A. C

In the story "The Captain's Daughter" A. S. Pushkin touches on the issue of noble honor, which is very important for him and his compatriots. Showing the gradual formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of the work, the author outlines the Russian national character, which is characterized by such qualities as kindness, nobility, honesty, loyalty to the given word and the sovereign. Only after going through difficult life tests, the young nobleman becomes what we see him in the finale.

Life in the father's house

The text of the story is a memoir written on behalf of the protagonist, which makes the events described more authentic: no one can tell about a person better than himself.

Petrusha received a traditional upbringing for noble children. The good uncle Savelyich was assigned to him, who accompanied the young man even after his departure for the service. He was taught by the French hairdresser Beaupre, who could not give a thorough education. The boy lived undersized, carefree and without thinking about the future.

Even before the birth, the father recorded his son in But when Pyotr Grinev reached the age of sixteen, he decided to send him not to St. Petersburg, but to Orenburg, under the supervision of an old acquaintance. Thus, the further fate of the young nobleman was sealed.

Entry into independent life

The main parting word given by the father, seeing off his son: "Take care of ... honor from a young age." Peter will follow this principle throughout his life. In the meantime, he looks more like a spoiled barchon. For the first time he gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles to the unfamiliar Zurin, then he demands from Savelych to repay the debt without fail. He insists on an urgent departure to where he was assigned in Orenburg, and gets into a strong snowstorm. But the formation of the personality of Peter Grinev is already beginning. He suffers, realizing his guilt before the faithful uncle, and asks his forgiveness - the ability to admit his mistakes. Gives the leader, who helped them get out of the snowstorm, a sheepskin coat - gratitude for the help provided.

love test

In the Belogorsk fortress, life brings Pyotr Grinev together with a glorious family and the cowardly Shvabrin. The actions of the latter to a greater extent set off the noble features of the protagonist. Both fall in love with Masha Mironova, but if Shvabrin descends to baseness, having been refused, Grinev is ready to defend the honor of his beloved girl at the cost of his own life. This happens in the case of a duel, when the hero challenges a more experienced opponent to a duel, who insulted Masha. And also at the moment when the Pugachevites enter the fortress.

Shvabrin not only goes over to their side, but also tricks the defenseless girl into being locked up, and then announces that she is the daughter of the executed commandant. Quite different in the current situation is the characterization of Peter Grinev. He has to make a difficult choice between the duty of an officer, which obliges him to go to the unit, and the desire to protect his beloved. While the hero is sure that nothing threatens Masha, he goes to Orenburg, but at her first call, without receiving support and understanding from the command, he returns to the fortress. The hero will also remain silent at the trial, when the accusation of treason on the denunciation of the same Shvabrin can cost him his life. After all, to tell for what purpose he went to the fortress to Pugachev meant to involve the daughter of the commandant in an unpleasant story. And only Masha's meeting with the Empress will help restore justice and justify the hero.

Thus, the next stage, when the formation of the personality of Peter Grinev, is his love, sincere and disinterested. She turned yesterday's mischievous into the ability to take responsibility for another person.

Acquaintance with Pugachev

During the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev shows strength of character, loyalty to the oath and the empress, courage. Of course, a hare sheepskin coat, presented by Peter to the leader on the way to the fortress, played a certain role in the fact that he was not executed along with the others. But the young officer refused to kiss the hand of the impostor and to swear allegiance to him. It was this moral stamina and willingness to accept death for their convictions that determined Pugachev's attitude towards Grinev. And also the ability to always tell the truth, sincerity in everything and a feeling of complete inner freedom. This may be the characterization of Pyotr Grinev in the chapters that describe his meetings with the impostor. Indeed, the latter invited far from everyone to his table, let him go to all four sides after refusing to go to his service, gave a blessing for marriage with the daughter of the commandant of a military fortress.

The image of Peter Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter": conclusions

Thus, in the course of the events described, the character of the protagonist undergoes changes. And there are several important points in this process. Firstly, the reasonable decision of the father, who sent his son not to Petersburg, where an idle life and amusements awaited him, but to a remote fortress, which in fact became a place where he pulled the strap and sniffed gunpowder. Secondly, the era itself and an important historical event - the uprising under the leadership of Pugachev. Only in difficult life situations, as a rule, true people appear. In this case, the carefree boy turned into a real man.

