Long statuses about love and life. Long quotes about life with meaning

Elvira, I understand that I am terribly guilty, but listen to me, please.
- No, Zimovsky, today you will listen to me. I used to think that you were cunning and arrogant. Where it is profitable, there you graze, for the money, for the sake of sex.
- Elvira...
- Shut up please. And yesterday I realized that you're just rot. You are an arrogant complete cynic, for whom everything is just like that, a husk. And I was a fool, my God, what a fool I was. But you know, Zimovsky, I'm glad, I'm glad, because now there is at least one woman on Earth who will never, ever say YES to you again!

For some reason, we often look for our ideal man on the cover of a glossy magazine and do not understand that the photographer, make-up artist, and stylist made him ideal. In fact, the ideal man may not know at all that he is ideal. He never even thinks about it, he just lives. He lives according to the laws that his mind, conscience, soul dictate to him. If he invites you for a cup of coffee, then he really wants to treat you to coffee, and when he helps in a difficult situation, believe me, your thanks to him are enough. The ideal man does not know how to speculate. The ideal man shows his feelings without fear, without looking back, without adjusting for public opinion, because he is real. You ask ... where to get it, such an ideal one? ... I will answer you ... I don’t know, but one thing is certain - since I am writing about it, it means that it exists!

How do people get lonely? After all, life is in full swing around, full of friends, work colleagues, and you are all alone. Strange, right? Although, this oddity has a clear explanation - you are lonely when you were abandoned, when he or she left you. Well, immediately there is a feeling that everyone has abandoned you. It's a very scary feeling. Your space asks only one question "WHY?" Why did the beloved person who was nearby yesterday, whom you heard, saw, looked into his eyes, suddenly moved away? And the worst thing is that none of the answers will suit you. But now he is doing something somewhere, eating, drinking, watching TV, maybe even having fun with someone ... It would seem much worse, but it turns out that there are things even worse: it’s scary to feel abandoned by everything while still with the person you love.
Feel free to tell your loved ones that they are irreplaceable, don't take it as a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Life is very short, so don't waste your time. Talk to your loved ones, because they deserve it. Everything in our life would be different if we learned to listen not only to ourselves...

People usually marry with deprived imagination. Look - 2 people meet, something breaks out in them, they start walking in parks, restaurants, cinema, they walk for a long time ... And then that's it, the fantasy ends. And they are thinking here - Evpaty-Kolovraty, we haven’t been to the registry office yet!

Have you ever thought about how a woman feels in this demanding world of males? It's a giant slalom. A woman must be extremely flexible and at the same time remain rigid. It must be gentle and strong at the same time. Agree, is this not a super task for those whom we call the "weaker sex"? According to the position in which tolerance applies only to men, the whole world boils down to the following: if a man is said to be ambitious, then a woman, under the same circumstances, is aggressive. If a man is excited, then a woman is hysterical. And when a man is unleashed and sociable, a woman is a prostitute, nothing else... The standard of a modern woman is contradictory. At work, she must behave like a man, and when she returns home, she must put on an apron and portray the keeper of the hearth.

I could dream of anything. I could swim with dolphins or eat a whole pie without any repercussions, but instead I'm here with you two. It must mean something!
I'm even afraid to ask...
- I think... I think I love you both.
- You can't, you're not like that!
“Only because I've always been a good, shy little girl who was so afraid to think outside the box, especially when it came to love and sex. But now I'm leaving this little girl in the past.
- What exactly do you propose?
- I can love both of you. I don't have to be yours or yours - I suggest that you two be mine.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been a vampire for almost three thousand years, and now the American Vampire League assures you that we are just like you. And, probably, to a small extent, it is. We are narcissistic, we only care about our needs, no matter what it costs, just like you. Global warming, endless war, toxic waste, baby corpses, genocide. These are all minor expenses in the pursuit of your sports cars, huge TVs, blood diamonds, designer jeans, ridiculous gaudy villas. Empty indicators of stability soothe your trembling, weak-willed souls. But no, after all, we are nothing like you. We are immortal because we drink real blood, the life-giving, nourishing blood of people. And that's the truth the vampire league would like to hide from you, because, to be honest, drinking human blood is expensive today, so they pretended to be kind to push through their vampire rights amendment, but, rest assured, all vampires are exactly the same, as I. Why should we strive for equality? You are no match for us. We'll suck all your blood after we've drunk your children to the bone. And now about the weather. Tiffany?

