Functions of the political system of society. Open Library - open library of educational information

The concept of international politics cannot be seen in terms of the political process of the world, which means not only the international life of people, but the singing camp of m / n in the diplomatic, political, military, economic and other galleys. “M / n politics stand at once with such basic concepts as “worldly floor”, “external floor” and “geopolitics”, their recognition is a description of political phenomena, like a sight on the m / n arena.

Otzhe, "international politics" means the fidelity of the state in m / n right, as well as the inter-state policy in the sun, in the system of zagalnosvitovyh vіdnosin i zv'yazkіv; before that, it is understood that it includes the validity of all the subjects of m / n vіdnosin incl. international and disorderly bodies, political parties, susp-polit and community movements, organizations too.

Golovnimi sub "facts міжнародних відносин на сучасному етапі є національні держави, які для вироблення певних форм, моделей взаємодії об"єднуються у всесвітні й регіональні міжнародні організації; організації регіонального, міжрегіонального, міждержавного характеру; міжнародні урядові орг-ї та їх органи; а також недержавні суспільно-політичні , community organizations.

Axis, for example, the Organization of the United Nations (UN), as an organizational unit, was created to support and promote m / n peace and security, the rose of defense between the powers and the desire for social progress.

Greenpeace, as an unsettled organization, is an international environmental organization, the main task of which is to accept the ecological renewal and turn the respect of people and power to the conservation of nature.

The main principles of m / n politics, how and ovn_shnyopoliticheskoy diyalnosti є offensive:

* Equality;

* Povaga sovereignty;

* Nevtruchannya at the inner right of the powers;

* Dobrosovіsnіst vykonannі powers have taken on themselves international goiter; yazan;

* Peaceful sleep;

* Nezastosuvannya forces or threaten with force;

* Virishennya superechok by peaceful means.

Well, in order to follow the set goals, to achieve success in m / n activities and neutral positions, the skin power is guilty of pragmatic acceptance of the higher listed principles, as the fundamental position of the m / n space.

Functions of political systems

In the broadest interpretation, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics. Note that the policy is open system, i.e. it actively interacts with other spheres of society's life - economic, spiritual, social, influencing them and experiencing a reciprocal influence. The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of "public administration", since it covers all persons and all institutions involved in the political process, as well as informal and non-governmental factors and phenomena that affect the mechanism for identifying and posing problems, the development and implementation of solutions in the field of state-power relations.

The political system is characterized by: political culture, political norms, traditions and customs. The political system includes the following institutions: the state and its bodies, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups, or interest groups. The state is the main backbone element, it unites all other elements of the political system into a single whole. The state is the most powerful subject of politics, because it imposes power and the ability to coerce. At the same time, the state and the object of political struggle, the "prize" for various political forces in the struggle for the possession of the state machine.

A party is an organization that unites citizens of the same political views to fight for power or to implement their program. The party is an ideological organization. The ideology (philosophy) of a party is the totality of ideas by which it is guided in its activities. Party goal- win and hold state power. If an organization does not set such a goal, then it is not a political party. Political parties usually represent the interests of certain social groups.

In relation to the political system, parties are divided into systemic and non-systemic. Systemic parties form part of this political system and act according to its rules, guided by its laws. The system party fights for power by legal methods, that is, accepted in this system, in elections.

The essence of the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions. A function is any action aimed at maintaining a system in a stable state. They are ways of responding to changes in its internal state and external environment. The following functions of the political system are distinguished:

1) providing political power for a certain social group

or for the majority of members of a given society (the political system

specific forms and methods of ruling are established and implemented - democratic and anti-democratic, violent and non-violent);

2) management of various spheres of people's life in the interests of

certain social groups or the majority of the population (the operation of the political system as a manager includes setting goals, objectives, ways of development of society, specific programs in the activities of political institutions);

3) mobilization of funds and resources necessary to achieve these goals and objectives (without huge organizational work, human, material and spiritual resources, many of the goals and objectives set are doomed to deliberate failure to achieve);

