Doctor Zhivago is the main character. The image and characteristics of Yuri Zhivago in Doctor Zhivago parsnip essay

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" became the apotheosis of the brilliant work of Pasternak as a prose writer. He describes the procession and transformation of the consciousness of the Russian intelligentsia through dramatic events throughout the first half of the 20th century.

History of creation

The novel was created over the course of a decade (from 1945 to 1955), the fate of the work was surprisingly difficult - despite world recognition (the peak of it was the receipt of the Nobel Prize), in the Soviet Union the novel was allowed for publication only in 1988. The prohibition of the novel was explained by its anti-Soviet content, in connection with this, Pasternak began to be persecuted by the authorities. In 1956, attempts were made to publish the novel in Soviet literary journals, but, of course, they were unsuccessful. The foreign publication brought glory to the poet-prose writer and responded in Western society with an unprecedented resonance. The first Russian edition was published in Milan in 1959.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

(Cover for the first book, drawn by the artist Konovalov)

The first pages of the novel reveal the image of an early orphaned little boy who will later be sheltered by his own uncle. The next stage is Yura's move to the capital and his life in the Gromeko family. Despite the early manifestation of a poetic gift, the young man decides to follow the example of his adoptive father, Alexander Gromeko, and enters to study at the Faculty of Medicine. Tender friendship with the daughter of Yuri's benefactors, Tonya Gromeko, eventually turns into love, and the girl becomes the wife of a talented doctor-poet.

Further narration is the most complex interweaving of the fates of the main characters of the novel. Shortly after his marriage, Yuri finds himself passionately in love with a bright and extraordinary girl, Lara Guichard, later the wife of Commissar Strelnikov. The tragic love story of the doctor and Lara will appear periodically throughout the novel - after many ordeals, they will never be able to find their happiness. A terrible time of poverty, hunger and repression will separate the families of the main characters. Both lovers of Doctor Zhivago are forced to leave their homeland. The theme of loneliness sounds sharp in the novel, from which the main character subsequently goes crazy, and Lara Antipov's husband (Strelnikov) commits suicide. Doctor Zhivago's last attempt to find family happiness also fails. Yuri leaves attempts at scientific and literary activity and ends his earthly life as a very degraded person. The protagonist of the novel dies of a heart attack on his way to work in the center of the capital. In the last scene of the novel, childhood friends Nika Dudorov and…….. Gordon are reading a collection of poems by the poet-doctor.

main characters

(Poster for the film "Doctor Zhivago")

The image of the protagonist is deeply autobiographical. Pasternak reveals his inner “I” through him - his reasoning about what is happening, his spiritual worldview. Zhivago is an intellectual to the marrow of his bones, this trait is manifested in everything - in life, in creativity, in the profession. The author skillfully embodies the highest level of the hero's spiritual life in the doctor's monologues. The Christian essence of Zhivago does not undergo any changes due to circumstances - the doctor is ready to help all those who suffer, regardless of their political worldview. Zhivago's outward lack of will is in fact the highest manifestation of his inner freedom, where he exists among the highest humanistic values. The death of the protagonist will not mark the end of the novel - his immortal creations will forever erase the line between eternity and existence.

Lara Guichard

(Larisa Fedorovna Antipova) is a bright, even in a sense shocking woman with great fortitude and a desire to help people. It is in the hospital, where she gets a job as a nurse, that her relationship with Dr. Zhivago begins. Despite attempts to escape from fate, life regularly pushes the heroes together, these meetings each time strengthen the mutual pure feelings that have arisen. Dramatic circumstances in post-revolutionary Russia lead to the fact that Lara is forced to sacrifice her love for the sake of saving her own child and leave with her hated former lover lawyer Komarovsky. Lara, who finds herself in a hopeless situation, will reproach herself for this act all her life.