Quentin Fields was a basketball player, he was also a son, a brother, someone's teammate, someone's friend. I didn't know Quentin Fields. And now I'll never know.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were no more? If you suddenly disappeared?
How would the world react?
No matter what you imagined, it's not like that. There is nothing romantic about death. Sadness is like an ocean. It's deep and dark and bigger than any of us. And pain is like a thief in the night... Quiet, persistent, unfair... weakening, thanks to time, faith and love.
I didn't know Quentin Fields, but I envy him because I see how his absence affects people who didn't know him. Because I can see that he meant something to them. And I know that he was loved.
People say that Quentin Fields was a great basketball player, graceful, agile, inspiring. They say that in some games it looked like he could fly. And now he really does...

We are all fighting. It's part of life, part of survival. Do you have someone who can support you while you fight?
- Not. And this is the worst. Loneliness is an oppressive feeling that makes me feel like there is no magic left in the world...
- I know that the future is scary and the world can bring trouble, but you should know that when you feel like you are in despair, someone will definitely come to you. Help is out there and remember, you are not alone.

Julian: Brooke, before I met you, I thought that I had everything in my life so that I could be happy. I just didn't have anything to compare it to. Then you came into my life! And everything changed - I realized how empty it was before you. And my former life would no longer be able to make me happy if it were not for you. Brooke, I love you for absolutely everything: I love you for being so demanding of me as no one ever is; I love you because you look at me like no one else has ever; I love you because you love me like no one else ever! I can't imagine my life without you. And if in a couple of minutes you tell me: “I agree”, then I don’t have to imagine. And by the way, you look amazing!

Brooke: Julian, before I met you, my life revolved around only one thing - around me. And I liked it in my own way, but then I met you and you managed to see me behind all this. You taught me to trust, you taught me how to open up to people and what it's like to truly fall in love! It is impossible to put into words how much I love you, so I will tell you why I love you: you see this world like no one else and you appreciate everything, including me. There are no more people like you in the world, and if in a couple of minutes you tell me: “I agree”, I will spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes and I will appreciate everything, including you - the most extraordinary, amazing and insanely beautiful man whom I have met.

On this page you will find long quotes with meaning, you will definitely need this information for general development.

As long as you try to control Life, there will be no miracle in it. It just can't be. A miracle comes only at the moment when you are ready to trust Life. And it comes by itself ... without notice ... without warning, without guarantees.

There are people - like snakes, there are people - like birds ... Some are destined to crawl and get angry. Others are destined for nightingale ups, the radiance of dawns, the play of gilding. I ask fate: give me the strength not to break. Be brave in flight and don't be afraid of snakes!

Don't make excuses. Not everyone needs it. A lot of people don't care about your arguments. Remember: You don't owe anything to anyone. You are you. And what you do is only on your conscience.

Every day I am grateful to life. Every evening I take stock. Who left, he had to leave. Who was found - so be it. The winds blow and the sun shines. The closest to be next to me.

There is one light in my difficult, ridiculous fate - This is a feeling for you, and it does not depend on age. My dear person, I always miss you ... Wherever I am, I miss you like air.

It's never too late, but sometimes it's "no longer needed." It makes no sense to look at the stars in anticipation of a starfall ... Life is one! She must be loved, despite the sorrows and torments. If you learn to live like this, the stars themselves will fall into your hands ...

It is impossible not only to enter the same river twice, as Heraclitus teaches, but this cannot be done even once. It is impossible to affirm anything about anything, because, due to its continuous fluidity, it manages to change during our pronunciation of the affirmation.