4) identification and representation of the interests of various subjects of political relations (without selection, a clear definition and expression at the political level of these interests, no policy is possible);

5) satisfaction of the interests of various subjects of political relations

through the distribution of material and spiritual values ​​in accordance with certain ideals of a particular society (it is in the sphere of distribution that the interests of various communities of people collide);

6) integration of society, creation of the necessary conditions for interaction

various elements of its structure (bringing together different political forces,

the political system is trying to smooth out, remove the contradictions that inevitably arise in society, overcome conflicts, eliminate collisions);

7) political socialization (through which the political consciousness of the individual is formed and he is included in the work of specific political mechanisms, due to which the reproduction of the political system occurs by educating all new members of society and involving them in political participation and activity);

8) legitimation of political power (i.e. achieving a certain degree

correspondence with real political life).

The functions of the political system are those social needs that it satisfies. There are different approaches to defining functions of the political system in society.

D. Easton highlighted the main functions , possibilities of the political system: regulatory (management, regulation of public relations); extraction (extraction from society of all types of resources); distribution (distribution and redistribution of material resources); relative (interaction with the environment, adaptation).

In the concept of T. Parsons, society as a system performs four functions, each of which is implemented by a specific subsystem:

1) the adaptation of the system to the material environment is provided by the economy;
2) goal-setting is carried out by politics;
3) integration of society in the sphere of civil society;
4) legitimization (maintenance of latent order) - the sphere of political culture.
Other American political scientists G. Almond and B. Powell identified three types of functions of the political system: the functions of the system as a whole, the functions of the process, and the functions of the political course.
The functions of the system as a whole, which operate both at the “input” and “output”, determine the dynamics of the political system (the ratio of continuity and variability in the political processes that it regulates):
a) recruiting policy participants;
b) socialization of citizens;
c) communication, public relations.
The process functions that link the "input" and "output" of the political system ensure the transfer of requirements to decision-making structures:
a) at the "input" articulation and aggregation of interests;
b) at the “output” is the definition and implementation of the political course, control over the application of norms.
Political course functions:
a) regulatory (integration);
b) extractive (attracting resources to the system);
c) distribution (distribution);
d) reactive (responding to public opinion);
e) symbolic (defending the values ​​of society within the system and in the outside world).
From the point of view of the institutional approach, the functions of the political system are: the integration of society, the definition of socially significant goals for the development of society, the mobilization of resources to achieve the goals set, the management of political processes, and the maintenance of order in society.

Russian literature is characterized by similar classifications of functions. Usually, the following are distinguished: Political leadership of society (management of public affairs). The management function involves, first of all, the definition of strategic goals and prospects for social development. Therefore, the corresponding activity is sometimes called the goal-setting function.

Consolidation of the socio-political system, ensuring the existence of society as a whole (integrative function). It is objectively conditioned by the existence of multidirectional political processes, behind which are various political forces, the struggle of which is always fraught with the most serious consequences for society.

regulatory function. It is connected with the needs of streamlining and regulating political behavior and political relations in a state-organized society. This function is associated with a system of values, in which the most significant and widespread representations, views and views in society are expressed, uniting and linking together more or less disparate parts of it. So, the regulatory function is manifested not only in the creation of a special subsystem of socio-political norms of law and morality, but also in the development of stereotypes of behavior, following which is recognized as the standard of socially acceptable and reasonable behavior.

Mobilization function, ensuring the maximum use of society's resources.

A distributive function aimed at distributing resources and values ​​among its members.

Legitimation. This function is understood as the achievement of the minimum necessary degree of compliance of real political life with generally accepted legal and political norms.

Functions of the political system

In systems theory under function refers to any action aimed at maintaining the system in a stable state and ensuring its viability. Actions that contribute to the destruction of the organization and stability of the system are considered as dysfunction.

One of the generally accepted classifications of the functions of the political system was presented G. Almond and J. Powell. They singled out the importance of those functions, each of which satisfies a certain need of the system, and together they provide "preservation of the system through its change."

Preservation or maintenance of the existing model of the political system is carried out with the help of functions political socialization.

