Zack and Cody are adults. New name: Riverdale star Cole Sprouse

Many celebrities go through rehabilitation centers to combat various types addictions, being just children. Earning millions and basking in fame, young actors often cannot cope with the burden of responsibility that fans and parents put on them, entering a slippery slope that leads downward. The story of the star of the television series “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” Cole Sprouse is absolutely not typical for Hollywood.

Childhood and youth

Cole Mitchell Sprouse was born on August 4, 1992 in Arezzo (Italy) 15 minutes later than his twin brother. The artist's parents are Americans who taught English language in Tuscany. Four months after the birth of their sons, the family returned to Long Beach (California). In 1997, Cole's mother and father divorced, and the brothers stayed with their father and stepmother.

As the twins grew older and their contract expired, they took a break and left show business, moving from Los Angeles to New York. There, in 2011, the brothers entered New York University.

Cole studied archeology, and Dylan studied video game design. Both graduated with honors in 2015, and at the graduation ceremony they wore golden tassels, which are given only to graduates who have excelled in their studies.

After graduating from university, Cole was faced with a choice - work in a control laboratory natural resources in Brooklyn, or new series, for which the young man was signed up by his agent. Sprouse chose cinema and did not regret his choice at all.

It is worth noting that cinema is not the only outlet for the black-haired guy. During his freshman year, Cole became interested in photography. Now he collaborates with the IMG agency, and the artist’s account is in "Instagram" fifty percent consists of his works.


Cole's career, like his brother Dylan's, began thanks to his grandmother, who gave his mother the idea to involve her grandchildren in show business from the cradle. So, at 6 months, the brothers appeared on television in an advertisement for diapers, and at 8, in the ABC channel’s top-rating project “Grace on Fire,” in which they played the same character, Patrick Kelly.

It is worth noting that twin babies are extremely in demand in American cinema due to the law regulating the length of filming of newborns. To reduce the cost of the filming process, the twin who has worked his daily quota is replaced by another. This is how the most famous twins of the 90s and.

At the age of 7, Cole made his film debut - it was the comedy film “Big Daddy”, in which he and his brother alternated playing the role of their peer named Julian. The touching story presented in the film about the friendship and growing up of an infantile 32-year-old man () and a 5-year-old boy, although it received mixed reviews from critics, was a box office success.

Then young talents played the children of the main characters - Spencer Armacost () and his wife Gillian () in the science fiction film "The Astronaut's Wife". In 2001, Cole (already without his brother) appeared in seven episodes of the series Friends, in which he got the role of Ben, the five-year-old son of Ross () and his ex-wife- Carol (Jane Sibbett).

The role in this television project, which earned a Golden Globe and six Emmy awards during its run, became key in the career of the aspiring actor. According to Sprouse, during filming it was difficult for him to concentrate on work, because then he fell in love with, who played Ross's lover, Rachel Green.

In 2003, the film “Blow, Another Blow” was released. According to the plot, the brothers' heroes, football boys, strive to win the championship of the local football league. When their father, the team coach, leaves and his mother replaces him in this post, they find her an assistant, auto mechanic Rudy. Later it turns out that Rudy is a famous football player.

A breakthrough for the brothers was a contract with Disney and the filming of the series “Everything is Top, or the Suite Life of Zack and Cody.” This project brought popularity to the twins. The continuation of the tape - “Everything is tip top, or Life on board” - surpassed “Hannah Montana” in ratings with a leading role and Wizards of Waverly Place.

In 2006, the dramatic film “Chicks” was released. The brothers alternately played the role of Jeremiah, the 10-year-old son of a woman leading a dissolute lifestyle. While the mother served clients and did not appear at home for days, her son went hungry, ate scraps from the trash can and was even raped by his mother’s client.

The film “The Prince and the Pauper”, released in 2007, did not leave viewers indifferent. Modern history", in which Cole played the role of Eddie Tudor, a spoiled 13-year-old actor with a bad character.

