Jackson biography. When was michael jackson born and died

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Indiana (Gary, USA). The talented boy became the seventh son in a family of nine children. When Michael was five years old, his enterprising father created a family ensemble called the Five Jacksons, which included Michael's four older brothers and himself. Over time, it became clear that young Jackson had outstanding musical abilities, thanks to which the ensemble was noticed by well-known producers who offered the lucky Jacksons a serious contract.

The band continued to tour successfully for several years, releasing six hit singles during that time.

However, Michael's ambition suddenly stood in the way of the mega-popularity of the ensemble, who grew up and wanted to become an independent performer, earning money for himself, and not for his father. Continuing to work in the ensemble, he records his first solo album, which falls into the hands of the legendary producer Quincy Jones. He takes Michael under his wing and together they create the great album of the singer "Off the Wall", which quickly scattered in the amount of 10 million copies worldwide. So Michael Jackson becomes an adult superstar and finally leaves the family ensemble.

Michael's Star Trek, his death and funeral arrangements

After a taste of fame, Michael surpasses himself with the release of Thriller, which has sold over 40 million copies and made it the best-selling album of all time. The record plate was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Working with Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson received 8 Grammy awards and the worldwide love of music critics, after which he received 11 more Grammys.

As a solo artist and member of the Five Jacksons, Michael Jackson has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice.

Having become the king of pop, the eccentric Michael was repeatedly attacked for his appearance and behavior on stage, but this made him an even more successful and popular musician. Unfortunately, as is often the case with such bright stars, Michael could not stand the fame and everything that accompanies it - on June 25, 2009, the singer died in Los Angeles from cardiac arrest caused by an overdose of drugs. The world famous Jackson was only 50 years old. Before burying the singer, his friends organized a large-scale and colorful show in memory of the King of Pop.

15 Grammy Awards, 13 Guinness World Records, 1 billion albums sold, 2 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, 13 US #1 hits and over 500 prestigious music and philanthropic awards. It's not hard to guess what we're talking about. In 2009, the icon of pop music, the master of incendiary rhythms, the genius of dance, the composer and the main musical provocateur of the 20th century, left us. The one and only Michael Jackson. Music magazine site invites you to remember the highlights of his career.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 to Joseph Jackson and Katherine Skruse. In addition to Michael, the Jacksons had 5 sons: Jackie, Tito, Jermain, Marlon and Randy, as well as 3 daughters: Rebbie, La Toya and Janet. The entire large family huddled in a tiny house with 3 bedrooms. Michael's father, Joseph Jackson, or simply "Joe", was a crane operator. He had a boundless love for music and was even a member of the R&B group The Falcons, however, he never managed to achieve success in this field. But the whole district had heard about his tough temper and harsh principles in raising children. In one of his future interviews, Michael frankly admits that his father brutally beat him for the slightest offense, believing that by doing so he helps him grow up "disciplined." In addition, the failed musician has always tried to morally suppress his children, especially Michael. “My father kept saying that I had a huge, ugly nose, which made me feel like a freak,” Michael recalled in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1993. “And one night he climbed into our bedroom with my brothers with a terrible mask on his face. So he wanted to teach us to close the windows before going to bed. For the next three years, I woke up from nightmares in which I was kidnapped from my own bed ... "

In 1964, Michael joins the Jackson Brothers, the founder of which was the head of the family. Soon the group was renamed The Jackson 5, and the main vocals began to get more and more often 8-year-old Michael. It was then that the first success came to the group. The team became more and more popular thanks to the unique vocals of Jackson Jr.

In a few years, from a provincial band that performed at city holidays, The Jackson turned into superstars with more than 100 million albums sold and fame in all countries from the USA to Japan. The band's most famous song is still the canonical "I'll Be There".

Michael's first solo effort was Off the Wall, produced by 27-time Grammy Award winner Quincy Jones. One of the most beautiful compositions of this multi-platinum record was "She's Out Of My Life". In support of this single, a simple but very touching music video was filmed that won the hearts of a million American girls.