Political socialization is the process of acquiring political knowledge, beliefs, feelings, values ​​inherent in the society in which a person lives. Introducing an individual to political values, following the standards of political behavior accepted in society, and a loyal attitude towards the institutions of power ensure the maintenance of the existing model of the political system. The stability of the political system is achieved if its functioning is based on principles that correspond to the political culture of the society.

The viability of the system is ensured by its ability to adapt to the environment, its capabilities. Function adaptation can be carried out with the help of political recruiting - training and selection of subjects of power (leaders, elites) who are able to find the most effective ways to solve pressing problems and offer them to society.

Thanks to the function response the political system responds to impulses, signals coming from outside or from within it. Highly developed reactivity allows the system to quickly adapt to changing operating conditions. This is especially important when new demands of groups and parties appear, ignoring which can lead to the disintegration and disintegration of society.

The political system is able to respond effectively to emerging demands if it has the resources. It draws these resources from the internal or external economic, natural, etc. environment. This function is called extraction . The resources obtained must be distributed in such a way as to ensure the integration and agreement of the interests of various groups within society. Consequently, the distribution of goods, services and statuses by the political system is the content of its distributive (distributive) function.

The political system influences society through management, coordination of the behavior of individuals and groups. The managerial actions of the political system express the essence governing functions. It is implemented by introducing norms and rules on the basis of which individuals interact.

Types of political systems.

The typology of political systems is carried out on the basis of taking into account various features (reasons). One of the first classifications (typologies) comes from their relationship with the external environment. According to this criterion, political systems are divided into closed and open. Closed political systems have limited connections with the external environment, are immune to the values ​​of other systems, and are self-sufficient, i.e., development resources are found within such systems. Open systems actively exchange resources with the outside world, successfully assimilate the advanced values ​​of other systems, are mobile and dynamic. The former countries of socialism (USSR, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc.) can serve as examples of closed systems. The developed democracies of the West are an example of open political systems.

Quite common is the classification of political systems by political regime that is, on the basis of the nature and methods of interaction between power, personality and society. According to this criterion, totalitarian political systems, authoritarian and democratic. The totalitarian political system is characterized by the complete subordination of the individual and society to power, regulation and control over all spheres of people's lives by the state. An authoritarian political system is based on the unlimited power of one person or group of people, while maintaining certain economic, civil, and spiritual freedoms for citizens. A democratic political system presupposes the priority of individual rights, society's control over power.

French political scientist J.Blondel distinguishes between political systems content and forms of management. He identifies five of their main varieties: 1) liberal democracies, in which political decision-making is focused on the values ​​of individualism, freedom, property; 2) communist systems, or authoritarian-radical, guided by the values ​​of equality, social justice; 3) traditional political systems based on oligarchic forms of government and focused on the uneven distribution of economic resources and social statuses; four) populist political systems, prevailing in developing countries; they use authoritarian methods of government and strive for greater equality in the distribution of wealth; 5) authoritarian-conservative political systems, pursuing the goals of maintaining social and economic inequality, limiting the political participation of the population.

The classification of political systems can be based on class principle, that is, the interests of which class the political system expresses. Such a typology is characteristic of Marxism, which considered the political system as an instrument in the hands of the economically dominant class. On this basis, they distinguished slave, feudal, capitalist and communist (socialist) political systems.

G. Almond differentiated political systems type of political culture and separation of political roles between the participants in the political process. He singled out four types of political systems: Anglo-American, European-continental, pre-industrial and partly industrial, totalitarian.

For Anglo-American political system(USA, Great Britain) is characterized by a high degree of separation of political roles and functions between the participants in the political process. Power and influence are distributed among various parts of the political system. The political system functions within the framework of a homogeneous culture focused on the protection of liberal values ​​generally recognized in society: freedom, security, property, etc.

European-continental political system(Western European countries) is distinguished by a split political culture, the presence within national cultures of opposite orientations, ideals, values ​​inherent in some class, ethnic group, group, party. Therefore, the division of political roles and functions does not occur on the scale of society, but within a class, group, party, etc. However, the presence of heterogeneous subcultures does not interfere with finding agreement in society, since there is a common cultural basis - liberal values.