In 2009, Cole and his brother appeared in the comedy “The Kings of Appletown,” based on “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and telling how their characters became unwitting witnesses to a murder. After their friend's innocent father was accused of this crime, they decided to restore justice and find the real killer.

Personal life

The personal life of the charming artist has always been interesting to both fans and journalists. It is known that Cole's first kiss happened at the age of eight. True, the guy did not advertise the name of the lucky girl anywhere.

The master of disguise had his first serious relationship with actress Bree Morgan, whom the guy dated during his university years. The student romance began in 2013 and ended in the summer of 2015.

According to unofficial information, now his girlfriend is a colleague from the TV series “,” an actress.

Cole Sprouse now

In January 2017, the American CW channel launched a new series, Riverdale, based on the famous Archie comics, which is not about people with supernatural powers, but about teenagers with their dreams and problems.

The events of the film, the script of which was written by the creator of “Glee” Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, unfold in the scenery of a provincial town reminiscent of the reference Twin Peaks.

During summer holidays The quiet and unremarkable town of Riverdale is shocked by the news of the death of a schoolboy while on a boat. The deceased was far from the most pleasant person, like his twin sister Cheryl () - the school beauty queen, obsessed with the desire to avenge her brother's death.

At the same time in local educational institution a new girl arrives - Veronica Lodge (), who meets Archie Andrews () and his close friends: Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhart), Jughead Jones (Cole Sprouse) and Josie Mack (). The teenagers begin their own investigation into Jason's death, which reveals more and more secrets every day.

Soon the guys will find out that the residents of this small town your skeletons in the closet. Someone is hiding secret romance with a teacher, some with a daughter who has gone crazy with grief, others carry out illegal transactions behind the backs of the authorities, and still others cover up for friends for their own good.

After the series received a lot of positive reviews from the Western press, The CW channel renewed the film for a second season in March, which premiered in October.

Despite the fact that now the artist devotes himself entirely to filming, in November the charismatic young man, together with Alisha Boe, appeared in an advertisement for Converse sneakers, and in October he starred in a photo shoot for the magazine “Boys By Girls” and became a guest on Seth Meyers’ show “Late Night.” at night".

Also rich social life and a busy work schedule does not prevent the 183 cm tall actor from delighting his fans. IN

In the “New name” section we talk about promising newcomers: musicians, directors, artists and others creative people, - that is, everyone whose name increasingly appears on the pages of magazines, in social network feeds and in our conversations and who is clearly on the verge of great success.

Cole Sprouse

Cole Sprouse can hardly be called a newcomer - however, many learned about him only a couple of months ago. Already at the age of seven, he appeared on the big screen in the comedy “Big Daddy”, where he played the son of the main character Adam Sandler. Someone will remember that Sprouse played Ben, the son of Ross from Friends; It is, however, impossible to identify him there. But truly great success came to him and his twin brother Dylan (they still have one Wikipedia page between them) with the release of the hit Disney series “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody”: Successors of the Sisters Olsen, they made a serious fortune, becoming the richest teenagers in the world at the turn of the millennium.

Cole would have remained in the role of a child star if it were not for the role of Jughead Jones in the series "" - the film adaptation of the Archie comics, which is coming out right now. Before the CW show, he was involved in various independent projects, but none of them attracted enough attention. Finally, last January, he was cast as best friend the main character in the series, which was immediately dubbed “Twin Peaks for teenagers” - it turned out that yesterday’s Disney signee has grown into a self-sufficient actor and even almost a heartthrob. Interestingly, his character Jughead is one of the few asexuals in teen pop culture and comics; and although this characteristic did not take root in the series, the actor portraying him still I tried to figure out the issue.

Cole is an Instagram fan, however, he doesn’t post endless selfies and photos from the carpet, but his own quite artistic photographs. He also has another art project - account, in which pictures appear of people trying to quietly photograph the actor. Judging by the number of interviews and Sprouse's rise in popularity, this Instagram will soon be updated at the speed of light.