Many music critics called "Off the Wall" a beautiful end to the disco era. More aggressive music began to come into fashion. This trend has not bypassed Michael. He spent more than 2 and a half years in the studio with the producer of his first record. The result of their collaboration was the album "Thriller", the lead single of which was the song "The Girl Is Mine". The composition was the first collaboration between two legends - Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney.

A few months later, Jackson released his second single, "Billie Jean", to the public. An interesting fact: the future world hit was initially rejected by Quincy Jones as "not good enough." However, Michael's musical instinct did not let him down, and he persuaded the short-sighted producer to give the song a chance.

As a result, the song became one of the most successful singles not only in the career of the King of Pop, but throughout the history of the music industry. The composition took first place in several major music charts at once, including the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK-singles Chart. The next single, "Beat It", was officially released on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1983. The subsequent music video was the first in a string of "Michael Jackson mini-movie clips". And of course, the song easily topped the aforementioned Billboard Hot 100.

The single of the same name became a magnificent end to the “Thriller” era. The extended version of the album's video is approaching the mark of 115 million views on the popular YouTube video hosting.

Without exaggeration, this clip can be called "historical". The legendary choreography of this video spawned a phenomenon called “zombie-dance” (zombie dance), and the images invented by Michael remain relevant, finding their way into the work of many contemporary artists.

In 1985, Michael became one of the authors of the charity single "We Are the World", the purpose of which is to draw public attention to the problem of poverty in Africa. Such world stars as Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and, of course, Michael himself took part in the recording of the composition.

The success of the single exceeded all expectations. Four Grammy Awards, including Best Song of the Year. "We Are The World" became "number one" in more than ten countries, its sales exceeded the mark of 20 million copies, which made this single one of the best-selling singles in music history. All proceeds from the sale of the song went to help starving African children.

Michael's next big success was "Bad". As many as five singles of this LP managed to take the first line in the “Billboard Hot 100”, which is still an absolute record among male performers. But first things first. The album's first big hit was "Bad".

Many then expressed the opinion that this song was a kind of response to gossip and numerous detractors of Michael. And this version sounds quite convincing, given the interest in the press that year that the topic of "Jackson's changing skin color" was exaggerated.

The album "Bad" struck with its diversity. Incendiary dance hits here quite successfully coexisted with lyrical compositions. One of the most expressive songs of the whole album turned out to be “Man In the Mirror”.

Song after song, Michael became more and more brash and independent. He experimented with genres and, as it turned out, very successfully. His rock experiment "Dirty Diana" instantly won the top lines of the world music charts.

Jackson never stopped improving his dancing skills. And after the release of the music video for the track “Smooth Criminal”, millions of people were convinced that Michael has no equal in dancing.

The success of the album was phenomenal. Brilliant status in the US and platinum in all European countries has secured "Bad" as one of the most successful records in the world.

In 1988, Michael's autobiography, the book "Moonwalk", is published, which reveals previously unknown and sometimes shocking details of the star's childhood and youth. The memoir became a worldwide bestseller in less than a year, selling over 250,000 copies.

Spiteful critics argued that after such a successful album, Michael is unlikely to record something as talented. But Jackson, breaking all stereotypes, again released a brilliant album. The record "Dangerous" still has a cult status, supported by 50 million copies sold. The album was foreshadowed by a track called "Black Or White". The star guest of the music video for this song was the charming boy from the movie "Home Alone" Macaulay Culkin. "Black Or White" is considered an unspoken anthem for tolerance and equality.

In the music video for another hit by Jackson, the song “Remember the Time”, the role of the emperor was played by the famous comedian, Eddie Murphy. To date, this video has over 33 million views on YouTube.

One of the main hits of the album is the composition "In the Closet". It was after the video for this song that the aspiring model Naomi Campbell received worldwide recognition.

The album did not do without dance fighters. The track "Jam" became a major hit in the summer of 1992, conquering the dance floors of America and Europe.

The composition "Heal the World", the sixth single of the disc, became a kind of solo remake of the song "We Are the World". The lyrics of the song once again reminded people of the world's problems: wars, famine and AIDS.

