Cheremis Igor Svyatoslavovich Chemeris Igor Svyatoslavovich

The heart and "roof" of the governor Darkin. Searches in the wife's bank, photo from the safe

Sergei Darkin is being searched from all sides. The queue reached the bank "Primorye"

Alexey Chernyshev, Vladivostok

In Primorye, the scandal around the governor Sergei Darkin continues. After searches in the house and office Heads of the region, as part of the investigation of a criminal case on abuses in the privatization of state real estate, the security forces became interested in the assets left by the governor to his wife, the actress of the regional drama theater Larisa Belobrova. Searches have already been carried out in the Roliz fishing company, of which she is a co-owner. And yesterday it became known about the seizure of documents in the bank "Primorye", 19.9996% of whose shares also belong to Mrs. Belobrova. Local deputies believe that the security forces are trying to force Governor Darkin to resign.

As it became known yesterday from sources in law enforcement agencies, on Tuesday, JSCB Primorye (as of January 1, 2008, its equity capital was 1.6 billion rubles, net profit - 390.066 million rubles) seized documents. Investigative measures were carried out as part of the investigation of a criminal case on the illegal alienation of state property. In particular, the investigators were interested in the financial transactions of a number of defendants in the criminal case. Aurora Rimskaya, senior assistant to the head of the Investigation Department for the Primorsky Territory of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, neither confirmed nor denied the information about the bank seizure. At the same time, Ms. Rimskaya said that within the framework of the criminal case under investigation on the fact of the illegal alienation of real estate from state property, various investigative actions are being carried out aimed at establishing the truth and relevant to the criminal case. Including the seizure of certain items and documents relevant to the criminal case. As the representative of the investigation added, the legislation of the Russian Federation "gives the right to conduct investigative measures in any organizations and in relation to any persons, without dividing them by status."

Governor's heart

Andrey Kalachinsky

Black Wednesday. A safe was confiscated from the governor of Primorye. The position is still with him

On Wednesday, May 14, late in the evening, a short message appeared on the Internet on a forum popular with Primorye truth-seekers: "A search is underway at Darkin's dacha." Nobody believed this at first.

It must be said that some Primorye residents are already tired of waiting for Darkin's resignation. A discussion on the forum devoted to this topic appeared almost a year ago, at the end of the summer of 2007, when Shishkin, Darkin's former personal driver, was detained on a bribe from the deputy governor. A video of his cottage made during the search was posted on youtube. The palace is so-so, but everyone was struck by the fact that in the toilet on the floor there was a rug with the image of Putin. Maybe this rug used to hang over the crib of the owner's child? Who knows, but there was a joke: Putin in Primorye was soaked in the toilet of the vice-governor.

That's when everyone decided that "this" governor will not be forgiven. And before that, he was forgiven a lot. Corruption scandals flared around the governor, his vice-governors were dismissed in batches and under investigation. But Sergei Mikhailovich towered over all the timid law enforcement fuss, an impregnable rock.

On the morning of May 15, the news spread throughout the city that Darkin was summoned for interrogation to the prosecutor's office, the search was not only at the dacha, but also in the office, that the safe was confiscated. A photo allegedly seized during the search was posted on the Internet. It shows the smiling governor with friends at someone's birthday party. Allegedly, the photo was taken in Monaco this spring, and in the picture next to the governor are his former assistants, associates and friends, some of whom by that time were already on the federal wanted list.

In Vladivostok, no one knew and was even afraid to suggest: from what top did the formidable “face” command come from. The fact is that the “clouds on Darkin” did not seem to be gathering, on the contrary, he was among the first governors received by the elected President Medvedev, and, judging by the tone of official reports, the governor was treated kindly and aimed at great things, such as: reducing the cost tickets for Primorye residents when flying to Moscow.

“Who dared to take a swing at the seaside governor?”—this question still has no answer a week later. All his personal and political enemies were sorted out, and it was decided about all: "No, this one would not dare." The option that “justice has worked” is not even considered. Although it was explained through gritted teeth that the governor was being interrogated as part of a criminal case against embezzlers of federal property.

Since all those involved in the search were silent, all events were painted in fantastic colors. For example, it was reported that cunning investigators arranged a false fire alarm in the regional administration so that officials would leave their workplaces, not be witnesses to the search, and not get in the way. There was talk that either 80 or 86 million rubles were seized during the search. Allegedly, when asked where the money came from, the governor's wife said that it was hers and there was nothing surprising in this amount, since she, the wife, is "the richest woman in the Far East."