Defining the ideological concept of A. Pushkin, it can be noted that the gradual formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev should have revealed in the hero those features that every Russian nobleman should possess. And the main ones are “two wonderful qualities”: kindness and nobility. It is them that Peter Grinev would like to see in his descendants. This wish of the author of the memoirs, which completed the draft version of the story, was excluded during the last edition of The Captain's Daughter.

Teacher of Russian language and literature Ivanova Galina Borisovna.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic general education Kaplinsky school"

Literature lesson in grade 9 based on the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Topic:"The Formation of the Character and Views of Pyotr Grinev".
Objectives: to instill the skill of analytical reading of the work; reveal the image of the protagonist of the novel; follow the stages of the formation of the character of P. Grinev; to form students' ideas about moral values.

Equipment: the last lifetime portrait of A.S. Pushkin; Dictionary V.I. Dahl; a magnetic board is hung out a table with the names of the columns, which are filled in as the children answer, at the teacher

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

We are studying the first Russian realistic novel about what could not be, and simply could not be, a novel about a miracle performed by love. This work is a symbol of perfect art. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky said this to one writer: “You have extensive experience, but you do not have enough writing culture. I suppose you have never re-read The Captain's Daughter since childhood. Not? And you need to re-read it - and suffocate with delight. And if Tvardovsky wanted to reproach anyone, he always said: “Yes, he didn’t read The Captain’s Daughter.”

Therefore, as you understand, a real, deep understanding of the novel will most likely come to you later, years later, when you want to return to it again and reread it. But even now, none of you, I think, having read this work for the first time, could not remain indifferent to it.

2. Setting a learning goal, a problematic issue.

So, today we will turn over the pages of the novel and observe one of its main characters, Pyotr Grinev, how the character and views of a young man are formed. And as an epigraph to the lesson, I would like to take the words of A.S. Pushkin: “The self-reliance of a person is the key to his greatness ...”, which are the best suited to the image of the main character.

When reading, you may have noticed that in the narrative there are so-called key words that the author himself singles out, repeats at the most important moments and thereby reveals their ambiguity and depth. What do you think these words are. Tell me one, as it seems to you, the main reference word of the story, directly related to the fate of the protagonist? (this is the word "honor", the author points to it already in the epigraph of the novel)

V.I. Dal, who, by the way, accompanied A.S. conscience; 2) conditional, secular, worldly nobility, often false, imaginary (on the board there is a record of the meanings of the word “honor”)

In what meaning is the word used in the story, what meaning prevails and is applicable to the image of the protagonist? I invite you to answer this question at the end of today's conversation.
III. Analysis of the work.

1. Discussion of the first stage in the formation of Grinev's character.

There are several stages in the formation of the character and views of Peter Grinev. What do you think, what time period will be included in the 1st stage? (childhood and youth)

Name the environment of Petrusha at that time. (father, mother, Savelich, Bopre, yard boys)

What influence did they have on the formation of the character of the hero.

Redefining the concept of the true honor of a nobleman

3. Analysis of Grinev's participation in hostilities.

The fifth chapter ends with these words: “My spirit has fallen. I was afraid to either go crazy or fall into debauchery. Unexpected incidents suddenly gave my soul a strong and good shock.

On what paths did Grinev's soul receive a strong and good shock? Maybe on the way to protect the honor of the nobility? During participation in hostilities against Pugachev?

Let's remember the episode of the defense of the Belogorsk fortress, maybe our hero performs a heroic deed there? (no, he was knocked down, he entered the city with the crowd, he was tied with sashes, everything is simpler and less spectacular)

Let us recall the episode on the square in front of Pugachev. Maybe there our hero repeated the answer of his generous comrades? (No. Savelich interfered, the matter took a different turn.)

