Tell a man that he is dear. Beautiful, affectionate, gentle, pleasant words and confessions to your beloved man

(Letter, message, wish, congratulation, poem)

Example of a love letter:

“My dear, hello! You left, but I can't sleep. I can’t sleep without you, like without a soft toy in childhood! I only fall asleep when you hug me tenderly. I fall asleep to the lullaby of your rhythmic and gentle breathing...

Come to me! There was such a snowfall here. Let's make snowmen... By the way, I saw one picture on the Internet... There, rather, the photograph is even real, and not an ordinary picture. There is a picture of a family there. Apparently very friendly. Members of the entire family are arranged according to height. A snowman is “placed” between each person. They most likely made them themselves. Looks awesome! We haven’t had a good winter for so long that I’m very happy about this winter.

Come, you just need to dress warmly. It's minus twenty-five outside! Can you imagine how cold it is? I went outside to go to the bank... I came back, touched the intercom buttons with my fingers, and felt my fingers literally “glued” to the buttons! Take care of yourself. Don't forget the gloves. And don't forget to put on your hat.

Love you. And I can’t help but take care of you. Sorry, but this is just the beginning! You will be surrounded from head to toe with my care. And also... I will talk to you about love often - often, really! And I will write to you very often. I know how much you love receiving my letters. You reread them a hundred times! You yourself admitted this to me. It’s nice for me and for you too... Thank you for having me like this! I kiss you tenderly and look forward to it. I love….".

An example of a congratulation – wishes for a Happy Birthday:

Darling! I congratulate you on your wonderful birthday! I will not wish you happiness, since your happiness is me. Love for you is also stored in me. Let me wish you the brightest and most beautiful future! You are definitely worthy of it, like no one else. Because your birthday is the best birthday on earth! Thank you to your parents for you, my gentle...

Examples of messages for a loved one to make him happy:

  1. My beloved, I'm really waiting for you! Come! I’m ready to move all the clock hands so that our meeting can take place sooner! It’s getting more and more difficult for me without you. I miss you more and more every minute...
  2. You are the best person in the whole - in the entire Universe! The best, because I love you very, very much. And I promise to love you always, all my life!
  3. Knock Knock! Can I come to you? I thought for a long time about what to write to you, and came up with... I will write that I love you very brightly! Every look and breath of yours, I love your voice and all your words spoken by this voice... And I also madly love your eyelashes, in which my loving gaze often gets tangled...
  4. I love you! I love you! I can repeat these words to you forever. Longer if you want. My love is enough for thousands of lives. But only if these lives concern you...
  5. I love repeating your name. I love looking at your photo hundreds of times. I like to “replay” in my memory everything that happened to us. I am falling in love with you more and more... And I am so pleased to write you these pleasant words, which you will then hear from me. I know that you love me no less than I love you... The more important thing is that the love between us is not artificial, but the most real love!
  6. Hello! I love you very much..., very much. Thank you for meeting me at such a timely time. But I've been looking for you all my life. And it’s very good that I found you. You decorate my life, really...

Nice poems for your loved one:

Love you! Thank you, darling,

For loving me too.

I lent you to work...

The mistake is only mine!

I love you, believe me, I miss you very much.

I can’t do it any other way!

I love you both day and night.

Our reciprocity is a sign of life!

Darling, I ask: stay!

I really, really need you...

And don’t blame fate for anything...

Give all your grievances to the moon.

I want to be with you forever.

And even longer... Yes Yes Yes!

I want to be with you forever!

Everything else is nonsense!

I'm ready to wait for you like a miracle.

I'll wait as long as necessary!

Love you! I will and will love you...

You appreciate my dream...

What else should you write to a guy to make him very pleased?

Write him many different confessions. Call it something special, original, unforgettable.

Write him messages with humor (anecdotes, jokes, gags), if he is a fan of all this.

You can quote poets and writers if you somehow notice that he does this often. This will really be a pleasant surprise for the guy! And that means he will appreciate it for sure.

What shouldn't you write? What can make a guy angry?

There are some reasonable thoughts about this:

- Repeated (repetitive) letters and messages. Each letter (message) must be unique. Uniqueness always arouses interest. And what is repeated dulls interest.

Something that is beautiful but you don't like. He will notice your hostility reflected in the text (although not addressed to the guy) and will ask you a lot of questions. Don’t write something insincere so that it doesn’t create any doubts in him!

Something you doubt even a little. There should be no doubt that you are writing to a dear person!

What do you write to your boyfriends to make them feel good?

  1. Hello! I write him confessions in poetry every day. I take some poems from the Internet, and some (when there is inspiration) I write myself (from Olya).
  2. Hello! I write compliments to my boyfriend. I also have a list somewhere. From it I cross out what I have already written so as not to repeat myself accidentally. And he keeps wondering where I got this fantasy from. Love him! So my fantasy doesn’t stop collaborating with me (from Oksana).
  3. I write him poems in a notebook. I finished writing one completely and gave it as a gift. And so - constantly. This pleasant habit makes him happier and happier. And I become happier looking at him (from Yana).
  4. What to write to make a guy feel good? - I write “emmesks” to him. Messages aren't that fun. They never contain as much information as I want to. And I write everything I can think of. I like to write pleasant things so that my loved one will be pleased (from Marina).

