Dragoon biography briefly most. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky - all about the writer's life

Viktor Dragunsky is one of the famous children's writers. He gained the greatest fame thanks to "Deniskin's stories". Dragunsky's stories are mainly aimed at a children's audience, with the exception of such stories as "He fell on the grass" and "Today and Daily".

Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York to a family of Belarusian emigrants. However, the family never took root in the United States, so a year later they returned to their homeland in Gomel, where the writer spent most of his childhood. After the loss of his father and stepfather, the family moves to Moscow. Then Victor's second stepfather disappears without a trace, so the child is forced to earn a living on his own from an early age.

Dragunsky tries himself in a variety of professions, from a clown in a circus to an assistant turner at a factory. However, Dragunsky's love for art, which accompanied him throughout his childhood, when he first performed on the stage of the theater together with his stepfather, the artist Menachem Rubin, pushed the future writer to perform at the Transport Theater. The liveliness and bright play of Dragunsky soon attracted figures from the Theater of Satire, where he was soon invited. Then already Victor showed the full scope of his own imagination: he wrote sketches, humorous monologues, jokes, clowning and humoresques. The invaluable experience gained while working in the circus inspired him in the future to "Today and Daily". Further creative activity of Dragunsky was prevented by the outbreak of the Second World War, where his younger brother Leonid died. The Second World War had a great influence on the writer and subsequently prompted him to write the story "He fell on the grass."

The very peak of the writer's fame was marked by a collection of children's stories called "Deniska's stories", the main character of which was a cheerful boy Denis Korablev, the prototype of which was the writer's son from Alla Semichastnova. Later, Dragunsky's stories were filmed and enjoyed greater love among the audience.

The writer died on May 6, 1972 from a chronic illness in Moscow. His grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Biography 2

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born in 1913 into a family of immigrants. The writer's parents left Belarus for the United States, where they could not live. In 1914, after the birth of Victor, they returned to their native Belarus. The writer grew up in Gomel. But 1918, the father of Viktor Dragunsky dies. In 1925, the boy with his mother and stepfather went to conquer Moscow.

Viktor Yuzefovich began to work early to help his parents feed their families. Since 1930, the writer became interested in the drama club. In 1935, he already worked part-time at the Transport Theater and performed under the dome of the circus. At the same time, he began to write humorous skits, funny short stories. In 1940 he published his first book. During the difficult war years, Dragunsky served in the reserve. He performed with his works in hospitals in front of wounded soldiers.

In 1945, Viktor Yuzefovich was invited to work in a theater studio. In 1947, for the first time in his life, Dragunsky took part in the filming of the film The Russian Question. But for the young actor there were no roles in the theater and cinema.

In 1948, Viktor Yuzefovich created his own "theater within the theater" of imitations of famous people and gave it the name "Blue Bird". Many famous actors of that time began to work in the troupe. In many musical performances, Dragunsky became a songwriter. The Dragunsky Theater was invited many times to perform at the Actor's House. In 1958, the parody theater ceased to exist.

Already in adulthood, the humorist began to write for the youngest listeners. In 1959, humorous works about a boy named Denis Korablev first appeared in print. "Deniska's stories" quickly glorified Dragunsky throughout the country. They were reprinted a lot and became the basis for screenplays and theatrical productions. For the image of the boy Deniska, the writer took his son.

The collection "Iron Character", published in 1960, was imbued with the author's humor. In 1961, the military story "He Fell on the Grass" was published. In this work, the young artist signed up for the militia in the first days of the war, as he was not taken to the war due to disability. In 1964, the story "Today and Daily" was published, in which the author wrote about his work in circus art.

Creativity and life

We all know the famous children's writer Dragunsky. His wonderful and exciting stories will not leave any little reader without attention. Like most creative people, it so happened that fate did not spoil the boy from an early age. He was born in New York, but drastic changes in life forced the family to move repeatedly.

