2 months of pregnancy is monthly. Second month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's feelings

Behind only a small part of a long journey, ahead of another 8 months of waiting and hard work. A woman in her second month of pregnancy is already a little used to the idea of ​​motherhood and the state of her body.

This month is probably the most responsible in the life of a future mother, since the main changes in the baby's body, which determine his future health, occur precisely from to.

The month begins with the days of missed menstruation, although slight spotting may occur, since around this time the embryo is implanted in the wall of the uterus. But it is essential to consult a doctor when they appear.

The cervix, due to hormonal changes, is “sealed” with a thick and dense mucous plug, the function of which is protection and protection. The size of the uterus gradually increases, reaching the size of an orange, and by 8 - a grapefruit.

This can be manifested by pain in the lower abdomen and in the sides. This is also an emergency reason to see a doctor, because the same symptoms are with the threat of termination of pregnancy!

Internal organs adapt to hormonal changes, get used to work at an accelerated pace. All coordinated work of the body is aimed only at him - the future baby.

What does the expectant mother feel at 2 months

So the first nausea and vomiting made themselves felt, food passes slowly through the esophagus, and, as a result, constant discomfort. It is necessary to eat food in small portions, about 6-8 times a day. Have breakfast in bed, have dinner just before bed.

A prerequisite is plenty of fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables. Protect yourself from tilting, tight clothing, strong odors. Avoid tobacco smoke! Nausea will help overcome acid - lemon, mint tea, sour fruits, fruit drinks and juices.

Do not get involved in harmful products, even if you really want to. Walk more in the fresh air, ideally a vacation in the country. Distract yourself from discomfort with your favorite needlework, buy literature about pregnancy and baby development.

Sometimes the manifestation is dizziness, headache. You should not take the usual habitual drugs, it is better to consult a doctor.

Weight gain should not exceed 1 kilogram.

Hormonal changes cause changes in the skin. Some pregnant women notice a significant improvement in the condition of the skin and hair, and some, on the contrary, complain of increased fat content, rashes. To combat such problems, it is enough just to keep the skin clean and disinfect it well, as well as not to abuse makeup.

As for the internal state of the expectant mother, it is not calm, that's for sure. How to tell parents and loved ones? What will happen to the money? How to deal with work? And if the pregnancy is unwanted, then there is nothing to say, all the experiences are understandable. The main task is to concentrate on the baby, imagine an early meeting with him, auto-training will help.

Enjoy every minute of this magical state, enjoy the attention of your husband and loved ones, feel special. And unnecessary experiences will destroy this entire female fairy tale, leaving behind only negative.

Baby's body at 2 months pregnant

The cardiovascular system is actively developing, a primitive heart-tube and small vessels have appeared. The rudiments of the trachea, larynx, pancreas, and liver have already appeared. Fingers appeared on the handles.

A little later, at the sixth week, the thymus, an important immune organ, begins to form, hematopoiesis begins. The body length of the baby is only 5 mm. The face, inner ear, maxillofacial apparatus are being formed. Cartilage begins to be replaced by bone tissue.

- the time of the first independent movements, but they are not yet felt by the mother. Also in the seventh week, the brain grows, the first reflexes are formed. The heart is already four-chambered, hormonally active glands appear. By the eighth week, the growth of the embryo reaches 2.5 cm.

The kidneys are already working, the stomach is secreting digestive juices, and the liver is bile. The boy's genitals are forming. The mouth has already appeared, the eyes are covered with eyelids, the baby has learned to swallow, mimic movements have appeared. The head is still very large relative to the calf, bowed to the chest. The child's blood already has a group affiliation and Rhesus.

Now the baby is no longer an embryo, he received a new name that he will wear until birth - the fetus.

How to change your habitual lifestyle

You should take care of yourself, protect yourself from stress, infectious patients, stress at work and at home.

Very important . It should be balanced and regular, the amount of liquid should reach 2.5 liters. Fresh fruits and vegetables, greens and nuts, dried fruits and juices should be as much as possible. Lean on cereal products, coarse bread, meat, fish, eggs, bio-dairy products. Follow the correct heat treatment, only poisoning was missing!

Watch your table carefully, is all this really good for the baby? Do you need it? After all, being overweight will only make things worse, including for the baby.