From the Belogorsk fortress the hero goes to Orenburg, maybe the defense of this city allowed him to show his prowess? Remember the episode of the meeting with the constable. (Grinev participates in riding, sees the enemy, decides to destroy him, but recognizes him as a good friend)

Conclusion. Do we see that strong and good shock that could occur in Grinev's soul during participation in hostilities, on the way to protect noble honor? (No)

4. Analysis of episodes where Grinev and Pugachev meet.

What is the reason for that very “strong and good shock” that Grinev speaks of? (fight for the release of a beloved girl. Meeting with Pugachev)

What is the conversation going on between them?

What side of the character is revealed in this episode?

Can you note in Grinev any shortcomings in his views on current events, on Pugachev (social narrowness, bias)

As the episodes are analyzed, students can complete the following table:


Dialogue between characters. Grinev's life position.

A strong and good shock.

A feast at Pugachev's.

Refuses to serve Pugachev, does not promise to serve against him.

Preserves honor, dignity: directness, frankness, courage. Human and noble honor are placed above life.

Grinev at Pugachev's to free Masha.

He hopes for Pugachev's help, tells the truth about Masha, asks to repent before the Empress.

Lack of noble arrogance, youthful insecurity before life, compassion, pity.

5. Analysis of the love triangle: Grinev - Masha - Shvabrin (let's get to know the character in comparison)

We examined how Grinev's character was formed under the influence of meetings with Pugachev, we will analyze what effect the struggle for his girlfriend had on him. Let's see how the characters behave in this love triangle.

(draw a love triangle and indicate the character traits of the characters on it)

What is the reason for the first clash between the characters? (Shvabrin - lies, slander. Grinev - nobility, protection of the girl's honor.)

How does Grinev behave with Shvabrin after the duel? (generous forgiveness)

What other unworthy acts towards Masha does Shvabrin do? (imprisonment, intention to marry by force)

How does Grinev behave in this situation? (frees an orphan)

Some time later, our heroes collide again. When? (in prison)

What other dirty business belongs to Shvabrin? (denunciation to the government)

How does Grinev behave before the court? (refuses self-defense, because it is based on its human rightness. Leaves the sphere of noble laws, afraid to involve Masha)

Is there anything for which Grinev is still grateful to Shvabrin?

6. Finding the main difference in Grinev's character (comparison with Shvabrin)

Each of you has already come to a certain conclusion about what is the main difference between the two heroes. But let's look at the artistic fabric of the story (we fill in the diagram gradually)

In it (thin. fabrics) two layers are distinguished: noble and peasant. Where could you take Shvabrin? (Shvabrin fits perfectly in the play of social forces. He "came" to both camps (he is a nobleman with noble prejudices, with purely class contempt for another person, and he also becomes Pugachev's servant)

And where could we take Grinev?

(He did not come to any camp. The government is on suspicion as a friend of Pugachev, among the Pugachevites - as a nobleman and intercessor for the enemy's daughter)

What is the reason for this position of Grinev? (He has a humane human organization that goes beyond his time. He is too human)

Sample scheme filling:

Artistic fabric of the work.

He (Grinev) is too human
- Where is the right way? How should one live? Perhaps, like Shvabrin, to move from one camp to another in time?

(I draw on the board, between what the hero turned out to be, we determine his choice)

Legitimacy Humanity

Justice Mercy

What saves our heroes? (The right way is to rise above the "cruel age", retaining humanity, humanity, dignity, respect for the life of another person)

IV The answer to the problematic question posed at the beginning of the lesson.

What meaning of the word "honor" dominates in the work and is applicable to the image of the protagonist?

V Final word of the teacher.

The nationwide idea of ​​honor, love, kindness, mercy was combined in the story of people who resist enmity, hatred, and death.

A person in conflict can act not only as a victim, but also as a hero, rising to the greatness of those forces that oppose him.

The life of Pushkin's heroes is a feat of preserving oneself as a person under the onslaught of the elements of nature and history, at the sight of death. "The Captain's Daughter" is a kind of testament of Pushkin, revealing to readers the hard-won truth about the Russian people.

