Day of the angel of raisa according to the church. Raisa's name day

Modern parents very carefully follow all the innovations in any field that relate to the unborn child. Many generally approach the choice of a name too responsibly and arrange real discussions among themselves for the right to name the baby. Astrologers and specialists who are competent in this matter often say a lot that the chosen name will certainly have the most direct impact on the life of the baby, so such attention to such an important issue simply cannot be superfluous.

Today, many pay attention not only to fashionable and popular names, but also turn to older ones. The name Raisa came to us from ancient Greece and literally interprets it as "light or careless." For this name today there are several versions of the translation and according to the second it means "boss". Girls whose parents chose this name at birth show themselves from an early age as compliant and obedient children, but in some situations they will stubbornly pursue their own. Despite the fact that the name is translated in one version as “boss”, you should not think that a girl from kindergarten will lead and command everyone. Very often, these children can be called real suns. The girl will make friends very quickly, will be happy to take part in collective games and will gain authority precisely with her cheerful, easy character and kindness. Today, unfortunately, such a beautiful name can be found quite rarely, so future parents should think about such an interesting and at the same time original option for the name of their future daughter.


If in childhood little Paradise can be called a compliant child, then as she grows older she becomes more stubborn, the girl knows perfectly well what she wants. It should be noted that she always moves stubbornly and honestly towards her goal. All the merit that comes gradually in life is absolutely deserved. Only honest work she achieves the goal. This demand is constantly growing. For herself, Raisa has been the main critic in everything all her life. There is no bad result for her, she simply has to do everything perfectly. Such exactingness can be traced in relation to other people. In this case, the translation of the name as "boss" fully justifies itself. She simply does not tolerate slovenliness in her work and will definitely be grateful for help or good cooperation.

If we consider the personal qualities of character, then it is worth noting that by letting people into life and becoming attached to them, Raisa will never be able to forgive betrayal. It can be both physical betrayal and betrayal of friendship or even family ties. In this case, people simply leave her life, and she does not let them back in anymore. Vindictiveness and anger can be very bright at this very moment.
All these rather rigid character traits are somehow perfectly combined with flexibility and the ability to compromise. Such cooperation is possible only if the person is really interested in it and has no other intentions. In working with such a tough partner, you can really get a lot of benefits. A common goal will give impetus to effective teamwork. If there is a need to make an important decision, then Raisa can take such a responsible step, fully aware of all the consequences of this. Her self-confidence draws people to her.

Type of relationship with relatives.

In relations with her relatives, Raisa most often builds an even background in which everyone is quite comfortable. Her character itself is already very self-sufficient, so the occasional loneliness simply cannot scare her. All relatives know perfectly well that it is better not to argue with her, because the owners of such a name are most often pronounced choleric people. The scandal can get big and too emotional. The inclinations or even the predominance of a masculine character sometimes allows her to make important decisions for the whole family without fear of making a mistake. Sometimes such a burden of responsibility nevertheless becomes very large, and then a small, gullible child appears from under the mask of a strong and determined girl or woman. Family ties and warm family relationships are a prerequisite that must be present in her life. It is very important for her to feel significant and loved by her family.


Despite the fact that sometimes it is difficult, Raya is used to being perfect in everything. This applies to home, work, appearance. Sometimes she just looks like a tank that sees no obstacles in its path. Such assertiveness can be traced even in childhood, when a little girl simply masterfully organizes everyone around her. Children listen to her with pleasure, over the years she learns to do all this at school, and then at work. Very often, even in a family, she is the head, who very gently, but decisively, can insist on her own. Sometimes a husband does not even suspect that he is making certain decisions, just because it is better for his wife. She can convince her that she is right and not offend feelings. In some situations, she can really forget about such delicacy and acts, guided by her own benefit.

Raisa can be called pragmatic, she gets used to being guided in life only by common sense, absolutely not paying attention to inner premonition or intuition, like most women. Only cold calculation and an objective view of things. All acquaintances can notice that the level of her education and intellect allows her to maintain a conversation in any direction. Everything happens very easily and naturally, but it is almost impossible to persuade her in her direction or convince her. For her, there is an opinion on each issue, which will be the main one, but she does not impose it on anyone.

If we consider moral principles, then with age, all acquaintances know for sure that Raya will never be able to forgive betrayal. She will accept a vile deed of a person, but will erase him forever from her life, after a while, striking back, which will be several times more painful and tangible.