The search was carried out by FSB officers, who allegedly had instructions: “Detain Darkin when seizing money and documents.” But Sergei Mikhailovich clutched his heart and, turning as white as a sheet, began to sink to the floor. And he was urgently taken to the hospital, where the wording “pre-infarction condition” arose. Witnesses claim that on Thursday morning Darkin was rolled out of the hospital in a wheelchair, he “smiled”, after which he disappeared from the field of view of Vladivostok residents. [...]

[, 05/29/2008, "The governor of Primorye was discharged from the Central Clinical Hospital": After arriving at the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport, the head of the region was placed in an ambulance and taken to the Central Clinical Hospital. The official was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of "pre-infarction condition." However, after two weeks of treatment, the doctors concluded that the governor was completely healthy.
“Yesterday there was a consultation, and the doctors decided that Darkin no longer needs treatment,” says the doctor of the clinic. - Despite the constant complaints of feeling unwell, the official did not stop solving some problems in the clinic. He was constantly visited by visitors.
Rumor has it that Darkin came to Moscow not only to be treated, but also to ask for help from the Kremlin. The real threat hung over the governor to be behind bars. The entourage of the regional administration of Primorye claimed that Darkin had good connections in the Kremlin. - inset K.Ru]

The original of this material, 06/05/2008, Build named star

Julia Latynina

[...] Darkin was the first governor to be reappointed by Putin under Surkov's patronage after the abolition of gubernatorial elections. How much it cost him is unknown, she did not hold a candle, but I believe that everything was extremely simple. From the series “Zanes? Come in."

Darkin's troubles arose after he pushed through the Kremlin's decision to hold an APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012 and to allocate 100 billion rubles for this. The man broke through the decision, and the people in uniform started up and said: “Such grandmas, and we don’t divide.”

In principle, the money for the summit should be developed by the city, so the first victim of the summit was the mayor of Vladik, Vladimir Nikolaev, nicknamed Winnie the Pooh. I must say that even among the Vladivostok gangsters Winnie the Pooh was considered a scumbag, and the story of the rape of a prostitute by him with a pistol even somehow got into a criminal case, but the mayor of Winnie the Pooh had one extenuating circumstance. Namely, he was elected by the people, and the people knew for sure that he was electing Winnie the Pooh, and not the old woman Shapoklyak, for example.

Now, after the expulsion of Winnie the Pooh, United Russia offered the people another mayor, who was elected on May 18 with a minimum turnout. This mayor's name is Igor Pushkarev. And behind the new mayor, and before that Senator Pushkarev, there are no corpses of bandits. Behind him is a pensioner Zaikin.

This pensioner was the head of Busan Closed Joint-Stock Company. CJSC belonged to the Korean Kan, who in the early 90s brought all kinds of food to Russia. The pensioner had a daughter, the bride Kan. And then a young translator Pushkarev came to work at CJSC. And it turned out that Kahn was killed, and the pensioner went to prison for his murder. And when she left, the company disappeared from under her.

This is an important psychological moment. For example, they say about Mayor Winnie the Pooh that he blew up Alekseenkov's authority. Alekseenkov first blew up Winnie the Pooh's car, the killers were caught and imprisoned, Winnie the Pooh personally interrogated them in prison, and as a result of the interrogation, MON-50 exploded at Alekseenkov's office. MON-50 generally makes noodles out of a person, but in front of Alekseenkov, a security guard left the office, and the noodles turned out to be a security guard. And Alekseenkov remained alive, although he was paralyzed. And the inflexible Alekseenkov, meanwhile, was swinging for four hours a day and could win the arm wrestling championship.

But you must admit that Winnie the Pooh and Alekseenkov belong to the same biological species. The wolf eats the wolf. And the pensioner Zaikina, before going to prison, is unlikely to have attempted on the student Pushkarev. And in general, this story shows that law enforcement agencies have long understood that Pushkarev is a good person, and he needs help.

And now imagine such a picture. On Sunday, May 18, the election of the mayor, who is not supported by the governor, before that - a search at the governor's. And on Thursday, three days before the election of the mayor of Vladivostok, a meeting of the new government. Premiere of Prime Minister Putin. And at this meeting, Putin raises for discussion the issue of building a bridge to Russky Island for the APEC summit.

The cost of the project is $1 billion. Throughput - 70 thousand cars per hour. The population of Russky Island is 3 thousand people.