A successful lawyer, the embodiment of the demonic principle in Pasternak's novel. Being the lover of Lara's mother, he vilely seduced her young daughter, and subsequently played a fatal role in the girl's life, separating her from her beloved by deceit.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" consists of two books, which in turn contain 17 parts, which have continuous numbering. The novel shows the whole life of a generation of young intelligentsia of that time. It is no coincidence that one of the possible titles of the novel was "Boys and Girls". The author brilliantly showed the antagonism of two heroes - Zhivago and Strelnikov, as a person who lives outside of what is happening in the country, and as a person wholly subordinate to the ideology of the totalitarian regime. The author conveys the spiritual impoverishment of the Russian intelligentsia through the image of Tatyana, the illegitimate daughter of Lara Antipova and Yuri Zhivago, a simple girl who bears only a distant imprint of hereditary intelligentsia.

In his novel, Pasternak repeatedly emphasizes the duality of being, the events of the novel are projected onto the New Testament plot, giving the work a special mystical overtones. Yuri Zhivago's poem notebook crowning the novel symbolizes the door to eternity, this is confirmed by one of the first variants of the novel's title - "There will be no death."

Final conclusion

"Doctor Zhivago" is a novel of a lifetime, the result of creative searches and philosophical searches of Boris Pasternak, in his opinion, the main theme of the novel is the relationship of equal principles - personality and history. The author attaches no less importance to the theme of love, it permeates the entire novel, love is shown in all possible forms, with all the versatility inherent in this great feeling.

48. B. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. The image of the main character.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890-1960) - Russian poet, writer, one of the greatest Russian poets of the 20th century, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1958).

In the novel Doctor Zhivago" (1945-1955, publ. 1988) Boris Pasternak conveys his worldview, his vision of the events that shook our country at the beginning of the 20th century. It is known that Pasternak's attitude to the revolution was contradictory. He accepted the ideas of updating social life, but the writer could not help but see how they turned into their opposite. So the protagonist of the work, Yuri Zhivago, does not find an answer to the question of how he should live on: what to accept and what not in the new life. In describing the spiritual life of his hero, Boris Pasternak expressed the doubts and intense inner struggle of his generation.

In Doctor Zhivago, Pasternak revives the idea self-worth of the human person. The personal dominates the story.

The genre of this novel, which can be roughly defined as prose of lyrical self-expression, all artistic means are subordinated. There are, as it were, two planes in the novel: the outer one, which tells the story of Doctor Zhivago's life, and the inner one, which reflects the hero's spiritual life. It is more important for the author to convey not the events of Yuri Zhivago's life, but his spiritual experience. Therefore, the main semantic load in the novel is transferred from the events and dialogues of the characters to their monologues.

The novel reflects the life story a relatively small circle of people, several families united by relationships of kinship, love, personal intimacy. Their destinies are directly connected with the historical events of our country. Of great importance in the novel are the relations of Yuri Zhivago with his wife Tonya and with Lara. Sincere love for his wife, the mother of his children, the keeper of the hearth, is a natural beginning in Yuri Zhivago. And love for Lara merges with love for life itself, with the happiness of existence. The image of Lara is one of the facets that reflect the attitude of the writer himself to the world.

The main question around which the narrative of the external and internal life of the heroes moves is their attitude to the revolution, the impact of turning points in the history of the country on their destinies. Yuri Zhivago was not opposed to the revolution. He understood that history has its own course and cannot be broken. But Yuri Zhivago could not help but see the terrible consequences of such a turn of history: “The doctor recalled the recently past autumn, the execution of the rebels, the infanticide and suicide of Palykh, the bloody goloshmatina and manslaughter, which had no end in sight. the answer to another, as if they were multiplying them. The blood made me sick, it came up to my throat and rushed to my head, my eyes were swollen with it. Yuri Zhivago did not take the revolution with hostility, but he did not accept it either. He was somewhere between "for" and "against".

Hero seeks away from the fight and eventually leaves the ranks of the combatants. The author does not condemn him. He regards this act as an attempt to evaluate, to see the events of the revolution and the civil war from a universal point of view.

The fate of Doctor Zhivago and his relatives is the story of people whose lives are unsettled, destroyed by the elements of the revolution. The Zhivago and Gromeko families leave their habitable Moscow home for the Urals to seek refuge "on the ground". Yuri is captured by red partisans, and forced against his will to participate in the armed struggle. His relatives were expelled from Russia by the new authorities. Lara falls into complete dependence on the successive authorities, and at the end of the story she goes missing. Apparently, she was arrested on the street or died "under some nameless number in one of the innumerable general or women's concentration camps in the north."