With regard to health and disease, experts say that girls with this name may have a tendency to be overweight, so the issue of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should be given special attention. In maturity, you should also not ignore diseases of the pelvic organs. Preventive examinations by specialists will never be superfluous.


In marriage, Raisa manifests herself as a wonderful housewife who masterfully manages the kitchen and manages to maintain perfect cleanliness throughout the house. It is she who forms the daily routine of the family and ensures that everyone fulfills their duties. With such a wife, nothing is scary, because she can organize a correct and very reliable rear. With such support, a man can overcome any obstacles. In marriage, the wife gets along very well with all her husband's relatives, and he, without noticing it, begins to speak her words and act under the sensitive, but correct guidance of his wife. Such marriages are very strong, almost no one manages to destroy it.
Parents should definitely get acquainted with the history of the name they have chosen for the child. Such little secrets may further.

A girl with the name Raisa in modern society can rarely be found, although in the old days, in comparison with various female names, the name Raya always attracts attention. Although the meaning of the name contains a certain potential that not every girl can show.

Name origin

The name Raisa is of Arabic origin from the basis "Rais", which in translation into Russian means "leader or boss."

There is a second form of this name - Iraida (ancient Greek), which has a meaning similar in meaning to the Arabic form "heroine or daughter of a hero." Being a boss without the makings of a heroine is perhaps difficult.

In everyday life, both names are found, although some believe that Raisa and Iraida are different names, but only in documentary form, but not in essence.

Main characteristics

The girl, named Raisa, does not show the qualities inherent in the meaning of the name in childhood. She is moderately active, does not accept pranks, does not show leadership abilities. But peers are drawn to this girl, considering her an interesting conversationalist, friend and companion.

A woman named Raisa is for the most part the head of the family. Easy to communicate with men, yet she takes the choice of a partner seriously and chooses for a long time.

She is sociable, never harms others, but she can put her offenders in their place either with a sharp word or an act.

The nature and fate of the owner

Raisa women are stubborn and always achieve their goal, no matter how much effort it will cost. In the profession, they are able to realize themselves in any, if there is a personal interest in it or the opportunity to make good money. Raisa is able to be both a leader and a middle manager, even a laborer. Any job is up to her.

He often has equal relations with men or takes the organization of family life into his own hands, supporting his spouse in any business and remaining his support.

I am ready to neglect my interests for the sake of the well-being and health of loved ones. For Raisa's children, they are ready to do everything, because they are women with a big heart, albeit with a restrained expression of emotions. Raisa is not characterized by manifestations of tenderness. Surrounding seems rude, cold. Such a character can be formed by upbringing in the family when Raisa was a child.

If Raisa finds a man similar to her in character, temperament, then the union is strong and long. It is impossible to destroy it, because Raisa does not believe in rumors, but only trusts her heart and mind.

In most cases, women with the name Raisa remain faithful to their partner until the last days and do not remarry if the husband passes away early. In other men, she only looks for someone who is similar to her spouse, but she does not consider others worthy and regards her relationship as a betrayal of a loved one. Although there are passionate natures among Rais, capable of crazy deeds, but this is a rarity.

They always remain practitioners, thinking through each step in advance.

The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy

The name Raisa from the biblical language is translated as "beloved", and from Greek "light".

In Orthodoxy, the name Raisa is consonant with the name of Saint Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria, who, according to Orthodox traditions, decided to devote herself to serving the faith of Christ.

One day she saw a ship on which people were boarding in large numbers. With a single impulse, Paradise joined the men, women, clergy, who were chained because of their conviction and faith in Christ. She, without hesitation, accepted the torment and execution, not giving up her beliefs, despite her young age.

Raisa was the first to experience all the tortures. After her execution, other believers were also tortured.

Dates of Raisa's name day

The patroness is Saint Raisa of Alexandria (martyr, virgin). Raisa's name day is celebrated twice according to the church calendar. The days of September, October are name days for Rais, born in any season. In other months, the name day of a woman named Raisa is not celebrated.

Happy Angel Day

I congratulate you Raisa on the day of the angel. Health, perseverance, goal achievement and remain kind, fair, cheerful, happy and may the angel keep you.

The meaning of the name Raisa: "Easy", "careless" (ancient Greek).

Raisa is a very hardworking girl, she always helps her mother with housework. She takes seriously and responsibly what her parents and school teachers tell her. She is constantly inventing something. She always has good grades in school. Having matured, Raisa becomes a strong and determined girl. She does not change her mind, she has her own opinion on all things. She prefers to do everything on her own, without outside help.

