Angelic numerology. What does it mean in numerology? on the clock

Meaning of master number 11 in Numerology

11 - the number of the Master, mystical and secret is under the control of Proserpina - the planet of fiction. It symbolizes evolution in all its manifestations, and raises a person to the highest stage of development. Under the influence of the magic of the number 11 and Proserpine, people get the opportunity to transform reality, the complete transformation of spiritual and physical matters. They have an unprecedented inner strength that can break all boundaries, rise above conventions and laws, and initiate a large-scale change-update. They change not only consciousness, but also the very essence of things and the world.

Positive Traits of Master Number 11

In numerology, the number Eleven is simplified to Two, but continues to carry a strong energy charge of two Units. It is stronger than that of the number 20, also simplified to 2. The combination of two units resonates with the two, and in a person who is under the control of the master number 11, awakens a strong personality, willpower and unbending determination. In the usual Deuce, there are no such qualities. These are friendly people, social activists, and endowing them with the leadership qualities inherent in the Unit allows them to better use their potential given at birth. These people are endowed with strong energy, they can influence others even without the slightest effort on their part.

They know about their great mission from birth, realize exclusivity, elitism and foresee great things in the future. Their earthly mission is to become the initiator of great achievements, to carry out a deep transformation. The influence of the Two in the character of people with two ones allows them to feel other people, see their motives and hidden emotions.

Among people with master number 11 there are many politicians of the highest echelon of power, religious figures, esotericists, magicians, psychics. Possess logical thinking, capable of system analysis. First, they lay out the picture into pieces, and then they can put together a different mosaic, creating something new. They are prone to detailing, allowing to take into account multifactoriality in any planning.

Negative Traits of Master Number 2

Under adverse conditions, they can become pedants, inclined to sacrifice more because of trifles. Sometimes they don’t see the forest for the trees, they get so bogged down in detailing the processes. This makes it difficult to perceive the whole picture in reality and takes the individual into a world of fantasies that are far from reality. Possessing strong psychic energy in a negative manifestation, they can frighten and suppress the people around them, creating severe discomfort in a family or team.

Often they have internal conflicts, which leads to some inhibition or complexes. The most famous person with master number 11 in the numerological horoscope was Adolf Hitler. He serves as a vivid example of where ambition can lead humanity, multiplied by strong energy and promiscuity in means.

They have a fine line between greatness and self-destruction. Among them are many psychos, alcoholics or people with other addictions. At the same time, they can quickly rise high from the bottom.

It translates as "energy". Everything that happens outside and inside of us takes place only due to the interaction of energies of different properties.

That's why the meaning of the number 11 in the numerology of dates or in the numerology of life is huge. And in itself, the number 11 is, as it were, a doubled power.

Eleven in spiritual numerology, in addition to energy, symbolizes an even higher degree of chaos. Chaos at all levels of being and consciousness - from the highest to the lowest.

Following the chaos of the number 11 follows. Twelve is the number of Divine Order. What is "divine order"? Imagine the Universe as a large room where every person, like any ordinary thing in the room, should be in his place.

Why is it necessary on your own? Perhaps the Creator values ​​his own creations very much and does not want us to get lost... You must have met quite a few people lost in life? Me too.

Numerology of number 11

The number 11 is reminiscent of a playful young offspring who, taking advantage of the absence of his parents, goes crazy, doing unthinkable pranks. A child scratches furniture with a nail, cuts an elegant tablecloth with scissors and sets fire to toilet paper with matches ... In general, he is outrageous and destroys the established order by all means available to him.

All this is funny, if it is really only about a naughty child. But when it comes to the number 11, the numerology of your life sometimes takes on a truly tragic coloring. After all, the number 11 “scratches” not the furniture, but your heart. It cuts not an elegant tablecloth, but your "smart" plans for the future.

And the number 11 sets fire not to toilet paper, but to your own emotions, resulting in a fire that cannot be extinguished. After all, even if you connect all the fire hoses in the world, there will still not be enough length to reach your burned soul ...

