“Is Molchalin funny or scary?” based on the comedy Woe from Wit (A. S. Griboyedov)

Cunning is a hybrid of stupidity
with a developed sense of everyday life.
V. Borisov.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written at the beginning of the 19th century. The idea for the work arose from Griboyedov in the era when the emergence of secret political societies began in Russia. The writer himself, as is known, was a supporter of the Decembrists, and in “Woe from Wit” he depicted the clash of a man of progressive views with the reactionary mass of the nobility.
The main character of the comedy, Chatsky, is opposed to the “Famus society.” One of the most prominent representatives of this society is Molchalin, the same age as Chatsky, a “quiet” person who, however, strives at all costs to “get out into the public eye.”
At first glance, Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is worthy only of contempt and pity, he seems so insignificant. However, at the end of the work we see that he wins a moral victory over the noble and ardent hero. So is Molchalin funny or scary?
In my opinion, when creating the character of this hero, Griboyedov sought to show the influence of bureaucratic morality on the character and behavior of a person. Molchalin is Famusov’s secretary, “is” in his department and “is listed in the archives.” From childhood, Alexei Stepanovich was taught slavish servility to the powers that be. That is why he grovels before his benefactor Famusov and all members of his family. But, besides this, Molchalin elevates into a cult every word spoken by local Moscow “authorities” - Princess Marya Alekseevna, old woman Khlestova and others.
Largely thanks to this, the hero already has the rank of assessor, “three awards” and continues to move toward “famous degrees.” “Moderation and accuracy” are the companions of this character. Unlike Chatsky, progressive, innovative ideas are not available to him; he does not strive for spiritual and mental development. Molchalin has other ideals, which he brings to life with all his might.
So, Alexey Stepanovich considers it his duty to please the boss and his household - in all possible ways. It’s not for nothing that Griboedov introduces the scene in Sophia’s bedroom into the comedy - Molchalin is ready to do anything “to please the daughter of such a man.” But he is a coward and does not dare to “go further”, but only serves Sophia like a little dog. But - and this is very important - the hero does not understand that he is acting deeply dishonestly towards Sophia. We remember that the girl is sincerely in love with Alexei Stepanovich, and he is only pretending, trying to please the boss’s daughter.
Reflecting on the image of Molchalin, the words of Sergei Dovlatov often come to mind: “He who was born to crawl does not want to fly.” They well characterize the life position of this character. Why strive for high ideals if everything is solved much simpler? Molchalin remembers that “...to get ranks, there are many channels”:
There he will stroke the pug in time,
It’s time to rub the card...
Alexey Stepanovich follows the behests bequeathed to him by his father: “to please all people without exception.” So he tries - he flatters everyone who can be useful, he believes that “at his age he should not dare to have his own judgments.” But with those from whom it is impossible to benefit, Molchalin is no longer so accommodating. So, with the maid Liza he is a rake, forgetting about timidity and good manners:
Lipstick is for lips, and for other reasons
Bottles of perfume: mignonette and jasmine.
Lisa ignores Famus’s secretary, she doesn’t like him, and she warns Sophia against loving her father’s secretary. In the end, Famusov's daughter is convinced of the baseness of her lover and asks him to leave the house before dawn. However, in the eyes of Famusov himself, Molchalin remains impeccable to the end. And, apparently, if Sophia had told her father everything, he would not have believed her. This, among other things, is the strength of the silent ones - they cannot be exposed!
At first, it seems that the essence of this hero’s character lies in his “impeccable” hypocrisy. But in fact Molchalin... is sincere! It is impossible to expose him because there is nothing to expose. He is insignificant, but he is not cunning, does not intrigue, he simply lives according to his father’s behests.
The young men of Griboyedov's era, from whom the author wrote his hero, sincerely believed it was important not to have an opinion about anything, not to contradict anyone under any circumstances, and to be on good terms with everyone. They sincerely believed that their duty was to remain silent, listen and obey. What is most amazing and terrible is that “the silent ones are blissful in the world”! In 1833, K. A. Polevoy wrote: “... look around: you are surrounded by silent people.”
This “pathetic” hero shows his true – terrible – face towards the end of the comedy. However, in my opinion, the tragedy is not that Molchalin is bad, but that there are many like him. And it is they, these insignificant people, who are brought to the fore by the state; it is their stupid, petty, mean and empty humility that is valued more than genuine intelligence and talent. It is not Molchalin who is terrible, but the silent ones. They infect and corrupt society, but they were born by this society. This means that in order to get rid of the silent ones, you need to re-educate not them, but yourself, re-evaluate your own values, and then being silent will become unnecessary and shameful.

