Ems international mail tracking. China EMS ePacket tracking

the site is the most modern and convenient online service for the operational tracking of parcels of the EMC courier service. The postal service "EMS Russian Post" provides services for the express delivery of parcels in the Russian Federation and in almost 200 countries around the world. Among the advantages of "EMS" is the high quality of transportation of postal items and relatively short delivery times for parcels.

Recently, the company has been rapidly developing and gaining more and more popularity.

With the help of the website's online service, in just a few clicks you can track the exact location of your parcel, which is delivered by the EMS Russian Post courier service.

How to track an EMS parcel by ID?

In order to track an EMS Russian Post parcel, you do not need to have special skills: you just need to enter a unique track identifier in the parcel tracking line. This parcel number consists of 13 characters (includes letters and numbers). You can find it on the invoice or receipt (it is located immediately below the barcode). It must be remembered that when specifying the code, capital Latin letters are used. Immediately after specifying the track number, click on the "Track" button and find out the most up-to-date information about the location of your mail.

Advantages of sending parcels by EMS Russia:

  • ideal price / quality ratio;
  • Extensive geography of delivery;
  • Branded packaging of parcels;
  • delivery on weekends and holidays;
  • convenient delivery.

It is also worth noting that the EMS service can send both correspondence and various goods weighing up to 30 kg (international delivery) or 31.5 kg (domestic delivery).

Why can't I track my EMS package?

Most often, tracking problems are related to two points:

  • Invalid track number entered. It is necessary to check its filling again carefully.
  • The parcel has not yet been registered in the EMS Russian Post database. As a rule, the parcel is registered in the database within a day after it arrives at the company's branch, that is, it is necessary to repeat the tracking the next day.

How to receive an EMS package?

The company delivers to the door of the recipient, or to the branch of the company. In this case, in order to receive the parcel, you need to arrive at the office indicated in the appointment and present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or another identity card that temporarily replaces a passport.

EMS parcel tracking

3.2 (64.4%) 50 ratings.

How to find out where the package is online:

Enter the track code, click "track" and find where your package is.

Express Mail Service (abbr. EMS) is an international service that specializes in the delivery of goods. Positions itself as fast and reliable, which is why it is quite expensive. In practice, the parcel goes up to 10 days in Russia and 15-35 days from other countries. However, it is possible to order "expedited delivery". Of course, for an additional fee. This issue should be resolved in advance with the seller. The weight of the postal item must not exceed 31 kg.

Some nuances not related to tracking

The main feature of EMS is a service for receiving a parcel directly at home, which is already included in the cost of sending. There is one important nuance here. According to EMS rules, the parcel cannot be opened in front of the courier. If the client doubts the safety of the contents, he must take the receipt from the courier, who, in turn, go back to the warehouse with the parcel. You have to go to the post office in person. And even then, in the EMS department with employees, it is allowed to open the package and check the goods for integrity.

EMS tracking procedure
Now - the most interesting. After paying for the goods and sending it, the seller issues a unique tracking number to the client. This code can consist of a combination of letters and numbers (for international transactions), or only numbers (for domestic transactions). The last letters are the identifier of the sending country. Thanks to this number, the EMC parcel is tracked - everyone will be able to find out where his mail is currently located.
What do you need to do to get information?
1. It should be noted that in Russia the parcel will be tracked only after registration in the country. Therefore, first we go to the site of the tracker of the sending country.
2. Take, for example, the United States. The main place to track American parcels is. In the "Quick Tools" section, select the "Track" category. A form has appeared, enter the 13-character invoice number there and click on the “Find” button.

Also, tracking the path of an “international” parcel is possible on any track service. One of the most understandable -. Here we go to the "Post / EMS" section and write an identification number in the form.

3. When the parcel has crossed the border and registered in the Russian Federation, the website http://www.emspost.ru/ru/ will allow you to find its location in a matter of seconds. Click on "EMS Tracking" and follow the steps above.

The CMS system (content management) communicates with the EMS server, sends a code to this service, in return receives data on the location of the package, and displays the result on the website page.

4. Some online stores have introduced a package tracking system, with the help of which customers will know its status. Information about this is automatically updated in the buyer's personal account, or you need to apply for it yourself.

5. There are special PC programs that provide the ability to track the location of the parcel. So, "Track my Packade" is free and requires minimal effort. You can download the program on the website.

Open the program, add a mail item using the "Add" button, or by pressing the "Insert" keyboard key.

With this program, you no longer have to enter the identifier into the tracker forms a hundred times, while remembering where and when the package was last time. It is very convenient to use: it enters mail resources, saves the status of parcels in “memory”, and displays information on the screen.

RPO data (registered mail) can not be seen on the day of sending - there are delays in the post office. Therefore, if the necessary information is missing, do not rush to swear with the seller, but make a request later.

EMS is considered to be the most popular international delivery service, which guarantees its customers fast and reliable shipment of goods. Tracking EMS mail is a highly requested feature among consumers using the services of this company. After all, it allows you to quickly determine the status of the parcel and calculate the approximate time of its receipt.

What is an identifier / track code

Before you learn how to track an EMC package, it is important to define the basic concepts. In order to systematize and simplify the tracking of the shipment, a special unique code is used, assigned at the time of sending the parcel. It is drawn up in the form provided for in the regulations of the "Universal Postal Union" and consists of 13 letters and numbers.

Track code - a unique parcel code

If you want to find a parcel by the number of the departure, it is important to consider that each character serves to reflect specific information that allows you to get the necessary information about it.

The first letter reflects the type of parcel, and the second - the method of sending. The last two are an abbreviation of the country from which such a parcel was sent.