The meaning of the number 11 in numerology

The meaning of the number 11- Chaos, disorder. But not only. There is not a single digit in which there would be only one value. Although the original MEANING for each number is always the same.

Since the number 11 already consists of two units, and the number 1 is the number of energy and the number of "blind" force, then eleven is also the number of Force. Only by the number of strength even more "blind" than one! The influence of the number 11 on us, in the numerology of dates for example, depends on whether the energies of the two units cooperate, or violently oppose each other.

Energies are different - there are millions of them, ranging from the grossest (associated with the digestion of food) and ending with the subtlest energies of spiritual influx.
The special property of the number 11 is to feel for your weaknesses. After all, the number 11 is the number of power!

And any force acts in a straight line: it looks for the point of least resistance. In relation to the numerology of dates, this information should warn you to reveal your personal weaknesses in front of people. Especially on the 11th (regarding the month - that is a separate conversation). However, do not forget that others are just as vulnerable on this day.


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The value of the number 11 in the world is very large, many numerologists say that the greatest historical events are associated with it. The number 11 can be called one of the most difficult numbers.

11 is two units, which together form a two, which is diametrically opposed. People whose number is 11 are difficult to understand. And this means that in the search for friends, those who are patronized by this figure have a hard time.

"Two Units" set themselves very difficult tasks that are not always possible to accomplish, they have a great desire to rule the world. Also, 11s like to impose their ideas on others, but for all this they lack firmness in character. They always have their own word, but the fortitude to express it is not always enough, which makes them grumpy. Instead of directly clarifying the relationship, 11 will stealthily "peck" the opponent.

"Two units" are not too ambitious, they are not one of those who will strive to climb the podium to the last, second place is enough for them


Number 11 people have extraordinary energy, they are distinguished by their independence and initiative. On the surface, it seems that the “two units” are very brave and desperate, but looking inside, you can understand that all this is just a shell behind which a sensitive and delicate nature is hidden.. For every day, they have a clear and precise plan that needs to be followed step by step, but as soon as one doubt or hesitation appears, they helplessly fall down.

People whose number is 11 can be safely called dreamers, who often cannot correctly weigh their desires and possibilities, the second more often does not allow them to realize the first. The meaning of the number 11 carries colossal ambitions that rule a person, making him want more and more, but at the same time be content with crumbs.

The number 11 is friendly to others, therefore it also causes sympathy for other people, but the “two ones” should be protected from despondency, they need to learn to believe in themselves, beware of the misfortune of laziness and develop patience. The main thing that these people should learn is that nothing comes right away.

Advantages of the best analyzers

Number 11 people know how to control other people, which means that they have strong psychic abilities. They have an important ability to analyze situations. Also, those born under this number have the ability to transfer information from other worlds. Often among them you can find psychics and clairvoyants. The "two units" have excellent intuition. They can comprehend the secrets of the universe.

"Two units" people are quite positive, they can find a positive side in an issue in which there are no pluses at first glance. They are the kind of people they talk about: even if they are sent away, they will return from there rested and with souvenirs.

In love, 11 is most often lucky, in most cases the choice is theirs, because if they like someone, they will be able to win reciprocal sympathy.

Disadvantages of being too emotional 11

The number 11 has a very strong psyche, of course, this can be considered a positive side, if not for one BUT: the attitude of others towards this. This means that not everyone is comfortable being around 11 people.

"Two units" need to learn how to control their strength and not put pressure on others. They are literally created to help people and attempts to turn everything in the opposite direction, or rather, try to use people, will end badly for them. "Two units" need to find their true purpose, otherwise they will go hand in hand with trouble all their lives.

devil number

The number 11 in numerology is considered the most magical and even diabolical. Many world tragedies, terrorist attacks and historical facts are connected with it.

Here are some examples of the participation of the number 11 in various incidents and names:

11 people from the Romanov family were executed.

On November 11 (the 11th month of the year), at exactly 11 am, the First World War officially ended. In honor of its completion, 101 shots thundered.