When Dragunsky was still a child, his father died. After a certain time, my mother again met a man in her life who advised the whole family to move to live in another place. The parents of the little dragoon were not rich, so they constantly faced financial difficulties. Due to the fact that his stepfather and mother barely made ends meet, the young man got a job. He worked both in the theater and in the circus, trying to bring at least some penny into the house.

After a while, writing talent began to appear. The boy began to constantly write various skits, invent ridiculous and exciting stories. Despite the fact that he could not be called a mature writer, his works always resonated, and several scenes were even published in a magazine.

Later, Dragunsky was offered to participate in a theatrical production. He became interested in such a proposal and began to actively contribute to the life of the theater until its closure.

An interesting fact is that Dragunsky took part in hostilities.

But by the time Dragunsky reached adulthood, the first significant stories appeared, which we still read with great pleasure. A whole block was created, which is known to us as "Deniska's stories." The protagonist of all adventures was the writer's son. Of course, most of the events and stories are fictional, but despite this, they are really incredibly exciting and extremely interesting.

After that, more and more new works appeared. The topics of these books were completely diverse: he wrote about the war, and about the circus, and about many other things.

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DRAGUNSKY, VICTOR YUZEFOVICH (1913−1972), Russian writer. Born November 30, 1913 in New York, where his parents settled, who emigrated from Russia in search of a better life. However, already in 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, the family returned back and settled in Gomel, where Dragunsky spent his childhood. The formation of his personality was influenced not so much by his father, who died early from typhus, as by his two stepfathers - I. Voitsekhovich, who died in 1920, the red commissar, and the actor of the Jewish theater M. Rubin, with whom the Dragunsky family traveled to the south-west of Russia. They moved to Moscow in 1925, but this marriage also ended dramatically for his mother: Rubin went on tour and did not return. Dragunsky had to earn a living on his own. After school, he entered the Samotochka plant as an apprentice turner, from where he was soon fired for labor misconduct. He got a job as an apprentice saddler at the Sport-Tourism factory (1930).

He entered the Literary and Theater Workshops (headed by A. Dikiy) to study acting. After completing the course, he was admitted to the Theater of Transport (now the Theater named after N.V. Gogol). Later, the actor, who spoke at the show of young talents, was invited to the Theater of Satire. In 1940 his first feuilletons and humorous stories were published.

During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, then he performed with front-line concert brigades. A little over a year he worked in the circus as a clown, then returned to the theater. Assigned to the newly created Film Actor Theater Studio (1945), Dikiy invited Dragunsky there as well. Having successfully played in several performances, starring with M. Romm in the film The Russian Question, Dragunsky nevertheless looked for a new field: in the studio theater with its huge troupe, which included eminent movie stars, young and not very famous actors did not have to rely on permanent employment in performances.

Dragunsky created a parody "theater in the theater" - the Blue Bird (1948-1958) he invented played something like funny skits. The instantly famous team was invited to the Actor's House, to research institutes. At the suggestion of the leadership of Mosestrada, Dragunsky organized a pop ensemble, which was also called the Blue Bird, and staged concert programs. E. Vesnik, B. Sichkin played here, the texts were written by V. Mass, V. Dykhovichny, V. Bakhnov. For these programs, Dragunsky came up with interludes and skits, composed couplets, pop monologues, circus clownery. In collaboration with the poetess, L. Davidovich composed several popular songs (Three Waltzes, Miracle Song, Motor Ship, Star of My Fields, Berezonka). Admittedly, Dragunsky was a very talented person, but hardly anyone imagined that he would become a prose writer - it happened, as it were, overnight.