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  • Introduction
  • 1. Policy structure
  • 2. Policy functions
  • Conclusion


Politics is an integral part of human existence; it is rooted in the very nature of a person who lives in constant interaction with other people, state institutions, and the state.

The term "politics" comes from 2 Greek words "polis" - city, state, and "politikos" - everything connected with the city, state. This term became widespread under the influence of the treatise of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) on the state, board and government, which he called "Politics".

Aristotle defined politics as follows: “this is the art of government, which was understood as a policy. According to him, politics is a civilized form of community that served the achievement of the "common good" and "happy life".

At the present level, there are different approaches to understanding politics. First of all, it is a well-established idea of ​​politics as the management of society. Quite common is the view of politics as the regulation of relations between various social strata, groups, state entities. There is also an understanding of politics as a sphere of struggle between various social groups and individuals for power.

Traditionally, politics is understood as state and public affairs, the sphere of activity associated with power relations between people, social groups, peoples, nations, states. It includes the functioning of political institutions and organizations, political norms and traditions, power management and organizational activities of people, their socio-political interests and needs, political ideas and views.

Politics is the area of ​​relationships and various types of activities between social communities of people in the implementation of common interests through a variety of means, the main of which is political power. The specificity of politics is as follows: it fixes the relationship between large masses of people, whose interests are integrated into a single, universal whole.

Politics - the sphere of public relations between social groups regarding the use of political power in order to realize their socially significant interests and needs.

The main question of politics is the question of political power, who owns it, who claims it, from whom it passes to whom and in what way.

Thus, the variety of approaches to explaining the meaning of policy makes it difficult to express its clear formulation. The abundance of characteristics of politics is explained by the complexity of politics, the richness of its content, the variety of properties and social functions. Therefore, when defining a policy, such key elements as activity, state and power should be interconnected. The above interpretations of politics do not exhaust the whole variety of its definitions, although they reflect the most important of them.

Summarizing various definitions, politics can be defined as an activity related to relations between social groups and various social forces, the goals of which are the conquest, retention and use of state power; the development of binding decisions for the whole society, carried out with the help of state power. Here, the essential features of politics are highlighted, namely, that politics is a sphere of power relations, serves to satisfy generally significant interests, the implementation of which is impossible outside of public administration.

The purpose of this work: to reveal the structure and functions of politics as a special state-power sphere of public life

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Policy structure

In modern scientific literature, various aspects and components of policy are distinguished. The most common is the distinction in politics of its content, form, process, elements and levels.

The main "actors" of politics are its subjects and objects, which act as a source of political activity.

Objects politicians- social problems arising in the process of development of society. The solution of these problems requires an adequate response of the entire system of political institutions, as well as the adoption of effective management decisions.

Subjects politicians are direct participants in political relations. Among them are individuals, social groups, layers, organizations, social movements, directly or indirectly participating in the process of implementing state power, exercising influence on it. As a rule, the subject of politics is structurally organized and represents a social institution (political party, social movement, trade unions, state, mass media, international organizations, such as the UN,

the European Parliament, an initiative group of citizens, etc.), as well as social communities (layers, classes, nations, elites, masses, professional groups) and individuals (political leaders, just ordinary citizens).

Politicians enter into political relations- relations of distribution and use of state power on the basis of political interests, goals, attitudes, value orientations, beliefs, ideals that guide them in their activities. At the same time, political relations between various social forces and institutions can act as independent subjects of political relations. Political relations are regulated by certain norms, rules, values, etc., which are formed in the practice of political life. Correlating them with the real conditions of their own existence, the subjects of politics are aware of the content of their political interests. This is how a system of assessments, meanings and statements is formed, which make up the content political consciousness.