The comedy “Woe from Wit” was written by Griboedov during the surge of the revolutionary movement in Russia, three years before the Decembrist uprising. In it, the author sought to show the backwardness and depravity of secular society, its base interests and conservative views. One of the representatives of this society is Molchalin.
Inconspicuous in appearance, he nevertheless plays a significant role in the comedy. It is necessary to find out what a person like Molchalin is capable of, whether he is a laughing stock or a real threat to human society.
Despite his comic appearance and apparent harmlessness, a person like Molchalin is inherently terrible.
From the very beginning of the play, Molchalin appears before the reader as a pitiful, cowardly person. This is how Chatsky sees him, despising and pitying him. “Most pathetic creature!” - he exclaims. Molchalin’s behavior towards Famusov shows servility and humiliation. With the help of these qualities, Molchalin manages to successfully get out of an unpleasant situation (when he is caught early in the morning with Sophia). The episode in which Molchalin falls from his horse can cause nothing but a smile. He, like a girl, faints, then walks around with a bandaged hand, to which Lisa rightly remarks: “... if it weren’t for the face, there’s no need for a bandage.”
There is no doubt that Molchalin's main traits are lack of intelligence and dullness. But, possessing such unsightly qualities, Molchalin is not as harmless as it seems. The absence of a sound, living mind is replaced by the presence of worldly savvy, resourcefulness and cunning. Outwardly, he is modest, quiet and inconspicuous, “the enemy of insolence - always shy, timid.” With his behavior, he misleads Sophia: “... compliant, modest, quiet, with no worries in his face, and no offenses in his soul.” Chatsky, too, at first sees in Molchalin a man who is “helpful, modest, with a blush in his face. Here he is on tiptoe and not rich in words,” and thus Chatsky underestimates him. Modesty and shyness are just a mask under which Molchalin’s true face is hidden, namely: cold calculation, rigidly set goals and the ability to commit any evil in order to achieve them. Anything goes: flattery, toadying, love affair.
Molchalin has neither money nor noble origin; he was taken to Famusov’s house out of mercy. But the goal of his life is to achieve “known degrees,” to achieve rank, wealth and fame, even at the cost of his own humiliation and the misfortunes of others. Molchalin has no morals, no principles, no opinion of his own. According to his concepts, in order to be in mercy, it is necessary to “depend on others”, and also “should not dare to have one’s own judgment.” It cannot even be said that Molchalin is compromising his convictions. He has no convictions. In order to get closer to Famusov, Molchalin plays out his love for Sophia, using the girl as a tool to achieve his goals. This is where Molchalin’s duplicity manifests itself. He portrays ardent love and devotion to Sophia only “out of position,” and pesters Lisa out of boredom, due to his promiscuity. Molchalin succeeded by fulfilling his father’s will “to please all people without exception.” He becomes Sophia's lover to please her, because she is the daughter of an influential man. In fact, Molchalin loves no one but himself. He pays attention to a person only if this person is able to bring some benefit. Such a consumer attitude towards people and life was the norm in Famus society. Unfortunately, people like Molchalin existed not only in the last century, they exist now and will exist in the future. Without attracting attention to themselves, many silent people live among us. And it’s scary when such people settle down safely and prosper. Insignificant in appearance, they are the basis without which a society like Famus’s could not exist.
They say about a person like Molchalin: “He knows how to live.” Having two talents - “moderation and accuracy”, he knows how to advantageously position himself in society:
- There he will pet the pug in time.
It's time to wipe the card.
As a rule, such people are truly “blessed in the world,” which cannot be said about honest and decent people.
Thus, we can come to the conclusion that Molchalin is terrible, like a terrible person capable of any baseness, meanness, betrayal, like a person whose true face is hidden under a mask of lies and humility. It is not without reason that, using the example of Molchalin, Griboyedov clearly illustrates the depravity and deceit of Famus society.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Griboedov wrote a comedy that opened a new stage in the history of Russian literature. All the characters in “Woe from Wit” have historical, literary and universal significance. A special discovery of the Russian playwright was the creation of the image of Molchalin. This hero combines all the negative qualities of the socio-psychological type, which is still very common in Russia today. Is Molchalin funny or scary?

