Galacticraft oil and fuel - this will preserve the old Galacticraft oil and fuel in the world (underground reservoirs, liquid tanks and buckets in inventories) alongside the new Buildcraft oil and fuel. Both can be used in the Refinery and the Fuel Loader . To be effective you must enable this config option before starting the game with Buildcraft mod installed. Except in this specific situation, you generally should not use this config option because otherwise there can be too much oil in the game (Buildcraft oil and Galacticraft oil) - also Buildcraft quarries can be laggy if they encounter liquids underground.

Buildcraft API power issues

Buildcraft changed its power systems three times in the Minecraft 1.7.10 version, there's Buildcraft 6.0.x based on the long-standing MJ system, Buildcraft 6.1.x which is a halfway house, and Buildcraft 6.2.x which abandoned MJ and changed energy compatibility systems is, to be frank, a dumb and ill-considered thing to do in the middle of a Minecraft version, if you are a mod which (like Buildcraft) has an API which is /was relied on by many other mods.

Galacticraft 3 attempts to be compatible with all the older versions of Buildcraft as well as the latest. Why? Because any one of the different Buildcraft versions could be being used by other mods which players have installed alongside Galacticraft 3. This mostly works fine. Note that Galacticraft does not distribute any version of the Buildcraft API- a quick check of any GalacticraftCore jar will confirm this.

The only situation players are likely to run into problems is if other mods have two different versions of the Buildcraft interfaces. This can happen. For example, apart from Buildcraft itself, Forestry, Railcraft, Engineers Toolbox, Enhanced Portals ... etc ... all of these can include the Buildcraft API in their jars. Things will get messed up if a player or modpack is using versions of those other mods based off different Buildcraft versions. To avoid problems in Galacticraft in that situation (example), Galacticraft version 3.0.8 onwards automatically disables its legacy Buildcraft power compatibility (MJ interface) at game startup, if a problem with the Buildcraft API - meaning, two different versions of the API - is detected. More information about this. Servers or single players can also manually disable Galacticraft from using the legacy MJ interface by a config setting: in power-GC3.conf look for this line:

B:"Disable old Buildcraft API (MJ) interfacing completely?"=false

and set it to true to disable the MJ interface.

Some other issues seen in some older versions of Buildcraft-compatible mods:

  • In EnderIO 2.0 (which was MJ-compatible) conduits could not connect to the input of GC Energy Storage Modules, only the output
  • Also in EnderIO 2.0, conduits on the output of GC Energy Storage Modules or solar generators would pull out all the electricity even if the conduit was connected to nothing
  • BuildCraft Kinesis Pipes - and EnderIO 2.0 conduits - looked like they connected to every side of GC machines, but would in fact not be able to place power into GC machines except on the correct power input side.

This article is the beginning of a small cycle in which I will try to cover all aspects of the Buildcraft mod. And I'll start with engines, tell you why they are needed, what to do with them, how much energy they produce, and show crafting recipes. So let's get started!


Initially, in Minecraft, the player has to do everything himself, which is fun at first, but when you start to want a large scale, this can become an obstacle. Buildcraft corrects this misunderstanding by adding many different blocks to the game that allow you to automate some processes. In fact, the mod claims to automate the construction of large structures for the most part, no matter what you think. At the same time, he solves many problems along the way, and for the most part, Buildcraft is associated with pipes and a quarry. This is all said to the fact that most blocks require energy for their work. Well, the engines, respectively, produce this energy.

Wooden engine (Redstone engine)

First on the list is a wooden engine. It has no interface, it is the simplest engine, it only needs a redstone signal to work. The recipe for crafting a wooden engine is shown in the picture below.

Crafting requires 3 blocks of planks, one block of glass, one piston and 2 wooden gears. The wooden engine is mainly used to power wooden pipes (more on pipes in another article) due to their very low energy ratings. Like all engines, it is subject to heat, but unlike the others, it does not explode unless it is additionally heated by other engines. Generates from 0.01 MJ/t in the blue phase to 0.08 MJ/t in the red phase.