If nothing bothers you, and the doctor does not suspect any pathologies, you can continue to have a normal sex life, but always think about the possible risk of infection, this can be detrimental to the baby.

As for housework, find a faithful and understanding assistant. Your heroism is not by the way. First of all, it is necessary to limit those cases that are accompanied by weight lifting, and also make contact with household chemicals minimal.

Take care of the arrangement of your home, maybe it's time to buy a water filter, a humidifier, a new LCD monitor for a computer or TV, an air conditioner, a dustless vacuum cleaner and a lot of other useful things. But trips to crowded places and shops are not very desirable now, you can easily use the services of online stores and home delivery services.

The daily routine is now your faithful companion. Increase the duration of night sleep by 2-3 hours, rest during the day. Spend your lunch break not in a stuffy room, but outdoors. Walking before bed is very helpful.

When to rush to the doctor

Carefully monitor your condition, pay attention to warning signs, namely:

  • and in the groin may be a sign
  • Change in typical vaginal discharge, spotting
  • Problems with urination
  • Raise
  • Severe repeated vomiting
  • Fainting even if it was only once

It is necessary to visit a doctor more than once every 2 weeks if you have been treated for infertility, there have been cases of miscarriage. With special attention, monitor the state of health if there are diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, blood system, thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus.

Visit a gynecologist additionally if you have previously taken any medications on a regular basis.

fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy photo: babycenter.com

The first trimester is a real revolution in the body. Now, more than ever, a woman feels significant changes taking place in her. And it is by this time that, as a rule, he comprehends the future of motherhood. So the test came back positive. It is both scary and joyful at the same time to realize a new life in oneself! During this difficult period, many discoveries, emotions and warnings await you.

Signs 2 months pregnant

Is it possible not to notice an interesting situation without passing the test, because the period is rather short, and there are no external manifestations?

If you're careful, you can't miss them. The emergence and course of various physiological processes associated with pregnancy are regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems.

There are a number signs, which will help to understand the new state.

  • The cessation of menstruation, if they were of a regular nature, is rightly one of the very first, main and probable indicators of the situation that has come. Due to the fact that progesterone, a hormone produced especially intensively during pregnancy, prevents the maturation of follicles in the ovary, they stop. The body is mobilized to carry and feed the baby;
  • Nausea in the morning is a natural manifestation of pregnancy. Immediately after waking up, it often has a causeless basis, that is, you can be “turned inside out” without any visual and olfactory stimulants. But it happens that a bad state occurs throughout the day, and vomiting becomes a reaction to any, not even the most pungent smell;
  • Heartburn goes along with toxicosis. Usually its cause is the reverse process of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. To make yourself feel better, eat often and in small portions, and after eating, be sure to walk around;
  • Change in taste preferences. Suddenly pull on salty. Or the meat you haven't eaten in 5 years. And your favorite scrambled eggs will suddenly cause disgust;
  • The mammary glands increase and become sensitive, the nipples become more convex, pigmented. These processes are associated with blood supply, which is enhanced in the chest;
  • Frequent urination is also due to intense blood circulation, only in the pelvic area, and will accompany you until the end of pregnancy. The uterus will grow - the urge to go to the toilet will become more frequent;
  • Skin changes caused by hormonal changes can please. In some women, it becomes elastic and healthy. But opposite transformations are also possible, which will return to the youthful period: acne, dry or oily skin. To minimize troubles, it is necessary to take vitamins and temporarily limit the use of decorative cosmetics.

The second month after conception is one of the most important and crucial stages of pregnancy. During this period, the formation of the placenta comes to an end, there is an active development of the fetus. Any negative factors affecting the female body can lead to dangerous consequences. The most terrible of them is the spontaneous fading of pregnancy.

In the middle of the 2nd month, namely on the 7th week, the activity of the corpus luteum stops, and the placenta should begin to perform its functions. If it was formed with violations due to a cold, an inflammatory disease of the genital organs, or past miscarriages or abortions, then there is a risk that the pregnancy will be terminated. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman who is expecting a baby to know what to do at 2 months of pregnancy.