Slave servility

This type of character has become quite common in Russian literature. But for the first time, readers and theater audiences became acquainted with him thanks to Griboyedov’s comedy. The writer was able to generalize everything that he observed in society. With his light hand, such concepts as “Famusism” and “silence” entered literary criticism. They are not close in meaning, but in the comedy “Woe from Wit” they are connected with each other.

Molchalin is a small man. But unlike the Pushkin type, he does not resign himself to his social position and is ready to do anything to rise in society. His father instilled in him slavish servility as a means by which he could achieve his goal. Is Molchalin funny or scary? The answer to this question, at first glance, seems obvious. Famusov's secretary can only evoke contempt and irony. This is exactly how the reader perceives him. He appeared funny and pitiful in the eyes of the main character of the comedy. But there is no clear answer to the question: “Is Molchalin funny or scary?” An essay dedicated to Griboedov’s characters requires a deeper reading of the work. Because only after reflection and some analysis does it come to mind that this hero is not so harmless.


Is Molchalin funny or scary? Griboedov's work is not just a comedy in which the author skillfully ridiculed the vices of Moscow society. In it, the writer also raised the question of what feelings are evoked by a person striving for a career takeoff. Chatsky’s mistake was a misconception regarding Secretary Famusov. Molchalin is a “dumb” person, but is capable of achieving “known degrees.” There is nothing reprehensible in his desire to make a career, if not for his complete indifference to everything that happens around him.

One of the critics noted that Molchalin, having once decided to make a career, took a path from which he would never turn. Even if his mother dies, his beloved woman calls for help, and the whole world begins to spit in his face, he will not back down. The question of whether Molchalin is funny or scary, based on this point of view, presupposes an unambiguous answer. Cynical careerists are to be feared. Their servile manners are no reason for irony. After all, if such a Molchalin manages to deceive those around him, sooner or later he will show his true face. And his face will be terrible.


Famus's world is opposed to Chatsky. It cannot be said that Molchalin is part of his mentor’s society. He is just striving to become one. But the confrontation between the main character and secretary Famusov is especially striking because these people belong to the same age category. But each of them chose their own path in this world. One became a rebel and a truth-seeker. The other one preferred to pray and wait for the right moment when he would finally get what he had been dreaming about for so long. Is Molchalin funny or scary? Can a snake that is lurking and ready to bite at any moment cause laughter? The answer to these questions is obvious. An essay on the topic “Is Molchalin Funny or Scary” will help reveal them.


Molchalin does not understand how it is possible, being a minor official, to have his own point of view. His lackeyness and desire to please sometimes take comic forms. But he is ready to praise the smooth fur of a noble lady’s dog, play the role of a lover in front of Sophia, condemn and criticize Chatsky. An essay on the topic “Is Molchalin funny or scary” is an analysis of the character, comparing him with other heroes, as well as thinking about what such a person could have become if his deception had not been discovered in time.

Most pathetic creature

As already mentioned, Chatsky was extremely mistaken at his first meeting with Molchalin. In his eyes, this man was a nonentity and a pitiful creature. This attitude towards the silent people was typical of Griboyedov’s time. The type of young progressive nobleman who, with high ideals and a brilliant education, could someday change Russian society, became popular. The old aristocratic world served as a contrast to this type. The silent ones were in the shadows. And this was the danger that the author of the comedy “Woe from Wit” points out. Is Molchalin funny or scary? The answer to this question is clear, you just need to dream a little. What would have happened if the secretary had managed to win Sophia’s hand and get into Famusov’s circle? Surely the society that was so unpleasant to Chatsky would ultimately turn out to be not as dangerous as this silent, exceptionally flattering young man.