Nice continuation. . .

Home page > Relationships > For girls

Date: 07/31/2017

Yuri Okunev School

Hello, dear readers! In order to please your loved one with pleasant words, it is not at all necessary to have writing or, especially, poetic talent. After all, you can express thoughts and feelings in the simplest words, and this will not diminish their significance in the least.

Do you still doubt that you will be able to make it beautiful and romantic enough? Especially for you, I decided to talk about how to write a truly heartfelt SMS in your own words to your loved one.

Love SMS for a guy in your own words

Good morning wishes

A day that starts with a ray of goodness received via SMS from your lady love may not be the most successful and productive, but it will definitely be more joyful. Every day you can come up with new wishes. They can be tied to those matters and problems that your boyfriend has to solve during the day. Or they may simply contain affectionate words designed to support, give a charge of cheerfulness and optimism. So, we start with those same two welcoming words, and then the options could be, for example, the following:

  • May your boss have a great epiphany today and finally see how much you do for your company.
  • May you meet at least three good people who will make your day better.
  • I wish that today the sore will be disappointed in you and proudly leave, taking with it fever, body aches, sore throat and fatigue!
  • This day will be one of the happiest and most successful of the week! Why? Yes, I just want it that way, and a woman’s desire is the law!
  • I asked the sunbeams to fly into your window, wake you up and convey tender kisses and good mood from me. Have they already carried out my order?
  • Here we are one more day closer to each other. I look forward to your arrival, dear!

Good night wishes

Wishes of good dreams in SMS to your beloved guy will set you up not only for a good sleep, but also for a good awakening and a successful new day. Just like in the previous version, you can write about anything. The main thing is to show that the young man is very dear to you, important and necessary.

  • Let the night take away all the negativity of today, and in the morning you will wake up rested, joyful, renewed, ready for new achievements.
  • I'm looking at the moon now. Look out the window and look at her too. Do you feel it? Now we are connected by its ghostly light...
  • 10 more nights like this and we will finally meet! I'm looking forward to this magical moment, my love!
  • You know, now every day I rush to bed in the evening, because dreams are now the only place where we can be close. I hope they come true soon!
  • I asked Ole Lukoile to give you fabulous dreams. Before you go to bed, dress warmly. I wished that you were Aladdin, and I was Jasmine. Flying on a magic carpet will be cool at night, so a warm sweater won't hurt.

Letters about missing you and waiting for you

Experience shows that a long separation, although it brings a lot of grief, is nevertheless a test that truly loving couples can handle. Therefore, do not despair and just wait patiently for the cherished moment of meeting!

They say that not very easy and simple love usually motivates one to write poetry. But if you have no desire for this, then feel free to write an SMS in prose to your beloved man. It seems to me that it is better to express your feelings in simple words than in “iambic pentameter.”

  • Today is exactly 2 weeks since you left, but it seems like a whole year has passed. It's amazing how quickly time flies when you're around. And how painfully long it drags on in your absence.
  • It seems to me that it was the separation that allowed us to understand how strong the feelings are. After all, usually a person begins to truly understand and appreciate those things that are inaccessible to him. So, it turns out, there was great wisdom hidden in our separation. Thanks to her for this...
  • I never thought I'd miss those dirty cups you always leave in the sink. By grumbling in your sleep and loud songs in your soul. By the way your stubble pricks my cheeks. It's amazing how much I really care about you. Not just individual positive traits, but entirely and completely!

Wishing you bon appetit

I told you that there can be any number of reasons for reporting. Why not include this one here too. After all, eating is an important part of our daily routine. And to make food bring more joy, it wouldn’t hurt to flavor it not only with spices, but also with bright feelings.

  • I hope you enjoy what I have prepared for you. Let the porridge give strength, the fruit give vital energy, and the cake please my beloved sweet tooth.
  • I recently learned that food cooked with love does not turn into belly fat. So eat with pleasure!
  • Today I added a handful of tenderness and affection to the stew/borscht/pie, seasoned everything with kind words and praise addressed to you, and generously sprinkled love on top. I hope you enjoy it...

About your hopes and future together

Having found her “prince,” a woman usually soon begins to think about what she would like the relationship to look like over time. She first tries on the image of a guy, then a groom, on her chosen one, and then she begins to think about how she will write SMS about love to her husband and the father of her children... If you have been together long enough, and discussing such dreams is not something out of the ordinary , then you can safely share your thoughts with your partner.

  • I'm rather looking forward to the moment when we start living together. I think about how lovingly I will prepare your food, wait for you from work, and take care of you. Being constantly nearby is wonderful, because you are my soulmate!
  • Today I was walking home through the park and I met so many loving couples. I sincerely envy them and dream that soon you and I will walk like this on weekends, holding hands. And then, having breathed in some fresh air, we would go home, have dinner and watch a movie.
  • I like every feature of your face and character. May our children certainly take the best from you. A sweet smile, the brightness of green eyes, inner charm and kindness that make everyone around you love you.
  • With your appearance in my life, I really thought about how I want to see my home, my family. Previously, these were just timid youthful dreams, which today take on the features of real adult life, where I am already a wife and mother. Very exciting, but also pleasant at the same time!