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, a lady usually knows about her interesting situation: nausea in the morning, frequent dizziness, a desire to eat salty or sour food eloquently confirm this fact. There is a change in the hormonal balance of the body, as well as an increase in the uterus. The woman gets tired very quickly and is constantly sleepy.

The need to urinate frequently causes a pregnant woman to visit the toilet many times a day. This is explained by the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to squeeze the bladder. At the 2nd month, its size is about the size of a small orange. Since it is located in the pubic bone area, an increase in the abdomen at this time is almost imperceptible. However, given that the taste preferences and hormonal background of the expectant mother have changed, very often the intestines can swell. This is what causes an enlarged tummy, and not pregnancy, as some women mistakenly believe.

In addition to nausea, which is becoming commonplace for many women, expectant mothers may experience heartburn, vomiting, constipation, and excessive salivation. Some have a strong increase in appetite, while others, on the contrary, it is completely absent. Some women do not show any signs of pregnancy during this period. And this is also considered normal, because all women have different organisms that react differently to what happens to mom and baby at 2 months of pregnancy.

Fetal development

Very serious transformations occur at 2 months with the fetus. It is during this period that the laying of almost all of its systems and organs is formed. In the fifth week, the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, pancreas and liver are formed. At the sixth week, the head end of the neural tube closes.

Cartilages begin to appear, forming the jaws, nose, eyes. The seventh week is considered the time of brain development. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is approximately 2.5-3.5 cm. Separate features begin to appear on the face of the unborn baby.

Is it worth it to change the usual way of life?

The first thing every woman needs to know at 2 months of pregnancy is that during this period she needs to protect herself from all sorts of stresses, and also not to communicate with infectious patients. It is also very important at this time to eat properly and balanced and drink plenty of fluids - up to 2.5 liters per day. It is useful at this time to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and also to consume a large amount of natural juices.

Fish, meat, products with cereals, cottage cheese have a beneficial effect on the female body. However, don't overeat. The presence of excess weight in the expectant mother will not bring any benefit to the baby. If a woman does not complain about anything, and the gynecologist has not found pathologies, normal sex life is not contraindicated for her. However, it is worth eliminating the risk of contracting any sexual infection, because it can be detrimental to the unborn child.

Housework should be moderate. It is necessary to limit cases that require lifting weights, and also, if possible, minimize contact with detergents. It is very important to observe a daily regimen during the 2nd month of pregnancy. It is advisable to increase night sleep by several hours, and also, if possible, allow yourself to rest during the day. The lunch break should not be spent in stuffy rooms, but in the fresh air.

When should you see a doctor?

A pregnant woman should listen to her body. Any health problems should cause concern, namely:

  • Severe pain in the groin. It is she who is considered the main sign of such a dangerous pathology as an ectopic pregnancy.
  • The appearance of bloody or other suspicious discharge from the vagina.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Sudden rise in temperature.
  • Frequent and severe vomiting.

You need to visit your gynecologist once every two weeks. However, in the case when a woman could not get pregnant for a long time or she had miscarriages before, you need to go to the doctor more often. Those who have problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, as well as women with diabetes need to especially monitor their health.

Pregnancy in the early stages - new sensations and awareness of life changes. For unmarried women, it always comes “unexpectedly”, until the pregnancy test there was hope that it was “just a delay”.

For women in marriage, the condition is predictable, and at the 2nd month of pregnancy it is finally confirmed that she is in position. An important time for the formation of the fetus and hormonal changes in the body.

Is the belly noticeable at 2 months pregnant

Women who have learned about upcoming motherhood are more interested in external manifestations - how quickly the belly grows in the second month of pregnancy. Nothing is noticeable yet, but the uterus swells, becomes heavier and pulls, creating the illusion of a “big” belly, especially in thin girls. This is the answer to the question why it seems in the second month of pregnancy that there is already a big belly.

The tummy is not rounded, as it happens after the 4th month, but tight clothing confirms the new “status”. Tight pants and skirts pull together slightly swollen fabrics, you will have to change them to more spacious things.