The complex of interrelated phenomena and processes covered by politics as a type of activity includes:

organized activities of social groups and their representative institutions of public administration;

public relations between social groups and communities of people about state power, its conquest, retention and use;

evidence-based theory guiding policy, defining its goals, strategy and tactics;

political ideology, a set of ideological values ​​and norms;

professional political leadership.

Schematically, the structure of the policy is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Policy structure

Political processes- a system of interaction between various political forces, political subjects to solve political problems and influence policy objects. Forms of interaction of political forces: consent; cooperation; political struggle; confrontation (opposition).

The implementation of conscious interests involves interaction with other groups that have different needs, and government institutions. The nature of the interaction between the participants in political life (confrontation between them or consent and tolerance, political struggle or cooperation) depends on the maturity of the political culture of the subjects, the state of society (its prosperity, stability or crisis). Emerging and constantly changing social needs of groups and individuals require timely representation and satisfaction. To do this, there is a system of institutions of power.

Political power- the availability of opportunities for certain political forces to influence society, develop and implement policies based on a balance of interests of social groups.

The concept of "political power" reflects the ability and ability of individuals or groups to exert a decisive influence on society, to exercise their will in managing it, to mobilize large masses of people to achieve their goals, and also to regulate relations between certain social groups. It must adequately respond to politically significant needs, implement them in the form of managerial decisions, i.e. manage social processes and regulate them.

However, the effectiveness of managerial decisions largely depends on the presence of a mature system of representation of interests, including the party system, socio-political organizations and movements, pressure groups, etc., which are able to clearly formulate the real needs of groups and bring them to the authorities in the form of requirements , programs, etc. The state and its organs, the party system, pressure groups, social movements constitute political organization society, designed to express generally significant, group and private interests. Political organization- a set of state and non-state institutions that express the interests of the individual, group, society. But political participation can be rationally meaningful and be built on the basis of following a system of ideas - political ideologies. All aspects of the political, including the functioning of political institutions, explain political ideas and concepts.

Thus, the factors influencing the formation of policy are very numerous: these are the needs, interests and expectations of social groups and individuals, the moral and legal norms of society, history, traditions, the mentality of society and leaders, their psychology, and finally, the geographical environment, the geographical position of the state , as well as some others.

The following can be singled out as independent elements of politics: the institutions of power and the struggle for it; normative ideas: political and legal norms, programs and electoral platforms of political parties, etc.; c) political consciousness, mentality (way of thinking, mentality of the people), value orientations and attitudes of individuals, political views and theories, traditions of society.

2. Policy functions

The functions of politics are diverse and aimed at maintaining the existence and development of both the actual political system (a subsystem of society) and the entire social system as a whole. Since the most significant interests (general, private, universal, national, etc.) are expressed through politics. People can achieve the realization of their interests and needs, changes in social status. Politics is designed to resolve contradictions that arise on the basis of the struggle of interests, to direct this struggle into a civilized channel. The policy in such cases must itself be rational (carry out reasonable expedient actions, calculate the possibilities for implementing one's decisions and the expected consequences). The policy is designed to ensure continuity and innovation in the development of society and man. Progressive politics acts as a creative and consolidating force, focusing the energy of people on the main directions of social transformations, concentrating the spiritual forces of man and society as a whole. Thus, in modern societies, politics performs the following most significant functions, without which they cannot develop normally:

managerial function - making key decisions on the problems of the development of public spheres (politics, economics, culture, social sphere);

regulatory function - displaying the powerfully significant interests of all groups of the population. Politics acts as a means of providing people with additional opportunities to meet all their needs and change their social status. Politics not only expresses the significant interests and needs of various groups of society, but also ensures their interaction, influences them by making political decisions;

the function of rationalization is the study and rational solution of contradictions that arise in the implementation of the diverse interests of citizens;

the function of social integration is to maintain and strengthen the integrity and stability of society as a complex differentiated social system (coordination of the interests of social groups, regulation of interaction between different spheres of society). Politics performs this function due to the ability to capture the trends of social progress and, in line with these trends, formulate common goals, develop projects for the future, determine social guidelines, seeking the necessary resources for their implementation;