Just about my feelings

  • Only next to you I feel truly protected, only next to you can I be weak, indecisive, and trusting. Therefore, when you are not around, it is very difficult and sad for me. Let's try together to do everything possible to be close.
  • The smell of your cologne remained on the pillow, on the table there was a cup of coffee you hadn’t drunk, and in the bathroom there was a tube of toothpaste that you didn’t tighten again. J You know, these little things make me incredibly happy, because they say that I’m not alone! Thank you, dear, for having me! You are my happiness, my joy and great value!
  • Right now I hugged you tightly, kissed you tenderly! I love!
  • I just want to say that you are very dear to me. Thank you for your care, attention, affection! For me, you are the best man in the world! Come quickly, the cat and I are waiting for you.
  • I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday. I was wrong! It’s not your fault, I just had troubles at work that completely ruined my mood. Don't be angry... I love you!
  • I always couldn’t stand men who tried to call me “theirs.” It seemed to me that by doing this they were infringing on my freedom, they wanted to appropriate me as some kind of thing. But now I realized that I simply didn’t love them. Because today the thought that I am YOURS warms my soul!
  • Sorry I haven't written to you for a long time. There were difficulties at work and at home. I know that this is not an excuse, but still... Thank you for sending those wonderful flowers! The bouquet still stands and makes me happy! Let's meet on the weekend if you have time. I miss you very much, I want to see you.
  • And I have prepared a little surprise for you... Come home from work quickly, I’m waiting for you!
  • I baked this pie for you (you will need to attach a photo), it will be waiting for you until dinner. Don't be late, otherwise I'll eat everything! Kiss!
  • Thank you for leaving me breakfast, dear! It was amazingly tasty and incredibly enjoyable! You are the most caring and romantic in the world!!! Have you already opened your briefcase? If not, then it’s time to do it so that the delicious treat that I put in for you doesn’t spoil! You see how everything is mutual with us.

Helen Andelin’s book “The Charm of Femininity” will help you better understand how to build a happy relationship with your partner and yourself. Very simple, very feminine, about the most pressing questions, the answers to which often determine the quality of life. I recommend it to my readers!

Well, for my part, I am ready to answer any of your questions on the topic of the article. If you have any, feel free to share them in the comments!

That's all for today. Don't miss out on new publications. The function of subscribing to site news will help you a lot with this. See you again and all the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

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Confessions to a man in your own words - texts of wishes

Today I dreamed of you again, so beautiful, silent and dear. I felt dizzy with happiness, I hugged you and didn’t believe what was happening. Then I woke up, images from our past life tirelessly crawled into my head and stood before my eyes. Your beautiful, kind and slightly stern eyes, your sincere smile. I miss you so much, every day, every hour, every minute. Without you, I have nothing to breathe and nothing to think about. Everything is different without you. How dear you are to me, the imprint of your hot, passionate, loving soul remains in my soul forever. The words spoken in your native voice will always ring in my head. No one and nothing can change this. Our past, my memories and my fallen asleep happiness will always remain with me. I still love you.

We have been together for a long time, we have gone through so much. There were moments of frantic passion, and hours of magical tenderness, and blades of jealousy, and clouds of charm, and there were needles of quarrels and misunderstandings. All this has only made our relationship stronger and more precious. But I no longer love you as I did then, in the days of our first meetings, in the days of our first kisses and first confessions. After all, it was only a strong love that excited my heart, clouded my mind, mixed and confused all my thoughts. And now, after so much time, I can say with complete confidence that I love you. I love truly, devotedly and deeply. I accept you entirely, with all your strengths and weaknesses, with all your habits. You have become the dearest and closest man on earth to me, and all I want is for you to be happy. I love you, my dear!

You are the man without whom my happy life is completely impossible. You are the man without whom I cannot breathe air. My dreams, my desires, my hopes, my faith, all of this is you! You are the man without whom I cannot sleep. You are the man I see every night in exciting, colorful, unforgettable dreams. You are the man with whom I wake up every morning. Everything that is good, interesting, real, deep, sensual, tender in my life, all this is you! You are my most cherished, most desired, closest, dearest, most necessary. You are the one without whom the whole world will become black and white, monotonous, insipid. You are the one I enjoy, you are the one I adore, you are the one I pray to and look up to, you are the one who makes me happy. I love you! I will love you alone forever!

I am the happiest girl in the world, and do you know why? Because I got the best man in the world! You are such an extraordinary person; you contain so many seemingly completely incompatible qualities. You are such a strong-willed, strong, courageous, ambitious, assertive and purposeful person, you walk through life firmly, knowing all your goals and the ways to achieve them. And you achieve them. You take your peaks one after another, you are a warrior in life - a winner. But at the same time, you can be the most caring, the most tender, the most sensual, the most emotional with me. You are so subtle, understanding, romantic, special. I always feel very good next to you, very interesting, very calm. In your arms I feel protected. Next to you I feel desired, necessary, better. Thank you for this. I love you so much!

You and I are completely different from each other. But this is only if it seems so at first glance. Look, are you happy? And I am happy! This means that we have so much in common that no one else in the world has! I believe that our strong love will overcome all adversity, smooth out rough edges, reconcile characters and temperaments. After all, this is the most important feeling, which at all times has triumphed over everything else. I don’t want to tell you a lot of unnecessary, albeit beautiful words, let all this ornateness remain in books, it will be useful to poets in sleepless nights of creative torment. I want to say only the three most important words for me, the most important, three words that turned my world upside down, three words that became my beacon, my wings, my inspiration. I love you! I love you more than life itself, I will be happy only with you!