VI Homework. Composition "Take care of honor from a young age (Grinev in life's trials)"

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

"The Captain's Daughter" is a story that not only recreates historical reality, but is also a work with a deep moral meaning. The main character is Pyotr Grinev, a young officer who was sent to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Once in the fortress, he becomes a witness to events that changed not only his life, but also his ideas about many ideals.

During Grinev's stay in the fortress, a peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev begins in the province. The Belogorsk fortress was taken by the rebels, and at this moment the heroes of the story face an intractable problem: change the oath and join the rebels or voluntarily go to death. Grinev preferred to die, but chance nevertheless saved him from certain death. Pugachev turned out to be the same man to whom the hero once gave his hare sheepskin coat.

Grinev did not swear allegiance to Pugachev: “I am a natural nobleman, I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you.” Pugachev released Peter, but on the condition that he would not serve against him. Grinev was well aware that he was in the complete power of this man, however, natural honesty, responsibility for his own actions forced the young man to tell the truth: “You know, it’s not my will: they tell me to go against you - I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. You are now the boss yourself; you yourself demand obedience from your own. What will it be like if I refuse service when my service is needed? My head is in your power: let me go - thank you; you execute - God will judge you; but I told you the truth."

The sincerity and directness of Grinev struck the rebel. And he had no choice but to let the young man go.

It is amazing how, in such a difficult situation, Grinev manages to retain a human element in himself, unlike Shvabrin and his ilk. I think the uprising in this case has become that phenomenon of reality, which to a greater extent helped to see the true face of each of the heroes. Moral values, inner convictions of Grinev himself helped him to become a real person. Whereas Shvabrin tarnished the honor of an officer and became a servant of the rebels.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin chose the proverb as the epigraph to The Captain's Daughter: "Take care of honor from a young age." The thoughts and actions of the protagonist fully corresponded to her.

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (version 2)

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this is a historical story describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.
Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Father Peter's military service ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.
Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about the future life of his son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.
In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.
The nobility of the nobleman and the character of the father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.
I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.