September 11 (9 letters and 2 numbers = 11) terrorist attack in America. September 11 - 254 days a year (2+5+4=11). After September 11, there are 111 days left until the end of the year. The twin towers stood side by side like two units forming the number 11. Each of the towers had 110 floors. Fire truck number 1 was the first to arrive on the scene. During the firefighting, the teams lost 11 firefighters. Exactly one year after the terrorist attack in the national lottery, the United States won ticket number 11.

911 is the number of the rescue service in America (9+1+1=11).

Flight UA77, which was about to arrive at Los Angeles International Airport, crashed into the back of the Pentagon building (11 letters). There were 65 people on board the flight (6+5=11). This attack was part of the 9/11 attacks.

Prophet Muhammad died in 632 (6+3+2=11).

These names and country names consist of 11 letters (in English): Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Ramzi Yusuf, Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell.

The number 11 is also directly related to the mystery of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. In the architecture of the pyramid, multiples of 11 appear. For example: the ratio of height to base is 7:11. The slope of the side faces is 14:11, and the slope of the southern shaft of the King's Chamber is 11:11.

Video: The meaning of the number 11

Interpretations of the number 11 are as inexhaustible as the universe that gave birth to it. As in the microcosm, it reflects the diversity of polar properties. 11 denotes sensitivity, creativity, fearlessness, intelligence, arrogance, degradation, violence. This diversity of interpretations expresses the peculiarity inherent in the dominant numbers. If the numbers from 1 to 9 carry the full range of qualities developed by mankind, then the control numbers are responsible for the supernatural plan of knowledge.

The sacred meaning of the number 11 is associated with its special role in the ancient mystical teachings of the whole world. It is ruled by the planet Proserpina, named after the ancient Roman goddess of fertility and the underworld. In ancient Egypt, the number 11 was the sign of the great Nut, the goddess of the night. She was revered as the progenitor of the stars and gods, as well as the protector of the dead, who raises the souls of the dead to heaven.

The Kabbalistic "Tree of Life" fully reflects the dual meaning of the number 11. In it, it can manifest itself as a hidden sefir of knowledge Daat, revealing to us the secrets of the universe, or descend into the impure worlds of the Qliphoth.

The number 11 in different cultures

  • In Christianity, sign 11 was forbidden, because it carried pure sinfulness. The concept of what sin is could be explained by examining 11. For the ancient Egyptians, this is the goddess of the night, Nut. She patronized all the most daring plans, helped lovers to hold secret meetings. She also patronized the forbidden rituals of black magic. Fate changed at night, because during the day there are too many eyes for this.
  • For the ancient Romans, 11 is the symbol of Proserpina. She was the goddess of the underworld. She is also associated with the mystical, unknown, dark. This is the number of free thinking, because you can think like that only under the cover of night darkness. Nothing changes over time. For brave people, adventurers, it is a symbol of good luck.
  • For those who are afraid of the dark and want to lead a righteous life, the influence of 11 can be embarrassing. If adventures, forbidden pleasures are alien to you, then such a sign as appearing 11 can be perceived as bad.
  • If you are adventurous, then this is a symbol that everything will work out. Its meaning comes from prime numbers - add 1 + 1, it turns out 2. Two is the number of choice. Only the person himself can make a choice that is not always a foregone conclusion. Fate leaves you the opportunity to change black to white, or vice versa.
  • In numerology, no matter what, 11 is a happy omen. This means that you must now concentrate all your strength to find the shortest path. While 11 appears before your eyes, there is a preparatory stage. You must be ready to reap the fruits of your labors. This number will not be on the horizon forever. What you manage to achieve while it patronizes you will be the result.

For a wise person, this time is enough. Never regret what you missed. Thinking about what you could do is not right. Rejoice in what you

achieved, look forward to the future. If the Angels paid attention to you, sent a sign, then you are not an ordinary person. Higher powers are closely watching your destiny.

Repeating number 11 11

The fate of man is ambiguous. Is it recorded somewhere? According to numerology, yes. Can it be changed? Again, yes. How long it will take, no one knows, but it is. Learn to see the signs that higher powers send you.

Sometimes, the Angels amplify their omens by giving you the number 1111. It can be a number, a time, a ticket, any number that comes into view. What does this mean? The significance of such an event for your destiny is very great.