If you do not control nutrition and lifestyle, constantly eat and sleep, it is easy to "grow" by two sizes by the time the second menstruation is absent. In plump ladies in the second month of pregnancy, the stomach is not visible at all. But inside the body, the future child is already being formed, in which the limbs, head and spine are emerging.

pregnancy symptoms at 2 months

Those who bear a baby for the first time are surprised that pregnancy is a “diagnosis”. From the point of view of physiology, an infection (with sperm) has occurred, and a “foreign” body develops inside. There was a hormonal shift in order to prepare the body for bearing the fetus, on the other hand, it is rejected.

Changes occur under the influence of hormones. Indicative signs and symptoms of pregnancy in the second month after conception:

  1. for 2 months of pregnancy, nausea in the morning, retching from the type of food and strong odors;
  2. weakness, drowsiness and slight dizziness;
  3. more than 2 weeks there was no menstruation, but pulls the lower abdomen;
  4. emotional imbalance and sudden mood swings;
  5. the body gets tired quickly, after eating it pulls to sleep;
  6. gastronomic preferences change, you want a new product or are drawn to a strange combination of tastes;
  7. sometimes the appetite disappears completely;
  8. exacerbated old diagnoses in remission;
  9. the new organism produces its own hormones - the "conflict" causes toxicosis.
Some changes in appearance are possible - facial features soften from a slight swelling of the tissues, freckles and age spots come out. In the 2nd month of pregnancy, new signs and sensations appear. Breast enlarges, areolas darken, nipples swell, touching them is painful.

Students and business women are rarely interested in what are the symptoms of the 2nd month of pregnancy, do not pay attention to changes. It doesn't take that long to take a pregnancy test in the morning on an empty stomach. If it is confirmed, it is better to immediately go to the women's office and register.

This is the first period when there is no period, but due to the scanty brown discharge, it is easy to miss the symptoms and signs of pregnancy (at 2 months of pregnancy). The fever persists, the urge to urinate is frequent. The increased blood flow puts pressure on the veins that protrude under the skin on the thighs, abdomen, and chest.

The second month of pregnancy: what happens in the female body?

The changes that testify to the new state of the woman lead to reflections - what happens in the second month of pregnancy in the body? This encourages the search for information. Unmarried girls try to hide their pregnancy. Parents may not be aware of the “interesting position” of a teenage girl, but are forced to buy larger clothes.

Sometimes the only thing that suggests pregnancy is traces of search queries on the topics “pregnancy” and “toxicosis”. A negative reaction to your favorite foods due to the restructuring of the body is another sign. Having children is natural for the female body, so parents should take this news normally so as not to cause moral trauma to their daughter. Sudden termination of pregnancy is a hormonal chaos that brings enormous harm to health.

Hormones are small molecules, but make a child a girl, girl, woman and mother. After the hormonal surge caused by conception, the body will not be the same. This is already a young woman preparing for childbearing, although she will have to get used to pregnancy at 2 months. The breast increases and is rebuilt for feeding after childbirth.

Pregnant women are prohibited from:

  • alcohol and cigarettes;
  • high heels and tight clothing;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • increased emotional and educational stress;
  • combining work and study, lack of sleep and other prerequisites for chronic overwork.
It is worth taking a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein, it will show if there is a risk of fetal pathologies. And only the doctor will answer why the stomach hurts in the second month of pregnancy. From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, you need to think about the little man who is preparing to come into the world.

Are there discharges and periods for 2 months of pregnancy?

In the body now everything is new. Progesterone in the cervix forms a plug from the mucosa - a barrier against infections. Menstruation, for the first time after fertilization, should stop. If there is a discharge in the second month of pregnancy, the shade and smell of which is embarrassing, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Infections are accompanied by sensations - burning and itching in the vagina. This happens with an unplanned conception, if agents of sexually transmitted diseases have entered the body. Chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder are a source of inflammation.

Fungal diseases such as thrush join the "bouquet" that must be treated. Launched candidiasis returns with a change in the acid-base balance of the mucous membranes. If the pregnant woman was infected with syphilis or AIDS, there can be no question of the full bearing of the fetus.

It happens that the next monthly periods “come”, but this is not the norm. Pathology can talk about placental abruption - a harbinger of miscarriage. If a woman has not yet decided whether she wants a child, an appeal to a gynecologist is still mandatory. The specialist will decide what to do next - whether cleaning or preserving the fetus is needed.