Finance Minister Kudrin is trying to object to these spending. Prime Minister Putin says: "Let's put the issue to a vote." And then, of course, the majority votes in favor, and among the first is the new Deputy Prime Minister for Industry, Igor Sechin. And three days later, in Vladik, a person is elected mayor who will master all this money. This is the faithful son of United Russia, Igor Pushkarev.

Some argue that the main intermediate link between Prime Minister Putin, who personally takes care of the bridge to Russky Island, and Mayor Pushkarev, who will distribute the money, is the new plenipotentiary Oleg Safonov, a protege of the security forces and even, supposedly, Viktor Ivanov’s son-in-law. Others say that United Russia itself is such a link - it seems that one of its leaders, Vladimir Pekhtin, wants to become the governor of the region.

But one thing is clear. First. Good or bad Governor Darkin and Mayor Winnie the Pooh, but they are really elected. To call the arrival of Igor Pushkarev to the mayor "election" does not turn the tongue.

Secondly, with such a level of involvement in the process, Prime Minister Putin cannot but know who Igor Pushkarev is. And if he does not know, then what does he even know?

And third. The low threshold of motivation of the authorities is striking. They are not dividing Yukos. Well, how many attendants will be sawn off on that bridge? And they share it, using Vladimir Putin himself as a knife for cutting the pie. Moreover, apparently, a variety of people grab the handle of a knife, as long as the dividers have enough resources to initiate cases against deputies, and not enough resources to imprison the governor in an instant. And now three times, what is it called - dictatorship or democracy?

For me, that's what they call zvizdets.

"Serious candidates will show up at the last minute." This is how experts almost unanimously commented on the ongoing campaign to register citizens who want to compete for the post of head of Vladivostok (the documents are accepted at 4 pm on December 4). And indeed, as of December 1, among more than three dozen "declared" at that time - entrepreneurs, officials, artists and the unemployed - there was not a single active politician. Meanwhile, on Saturday, December 2, two acting deputies of the PC AP submitted applications for participation in the campaign to appoint the head of the city, and in this material we will tell you about one of them.

Reference: CHEMERIS Igor Svyatoslavovich (husband of Roza Basirovna Chemeris) was born in 1965 in the city of Berdichev (Ukraine). In 1986 he graduated from the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, in 2007 - the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2008 - the State University - Higher School of Economics - the program of additional professional education MBA (Master of Business Administration).

Path in power

In 2004, an entrepreneur in the field of bus transportation and night entertainment, the current husband of Roza Chemeris became a deputy of the Duma of Vladivostok, in which status he remained until 2011, becoming chairman of the budget, taxes and finance committee. In the period of preparation for the political career, he was considered, according to the then prevailing concepts in the political elite of Primorye, the "man" of Vladivostok Mayor Vladimir Nikolaev.

In 2011, he went on promotion - both in business and in his political career: he became president of the Pacific Energy Company (liquidated on November 17, 2017 at the end of bankruptcy proceedings) and was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory, where he served as chairman of the committee on social politics and protection of the rights of citizens. In addition, from the moment he was elected to the regional deputies, he began to position himself as a "person" of the then governor Sergei Darkin (however, not for long - in 2012, Vladimir Miklushevsky came to the region, under whom not many "Darkin" openly recalled their former patron).

In 2016, the husband of Mrs. Chemeris was again going to take part in the elections to the PC AP - according to the lists of United Russia. However, Primorye "United Russia", on the recommendation of the General Council of the party, excluded him from the lists, so that the deputy was elected in the 10th single-mandate constituency (Artem) as a self-nominated candidate. Apparently, “contact” was already found with the then head of the region Miklushevsky, and Chemeris again headed the “social” committee of the Legislative Assembly (through which, by the way, up to 35% of the expenses of the entire regional budget “goes”), in what status he remains to this day. A member of the "United Russia" faction, he refused a salary for two convocations of the AP of the PC.

About business, about money

The history of management and ownership of various business assets by Chemeris is confused and confused - with the possessions of his official wife Rosa Chemeris (now a novice deputy of the Duma of Vladivostok) and a certain citizen whose full name may speak of a closely related relationship with the regional parliamentarian (although they may not speak) . For example: the co-founder of the already mentioned bankrupt "Pacific Energy Company", according to open data, was Gasanova Raziyat Basirovna, known to Vladivostok voters as Roza Chemeris.