Among the most common types of shipments, it is advisable to include:

  • FROM- standard shipment, the weight of which exceeds 2 kg;
  • R- a letter, the weight of which does not exceed 2 kg, in respect of which registration actions are being carried out;
  • L- a standard letter, as well as its express analogue. If the identifier starts with this character, it cannot be traced, except for "LM";
  • E- EMS express shipment, the second letter in this case is considered ordinal;
  • V- insured letter;
  • A– an uninsured letter that cannot be traced.

In addition, for tracking by identifier, the Russian tracking number, denoted by the abbreviation RPO, is often used. It is a 14-digit number and must be indicated on the check received at the time of receiving the parcel.

Features of the EMS

Despite the fact that this service guarantees fast delivery to the recipient's door, failures and various problems often occur in its operation. In particular, if the parcel is moved across the territory of the Russian Federation, then the delivery time will be about 10 days. If you need to receive it from another state, you should not expect it earlier than 15-35 days from the date of departure.

In addition, there are several other important features of EMS:

  1. You can find a parcel using Russian services only after registering the parcel on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. The rules of the service provide for the possibility of express delivery, however, it should be agreed in advance with the seller.
  3. The weight of the postal item, which is planned to be delivered in this way, should not exceed 31 kg.

The EMS service ensures the delivery of the parcel to the recipient's door

Naturally, the accelerated version of the departure has a higher price, however, the delivery time will be much less than with the standard algorithm.

The rules of the service suggest that the recipient cannot open the package in front of the courier in order to check the presence of all the goods being sent. In order to verify the availability, you must personally visit the nearest post office and open the parcel in the presence of employees of this institution.

Package tracking

The most interesting step is the procedure for tracking the parcel. The identifier required for this is issued to the client after full payment for the purchased goods. What kind of code he will receive depends on the type of shipment. If the delivery will be made from another country, the consumer receives an international code consisting of letters and numbers. When sending within the Russian Federation, the code will contain only numbers (RPO).

Tracking a shipment by invoice number, as in other cases, can be implemented in several stages:

  1. Track the parcel on foreign services (for international delivery).
  2. After registering a parcel on the territory of the Russian Federation, its condition can be found using local trackers.
  3. Receive the parcel and check the integrity of the goods being sent.

All tracking portals work according to the same algorithm of actions, which involves going to the page for entering data, searching for and receiving the necessary information on the package. However, in the case of international shipments, at first it can only be tracked on the corresponding website of the sending country. For the US, a similar portal is located at www.usps.com.

Tracking an international parcel on track-trace.com

There are also universal solutions that allow you to get information about the status of international ems parcels, regardless of the state from which they are sent. These tools include track-trace.com, which has a simple usage algorithm:

  • visit the site;
  • open the section "Post / EMS - Mail / EMS";
  • in the empty field that appears, you will need to enter an identifier, after which, click "Find".

As a result, the user will receive full information about the status of the order, including its current location. This will allow you to control the movement of international shipments, even in cases where they have not yet left the sending country.

Using domestic EMS service

The subsidiary of this company in the territory of the Russian Federation is EMS Russian Post, which is controlled by the Russian Post. It is not surprising that when using the official website of the emspost ru company to track the package, it immediately redirects the visitor to the Mail portal www.pochta.ru/tracking.

Parcel tracking on the Russian Post website

Here, as in a similar case, you will need to enter the data you need for tracking (international identifier or RPO), and then click the search button. Some online stores provide the ability to track the shipment directly in your account, which eliminates the need to visit the Russian Post website.

It must be remembered that data on international shipments will appear in Russian services only after successful registration. However, even parcels from the territory of the Russian Federation may not be displayed in the official service during the day, despite the correct entry of the RPO.

China EMS specializes in domestic and international express mail, is the largest logistics provider with a presence in 31 provinces in China. An important feature of the company is that it guarantees reliable and fast delivery of goods by courier services. Tracking an epacket package is easy and convenient for a resident of any part of the world - this can be done on the website or through a mobile application. ePacket is a popular way to deliver orders from various online stores, including on a platform such as AliExpress.

epacket package tracking

Cooperating with a large number of online stores, EMS China has developed a convenient system for tracking postal items to any country. To track epacket, it is enough to know the international track number, consisting of a combination of letters and numbers. You can find it on the page of your order on the store's website or by asking the seller. Most often, after paying for the order, a message with a track number comes to e-mail. EMS China allows you to track up to 20 parcels at the same time, and the company has developed a convenient notification method - information about all changes in the location of the parcel is sent by e-mail or SMS. This allows you to significantly save time and eliminates the need to visit the site frequently. The high-quality work of the resource allows buyers to always be aware of the status of the order, situations when the epacket track is not tracked are extremely rare. For any questions, you can contact the company's specialists, and the mobile application provides the most convenient e-packet tracking. All order tracking services are provided free of charge, and the application runs on any Android and IOS smartphone. Delivery of an order from AliExpress via ePacket is much faster than the standard one - about two to three weeks. Information about the parcel is provided from the moment of payment for the purchase until confirmation of delivery, and the history of previous orders is also stored. ePacket allows you to track the package regardless of the recipient country, the information is always accurate and up-to-date.

Service you can trust

The division of the international company EMS is engaged in the design and delivery of parcels. In China, it has been operating for almost 30 years, gaining experience and constantly improving its service, today the company has more than 16 million employees. As a rule, the parcel is delivered by courier to the address. Regular customers of online stores usually prefer this delivery method, since the overpayment for ePacket is minimal, but at the same time you can be sure that the package will not be lost on the way, will not be damaged and will be delivered on time. Delivery delay may occur due to problems at customs, but thanks to the package tracking service, the buyer will be warned about this. Using ePacket when ordering goods in Chinese online stores guarantees tracking quality and maximum delivery speed.

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