Yuri Zhivago himself is gradually losing his vitality. And life around him is getting poorer, rougher and tougher. The scene of Yuri Zhivago's death, although outwardly not standing out in any way from the general course of the narrative, nevertheless carries an important meaning. The hero is on a tram and has a heart attack. He yearns for fresh air, but "Yuri Andreyevich was unlucky. He ended up in a faulty carriage, on which misfortunes all the time rained down ..." Zhivago dies at the tram wheels. The life of this man, suffocating in the stuffiness of the closed space of a country shaken by the revolution, is cut short ...

Pasternak tells us that everything that happened in Russia in those years was a violence against life, contrary to its natural course. In one of the first chapters of the novel, Pasternak writes: “... having woken up, we will no longer return the lost memory. We will forget part of the past and will not look for an unprecedented explanation. will surround us from everywhere. There will be nothing else." These deeply prophetic words, it seems to me, are the best way to speak about the consequences of those distant years. The rejection of the past turns into a rejection of the eternal, of moral values. And this should not be allowed.

Yury Zhivago's poems in B. L. Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago".

Critic A. S. Vlasov "POEMS OF YURI ZHIVAGO" The meaning of the poetic cycle in the general context of the novel by B. L. Pasternak

Yuri Zhivago's testimony about his time and about himself are poems that were found in his papers after his death. In the novel, they are singled out in a separate part. Before us is not just a small collection of poems, but a whole book that has its own strictly thought-out composition. The poems of the cycle perform, it seems to us, two main functions. The essence of the first is determined by the fact that many images (leitmotifs) - more often everyday or "natural" realities - find their aesthetic completion in one or another poem of the cycle. The main purpose of the second function will be to identify subtext: value judgments, associative links, conceptual ideas, deep meaningful layers hidden in a prose text.

Strictly speaking, the whole cycle, taken in its organic integrity, that is, in the dynamics of alternation and successive change of themes, images and motives, forming a kind of lyrical plot, which in turn refers to the entire prose text of the novel, can also be considered in the context of this function.

Poems: Winter Night, Hamlet, Garden of Gethsemane, Fairy Tale.

It opens with a poem about Hamlet, which in world culture has become an image symbolizing reflections on the nature of his own era. Shakespeare's Hamlet is one of the masterpieces of Pasternak's translation art. One of the most important sayings of the Prince of Denmark in Pasternak's translation sounds like this: “The connecting thread of days has broken. / How can I put them together!” To Hamlet, Yuri Zhivago puts into his mouth the words of Jesus Christ from the prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, in which he asks his Father to deliver him from the cup of suffering.

In Hamlet, Shakespearean symbolism, the symbolism of the theater-life and fate-role, as well as the gospel symbolism are closely intertwined. Moreover, the predominance of theatrical symbolism is noticeable.

Thus, in "Hamlet" the beginning of the life and creative path of the hero is reflected, his character is symbolically marked. spiritual awakening. The awakening of spirituality, which is quite natural, is associated in Hamlet primarily with Christian motives.

This poetic book ends with a poem, which is called “The Garden of Gethsemane”. It contains the words of Christ addressed to the Apostle Peter, who defended Jesus with the sword from those who came to seize him and put him to a painful death. He says that "an argument cannot be settled with iron," and so Jesus commands Peter, "Put your sword in its place, man." Before us, in essence, Yuri Zhivago's assessment of the events that are taking place in his country and around the world. This is a denial to "iron", to weapons, of the opportunity to resolve a historical dispute, to establish the truth. And in the same poem there is the motive of voluntary self-sacrifice in the name of atonement for human suffering and the motive of the future Resurrection. Thus, the book of poems opens with the theme of forthcoming suffering and the awareness of their inevitability, and ends with the theme of their voluntary acceptance and redemptive sacrifice. The central image of the book (and the book of poems by Yuri Zhivago, and Pasternak's book about Yuri Zhivago) is the image of a burning candle from the poem "Winter Night", the candle with which Yuri Zhivago began as a poet.