Today, Chemeris himself, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, manages one company - Zemlya Vostoka LLC, in which he is also listed as a co-founder. More precisely, he is in charge of the liquidation commission, since the "Earth of the East" is now being liquidated.

In two more companies - the seaside LLC "TZK Vladivostok" and the Moscow LLC "Far Eastern Partnership" - the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the PC is a co-founder, and his shares are pledged.

With the declaration of income for 2016, the "veteran of the coastal policy" in 2017, apparently, had an "overlay". Initially, the chairman of the social committee indicated in the declaration the amount of 9.248 million rubles, but after that he had to clarify - after all, 9.377 million rubles. Also, judging by the declaration, the husband of Roza Chemeris owns one car, a good apartment and a garage. In joint use with other family members - a land plot, a residential building and another apartment that is not bad in terms of footage. In addition, Ms. Gasanova-Chemeris herself is a solid autolady; she has three premium class cars in her fleet.

The wife of a deputy - also, we recall, a deputy, only on a more modest level - earned 3.087 million rubles in 2016. Although, judging by open data, it is she (who appears in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities both as Raziyat Gasanova and Roza Chemeris) who is the main "business asset" of the family of people's deputies. The novice politician is the head of two companies - Star Jet CJSC (legal address - Sukhanov St., 3 in Vladivostok, that is, the same address as that of the City Duma) and Fishtrade LLC. In both of these companies, Raziyat Hasanova is also the sole founder. The city deputy also owns Taezhnoye LLC (where the general director is a citizen with a possibly "closely related" full name to Igor Chemeris) and is listed as a co-founder of Aeromar-Dv JSC (with a 0.02% share).

In addition, in the summer of this year, the newly-made chairman of the City Duma committee on local self-government, law and order and legality became - under the name of Roza Chemeris - a co-founder of Pacific Partnership LLC (production of jewelry, as well as wholesale and retail trade thereof). Interestingly, the CEO of the "jewelry" company is still the same "probably closely related" citizen.

Chemeris Igor Svyatoslavovich, 40 years old, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance of the Duma of Vladivostok.
Born in the city of Berdichev, Zhytomyr region (Ukraine). Graduated from the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School (1987). After training, he was assigned to the Far Eastern Military District as the head of the financial department of a reconnaissance battalion near the village of Pogranichny. He left the service in 1990 with the rank of senior lieutenant. Prior to his election as a deputy, he was the general director of the Non-Commercial Association of Passenger Carriers in Artem. He is the secretary of the political council of the Frunze branch of the Vladivostok party "United Russia". Not married. My son is studying at the Russian-American faculty of the Far Eastern State University.

Igor Chemeris is ranked among the people who have recently gained significant weight in the political and business environment of the regional center. However, little is known about him to the general public. The only thing is that he is a deputy of the City Duma, was born in Ukraine, and was fed with economic knowledge in the army.

"No positives"

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of free time. But once every 3-4 years I try to break out. Of course, I am interested in the events taking place in Ukraine. My parents, sister and other relatives live there, as well as friends with whom I still keep in touch. So the processes there cannot but excite. All the more, willy-nilly, you begin to project them onto local soil ... - Do you arrange meetings with your homeland?

Do you mean the Orange Revolution?

— You know, Putin acted wisely in this respect when he decided to appoint governors. You can say as much as you like that this is not a democratic step, that the foundation of a dictatorship is being built in the country. But today's realities are such that elections to any of the branches of government cannot be called objective. The reason is simple - only 25-30% of the population participate in them. At the same time, various PR technologies are used with might and main, along with financial and administrative resources.

The so-called orange revolution, in my opinion, is primarily a technological step. This is not a question of will, but a combination of factors. They were the ones who made it happen. Today, when I come to Ukraine, I try to understand whether the positive that everyone was expecting has appeared. Until I found him. It is likely that Ukraine will become a parliamentary republic next year, and then the situation will improve.

"Entrepreneurs are lazy"

- Recently, the events in Vladivostok, in particular the relations between the two branches of government and entrepreneurs, resemble Ukrainian battles in a reduced format ...

“I understand that raising rents is an unpopular move. But it's a reasonable measure. After all, they rented premises at ridiculous rates. For example, they paid $2-5 per square meter. Forming the city budget, we saw that the revenue part of the document is very low. And income from tax revenues is less than 50%. But we must fulfill the federal powers, which are defined in the law "On Local Self-Government". Roofs, communications, elevator facilities and intra-quarter roads also require urgent funding.