Dragunsky had a special flair for the little things in life. Memoirists recall that he found some wonderful corners of Moscow unknown to others, knew where wonderful bagels were sold or where something interesting could be seen. He walked around the city and absorbed the colors, sounds and smells. All this was reflected in Deniska's stories, which are good not only because the psychology of the child is conveyed there with extraordinary accuracy: they reflect a fresh, undistorted perception of the world - the very sounds, smells, sensations seen and felt as if for the first time. The fact that songbirds are shown in the Pig Breeding pavilion (the story of the White Finches) is not just an unusually sharp turn that makes it possible to look at events with irony, this detail is both amazingly accurate and ambiguous: here is a sign of the times (the pavilion is located at VDNKh ), and a sign of space (Deniska lives near Chistye Prudy, and the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy is located far from the city center), and the psychological characteristics of the hero (he went to such a distance instead of going to the Bird Market on Sunday). The stories are tied to a specific time (the first appeared in 1959), and although they themselves will not take much time, the spirit of the 1950s and 1960s is conveyed here. Readers may not know who Botvinnik is or what kind of clown Pencil is: they perceive the atmosphere recreated in the stories. And in the same way, if Deniska had a prototype (the son of a writer, the namesake of the protagonist), the hero of Deniska's stories exists on his own, he is a completely independent person, and he is not alone: ​​next to him are his parents, friends, comrades in the yard, just acquaintances or not yet familiar people. In the center of most of the stories, there are, as it were, antipodes: the inquisitive, trusting and active Deniska and his friend Mishka, dreamy, slightly inhibited. But this is not a circus pair of clowns (red and white), as it might seem - the stories are most often funny and dynamic. Clowning is also impossible because, with all the purity and certainty of expressive means, the characters drawn by Dragunsky are quite complex and ambiguous. Screen adaptations made later showed that the main thing here is tonality, which exists only in the word and is lost when translated into the language of another art. On the contrary, the precise details and certainty of the situations in the few novels and short stories written by Dragunsky for adults give these works a rigidity. Their drama almost turns into tragedy (during the author's lifetime, the story of the Old Woman was not published, which was highly appreciated by the editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine A. T. Tvardovsky). However, the author does not give estimates, much less criticize social reality: he draws human characters, according to which, as if from disparate details, one can restore a whole life. The story He fell on the grass (1961) tells about the very first days of the war. Her hero, a young artist who was not taken into the army due to disability, joined the militia and died. About a man who exists in spite of, at least not in everything that agrees with him, is described in the story Today and Daily (1964). Clown Nikolai Vetrov, a wonderful carpet, able to save any program, make fees even in a provincial circus, is not in harmony with himself - and in life he is uncomfortable, awkward. The story was filmed twice, in 1980 and 1993. Dragunsky died in Moscow on May 6, 1972.

Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich (1913−1972) is a famous Russian writer, born November 30, 1913 in New York. At one time, his parents went abroad in order to make a better living, but before the First World War, the family returned to their native lands and settled in Gomel. There the whole childhood of Dragunsky passed.

After the death of his father, the future writer had to independently earn a living. Immediately after school, he got a job as a turner at the Samotochka plant. And in 1930 he already worked at the Sport-Tourism factory. He was fired from his previous job due to misconduct.

Later he entered the Literary and Theater Workshops, where he began to study acting. After completing a course of study, he was accepted into the Theater of Transport. Currently, this is the famous Theater. Gogol. Very soon, in 1940, his first feuilletons and humorous stories appeared in the world.

Dragunsky created a parody "theater in the theater", and "The Blue Bird" became an example of playing exciting skits. According to memoirists, Dragunsky had the ability to notice or look for small details, and most importantly interesting and wonderful. In ordinary bagels, he saw things that no one else could see. He often walked around the city, regardless of the time of year. He walked and absorbed all the smells, caught any sound and tried to remember it and display it in his works as accurately as possible.

Dragunsky, in his stories and stories, tried to convey everything in such detail that even an adult shuddered at such rudeness. Moreover, works of this nature acquired a certain cruelty, their drama is quite close to tragedy.

Dragunsky passed away on May 6, 1972 in Moscow, his grave is located at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

However, already in 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, the family returned back and settled in Gomel, where Dragunsky spent his childhood. The formation of his personality was influenced not so much by his father, who died early from typhus, as by two stepfathers - I. Voitsekhovich, who died in 1920, the red commissar, and the actor of the Jewish theater M. Rubin, with whom the Dragunsky family traveled to the south-west of Russia. They moved to Moscow in 1925, but this marriage also ended dramatically for his mother: Rubin went on tour and did not return. Dragunsky had to earn a living on his own. After school, he entered the Samotochka plant as an apprentice turner, from where he was soon fired for labor misconduct. He got a job as an apprentice saddler at the Sport-Tourism factory (1930).