11 11 indicates that the Higher powers are very pleased with what you are doing. Your undertaking will undoubtedly bring noticeable results. It is surprising, but sometimes, people see many units in the registration documents of the company. This is a very good sign, meaning profit, success, proper business conduct. Your work is pleasing to the universe. For your fate, this is a good sign, which means you are going your own way. Angels always support those who are pleasing to the Almighty.

This same sign can come to you when you are not confident in yourself. Am I doing the right thing? Where am I moving? There is only one answer to such questions - 11 11. Do not spare time and effort for your dream, it will bring you a lot of happiness. That's what this sign says. Your fate is connected with the business of life, which means that everything will definitely work out.

The fate and character of a person of number 11

The control number 11 endows people with such powerful magical energy that it can even take precedence over its owners. It gives some characters a variety of talents, others it throws into the abyss of degradation and escape from reality. The main task for a person is to learn to control this explosive force and not let it bring chaos into your life.

Representatives of this vibration are essentially messengers and prophets, they know what to tell the world. The karmic number 11 gives its proteges the opportunity to achieve significant success in the field of diplomacy, politics, religion, teaching and psychology. As conductors of cosmic energies, they are prone to paranormal abilities and often discover the gift of a healer and psychic in themselves.

Virtues of the number 11

Intuition, inspiration, delicacy, analytical skills, courage, initiative, love of freedom.

The number 11 in numerology means that a person under its influence can reach the highest stage of evolution. Carriers of the number 11 by date of birth have a higher spiritual bar than "mere mortals." Charismatic personalities of great courage and moral courage, convinced of the righteousness of their destiny. To understand specifically what the number 11 means in numerology, the names of its prominent representatives, such as Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, the "Iron Duke" of Wellington, will help you.

Disadvantages of Number 11

Ambition, arrogance, fall, moral liberties, anarchy, aggression. Number 11 people have a very thin line between self-improvement and destruction. The magic number is capable of generating persistent phobias in front of mystical forces. If ambitious ambitions take precedence over moral ideals, this can be fraught with the worst consequences. An example of a person with a negative vibration of this number is Adolf Hitler.

What else does 11 stand for?

In numerology, the number "11" is special. It is a symbol of spirituality and "pure" perception. It is believed that this is the best time for introspection and putting in order your desires, thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas.

After all, no one knows exactly why the 11:11 is so important to us. But there is definitely something hidden here!

11:11 is one of these codes for DNA activation. You may notice that if you often see and notice 11:11, there is more order and synchronism in life.

11 is a double number and is therefore considered a Master Number or Power Number. In numerology, 11 represents impractical idealism, an imaginary world, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive talent, avant-garde, combination of male and female properties, cinematography, fame, purification when working with a practical partner.

Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/signal when they see it on their watch. It can also be seen as the key to unlocking the subconscious, our genetically coded memory that we are spirits having physical experiences, not physical beings having spiritual experiences.

What do the same numbers on the clock mean?

  • The numbers 00:00 on the clock mean that you are one with the energy of the Universe. One important life cycle has come to an end, and new opportunities and a new path open up before you. Give up false beliefs and stereotypes, start from scratch.
  • The numbers 01:01 on the clock: pay attention to your thoughts and emotional experiences. At this moment, the Universe embodies everything that you think about. By force of will, control your emotional state and thoughts, concentrating on the positive.
  • The numbers 02:02 on the clock: the period of the appearance of allies and helpers in your life. Try to look closely at new acquaintances, chance meetings and be responsive to someone else's misfortune.
  • The numbers 03:03 on the clock mean that you are being guided by the Higher Forces, you need to trust your intuition, go with the flow, not be afraid of change, responding to any innovations. Feel free to move in space and do not be afraid of losses.
  • Numbers 04:04 on the clock: a sign that you are on the right track. Whatever your problems, all obstacles can be overcome. You can not despair and fall into despondency, learn to endure and wait, believing in a successful outcome.
  • Numbers 05:05 on the clock: a sign of cardinal fateful changes. Do not rush, fuss and doubt. Be confident in your own abilities and be calm - then everything will be decided by itself.
  • Numbers 06:06 on the clock: think about spiritual values ​​​​and evaluate your own actions. Good luck will smile at you and good prospects will open if you act according to your conscience, giving priority to the spiritual, not the material.
  • Numbers 07:07 on the clock: a successful sign that symbolizes achievement, fulfillment of desires, prosperity and joy. If you are single, then soon you will meet with your soulmate.
  • The numbers 08:08 on the clock symbolize successful material opportunities, good financial prospects, or a profitable acquaintance with a patron who will help you realize your ideas and plans.
  • The numbers 09:09 on the clock: a symbol of completion, you need to sacrifice something, get rid of everything superfluous. Your life is full of useless things and actions, it is worth thinking and prioritizing.
  • The numbers 10:10 on the clock warn of useless fuss and minor troubles. You should be careful and not take risks.
  • Numbers 11:11 on the clock: a sign of success, fame, getting the desired result and enjoying your own achievements.