- And yet - you are not afraid that the entrepreneurs will carry out their threat regarding the verification of the effectiveness of the work of city deputies? After all, they promise to prevent the re-election of a poorly performing deputy.

- I support this idea with both hands, since public control of power is actually an important element. If I thought differently, I would not invite representatives of the public or entrepreneurs to the commission's meeting. Would not be engaged also in formation of a site of a thought on which drafts of all decisions will be published. However, when you hold some events, the initiative groups break the whole dialogue. But I immediately offered to work together to build an algorithm for the purchase of municipal real estate.

- How do you feel about the rumors about the selfish interest of some officials of the city administration and deputies of the Duma in the process of privatization of municipal property?

- To make such statements, one must have serious grounds. This is a question of the prosecutor's office and the police. Yes, at the meeting of the commission, entrepreneurs said that some young people come to them, offering their services to decorate the premises. The director of the agency for the sale of municipal land and real estate stated bluntly that they do not have employees of this type. Then I turned to the victims to bring the matter to its logical end. In particular, arrange a meeting with these people and inform the prosecutor's office and the police. However, here the activity of entrepreneurs immediately disappears. Another publicly stated that his documents were not accepted for the auction. But there is a judgment. Please file claims. However, there are excuses here too.

If entrepreneurs want to achieve justice, then for some reason by proxy. Too lazy to move yourself. Here it is necessary to unite to achieve their goals, to defend their point of view, to show their civic position. After all, all controversial issues can be resolved by joint efforts. At least I'm willing to cooperate. The question is whether the business is ready.

"I chose the deputy"

- What kind of business do you do?

- Now I'm just a deputy. According to the current legislation, if you hold a deputy post on a permanent basis, you do not have the right to combine it with other activities.

- They say that really professional financiers with a strong economic component were trained in military schools. Have you managed to prove yourself as a specialist during the years of officer service?

- The Yaroslavl military school in Soviet times was the only such institution, and now it is the only military financial academy. So I really got a great training. As for the second part of your question, for the first two years of service, I already had gratitude from the army commander. I was even planned in the personnel reserve for promotion. Then fate decided otherwise, and I decided to leave the military service.

Now I study at the Russian Academy of Public Administration and the Higher School of Economics under the MBA program. In my opinion, both those who are engaged in business and those who manage the territory must constantly learn. Because, without understanding the principles of management, strategic management, without at least elementary economic knowledge, it is difficult to make and develop any decisions.

“The budget needs clear rules of the game”

— Efficient spending is linked to budget transparency. On my initiative, a draft of the creation of a municipal financial control body - the Chamber of Control and Accounts - was submitted to the City Council. This will allow in the future to more clearly form the budget of the city and control it. I am convinced that Vladivostok needs a budgetary and financial control body whose activities would be open to the city public. Uncertainty is needed only by those who are going to abuse their official powers for the sake of someone's commercial interests. And so the rules of the game will be clear, and the responsibility for violations will be tangible.

In addition, there are program activities. The current budget is for three years. This suggests that we are approaching strategic budget planning. We identify growth points that may have an impact on increasing the revenue base. In all this, it is important what position the executive and legislative authorities take, since you can take money not only by collecting taxes.

Favorable prerequisites for the development of the territories of the Far East are currently taking shape. The President outlined national projects. The Congress of "United Russia", again, was held in Krasnoyarsk. So the state pays a lot of attention to the Far Eastern Federal District. Now the task is to clearly prescribe programs. The question is not about money, the state has it. The government fears that money will be allocated in Moscow, but it will not reach here. They are simply plundered. But if you use the program implementation of the budget, and the public to exercise control over its implementation, then it will be much more difficult to steal. I am sure about that.

- Will the Chamber of Control and Accounts be independent?

- It should be endowed with appropriate powers and status. The current project has it all. I think that at the beginning of 2006 city deputies will adopt the draft decision.

"Unloading on the hunt"

- In Russia, they say that the deputy chair, like other posts in the legislative and executive authorities, can be bought. What is your opinion on this matter?

— This is a matter of technology and resources, which I have already mentioned. But I am sure that, as in any normal market, there must be a competitive environment that will determine the worthy one or another place. That's when the regional parliamentarians started talking about increasing the seats in the Legislative Assembly, I was categorically against this idea.

- An expensive car, large real estate, accounts abroad - to what extent do you have all this?

- There is an apartment, a land plot, a car - things necessary for work and life. So I am an ordinary person working for the good of my country.