He entered the "Literary and Theater Workshops" (headed by A. Dikiy) to study acting. After completing the course, he was admitted to the Theater of Transport (now the Theater named after N.V. Gogol). Later, the actor, who spoke at the show of young talents, was invited to the Theater of Satire. In 1940 his first feuilletons and humorous stories were published.

During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was in the militia, then he performed with front-line concert brigades. A little over a year he worked in the circus as a clown, then returned to the theater. Assigned to the newly created Film Actor Theater Studio (1945), Dikiy invited Dragunsky there as well. Having successfully played in several performances, starring with M. Romm in the film The Russian Question, Dragunsky nevertheless looked for a new field: in the studio theater with its huge troupe, which included eminent movie stars, young and not very famous actors did not have to rely on permanent employment in performances.

Dragunsky created a parody "theatre within the theater" - the "Blue Bird" (1948-1958) he invented played something like funny skits. The instantly famous team was invited to the Actor's House, to research institutes. At the suggestion of the leadership of Mosestrada, Dragunsky organized a pop ensemble, which was also called the Blue Bird, and staged concert programs. E. Vesnik, B. Sichkin played here, the texts were written by V. Mass, V. Dykhovichny, V. Bakhnov. For these programs, Dragunsky came up with interludes and skits, composed couplets, pop monologues, circus clownery. In collaboration with the poetess, L.Davidovich composed several popular songs (Three Waltzes, Miracle Song, Motor Ship, Star of My Fields, Berezonka). Admittedly, Dragunsky was a very talented person, but hardly anyone imagined that he would become a prose writer - it happened, as it were, overnight.

Dragunsky had a special flair for the little things in life. Memoirists recall that he found some wonderful corners of Moscow unknown to others, knew where wonderful bagels were sold or where something interesting could be seen. He walked around the city and absorbed the colors, sounds and smells. All this is reflected in Deniska's stories, which are good not only because the psychology of the child is conveyed there with extraordinary accuracy: they reflect a fresh, undistorted perception of the world - the very sounds, smells, sensations seen and felt as if for the first time. The fact that songbirds are shown in the Pig Breeding pavilion (the story of the White Finches) is not just an unusually sharp turn that makes it possible to look at events with irony, this detail is both amazingly accurate and ambiguous: here is a sign of the times (the pavilion is located at VDNKh ), and a sign of space (Deniska lives near Chistye Prudy, and the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy is located far from the city center), and the psychological characteristics of the hero (he went to such a distance instead of going to the Bird Market on Sunday).

The stories are tied to a specific time (the first appeared in 1959), and although they themselves will not take much time, the spirit of the 1950s and 1960s is conveyed here. Readers may not know who Botvinnik is or what kind of clown Pencil is: they perceive the atmosphere recreated in the stories. And in the same way, if Deniska had a prototype (the son of a writer, the namesake of the protagonist), the hero of Deniska's stories exists on his own, he is a completely independent person, and he is not alone: ​​next to him are his parents, friends, comrades in the yard, just acquaintances or not yet familiar people.

In the center of most of the stories, there are, as it were, antipodes: the inquisitive, trusting and active Deniska and his friend Mishka, dreamy, slightly inhibited. But this is not a circus pair of clowns (red and white), as it might seem - the stories are most often funny and dynamic. Clowning is also impossible because, with all the purity and certainty of expressive means, the characters drawn by Dragunsky are quite complex and ambiguous. Screen adaptations made later showed that the main thing here is tonality, which exists only in the word and is lost when translated into the language of another art.