They threw a stone into the river in the soul. They threw it simply, not out of malice. On the surface of the morning in circles, resentment quietly went ... but everything passed overnight ... and in the evening silence the trembling circles died out ... but the stone ... the stone is at the bottom ....

Like a spring flower life goes by. How terrible it is. It is the category of time that is terrible; terrible this connection with time. Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

The idea, of which Michelangelo became a martyr, belongs to the insoluble in its infinity problems of mankind - to find the saving completeness of life in life itself, to enclose the absolute in the form of the finite. Georg Simmel

A shadow exists when there is something that absorbs light, solar energy. So the shadows of our ancestors, having absorbed the light and the sun, now give them to us, warming and illuminating our lives. Evgeny Khankin

Are you talking behind my back? So I'm ahead! Are you talking about my life? So she's more interesting than you! Are you looking for flaws? So you're jealous, keep up the good work!

The difference between the world and slavery is enormous. Peace is quiet freedom, but slavery is the worst of all evils, from which we must fight back not only by war, but also at the cost of life.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Long statuses about love

Love is such a magical feeling when it seems to you that you are flying higher and higher, towards the clouds. And then enlightenment comes, and you understand that you are in the clouds, and you forgot your parachute on the ground.

We met with you by chance, out of a million thousand eyes, yours, like little sparks, it all started with ridiculous phrases. And we become closer and dearer to each other every day, and the snow becomes whiter when we are together with you ...

When there is love, there is no need for promises. He who doubts promises. And I love you now. And I do not promise that I will love forever. I just love you!

Love is not only a crazy tango of passion. Love is a melody of hearts, sounding in unison, to the sounds of a waltz of tenderness and affection.

Love is the meaning for which we came here. Love is above all emotions, it is an element that can do a lot. Love can only be compared with another force - Death. They must be sisters!

Love is when you are ready to give everything to her, just to make her happy, just to make her smile and then you can forgive her everything without looking back ... when you are not bored with her even just to sit next to her and shut up.

Dedicating your love to someone never guarantees that those people will love you back! Don't expect love to return; just expect it to grow in their hearts, but even if it doesn't, be content that it grows in yours.

Actually, I don't miss you. I miss how good I was then, I miss those times when I loved you.

Love can be compared to a fairy tale... for someone it ends well, for someone it ends tragically, and for someone it can be continued indefinitely.

I waited - and you returned, touched heart to heart and left an eternal sign ... We are together! May it be so!

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, turn to him, and I don’t believe that I can just hug him ... I kiss him quietly ... and suddenly I feel a strong hand gently pressing me to him ... at this moment I understand what happiness is.

It's trite, but I love you very much! You are the best, you are the happiness given by God! Kiss me on the lips, play with me gently. Hold me tight, just don't let go.

I know you're on fire, but I'm not afraid to play with fire... Touching each other, we lose control...

You will understand what you need. After you stay on the edge of the abyss, between love and loneliness, alone.

You write good words to him, pretend that you don’t care, emoticons smile, and you yourself have a lump in your throat and tears from your eyes, and you don’t know what to do next ...

And dream because you think. And you think because you're bored. And you miss because you love. And you love, because this is your person.

For lovers, as for birds, not only a nest is necessary, but also the sky. 11

Drink my love to the bottom, come to ecstasy in the love bed. You and I have the same fate - you are a sinner, I am a sinner too! 16

The cold also has its advantages. When you are cold, someone can hug you and you will freeze together) 15

Kiss me!.. kiss me with warm lips and cold cheek when it snows, snow on my hair, on your eyelashes.. And then kiss me =* 14

My beautiful spring is carried away somewhere in the past, and I will sigh, and I will be sad that only autumn brings rain ... 9

What did it fly by? - This is six months, they quickly fly by ... 17

Paranoia Level 1: Did I close the door to my apartment?
Paranoia Level 2: I closed the door. But can I trust myself? 17

In three thousand years, archaeologists will dig up a solarium and think that we roasted people. 14

Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. You can swing until the end of your life, but you won’t go far on it. 12