Stirling engine

The next is the stone Stirling engine, the name of which in the Russian version has not yet been changed from the steam engine. It is crafted similarly to the previous one, only the boards and gears are changed to stone counterparts.

This engine is already more serious, it produces 1 MJ / t and can power undemanding mechanisms. It can power pumps, drilling rigs and other service machines. Its interface consists of a single slot into which fuel is loaded. It works on everything that burns in the stove: wood, coal, lava buckets, and so on. Turns on with a redstone signal. Be careful - when overheating, the Stirling engine explodes.

Combustion engine

The best in this fashion is the internal combustion engine (ICE). Without additional mods, you will not find anything more powerful. Craft like all engines, parts are iron.

This engine powers all of Buildcraft's demanding machinery, such as the quarry, aggregate, and more. Its interface is a slot in which you can put various liquids, and 2 tanks. Fuel is stored in the first tank, water is stored in the second cooler. If you start the engine without water, it will quickly heat up, and from overheating it may explode. As fuel, you can use lava (1 MJ/t), oil (3 MJ/t), and fuel (6 MJ/t). At the beginning of the game, it is better to use oil if you have it, but if you are unlucky, then lava can also be used. Although the internal combustion engine is the most powerful, several of them may be required for the same quarry or processing plant.


For normal operation, the engine must be positioned with a narrow part to the car, it usually sets itself correctly, but if this is not the case, use a wrench to turn it. A wrench can turn any Buildcraft machine.

In this article, you learned about the 3 types of engines, the power they generate, and how to properly position them. The next article will be about pipes.

Knowing how to extract oil and make fuel, use pipes and engines, mark the territory, you can start using the most powerful of the machines in Buildcraft. Today we will be engaged in the extraction of resources, namely, we will talk about a drilling rig and a quarry.

Let's start with the drilling rig. This machine is not so expensive and useful compared to a quarry, but perhaps you will find a use for it. The rig recipe was in previous articles, but still I will repeat it.

The machine must be put on the ground and supplied with energy. It is also desirable to attach a pipe or a chest, otherwise the dug out resources will fly to the ground. The drilling rig digs a vertical tunnel one block wide to the very bottom of the map. At the same time, it lowers some kind of pipe. See how it looks in the picture below. If you need to make a vertical tunnel - use it.


A quarry in Buildcraft is the hallmark of the mod, along with pipes. It allows you to dig up resources in huge quantities in a relatively short time, freeing you from this tedious task. You can see the quarry recipe in the picture below.

Crafting is quite expensive, it uses 11 diamonds, but they will quickly pay off. Before placing a quarry, you can mark the area with blue marks, as described in the previous article. If you don't, the machine will use its default contour to dig. I marked out a small rectangle for the quarry, and this is what came of it.

To power you will need at least 2 internal combustion engines. The quarry will work with a small amount of energy, but it will be very slow. It is also worth bringing a pipe and attaching several chests to it. When you start the power supply, a small flying square robot will appear, which will clear the area inside the circuit from foreign blocks with a laser, and begin to build an orange fence.

After building it, the robot will disappear and the quarry will start digging. It is worth remembering that if the quarry finds lava, it will stop, although it digs perfectly in water. You can fill the hole with water, then the lava will turn into obsidian, which will be dug out. Once the quarry reaches the bedrock, it will stop. Be careful, the hole will be very deep, do not fall. Well, or you can push friends there.


The quarry is, of course, much more powerful than the drilling rig, but it is used in other recipes. In addition, it is much cheaper and will help you make vertical tunnels. Well, a quarry will allow you to quickly extract resources. You can place him underground, for example right above the level of the diamonds, so as not to wait until he unearths the entire stone. Then the extraction will be even faster. Next time, we'll talk about terraforming. You will learn how to use the placeholder and what patterns it uses.