Demanding of others, but also very demanding of herself. Raisa has some masculine traits in her character. These are traits such as iron willpower, endurance, and ability to work.

When Raya gets married, she becomes an excellent hostess. She cooks well, her house is always clean. She loves her children and her husband very much. She carefully treats the family budget, she spends all its funds optimally, buys everything only the most necessary. Has no habit of throwing money away. There are no conflicts in her family, as she is a non-conflict person.

Other forms of the name Raisa: Raya, Rayka, Rasha, Raisya, Raychik, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rayushka, Raycha.

happy holiday today
I want to congratulate Ray
Paradise Delights
Wish in life
To go through life
Leaving your mark
To always love
Laugh and dream.
Be happy Raya
Be always loved
Affectionate desire,
Let there be no problems
So that it is connected with luck
You were destiny

Raisa means "light", "careless",
But your character is truly strong.
Let endless joy come to you,
There will be a round million in the stash!

Happy Holidays to you, good one!
Let the brilliant moment rejoice.
May the sun shine brighter on you.
And everyone gives you a compliment!

Beautiful Raisa, on this day I send you my congratulations and wishes of all the best. Be always happy, loved, successful, irresistible, inspired by dreams and striving for victories. I wish you, Paradise, not life, but paradise and a loved one next to you in this paradise.

You are fluffy like a kitty
Our light is the sun, Raisa.
You are friendly and smart
And good-looking.

Sweet, like all toffees, -
This is Raechka, Raiska!
happy birthday
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:

Young, bloom and smell,
Don't get sick and don't waste away!
Everything that was is behind
The best is just ahead.

Do not be sad in vain, Raya,
Rejoice with us!
And accept on your birthday
My sincere congratulations!

Let adversity go backstage
There will be kindness on the stage of life.
Greetings, Raisa!
Let joy and beauty surround.

Let the sky be only clear
And the sun gives happiness and warmth,
So that the whole world around was beautiful,
To make everything magical and easy.

Happy holiday, Raechka, you!
The sun will be clear let your love
Be the same sweet, young always.
Raya is a miracle, Raya is kindness.
May all your destiny be successful
Happiness and hope delight you.

Your wisdom is impressive
Calm, practical, kind,
Raisa, on this important day,
I congratulate you.

I wish you prosperity
Success in all matters,
So that everything in life is in order,
And so that you do not know fear.

Raisa, how good you are,
Bright, smart and funny.
I want to congratulate you on this day
Happy Holidays to you alone!

Let everything bad very soon
Get out of life quickly
Let everything that you desire
More likely to come to your house.

May good luck and health
Won't let you down in anything
And all the problems and hardships
For you, they will be nothing.

Raisa - "careless", "light",
Far from evil and bad,
You do not like conflicts, and rightly so,
After all, you are very communicative!

You, Raya, are smart and attentive,
Very independent in everything
So let success be amazing
Comes to you amazing!

Paradise, Raechka, Raisa!
Hollywood actress
Will envy you
Your tender beauty

You are light as petals!
Never know sadness
Don't be angry and don't be shy
And look happier.

Eyes always sparkle
May from happiness and wealth,
Lips - only smile
And everything in life works.

Congratulations, Raisa,
With this bright, solemn day,
May always only beloved faces
In the environment will be yours.

Smile at the clouds and the sun
Live every day admiringly
And the whole world will smile for you
And give kindness and love!

Congratulations: 35 in verse, 6 in prose.

When, according to the church calendar, Raisa's name day: September 18, October 6 - Raisa of Alexandria, virgin, martyr

Characteristics of Raisa's birthday:

From the ancient Greek language - frivolous, careless, submissive, compliant, light. Raisa's name day autumn. Modern Raisa does not justify this characterization. She is a good housewife, cooks tasty, practical, very economical. Never borrows money. She always has enough for everything.

True, her husband is sometimes annoyed by her "stinginess", but he endures - for the time being. It happens that the husband leaves Raisa for no apparent reason, because the house is a full bowl, they did not quarrel, on the contrary, they literally lisped with theatrical kisses. And suddenly: trakhty-floundering - and there is no family.