The Internet is a great thing. You can break into someone's life and break the fuck up there because you have a smartphone and a few minutes. 19

My advice: find someone you feel safe with. Being with someone just for love is not a big deal. 14

You either come into my life or get out of it. But do not stand, please, on the threshold - it's cold. 23

Sometimes you want to collect everything in a bundle and go into the fog. 16

Who takes - fills the palms, who gives - fills the heart. 17

Always like this. As soon as I, with great difficulty, put things in order in my Universe and start living in it, it explodes, again crumbling to smithereens. 13

I really have to go, I'm about to have my nervous breakdown. 12

People who sleep little and drink a lot of coffee often have the same nightmare. As if their own heart comes into their room and says: Is it okay that I don't knock? 12

Don't expect a book to accidentally fall into your hands that will open your eyes. Don't wait for someone to come along and change your life. It is better to look for yourself - otherwise it is possible, they are also waiting. 15

Sometimes it seems that life is difficult, but remember one thing: after every, even the darkest night, there comes a day. 13

Never say - surrender. Always repeat: I can. And I will keep trying until I win. 16

Why is simple human happiness always so fragile, quivering, anxious, why does it strive to disappear like water in sand, to dissolve like fog at the dawn of a new day?! 11

When a person hurts us, then most likely he himself is deeply unhappy. Happy people don’t be rude in lines, don’t swear on public transport, don’t gossip about colleagues. Happy people in another reality. It is of no use to them. 13

One day you will meet a young man. And in the end, he wants to find out everything. How you eat, how you dance, how you feel every moment of this day. What does your face look like without makeup? How you love chocolate, how crazy you can be from time to time, how some games, songs and shows make you happy. How you will act up to get something, how tired you are, how you complain about being overweight, how you think you look bad in all your photos. He will know everything about you. And you know what? He will still love you. 24

There are no ideal relationships. There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses. And ideality ... Leave it to the series. 9

Eat, pray, love and post it all on Instagram. 2

Life has given me a lot: I learned to lie so that I myself believe what I say. 17

Statuses about life are long

Starting life from scratch means opening a new door, but it is a pity that the old life gives us few new doors!

When special people appear in our lives, we suddenly notice how beautiful and wonderful our world can be!

Someone comes into my life, someone leaves ... but for everyone there is a rule: "Walking in - wipe your feet, leaving - leave forever!"

One day you will want to open the door that you yourself once closed. But behind it has long been a different life, and the lock has been changed, and your key does not fit ...

Life is a great journey. And all her roads invariably lead each of us to love sooner or later.

Life is like a bath, then boiling water, then ice water. And only in old age you begin to realize how to turn the tap correctly, but the soul is already scalded, and the body is almost frozen.

Every moment of our Life connects the boundless past with the infinite future!!

Years go by, weeks go by, and progress is seen in life: what was used on the swing now does not fit into the Mercedes ....

Before complaining about fate, think about it, maybe she just takes care of you, protecting you from people who will not bring happiness into your life.

Life is easier than it seems: you just have to accept the impossible, do without the necessary, and endure the unbearable.

I think we should take it easy. People, relationships, and life. I understood it today. Just to explain it to the heart. We cannot agree with him.

Loving a person does not mean being together every minute, meeting all the sunrises and sunsets of life nearby. To love is simply to know that this person exists and be glad that you live with your loved one on the same planet.

Life experience gives us joy only when we can pass it on to others.

It is easier to change a partner than to change, but you will have to be with yourself for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. And the only way to harmony with yourself is the way of self-improvement.

Do not be sad, do not cry, everything in life is for the better. And if people have turned away from you, don't you think that life is just getting rid of garbage?

Don't waste your life, it's not endless. Appreciate every breath, moment and hour. After all, in this world, even if not flawless, there is one who prays to heaven only for you!!!

What you can't get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and idiocy of human life.