If I don’t see you for at least one day, my beloved, I get a strange feeling, it’s like a chill. It was as if all the frost in the world had shackled me, turning me into a block of ice. You're like my drug, I'm hooked on you, I'm addicted. Without a constant dose, I start to literally go crazy, I shake, I can’t find a place for myself. I can’t think about anything or anyone, everything falls out of my hands, everything becomes indifferent. There is only one single word that sounds in my head, but it is so important and necessary: ​​I love, I love, I love, I love, I love. Without you, I look like a disembodied ghost, like a sun-dried plant in the desert. So come to me soon, fill me with the juices of life, the juices of love, the juices of our crazy passion. Revive me, bring a riot of colors into my life, bewitch me with your gaze, burn me with your hands. Make my heart beat in the same rhythm as your warm heart.

You know, perhaps many would say that I am banal and that my girlish dreams have long gone out of fashion and are of no interest to anyone. But, no matter what, I still want to remain myself, the way nature created me. Do you want to know about my dreams? I dream of always being with you. For you to be my leader, my idol, my beacon, my preacher. I want to follow you, after you, absorbing your words, looking into your eyes, openly and honestly. I want to learn to love you, I want to learn to make you happy. I so dream of falling asleep under your “wing” and, waking up, immediately seeing your eyes, your smile, feeling your warmth. I want to accompany you to work, kiss you and wave your hand after you, I want to cook various goodies for you, wait for you, get bored, look out the window and jump out into the street to meet you. I want to always be in your arms, I want to feel your strength, your protection, your love. I love you, honey, I love you very much.

Tell me, my beloved, why are you so harsh with me? Why don’t you notice me, why do you make me suffer? After all, you know very well how much I love you, how my heart burns, every day, every hour. Tell me why you are so harsh and cold, why you torture me. How can I prove my love to you, how can I convey to you my crystal feelings of tenderness and affection. My eyes are filled with tears, all because every day when I wake up with your name on my lips, I immediately run into a wall of indifference. Please hear me, I beg you to understand me. I love you so much, more than my own life. Without you, the world is not dear to me, I need nothing, nothing is interesting. Without you, my life no longer has any value. Please, stop being silent, look into my eyes and answer me my most important, most important, most cherished question: do you love me?

The once cherished words “I love you,” it seems to me, have long lost their weight, their meaning and their importance. They are said too often, the Internet is full of them, people litter them without putting absolutely anything into this phrase. Thus, they deprive me of the opportunity to convey in just three words everything that has been living in me for a long time, blazing with a bright flame. Therefore, my dear and dear man, I will tell you about my feelings in other words. I’m standing on the street, a strong wind is blowing, blowing everything in its path, blowing into the most hidden corners of our souls, it pierces with cold to the bones, and, friend, I remember you, I imagine your face, your deep eyes, your lips in front of me , your smile. You look at me, and the wind subsides, I no longer feel its gusts, nothing in the universe no longer exists for me. It's just you and me. Your eyes look into mine, and in them I see a completely different universe - the universe of love!

There are moments when it seems to me that you are just a mirage, a fleeting glimpse, a figment of my imagination. All because you are too perfect. Everything about you is beautiful, absolutely everything. Your eyes are like a separate galaxy in which planets unknown to mankind live. Your smile is like the light of the rising spring sun, it can warm and instill warmth in my soul. Your hands, they are like unshakable rocks, when you hug me and hold me in your arms for a long time, I feel incredible security, as if these hands can protect me from everything in the world, from any trouble, from any adversity. When you begin to speak, your voice flows like the whisper of summer oriental herbs, it bewitches my thoughts, and I literally freeze, not daring to even move, so that this special charm does not dissipate. You are made of pure virtues, there is no flaw in you. You are the best man in the world, I love you.

Today I will become like Pushkin’s Tatiana and I will be brave, not as usual. I will open the door to you into the treasury of my secret feelings and desires. My dearest person, recently, this is a timid declaration of love that unexpectedly captured my entire being. You managed to stir up an avalanche of unspent tenderness in my heart and revive a young ardent girl to life. It doesn’t matter that gray hair silvered our temples, Cupid did not miss – these arrows were intended for us. And it was like the explosion of a huge ball with multi-colored paints. These colors splashed onto our lives, coloring everything around us, giving our destinies a special meaning. Thank you, beloved, for existing, as I dreamed, already, it would seem, completely hopeless. Love you! I love everything connected with you! Walking through the park, ruffling the colorful carpet of autumn foliage, listening to the sound of rain, admiring the flowers, absolutely everything with you next to you becomes completely special. I love!

My beloved, the only man! You are my most important person in life. You are my support, you are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. I feel incredibly pleased with you and feel good when you are around. All my life I want to walk next to you, along the same road of love and not turn anywhere. I am incredibly grateful to fate for giving me you, the most wonderful man on earth. I am proud of you, my dear, and I love you more than life itself! May our happiness and love last forever. Let our every meeting, every touch, every word spoken to each other become even more pleasant. I want to give all my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love to you, my only and dear man! I love you! I will love you all my life!