- How do you unload after working days?

I go to the gym and sometimes I do boxing. I also like to go hunting with my friends. I get pleasure not from prey, but from communication. And, of course, psychological relief. True, with the current dynamic work, this is not often possible. I try to spend more time with my son: I want the connection of generations not to be interrupted.

Egor BATALOV, "Competitor"

President of JSC "Pacific Energy Company", Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory

"Connections / Partners"

Khokhlov Yuri Pavlovich - Former Prosecutor of the Primorsky Territory

Primorsky United Russia approved the list for elections to the Legislative Assembly

Territorial group No. 2 consists of Alexander Shemelev, vice-governor for domestic policy, Dmitry Grigorovich, chairman of the regional council of veterans, and Yekaterina Yakovina, an assistant to a deputy of the legislature, a representative of the Young Guard of United Russia. Group No. 4 includes Mayor of Artyom Vladimir Novikov, President of the Pacific Energy Company, Chairman of the Budget Committee of the City Duma of Vladivostok Igor Chemeris (he is also nominated in single-mandate constituency No. 7), General Director of Primorsky Vodokanal Petr Zhuravlev, current deputy Sergei Sidorenko and Vice Mayor of Vladivostok Pavel Tarasenko.
link: print=1

Deputy Igor Chemeris fell under the area of ​​interest of law enforcement agencies

Today, searches were carried out in the office of Igor Chemeris, Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of the Primorsky Territory Legislative Assembly. The events unfolded in front of the colleagues of the Primorsky deputy. I. Chemeris himself has been in Moscow for almost a month.

Primorsky deputy was suspected of organizing gambling

The investigative department of the TFR in the Primorsky Territory commented on the morning search in the office of the chairman of the committee on social policy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, deputy Igor Chemeris.

- The Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Primorsky Territory is investigating a criminal case on the fact of illegal organization and conduct of gambling using gambling equipment, associated with the extraction of income on an especially large scale, initiated on the grounds of a crime under paragraph "a" of part 2 of Article 171.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The materials have been extracted from the criminal case against Sergei Yakovlev, deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Primorsky Territory, and businessman Vagan Vardanyan, who have already been convicted. During the investigation, information was obtained about the possible involvement of deputy Igor Chemeris in this, - said Aurora Rimskaya, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for the Primorsky Territory.

The search at the Primorye deputy took place as part of the gambling case

Earlier, a source in the Legislative Assembly of Primorye told RIA Novosti that deputy Chemeris had been absent from Vladivostok for more than a month. It is currently out of bounds.

In Vladivostok, they report searches in the office of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorye

On December 11, the office of Igor Chemeris, deputy of the Primorsky Regional Legislative Assembly, was searched. This was reported to the agency by a source in the regional parliament. Chemeris, who heads the social policy committee, is now in Moscow. The office is sealed and taken under guard, the source added. He recalled that in the winter of 2010, the prosecutor's office convicted Chemeris, at that time a deputy of the Vladivostok City Duma, in doing business. Then, after the search, the deputy voluntarily refused the salary of the chairman of the Duma profile committee.

Media: Deputy Chemeris's office searched because of "golden pretzels"

The search is being carried out in the office of Igor Chemeris, Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai.

“The office of Deputy Cheremis is sealed and taken under guard. In the near future, a group of investigators is expected to arrive, who will continue the work of their colleagues, ”a RIA Novosti source in the regional parliament said.

Igor Chemeris left Vladivostok for Ukraine due to a serious illness of his father

The chairman of the commission on social policy and protection of the rights of citizens of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory, Igor Chemeris, whose office was searched, intends to return home from Ukraine. According to a source in the apparatus of the parliamentarian, Chemeris is currently in Ukraine due to a serious illness of his father. This is reported by DV-ROSS.

“Igor Chemeris plans to return to Vladivostok as soon as the operation is completed and it becomes clear that its results are successful. He is not going to go anywhere else, his wife and three children are in Vladivostok, ”the source said.

gambling deputy

The investigation suggests that the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai Igor Chemeris, who has been outside the Russian Federation for about a month, may be involved in illegal gambling activities. This was reported in the Investigative Committee for Primorye.

The deputy of the Primorye Parliament does not know why searches were carried out in his office

The deputy of the Primorye parliament, Igor Chemeris, whose office was searched, does not know why law enforcement agencies became interested in him. This was reported to RIA PrimaMedia by the parliamentarian himself.