In 1993, Michael was at the center of a disgusting scandal - he was accused of child molestation. The parents of a certain Jordan Chandler went to the police with a statement alleging that Jackson sexually harassed a 13-year-old boy. Such monstrous accusations seriously crippled the health of the artist. The result of the case was a settlement agreement, according to which Michael paid the Chandler family $ 22 million. In 2009, 16 years after the proceedings, the same Jordan Chandler admitted in an interview that he slandered the singer under pressure from his father, who later committed suicide. The lawsuit, troubled personal life and censure of the public could not but affect the work of Jackson. In June 1995 he released his most emotional and intense album, HIStory.

The album's lead single was a duet between Michael and his sister Janet, a song called "Scream", the music video for which was the most expensive in history. Its creation cost the singer about $ 7 million.

The album's second single, "You Are Not Alone", set a world record debut at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. Over the years, music critics will call it "one of the most inspiring songs of all time."

In November 1995, one of the biggest and most important songs of Jackson's career, "Earth Song", was released. The song once again raised burning topics: deforestation, air pollution, extermination of rare species of animals.

Another acutely social single was the song “They Don’t Care About Us”. It can really be called scandalous, because the lyrics of the song clearly indicated the imperfection of the political system in the United States and the rest of the world. As a result - more than 80 million views on "YouTube".

The final, sixth single was the composition "Stranger In Moscow".

In 1997, the remix album “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix” was released, the title single of which was the song of the same name. In the music video for the track "Blood On the Dance Floor", Jackson showcased his consistently great dancing skills.

Michael's latest work was the album "Invincible". “You Rock the World” was chosen as the first single of the novelty.

Unfortunately, despite the success of the album, Jackson rather quickly curtailed the promotional campaign, limiting himself to three singles. The most favorite song for the fans was "Whatever Happens". The guitar parts in this song were performed by Carlos Santana himself.

Since 2002, Michael has disappeared from TV screens for the first time. Some close associates claimed that during this time period he recorded over a hundred songs for his grand comeback. In the spring of 2009, the first rehearsals of the "This Is It" tour began, which promised to be the most grandiose event in the history of music.

But the dreams of millions of fans were not destined to come true. On June 25, 2009, Michael's heart stopped forever. The official cause of the legend's death was a lethal dose of a drug called propofol. Online media (particularly Twitter) were the first to inform fans of the death of their idol. The news has become a nightmare for many millions of connoisseurs of Jackson's work. His death was the biggest shock to the public since the September 11 attacks. It was decided to honor the memory of the artist by many famous artists, but, perhaps, the troupe of the world-famous Cirque du Soleil did it best of all. In memory of Michael, a whole tour called “Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour” appeared.

Michael Jackson is the greatest artist in the history of mankind. His incredible achievements will forever remain an unattainable bar for all his followers. Of course, his contribution to the development of modern pop music is simply invaluable! He became an idol for most of the mainstream artists of our time, such as Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. It is impossible to express in words the emotions that cover you while listening to timeless hits. His dance moves became the basis of modern choreography. And is it possible to tell the story of modern dance without mentioning Michael's trademark "moonwalk"?! All this makes Michael a unique artist, who never had, never has, and never will. But this is only a part of his merits - albeit a significant one, but still a part.

First of all, he was a man with a huge heart. His charitable foundations have kept millions of young children from starving in the underdeveloped countries of Africa. In total, for his creative work, he donated more than $ 300 million to charity, which no other person on the planet can boast of. But any amount, no matter how large they are, becomes insignificant against the backdrop of how selflessly Jackson lived his life, devoting himself to maintaining world peace.

They say that great people do not live long, because they put all their strength and emotions into creativity. Well, it really is. Michael lived a short but incredibly productive life. Of course, his good name will be remembered for a very, very long time, because such people are not born every day. Contemporaries of Michael Jackson should be infinitely happy that they lived at the same time as the legend.

Rest in peace, King. Everlasting memory.

Celebrity biographies


29.08.14 10:01

He started working on stage very early and reached unthinkable heights in his career. The name of this star is associated with scandals and quirks; millions of fans still do not want to believe in his death.

Biography of Michael Jackson

Deprived of childhood

Little Michael was taught discipline by his father. And he did it quite brutally. But, perhaps, it was precisely those trials and humiliations that befell the baby that made him so stubborn in achieving his goal and helped him in his career.