What are long statuses? These are quotes from famous people., which do not fit in the status line and break off at the most interesting place. You can make long statuses if you use the Opera Internet browser. The usual length of a status in a contact is 160 characters. If you enter a contact through Opera and left-click on a status, you will be able to edit it. In an empty space, you must press the right mouse button and select the source code. Then on the keyboard we hold down CTRL + F, enter maxlength, press Enter. With all these actions, we make long statuses. The browser will highlight maxlength="160", all that remains is to delete it and click on "Apply changes", which can be seen at the top left. Now everything is ready, and you have long statuses - 250 characters long.

After all In Contact, everyone will find something to their liking. You can comment on photos, posts on the walls of friends, write messages to friends. In other words, communicate! This is what the social network was invented for. Long statuses, of course, express your idea in sufficient detail, but few will be interested. The user, seeing a message longer than a couple of lines, decides that there are too many letters for him, and goes to read other, shorter and more capacious, and therefore interesting messages. After all, this is a real art - to learn how to briefly express what you can talk about for hours, you just need to learn this.

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Sometimes, when reading the notes on the wall of the person dearest to you, you see inscriptions like - I love you. And you realize that, compared to yours, their love is microscopically insignificant... and you're just afraid to tell about your feelings...

When one leaves, it is not the defeat of the remaining. It's a draw. Happiness does not go to anyone ... but a gap can be a defeat for the one who leaves, if he begins to regret it, even when they stop regretting him ...

Happiness is not in money, - the proverb says, you can’t argue with that, probably it is. But on the other hand, with money, in anticipation of happiness, time can pass very remarkably!

Hello, please give me the cheapest bluetooth headset. - What is your phone model? - I don't have a phone. I just talk to myself on the street, I want people not to shy away.

She smells of chocolate, watches movies in funny slippers, he quotes phrases about love. She has forgotten how to cry, but loves the tears of the sky. He loves hot coffee and milk chocolate. good fairy tales. A girl with porcelain blue-gray eyes and somewhere in them a drop of tenderness is hidden ...

The scariest story in my life was when I went to sea! We bought 5,000 baby dolls in bulk from China. Suddenly a wave... the ship tilted... and all these dolls open their eyes at the same time and say: "MA-MA"!!!

How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we cherish ... Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbor ... We lift up those who are not worth us, but betray the most faithful ones ... Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology ...

They are everywhere..we have all seen them and live in fear of seeing them again...Monsters with red faces who don't know that the foundation should be chosen according to skin color, not orange...

She kissed him so passionately that his eyes darkened for a while, and when he came to he was gone, only the taste of vanilla and cinnamon remained on his lips ...

I will live my life with someone who, even in the biggest quarrel, will say "I need you" ... who will fight with me for our love ... who will not let me be afraid of anything, even that I can lose him. ..with those who, having heard "I don't love you" from me, will hug and say "I'll have to love" ..with those who, even when busy, can find time to call and ask "how are you, my love?"

I think in VKontakte, in addition to the "friends" tab, you need to add a couple more: "buddies", "crossed paths a couple of times", "yeah, it happened"

One day I'll grow up and forget my logins and passwords, I'll stumble upon my diaries after many years, I'll turn on some song from the "music" column: "I'll sit on the floor and cry bitterly.

Everything is so easy on the internet. Click the "friends" button and now you have a new friend. And it is not at all necessary to help him out in trouble, to help. You are "friends" now.

My love for you is like a tender, fragrant rose, which is absolutely defenseless, because it has no thorns, and your love is like a cactus - you only know how to hurt my heart!

We say, "Thank you for being you," when we can't say, "I love you." We say: "I have no reason to live anymore" when we want to be dissuaded from this. We say "It's cold in here" when we need someone's touch. We say "I don't need anything else from you" when we can't get what we want. We say, "I didn't pick up the phone because I was busy," when we're ashamed to admit that hearing that voice no longer brings us joy. We say, "No one needs me," when we really don't need one single person. We say "I can handle it" when we feel embarrassed to ask for help. We say "You're a good friend" when we forget to add "...but you can't be more to me." We say "That's not the point" when we know we have no choice but to reconcile. We say "I trust you" when we are afraid that we have become a toy. We say "Forever" when we don't feel like looking at the clock. We say: "I was there" when we can not find an excuse for ourselves. We say so many things that when the last three unused words remain on the tongue, we purse our lips, look at the floor and are silent ...