My dear boy, every time I am surprised at how you and I coincide in a single thought, in a single impulse, in a single dream. You have become a real knight for me, the same one who, many centuries ago, could give his life for one glance from a beautiful lady’s heart. I didn’t even believe that such men existed in the modern world. How pleasantly I was wrong. One day, when I met you, I felt that a real feeling had settled in my heart, which was still completely unfamiliar to me. You became the first man, the memory of whom brings a blush to my cheeks. You became the first man whose eyes I remember before falling asleep. You became the first man in my life, and in my heart. Thank you for treating me so tenderly and carefully. Because you respect me and protect me. Because you can listen to me and hear, you understand the very essence of me. Thank you for loving me!

Today is such a beautiful day, everything around is frozen in anticipation of some incredible miracle. The air rings with bells of happiness, the sun shines in a special way. It’s as if this day was specially created by God so that I would confess my deepest feelings to you, so that for the first time I would say words of love to you. Every person in life wants to love and be loved in return. Every person on this earth is looking for his half, the one who will become the only one forever. And today I want to whisper to you, so that no one knows my secret, and I want to shout so that the whole planet knows that I love you. That I found what I had dreamed of for so long. I met you, my ideal man. And I knew the feeling of love and felt mutual love. This is so important, it is so moving, it filled me with indescribable emotions. I became the happiest person in the world. Thank you for giving me these feelings, thank you for your love.

I want to tell you, my beloved, that every minute spent with you is very special. So many things, when we are together, side by side, can bring true pleasure to the soul. I love it so much when we talk about all sorts of little things and vital things, when we dream about something incredible, talk about space, about universes, about the universe. I love it so much when we are silent next to each other, silent, probably knowing each other’s secret thoughts, silent, listening in complete silence to the beating of our hearts. I love walking with you so much, no matter where or when, it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon, evening, or late night. It makes no sense whether the snow is falling, whether the leaves are rustling under our feet, or whether our feet are getting wet in puddles. The main thing is that we walk side by side, shrouded in an invisible haze of love fog. And even in moments when you cannot be near me, I am not upset, because you are still in my thoughts, in my heart, in my soul. And this makes me completely happy. I love you.

Every day, with all my heart, I thank heaven and fate for this incredible happiness - to love and be loved by such a wonderful person like you. Just thinking about you, my heart contracts and begins to produce blood in double rhythm, my pulse quickens and my head begins to feel slightly dizzy. What can we say about my state when you are nearby. Real wings grow on me, and I fly away with you into the skies of love and happiness, and soar there, in clouds of tenderness, affection, passion and all the feelings that you evoke in me. I love you very much, and this love gives me an incredible feeling of lightness, freedom, optimism and inspiration. With you next to me, I have become a completely different woman, I am no longer afraid of any adversity or sorrow, I am not afraid of sadness. I constantly enjoy life, every morning and, of course, every minute spent next to you.

My gentle, affectionate, dear and best man in the world! I want to confess to you my feelings that are tearing my heart, I want to give you all my tenderness and care, affection and attention! I love you! Do you hear? I love! I pray to heaven that our feelings will be mutual for more than one year, because you and I are halves of one whole! Every day my feelings for you become stronger and stronger. I really want to cuddle up to you and feel protected from all sorrows and adversity. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure! Only with you I feel complete harmony and merging of our souls, only with you I am truly happy! You are always attentive, kind and caring. I will try to make you the happiest man on the planet! I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life! I give you this recognition as a sign of our eternal love!

I used to think a lot about love and relationships, but I didn’t even imagine that this was possible! To know a person enough to guess his thoughts and desires, to know what can please him and what can upset him. And at the same time, understand that your loved one is a completely different universe that you can explore all your life without ever fully knowing. I had no idea that words like “I love you,” even though you say them to me a hundred times a day, would excite my heart every time and sound completely different. I never thought that next to a loved one, a day could fly by in just one minute. I didn’t think it was possible to love so much that every parting, even if only for a short time, would be like a small death. I never imagined that a once complete stranger could become so close, so dear. Now I know for sure, this happens!

From the moment my eyes met your eyes, you became the only and most important meaning of my life, my entire existence. Every morning, as soon as I have time to open my eyes, I begin to think about you, and every night, before I fall asleep, I think about you, remembering every moment from our past and rejoicing, reliving all these feelings. And even when I fall asleep, I see you in my dreams, I probably smile in my sleep every night. I want to shout about my love on every corner, tell everyone I meet about it, write poetry and novels. I cannot imagine my life without your dearest eyes, without your dearest and most beautiful smile, without your pleasant voice - without you! I need your hot hugs, your kisses that burn to the very heart, your confessions. You have become my happiness, my joy, my luck and my inspiration. I very love you!

My beloved boy, everything that is connected with happiness in life, all this is connected with you, my dreams and desires are about you alone, with you my feelings and sensations open up, like a delicate bud of a young rose! I am sure that it is you who are destined for me. Only you live in my heart, only you I call desired and beloved. I want our sparks of sympathy to flare up between us into a huge flame of passion, fidelity and mutual feeling - love! May our tremulous, crystalline love overcome all adversity, because love is the strongest feeling that exists in this world! And it’s so good that this feeling visited you and me at the same time. My only man, I am so grateful to fate for you! You are the person I have dreamed of all my life, searched for with my eyes and heart, and found! I love you, my dear, and I won’t give you up to anyone! After all, I've been waiting for you for so long!

