Elena Vaenga - biography, information, personal life. Elena Vaenga: “My personal life is very complicated Vaenga her nationality

Elena Vaenga is a popular Russian pop singer, author of more than 800 songs, one of the brightest representatives of Russian chanson, who was especially remembered by listeners for the songs "Smoke" and "Absinthe". One of the important themes of her work is the North, where she comes from. Performs urban romances, folk songs, ballads. The stress in the pseudonym "Vaenga" is placed on the first syllable.

Childhood and family

Elena Vaenga (real name Elena Vladimirovna Khruleva) was born on January 27, 1977. The creative pseudonym for the future singer was invented by her mother, Vaenga - this is the old name of Elena's hometown, Severomorsk in the Murmansk region, along which the river of the same name flows.

Lena was born and raised in a simple but intelligent family, her parents worked in the village of Vyuzhny at a shipyard that serviced submarines. Khruleva's mother, Irina Vasilievna, was a chemist by education, and her father, Vladimir Borisovich, was an engineer.

In Vyuzhnoye, the childhood of the future artist, who was brought up in strictness, passed. The girl was not the only child; the Khrulevs raised two more daughters with her. Elena's younger sister, Tatiana, became an international journalist and moved to St. Petersburg.

Subsequently, Elena Vaenga wrote a song about her father and her native North: “I have eyes of northern colors, and I don’t need tropical countries. I have always been by your side. I'm sorry you left too soon. I suddenly realized: I have to go through all these cities, as if in punishment. But I have a house, and the house has me, and the North has a radiance.

From childhood, Lena showed artistic talents: already at the age of three she danced, sang with might and main, and had an excellent ear for music. At the age of 9, she wrote her first song - "Doves", with which she won the All-Union Competition for Young Composers of the Kola Peninsula. In addition to general education and music schools, the girl also attended the sports section.

Elena Vaenga - Pigeons

After school, which she graduated from already in Snezhnogorsk, Lena decided to move to St. Petersburg to her paternal grandmother. There she had to complete another year of schooling in order to receive a certificate of complete secondary education - in that year, changes in the education system had just taken place. After that, in 1994, Khruleva entered the prestigious music school. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov to the piano department.

At first, studying was difficult for her - she lacked the necessary preparation and knowledge. In her free time, Elena additionally studied vocals, as she already understood that she could not become an excellent pianist, and she had no such desire.

Carier start

Lena wanted to develop other talents in herself, and therefore, after her musical education, she decided to enter the theater department, although after graduating from college she even received an invitation to work at the Warsaw Conservatory. According to Vaenga, she came to enter the Theater Academy in St. Petersburg (LGITMiK) "on a whim", having no idea what it is to play on stage and not at all versed in dramaturgy. Nevertheless, after a tough selection and high competition, the girl entered the course of Gennady Rafailovich Trostyanetsky. However, she studied at the academy for only two months.

One of the first concerts of Elena Vaenga in St. Petersburg

It so happened due to the fact that at the same time Elena received a very tempting offer from composer Yuri Chernyavsky and producer Stepan Razin from Moscow - to come and record an album with their authoritative help. The bitter experience gained turned out to be very useful for the aspiring artist - she personally got acquainted with the world of show business and its "sharks" and managed to show character by abandoning projects that were not close to her.

In 2000, returning to St. Petersburg, Lena again entered the theater department - this time the Baltic Institute of Economics, Politics and Law for the course of the famous Soviet actor Pyotr Sergeevich Velyaminov. However, after graduating from the university with honors, she nevertheless returned to what had never left her during these years - to music.

The girl was pushed to change in her life by her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko, whom she later called "her best producer." Thanks to the support and advice of Ivan, Lena's songs first began to occasionally sound on the Russian Chanson radio, and in 2003, already under the pseudonym Elena Vaenga, the singer released her first album called Portrait.

The songs from the debut disc were appreciated only in St. Petersburg, but the promising performer was noticed and began to be invited to various festivals and competitions. During this period, Elena Vaenga took part in the concert-festivals "Spring of Romance", "Free Song over the Free Neva", "Nevsky Breeze".

The heyday of a musical career

Real success came to Vaenga in 2005, with the release of the album "White Bird", on which there were such hits as "Taiga", "I wish" and "Chopin". Journalists soon called her popularity "the phenomenon of Elena Vaenga", meaning that the artist managed to break into the stage without influential acquaintances and producers. With her sincere songs, Vaenga quickly won people's love.