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  • The highest talent will be disgraced if an overconfident one wants to apply his strength from the first time in such a case, which requires great preliminary knowledge, maturity of mind in judgment and experience in life. Nikolai Pirogov
  • Life creates a huge number of problems for us. At the same time, the desire to solve them is not so much important as the desire to correctly prioritize their solution.
  • Each person is given at least ten opportunities to change his life during the day. Success comes to those who know how to use them. A. Morua
  • Life is the same Windows: you never know what will happen next. A blue screen is equivalent to death, a new program is a new acquaintance, access to the Internet is self-improvement, glitches ... - they are glitches, a virus is a disease, the registry is the subconscious ...
  • In our not good time ... - you probably said it too, at least once in your life. And so they said at all times, as if it was better before. Harun of Agatsar
  • Our life is essentially a puppet show. You just need to hold the threads in your hands, not tangle them, move them at will and decide for yourself when to walk and when to stand, not to let others pull them, and then you will rise above the stage. Hong Zicheng
  • The quality of your life will be determined by how deeply committed you are to perfection, no matter what field you choose. Vince Lombardi
  • To understand life and love it in another being - this is the task of a person and this is his talent: and everyone can devote himself completely to only one person. Henri Barbusse
  • Human life can, in essence, be called neither long nor short, since in essence it is precisely the scale by which we measure all other periods. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • There is no such situation in which life would not give us the opportunity to find meaning, and there is no such person for whom life would not have some business ready. The opportunity to realize meaning is always unique, and the person who can realize it is always unique. Frankl W.
  • Like a spring flower life goes by. How terrible it is. It is the category of time that is terrible; terrible this connection with time. Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov
  • The idea, of which Michelangelo became a martyr, belongs to the insoluble in its infinity problems of mankind - to find the saving completeness of life in life itself, to enclose the absolute in the form of the finite. Georg Simmel
  • A shadow exists when there is something that absorbs light, solar energy. So the shadows of our ancestors, having absorbed the light and the sun, now give them to us, warming and illuminating our lives. Evgeny Khankin
  • Are you talking behind my back? So I'm ahead! Are you talking about my life? So she's more interesting than you! Are you looking for flaws? So you're jealous, keep up the good work!
  • The difference between the world and slavery is enormous. Peace is quiet freedom, but slavery is the worst of all evils, from which we must fight back not only by war, but also at the cost of life.
  • This is why the Father loves Me, because I give My life in order to receive it again. No one takes it from Me, but I myself give it. I have power to give it, and I have power to receive it again. This commandment I received from my Father. Gospel of John 10.16-18
  • Altruism is a slow suicide. Very slow. Life lasts longer: You are no longer there, but for a long, long time you remain alive. Elena Ermolova
  • In all oceans, seas, rivers and lakes - in the entire history of life on Earth - there are much fewer drowned people than in the river of oblivion. Anisimova Svetlana
  • Childhood strives for life, adolescence tastes it, youth revels in it, mature age tastes of it, old age pities it, decrepitude gets used to it.
  • An unhappy, even unhappy, life is the best school for a writer. Here who only will agree in advance in it to study? The price is too high - a life shattered to smithereens. Valentin Grudev

“Only he comprehends life who penetrates into its depths.”

In stories, this “but suddenly” is often found. The authors are right: life is so full of surprises! Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov,

The meaning and dignity of love as a feeling lies in the fact that it really forces us with our whole being to recognize for the other that unconditional central significance, which, due to egoism, we feel only in ourselves. Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as a transfer of all our vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal life. Vladimir Solovyov.