The image of a candle has a special meaning in Christian symbolism, and the symbolism of the "chalice" is already the most consistent with the gospel symbolism. And if we talk about changes in the worldview of Zhivago himself, about his spiritual evolution, then the Garden of Gethsemane, like the rest of the poems, is united by the image of Christ and forms the so-called "Gospel cycle" ( "Christmas Star", "Miracle", "Bad Days", "Magdalene (I)" and "Magdalene (II)"), - evidence awareness of the hero of his earthly destiny, its supreme sacrificial mission.. Yuri Zhivago's book of poems is his spiritual biography, correlated with his earthly life, and his "image of the world, manifested in the word."

Into a poem "Story" several sequentially revealing content-symbolic "layers" are found. A high degree of symbolic "saturation" is a distinctive feature of any lyrical image, rooted in its very nature; although initially such an image is always extremely specific and unambiguous - in terms of correlation with a specific life situation that served as an impetus for its creation.

V. Baevsky noted that the plot underlying the poem (ballad) “is fully based on three defining motifs: the serpent (dragon) acquires power over a woman; the warrior defeats the serpent (dragon); the warrior frees the woman."

It is obvious that before us is the individual author's transformation of the plot, which is based on the above-mentioned archetypal motif of snake fighting, correlated with individual episodes and plot lines of the novel and being in relation to them, as it were, a second - symbolic - plan, in fact " key to reveal their true meaning.

The "women's theme", which has always occupied a significant place in Pasternak's work, found its fullest expression in Doctor Zhivago: the revolution appears here "in the role of retribution for the crippled fate of a woman».

"Doctor Zhivago" is a unique work in all respects: philosophical, religious, poetic-genre, in terms of continuity and in terms of innovation. The poetic word of the hero in the novel is not image subject, but full-fledged, live depicting word, supplementing and deepening the prosaic, author's word. The organic unity of the prosaic and poetic parts of the novel is ultimately perceived not just as an original compositional device, but before just like a symboltrue art - art that can exist only in merger with the life that gives birth to it and is transformed by it.

Boris Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", whose main character is Yuri Andreevich Zhivago, reflects the fate of the Russian intellectual in the whirlwinds of Russian revolutions and wars in the first half of the 20th century. Man, his moral suffering, creative aspirations and searches, his most humane profession in the world and a collision with the inhumane world of cruel and "stupid theories", man and the noise of time that accompanies his whole life - the main theme of the novel.

The novel earned the Nobel Prize in Literature, but it was not published in the writer's homeland, and he refused the prize under pressure. What made it possible to consider the novel anti-Soviet? Probably, the truthfulness with which the life of an ordinary person is depicted, who does not accept the revolution, who does not want to sacrifice himself to it, but at the same time is too soft and undecided to at least resemble an opposition force.

Character characteristic

Yuri Zhivago enters the narrative of the novel as a little boy. He lost his parents early, was brought up in a good family, which became his own. Zhivago is creative, budding, subtly feeling beauty, art, and sensual, subtle himself. Yuri becomes a doctor, he feels the need not only to help people, but also the need to “create beauty”, as opposed to death.

Zhivago foresees social cataclysms, but at the same time he believes in the revolution, as in a surgeon's true and reliable scalpel, and compares the revolution with a magnificent surgical operation, he even experiences spiritual uplift, realizing what time he lives in. However, he soon realizes that the violence of the revolution went against his welcoming moods - the Reds forcibly mobilize the doctor, I interrogate him as a spy, he is captured by the partisans, and now he is in despair from the ideas of Bolshevism, because he has been taken away and family, and a beloved woman, and now his destruction is only a matter of time, and he is waiting for him. In isolation from the family, one does not work or write, and does not dream of anything. In 1929, Zhivago dies of a heart attack, barely getting out of the tram car. What remains is his lyrics, the lost craving for beauty (and did this pre-revolutionary world exist at all, or was it just a dream?), unfulfilled hopes.

The image in the work

(Omar Sharif as Doctor Zhivago, David Lean's "Doctor Zhivago", USA 1965)

Yuri Zhivago is a collective image of a Russian intellectual whose youth is marked by a revolution. Brought up on classical literature and art, appreciating the beautiful, he, like all Russian intellectuals, is an amateur of a wide profile. He talentedly writes poetry and prose, brilliantly philosophizes, receives a brilliant education, develops in his profession, becomes an excellent diagnostician, but all this goes to dust, because the revolution and civil war instantly made yesterday's citizens respected in society, the color of the nation, despised by the bourgeoisie, renegades.