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Declarations of love: In verse | Short | Poems about love

How to open a man's heart: 3 magic keys

Is it a secret to anyone that a woman who is looking for happiness in a relationship hopes to be constantly enveloped in the care and attention of her beloved man? But reality tells us that not everything in life is as rosy as dreams make it out to be. Sometimes it seems that it is no longer possible to open a man’s heart to love. Is this so? Let’s figure it out together with the website

It’s not easy to meet your man and it’s not easy to always be loved by him as much as in the days of your first dates. Often we seem to wander in the dark in relationships, losing hope of discovering a man’s heart.

In fact, there is nothing that cannot be corrected if you have patience and arm yourself with knowledge about psychology.

Often we, both men and women, make one mistake - we forget that we are different. We may have similar interests and views on life, but different needs and ways of expressing ourselves.

So let's move on to the principles that will help you open the heart of your beloved man. Let's call them keys. There are actually a lot of keys, but in this article we will analyze one bunch of three.

Remember that these keys will not help open a man's heart if you only want to get, hack, manipulate.

Everything you do must come from the heart. You need to apply these keys with all responsibility, love and respect for yourself, your partner and your relationship.

1 key. I need a man

Men are designed in such a way that they want to be needed, they want to be significant in this world and for the people who are dear to them. Men must see that their aspirations and goals are necessary for someone and make someone happy.

But if you can do absolutely everything yourself, you neglect men, their help and their knowledge, they see no point in being near you.

How to show a man that you need him?

  • Be silent about your desires, moods, plans and what you expect from the relationship. Appropriate frankness is an important element of the key to opening the heart of the man you love.
  • Hoping that the man himself will guess what is important to you.
  • Reject male help and say: “Okay, I myself...”, especially after making a request.
  • Saying, “Could you do it?”
  • Be indignant: “You never, nothing...”, because it just doesn’t happen that a man never does anything for you.
  • Taking on tasks and responsibilities beyond measure - men in this case think that this is your desire and give up the field of activity to you.
  • Leave a man’s actions without gratitude or approval.
  • Thank a man with action in response to what he did.
  • Talk about yourself so that a man can get to know you better, without fanaticism, of course.
  • Directly state your desires, talk about how you see the relationship.
  • Give the man time to fulfill your request. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to open a man's heart.
  • Say: “I want...”, “I need... please do...”
  • Remind the man of what you did once and tell him how that action of his still warms you.
  • Giving a man a reason to perform a feat.
  • Thank your man as often as possible. Gratitude is another important element of the key to helping open a man’s heart.
  • Express gratitude to a man with words, sincere open admiration, a smile or a look.

2 key. The man is free

For all their desire to be needed, men want to be free. They want to do all the work voluntarily, when they are ready for it. And do it the way only they - men - can do it, without any clues as to how, why, or for what purpose.

Opening your man’s heart will not be easy if showing how much you need him prevents him from being free.

How to show a man that he is free?

  • Having voiced your request, demand immediate fulfillment and accuse the man of unwillingness to help.
  • Explain for a long time why you need what you are asking for - a man begins to feel like he is being manipulated.
  • Asking: “When will you…”, “What, I have to do everything...”
  • Remind him: “I told you so” if he made a mistake. This will not open a man's heart.


  • Give the man time to fulfill your request, to get distracted.
  • Make the “why” explanation shorter than the request itself.
  • Remind him of yourself as if for the first time, let him know that he is needed.
  • Help the man reduce the importance of the mistake. Make it clear that he can make mistakes, like any person, and everything can be fixed.
  • Give a man a feeling of lightness and freedom next to you.

3 key. A man is accepted for who he is

Do you feel like your man is not good enough and you think you can change him? Or you build a relationship with a man, hoping that over time new qualities will be revealed in him, for which you will love him later.

I'm afraid I'll have to wait a long time. You can open the heart of your beloved man only by accepting him completely.

Men begin to develop and change for the better only after they are accepted and loved for who they are. If you feel that your strength to accept is not enough and you are not happy, it is better to leave that man alone.

How to show a man that he is accepted as he is?

  • Show a man what he should become, compare him with others, give examples.
  • Ask rhetorical questions: “How could you?”, “Is it really so difficult?” After all, there are moments in our lives when we all act as we do and make mistakes.
  • Give a man advice, especially unsolicited advice. Tell him what and how he should do. Your desire to help with advice may not always open a man’s heart.
  • Run after a man when he moves away, bother him and pull him back into the relationship. Men are designed in such a way that sometimes they need to distance themselves.
  • Saying: “I’m waiting.”
  • Making your happiness dependent on a man.
  • Trigger low self-esteem and complexes.