“I know the same thing about searches in my office as you do. I think it is better to find out the motives of law enforcement agencies directly from them. In the near future I will call my assistants and try to clarify the situation,” said Igor Chemeris.
link: 98617

The office of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorye was searched

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorye is suspected of involvement in illegal gambling activities

During the investigation of the criminal case, information was obtained about the possible involvement in illegal gambling activities of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory Igor Chemeris, the report says.
link: FarEast/news.asp?id=366876& sec=1672

Searches in the office of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorye

Deputy of the Primorsky Territory Parliament Igor Chemeris was banned from traveling abroad - he owed 50 million rubles to a private company. Sources are sure that the parliamentarian deliberately bankrupts himself. Despite such a seemingly heavy burden of several tens of millions of rubles, Igor Chemeris feels great, continuing to make a successful political career. The CrimeRussia figured out how a politician with a dark past from the 90s manages to stay afloat.

Bailiffs ruined the weekend of United Russia Igor Chemeris, who wanted to relax in Japan with his family. The deputy was not allowed into the Land of the Rising Sun to admire the cherry blossoms because of a debt. This, interestingly, became known from the Telegram channel "Hair of Chemeris", which is conducted on behalf of the wife of Igor Chemeris Rosa.

“... However, a surprise: today, after a meeting of the City Duma, in the rhythm of an almost frenzied tango, I rushed to the airport in order to have time to fly with my husband and children to Tokyo for a couple of days, in the end I managed, but flew away only with the children, because some by the name of Chemeris (but not me) managed to save up and forget to pay a number of traffic police fines. But the vigilant eye of the sovereign does not sleep, and rightly so. And you say that the mechanisms of state regulation in the country do not work well. No, everything works! - writes the author of the channel "Hair of Chemeris".

Meanwhile, Igor Chemeris has only one unpaid fine - 500 rubles, the writ of execution for him is 1000 rubles. No provisional measures are imposed on such amounts. But the deputy of the regional parliament also has another debt - 49 million rubles, in connection with which an interim measure was imposed on Chemeris in the form of a ban on leaving the Russian Federation. It is interesting that this measure was imposed back in 2016, but the deputy does not abandon attempts to travel abroad.

The case, in which such an impressive debt ran up, was considered in the Nikulinsky District Court of Moscow. The lawsuit concerns the recovery of debt under a loan agreement with OAO Pacific Energy Company (TEK), whose president was Igor Chemeris and whose founder was Raziyat Gasanova (now known as Roza Chemeris, daughter of State Duma deputy from Primorye Elmira Glubokovskaya).

According to the documents, the main activity of OJSC "TEK" was the production of building metal structures and products. According to the Kontur.Focus database, in 2017 the company ceased operations through bankruptcy proceedings. Interestingly, in 2016, the company's balance sheet was 71 million rubles, and the net loss was 109 million rubles. Meanwhile, a certain Setstroykomplekt LLC filed a lawsuit against the fuel and energy complex on August 21, 2014. The details of the commercial dispute are still unknown. CrimeRussia sources suggest that the parliamentarian is going bankrupt himself. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, both Pacific Energy Company and Setstroykomplekt LLC, to which Chemeris must pay 49 million, are associated with the Cyprus offshore Matuas Co Limited. In the course of bankruptcy, the deputy's money may simply be sent to an offshore jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, being a large debtor, Igor Chemeris manages to criticize the work of the tax service. At one of the meetings of the Legislative Assembly, where Galina Kolesnikova, head of the Federal Tax Service for Primorsky Krai, spoke, the deputy reproached her for the poor work of the department.

“I receive tax alerts to an address where I have not lived for 15 years. I talked about this topic with the tax service of the city of Artem, where I do not live. I am registered at a different address, I submit a tax return, I want to pay taxes on time. But when the tax office comes to the address where you do not live, it is difficult to pay taxes,” complained Igor Chemeris.

Income and assets of Chemeris

In 2017, Igor Chemeris, according to the official declaration, earned 5.35 million rubles (446 thousand rubles a month). With such a modest income, he is not even one of the three richest deputies of Primorye. The parliamentarian also owns a modest Toyota Alphard. But over the past year, the novice politician, deputy of the Vladivostok Duma, Roza Chemeris, has declared more. Her annual income is 6.66 million rubles. At the same time, in 2016 Roza Chemeris declared the amount two times less - 3.08 million rubles. She owns a 600 sq. meters and a residential building with an area of ​​400 sq. meters, as well as a mini-fleet: Mercedes-Benz GL500, BMW 750LI, Mercedes-Benz GLS 400.