Vaenga was often compared with Grigory Leps and was nicknamed the "queen of chanson." Elena is a sincere singer with artistic talent and a sensual voice.

In 2007, the no less successful album Absent followed, and in 2009 Elena Vaenga received the Golden Gramophone for the song I Smoke. The following year, the performer again became the best within this award, receiving an award for the song "Airport". In the same year, her composition "Absinthe" became "Song of the Year".

Elena Vaenga - Absinthe

On November 12, 2010, the first solo concert of Elena Vaenga took place at the State Kremlin Palace, which was later broadcast on Channel One on January 7, 2011. The singer was warmly greeted by the public, appreciated by many pop stars, for example, Alla Pugacheva.

In 2011, Elena Vaenga performed the songs "Tin Heart" and "Girl" at the annual Chanson of the Year national award ceremony in the Kremlin. This year can be called the peak in her career: the singer took the ninth position in the list of the most successful figures in Russian show business with an annual income of more than six million dollars.

Since 2012, the singer has been the permanent winner in the "Chanson of the Year" nomination for five years. After a short break, Vaenga continued touring Russia and participating in concerts - it is worth noting her performance with Alexander Malinin at the Slavonic Bazaar in 2013 and the Neva duet with Intars Busulis in 2014. In 2015, the singer again held a solo concert in the Kremlin Palace, performing her best compositions there.

Despite mutual understanding and great love, after Elena's constant touring and protracted departures, her relationship with Ivan began to deteriorate. Everything came to naught in 2011, and the once beloved parted, however, remaining close to each other people. One of the reasons for the breakup, the singer herself later called the absence of children in their marriage.

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, Ivan, from a member of her team, Roman Sadyrbaev, with whom she formalized relations in 2016. The spouse is 6 years younger than Elena. The couple tries not to advertise their relationship. Due to constant traveling, Elena does not see her beloved son as often as she would like, at this time his grandmother is raising him.

Elena Vaenga now

Elena Vaenga successfully continues her career - she travels around the country with concerts, she is a constant participant in all major shows and concerts of Russian pop music. In 2017, the singer took part in the Best Songs-16 concert, held at the State Kremlin Palace, and in 2018, in the Own Track concert dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Vysotsky. The artist tries to devote all her free time to her family - her husband and son.

Elena Vaenga is a popular Russian pop singer, and thousands of fans daily follow her photo and how the biography and personal life of their favorite performer is changing, and the husband and children of the star remain constant targets for the press.



Not everyone knows that Vaenga is the pseudonym of Elena Khruleva, invented for the star by her mother. So until the middle of the twentieth century, the hometown of the singer Severomorsk was called.

Elena was born on January 27, 1977 to a chemist mother and an engineer father. The specifics of living in Severomorsk affected the family of the future star: for a long time her parents were employees at the secret Nerpa plant, which specialized in nuclear submarines.

Elena Vaenga in childhood

Elena is not the only child in the family. The younger sister Tatyana works in the field of international relations, speaks several languages ​​and builds a diplomatic career.

Since childhood, Elena has shown incredible perseverance and hard work: the girl studied at three schools at once and has diplomas in music, art and skiing education. After graduation, the young girl moved to the northern capital and entered the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College. In parallel with her studies, Elena began to study vocals.

Elena Vaenga in her youth

Youth years

Despite the fact that Vaenga began writing songs at the age of nine, she did not immediately come to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeing a singer. As a child, she dreamed of being an actress, so after receiving a musical education in piano, Elena became a student at the Theater Academy.

But the vocation to sing itself was looking for Elena - the girl had to leave the new place of education because of an important call from Moscow. She was invited to record the first studio album ...

Elena Vaenga in the recording studio

However, things were not so rosy in the capital. The album was indeed recorded, but it was not destined to come out. In addition, the difficult relationship with the producer and the cold behind the scenes of show business caused a lot of trouble. From stellar intrigues, Vaenga fled back to St. Petersburg.

To no small surprise, her songs soon sounded all over the country - for example, Tatyana Tishinskaya performed “Mom, why are you crying” and a number of other compositions by Vaenga. It turned out that the former producer, without the consent of Elena, began to record songs of her composition with other stars.

Singer Elena Vaenga

But the biography of Elena Vaenga would not have been so bright if troubles could have broken her: without being distracted, neither by arranging her personal life, nor by scandals, she continued to go towards her goal.