Build Craft- this is a mod for SSP and SMP modes of Minecraft that adds various blocks, 1 tool and oil to the game.
This mod allows you to build various automated mining and processing factories and other structures.


Pipes are designed to transport any items (be it a simple stone or diamond picks)
There are several types of pipes with different specializations.

wooden pipes

Wooden pipes are designed to extract items from the inventory of any device.
In order for them to start extracting objects, you need to put the engine next to them and turn it on.
If you put a wooden pipe between two (or more) chests, then it will extract things from only one chest, to change the chest from which the pipe will take things, you need to right-click on the pipe with a wrench. If there is a redstone engine next to the pipe, then things from the chest (or from somewhere else) will be taken out one by one, if the cost is steam, then in packs of 52 pieces, if the ICE is also in packs, but faster. Does not connect with other wooden pipes. Ideal crossroads.

Cobblestone pipes

These pipes are just for transporting loot. And that's it.

stone pipes

Stone pipes are the same pipes made of cobblestone, but loot moves faster in them and the acceleration from the golden pipe lasts longer.

iron pipes

Iron pipes are needed to combine several pipes into one (otherwise the loot will move in a random direction).
The exit is selected with the right mouse button using a wrench or a redstone signal. Cannot channel loot into a wooden pipe.

golden pipes

Golden pipes are accelerators, when loot moves through them, it accelerates (quite a lot).
But after a certain number of blocks, the loot slows down again. To activate the acceleration, you need to bring a redstone signal to the golden pipe

Diamond pipes

Diamond pipes are used as a loot filter.
For example, if you put coal in the red slot of the filter, then all the coal passing through the diamond tube will be directed towards the red tube exit.

obsidian pipes

These are the so-called "vacuum" pipes, they suck up the fallen loot.
In normal mode, obsidian pipes only suck up loot that falls directly on them, and if you put an engine next to them, the suction radius will increase (depending on the type of engine, by a different number of cubes).

filled pipes

Have you ever needed to move wire from one type of pipe to another? Or you don’t want your items to go where they don’t need, but so that you can lead the wire. Here is the solution to your problem!! To the cobblestone pipe just add water gravel

Installation pipes

You must have wanted something like this for a long time! When a block falls out of this pipe, it will set it! But if you need to pick up this block, then just connect the redstone engine. When a hoe (or something like that) falls out, it will plow the ground! In short, this pipe simply right-clicks on the block that is in front of it, with the object that falls out of it

sand pipes

The sand pipe only connects to other pipes. It is not connected to devices (furnaces, workbenches).

hollow pipes

Everything that falls into this pipe will be moved into the void and will disappear from the world. And as sad as it is, it's gone forever :(

Pipes for liquids

These pipes are designed to transport liquids: oil, water and lava.

Pipe seal

Used in crafting waterproof pipes.

Wooden waterproof pipes

Wooden waterproof pipes - pump out liquids from tanks. For operation, it is necessary to place a running engine nearby. Does not connect with other wooden pipes.

Cobblestone waterproof pipes

Watertight cobblestone pipes - designed to transport liquids.

Stone waterproof pipes

Stone waterproof pipes - transport liquids. More effective than waterproof cobblestone pipes.

Iron waterproof pipes

Iron waterproof pipes - allows you to direct liquids in a certain direction. Use the wrench to change direction.

golden waterproof pipes

Golden waterproof pipes - transport liquids faster than stone and wooden pipes. It does not require a redstone signal to activate.

Sand waterproof tubes

Works exactly the same as a regular sand pipe. Connects only to other pipes.

Hollow waterproof pipes

All liquid that gets into this pipe will disappear from the universe.

Pipes for energy

These pipes are designed to transport energy. Energy is generated by motors and consumed by other devices.

Wooden conductive pipes

Wooden conductive pipes - extract energy from engines. Does not connect with other wooden pipes.

Stone conductive pipes

  • Waste: 1% of all energy per block
Stone conductive pipes - transport energy.