Pyotr Grinev - noble nobleman

The story "The Captain's Daughter" is based on real events: the peasant war of 1773-1775. under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. But this work cannot be called historical in the full sense. The facts here are artistically processed by the author.
Despite this, Pushkin objectively describes the causes and scope of the Pugachev uprising. He sees the accompanying explosion of cruelty both on the part of the rebels (the execution of officers, the murder of Vasilisa Yegorovna), and on the part of the tsarist troops (torture of a Bashkir, gallows on rafts).
The most valuable thing in the story is the moral issues. Heroes find themselves in difficult situations where it is necessary to make a choice in their favor or for the sake of other people, to show cruelty or mercy.
The protagonist of the story - Pyotr Grinev - a nobleman, an officer. The story is told from his perspective. At the beginning of the work, Pyotr Grinev briefly talks about his origin and upbringing. Petrusha's lifestyle was not much different from the life of other children of noble origin in the 18th century. In those days, it was traditional to assign a boy to military service even before birth. Grinev was enrolled in the Semyonovsky regiment as a sergeant.
At first he was brought up by the aspiring Savelitch. Then the Frenchman Monsieur Beaupré was assigned to the boy, who was supposed to teach Petrush languages ​​and various sciences. Grinev himself speaks with irony about his adolescence: "He lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with yard boys."
In the seventeenth year, Peter was supposed to go to military service: "The thought of service merged with the thought of freedom, the pleasures of life in St. Petersburg." Perhaps the young man would have known all the charm of metropolitan life, become a joker, reveler and ladies' man, like officer Zurin. But service in the Belogorsk fortress brought Grinev together with different people: honest and vile, strong-willed and cowardly, open and cowardly. Here he matured, found true love, friends, but also enemies.
In different situations, Peter acts with the same dignity, always defending his honor. He is kind, generous, somewhat quick-tempered, hot-tempered, since he is still very young. For example, on the way to the fortress, Grinev's wagon fell into a snowstorm. The coachman lost his way. Fortunately, the peasant he met by chance agreed to lead the lost travelers to the inn. Peter, out of gratitude to the conductor, gave him from his shoulder a hare sheepskin coat and half a ruble for vodka. Grinev does not care at all what rank the person in front of him is. Kindness must be repaid with kindness.
In the Belogorsk fortress, it would seem that a boring, quiet service awaited Grinev: the bare steppe around, there were no young officers at all, except for Shvabrin, only old people and invalids. But the first impression was deceiving. Peter was immediately warmly received in the family of commandant Mironov. Here he met Marya Ivanovna, the daughter of Ivan Ignatich and Vasilisa Yegorovna, for whom at first sight he began to have warm feelings.
For some time, Grinev was on friendly terms with Shvabrin. But he turned out to be envious, proud, vile and cunning. Grinev immediately discerned his base nature.
But Peter immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul and the moral integrity of Masha Mironova. With Masha Grinev behaved nobly. He sincerely fell in love with the girl, immediately offered her a hand and a heart, despite the fact that she was a dowry.
In the course of the novel, Grinev and Pugachev find themselves in hostile camps, but the kindness of Grinev, who gave his counselor a hare sheepskin coat, does not pass without a trace, evoking a reciprocal feeling in Pugachev. We see not two enemies, but two people who sincerely want to help each other. It is no coincidence that a moment before the execution, Pugachev sees Grinev in the hostile crowd around the scaffold, whose gaze humanly warms the last minutes of the life of the leader of the peasant war.
Kindness and mercy are higher than hatred, and for Pushkin this is the only way to solve the problems that have arisen in society. Grinev managed to maintain humanity, honor and loyalty to himself in the conditions of rebellion. The hero equally does not accept the element of "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless", and the naked formalism of the official-democratic world, which is especially clearly manifested in the scene of the military court.
Finding himself in a critical situation, Grinev is rapidly changing, growing spiritually and morally. Yesterday's undergrowth of the nobility, he prefers death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refuses to take the oath to Pugachev. On the other hand, during the trial, risking his life, he does not name Masha, so that she would not be subjected to humiliating interrogation.
Defending his right to happiness, Grinev commits a reckless, courageous, desperate act. A trip to the “rebellious settlement” was doubly dangerous: he not only risked being captured by the Pugachevites, but also put his career, well-being, and honor at stake.
The "Captain's Daughter" perfectly depicts various aspects of life in the 18th century (landowner life, life in a distant fortress, the images of the old man Grinev, Savelich, captain Mironov, Pugachev and his "generals"), and the historical flavor of the era is also recreated. The characters of the heroes are depicted in many ways, especially Pyotr Grinev. This noble undergrowth enters the road of life as an inexperienced youngster, but life's trials make him a personality, reinforcing what he learned from his parental home: loyalty to duty, honor, kindness and nobility.