Soon she became a student at the Baltic Institute of Economics, Politics and Law, but Elena was not going to receive diplomatic knowledge at all - she joined the Department of Theater Arts.

Having become a certified specialist in "dramatic art", Vaenga began to participate in performances, including private performances.

Photo session of Elena Vaenga


Resounding success did not come to Elena immediately. Participating in concerts and festivals from the age of 19, Vaenga remained unrecognized by a large audience. Even when the future star began to give solo concerts and tour Russian cities, it was impossible to call it wildly popular.

Everything changed when Vaenga released the album "White Bird" (2005). Millions of listeners began to recognize and fell in love with her songs: "Taiga", "I wish", "Airport".

This was the turning point in the biography of Elena Vaenga: the interruption fans became interested in the details of her personal life and wondered if the rising star had a husband and children.

Vaenga's first album - "White Bird" (2005)

In 2009, the song "Smoke" brought Vaenga her first big award - the Golden Gramophone prize, and a year later the singer received the award again - already for her performance of "Airport". The composition "Absinthe" allowed Vaenga to take a place among the laureates of the largest festival "Song of the Year".

The first solo concert, which could be considered a truly major one, took place only in 2010, when the singer's name had already become a sign of quality, and her songs were loved by numerous fans. Vaenga performed in the Kremlin Palace. On Christmas the following year, a recording of the concert was shown on Channel One.

Elena Vaenga - concert at the Kremlin Palace

Personal life

The more popular Elena Vaenga becomes, the more interesting it is to study her biography: unfortunately, the singer does not talk much about her personal life, and due to secrecy, her husband and children rarely appear in the photo of a star.

However, it is no secret that Vaenga for a long time loved a man much older than herself. The parents of young Elena did not like that her chosen one was already married (and his own daughter is two years older than Vaenga herself!).

Elena and her civil husband

However, no prohibitions could stop this love, and as soon as the girl turned 18, she went to live with her lover - common-law husband Ivan Matvienko. Subsequently, Ivan Ivanovich even became the producer of the singer - the one who definitely will not deceive and betray.

Elena has repeatedly noted that her beloved played a huge role in her life, and it was his support and help that helped her shine on the national stage.

Elena Vaenga and Ivan Matvienko

Life in the nineties was not easy. Ivan Matvienko earned as much as he could: now Elena recalls with a smile how he drove cars from Europe to get money for new costumes and rent a recording studio.

Having lived in a happy civil marriage for seventeen years, the couple broke up, remaining on friendly terms. Elena Vaenga tried to hide her new hobby as best she could: the singer hates it when private photos and intimate details of her biography are leaked to the network, especially when it comes to her personal life, her husband or children.

Wedding of Elena and Roman

However, it was not possible to hide the luxurious wedding that Elena and her chosen one Roman Sadyrbaev played in 2016. During the celebration, Vaenga changed outfits more than once, and in each she was irresistible. The event was accompanied by the singer's favorite color - red: this is how the cake, a large bow on Elena's dress, and balloons were decorated. The star did not wait for the journalists to tell about the celebration, and she herself published a photo in a wedding dress on a social network.

It turned out that the son of Vaenga and Sadyrbaev was born back in 2012. The boy was named Ivan.

Elena Vaenga with her son
  • In the musical battle with Leonid Agutin on the NTV channel, Elena Vaenga scored five times more votes than her stage colleague.
  • In the release of the program “Alone with Everyone” (dated March 10, 2017), Vaenga admitted that she still has warm feelings for her first lover and continues to help him in a friendly way. Ivan Ivanovich even lives in the apartment next to Elena, and the husband of the star treats this with understanding.
  • The pseudonym "Vaenga" can be translated as "female deer".
  • Vaenga wrote her first composition "Doves" when she was 9 years old. The song allowed her to win the All-Union Competition for Young Composers, held on the Kola Peninsula.
  • Vaenga nevertheless managed to partially fulfill her childhood dream: the singer tried herself as an actress, taking part in the play "Free Couple".
Elena Vaenga in the play "Free Couple"

Elena Vaenga now

Now Elena Vaenga continues to write new pages in her biography: in addition to the fact that the singer devotes a lot of time to her personal life and, of course, to her son, she does not leave her stage career either. For 2018, the star has solo concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg and, of course, a tour.


Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga (b. 1977) is a Russian pop singer and actress, composer and songwriter.