There is also the “synchronicity theory,” which explains why people give meaning to the seemingly meaningless position of the hands of the clock. People love it when there is perfect order in at least something, so the tradition of making a wish at 10:10, 11:11 or 12:12 is in almost all cultures.

  • The numbers 12:12 on the clock: soon you will find a fruitful union that will change your worldview and improve your financial situation.
  • Numbers 13:13 on the clock: know how to restrain your emotions, especially anger. If you manage to cope with them, victory and triumph awaits you.
  • Numbers 14:14 on the clock: travel and a change of scenery are essential for you. Only in this way you can get answers to your questions and get rid of problems.
  • Numbers 15:15 on the clock: learn to be part of the whole, pay more attention to loved ones and family. This is a sign that a loved one needs your support.
  • Numbers 16:16 on the clock: restrain your own selfish impulses, learn to give, then you will get the desired result.
  • Numbers 17:17 on the clock: Material benefits await you, be active and use new acquaintances for good.
  • Numbers 18:18 on the clock: there is a person in your environment who wants to break off relations. Don't be afraid to let go of people who don't appreciate you.
  • Numbers 19:19 on the clock: feelings can take over and divert attention from more important things, be rational.
  • Numbers 20:20 on the clock: friends will give you support that you do not count on. Learn to trust people.
  • Numbers 21:21 on the clock: time to make serious decisions. Do not be afraid to change your life, believe in yourself and act intuitively.
  • Numbers 22:22 on the clock: do not overestimate your strength. Be consistent and take your time in making big decisions.
  • Numbers 23:23 on the clock: time to stop, think about the consequences of your actions and correct mistakes by asking for forgiveness from those who were unjustly offended.

The 11:11 phenomenon and its meaning

Do you often see the numbers 11:11 on electronic clocks, addresses or other places and feel joyful?

Sometimes we notice repeated numbers or sequences of numbers and think they have some special meaning to us.

I already wrote my thoughts on this topic in my article, where I made connections with the uranism of this number (the astrological house of Uranus is the 11th):

And today I offer a translation hodgepodge with the meanings of these numbers, as well as a decoding of various digital combinations.

Enjoy and be enlightened!

11:11 – Conscious spiritual journey

Pay attention to how you feel when you see repeated combinations of numbers. You can realize their importance in your life or just ignore them. As soon as you see, for example, 11:11, pause and think about what accompanies you now - your thoughts, feelings, what you were doing.

Many people wonder why they see certain numbers and there are a lot of different interpretations, why do you see these numbers and combinations. Most likely there is an individual message here for you and it is important to interpret it for yourself. More often than not, we think of it as an intervention by something bigger than ourselves and a wake-up call from your "life slumber" to open up new perspectives on your reality and truth. This may be a sign from your angels and spirit guides in their attempt to contact you.