The historical story "The Captain's Daughter" is the last work of A.S. Pushkin, written in prose. This work reflects all the most important themes of Pushkin's work of the late period - the place of the "little" person in historical events, moral choice in harsh social circumstances, law and mercy, people and power, "family thought". One of the central moral problems of the story is the problem of honor and dishonor. The resolution of this issue can be seen primarily in the fate of Grinev and Shvabrin.
These are young officers. Both serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Grinev and Shvabrin are nobles, close in age, education, mental development. Grinev describes his impression that the young lieutenant made on him in the following way: “Shvabrin was very clever. His conversation was sharp and entertaining. With great gaiety, he described to me the commandant's family, his society and the land where fate had taken me. However, the characters did not become friends. One of the reasons for hostility is Masha Mironova. It was in the relationship with the captain's daughter that the moral qualities of the heroes were revealed. Grinev and Shvabrin turned out to be antipodes. The attitude to honor and duty finally divorced Grinev and Shvabrin during the Pugachev rebellion.
Pyotr Andreevich is distinguished by kindness, gentleness, conscientiousness, and sensitivity. It is no coincidence that Grinev immediately became “native” for the Mironovs, and Masha fell in love with him deeply and selflessly. The girl confesses to Grinev: "... until the grave, you alone will remain in my heart." Shvabrin, on the contrary, makes a repulsive impression on others. The moral defect is already manifested in his appearance: he was short in stature, with a "remarkably ugly face." Masha, like Grinev, is unpleasant to Shvabrin, the girl is scared away by his evil tongue: "... he is such a mocker." In the lieutenant, she feels a dangerous person: “He is very disgusting to me, but it’s strange: I would never want him to like me either. That would make me afraid." Subsequently, having become a prisoner of Shvabrin, she is ready to die, but not to submit to him. For Vasilisa Egorovna, Shvabrin is a “murderer,” and Ivan Ignatich, an invalid, admits: “I myself am not a fan of him.”
Grinev is honest, open, straightforward. He lives and acts at the behest of his heart, and his heart is freely subject to the laws of noble honor, the code of Russian chivalry, and a sense of duty. These laws are unchangeable for him. Grinev is a man of his word. He promised to thank the random guide, and did so despite Savelich's desperate resistance. Grinev could not give half a ruble for vodka, but he gave the counselor his hare sheepskin coat. The law of honor forces the young man to pay a huge billiard debt to the not-too-fairly playing hussar Zurin. Grinev is noble and ready to fight a duel with Shvabrin, who insulted the honor of Masha Mironova.
Grinev is consistently honest, while Shvabrin commits immoral acts one after another. This envious, vicious, vengeful person is accustomed to act by deceit and deceit. Shvabrin intentionally described Grinev Masha as a "perfect fool", concealed from him his matchmaking for the captain's daughter. Grinev soon understood the reasons for Shvabrin's deliberate slander, with which he pursued Masha: "Probably, he noticed our mutual inclination and tried to distract us from each other." Shvabrin is ready to get rid of the opponent by any means. Insulting Masha, he skillfully infuriates Grinev and provokes a challenge to a duel, not considering the inexperienced Grinev a dangerous opponent. The lieutenant planned the murder. This man stops at nothing. He is used to having all his desires fulfilled. According to Vasilisa Yegorovna, Shvabrin was “transferred to the Belogorsk fortress for murder”, for “stabbing a lieutenant in a duel, and even with two witnesses”. During the duel of officers, Grinev, unexpectedly for Shvabrin, turned out to be a skilled swordsman, but, taking advantage of a favorable moment for him, Shvabrin wounded Grinev.
Grinev is generous, and Shvabrin is low. After the duel, the young officer forgave the "unfortunate opponent", and he continued to treacherously take revenge on Grinev and wrote a denunciation to his parents. Shvabrin constantly commits immoral acts. But the main crime in the chain of his constant baseness is going over to the side of Pugachev not for ideological, but for selfish reasons. Pushkin shows how, in historical trials, all the qualities of nature are fully manifested in a person. The vile beginning in Shvabrin makes him a complete scoundrel. Grinev's openness and honesty attracted Pugachev to him and saved his life. The high moral potential of the hero was revealed during the most difficult tests for the strength of convictions. Grinev several times had to choose between honor and dishonor, and in fact between life and death. After Pugachev "pardoned" Grinev, he had to kiss his hand, that is, recognize him as a king. In the chapter "The Uninvited Guest", Pugachev himself arranges a "test of compromise", trying to get a promise from Grinev "at least not to fight" against him. In all these cases, the hero, risking his life, shows firmness and intransigence.
Shvabrin has no moral principles. He saves his life by breaking his oath. Grinev was amazed to see "among the foremen Shvabrin, cut in a circle and in a Cossack caftan." This terrible man continues to relentlessly pursue Masha Mironova. Shvabrin is fanatically obsessed with the desire to achieve not love, but at least obedience from the captain's daughter. Grinev gives an assessment of Shvabrin’s actions: “I looked with disgust at the nobleman, wallowing at the feet of a runaway Cossack.”
The author's position coincides with the views of the narrator. This is evidenced by the epigraph to the story: "Take care of honor from a young age." Grinev remained faithful to duty and honor. He said the most important words to Pugachev: “Just don’t demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience.” Shvabrin violated both noble and human duty.

Reading his creations, you can excellent

way to educate a person.