What ultrasound shows at 2 months, fetal size and organs

Pregnant women are interested in how the baby looks at 2 - 2.5 months of pregnancy. There is nothing special to show - an ultrasound scan shows a small fetus smaller than a nut in the cavity of an enlarged uterus. And this is confirmation of fertilization.

The first ultrasound examination should not be ignored, although it is not yet clear what the arms and legs look like. In the early stages, specialists can determine:

  1. One or two fetuses in the uterus.
  2. The presence of pathologies.
  3. The threat of miscarriage.
  4. Genetic diseases.
There is an active formation of fetal tissues and organs, including the heart and brain. At two months of pregnancy, the size of the fetus will be in the range of 20-30 mm, a third of which is the head. The auricles, eye sockets and mouth are already formed on it.

How the body tolerates abortion and surgery at 2 months of pregnancy

Any gross intervention or abortion in the second month of pregnancy is detrimental to the fetus and the health of the expectant mother. The entire period is conditionally divided into 3 periods. In the 1st trimester, abortion is acceptable if removal of the fetus from the uterus is indicated for medical reasons. Not always after an abortion there is a possibility of re-conception, but it may be necessary to save the life and health of a woman.

The decision to have an abortion after 90 days is made by the doctor. Termination of pregnancy in the later stages - artificial birth. Medical abortion up to 7 weeks is performed by introducing chemicals or vacuum correction. The exit from the uterus of the fetal egg after the injection is perceived as light bleeding.

Surgical intervention (for various reasons) - stress for the body of a pregnant woman, anesthesia can adversely affect the fetus. Elective surgeries during pregnancy are best done under local anesthesia.

Mini-abortion (up to weeks) or vacuum aspiration is the suction of an egg from the uterus, which is performed with anesthesia. From the point of view of any religion, abortion and contraception after conception is equated with the sin of infanticide. Many women who have been forced to make this decision feel depressed and remorseful.

We remind you that abortion is not a method of contraception, but a gross intervention in physiology, accompanied by hormonal stress.

Sex in the second month of pregnancy

Young women are interested in - is it possible to have sex at 2 months of pregnancy? This is a natural act, of course, it is possible, but at will, and not for the sake of marital obligations. Well-being and sexual desire are taken into account, but it does not always happen. It is safe for the fetus.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, and the uterus reacts too violently to hormonal release, it is better to reduce the frequency of contacts without cooling marital tenderness.

The uterus is in good shape and repeated miscarriages that have happened before are the only contraindications. Sharp movements, the deepest penetrations and suspicions of an infection are warnings for a man. If the spouse does not feel well, it is better to moderate the ardor until the time when the level of female libido is restored.

How does the body of a pregnant woman tolerate a flight at 2 months?

For some, traveling until the last stages of pregnancy is the norm. There are cases of childbirth in the cabin. Flight attendants are trained in this, but it is better not to make it to the due date. Feeling unwell is a reason to postpone a trip, especially without experience of flights. Feelings characteristic of toxicosis will intensify during takeoff and landing.

With a comfortable course of pregnancy, you can fly without complications for up to 7 months with an accompanying person. Loose comfortable clothing and a supply of purified water are needed. For a flight at 2 months of pregnancy, documents are not needed, and visually it is difficult to guess the situation.

When the belly is visible, airline employees have the right to demand a certificate of pregnancy, an exchange card and a doctor's certificate of normal health. They have the right to offer to sign a guarantee obligation, where the responsibility for health during the trip is removed. When a pregnant woman is in the cabin, she can ask for a seat closer to the exit, if the neighbors are uncomfortable, tell the stewardess. The service of pre-ordering individual meals is offered, use it, there is enough money - fly in the business class cabin.

The second month of pregnancy includes the most important weeks for the development of the baby - the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth. Embryogenesis is in full swing - a great evolution of a small organism, the laying of organs and systems is underway. Therefore, the second month is considered one of the most dangerous, associated with various risks.

general information

The calculation of the gestational age in the practice of obstetricians is carried out in obstetric weeks, and in one obstetric month there are exactly 4 such weeks. But the calendar months are different - they do not have 28, but 30 or 31 days, while February is short and consists of 28 or 29 days. Please note that the calculation of the term is not from the day after conception, but from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, the period that the doctor announces to you is two weeks longer than the embryonic one.