the function of political socialization - forms the political consciousness of the individual, includes the individual in social relations. Politics opens up wide opportunities for the realization of group and individual interests, includes a person in social relations, transferring experience and skills of transformative activity to him, effective fulfillment of social roles and functions;

the function of mobilizing and ensuring the effectiveness of the overall activity. Politics systematizes social interaction, ensuring their implementation by creating a motivational mechanism, providing the individual with effective opportunities to meet his social needs, change social status with the help of power;

the anti-conflict function is aimed at preventing and resolving social conflicts and contradictions, preventing them or resolving them in a civilized manner;

innovative function - ensuring the renewal of the social development of society and man. (change of elites, regimes, adjustment of legislation, economic policy). By reconciling the interests of social groups and individual citizens, politics is capable of creating new forms of social organization;

humanitarian function - is expressed in the creation of guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the individual, ensuring public order, civil peace and organization.

In addition, there are:

a teleological (goal-forming) function - the development of goals (target programs) for the development of society and its individual areas;

distributive function - mandatory distribution of scarce values ​​and goods for all; redistribution of national wealth through the tax system and state budget;

policy structure function

a stabilization function, focused on ensuring the stable progressive development of society;

a communicative function - the creation and maintenance of communication mechanisms between government institutions and various groups of the population;

the function of manifestation (expression) of significant interests of various social groups through political mechanisms: elections, referendums, lobbies, parliamentary factions, protest actions, etc.

The main functions of the policy are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Main functions of the policy

Thus, there are many policy functions, they are supplemented and refined depending on its type. The diversity of the functions of politics testifies to its deep penetration into society, its spread to very different social phenomena. At the same time, the more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed this society is. Society is a system of interaction between different spheres of human life. Ideally, it is internally consistent, balanced. An effective policy ensures the integrity of the social system, stability and public order even when the regimes of government change.


Thus, politics is a field of activity associated with relations between classes, nations and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of gaining, retaining and using state power.

The structure of politics is a complex phenomenon that includes its main elements and depends on the complexity of the structure of the society in which it is implemented. The basic elements of politics are the subjects - individuals, social groups and strata, as well as organizations that take part in political processes (they exercise state power or try to influence it themselves); objects - political relations, which are understood as forms of interaction and interconnection of political subjects (for example, domination and subordination: some segments of the population are subordinate to a group of persons who have been given political power); other elements of politics (power, organization, culture, consciousness), - their quality determines such broad concepts as the political, economic and state system. This also includes political consciousness, which generally covers the presence of ideologies, political motives and the psychology of power.

The significance and role of politics as a social institution is determined by the functions that it performs in society. The number of functions can be different, the main ones are:

ensuring the integrity and stability of society;

mobilization and ensuring the effectiveness of common activities;

managerial and regulatory function;

rationalization function;

political socialization and humanitarian function.

The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed society and the political sphere itself, which crushes other spheres.


1. Butyrina M.V. Political science: Educational and methodical manual / M.V. Butyrin. - Ivanovo: GOU VPO IGEU 2007. - 252 p.

2. Klimova S.V. Political science (Educational and practical guide) / S.V. Klimova - M.: MGUTU, 2012. - 112 p.

3. Kuryanov M.A. Political Science in Questions and Answers: Textbook / M.A. Kuryanov, M.D. Naumov. - Tambov: TGU, 2005. - 80 p.

4. Muntyan M.A. Political science: Definition, subject and object, functions, methods, main stages of formation and development (lecture) / M.A. Muntyan. - M.: Publishing House of MABiU, 2010. - 171 p.

5. Mukhaev R.T. Political science: textbook. / R.T. Mukhaev. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2007. - 495 p.