On the contrary, the precise details and certainty of the situations in the few novels and short stories written by Dragunsky for adults give these works a rigidity. Their dramatism almost turns into tragedy (during the author's lifetime, the story of the Old Woman was not published, which was highly appreciated by the editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine A.T. Tvardovsky). However, the author does not give estimates, much less criticize social reality: he draws human characters, according to which, as if from disparate details, one can restore a whole life. The story He fell on the grass (1961) tells about the very first days of the war. Her hero, a young artist who was not taken into the army due to disability, joined the militia and died. About a man who exists in spite of, at least not in everything that agrees with him, is described in the story Today and Daily (1964). Clown Nikolai Vetrov, a wonderful carpet, able to save any program, make fees even in a provincial circus, is not in harmony with himself - and in life he is uncomfortable, awkward. The story was filmed twice, in 1980 and 1993.

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Report on Viktor Dragunsky outlined in this article. A message about Dragunsky will help prepare for a literature lesson

Message about Viktor Dragunsky

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky- Russian writer, author of the cycle "Deniska's stories"

Viktor Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York, into a Jewish family. His parents, emigrants from Gomel, arrived in the United States shortly before the birth of their son.

However, in 1914 the family returned to Russia and settled in Gomel, where he spent his childhood. In 1925 the family moved to Moscow. Victor started working early to provide for his livelihood. However, he did not immediately become a writer.

After graduating from school, he worked as a turner at a factory, a saddler, a boatman, and a buoy worker. From 1931-1936 he studied acting at the "Literary and Theater Workshops" of A. Diky's studio. Since 1935, his acting biography began: he was a theater and stage artist, for several years he directed the Blue Bird Theater (1948–1958).

His team instantly became famous. And also Viktor Dragunsky worked as Santa Claus on Christmas trees.

He was also a clown in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a red-haired clown in a shaggy red wig. And being a clown is very difficult, because he must be able to show tricks, and do somersaults, and walk on a tightrope, and dance, and sing, and be able to communicate with animals. Viktor Dragunsky knew how to do it all.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) he was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. Fate measured him only fifty-eight years, but it seems that he lived several lives.

Dragunsky lived one, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and whole life. He had a rare fate - to be unlike anyone else, to create his own style both in life and in creativity.

The biography of Viktor Dragunsky should be well known to any connoisseur of Russian children's literature. This is one of the recognized classics, who wrote books for schoolchildren and their parents. The cycle entitled "Deniska's stories" brought him the greatest fame.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Viktor Dragunsky has been going on since 1913, when he was born in New York. His parents were Jewish immigrants from Gomel who moved to America and settled in the Bronx. The writer's father's name was Yud Falkovich, and his mother was Rita Leibovna. They got married in 1913, while still in Gomel, and on December 1 of the same year Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky was born.

In America, the Dragoons could not take root, already in July 1914 they returned to their native Gomel, which at that time was part of the Russian Empire.

After another 4 years, the father of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky died, having contracted typhus. According to another version, his death occurred under unclear circumstances. Rita Leibovna found a new husband, who was the Red Commissar, the Revolutionary Committee of Gomel, Ippolit Voitsekhovich. But his life soon came to an end, he died in 1920.

In 1922, Dragunsky had another stepfather, named Menachem-Mendl Rubin, who played vaudeville in the Jewish theater. The family was forced to go with him on tour throughout the country.

In 1925, an important event took place in the biography of Viktor Dragunsky. With his parents, he arrived in Moscow, where Rubin founded his own theater troupe with Ilya Trilling, so the family settled in the capital. True, Rubin soon left them, leaving for America to work as a director of the Jewish theater.

The hero of our article had to start working early, from the age of 17 he began attending the literary and theatrical workshops of the Soviet theater director Alexei Diky. Since 1935, Dragunsky has become an actor in the transport theater, now he is known as the Gogol Theater.

Acting work

In parallel with the game in the theater, Dragunsky is engaged in literature. He starts by writing humoresques and feuilletons, composes skits, sideshows, circus clownery, variety monologues. At one time, the circus genre becomes very close to him, he even begins to work in the circus.