Cole Sprouse – Hollywood actor, best known for the television series “Friends”, “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody”, the comedies “Big Daddy”, “Blow, Blow” and others.

The main films of actor Cole Sprouse

  • short biography

    Cole was born along with his twin brother Dylan on August 4, 1992 in the Italian town of Arezzo. The parents of future actors taught English in Italy. Almost immediately after the birth, the Sprouse family moved back to the United States and settled in California. When Cole and his brother were 5 years old, their parents divorced and the twins were raised by their stepmother.

    The boys' grandmother was an actress; she was the first to teach the boys to act. Since childhood, Cole and his brother began going to auditions and getting small roles in films and television series.

    Cole's first work on the screen was the series "Grace on Fire" (1993 - 1998). And the child’s first major success came at the age of 7, when in 1999 Dennis Dugan’s comedy “Big Daddy” was released in America. In this film, the boy played in partnership with Adam Sandler himself, an American movie star. The comedy tells about the hero Adam, an over-aged child who can’t grow up and who is once trusted to “babysit” the hero Cole. But instead of a quiet evening with the baby, Adam's character teaches the child a variety of pranks - to the delight of the audience. In this comedy, Cole and his twin Dylan played the same character - the producers invited twin actors to save time and money, overcoming legal restrictions on the length of a filming day for a child. As a result, the film was a stunning success - the comedy collected more than $234 million at the worldwide box office, which was 7 times the film's budget. In addition, the film received several popular awards, such as the MTV Award.

    The next great success of the little actor was his appearance in the popular comedy project “Friends”. In this television series, young Cole played Ben for several years, the son of the main character (David Schwimmer's character), an inquisitive boy raised by two lesbians.

    In 1999, Cole played alongside Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron in the film The Astronaut's Wife. In 2002, charming boys Cole and Dylan played a duet in the family New Year's comedy “I Saw Mom Kissing Santa Claus.” Cole played the boy Justin, who witnessed a major quarrel between his parents and saw his mother kiss Santa. After that, he hated the main character of Christmas and decided to become a bad boy at all costs so that Santa would not come to their house. On next year The Sprouses charmed audiences again, this time in the family sports comedy Blow, Blow (2003). The twins played football boys who dream of becoming sports stars and winning the local championship.

    Another great success came to Cole and his brother at the age of 13. In 2005, together with Dylan, he began starring in the television series “Everything is Tip Top, or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” (2005 – 2008). Cole and Dylan play two tomboys living in a luxury hotel where their mother works as an ordinary singer. From series to series, teenagers commit various pranks, which greatly interfere with the lives of rich guests. This series had good ratings and stayed on the air for three years, and the young actors who played in it gained wide popularity.

The Sprouse brothers are twins from America who gained popularity thanks to their leading roles in the famous comedy television series. The whole world knows these boys; in 2000, they were recognized as one of the richest twin children in the world of cinema.


Twins Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse were born in 1992, on the fourth of August, in one of the cities of Italy - Arezzo. The eldest of the brothers is Dylan, he was born fifteen minutes earlier than Cole. Almost immediately after the birth of the children, the family moved to America, and four years later the boys’ parents divorced, and the twins remained in the care of their father. The whole family lives in Los Angeles with their pets. They have three bulldogs, one of which, named Bubba, belongs to the twins. In 2010, both brothers successfully entered New York University, where each of them does what he likes.


The careers of twins Cole and Dylan Sprouse began from a very young age. At the age of six months, they first appeared on television, starring in an advertisement for diapers. At the age of seven, Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse first starred in full-length film, where they played one role, replacing each other. After that, they starred in many films, where they played small cameo roles. But for real worldwide success Cole and Dylan Sprouse brought the American Disney television series “Everything Is Top, or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.” In addition, based on the series, a series of books was created about the adventures of the brothers in the hotel. In 2005, twins Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse launched their clothing brand, Sprouse Bros. Fashion collections intended for teenagers, but after three years the production of products ceases.