There were nine children in the Jackson family, Michael was born the seventh. He was five when the boy began to perform in front of his peers in holiday concerts, and seven when he joined the family band The Jacksons, founded by older brothers.

The boy danced, played several instruments, was a backing vocalist. The musicians traveled around the cities and villages, performed in nightclubs. Soon Michael began to solo, and the group received a different name - "The Jackson 5". The little vocalist was only 8 when his ensemble won the talent competition. This was the start to national recognition. Already in 1970, their compositions topped the charts.

On the way to a solo career

The tour of America and the albums released by the group consolidated the success, but it gradually became clear who the reason for this impending fame was. It was on Michael that the eyes of the public were directed - his movements in the dance were enchanting, it was Michael that everyone listened to - he performed almost all the songs. A turning point came, and the seventh child of the Jacksons realized that he had to build his career on his own. His solo records and singles (such as "Got to Be There") quickly gained popularity, and it was the beginning of the path to worldwide love and fame.

On the set of a film based on Baum's book about the Wizard of Oz (in which Michael played the role of the Scarecrow), he met the star, Diana Ross, and director Jones. It was this person who would later become the producer of the singer's most famous discs.

Zenith of glory

The first was "Off the Wall" (it came out a year after the filming of the picture) "overcame" a circulation of 20 million. But "Thriller", born 3 years later, was the best-selling album on the planet. The collection earned 7 Grammys.

The music video for "Thriller" premiered in 1983. The author presented it at the anniversary of Motown Records. The audience roared with delight - the singer had such energy, everyone was delighted and demonstrated that evening, which later became famous "moonwalk".

Since then, Jackson's work has firmly established itself at the top of the charts - everything that the performer touched turned into gold. He was not greedy - a solid part of the proceeds went to charity.

The album "Bad" stayed at the top of the "Billboard 200" for 6 weeks. 29 million copies - this circulation sold out instantly. And in 1988, the singer's fans waited for his first tour, which took place in fifteen states.

Beginning of the End

It was the appearance in the video for the composition "Bad" that gave rise to many rumors. Everyone noticed that the skin of the idol of millions has brightened greatly. The singer himself claimed that a rare disease that occurs on an immune basis and is fraught with the appearance of white spots all over the body is to blame - vitiligo. The disease was allegedly provoked by burns received in January 1984 (this happened on the set of a Pepsi advertisement). It was from that terrible day that the countdown of plastic surgeries and the use of painkillers began.

Along with crushing fame came the desire to be less in public (not at concerts, but in private life). Only on the personal Neverland ranch did the singer feel safe. Only friends could visit him - including Macaulay Culkin and the Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor (it was she who first dubbed his friend the "King of Pop"). They added fuel to the fire and accusations of the musician in child molestation. In 2003, the jury acquitted the singer for the first time. History repeated itself ten years later, and he was again found not guilty.

Michael Jackson's personal life

Spouses and heirs

Lisa, the only daughter of 20th century cult figure Elvis Presley, became the first "Mrs. Jackson". In 1994, they got married, but after a couple of years they parted - as friends, the girl supported the ex-husband in the most difficult moments of his life.

For three years, Michael's wife was Debbie Rowe, who previously worked as a nurse. From this marriage, the singer left the son Prince Michael and the daughter of Paris-Michael Katherine. Michael had another heir in 2002 (from a surrogate mother).

He planned a massive tour, but he was not destined to realize these dreams of his. On June 25, after an injection of the medicine prescribed by the doctor (propofol), our hero died. The doctor who arrived a couple of hours after the injection was unable to resuscitate his ward - later Aesculapius Murray would be sentenced to 4 years.

The 15-time Grammy winner is buried in a Los Angeles suburb. His death was a real tragedy for millions; at the farewell ceremony, the singer was mourned by many celebrities - from Stevie Wonder to Queen Latifah.

Michael Joseph Jackson (1958-2009) is an American singer who managed to become the most successful pop music performer in world history. Music producer and arranger, choreographer and dancer, screenwriter and songwriter, actor and philanthropist. He has 15 Grammy Awards and 25 entries in the Guinness Book of Records. 1 billion copies of his collections and albums have been sold worldwide. Since 2009, he has been a Legend of America and Music Icon.