Gold Conductive Pipes

  • Waste: 0.1% of all energy per block
Gold conductive pipes - transport energy more efficiently and with less loss than stone ones.



Facades are used to hide pipes.
Facades do not have hitboxes in the current version, i.e. they cannot be broken and you can walk through them. No, of course you can break them, but only by breaking the pipe, and you can’t go through either, you will hit the pipe. Also, thanks to this bug (or feature?), it is possible to pass a pipe through the facade and therefore close the wall without interfering with the work of the pipes (like hollow blocks in RedPower). Also you can do this

If you right-click, the workbench will open. Also, you may notice that the facades are not highlighted with a black border when hovering over them, unlike regular blocks.


3 filled pipes and the block you need are used. at the output you get 6 facades. Made in the assembly table.

Gears and Tools

wooden gear

The easiest gear to craft. Used in crafting simple mechanisms.

stone gear

Inexpensive gear in crafting, used in crafting simple mechanisms.

iron gear

The gear, which is average in terms of the cost of crafting, is used in crafting rather complex and expensive mechanisms.

golden gear

An expensive gear in crafting, used in crafting complex mechanisms.

diamond gear

A very expensive gear in crafting (to craft 1 diamond gear you need 4 sticks, 4 cobblestones, 4 iron, 4 gold and 4 diamonds), it is used to craft the most complex and expensive mechanisms.
All gears are used only in crafting, they have no other use.


Build Craft adds only 1 tool - wrench.

Wrench, changes the orientation of devices and the inputs / outputs of pipes when you click on them with the right mouse button.


Automatic workbench

The automatic workbench is designed for serial crafting of any items.

Put the crafting ingredients in it as if you want to craft the desired item, now close the window of the workbench, things did not drop, but remained inside. It remains only to supply the necessary ingredients through the pipes and the output will be finished products. You can also put a chest next to the workbench and he will take the ingredients from it. So you can craft things with items that do not stack. You can also use the automatic workbench as usual.


Everyone knows that if there is no space in the inventory (for example, the stove), then the item will simply fall out of the pipe to the ground. To avoid this, a loading funnel is used.

The feed funnel must be placed on top of the device. She has an inventory of 4 slots. If there is room in the inventory, then the item will simply go through the funnel, and if there is no room, then the item will be in the funnel until the place is freed, after which it will fit into the device's inventory. You can also arrange the funnels on top of each other.

Drilling rig

The drilling rig actually drills :D and it only drills 1 block directly below it to the lava/adminium.

To activate the drilling rig, you need to put an engine next to it (as it turned out, a redstone engine is not suitable, but in order not to waste coal / oil, you can put a steam / ICE, but accelerate it with redstone engines) or bring energy through pipes, and also put pipes for removal of the drilled rock, otherwise the blocks will drop from the drilling rig to the ground. Right-clicking with a wrench in hand rotates the installation 90 degrees (this is Minecraft: 3).


A quarry is similar to a drilling rig, but unlike it, it extracts all the resources in an area of ​​9x9 cubes and even more (maybe less :)).

  • Maximum can consume 25 ee/tic when building, 9 ee/tic when working
Activating a quarry is similar to activating a drilling rig. The resource extraction area (9x9) can be changed using markers, more details in the Construction section.


The tank is used for compact storage of liquids. (What did you think? :P)

1 tank holds 10 buckets of liquid. If you put one tank on another, you get one tank with a doubled volume, you can also put 3 and 4 tanks on top of each other and ... 50 tanks.
The contents of the tanks can be collected in buckets.

water pump

A pump is needed to pump out liquids.

  • Consumes 10 ee per block of liquid
(In crafting, a drilling rig is used)
To start pumping out liquid, you need to put the pump directly above this liquid, put the engine next to it and turn it on or bring energy through the pipes, you also need to run pipes from the pump to the tank so that the liquid does not spill out. (Eh, dreams of dreams.)

processing plant

Converts oil into fuel.