Parents and family

Elena's real name is Khruleva, she was born on January 27, 1977 in a military medical hospital in the small port town of Severomorsk, Murmansk Region. When Lena decided to connect her life with music and creativity, her mother chose the pseudonym Vaenga for her. That was the name of the city of Severomorsk until 1951 and the river that flows nearby.

Lena's mother was a chemist by education and profession, her father was an engineer. In the northern village of Vyuzhny, which is now called Snezhnogorsk, they worked at the Nerpa shipyard, the enterprise was classified and served nuclear submarines. Elena then dedicated the song to her native North and dad: “You have eyes of northern colors.”

Her mother's maiden name is Zhuravel. Grandfather Vasily Semyonovich served as rear admiral in the Northern Fleet, he is mentioned in the book Famous People of St. Petersburg and in some military encyclopedias. Grandmother Nadezhda Georgievna baptized Elena, the singer has had a wonderful relationship with her all her life. Grandmother came to all the St. Petersburg concerts of Vaenga, Nadezhda Georgievna even had her own place in the 17th row of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

My paternal grandparents were native Petersburgers who survived the siege. During the war, my grandfather served near Oranienbaum as an anti-aircraft gunner, and my grandmother remained in the besieged city as a doctor in a hospital.

Elena's dad is a very strict person, he was one of the last to come to terms with his daughter's decision to connect his life with the stage.

Lena also has a younger sister, Tanya, and a half-sister, Inna (daughter of her father from her first marriage).


On the coast of the Kola Peninsula in the small village of Vyuzhny, with five thousand inhabitants, the childhood of the future singer passed.

The girl was brought up in strictness. Every day at 6 in the morning, dad came into the room, raised Lena, and together they went for a run or ski training. The only exceptions were those days when a blizzard was expected in the village, and a storm warning was announced.

Her every day was literally scheduled by the minute: morning training with her father, school, classes in circles, doing homework.

Lena's musical talent began to manifest itself when she was still a very young girl. At the age of three, she began to dance to the sounds of a working vacuum cleaner, and even at preschool age she had a dream - to become an actress.

Once the father played some melody on the piano, and Lena repeated it exactly, then the parents realized that it would be nice to send their daughter to a music school.

Having started her studies at a comprehensive school, Elena was simultaneously engaged in skiing and music. And already at the age of 9 she composed her first song "Doves". With this composition, she won the All-Union Competition for Young Composers, which was held on the Kola Peninsula.

Student years

After school in 1994, Lena left for St. Petersburg, where her grandmother lived. There she became a student at the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College, the girl decided to continue her studies in the piano class. It was very difficult for Elena, her level of musical education clearly did not reach St. Petersburg. Therefore, she did not succeed in studying “excellently”, she had to do a lot and diligently in addition.

Her efforts were not in vain, a capable student was transferred from a paid form of education to a budget one. Lena graduated from a music school with a diploma of a teacher-accompanist and herself determined the level of her skill: “I am an average pianist, I am far from Richter, but I can be a good teacher”.

But Elena did not see herself as a pianist in the future. She wanted to be creatively realized as a composer, and if she was lucky, then a famous pop singer. Therefore, the girl decided to study further and became a student at the Leningrad Theater Academy on the course of G. Trostyanetsky.

Less than two months of study, as Elena had to leave for Moscow, an offer was received to record the first album of songs written by her. Stepan Razin became the producer, and the first video for the song "Long Corridors" was released under the pseudonym Nina.

The album was recorded but not released. The producer simply sold all her work to other pop artists. Disappointment choked the young talented girl to tears, she went back to St. Petersburg. Elena was offended by the whole show business, the only consolation was that she heard her compositions performed by famous Russian pop singers: Tatyana Tishinskaya and Alexander Marshal, the Strelki and Ladybug groups.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Lena became a student at the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law. The department of theatrical art was chosen, she got on a course with Peter Velyaminov, whom she considers her best teacher in life.

But Elena was not going to say goodbye to music. Along with studying at the institute, she took part in concerts and competitions:

  • "Hit of the Year" (in St. Petersburg);
  • "Worthy song";
  • "Spring of Romance";
  • "Nevsky Breeze";
  • "Free song over the free Neva".

Lena graduated from the Baltic Institute with honors, played at the final exam and still continues to appear on stage in the non-repertory production of “Free Couple”.