Michael was born on August 29, 1958 to a poor, unremarkable African-American Jackson family, who lived in the small settlement of Gary near Chicago.

His father, Joseph Walter Jackson, a former boxer, worked as a foundry worker at the Chicago Iron and Steel Works at the time of Michael's birth. Mom, Katherine Esther Skruse, was a saleswoman. Both parents adored music, on this basis they met. My father played the guitar perfectly and in his free time worked part-time in a local music group. Mom sang beautifully, most of all she loved the country style.

Michael was the eighth child in the family, after him the Jacksons had two more boys.

The singer's childhood cannot be called cheerful and rosy: his father adhered to strict principles in his upbringing, which subsequently affected Michael's mental state. The moral humiliation and beatings suffered in childhood did not have the best effect on his character.

All children in the Jackson family inherited musical abilities from their parents. When the father noticed that his older sons had independently learned to play the guitar, the idea came to him to create a family ensemble. He began to fulfill his dream. But at rehearsals, a heavy and wide belt was often used, the father mercilessly whipped his sons with it for the mistakes and mistakes made.

family ensemble

The group initially included three sons: Jackie, Tito and Germain. Marlon and Michael dubbed their brothers, learned to play the congo and tambourine. In 1964, the family band performed on stage for the first time. Michael was originally a drummer, but after he impressed everyone during a school concert with a heartfelt performance of the song "I'll Climb Any Mountain", his father entrusted him with backing vocals.

A series of regular concerts in clubs began. The children were taught by a specially hired teacher. The guys lived on the gap between rehearsals, performances and school lessons. The group toured from 1966 to 1968, and finally they were noticed and invited to the most popular club in New York Harlem, Apollo. After performing in it, a recording studio signed a contract with the Jacksons, and the family moved to Los Angeles.

Michael quickly became an idol among teenagers. But this did not affect his father's attitude towards him, he still found fault and sometimes made sharp jokes about his son's wide nose.

own creative path

In 1979, Michael told his father that he had come of age and would continue to sing on his own. In the same year, his first solo album "Off The Wall" was released, which sold 20 million copies. A year ago, Michael took part in the film adaptation of the musical "Wiz", where he met Quincy Jones. This musical director became the first producer of Michael Jackson.

In 1982, the second album Thriller was released, which was even more successful and brought Jackson 7 Grammy awards. This album entered the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling album in the world.

In 1983, Jackson demonstrated his moonwalk to the world for the first time.
After receiving facial skin burns, Michael had a plastic surgery to transplant. At the same time, he decided to change the shape of his nose and chin. In addition, he switched to a vegetarian lifestyle, lost a lot of weight. All this led to a completely new image.

In 1987, after the release of the third studio album, Michael Jackson went on his first world tour. For three years he gave 123 concerts in 15 countries, and each of them became a brilliant show. His phenomenal dancing skills and live communication with the audience made Michael the idol of the planet. Once again, he got into the Guinness Book of Records for the half-million audience that came to his performance.

In 1993, Jackson's first concert in Russia took place at the Luzhniki stadium.
During his creative life, he released 10 studio albums, the eleventh was supposed to be released in 2009, but the singer did not have time to do this.

Personal life

Crazy fees Michael spent on charity, for which he received an award in 1984 from President Ronald Reagan.

While filming a Pepsi commercial, Jackson was close to fireworks and suffered burns to his face. During his stay in the hospital, Michael visited the children's burn unit, what he saw made a serious impression on him. He spent the compensation that Pepsi was supposed to pay him to open a children's burn center. From that day until the last minutes of his life, Jackson was engaged in charitable activities.

Michael registered his first marriage with the daughter of the famous Elvis Presley, Lisa Maria. The joint life lasted only a year and a half, the couple divorced, but the former spouses maintained good friendly relations between themselves.

The second wife of Jackson was a nurse Debbie Rowe. This woman gave birth to two children to the singer: in 1997, the son of Prince Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., and a year later, the girl Paris-Michael Catherine Jackson. Debbie Rowe volunteered to continue the lineage of the great musician, she gave birth to two children, filed for divorce and renounced parental rights.