The second month begins at 4.5 weeks from the date of the last menstruation and ends on the 8th week inclusive. The first trimester of pregnancy is coming - the most responsible and important for the entire gestation period. In the second month, the most important metamorphoses take place with the baby and his future mother.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

Baby development

When the second month of pregnancy begins, and this happens already 3 days after the start of the delay, not all expectant mothers are still aware that big changes await them soon. But most are already aware of what is happening (the tests are already "striped", blood tests for hCG are positive), and some even began early toxicosis.

While the woman is dealing with diagnostic issues, looking for ways to present the news to the future dad in an original way, the baby has already come a long way - in the first month he has turned from one zygote cell into a complex organism, whose heart is about to start beating.

He managed to overcome the fallopian tube, to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus. It receives nutrition and oxygen from the mother's blood, the amnion has already formed, which becomes the fetal bladder, and the chorion, which in the future will become the placenta. From the embryonic petals, the prototypes of the internal organs have already begun to form. The first to form were the heart and great vessels, as well as the neural tube.

At the very beginning of the second month of pregnancy, the baby's heart begins to beat. This happens at the end of the fifth week. And already on the sixth, you can safely go to the ultrasound room to listen to it beat. While the heartbeat is not rhythmic, it can vary from 80 to 110 beats per minute, but it can already be heard if an ultrasound is made with a transvaginal sensor. The laying of the organs of the urinary system, intestines and stomach, skin is in full swing. A chord appears, a small body acquires the right and left sides, and all the organs are already laid where necessary.

5 week

This week is the first after the delay. While mom is thinking about which test is better to buy and what the delay in menstruation can be connected with, the embryo has achieved a lot, and at the end of this week it will have its own heartbeat. The heart so far has only two chambers, but it is already declining steadily.

This week begins the formation of germ cells. This does not mean that the sex is laid, the sex is known from the moment of conception, either female or male germ cells are simply formed according to the genome - XX or XY.

The growth of the baby this week is from 1 to 1.5 millimeters, and the baby weighs about 1 gram. The size of the child does not yet allow us to see it on an ultrasound, at best, a dark dot will be detected - a fetal egg, but you should not count on it much, given the parameters of the baby. But the heartbeat may well fix the ultrasonic sensor at the end of the week.

6 week

This week, most women consider it their duty to visit an ultrasound doctor - I really want to make sure that there really is a pregnancy, that the embryo was implanted and fixed successfully. You can already see the baby, more precisely, see the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. The size of the baby is still small, but they have doubled, and this in itself is incredible: the height of the child is 3.4-4 mm, and the weight is within 1.5 grams.

The immune system is formed, its most important organs are laid, in particular, the thymus gland. Where there would soon be handles, characteristic protruding tubercles appeared, and where the eyes were supposed to be, dark dots appeared - the rudiments of the organs of vision. Small dimples appeared on the sides of the head. They are to become ears in the future.

The embryo looks like an alien creature, there is nothing of a human appearance in it yet. Large head, eye-points on its sides, embryonic tail. The baby does not know how to move, but very soon he will learn this, since the formation of the neural tube, which will become the brain and spinal cord, is in full swing.

7 week

This week corresponds to the fifth embryonic, which means that the baby has been with you for five weeks, and he has become big - its weight is 1.5 grams, and its height reaches 6 millimeters. On ultrasound, the fetal egg is determined accurately. If you compare your child to something tangible, then he will be like a small grain of white beans. There is an embryonic period, the baby is still called an embryo. The first nerve fibers are starting to form in him, and already at the end of this week he will begin to move, however, so far unconsciously - reflexively.

Baby's eyes begin to form this week. Right now you need to consume vitamin A in accordance with the daily requirement, no more. The intestinal tube begins to divide into sections, which then become the pharynx, esophagus, stomach.

The baby's heart becomes similar to ours - it already has 4 chambers, the baby's body begins to circulate blood smoothly. A genital tubercle appears in the place where the genitals will later be. In girls and boys at this time, the tubercles look exactly the same.