The rejection of violence, with which the new system is permeated, does not allow Yuri to deftly integrate into the new social reality, moreover, his origin, his views, and finally, his poems become dangerous - all this can be faulted, everything can be punished.

Psychologically, the image of Zhivago is revealed, of course, in that notebook, in which, as an afterword, poems allegedly written by Yuri are collected. The lyrics show how disconnected from reality he is and how indifferent to "making history". The reader is presented with a subtle lyric poet, depicting snow, a candle flame, household trifles, country comfort, home light and warmth. It is precisely these things that Zhivago sings more than class things - his place, his family, his comfort. And it is precisely because of this that the novel is truthful and was so objectionable to critics.

An inert and motionless person, led somewhere, somewhere too compliant, not defending himself. Sometimes the reader may feel a sense of dislike for the hero’s indecision: he gave himself “a word not to love Larisa” - and didn’t keep it, hurried to his wife and children - and didn’t catch up, tried to quit everything - and failed. Such lack of will clearly fits into Christian principles - to turn the second cheek when the first was hit, and symbolism can be traced in the name of the hero: Yuri (as if "fool fool") Andreevich ("son of man") Zhivago (the embodiment of the "spirit of Zhivago"). The hero seems to come into contact with eternity, without giving assessments, without judging, without opposing.

(Boris Pasternak)

It is believed that the image of Yuri Zhivago is as close as possible to the image of Boris Pasternak himself, and also reflects the inner worlds of his contemporaries - Alexander Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergei Yesenin. The creative intelligentsia looked at revolutionary moods with an individual, heightened understanding, which means that through the eyes of a creative person one can see the truth and experience it while reading a novel.

The image of Zhivago raises questions of humanity, the role of man in the cycle of history, where an individual looks like a grain of sand, but is valuable in itself.

Zhivago Yuri Andreevich- the main character of the novel, a doctor and a poet. The hero's surname associates him with the image of "God Zhivago", that is, Christ (cf. the name of the character's mother - Maria Nikolaevna); the phrase "Doctor Zhivago" can be read as "healing all living things." The name Yury echoes both main toponyms of the novel - Moscow (cf. the mythopoetic connotations of the name Georgy = Yury) and Yuryatin. Wed also the associative connection of the words "Yuri" - "holy fool". The meaning of the patronymic is also significant: Andrei - “man”, Andreevich - “son of man”.

The novel begins with the death of the hero's parents: the mother dies, and the father, a ruined millionaire, commits suicide by jumping out of a courier train on the move. The boy's uncle, Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin, brings him to Moscow and settles in the family of Professor Gromeko. One day, after an interrupted musical evening, Zh., together with his friend Misha Gordon, accompany Alexander Alexandrovich Gromeko to the rooms “Montenegro”: here Zh. first sees Lara, a girl sleeping in an armchair, then watches her silent explanation with Komarovsky. Almost 20 years later, Zh. will recall this scene: “I, a boy who didn’t know anything about you, understood with all the flour of the strength that responded to you: this puny, thin girl is charged, like electricity, to the limit, with all imaginable femininity in the world.” Zh. enters the university at the Faculty of Medicine. Starts writing poetry. After graduating from university, he writes a paper on the physiology of vision. On Christmas Eve 1911, Zh., together with Tonya Gromeko, goes to the Sventitsky Christmas tree: driving along Kamergersky Lane, he pays attention to the window behind which a candle is lit (this is the window of the room where Lara is talking to Pasha Antipov, but Zh. does not know this). There is a line of the poem: “The candle burned on the table. The candle was burning ... "(" The candle was burning on the table "- an unconscious quote from the poem by K. Romanov in 1885" It was getting dark: we were sitting in the garden ... "). On the Christmas tree at the Sventitskys, Zh. sees Lara immediately after her shot at the prosecutor and recognizes her, although he does not know her name. Returning from the Christmas tree, J. and Tonya learn that Tonya's mother has died; before her death, she asked them to marry. During the funeral, Zh. feels a desire, in contrast to death, “to work on forms, to produce beauty. Now, more than ever, it was clear to him that art is always, without ceasing, occupied with two things. It relentlessly meditates on death and relentlessly creates life through it. Zh. and Tonya get married; in the fall of 1915, their son Sashenka was born. Zh. are drafted into the army; he is wounded; lying in the hospital, meets Lara. He is informed from Moscow that without his permission a book of his poems has been published, which is praised. Working in the town of Melyuzeevo, Zh. lives in the same house with Antipova, but does not even know her room. They often collide at work. He "honestly tries not to love" her, but he blurts out, and she leaves.