But the music still dragged her more than the theater. Elena was greatly supported by her civil husband and producer Ivan Matvienko. Much later, she will say that her parents and Ivan Ivanovich made her. He persuaded her to professionally return to music, and thanks to Ivan Matvienko, in 2003 Vaenga's first album, Portrait, was released.

But the real love of the audience and popularity came to her after the disc "White Bird", which was released in 2005. The compositions instantly became hits, they were played on the radio, and journalists unanimously declared that a new phenomenon appeared on the Russian stage under the name of Vaenga Elena.

What is the phenomenon? She did not have influential parents, familiar composers and producers who would push Lena on the Russian stage. And the songs were noticeably different from what constantly sounded from TV screens and on the radio.

In the fall of 2009, Elena was awarded the first Golden Gramophone in her life for the musical composition “Smoke”. A year later, she repeated this success with the song "Airport" and in the same year for the first time became a participant in the final festival "Song of the Year" with the composition "Absinthe".

In November 2010, the first solo concert of the singer took place in the State Kremlin Palace. It was held under the symbolic name "White Bird".

In the following 2011, Lena participated in the Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin ceremony, and also won a resounding victory in the Musical Ring program over Leonid Agutin.

A turbulent period of concerts, posters and tours began in her life. Elena traveled all over Russia, to Israel, America and Germany.

The singer's repertoire is very diverse, includes:

  • compositions of own composition;
  • folk songs and ballads;
  • modern and ancient romances;
  • songs on poems by Yesenin and Gumilyov.

Sincere and honest, she never sings to the soundtrack, shares joys and problems with the audience, considers them her best psychotherapists.

Elena Vaenga decided for herself this: if a person goes on stage to show himself and his outfits, this is not an artist. It is necessary to hold each concert as if it were the first and last time, to put all your soul into it, to go out to the audience, as if to confession. Perhaps, this is the success of the talented singer, who is infinitely loved by the audience.

Personal life

The first love happened to Elena at the age of 17. She had just arrived in St. Petersburg to her grandmother and was preparing to enter a music school. The feelings were so strong that, despite the excuses of her parents, she packed her suitcase and went to her beloved man.

Her chosen one was Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko, a gypsy by nationality. In addition to being 20 years older than Lena, the man was also married and had a daughter two years older than Elena.

But all this did not constitute any obstacles for the lovers, they really experienced a happy period. Even when it was a rolling ball in a rented apartment, and I had to walk to the institute due to the complete lack of money.

Parents were offended by Lena and did not talk to her for almost three years. This silence of loved ones and loved ones coincided with the most difficult and practically penniless period in her life. But the songs were written in such a period as mushrooms grow after rain. Elena even deduced such a pattern: the worse her life situation is, the better music and poetry turn out.

To enable his beloved woman to make music, record albums and purchase stage outfits, Ivan started an automobile business, which consisted of driving cars from Germany. He became her first producer, with his work and perseverance he brought Lena to the top of the domestic show business, and she is infinitely grateful to him for this.

Despite the almost perfect relationship, in 2011 the couple broke up. It happened quietly and peacefully, without scandals, screams and reproaches, the former common-law spouses continue to communicate well and friendly, live in neighboring apartments.

In 2012, Lena gave birth to a son, Ivan. On the topic of who the father of the boy is, she does not like to communicate with journalists and often starts litigation with those who are trying to conjecture or assume the paternity of little Vanyusha.

To a greater extent, the boy is with his grandparents, since the mother-singer is constantly on tour, but, of course, as soon as Elena has free time, she tries to spend it with her son.

Name: Elena Vaenga

Age: 42 years

Place of Birth: Severomorsk

Growth: 176 cm

The weight: 53 kg

Activity: singer, poet, composer

Family status: Unmarried

Elena Vaenga - biography

She went through deceit, humiliation, misunderstanding, betrayal. But if the path in her creative biography had not been so difficult, today we would not have heard the name of the singer Elena Vaenga.

Behind the scenes, Elena flipped through photos on her phone. Here is her boy splashing in the bath, here he is sitting at the table, but here is her beloved, Vanka, laughing out loud. The concert is due to start in five minutes, and some of the audience is already cheering. But she would never exchange the delights of millions of fans for the love of one little man. It used to be that she was ready to race thousands of kilometers for the sake of work, but now she knows: we must appreciate every minute spent with the child ...