6. Pronin E.A. Political science. Lecture notes / E.A. Pronin. - M.: MIEMP, 2012. - 70 p.

7. Political science (in diagrams): textbook. allowance / edited by R.A. Abdullayev. - Volgograd: VolgGTU, 2015. - 68 p.

8. Dictionary of political science / Ed. ed.V.N. Konovalov. - Rostov-on-Don: RGU, 2011. - 285 p.

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The very concept of "function" (from lat. functio) means performance, obligation, range of activities. The functions of political science are implemented in many areas of political life and therefore can be differentiated accordingly. The first group - "classical theoretical functions" - includes:

1) conceptual and descriptive, which provides the researcher within the framework of political science and beyond it with a certain supply of terms, concepts and categories, as well as description rules that reflect the content of political reality covered in these categories and concepts. This allows you to answer the question "what and how is done?";

2) an explanatory function that provides certain explanations of political processes and events based on the identified trends, facts, patterns. This allows you to answer the question "why is it done this way and not otherwise?";

3) predictive function. Its purpose is to formulate precognition in accordance with statements that were previously used for explanation. One of the fundamental goals of science is forecasting. Therefore, the value of political science research is determined not only by how adequately it reflects certain trends, but also by the extent to which they end up with scientifically based forecasts. Of particular interest is the prediction of the consequences of political decisions taken today, as well as political monitoring - tracking and early warning of undesirable political events in the future.

The second group of political science functions is of an applied nature:

1) methodological-evaluating, providing the researcher with a system of methods and research procedures. This is a kind of theory of political technologies and political analysis, as well as the formulation of assessments of their cognitive usefulness;

2) an integrating function, which consists in creating the possibility of using the achievements of other disciplines by political science, that is, identifying whether, on the basis of its language (terms, concepts, categories) and methodological tools, it is able to cooperate with related sciences, enriching itself and its “neighbors”.

The third group consists of functions implemented outside of political science:

1) instrumental-rationalizing (management), giving the subjects of politics knowledge about the political situation, the situation and the means of successfully influencing them. She answers the question - "how and why?" Political science is here one of the elements of the system of means that realize political goals and are a tool for creating a situation that is optimal for the subjects of political actions. Political science specifically considers the problem of development, adoption and implementation of political decisions, issues recommendations for optimal and effective political activity;

2) an ideological function built around the question - "for what?" It consists in restructuring the content of functioning socio-political values, in substantiating the existing links between them and the motivations for the actions of participants in political events.

All considered functions of political science reflect its close connection with life. Their implementation at different levels of political life shows political science as an active science, as one of the important social disciplines, the importance of which in today's political modernization of Russia is steadily increasing. There are other descriptions of the functions of political science, among which are usually distinguished:

Theoretical-cognitive, which forms knowledge about politics and its role in society;

ideological, contributing to the development of a certain vision of political reality;

Methodological, which boils down to the fact that the conclusions of political science can serve as the basis for more specific political theories;

Regulatory, which involves the assimilation of political knowledge through direct influence on political actions;

Prognostic, revealing trends in the development of political phenomena with the help of foresight techniques;

Evaluative (axiological), which gives an accurate assessment of political events.

Although largely arbitrary, but still in the variety of political doctrines in Western political science, two main areas can be distinguished, embodying two long-standing scientific traditions in the study of politics. Representatives of one of them - rationalistic or, in other words, scientistic (scientific) - believe in the limitless possibilities of the human mind and the means of knowledge available to the scientist, they are constantly striving to create a general theory of politics. In their view, political science is no different from the natural sciences. It, like the fundamental sciences, deals with laws, the operation of which, in principle, can be calculated and predicted.

Representatives of another direction, which is usually called empirical, are skeptical about the possibility of discovering the general laws of political processes and building the corresponding reality of a unified scientific system of theoretical knowledge. They believe that in the field of politics, as in any other social activity, there are always some unknown, unaccountable facts and factors that can disavow the most ideal theoretical scheme, so the task of political science is not to predict something that does not yet exist, but in that, to:

a) conscientiously examine past experience;

b) to give the most adequate description of the existing reality, based on which each professional politician will be able to draw his own conclusions about tomorrow, guided not only by knowledge, but also by intuition.