Raisa subsequently rarely marries a second time. She independently (and well) brings up children. After all, Raisa, although stingy, is intelligent, well-read, modest in relations with the opposite sex. Therefore, modern "uninhibited" men are bored with her. She is too clean for them - both externally and internally. Raisa works most often as a secretary and is ideal. The boss appreciates her. It gives a "noble" charm to the reception, which has a good effect on visitors.

There is also another type of Raisa - a calm, gentle, infinitely kind woman - in everything and to everyone. You will never hear her irritated voice, never see her angry. It's not for her. She has a good husband, wonderful children who adore their parents and are proud of them.

Congratulations on the birthday of Raisa:

Do not forget to celebrate Raisa's name day and congratulate Raisa on Angel Day.

Happy Angel Day Raisa congratulations,

I want to wish you good luck

Live without knowing problems and sorrows

And disappointments do not know.

May all good things happen in life

Everything bright will happen to you

And sincere faces surround

And no one will ever let you down!

Happy angel day Raisa congratulations

Today we will glorify the name.

Greek: "yielding, easy"

Submissive must be for sure.

Shy, quiet at first glance,

But in Raechka energy is a charge!

Able to defend your rights

He won't let himself be hurt in any way.

Learns any falsehood from a mile away

And expose the deceit.

No need to cheat with our Rayechka,

With her only in peace, friendship can live.

Then with Raisa it’s simple and easy,

Generous and spares nothing

Not for friends, not for their colleagues,

With all a sweet, kind person!

We congratulate Paradise on our helmet,

So that your beloved home is a full bowl!

So that an angel takes care of our Rayechka

From worries, worries and anxieties.

Raisa - Greek radia - light, airy.

Raisa's name day according to the church calendar:

  • September 18:
  • October 6:Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria, Antinopolskaya, mts., maiden

Characteristics of the name Raisa

As a child, Raisa is a playful, active, kind girl. She has a rich imagination, an observant mind, she is always cheerful. You can agree on everything with Raisa, she is extremely accommodating. Raisa is neat, loves cleanliness, puts things in order in her room herself, does not forget to help her parents. She is very funny, everything amuses and amuses her. Raisa has a groovy character, she is always the initiator of fun, games, gets along well with her peers. Raisa will not allow herself to be offended, she will answer the offender not only with words, but also with active actions.

Raisa has a highly developed intellect. She does well at school. Raisa takes her studies seriously and conscientiously. She is diligent and erudite. Raisa will readily help in school matters, but only if she is asked. She is extremely tactful, she will never impose herself or curry favor with anyone. Raisa's interests are very versatile. She is curious about many objects and things, she cannot choose what is better and more important. Raisa is artistic, she recites beautifully, sings and dances. She is active, goes in for sports, very flexible and dexterous. Raisa willingly helps her classmates, is friendly, maintains friendly relations with them.

Adult Raisa is a very strong personality, she has an analytical mind. She is ambitious, makes exorbitantly high demands both on herself and on those around her. Raisa clearly analyzes events, singling out those that are convenient and beneficial for herself. She is ambitious and looks out for her own interests. Raisa tensely and persistently goes to her goal, sweeping away everything superfluous from her path. She does not take hard work. She is responsible and knows her business well. Raisa is able to politely listen to an extraneous opinion, but she always acts in her own way, does not tolerate other people's influence. She has a domineering nature and is not averse to testing her power on others. She is quite open with her colleagues, she is tactful and friendly with everyone. However, getting in the way of Raisa is dangerous. Her anger is unbridled, and she will certainly take revenge. Wide horizons are open before Raisa. She can be an engineer, lawyer, physician, scientist, teacher, economist, researcher. Raisa is able to work in the trade sector, succeed in banking, in foreign languages. She will make an excellent actress or writer. She is a typical leader, director, founder.

Raisa is surrounded by people, among whom there are many friends. She is a reliable friend, you can always rely on her, calmly entrust her with secrets - Raisa has common sense, so she will be able to give wise and practical advice.

Raisa is a business woman. At the same time, she is very elegant and charming, an interesting interlocutor and a wonderful partner. A man who has an intimate relationship with Raisa will be incredibly lucky. She is uninhibited, in sex she has no equal, she is tireless and endowed with unlimited possibilities. Raisa does not recognize coquetry, she chooses a man who is smart, strong and practical. She becomes a full-fledged head of the family, a wonderful hostess and a troublesome mother. Her love for children is boundless. In marriage, Raisa strives for harmony and mutual understanding, otherwise she will terminate it without regret. Raisa often starts a love affair on the side, which can drag on for several years.

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