“Everything is tip top, or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody”

The famous television series "Tip Top, or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" tells the story of two twin brothers who live in the expensive Tip Top Hotel, where their mother works as a singer. Boys' life is never boring, they always find themselves in funny situations and find their own adventures. The main roles of the Martin brothers, Cody and Zack, went to Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse, respectively.

Cody Martin is the most intelligent and calm in character of the brothers, he has a sensitive nature and is one of best students At school. Zach is the complete opposite of his brother; he does not like to study and often acts rashly, guided only by emotions.

Cole and Dylan Sprouse: films

Most of the films starring Cole and Dylan Sprouse are films in which they starred as children.

One of the first films for the twins was the film “Big Daddy”, where they starred together with the film. The film won quite good feedback, and thanks to this they got their next role in the film “The Astronaut's Wife”, where they played the children of the Armstrong family.

After several episodic roles In films, Cole Sprouse is lucky enough to have a role in one of the episodes of the TV series “Friends.” He plays the role of Ross's son from his ex-wife. Thanks to this role, the young actor met a large number of Hollywood stars. The following films, where both twin brothers played, are: “I Saw Mom Kissing Santa Claus”, “Blow, Another Blow”.

In 2005, the project “Everything is Tip Top, or The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” was released. The series was a huge success. In this regard, the directors decided to make a sequel, and in 2008 a new series was released - “All Tip-Top, or Life on Board”, in which Cole and Dylan Sprouse also played the main roles. In addition, in 2007, a new film, “The Prince and the Pauper: A Modern Story,” was released with the participation of Cole and Dylan. The film tells the story of two teenagers living absolutely different lives, but very similar to each other in their appearance.

Further creative career of the brothers

Today, looking at photos of Cole and Dylan Sprouse, you no longer recognize those mischievous boys who starred in children's comedy films. They grew up, and each of them chose their own future path.

Dylan Sprouse has not appeared on the world’s screens so often, but in 2017 he played one of the main roles in the thriller “Lesson is Over,” where he plays the ideal but frightening straight-A student Lucas. Cole Sprouse also did not leave the world of cinema, but besides this, the actor seriously began to get involved in photography. He is currently collaborating with one of the major modeling agencies as a photographer. In 2017, Dylan began filming in the drama series Riverdale, where he plays the role close friend one of the main characters. Both brothers successfully graduated from university and continue to work in show business.

Personal life

Both twin brothers are very popular among girls due to their charisma and good looks. Dylan Sprouse's chosen one was a pretty brunette named Dayna Fraser. Cole Sprouse is a bigger heartthrob than his brother. During student life he dated film actress Bree Morgan. Today, he is in a relationship with Lili Reinhart, who, like Cole, starred in the American teen television series Riverdale.

Citizenship USA USA Profession Career 1993 - 2012; 2015 - present V. Awards "Teen Choice Awards" (2017 - twice) IMDb ID 0819850 Cole Sprouse at Wikimedia Commons


Twins Dylan and Cole were born in the Italian city of Arezzo, where their parents Matthew Sprouse and Melanie Wright taught English in Tuscany. Cole was named after American jazz singer and pianist Nat King Cole. 4 months after Cole was born, his family moved to Long Beach, California. Cole graduated from high school in June 2010 Laurel Springs School. Cole's height is 1.83 m.

Currently resides in Los Angeles.


The Sprouse brothers began their careers in film and television early, at 8 months to be exact, thanks to their grandmother, Joneen Booth Wright, an actress and drama teacher. Moreover, the brothers always played either together, or even the same role for two.

Among the roles that early stage Cole Sprouse shared his career with his brother: the role of Patrick Kelly in the television series “Grace on Fire” (1993-1998), the role of Julian in the 1999 film “Big Daddy” and little Pistachio Disguise in the comedy film “Master of Disguise”. In addition to Big Daddy with Adam Sandler, in 1999 Cole played in the film The Astronaut's Wife with Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron. In 2001, Cole began appearing in episodes of the television series Friends as Ross Geller's son, Ben. This was the first role where he was not dubbed by his brother.