Elena Vaenga - childhood

Elena Vaenga (real name Elena Khruleva) was born on January 27, 1977 in the port town of Severomorsk. Cold and darkness, darkness and cold... This is how Lena Khruleva remembers the biography of her childhood. The village of Vyuzhny, where their family moved from Severomorsk, fully justified its name. But, despite the bad weather, dad sent her and her sister for a run every morning. Lena endured, biting her lips from resentment, but over time she realized that her father was right. "Scary? Work on yourself! Difficult? Work on yourself!" - Dad's words became her motto. Otherwise, she would have grown up as a soft-bodied princess and would have achieved nothing.

And when it became dreary, Lena began to sing. Parents listened: “Whose songs are these?” - "My". - “But how do you compose?” The girl could not explain - music is born somewhere deep inside, and then breaks out. At the music school, she was called a nugget and was highly praised. Lena wrote down the notes of her songs, sent them to Moscow, participated in competitions - but the result was zero. She was upset to tears, but every time she heard from her father: “Work!”

After leaving school, Lena went to her grandmother in St. Petersburg to enter the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College. The first attempt ended in failure - where can she compete with local schoolgirls! Of course, she cried again, but quickly pulled herself together. I was engaged in such a way that my hands hurt, and the next year I entered. Another step towards the goal has been taken.

Accustomed to achieving everything herself, Lena never dreamed of a prince on a white horse, but her prince appeared ... on a black convertible, almost knocking the girl down. She was in a hurry and, hoping to quickly catch the car, jumped out onto the roadway.

While driving, she spoke only about music, and he listened and wondered - where did the girl get so much wisdom from? The next day, he invited her to visit a friend who had a studio. Then Lena conquered him completely. How to play! And what a voice! And the music! Once he mentally painted a portrait of a woman with whom he would like to connect his life. Lena was like two drops of water similar to this invented image, everything matched, even the black braid to the waist.

Happy, she called home and told that she had fallen in love. The longer the parents listened to her enthusiastic words, the more gloomy they became. The man is twice as old. Wealthy, but his business is strange - he overtakes cars from Germany. Plus the gypsies. And their girl, young, naive, defenseless, is only eighteen. They told her to run away from him, she listened - and ran away ... to him.

Ivan Matvienko, whom Lena began to call “Uncle Vanya” from the very first day, seemed to prove to her parents that their daughter was in good hands. He asked musicians he knew to arrange several of her songs, organized a recording in the studio, and carried CDs to radio stations. He sold a three-room apartment, if only she had the opportunity to create.

And now, it seemed, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel: Lena was invited to Moscow. They promised that they would perform at the best venues. The insight came very soon: “It suddenly dawned on me - no one needs me or music. Everywhere only money! Huge sums were asked for the performance on television. And then the producers hinted: if you want to become successful, get to know one politician. Get to know me better...

Her nature could no longer bear it. I never thought that people of art can be dirty liars! And she did not yet know the main thing: it turned out that the contract was drawn up so cunningly that the rights to her own songs no longer belong to her. Now she kept hearing her music performed by someone else - and could not do anything.

Unhappy, devastated, having lost faith in herself, Lena returned to St. Petersburg. Uncle Vanya consoled as best he could: “You are a smart girl. You write more, and everything will be fine with you.” To start life from scratch, a sonorous pseudonym was needed. Once Severomorsk bore the “name” of Vaenga (after the name of the river), and her mother advised Elena to take it for herself: the word would look good on posters.

However, it took a long time for success. For almost ten years she composed music and sang, and television bosses of various ranks greeted her with the same question: “Who are you from?” Vaenga was sure that after the broadcast on Channel One, the deep lyrics of her songs and her strong voice would finally be praised, but only one thing was discussed on the Internet: who is promoting her - her husband or her lover?

Elena Vaenga - biography of personal life

Uncle Vanya pulled Vaenga out of depression every time, otherwise she would have given up her attempts to get on the stage long ago. And when it became known that Elena was expecting a baby, no one had any doubts: now they would get married with Ivan. Why didn’t they do this before? .. At first, Ivan chuckled: “You’re still small, why will I marry you when you haven’t even learned how to cook!”, And then Elena echoed him: “I already learned how to cook, so Now I’ll think about who to marry!”

So they lived for sixteen years, joking with each other. Elena increasingly thought about the child - she was already almost 35. And Ivan believed that it was stupid to interrupt his career when everything was going so well.