In the summer of 1917, Mr.. and Zh. leaves for Moscow from the disintegrating front. In Moscow, having met with his family, he still feels lonely, foresees social cataclysms, "considers himself and his environment doomed." He works in a hospital and also writes The Game of People, a diary of poetry and prose. The days of the October battles in Moscow coincide with the serious illness of Sashenka's son. Going outside a few days later, Zh. at the entrance of the house at the corner of Serebryany Lane and Molchanovka reads in the newspaper the first decree of the Soviet government; in the same entrance he meets an unknown young man, not knowing that this is his half-brother Evgraf. J. accepts the revolution with enthusiasm, calling it "great surgery." In the winter of 1918, he suffers from typhus. When Zh. recovers, in April 1918, together with his wife, son and father-in-law, on the advice of Evgraf, they leave for the Urals, to the former estate of his grandfather Tony Varykino, not far from Yuriatin. They go for several weeks. Already at the entrance to Yuriatin, at one of the stations, Zh. was arrested at night by the Red Army, mistaking him for a spy. He is interrogated by the military commissar Strelnikov (Zh. does not know that this is Antipov, Lara's husband) and after a conversation he is released. Zh. says to a random fellow traveler Samdevyatov: “I was very revolutionary, and now I think that you won’t get anything by violence.” ^K. with his family safely gets to Yuriatin, then they go to Varykino, where they settle, occupying two rooms in an old manor house. In winter, Zh. keeps records - in particular, he writes down that he refused medicine and is silent about the medical specialty so as not to tie his freedom. Periodically, he visits the library in Yuriatin and one day he sees Antipova in the library; does not approach her, but writes off her address from the library card. Then he comes to her apartment; after a while they get closer. Zh. is burdened by the fact that he is deceiving his wife, and he decides to "cut the knot by force." However, when he returns on horseback from the city to Varykino, he is stopped by the partisans of the red detachment and "forced to be mobilized as a medical worker."

Zh. spends more than a year in captivity with the partisans, and he directly tells the detachment commander Livery Mikulitsyn that he does not share the ideas of Bolshevism at all: “When I hear about the alteration of life, I lose power over myself and fall into despair.<...>material, substance, life is never. She herself, if you want to know, is a constantly renewing herself, eternally reworking herself, she herself is forever remaking and transforming herself, she herself is much higher than our stupid theories with you. Zh. knows nothing about Lara and his family - he does not know how his wife's birth went (when he was captured, Tonya was pregnant). In the end, Zh. manages to escape from the detachment, and, after walking dozens of miles, he returns to Yuryatin. He comes to Lara's apartment, but she, together with Katenka, having heard about his appearance in the vicinity, left for the empty Varykino to wait for him there. While waiting for Lara, J. falls ill, and when he comes to, he sees her next to him. They live together. Zh. works in an outpatient clinic and in medical courses. Despite his outstanding abilities as a diagnostician, he is treated with distrust, criticized for "intuitionism" and suspected of idealism. He receives a letter from Moscow from his wife, which was written five months ago: Tonya reported that their daughter Masha was born, and that her father, uncle, and her children were being sent abroad.