In 2005, he played the role of Cody Martin in the Disney Channel television series The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, where his brother Dylan played Zack Martin. The series received significant fame and a number of sequels, and Zack and Cody made cameo appearances in a number of others. television projects(such as "Wizards of Waverly Place" and "Hannah Montana").

However, in 2011 they announced a break from acting career and attending New York University, where Cole focused on archeology and other humanities. After graduating from university (in 2015), both brothers returned to their film careers, but now each separately.

In 2017, Cole was a guest on Jimmy Fallon's The Tonight Show.

In March 2019, the film “Five Feet Apart” will premiere in the United States, starring Cole Sprouse and Haley Lu Richardson. In Russia, the film company Volga acquired the rights to show the film.


In an interview dedicated to Jughead, Cole said that he had been familiar with Archie comics since childhood, although he admitted that they were not his favorite reading. His Jughead, unlike the one featured in the comics, to a lesser extent passionate about food. However, according to Cole, he tries to chew something small in each episode to remind his character of this hobby.

The most interesting thing was the situation with Jughead Jones's headdress. Archie comics began in the early 1940s, and Jughead wore a felt hat with a zig-zag cut and raised brim, the so-called "Whoopee cap", popular in the pre-war years. Over the years of publication of the comic, this headdress completely fell out of use and became associated only with Jughead. In the series, Jughead wears a modern wool hat, but the brim is cut and folded in the same way as it was from the beginning. Cole Sprouse says, “The beanie (Cole calls it a beanie crown) seemed more modern and more appropriate for the show. They are still connected. It's still weird. It’s a completely different hat, but the essence remains the same.”

The selection of actors turned out to be successful - the series received overall positive reviews, and both leading actors were awarded awards. Cole Sprouse received the Teen Choice Awards for 2017 in two categories at once for his role as Jughead Jones - “ Best Actor Drama Series" and "Best On-Screen Couple" (shared with Lili Reinhart).

Personal life

Since 2017, Cole has been dating his Riverdale co-star Lili Reinhart.

Sprouse is interested in photography. He has been featured in fashion magazines such as Teen Vogue, L'Uomo Vogue and The Sunday Times Style, not only as a model but also as a photographer. He is a comic book fan and at one time even worked at a famous comic book store. Meltdown" In Los Angeles .


Awards and nominations
Year Name original name Role Notes
1993-1998 Grace on Fire Grace Under Fire Patrick Kelly 72 episodes
1998 Mad TV Mad TV boy 3.22, 4.1
1999 Big Dad Big Daddy Julian McGrath
1999 Astronaut's Wife The Astronaut's Wife twin
2000-2002 Friends Friends Ben Geller 7 episodes
2001 Anatomy of a defect Diary of a Sex Addict Sammy Jr.
2001 I saw mommy kiss Santa Claus I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Justin Carver
2001 Nightmare Room The Nightmare Room Buddy episode: "Scareful What You Wish For"
2001 That '70s Show That "70s Show Billy episode: "Eric's Depression"
2002 Master of Disguise The Master of Disguise little Pistachio Disguise
2002 Eight crazy nights Eight Crazy Nights military toy voice acting
2003 Apple Jack Jack Pine short film
2003 Strike, strike again Just for Kicks Cody Martin
2004 Tiptoe The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things 10 year old Jeremiah
2005-2008 Everything is tip top, or The Life of Zack and Cody The Suite Life of Zack & Cody Cody Martin 87 episodes
2006 Emperor's New School The Emperor's New School Zim voice acting; episode: "Oops, All Doodles/Chipmunky Business"
2006 So Raven That's So Raven Cody Martin episode: "Checkin' Out"
2006 Ryzhik's most unusual Christmas Holidaze: The Christmas That Almost Didn't Happen boy
2007 The Prince and the Pauper: A Modern History A Modern Twain Story: The Prince and the Pauper Eddie Tudor
2008-2012 Everything is tip top, or Life on board The Suite Life on Deck Cody Martin 71 episodes
2009 Kings of Appletown The Kings of Appletown Clayton
2009 Wizards of Waverly Place Wizards of Waverly Place Cody Martin episode: "Cast-Away (To Another Show)"
2009 Hanna Montana Hannah Montana Cody Martin episode: "Super(stitious) Girl"
2009 Wizards on Board with Hannah Montana Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana Cody Martin
2010 I'm in a rock band I'm in the Band Cody Martin episode: "Weasels on Deck"
2010 Kung Fu Magu Kung Fu Magoo Brad Landry voice acting
2011 Zack and Cody: Everything is tip top The Suite Life Movie Cody Martin
2017 - present V. Riverdale Riverdale Jughead Jones
2019 One meter apart Five Feet Apart Will