This week, the chorion forms the primary placenta about a centimeter thick, the type of blood flow changes, the baby's metabolic products begin to enter the woman's body. That is why at this time, toxicosis most often starts or intensifies.

8 week

The most active this week is the nervous system. It forms the fastest. The baby's brain has already separated from the spinal cord, the cerebellum is born. The formation of nerve fibers in a small body continues. The height of the baby is 2.5 centimeters. It resembles a grape. The formation of the face begins and the formation of the external genital organs from the genital tubercle begins according to the type provided by the genome - female or male. Gender not yet determined.

The embryo still retains this status. In the third month of pregnancy, they will begin to call him more respectfully - “fetus”, but this will happen no earlier than 9-10 weeks, when the embryonic period of the child’s development ends.

What does a woman feel?

The main sign and symptom of pregnancy at the beginning of this month is the absence of menstruation. It is this fact that can lead a woman to the idea that she is now not alone. Menstruation does not start because this process is hindered by high levels of progesterone. This hormone begins to be produced immediately after ovulation. It prepares the endometrium for implantation, making it thicker and looser, it partially suppresses the woman's immunity so that aggressive immune cells do not regard the embryo as a foreign object to be destroyed. Low progesterone levels can lead to early miscarriage.

All changes that occur in the body of a future mother in the second month of pregnancy are somehow connected with the action of progesterone. This hormone has a lot of side effects, which manifest themselves as certain symptoms.

The most common sensation at this time is a slight nausea, especially in the morning. In some women, severe toxicosis begins by 5-6 weeks.. The mechanism of its development is not well understood, but there is an assumption that it is closely related to the response of the woman's immunity in response to the overwhelming effect of progesterone. The stronger the female immunity (the healthier it is), the stronger the signs of toxicosis can be.

Nausea can be caused by more than just food or smells. It can be practically unreasonable. If episodes of vomiting are repeated more than 7-8 times a day, you should consult a doctor to prevent dehydration.

The second most common symptoms are heartburn and constipation. Both are also side effects of progesterone. Since the hormone reduces the tone of the muscles (this is important for the uterus to be as relaxed as possible), the tone of the rest of the muscles of the internal organs also decreases, which leads to constipation and heartburn.

Usually in the second month there is a change in taste preferences.. If earlier a woman did not like strawberries, right now she may want to eat them irresistibly, some want pickles, some want meat. In general, it is quite individual. Let's say right away that food addictions do not affect the sex of the child and cannot talk about it - women who ate pickles and gave birth to a girl are no less common than women who ate sweets and eventually gave birth to a boy.

The mammary glands are enlarged. A woman can pay attention to this immediately after the delay. The nipples become more sensitive (the mammary gland is hormone-dependent, it quickly responds to changes in the hormonal background). The blood supply to the breast improves, small bluish blood vessels may appear, the so-called Montgomery tubercles may appear on the areola by 6-7 weeks.

Due to the fact that the blood supply to the pelvic organs becomes more active, the frequency of urination increases. It is important to ensure that it is not associated with any pain or changes in the color and transparency of urine. This may be a sign of cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Cystitis worsens in the second month quite often, since immunity is reduced, and bacteria from the intestines may well enter the urinary tract and bladder, causing inflammation. Pleasant changes can occur in the appearance of the future mother - the skin becomes more elastic, beautiful under the influence of progesterone, the woman seems to glow from the inside, her hair becomes more shiny, and a beautiful blush often plays on her cheeks due to the increased volume of blood in the body.

The size of the abdomen does not differ from the state of a non-pregnant - it is not yet possible to determine an “interesting position” from it. But the woman herself may already begin to feel quite pregnant - a slight heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen - normal sensations, because the uterus has already begun to grow, her blood circulation has changed.

Normal discharge in the second month remains clear or milky, without clots or other inclusions. Yellowish discharge is also considered a variant of the norm - progesterone stains them in such a color, which started large-scale processes of restructuring the female body to meet the needs of the fetus growing in it.

In addition to the above, this month, most women note the following sensations:

  • increased drowsiness, which does not recede even after a sufficient night's sleep;
  • mood instability (the woman is either sentimental and whiny, or irritable and aggressive);
  • increased salivation (especially at night and during sleep);
  • headaches (more often in the afternoon and evening);
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia, anxiety and restlessness.