In addition to theatrical roles, Dragunsky also receives film roles. In 1947, he played a radio announcer in Mikhail Romm's political drama The Russian Question, after which he began working in the theater as a film actor. There were many celebrities in the troupe, so it was not easy for Dragunsky to gain a foothold. Then he decided to create his own amateur troupe inside the theater. Many enthusiastically reacted to this idea, creating a parody "theatre within the theater".

Soon Dragunsky began to lead an ensemble of literary and theatrical parody called "The Blue Bird". It lasted until 1958. Over time, this small troupe began to perform at the Actor's House, where Alexander Eskin was the director. On the stage, the actors presented funny parody performances that were a success. Dragunsky was invited to create the same team on the basis of Mosestrada.

Together with Lyudmila Davidovich, the hero of our article composes lyrics for several songs, which eventually become very popular. Among them are "Motor ship" performed by Leonid Utyosov, as well as "Birch", "Wonder Song", "Three Waltzes".

Literary activity

As a writer, Viktor Dragunsky declares himself in 1940, when he begins to massively publish humorous stories and feuilletons. Later, he will collect them in a collection called "Iron Character".

During the Great Patriotic War, Dragunsky was sent to the militia. The war goes on without serious injuries, but his brother Leonid dies in 1943 in the Kaluga region.

In the biography of Viktor Dragunsky, the main place is occupied by the cycle "Deniska's stories". He begins to write them in 1959. The main characters are Soviet schoolchildren Denis Korablev and his friend Mishka Slonov. In the 60s, several books from this series were published at once under the names "The Enchanted Letter", "The Magical Power of Art", "The Girl on the Ball", "The Dog Thief".

Stories bring him popularity and fame. By the way, the name of the protagonist was not chosen by chance: that was the name of the son of Viktor Dragunsky. "Deniska's stories" describe Moscow in the 50s and 60s. The main character lives with his parents, funny and funny things happen to him all the time.

For example, one day he pours semolina porridge, which he did not want to eat, out of the window, and when a policeman comes to them (along with the injured citizen), he understands what his mother meant when she said that "everything secret becomes clear."

"Deniska's stories" by Viktor Dragunsky were repeatedly filmed. In 1970, Nahum Birman directed the musical film The Magical Power of the Arts, starring Konstantin Raikin. Also, in different years, the paintings "Funny Stories", "Girl on the Ball", "The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev", "In Secret to the Whole World", "Spyglass" were released.

Other works by Viktor Dragunsky

Among other works of the hero of our article, the story "He Fell on the Grass", written in 1961, should be noted. This book is dedicated to the Moscow militia, which took part in the defense of Moscow in 1941.

All events are presented on behalf of 19-year-old Mitya Korolev, who works in the theater. He strives to get to the front, but he is not taken due to a congenital leg injury. He manages to enroll in the militia. Considering that Dragunsky himself also participated in the militia, the work is autobiographical in places.

in 1964, Dragunsky wrote the story "Today and Daily", which is dedicated to circus performers. Also known are his novels "Old Women", "A Strange Spot on the Ceiling", "A Real Poet", "Funny Stories about School".

Writer's family

The family of Viktor Dragunsky was large. The first time he married Elena Kornilova. In 1937, their son Leonid was born, who graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and became a journalist. For many years he worked in Izvestia, Nedelya, and is the author of fiction works Fairytale Power, From Herald to Neon, These Amazing Veterans, Once in a Lifetime: Frivolous Notes in the Genre of Tales and Journalistic Chatter . Died in 2007.

Dragunsky married for the second time to Alla Semichastnova, who was 11 years younger than him, she graduated from VGIK. They had a son, Denis, to whom "Deniska's stories" were dedicated. When the boy grew up, he became a screenwriter and journalist. In 1965, the couple had a daughter, Ksenia, a future playwright and writer.

Denis Dragunsky gave his father a granddaughter, Irina, born in 1974, she became a designer and journalist.

At the end of life

The writer Dragunsky died in 1972 at the age of 58. He was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

In 1990, the writer's widow published a book of songs written to the verses of her famous husband. In the memory of domestic readers, he remained the author of one of the brightest and most cheerful books about children and dedicated to teenagers.

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