Every person has his own history, and history has its own critical moments: a person can be accurately judged only by how he acted and what he is at these moments, when his life, and honor, and happiness lay on the scales of fate. . And the higher a person is, the more grandiose his story, the more terrible the critical moments, and the exit from them is more solemn and amazing. V. G. Belinsky

The teaching that preaches indifference to wealth, to the comforts of life, contempt for suffering, is completely incomprehensible to the vast majority, since this majority has never known either wealth or the comforts of life; and to despise suffering would mean for him to despise life itself, since the whole being of a person consists of feelings of hunger, cold, resentment, loss and Hamlet's fear of death. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, from the book "Ward number 6", 1892

“The only meaning of human life is the perfection of its immortal foundation. All other forms of activity are meaningless in their essence, due to the inevitability of death. L.N. Tolstoy.

“We are all human, and bad things happen to humans. When something bad happens to you, it only proves that you are alive, because as long as you live, bad things will happen to you. Stop thinking that you are the chosen one, to whom nothing bad can happen. Such people do not exist, and even if they did exist, who would want to associate with them? They would be so boring. What would you talk about with them? How wonderful is everything in their life? Wouldn't you like to hit them?"

Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get hooked on a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the eyes of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. Author: Steve Jobs.

People are afraid of great music, people are afraid of great poetry, people are afraid of deep Intimacy. Their romance novels are just a hit and run game. They don’t go deep into each other’s being, because it’s scary to go deep into each other’s being – because the reservoir of the ‘other’ being will reflect You… Osho.

People are like rivers: the water is the same in all and the same everywhere, but each river is sometimes narrow, sometimes fast, sometimes wide, sometimes quiet, sometimes clean, sometimes cold, sometimes muddy, sometimes warm. So are people. Each person bears in himself the rudiments of all human qualities and sometimes manifests one, sometimes another, and is often not at all like himself, remaining all the same one and himself. L. N. Tolstoy.

Only one thing is inevitable - death, everything else can be avoided. In the time space that separates birth from death, there is nothing predetermined: everything can be changed and you can even stop the war and live in peace, if you wish it properly - very strongly and for a long time. Albert Camus

“True intimacy is possible only when two people are able to understand and accept each other for who they are.

  • If you suddenly take off your masks and become yourself - that is, you will cry when you want, laugh when you want, get angry when you want - and your loved one does not understand and accept this, then you know: there has never been true intimacy here. . There was a pretense, there was a surrogate.
  • If a person is truly close to you, he will accept your frankness, your silence, and your feelings with love and understanding, without criticism and condemnation.

Don't be afraid to break the connection if it turns out that it was fake, that it was not based on genuine intimacy and understanding. By freeing yourself from such a connection, you will only make room in your life for something authentic and real to enter into it. To do this, you only need to become authentic and real yourself. Osho

One of the most unpleasant illusions that you will have to face is that everyone around you, including acquaintances, will think that everything you have achieved is just the result of luck, and not because you work hard like Papa Carlo. And they just got unlucky. This is the most rational justification for your own laziness and unwillingness to work on yourself and your future. Andrew Parabellum

If we consider cinema to be an art, and it really is, then art should never in life sink to the level of the layman, should not strive to please him. Any art - music, painting, literature - must be above the viewer, and the viewer must rise to art, and not art to descend to the level of the viewer.
Alexander Leonidovich Knyazhinsky.

In youth, all forces are directed towards the future, and this future takes on such diverse, lively and charming forms under the influence of hope, based not on the experience of the past, but on the imaginary possibility of happiness, that only understood and shared dreams of future happiness already constitute the true happiness of this age. . Author: Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others, and therefore bodies, being only shadows of existence, must have a charm that speaks of spiritual beauty. This type of beauty belongs to nature and surpasses man-made art! Jonathan Edwards.

The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, and right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now. An entrepreneur who achieves success is one who acts, not slows down, and acts right now.” Nolan Bushnell.

“Not only does life affect you, but you also affect life. So consider that you were just dealt bad cards. That happens. Take the cards, shuffle them and deal yourself. This is your responsibility. Do not wait. Don't whine. Good things don't just happen. You must make them happen. Think about how to start living the life you've always wanted to. If there are few bad things happening in your life, then there is not much going on in it at all.” Larry Winget ("Stop whining, keep your head up!")