Everything that was connected with pregnancy and childbirth, Vaenga surrounded with mystery. She understood that journalists would follow her every step, and therefore signed up for three St. Petersburg maternity hospitals at once in order to knock them off the trail.

The baby was born on August 10, 2012. The paparazzi expected that Uncle Vanya would come to meet her with flowers and champagne, but after being discharged, Elena, with a child in her arms, went home on foot, since she lived nearby. Ivan Ivanovich surprised the sharks of the pen even more: these days he was abroad, and when they called him and asked him to comment on the news, he answered: “Have you given birth? Well, congratulations!” Finally, everyone was confused by the answer of Elena herself in social networks: “All the journalists ask me who the father of the child is. My answer is Elvis. Old Elvis Presley."

In fact, rumors that Ivan and Elena are no longer together have been around for a long time. In January 2012, an entry appeared on her website: “I have been living alone for six months. Excuse me for not writing to the whole country that I have a hole instead of a soul. And I thought that you can guess from the songs ... "

Particularly zealous journalists tried to figure out who her chosen one was. Suspicions fell on drummer Roman Sadyrbaev, who joined the Vaenga ensemble back in 2008. The first signs that they were having an affair were noticed in February 2012. Roman settled near her house, drove pregnant Elena by car, brought fruits to the dressing room, even ironed her dresses before going on stage.

When he was directly asked about their romance, he replied that there was nothing like that, just Elena warmly treats all her musicians. And only a year and a half after the birth of her son, Vaenga admitted that Roman was the father of the child. However, he does not disclose the details of the biography of his personal life: "Listen carefully to my songs - everything is there!"

Beautiful songs, an incredibly strong voice and a bewitching appearance, all this can be said about a woman who is called a phenomenon, Elena Vaenga. Her biography, personal life, husband, children, photos and videos with her participation, all this interests her fans.

Elena Vaenga is a popular pop singer and actress. She writes the lyrics herself. The creative biography, personal life, children and husband of Elena Vaenga are quite open to the media, fans and everyone. The singer does not particularly hide anything, and as many say, she is always with the people.

Elena Vaenga is a very hardworking person, according to rumors, she herself composed more than 800 songs, and five clips were shot in total. But this does not affect the popularity of Elena Vaenga in any way, millions know her.

The well-known singer Elena Vaenga is hardly known to anyone as Elena Khruleva, this is how the future singer was named from birth. Subsequently, she changed her surname to a pseudonym, but not officially. Elena was born on January 27, 1977 in Severomorsk. Mom and dad worked at a shipyard, by education a chemist and an engineer, respectively. In addition to Elena, the family had two more children, the sisters of the future singer were called Tatyana and Inna.

There were strict rules in the family, and the upbringing took place in strictness, discipline was instilled in children. All the sisters had a schedule that had to be followed unquestioningly.

Talents from childhood

Elena's manifestations of talent began to be noticed already in early childhood. At the age of three, she first showed interest in dancing. Also at this age, she already repeated melodies on the piano that her father played for her. When Elena was not yet ten, she first composed a song. After that, the girl was enrolled in a music school. In parallel, Elena attended a sports school.

After leaving school, Elena went to conquer the northern capital of Russia. Her grandmother lived in St. Petersburg, and Elena's plans included entering the university. But when submitting documents, she was told that one class was not enough for this to complete secondary education. Elena had to return to her school desk and finish the eleventh grade.

Elena Vaenga entered the Rimsky-Korsakov Music College in 1994 and began to improve and learn new basics of playing the piano. The girl's education was difficult, since the St. Petersburg teachers' requests were an order of magnitude higher than in her hometown. But Elena's perseverance allowed her to achieve good grades, which later served as the basis for transferring to the budget department.

After graduating from college, Vaenga decided to continue her studies and went to fulfill her childhood dream and entered the Theater Academy, but the training lasted only a couple of months. Then Vaenga went to conquer Moscow, from where she had already received an offer to record her own disc.

After returning to St. Petersburg, Elena persistently moved towards the realization of her dream, which is associated with training in acting. This time she chose another university for this - the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law, where she graduated with honors from the theater department. Vaenga was attracted by the theatrical scene, but the music took over and won, Elena devoted her life to this particular business.

Musical career

As a singer, Elena Vaenga was recognized by the public quite recently, she was awarded the title of a phenomenon for her sincerity and sensuality on stage, for her strong voice and artistic abilities.