  • The maximum can consume 10 ee \ tick
To start the distillation, it is necessary to supply oil and energy to the refinery through pipes and remove the finished fuel again through pipes.


This section contains devices that facilitate the construction of large objects.

Labels are used to designate the working area of ​​devices.

1. Put the first mark

2. Place the second and third marks in line with the first. And if you need a height, then put the fourth mark above the first.

3. Click on the first label. A red line will appear highlighting the area you selected.

Now you can simply put the mechanism you need to one of the labels . This will remove all labels.
(The drop of things is disabled on the screen, so they are not there)

For convenience, you can put a red torch next to the mark, and it will begin to "emit" blue rays in all 6 directions.

Guide marks

These labels can only be used with the builder.
With the help of guide marks, you can set the direction along which the builder will repeat the scheme embedded in it.
Place 2 labels and right-click on one of them. This mark will turn green to indicate search mode. After a while, a green line will appear between the marks. If necessary, you can put a couple more labels, and in this case the label will be connected to the nearest one. When you have completed your dirty deeds choose the path, put the builder to one of the extreme marks. PROFIT!


  • Maximum can consume 25 eu/tick
Filler - Fills the selected area according to the recipe.
The area to be filled is marked with marks. For work, it is necessary to put a working engine nearby or supply energy through pipes.

Placeholder Recipes

Fills in the selected area.

Clears the selected area.

Aligns the selected area.

Creates a wall around the selected area.

Creates a pyramid in the selected area.

Creates a staircase in the selected area.


The template is used to record the arrangement of blocks using the architect's table.

Construction project

A construction project is similar to a template with one significant difference. Unlike a template, it remembers which block is in which place. When placing a building project in the builder, a list of the items it needs will appear on the right.

Architect's Desk

The architect's table is needed for creating templates and construction projects. And more precisely, to fill them with information. Just highlight the desired area with labels, put a table next to one of the labels, put a template or project there and enter a name. At the end, you get the finished product.

Project Library

Serves as storage for construction projects

1. List of saved projects
2. Page switching
3. If you put a construction project with any building here, then a copy of it will be saved in the library. You will receive your project on the left
4. If you put an empty construction project here and select one of the projects in the list on the left, then its copy will be written "on paper". The finished product can be picked up on the right.
For what the Del button I think is clear.


  • Maximum can consume 25 eu/tick
Builder - builds objects according to a template or according to a plan in a selected area.


This section describes the innovations that the Energy module adds, namely engines, as well as oil and fuel. There are three types of engines: Redstone Engine, Steam Engine and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). They differ in their speed characteristics and fuel consumption. From version 2.0.0 of the mod, now all devices that were powered by redstone pulses are now powered by engines, and from version 2.2.0 also with the help of pipes with energy (if you do not install the Energy module, then the devices will work, as before, from redstone impulses). In order to power the device, you need to put an engine next to it and activate the latter using a redstone signal, while the engine must have fuel (with the exception of the redstone engine). It is also possible to transfer energy to devices using special pipes.

Redstone Engine

This is the simplest, cheapest and correspondingly slowest type of engine.

  • Craft: Cheap
  • Operation Speed: Low
  • Ability to take things in packs (52 pieces each): No
  • Fuel type: No (powered by redstone signal)
  • Generates: 1 unit of energy (hereinafter "ee") per "piston movement"
  • Craft: Medium
  • Operation speed: Medium
  • Fuel type: Any combustible materials (coal, wood, lava buckets, etc.)
  • Generates: 1 ee per tick (20 ticks in 1 second). Energy accumulates and releases during the "movement of the piston"


ICE is also an internal combustion engine, the most expensive and fastest engine, and also eats oil and fuel: D.

  • Craft: Expensive
  • Operation Speed: High
  • Ability to take things in packs (52 pieces each): Yes
  • Fuel type: Oil, fuel, lava
  • Generates: Depends on fuel. 5 ee per tick when using fuel, 2 ee per tick when using oil, 1 ee per tick when using lava.