In 2002, Michael's third child, Prince Michael II, was born by a surrogate mother.


On June 25, 2009, Jackson was injected with the drug Propofol. But as a result of an overdose, the singer's heart stopped. The rescue team arrived and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but everything turned out to be ineffective.
The news of the death of Michael Jackson for the first time provoked such a phenomenon as Internet traffic jams.

On July 7, 2009, a farewell ceremony with Michael was broadcast to the whole world.
Jackson was buried only on September 3 near Los Angeles at Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 19, 1958 to a large family. The guy's father, Joe Jackson, worked as a crane operator at a steel mill. The Jacksons were quite poor and lived in a small two-bedroom house for eleven people. His mother, Katherine, took care of the family, taught folk and religious songs to the children, and occasionally worked part-time. His father played guitar in a rhythm and blues band, but did not achieve significant success, and his mother sang and played the piano. From childhood, the boy studied music, as the parents decided to do everything possible so that the children would succeed in the musical field. Joe was a very strict father. He did not welcome contacts with other children, beat them if they did not obey. And the struggle for control over the musical preferences of the offspring was a constant source of conflict in the family.

The Jacksons soon formed the Jackson Brothers family group, which successfully performed at amateur shows and talent competitions. From the age of five, Michael's amazing talent showed itself. He joined the group in 1964. His dancing and ability to stay on stage invariably attracted attention. By the age of eight, Michael began to sing along with his older brother. By then, the band had changed their name to The Jackson 5 and began touring the Midwest, where they played bars and clubs. During a performance at the Apollo Theater in Harlem in 1968, not without the participation of singer Diana Ross, the group was noticed by representatives of the record company Motown Records. By 1970, the group was topping the charts and touring the country with their hits. Michael was becoming very famous as the lead vocalist. Due to being busy and being persecuted by fans, he couldn't go to school. The training was carried out by private teachers in between rehearsals and concerts. Michael was just a child deprived of the opportunity to play with his peers, it was years before he realized that he had missed his childhood. The group managed to survive Michael's voice change and a sharp break with the record company in 1976. The confrontation in the family continued.

The beginning of a solo career

In 1978, Michael Jackson appeared in the African-American version of The Wizard of Oz. He performed a hit from the film's soundtrack as a duet with star Ross. In the same year, Michael began to collaborate with music producer Quincy Jones. He broke away from the family band and began working in 1979 on his first "adult" album, The Wall, which sold tens of millions of copies and earned critical praise.

In 1982, Jackson and Jones again joined forces to prepare the Thriller album. The album finally confirmed Michael's viability as a solo artist, and his hits from the album made him a major pop star in the early eighties. Most music videos of the time showed the band or the singer performing the song. Michael really wanted to compose a whole video story for his songs. These new types of music videos have become very popular and have changed the way music videos are made. His most famous video was the 13-minute video for the title track "Thriller". The success of the album, which became the best-selling album of all time, sold forty million copies. The video clips helped overcome the racial barrier imposed by radio stations and the MTV music video channel.

In 1985, Jackson launched the We Are the World project, which raised funds for the poor in Africa. In 1993, he was presented with the Living Legend award. Despite his popularity, he became the subject of a serious scandal that damaged his reputation. In 1993, a thirteen-year-old boy accused Jackson of sexual assault. The singer maintained his innocence.

Personal life

Michael Jackson led an interesting, if not somewhat strange, personal life. He lived in a large complex called Neverland Ranch, named after Peter Pan. The ranch had a zoo, a railroad, attractions: a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster, and a carousel. Michael has been married twice. His first marriage took place in 1994 with Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the famous rock singer Elvis Presley. Many believed that the marriage served as a way to improve his public image. They divorced in August 1996.

In November 1996, Jackson announced that he would become a father. The child's mother was Debbie Rowe, an old friend of Jackson's. They married in Sydney on February 13, 1997. Their son, Michael Jackson Jr., was born in Los Angeles, and their daughter was born in 1998. Rowe decided to divorce Jackson in October 1999.

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