Komarovsky, who arrived in Yuryatin, says to J.: “There is a certain communist style. Few fit that standard. But no one so clearly violates this manner of living and thinking as you do.<...>You are a mockery of this world, its insult.<...>Your destruction is next." Nevertheless, Zh. refuses Komarovsky's offer to leave for the Far East, and he and Lara decide to wait out the danger in Barykino. There, J. begins to write down previously composed poems at night, and also to work on new things: “he experienced the approach of what is called inspiration. The balance of forces that govern creativity, as it were, turns on its head. It is not the person and the state of his soul that he is looking for expression that takes precedence, but the language with which he wants to express it. Language, the homeland and receptacle of beauty and meaning, itself begins to think and speak for a person, and everything becomes music, not in relation to external auditory sound, but in relation to the swiftness and power of its inner flow. Komarovsky arrives in Varykino, who, in a secret conversation with Zhivago, reports that Strelnikov / Antipov, Lara's husband, has been shot and she and her daughter are in great danger. Zh. agrees that Lara and Katenka leave with Komarovsky, telling her that he himself will join them later. Left alone in Barykino, J. drinks at night and writes poems dedicated to Lara, “but Lara of his poems and notes, as they faded and replaced one word with another, went further and further from his true prototype.” One day, Strelnikov appears in the Varykin house, who, it turns out, is alive; he and Zh. talk all night, and in the morning, when! Zh. still asleep, Strelnikov at the porch of the house puts a bullet in his temple. Burying him, 2K. goes to Moscow, where he arrives in the spring of 1922, accompanied by a peasant youth Vasya Brykin (whom he once met on the way from Moscow to Yuryatin). In Moscow, Zh. begins to write small books that “contained the philosophy of Yuri Andreevich, a presentation of his medical views, his definitions of health and ill health, thoughts about transformism and evolution, about personality as the biological basis of the organism, Yuri Andreevich’s thoughts on history and religion,<...>essays on the Pugachev places visited by the doctor, poems by Yuri Andreevich and stories”; Vasya is engaged in their publication, but gradually their cooperation ceases. Zh. is busy with going abroad to her family, but without much energy. He settles in the former apartment of the Sventitskys, where he occupies a small room; he "abandoned medicine, turned into a slut, stopped seeing acquaintances and became poor." Then he converges with Marina, the daughter of a janitor: “she became the third wife of Yuri Andreevich not registered in the registry office, with the first not divorced. They have children": "two girls, Kapka and Klashka." One day Zh. disappears: on the street he meets Evgraf, and he rents him a room in Kamergersky Lane - the same one in which Antipov once lived as a student and in the window of which Zh. saw a candle burning on the table. Zh. begins to work on articles and poems, the subject of which is the city. He enters the service at the Botkin hospital; but when J. first goes there by tram, he has a heart attack: he manages to get out of the car and dies on the street. Zh.'s poems collected by Evgraf form the final part of the novel.

Yuri Zhivago is the main character of Pasternak's well-known novel. He has a fairly successful career and a prosperous life. He works as a doctor, he also has a wife, Antonina. Yuri is the half-brother of Efgraf.

Yuri Zhivago has a rather difficult fate. The thing is that his mother died of a serious illness, and his father jumped out of the train in a state of intoxication. After all these events, Yuri was brought up by relatives. He then marries their daughter. In his profession, he reached very great heights, many of his colleagues admired his intuition.

The author drew the image of Yuri Zhivago from himself, his inner experiences and struggle are closely connected with the life of the author. Also, Mayakovsky and Blok have some similar features with the hero. In the novel, a lot of pages are devoted specifically to Yuri's inner state of mind.

During the war, he ends up in the army, ends up in the hospital due to a wound.

Zhivago was a rather versatile and developed personality. He was interested in books and literature. He also wrote poetry himself.

Yuri Zhivago, despite his profession - he worked as a doctor, was an extremely gentle, sensitive person, in some situations even weak-willed. He does not go against the current, but agrees to the circumstances and benefits that are provided to him. He is cut off from the outside world and sometimes lives an inner life, completely ignoring the environment. The situation with women also testifies to his indecision - he could not build happiness with any of his women due to constant hesitation. With regards to the revolution, he unequivocally responds, he believes that life is wiser than man. He is well aware that interference with nature can have a very detrimental effect on humanity.

Yuri Zhivago had a special relationship with Russia and its fate. He is clearly aware that Russia, its fate is very controversial, but he loves her very much.

Towards the end of his life, he begins to look ugly, ceases to take care of himself, begins to communicate with the janitor's daughter. In the life of Yuri Zhivago, there is no flash that would help him begin to live a full life. He dies right on the street from a heart attack. In the last action described, Yuri Zhivago's friends read lines from his poems. This is very symbolic - his death does not mean the end, his work will live forever.