The image of a humble man created by him touches Sophia. Having read French novels, she is ready to believe in his pure thoughts and high feelings between people belonging to different social worlds. But the mask instantly flies off Molchalin, as soon as a person of lower status appears in front of him. The true face of this character can be seen in the actions where he communicates with Lisa. What Famusov’s secretary is like becomes clear from his conversations with Chatsky. In the eyes of Molchalin, the main character is a loser, which means he is worthy only of contempt.

One should not assume that the exposure of Molchalin will lead to his disappearance from the public scene. Only the “crazy” Chatsky can leave her. “Is Molchalin funny or scary?” - an essay-reasoning that requires an understanding of the historical role of Griboyedov’s heroes. At first glance, he is an unlucky careerist. In fact, he is an extremely invulnerable scoundrel. Sooner or later he will achieve his goal. And perhaps Molchalin is not so terrible as the time in which flatterers and careerists feel comfortable, and in which the truth is mistaken for madness.

At my age I shouldn’t dare to have my own opinion.

A. S. Griboyedov

The great Russian singer Alexander Blok called Griboyedov’s comedy a work “unsurpassed, the only one in world literature that has not been fully solved.” And indeed it is. No matter how many times you read this immortal comedy, so many times you discover some new facets of it.

Chatsky, Famusov, Sofya, Lisa... They are all interesting in their own way. But Molchalin remains the most intriguing and mysterious for me. It is difficult for me to fully understand this Griboyedov hero. It is difficult for me to understand how the beautiful, rich, educated and intelligent Sophia could fall in love with such a nonentity as Molchalin.

Let's remember the origin of our hero. Sophia's father found him in some office in Tver. If it weren’t for Famusov, Molchalin would still be toiling away in this hole. It is possible that he was originally from Tver, and lived somewhere on the outskirts in a run-down house, left to him by his father, who bequeathed “to please all people without exception”: the owner, the boss, his servant, and even the janitor’s dog, “so that it was affectionate” . Molchalin lived remembering this behest of his father. Even in Tver, his helpfulness was noticed and appreciated. And so Molchalin was found and benefited by Famusov. Thanks to his patronage, he was transferred to Moscow and received the rank of assessor. Living in Famusov's house, Molchalin was able to gain the trust of even Tatyana Yuryevna, before whom Famusov himself was in awe, and the famous Foma Fomich. The latter served in St. Petersburg under three ministers, and then was transferred to Moscow, where he lived for his own pleasure. He lived exactly the way Molchalin dreamed of living one day: “win awards and live happily.”

Taking advantage of Famusov’s patronage, Molchalin, however, is not able to feel gratitude for the benefits. Behind his benefactor's back, he tries, and not unsuccessfully, to seduce his daughter, although he does not feel any tender feelings for her. What explains Alexei Stepanovich's interest in Sophia? I think it’s because Molchalin, despite all his resourcefulness, has a hard time getting ranks. With a rich bride, his affairs will go better. And in order to win Sophia’s favor, he tries to be a kind of “husband-boy, husband-servant,” compliant, modest and quiet. Molchalin is an ideal husband who can be easily controlled.

What is Molchalin? Is he scary or pathetic? More scary than pitiful, I suppose. Even his famous talent - “moderation and accuracy”, does not pose a threat. If you think about it, there is nothing reprehensible either in moderation or accuracy. It's all about how these "talents" look against the background of the hero's general behavior. Analyzing Molchalin’s actions, you understand how difficult and dangerous this man is. Dangerous in the sense that he expresses many typical traits of his generation - the Molchalins will never fade into society. Their vitality lies in the fact that they will always find soil for themselves. In Molchalin his disgusting qualities were not immediately discerned. He can be unnoticed and slowly, insinuatingly, weave his webs. Material from the site

In the finale, however, Griboyedov deals with his hero and he gets what he deserves. Caught by Sophia in lies and treason, he is unable to resolve the conflict. The love of Sophia, who was deceived by him, is lost. It is possible that Sophia will tell Famusov the truth, and then Molchalin’s so successfully started career will be in jeopardy.