To become old is already to embark on a new undertaking; all circumstances change, and it is necessary either to completely stop one's activities, or to consciously and intentionally take on a new role. Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

“Limited thinking produces limited results. The result is your way of life, your experience and your possessions. What you say programs what will happen to you. Your words create either the life you want or the life you don't want. As long as you act as usual, you will get the same result that you usually get. If you don't like it, you need to change your course of action." Zig Ziglar.

When nature deprived man of his ability to walk on all fours, she gave him, in the form of a staff, an ideal! And from that time on, he unconsciously, instinctively strives for the best - ever higher! Make this striving conscious, teach people to understand that only in a conscious striving for the best is true happiness. Author: Maxim Gorky

“You can wait until things settle down. When the kids grow up, work gets quieter, when the economy picks up, the weather gets better, your back stops hurting...
The fact is that people who are different from you and me never wait for the time to come. They know this will never happen.
Instead, they take risks and take action, even when they have no time to sleep, they have no money, they are hungry, their house is not cleaned, and it is snowing in the yard. Whenever it happens. Because the time comes every day. Seth Godin

“Live in the present and use it to design your future to your liking. If you don't change now, the future won't get better. If you are passive and inactive, who will help you? Ultimately, it all depends on you. If circumstances do not spoil you, do not give up, but plan, plan and plan again. Do your best, and luck will come to you - it comes to everyone, to everyone who wants it. This is the law of life. Also, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. God help you" Psychologist Andrey Kurpatov (Bestseller "Happy of Your Own Desire")

Here it is, life! Just a few days, and then - emptiness! You are born, you grow, you are happy, you wait for something, then you die. Whoever you are - whether a man or a woman - goodbye, you will not return to earth! And yet, each of us carries within himself a feverish and indefatigable thirst for immortality, each of us represents a universe within a universe, and each of us decays completely, without a trace, to become fertilizer for new shoots. Plants, animals, people, stars, worlds - everything is born and dies in order to turn into something else. But not a single creature comes back - be it an insect, a person or a planet!.

And why is it precisely in old age that a person monitors his feelings and criticizes his actions? Why wouldn't he do it when he was young? Old age is already unbearable ... In youth, all life passes without a trace, barely catching consciousness, in old age, every slightest sensation sits in the head like a nail and raises a lot of questions.

Entrepreneurial nature turns the most ordinary conditions into extraordinary opportunities. The entrepreneur is our soothsayer, dreamer, the energy that is necessary for our every action. Entrepreneurial imagination lifts the veil over the future for us. The entrepreneur is a catalyst for change. He never lives in the past, only sometimes in the present and almost always in the future. He is happy when he can create images of "what will happen if" and "if it happens, then when." Michael E. Gerber.

“Ancient sources, both Byzantine and Arabic, unanimously testify to the kindness, affectionateness and hospitality, as well as to the love of freedom of the Russian Slavs. The Russian folk tale is all imbued with melodious good nature. The Russian song is a direct outpouring of heartfelt feeling in all its modifications. Russian dance is an improvisation arising from an overflowing feeling. The first historical Russian princes are heroes of heart and conscience (Vladimir, Yaroslav, Monomakh). The first Russian saint (Theodosius) is a manifestation of sheer kindness. The spirit of heartfelt and conscientious contemplation pervades Russian chronicles and instructive writings. This spirit lives in Russian poetry and literature, in Russian painting and in Russian music. The history of Russian legal consciousness testifies to its gradual penetration by this spirit, the spirit of fraternal sympathy and individualizing justice. And the Russian medical school is its direct product (the diagnostic intuitions of a living suffering person). So , love is the main spiritual and creative force of the Russian soul. Without love, a Russian person is a failed being. Quote by I.A. Ilyin "On the Russian idea"

The article contains long, beautiful, big quotes about life with pictures.
“While everyone believes that it is impossible to move a mountain, someone just starts dragging small pebbles. And when he succeeds in moving a mountain, everyone begins to consider him special, although small pebbles are within the power of everyone.

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