Essay 2

Yuri Zhivago is the central character of this work with an unusual name: "Doctor Zhivago". Received a doctoral education, became a member of the First World War. The character fell into a painful and critical time for all mankind: during the period of revolutionary actions. The fate of the people lay on the shoulders of the authorities, but they only did what made life worse for the citizens of the USSR. The country was in complete disarray. The scenes of what happened were staggering. After what you see with your own eyes, it is difficult to remain a Human…

Doctor Zhivago went through terrible trials: through separation from loved ones during military operations, with losses in the war, with spiritual wounds from being captured, with hardships in love ...

Initially, Yuri had a positive idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surging elements. The revolution was understood by Zhivago as the salvation of the people from the collapse of the country. However, throughout the novel, we notice that the character's opinion changes dramatically, because all the cruelty and severity of the modern world opens before him. A world that has suddenly changed, that has raised other priorities. Revolution, war. The terrible and bloody events that hung over innocent people - all this allowed all of humanity to change. Brother went against brother, values ​​ceased to be such, the thirst for victory, chaos became a priority ... You don’t know which side you are on, you get lost in the choice. It's hard to know who to help. Where is the enemy and where is the friend? The confrontation between the fuel and the individual personality began.

Doctor Zhivago experienced everything on himself. That is why he can be characterized as a wise, self-confident, calm person. He is absolutely kind and compassionate. Working as a doctor in the war, Yuri slept a lot of soldiers' lives.

It is worth mentioning that Zhivago is a poet! He loves to read a lot. Literature is his element. That is why the character is considered educated and erudite in many areas.

Boris Pasternak created the hero, wanting him to combine Mayakovsky, Blok, and Yesenin. All these young poets did not live long. That is why Zhivago left life at an early age. He was out of breath. In this terrible country, where chaos reigns, complete chaos, there is no place for talented and kind-hearted people like Zhivago...

Thus, Pasternak managed to draw the image of Doctor Zhivago, which will be remembered forever!

Yuri Zhivago in Pasternak's novel

The work of the Russian writer "Doctor Zhivago" conveys the point of view of its author on the events that took place at the beginning of the twentieth century. And he did it through the prism of the creator of this era. Back in the second half of the fifties, in correspondence, he said: “I am now writing a novel in prose about a man who makes up some resultant between Blok and me (and Mayakovsky and Yesenin, perhaps).” Boris Pasternak masterfully conveyed the contradictory attitude towards the revolution in his novel.

Yuri Zhivago, having survived the death of his parents, perceives life with mystical, religious power. Reflecting on the immortality of his soul, Yuri is looking for answers to the mysteries of life from others.

After the death of his father, ten-year-old Yuri lives with his uncle Nikolai, whose philosophy of progress and mysticism touches the boy's poetic feelings. Later, Yuri lives with the professor's family and this inspires him to become a doctor. According to the will of the professor's wife, he marries their daughter, they have a son.

When the war with Germany begins, Yuri is sent to serve at the front as a surgeon. There he falls in love with Lara, a married nurse, but after his confession, she leaves. Returning to Moscow, Dr. Zhivago perceives the revolution initially as something favorable, later changing his point of view in the opposite direction. On the advice of Evgraf, Yuri takes his family to the Ural Mountains. There he meets Lara and becomes close to her.

The Communists capture Yuri, forcing him to serve until he makes his escape. When Tonya returns to Moscow, Yuri and Lara live together. When the townspeople call the lovers counter-revolutionaries, Yuri forces Lara to flee under the protection of a Soviet official while he himself hides in Moscow. Life is idyllic: Yuri writes poetry and books containing his philosophical views on life.

In Moscow, he begins his third romance with the janitor's daughter, Marina, they have children. His wife and daughter have gone to Paris, but he maintains an excellent relationship with his half-brother, Evgraf. For several years he has been practicing medicine and writing poems, the subject of which was the city. He dies on the same day that Lara arrives in the capital. Later, Evgraf publishes the poems of his late brother...

Pasternak informs us that the events that took place in those years in Russia were unnatural for the course of history. Renunciation of the past is equated with the rejection of cultural heritage, of moral values. And our task is not to allow such historical arbitrariness to occur.

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