What examinations and analyzes are needed?

Usually in the second month, women are registered in the antenatal clinic. The best time for this is considered to be 6-8 weeks. But the future mother can be registered at any other time, it is only important that the doctor at the reception can confirm the fact of pregnancy. Do not delay the visit to the doctor - early dates are the best period to identify possible risks and pathologies, in addition, for early registration (up to 12 weeks), a woman from the state will receive a bonus - a small lump sum.

When registering, submit:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • coagulogram - analysis for blood clotting factors and determination of hemostasis processes;
  • analysis for blood type and Rh factor (if a woman has a negative Rh, her spouse or the biological father of the child must also pass the same analysis in order to assess the likelihood of a Rh conflict);
  • blood for HIV status, syphilis, hepatitis B and C;
  • blood for infectious diseases (TORCH);
  • general urine analysis;
  • vaginal swab.

Additionally, a certificate from a therapist or any other specialized medical specialist may be required if a woman has chronic diseases (for heart pathologies - from a cardiologist, for stomach problems - from a gastroenterologist, etc.). They also do an ultrasound to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine, that the child is developing, he is viable. The number of fetuses in the uterus is counted, the condition of the cervix and ovaries is assessed.

In the second month of pregnancy, X-rays cannot be taken, methods of invasive and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis are not used.

Possible problems and complications

What complications may be in the current period, it is difficult to answer unambiguously.

The most common pathologies are:

  • risk of miscarriage(pulls the lower abdomen, bloody or brown discharge is observed, there are signs of deformation of the fetal egg on ultrasound, the concentration of progesterone or hCG hormones is reduced);
  • retrochorial hematoma, formed at the site of a small detachment of the chorion from the wall of the uterus (spotting discharge from the genitals appears, there may be slight aching pain in the lower back or lower abdomen);
  • anembryony(absence of a fetus in the fetal egg) is determined by the results of ultrasound;
  • ectopic pregnancy- fixation of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity, for example, in the tube or cervix;
  • frozen pregnancy- stopping the fetus in development and its death due to genetic abnormalities or the negative influence of teratogenic factors.

Considering that a woman's immunity is reduced, it is important to protect yourself from infectious and viral diseases, because right now they can be the most dangerous for a baby growing in the womb. Also medication is not recommended(especially antibiotics and psychotropic drugs) without a doctor's permission. Most drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and can lead to the formation of his body with errors - to malformations.

This month will pass in the most favorable way if a woman adheres to the following tips.

    Walk more in the fresh air, walk - now it will be beneficial, especially if there is toxicosis.

    Carefully monitor your condition and any changes. With the appearance of abnormal discharge, pain, frequent nausea, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Up to 90% of all pregnant women with the threat of miscarriage, with timely treatment, retain their pregnancy and give birth to perfectly healthy babies on time.

    Take charge of your own nutrition. The second month is the best time to compose your diet and start following it. Saturate it with fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, protein foods. If you are a vegetarian, make an exception and start eating small amounts of fish, eggs, and milk. The child is now in dire need of protein, this is the building material for his organs.

    Eat fractionally- 4-5 times a day in small portions. This is especially important if you suffer from toxicosis. You can't starve or overeat.

    Sex in the second month of pregnancy may be prohibited only for those who have identified pregnancy pathologies - the threat of miscarriage, retrochorial hematoma, progesterone deficiency. In each case, medication and sexual rest will be prescribed.

    It is not forbidden to fly by plane, go on a trip during this period. But it is worth focusing on your own feelings. If nothing bothers you, feel free to go on a business trip or vacation. The main thing is not to overheat in the open sun on the beach and not to freeze in the glaciers of Greenland. Everything else is perfectly acceptable.

    Don't underestimate the effect of stress on the body. At this time, when embryogenesis is underway, it is important for a woman to remain calm at all costs. If someone or something unbalances you, remember that stress hormones need to be released (nervous, fearful, angry, irritated - go for a walk, wash the dishes, adrenaline is gradually “utilized” with muscular actions). The accumulation of stress at this time can cause miscarriage, missed pregnancy, fetal malformations.

Visit a doctor. This month it will be enough to do it once.

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