Awards and nominations

Awards and nominations
Reward Year Category Nominee Result Note
YoungStar Awards 1999 Best Young Actor in a Comedy Film Big Dad Nomination
MTV Movie & TV Awards 2000 Best Screen Duo Nomination
Blockbuster Entertainment Awards Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Nomination
Young actor Best Breakthrough Performance in a Feature Film - Actor Ten Years of Age or Less Nomination
Young actor 2006 Best Young Actor in a Television Series - Comedy or Drama Everything is tip top, or The Life of Zack and Cody Nomination
Kids' Choice Awards 2007 Best TV Actor Nomination
Young actor Best Breakthrough Television Comedy or Drama Nomination
Kids' Choice Awards 2008 Best TV Actor Nomination
Kids' Choice Awards 2009 Best TV Actor Nomination
Kids' Choice Awards 2010 Best TV Actor Nomination
Kids' Choice Awards 2011 Best TV Actor Nomination
Shorty Awards 2017 Best Actor Nomination
Teen Choice Awards Best Drama Actor Riverdale Victory
Best On-Screen Couple (shared with Lili Reinhart) Victory


  1. Correct reading of a surname in English Sprouse, however, in Russian, everywhere, Sprouse.
  2. Dylan Sprouse(English) . TV Guide
  3. Official Sprouse Bros Website About Page (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved February 4, 2018. Archived September 21, 2008.
  4. James Brady. In Step With®...Dylan and Cole Sprouse (undefined) (unavailable link). Parade Magazine(08/17/2007). Retrieved February 4, 2018. Archived August 20, 2007.
  5. IMDB, Cole Sprouse
  6. (Audio file)
  7. The Suite Life on Deck (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved February 4, 2018. Archived November 18, 2008.
  8. Before They Were Zack & Cody (English) , People(May 20, 2009). Retrieved February 4, 2018.
  9. Audrey McClelland. The Sprouse Brothers Unveil Their Milk Mustache Ad (undefined) (August 24, 2010). Retrieved February 4, 2018.
  10. Crystal Ball. Recent Grads Dylan And Cole Sprouse Have A "Suite" Future Ahead (English) , MTV News(05/21/2015). Retrieved February 4, 2018.
  11. Crystal Bell. Dylan And Cole Sprouse Just Graduated From NYU And Our Childhood Is Over (English) , MTV(05/20/2015). Retrieved February 4, 2018.
  12. Condé Nast. Cole Sprouse Joked That Jughead Will Die on “Riverdale” But TBH Anything’s Possible(English) . Teen Vogue. Retrieved May 13, 2019.
  13. Andreeva, Nellie. 'Riverdale' Archie Comics CW Pilot Casts Its Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones (English) , 9, 2016). Retrieved February 4, 2018.
  14. Cole Sprouse himself latest interviews tries to abstract himself from his roles of the previous period, although he says that they helped him become what he has become now (in 2017).
  15. INTERVIEW: Riverdale's Cole Sprouse - From Comics Connoisseur to Iconic Jughead(English) (undefined)
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