In 2005, Elena released her first album, which gained real popularity, its name is "White Bird". In its content were such songs as "I wish", "Airport" and "Taiga". Four years later, the singer received her first official recognition in the form of the Golden Gramophone award for the song I Smoke. A year later, two more of her songs were awarded the "Airport" award with the "Golden Gramophone" and "Absinthe" became the laureate of the "Song of the Year".

The rapid popularity was gaining momentum and already in 2010 Elena Vaenga gave her first solo concert, which was held at the State Kremlin Palace. They could not only hear him live, but also enjoy the performance by watching the concert on TV. It was he who was broadcast by Channel One on January 7, 2011.

You can talk about Vaenga's success in such a short period for a very long time, she is invited to various events, ceremonies and shows. In 2011, Elena entered the top ten successful representatives of Russian show business. According to conservative estimates, the singer's annual income amounted to more than six million dollars.

The track record of Elena Vaenga includes songs and romances of her own performance, as well as songs based on the words from the poems of such famous classics as Sergei Yesenin and Nikolai Gumilyov.


In 2016, information appeared in the media that Elena was hospitalized in the intensive care unit in a serious condition. The doctors' diagnosis sounded like the flu. But then everything worked out, and the singer was soon discharged from the medical facility. In July 2017, Vaenga again had problems, which the singer herself informed her fans about. She injured her neck and could hardly move on her own.

The performances in which Elena took part had to be canceled. The actress and singer apologized to her fans, who, in turn, wished her a speedy recovery.


Everyone has the right to their opinion and not everyone is delighted with the vocal data of the singer Elena Vaenga. For example, music critic Nikolai Fandeev spoke very harshly about Elena and said that as a singer she has an average level of vocal abilities, and her repertoire is completely plagiarized. As for the active rotation of her songs on the radio, the critic said that this would lead to the fact that everyone would get tired of Vaenga faster.

Yevgeny Grishkovets also expressed his opinion, calling the performance of the songs vulgar and tavern.

Elena Vaenga calmly responds to this kind of criticism that she does not consider herself a professional composer and poet, so she is not offended, she is just an author who performs.

Personal life

The biography of Elena Vaenga is very interesting, but her personal life is no less fascinating, she has a husband and a child. Elena's first marriage was not officially registered despite the fact that she lived with her common-law spouse for 17 years. Elena and Ivan Matvienko met in 1995 in St. Petersburg. Parents did not approve of their daughter's passion for such a man, and all because of his nationality. By origin, Ivan is a gypsy. But at the age of 18, Vaenga made a strong-willed decision and went against her relatives and moved to live with a man.

The man turned out to be purposeful and during the years of the collapse of the country, in the 90s he actively worked and supported his young common-law wife. All the money that the man received from driving cars from abroad, he invested in Elena's stage costumes and payment for the studio where the songs were recorded. At that time, the couple wandered around rented apartments, since they had not yet acquired their own. At some point, a joint decision was made that Ivan should become Elena's producer.

As Elena admitted, their relationship with Ivan was close to ideal, but the issue of the absence of children worried her very much. It was this, after 17 years of civil marriage, that became the reason for the separation. In 2011, it was confirmed in the media that the union had broken up. But, despite this, Vaenga and Matvienko still remain close friends, they have an excellent relationship and the singer even calls her former lover a relative.

In 2012, Elena Vaenga opened a new page in her biography and personal life, she gave birth to a child. The media raged, headlines of articles were full of different options for who became the father of the baby. Later, Elena admitted that she gave birth to her son Ivan from Roman Sadyrbaev, who is a member of her team, a drummer.

Elena admits the happiness of motherhood, gave her new inspiration, unfortunately, she does not see her son and relatives often because of the busy tour schedule. While Elena travels the world and pleases fans, her son is being raised by her parents. But Vaenga tries to devote time to her child and mom and dad as often as possible and comes to them when a window appears in her busy schedule. There are times when little Ivan goes on tour with his mother.

Elena maintains such a warm relationship with her ex-civil husband that he, in turn, still gives his ex-lover expensive gifts. Not so long ago, he presented her with a fur coat, the cost of which is estimated as a good car.

A couple of years ago, Elena decided to change her appearance dramatically and dyed her hair, she became a blonde. She also lost a lot of weight. Fans showered her with compliments and praised her for so many obvious changes. After a while, Elena Vaenga became a brunette again, but cut off her gorgeous hair.

Elena leads an active life on the Internet and very often shares photos with her subscribers on social networks.

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