V. G. Belinsky

In any literary work, one way or another, in one form or another, eternal questions are posed. What is considered the norm of morality? Where is the line separating morality from immorality? Are they different at all? And in almost any work, as a rule, it is about the ideals of morality.

I believe that honor occupies the first place in the series of moral symbols. You can survive the collapse of the economy, endure separation from the dearest people, from the Motherland, but not a single people on earth will ever put up with the decay of morality. In human society, dishonorable people have always been treated with contempt. The loss of honor is a fall in moral foundations, followed by an inevitable punishment: entire states disappear from the map of the earth, peoples disappear into the black hole of history, individuals die.

Russian writers often addressed the issue of honor in their works. The theme of the search for moral ideals, the concept of "man of honor" was touched upon by A.S. Pushkin in the story "The Captain's Daughter".

The protagonist of the story, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, was brought up in an atmosphere of high morality from childhood. Pushkin, through the lips of Savelich, acquaints readers with the moral attitudes of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards; there’s nothing to say about mother ..." With these words, the old servant of his ward Pyotr Grinev brings up, who for the first time got drunk and behaved unsightly. And before leaving for the service, Grinev receives a covenant from his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." This folk proverb is also an epigraph to the work. The whole subsequent history of Grinev is the fulfillment, despite all the difficulties and mistakes, of this paternal testament.

But if for Grinev the father, honor is primarily the honor of a nobleman and officer, then Grinev the son, without abandoning such an understanding, was able to expand the concept of honor to its human and civil meaning. In him, as it were, the kind, loving heart of his mother was combined with honesty, directness, courage - qualities that are inherent in his father.

The first time Grinev acted honorably, returning the card debt, despite the fact that Savelich tried to persuade him to evade the calculation. But nobility prevailed. A man of honor, in my opinion, is always kind and disinterested in dealing with others. These qualities were manifested in a generous gift to a "muzhik" unknown to him, who showed the way during a snowstorm and who later played a decisive role in his entire future fate. Trials awaited Grinev in the fortress where he served. By his behavior here, Pyotr Andreevich proved his loyalty to his father's precepts, did not change what he considered his duty and his honor.

The complete opposite of the honest and direct Grinev is his rival Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. He is a selfish and ungrateful person.

For the sake of his personal goals, Shvabrin is ready to commit any dishonorable act. Shvabrin interferes with Grinev's love for Masha Mironova, weaves intrigues. In the end, it comes down to a duel. Shvabrin inflicts a treacherous blow to Grinev in a duel and, in addition, writes a false denunciation of him to Grinevots. Shvabrin goes over to Pugachev’s side not out of ideological convictions: he expects to save his life, hopes to make a career if Pugachev succeeds, and most importantly, he wants, having dealt with his rival, to forcefully marry a girl who does not love him.

Honesty and decency occupies a special place in the characteristics of the characters. It is amazing how honest Masha and Grinev are with each other. It is natural for them to understand, save, pity each other. Mutual devotion helps them overcome life's difficulties and find happiness.

During the rebellion, the high moral qualities of some heroes and the meanness of others were especially clearly manifested. For example, Captain Mironov and his wife preferred to die rather than surrender to the mercy of the rebels. Grinev did the same, not wanting to swear allegiance to Pugachev, but was pardoned.

It seems to me that Pugachev showed generosity towards the young officer not only out of a sense of gratitude for the old service. It seemed to me that he appreciated Grinev as a man of honor. In addition, thanks to him, Grinev and Masha found each other forever.

The ending of the story is also interesting: Grinev is arrested on a denunciation for his connection with the rebellious ataman. He faces the death penalty, but Grinev decides for reasons of honor not to name his beloved. If he had told the whole truth about Masha, then he would certainly have been acquitted. Justice has triumphed at the very last moment: Masha appeals to the lady, who turns out to be the Empress, to pardon Grinev. Grinev is saved.

Unfortunately, now there are very few people like Petr Grinev: honest, kind and disinterested. Modern society has almost lost these qualities. And so I want the proverb "take care of honor from a young age" for everyone to have the meaning of a talisman that helps to overcome the harsh life obstacles.

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