Here are some ideas of what it could be:

  • Wake up call for lightworkers
  • Possible mission
  • Call to action
  • Finding balance in life
  • Heightened awareness
  • DNA activation
  • Time period
  • Intermediaries
  • angels on earth
  • Threshold
  • higher reality
  • spiritual wisdom
  • Reminder from the universe
  • Peace and tranquility
  • Communication with the unknown
  • Synchronicity in your life

So if you constantly see 11:11 ( I see it very often), then you are likely ascending to the highest levels of increased awareness in the realm of the fourth and fifth dimensions. You are capable of higher levels of communication with angels and now is the time to practice kindness, compassion and healing for others and yourself.

Make a wish at 11:11

Many people make wishes when they see this combination of numbers (11:11 or 1:11) on the clock. No one knows the roots of this phenomenon, it's just that someone once, perhaps in childhood on the playground, said that this should be done. And we still feel some significance of the moment and stop to realize the moment of what is happening or to launch an enhanced intention.

Lightworkers or Angels on Earth: A Call to Action

There is a fairly large circle of people who consider themselves "light workers." Their mission in this life is to bring as much light as possible to this planet, in fact to raise the vibration of love on planet Earth and come to Oneness. When you see 11:11 on the clock, it serves as a reminder to you that you are a lightworker. Either you take it as a message from the angels telling you that you are an "angel on earth" with the same mission as a lightworker.

Doreen Virtue, in her book Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444 and Other Numerical Combinations, writes about the numbers 111 as follows: “The energy gates open for you, quickly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, being sure that they are in line with your desires.” No need to think about fears so as not to manifest them. The ancient book of Kabbalah also writes about the magic of numbers and that our task is to become Lightworkers.

Maya and 2012

According to the Mayan calendar, and the Maya were a very advanced civilization with incredible knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, their 26,000 year cycle officially ended on December 21, 2012 at (guess what time) 11:11.

This date marks the change of eras and the rebirth of our world. This new world is moving towards unity as opposed to division. If you see 11:11, this may be another key to understanding the universal unity in this world. This is a beautiful ideology. The famous Celestine Prophecy book also reports eleven revelations, as do many other New Age books and awareness-raising texts.

As for the end of the world, we see the end of the old world, which probably means greed and separation, lack of social responsibility, disconnection from our influence on the life of the planet and other living beings. We can put an end to that world and ascend into higher dimensions of a spiritually transformed existence. Which leads us to...

Fourth Dimension, 4:44 and Time 4D(transformational) life

Now more and more often you can see combinations of such numbers 4:44 and 44. 1111 in total gives 4. 4 is the number of the Ascended Masters - angels and guides who advise and protect. In earthly terms, 4 is the number of transformation, of raising awareness beyond the ego. ( approx. LK - in China, 4 is considered a "bad number", it means "death", so people avoid it, and I very often see "cool" cars with the number 404 and I have an association - "I'm not there" because on the Internet the code 404 means " no such page).

According to the Global Esoteric Website: “444 represents the fourth dimension from the point of view of the third. You are moving into the fourth dimension. Your relationship with everything around you is changing and these numbers show your movement. This is the time to put your skills to use. Time to claim your power. Although the attributes of the fourth dimension prevent you from seeing yourself as empowered, know that you will benefit from incorporating techniques that empower you. Every time you see these numbers - 444 - remember Mastery and Strength.

Repeating sequences of numbers: their meaning

There are many materials on the meaning of numerical combinations and numbers, including Book by Doreen Virtue and many articles on the Internet.

Here is one of my picks interpretations - from Drunvalo Melsikhedek. According to him, the combinations of numbers we meet mean that we go through certain processes. Here they are:

(three or more digits of the same number - 2:22, 11:11, etc.)

111 : Energy Flow *Increasing the level you are at 111 or 1111: Energy flow of water, money, sex, kundalini, magnetism. When one of these energies manifests, you see these numbers.

222 or 2222: You are in the middle of a rebirth or ascension process

333 or 3333: Number of solutions. Some of these things can happen: 666 = material world or 999 = spiritual world

444 or 4444: Respawn number

555 or 5555: Christ Consciousness

666 or 6666: Material world, chosen reality

777 : Symbolizes the integration of the four lower bodies with the higher spiritual frequencies in the third dimensional plane or the level where you manifest your physical reality on the earth plane.

888 : symbolizes infinity.