  • Build a relationship with a man whose shortcomings do not bother you, and open the heart of such a man.
  • If a man made a mistake, acted badly in your opinion, say that you did not expect such an act from him.
  • If a man asks for advice, say that he knows better, he knows better, that he can cope, you are there and will support him.
  • Ask a man for advice.
  • When a man moves away, take care of yourself, your own affairs. The fact is that when a man returns on his own, his love for you becomes stronger.
  • Let the man know that you are always glad to see him and his return.
  • Learn to be happy separately from a man. This is time that you can devote to yourself - isn't it valuable?
  • Be delighted with yourself. It will not be difficult for such a woman to open the heart of her beloved man.
  • Genuinely support his thoughts, ideas and that he can handle anything.
  • Believing in a man, trusting him - this helps a man develop and gives him strength for new achievements.

These keys only work at the same time when a man sees that you need him, but at the same time he is free and you accept him for who he is. Then it will be easy for you to open a man’s heart.

In order to use these keys, you need to show wisdom, love, sincerity and learn to be happy yourself. And even if it is more difficult, it is worth it.

Get to know yourself, find out what you want from life, what makes you happy. Then you can easily understand what the man next to you wants.

Always be yourself and make the person close to you feel like themselves. Where there is mutual understanding, respect, trust and acceptance, love develops there. In such a relationship it is easy to go through life together.

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How to confess your love to a man in your own words

Sometimes women and girls believe that it is impossible to be the first to confess sincere love, because this is the prerogative of a man. But some guys are simply afraid to take the first step and therefore hide their feelings from their beloved. Therefore, in order not to wait forever for the cherished words, you should discard prejudices and confess your love to the man you love most.

Preparing for recognition

Before you open up about your feelings, consider whether you can do it. Confessing to a man first is not easy; this requires determination and confidence in your feelings. If in doubt, do not rush, it is better to postpone this moment. Make sure the man is ready to hear words of love.

When the moral preparation is over, you should carefully consider what to say and when it is best to say it. The right time and place is the key to a positive result. You should not talk about tender feelings when he is not in the mood, is busy with work or is watching a football match. Indeed, in such a situation, words will simply fall on deaf ears.

When choosing a place, you need to proceed from his preferences and attitude to romance. You can say that you love him while walking in the park or on the river bank, over a romantic dinner in a beautiful restaurant or during an intermission at the cinema; nothing prevents you from doing this while saying goodbye, when he accompanies you home or before leaving on a business trip.

You can say “I love you” to your husband every morning by making him coffee in bed or during breakfast by preparing his favorite treat.

Speak directly, avoiding vague phrases, so that he understands that this is a declaration of love. At this moment, the main thing is not to be nervous, but to radiate confidence.

A one-on-one declaration of love is the most reliable method for those women whose beloved man is married, since this is the only way you will most likely be able to keep him a secret.

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In your ear

This is an original and cute way. It has been proven that intuitively a person is inclined to trust whispers. The advantage of the method is that you can whisper words of love to your chosen one unexpectedly: while spending time with friends, sitting in a cafe, theater, cinema, when there are many strangers around. A declaration of love to a beloved man, spoken in a whisper, has a passionate and sometimes erotic character.

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By phone

You can choose this option for declaring your love if your beloved man is at a distance or you are afraid to look him in the eyes at such a crucial moment. The advantage of this method is that you can peep into a pre-written speech. The downside of speaking over the phone is that you won’t be able to visually assess your loved one’s reaction, and by the intonation of their voice, this is not always possible.

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Through social networks

If you often communicate with your beloved man on the Internet, then you can send a declaration of love in a personal message, choosing beautiful and tender words that describe the fullness of your feelings. Another option is to paint graffiti on his “wall” if you don’t mind the confession becoming public. If you are afraid to write directly, you can send a song that will tell about your feelings.

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If the man you love is not around right now or there is no way to declare your love out loud, SMS is a good way. In addition, you can at the same time admit that you don’t dare tell him about your feelings directly. If the message is received but there is no response, check whether he received the message. But if the answer is yes, you should not ask clarifying questions or take other steps; the next move is up to the man.