Many scientists distinguish between the understanding of political science in a broader and narrower sense. In the first case, political science appears as the entire system of scientific knowledge about politics, the totality of all political disciplines, including political philosophy, political sociology, political anthropology, the theory of state and law, and political psychology. In the second case, we are talking about political science as one of the political sciences, as a theory of politics, political phenomena, relations and processes that studies the essence and universal, universal forms of manifestation of politics in various conditions of different countries and peoples. Political science therefore appears as a science about the general principles and patterns of the political life of society in their specific manifestations, about the ways, forms and methods of their implementation in the activities of political subjects.

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The political function includes ensuring social partnership and political stability in society by relieving tension in society, produced by differences in the standard of living of the population.

The political function of history makes it possible to determine the trends in the development of Russian society and the state; on the basis of a theoretical understanding of the experience of previous generations, it helps to develop a sound political course and make correct, optimal decisions of a political nature.

The political function of social protection contributes to the maintenance of social stability in a society in which there are significant objective differences in the standard of living of various segments of the population.

In addition to political functions, the state also performs economic functions.

The zemstvos were deprived of any political functions, and by law the sphere of activity of the zemstvos was limited exclusively to issues of local importance. The zemstvos were given the arrangement and maintenance of local means of communication, the zemstvo post office, zemstvo schools, hospitals, almshouses and shelters, the care of local trade and industry, the veterinary service, mutual insurance, local food business, even the construction of churches, the maintenance of local prisons and houses for insane.

Zemstvos were deprived of any political functions.

In addition to its cultural functions, education also performs economic, social and political functions in society. Various forms of personnel training (starting from school) supply the economic system with workers who possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and orientations.

At the same time, the state organization of society in its political function is aimed at the strategic task of ensuring the long-term existence of this system, and many political structures are working to solve this problem. However, society must be amenable to reorganization, change. If the political system closes all possibilities of access to power for new strata of corrections in the distribution of the surplus product, it thereby provides a basis for those who jeopardize its legitimacy and indicate a violent-compulsory nature. Along with the manifestation of violent domination in society, the importance and need for legitimation for the ruling strata increases. Religion in such a situation must find a way to establish long-term ties with the existing political system. The historical models of these ties are diverse and depend both on the degree of interpenetration of society and the state, and on the degree of organization of religious systems, but the task is the same - to ensure the loyalty of the masses in relation to the state system.

The growth of repressions led to the fact that the department of Semyon Godunov began to acquire ever wider political functions.

Trotsky also makes a suggestion: considering that after four members of the Central Committee have completed responsible political functions, their withdrawal from the Central Committee does not follow from the current situation and threatens to become the point of departure for a split in the party, the Central Committee proposes that they remain part of the leading institution of the party, while retaining their right to free agitation against the decision adopted by the Central Committee.

The performance of the duties of Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General is incompatible with the exercise of any political function whatsoever. Neither the Secretary General nor any Deputy Secretary General may hold any other office or perform any other work without the approval of the Governing Body.

The main task of public finance is to provide the state with the money it needs to perform economic and political functions. The composition of public finances includes: the state budget (to be discussed later), off-budget funds, state credit. Public finances function at different levels of government: national, regional, local.

An important component of the financial system of the Republic of Belarus is public finance, which should provide the state with funds to perform economic, social and political functions.

Public finance is an important area of ​​the country's financial system, designed to provide the state with the funds it needs to perform economic, social and political functions. According to the economic essence, public finances are monetary relations regarding the distribution and redistribution of the value of the social product and part of the national wealth, associated with the formation of financial resources at the disposal of the state and its enterprises and the use of public funds for the costs of expanding production, meeting the growing socio-cultural needs of members society, the needs of the country's defense and management. The subjects of monetary relations in this area are the state (represented by the relevant authorities), enterprises, associations, organizations, institutions, citizens.

The adoption of the USSR Law on Labor, which defines their basic rights and obligations, powers in managing and performing economic, social and political functions by them, serves as a reflection of their growing role in a developed socialist society (see Powers of the labor collective, section New The law reflects the course taken by the Party for the further development of socialist democracy in every possible way, for every worker to feel himself a true master in his enterprise and a representative of the whole country.

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