In life, very often scoundrels like Molchalin ruin other people’s destinies with impunity. That's what makes them scary.

I think Griboyedov’s merit is that he warns us against silent people, teaches us to understand people. I would like to believe that the final scene of the comedy will help someone avoid such deep disappointment as the main character of the comedy “Woe from Wit” had to endure.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Is Molchalin pathetic or scary in the comedy Woe from Wit
  • How many years did Molchalin live in Famusov’s house?
  • Essay on the topic: Is silentlin pathetic or terrible?
  • Is molchalin funny or scary?
  • woe from mind is pathetic or terrible molchalin essay

Molchalin and Chatsky. Two poles in Griboyedov’s brilliant comedy. Next to the ardent Chatsky, a passionate fighter and a furious accuser, the wordless Molchalin is completely unnoticed. Therefore, probably, both readers and viewers do not pay so much attention to him. But behind the expressionless appearance and gray thinking lies a whole philosophy of life, very tenacious and persistent.

Let's think about what Molchalin is? Is he worthy of sympathy or condemnation?

In the beginning, we are introduced to him mainly through the characteristics given to him by other characters in the play.

Famusov is pleased with him, entrusting his timid but faithful assistant with the performance of his simple duties.

Loving Sophia notes that he

Compliant, modest, quiet,

Not a shadow of worry in your face

And there are no actions in my soul.

And Molchalin himself says that moderation and accuracy are his main talents.

And only once will Sophia burst out with regret:

Of course, he doesn’t have this mind...

Possibly referring to Chatsky's brilliant and sharp mind.

But how wrong she was! The inconspicuous Molchalin is smart, very smart, but prefers to hide it for the time being. After all, it is much more profitable to wear a mask, presenting yourself as others want to see him: tenderly submissive with Sophia, obsequiously devoted with Famusov, falsely humble with Chatsky, familiar with Lizonka.

It seems that only with the maid is he completely sincere, revealing his position in life:

My father bequeathed to me:

Firstly, to please all people without exception;

The owner, where he will live,

The boss with whom I will serve,

His servant, who cleans the dress,

The doorman, the janitor, in order to avoid evil,

To the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate.

Why pride and self-esteem for people like Molchalin: servility is the main thing in his philosophy.

But all his behavior indicates that he is deeper than the characteristics given to himself.

He is resourceful and careful; he tries to hide his relationship with his master’s daughter from strangers, and having unexpectedly met Famusov at an inopportune time near Sophia’s room, he does not get lost and instantly comes up with a plausible explanation.

A conversation with Chatsky shows that Molchalin does not value an intelligent guest. Having humbly started the conversation, Molchalin soon goes on the offensive: he asks questions, condemns, advises

Have you not been given ranks, have you had no success in your career? -

He asks ironically, And here’s some advice:

Well, really, to serve you in Moscow And win awards and have fun?

Molchalin is not only not in love - he is not even passionate about Sophia. He says frankly and shamelessly:

Let's go share love with our deplorable theft...

And later Lizin’s question about a possible wedding calmly answers:

There is a lot of hope ahead,

We'll waste time without a wedding.

All his intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness are designed to serve one goal - to get a good, soft, sweet place in life.

And only the disaster that occurred at the end of the play prevents the implementation of his plans. After the scene in the hallway, Molchalin cannot remain the same: the mask is pulled off, and everyone sees his true face.

But the old Molchalin was too convenient for everyone, even for Sophia. And Chatsky correctly notes:

You will make peace with him, after sober reflection.

So, Molchalin’s defeat is apparently temporary. He will be forgiven, And achieving his life goal will become even sweeter.

Molchalin is the antithesis of Chatsky. But how correctly Griboyedov was able to foresee in these images the two paths that people would take: the Chatskys will always choose struggle and open battle, the silent ones - humility and peace.

So, we have no one to feel sorry for: not a pathetic one, but a cunning and resourceful, surprisingly tenacious guy in front of us. Take a look around. Are there no modern silent people among the people around you?!

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