Hence the paradox. The lava bucket in the steam engine burns for 100 seconds = 20k ticks = 20k ee (lose the bucket)
Lava bucket in ICE burns for 10 seconds = 2k ticks = 2k ee (save the bucket)
* Also, the internal combustion engine needs to be cooled, for this, pour water into it through pipes or using buckets.


Oil is a new type of fuel used in internal combustion engines, pumped out by pumps, stored in tanks.
Oil only spawns on new worlds or if you move away from home and new chunks spawn. Either way, you can find oil deposits. There are deposits right on the surface, and under them sometimes there are whole "repositories" of oil, which will last you for a long time. Oil is also processed into fuel using a refinery.

Logic elements

This section will describe what's new in BuildCraft 3.0

  • To work at full capacity, 4 eu \ tick is enough
Used to power the assembly table.

assembly table

The assembly table is used to create all the new goodies added in version 3.0. Starting from wires and ending with diamond gates.
When you open the assembly table GUI, the following window will appear.

Despite the incomprehensible interface, everything is very simple here.
Ingredients are placed on the left, and the item you want to receive is selected on the right. The central bar shows the progress of creating the item you need. If powered lasers are nearby, they will activate and begin to supply energy to the assembly table. It looks like this

And the assembly table GUI will look like this

You probably noticed one bright red frame, and 2 dark red ones. Bright red highlights the item currently being created, while dark red highlights items that are in the queue. After creating the first item, the assembly table will switch to the second one. After the second to the third. Etc.
It is worth noting that the assembly table does not have storage in which it could store all the items it created. Therefore, it is worth putting a chest or pipes to it. Otherwise, he will just throw them away.

In the future, other crafting windows will be used. The one on the left goes to the left of the assembly table. Right - what happens. The numbers are the amount of energy.


There is not much to describe here. Chips are used to create gates.

conventional microcircuit

Serves to create a regular gate.

Iron chip

Used to create iron gates.

golden world map

Serves to create golden gates

diamond circuit

Serves to create the best gates. Diamond.

Pulsing IC

Used to craft pulsating gates.


Wires are used to transmit signals through pipes. They come in four different colors. As you may have guessed, wires of different colors do not connect to each other. Another important difference will be described in the section on gates. It is also very important that the wires cannot be transferred from one type of pipe to another. To do this, use filled pipes. This is clearly visible in the screenshot below.


Crafts and a brief description

Normal gate

  • Number of conditions: 1
  • Work with wires: no
iron gate

  • Number of conditions: 2
  • Wire work: Red
  • Choice of subject, type of liquid: no
golden gate

  • Number of conditions: 4
  • Wire handling: Red , Blue
diamond gate

  • Number of conditions: 8
  • Wire handling: Red , Blue , Green , Yellow
  • Choice of subject, liquid type: yes
Pulsating gate

They differ from ordinary gates only in the "Energy Pulser" action, which works in the same way as a regular redstone engine, that is, it can also accelerate. There are 3 things used in crafting.
1. The gate that needs to be improved.
2. Iron chip.
3. pulsating microcircuit.

  • Number of conditions: Depending on the type of gate (1-8)
  • Wire handling: Depending on gate type (Red , Blue , Green , Yellow )
  • Choice of subject, type of liquid: Depending on the type of gate (yes, no)

The GUI of the simplest gate looks like this.

1. This is a condition. (or "If")
2. Denotes the truth of the given condition.
3. The action that the gate will perform if the condition is true. (or "That").
In this case, the gate is configured like this. If the pipe is empty, then give a redstone signal.

Starting with the golden gate, it becomes possible to choose an object or liquid to which it will react.

4. Choice of object or liquid.
If this field is crossed out, then you cannot select an object or liquid. If it is not crossed out (for example, when choosing the conditions "There is liquid in the tank" or "There are items in the inventory", then it is possible.