The official incomes of the Chemeris couple from year to year show strikingly different figures. For example, in 2015, the deputy earned only 650 thousand rubles, and his wife - 3.15 million rubles. In 2016, Chemeris declared 9.2 million rubles, and Roza Chemeris - 3 million.

Now the participation of a married couple is listed in about 10 different companies. Roza Chemeris is the co-founder of Pacific Partnership, a jewelry manufacturing company. The general director of the company is Stanislav Igorevich Chemeris. We think that family ties with the deputy Igor Stanislavovich are easy to trace.

Deputy Igor Chemeris was also a co-founder of the company for the purchase and sale of non-residential real estate "Earth of the East". Now it is in the process of liquidation. But in 2017, he became a co-founder of the Far Eastern Partnership company, which, according to Kontur.Focus, “provides other financial services, except for insurance and pension services.” The Star Jet company founded by Rosa Chemeris operates in the same area. The wife of the regional deputy also owns an asset in the fishing industry - the Fishtrade company. Until August 2017, Rosa Chemeris was on the list of founders of the Khabarovsk-based company Stroyenergoservis.

Igor Chemeris and business

Igor Chemeris came to big business back in when Primorye was one of the most criminalized regions of the country. In those years, Igor Chemeris took up the motor transport business in the satellite city of Vladivostok, Artyom. He founded a holding company and subsequently headed the Non-Profit Passenger Carriers Association. But few people know that the main and profitable asset of Chemeris was Alen LLC, which participated in a number of subsidiaries of the widest profile - from private security to the activities of casinos, nightclubs, restaurants and hotels.

Igor Chemeris had a priority in the gambling business, for some time he even headed the Primorsky Territory Gambling Association, which he created, as president. The Association included a number of very respected and authoritative persons, for example, ex-governor Sergei Darkin.

Success in the gambling business was stunning (connections contributed), so in 2004 Igor Chemeris began to take his first steps to power. The businessman became a deputy of the Vladivostok Duma, heading the committee on budget, taxes and finance.

Igor Chemeris and authorities of Primorye

Chemeris's partner in those years was Viktor Alekseenkov, better known as the head of the Alekseevsky organized crime group, who became the victim of a high-profile assassination attempt when a mine exploded in the courtyard of an office building on Komsomolskaya Street next to him. As a result of the assassination attempt, his security driver died, and the authority himself was injured, like his teenage son.

Another partner of Chemeris was the ex-president of the Association of Fisheries Enterprises of Primorye, ex-member of the presidium of the regional political council of United Russia, Dmitry Glotov. They are connected by one near-criminal story. In October 2007, some brave traffic cops evacuated Glotov's wife's Mercedes to a parking lot for parking in the wrong place. Glotov came to rescue the car together with Igor Chemeris. The foreign car was rescued from captivity, and the director of the impound was brutally beaten. For Glotov himself, the story ended with a criminal case on charges of threatening to kill, fleeing abroad, international search, detention and trial. Igor Chemeris came out unscathed, although the extent of his participation has not yet been established. In the case, he was only a witness.

It would seem that the dashing 90s and 2000s are long gone and Igor Chemeris can finally calmly realize his political ambitions. By the way, in 2011, Igor Chemeris was already elected to the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Krai to the post of chairman of the committee on social policy and protection of citizens' rights. But the calm was broken by the arrest of Colonel Sergei Yakovlev, deputy head of the police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Primorsky Territory, at the end of July 2012. He was accused of exceeding his authority and taking a bribe for patronage of an illegal gambling business.

The investigation of this case suddenly led the Investigative Committee to the office of the regional parliamentarian Igor Chemeris. However, the deputy managed to quickly disappear from the country. He left on urgent business to the territory of Ukraine. Urgent cases dragged on for almost a year. In early 2013, the investigation suddenly confirmed Igor Chemeris in the gambling case as a witness, and the deputy calmly returned to Vladivostok.

Ambitions make themselves felt, and in 2017 Igor Chemeris becomes a candidate for the post of head of Vladivostok, the former mayor, we recall, is languishing in a pre-trial detention center. However, the candidacy of Igor Chemeris was not supported in the City Duma. The sources of The CrimeRussia are sure that in the fall of 2018, the regional parliamentarian will try to compete for the post of governor of Primorsky Krai.

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