999: Symbolizes the three levels of the trinity * completion

000 : great nothing * zero zone living * transition or mover to a new field of energy 11:11 Beginning of a completely new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequencies * portal opening

12:12 Cosmic Communication * Bridge to the Future * Indicates a level of completion or gradation

Pay attention to the clock, the numbers of the cars, what you did when they were fixed by your consciousness .. what you were thinking about, etc. Often this is a signal after a question has been asked.

What repeating numbers tell us (from 111 to 555)

111: Wake Up Call

1:11 or 11:11 is definitely a magical sign. The Tarot Card - The Magician has the number 1. When you see repeating units, it serves as a wake-up call from the mystical realm. Look around and pay attention to where you are and with whom. This is a cosmic confirmation that you are going in the right direction. 1 is the first step and there are further steps, you are on the right track and everything will change, you will not stop here.

The first house of the zodiac is associated with self-expression. As Shakespeare said, "Be true to be yourself." You can see 1:11 when you are fully in that feeling or personal creative expression. You receive support for being yourself and manifesting your light and radiance.

11 is the number of the master in numerology and signifies the spiritual path. Many believe that 11:11 confirms that you are a Lightworker or an Angel on Earth to raise human awareness and instill a sense of unity and harmony in the world. You are the bridge that connects people from different segments of society or unites opposing energies in a beautiful union. As above so below. Without darkness, there can be no light. You are strong enough to hold paradoxes and understand that the duality of nature and its unity are at the same time.

111 is also the number of manifestation - at this moment you are creating your life, so make sure you are thinking the right thoughts.

2:22 Finding balance

This is the number of partnerships and relationships. When you see 2:22, pay attention to the people appearing in your world. You may meet your soul mate or soulmate, someone who will play an important role in your life. It can also be a signal to balance giving and taking in your existing relationship. Are you all equal? Are you investing enough or underpaying or passing on? Make an honest inventory and find the sweet spot.

In astrology, the second house of the Zodiac governs our foundations, values, and comforts. There are 2 cards in Tarot - Priestess. Hello intuition. The appearance of 2:22 can serve as a reminder to be true to yourself and to voice your opinions more openly. When deuces appear, listen to yourself.

Sometimes we are afraid to rock the boat if we talk, truth is the cornerstone of any great relationship. Let people know your position when you see 2:22. It can change everything, bring kindred spirits to your path and remove those who are on a completely different wavelength. 2:22 speaks of trusting your inner voice.

222 is also about your uniqueness and difference from others with your personal strength and charisma. When you see these numbers, the Universe is telling you, "You can shine your Light in a unique way." Don't be afraid to show your strength, shine your light, leave your mark on your career and relationships, believe in yourself, everything will be fine, don't worry about anything - this situation will be resolved in a beautiful way.

333: Attunement of body, mind and soul

Three is the number of the trinity: body, mind and soul. The appearance of 3:33 can serve as confirmation that you fall into all three levels and are really in this zone. You may feel unusually energized when you see threes repeating.

And it can also be a little warning to check your imbalance. Have you been working too hard to the detriment of your sleep or your favorite yoga classes? You may have been in a "spiritual transition" moment, dropping habitual mantras and jumping over the obstacles that accompany your growth. Attune properly and you will feel a sense of peace.

In Tarot 3 represents the Empress: a fertile, exuberant, sensual woman who loves to entertain and share her abundance. In numerology, 3 is associated with society. The third house of the zodiac governs communication, curiosity and mobility. This number pattern can be a wake up call to move more, connect with people, ask questions, and explore new territories. Repeated threes can also mean that it's time to throw a party or switch to an abundant state of consciousness instead of a consciousness of poverty and lack.

333 is also the number of Christ consciousness and there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a sign of your blessing and is the Supreme blessing you and your life at this time.

444: Summoning the foundations and the home

4 is the number of home and family. In astrology, the fourth house governs the female fiefdom and if you see 4:44, an important woman may appear in your life. What are your loved ones doing? Your inner circle needs your attention. Perhaps you have just met someone who is your sister soul or friend, who in the future will acquire the status of a member of your family.

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