"AND", "OR"

Starting from the iron gate, 2 different modifications appear. These are "AND" (black) and "OR" (white)
In the first case, to perform an action, it is necessary that all conditions with one action be true.

Here we see that both conditions are met, and hence the redstone signal is given.

However, as soon as at least one of the conditions is no longer fulfilled, the redstone signal will disappear.

In this case, the redstone signal is given because a single condition is met.

In the case of "OR", at least one condition must be met in order to perform the action.

It is possible to change the gate type from "AND" to "OR" and vice versa by adding a conventional chip to an existing gate. Does not work for pulsating gates.


Logistics Pipes
by Storm Whisper

Introduction: Unlike other pipes in BuildCraft, log pipes communicate with other log pipes that are in the same "network". In the network, each pipe can learn about the status of all the others, and calculate the shortest path to the destination.
With the help of log pipes, you can transfer items from one chest to another, craft something from the resources that are available in the "network" and even melt / fry raw materials in a furnace.
By the appearance of the pipe, you can find out if it is connected to another, or the network is not designed correctly, in which case the contents of the pipe will simply fall out of it. Green means that the pipe is connected, red - not connected.
To open the interface of any pipe, you need to right-click on it with a wrench in your hand.

Basic logistics pipeline simple pipe

When an object enters the pipe, the network will tell the pipe where to send it (I advise you to put a log pipe at each junction). She has an interface in which you can specify items that will be sent in her direction if they have nowhere else to go.

If you enable "Default route", then all unnecessary items that are not specified anywhere else will be sent to this pipe. Such a pipe must be connected to the chest so that all the excess gets into it.

Provider logistics pipeline Pipe supplier

When connected to a chest, it will extract items from it if another pipe makes a request.

Here you can specify the items that this pipe will (include) / will not (exclude) supply. If nothing is specified, the pipe will supply all items.

Request logistics pipeline requesting pipe

This pipe requests the required item from "pipe-providers". To request the item we need, you need to right-click on the pipe with this item, which will request the amount of the requested item that you currently have in your hand.

Craft logistics pipeline Craft pipe

This pipe must be connected to the "automatic workbench". In the workbench you need to lay out the recipe.

1. "Inputs" - here you need to add all the items that are used in crafting, and in the same amount. In our case, these are 2 boards.
2. "Satellite" - items that will be used by the "secondary pipe" are added here, about it later. But if you do not use it, then these cells will work as normal.
3. "Output" - the crafting product goes here, and in the same amount. In our case, these are 4 sticks.
The "Import" button imports the recipe from the workbench.
The "Paint" button paints the path from "kraft pipe" to "secondary pipe". Press again to remove the paint.

Satellite logistics pipeline secondary pipe

This pipe is an addition to the "kraft pipe". It redirects items that are used in crafting to the other side. First you need to open its interface and specify the pipe id.

Then you need to specify in the "craft pipe" the same id as this pipe. Then in the field "2" we put the items that need to be redirected.
Example 1: if non-flowing items (tools, etc.) are used in crafting, then you need to put a chest next to the workbench, and redirect, for example, a pickaxe, and from there the workbench will take it.
Example 2: to use the stove, we put the "kraft pipe" on top, the "secondary" pipe on the bottom. Specify one id for both. In the "kraft pipe" in field "1" we put, for example, iron ore, in field "2" we put coal. It is important to know that 1 unit of coal is spent for 8 units of raw materials, i.e. you need to lay down 8 units. iron ore and 1 unit. coal at the entrance, and 8 units. iron ingots at the exit.

supplier logistics pipeline supply pipe

This pipe supplies the chest with the specified items in the specified quantity.

Right click to add, left to subtract the number of items. If you hold down Shift, then we will change 10 pieces. The maximum in one cell is 127.
If you enable "Partial requests", then the pipe will take items in parts, even one at a time, otherwise it will wait until the specified number of items appears in the system.

Builder supplier pipe Supply pipe for "Builder"

Provides the "Builder" with the necessary resources.

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