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Confession options

  • Thanks to you, I feel happy every day! I like it when you give me your attention and tenderness. I feel so good with you that I’m ready to sing with happiness. You are so attentive, caring and sensitive! I'm happy to be next to you. And I’m ready to make you the happiest man in the world, because I love you very much!
  • Every person is looking for his soul mate, and happiness knows no bounds when he finds it. I pulled out my lucky ticket when I met you. Now you are my destiny and happiness, because only when you are near the world becomes rainbow and bright. My heart and soul belong to you, you are the only man for me. I don't want to hide my true feelings because I love you. I love it and am ready to shout about it to the whole world!
  • I never stop thinking about you because I love you so much! I want to be close to you to give you my affection and tenderness. I want to spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whispering in your ear: I love you!
  • I can’t imagine myself without you, without your eyes and smile, kisses and courageous hands. Now I know that you are happiness, my happiness. I love you!
  • I don’t need expensive gifts, I only need your attention, only you. After all, when I wake up in the morning, I realize that I live by you... for you. I wanna be with you. I love you!
  • At first sight I fell in love with you. I like everything about you: gentle voice, pleasant smile and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I have dreamed of such a man all my life. With you I feel like a real woman, with you I am happy. Dear, I love you and wish that from a small spark our feelings will burn into a huge flame of love!
  • My most beloved and dear one, I can say with confidence that our meeting was not accidental. It was destined by heaven that we would find each other. And so, it happened, our paths converged. My heart immediately told me that we were born to be together. I love you and I hope it’s mutual!
  • I miss your hands, eyes and lips! I miss you! I miss you so much! And all because I love you!
  • No one will be able to feel and understand the fullness of my feelings for you. No one will understand how much I love you, because no one on the entire planet is gifted with such happiness to love to the point of absurdity, to the point of madness, giving yourself completely to one person. I love you and want to make you just as happy!
  • You are the meaning of my life! I think about you when I fall asleep. I think about you when I wake up. I smile in my dreams, thinking about you! I want to scream that I love you. After all, I can’t imagine myself without your smile. You are my other half! I love you!
  • A fire lights up inside me when you are near and I like this warmth, it warms me so much. I feel comfortable with you, I feel hot in your arms. Your kisses are gentle and sweet, and your lips are passionate and soft. You are my world, my universe! I have nothing more to say, only that I love you.
  • What is love? It is impossible to describe in words, it is both simple and complex. What is love? It cannot be explained; to understand, you need to feel it. And I realized, because I love you!
  • There are no distances or obstacles, no hundreds of kilometers between our cities, because I love you and look forward to our meeting!
  • There are people with whom you don’t want to part even for a moment. They are a real drug: the more you get to know them, the harder it is to forget them. I want to comprehend them again and again, to completely dissolve in them. They delight the mind and captivate the heart. There are few of them, but they exist. For me, that person is you! I love you!
  • You know, I'm calling you to tell you that I love you! I realized this and decided that you have the right to know!

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It has long been a myth that only women love with their ears. Men also love to receive pleasant and gentle words addressed to them..

However, pleasant phrases acquire weight and significance in specific situations. Tender words spoken out of place will, at best, cause bewilderment in a man.

Most men are proud and very vulnerable, so it’s important for them to hear words of support and praise. They want to be appreciated and proud of their successes. Therefore, affectionate and pleasant words are appropriate in any situation in which a man has proven himself.

This includes not only the conquest of Everest and saving humanity from the epidemic. A simple everyday situation is enough to make a man feel loved.

For example, a man organized a romantic dinner, organized a trip to a concert or museum, helped with shopping or cleaning. All these everyday “feats” deserve a kind and affectionate word. The man will understand that he tried not in vain, and he managed to please his beloved woman.

Under no circumstances should you turn affectionate words into a tool of manipulation and say them at the “right” moment!

If you call a man affectionately only when asked, he will stop perceiving pleasant words in their true sense and will associate them only with the next task.

To charge your man with positive thoughts for the whole day, don’t be shy about telling him sweet words in the morning before work.

This is especially important if a man is experiencing some professional or life difficulties: tenderness in words will support him, he will know that everything he does has meaning and importance.

Also It is important to speak kind words in an intimate and home environment, on vacation and in bed. These are the most convenient places for verbally expressing your feelings: you can feel free to say the most sincere and tender words and be sure that a man will hear and appreciate what is said.

Pleasant words are always appropriate, in any situation, when you want to express your true feelings and communicate them to your partner. Words of love and tenderness do not require special dates and “appropriate” moments. It’s just important not to forget to talk about your feelings out loud.

What kind words do men love?

Men, just like women, want respect and understanding.. Therefore, it is rare that a man will refuse a compliment addressed to himself or become irritated by words of support.

Men want to hear how wonderful and wonderful they are for their woman, how smart and elegant they are. A man needs confidence that a woman appreciates him and will not leave him, preferring an opponent.

What do men want to hear from women?

Words of support

Not everyone's life goes smoothly. Busy work, quarrels with friends and colleagues, problems with parents, finances or housing. Stress, irritability, overwork - all this greatly affects physical and mental health.

That is why, no matter how difficult it is for a man at the moment, so that he does not worry or occupy himself, he wants to know that his spouse or girlfriend will always be there and always support so that it doesn't happen. Don't forget about this.

Words of gratitude

Sincere gratitude sometimes has a stronger impact than words of love. You can be grateful not only for completing a specific task or for an action performed.

You can express gratitude to your man in general: for being there, for being reliable and caring, for listening carefully and supporting.

Words of praise

A man expects praise for his actions; it is important for him to know that in the end he was right and did everything right. You should not praise a man for every minor action with an ironic overtone(“Well done, honey, you took out the trash!”).

In most cases it is inappropriate and sounds mocking oh, what can offend a partner.

However, if a man showed his abilities, quickly navigated the situation or achieved certain successes (finished a project ahead of schedule, received a promotion, got the last tickets to the theater for the premiere), then he needs to be praised. Let him know that he is appreciated.

Words of love

Of course, everyone wants to know for sure that they are loved. It is enough to tell a person about this or remind him that he is loved just like that, and not for some feats and abilities. It is worth reminding a man more often that he is loved and significant.


Oddly enough, but Men love compliments, just like women. A man likes compliments that emphasize not only his mental abilities and successes, but also his appearance.

If a man, going on a date, tried to look “brand new,” then you should tell him that he looks beautiful and elegant. Then the man will understand that his efforts were not in vain.

Important to remember! Pleasant and affectionate words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help improve the mood of the recipient. Tender words inspire, inspire confidence and give energy.

You should not skimp on pleasant compliments and tenderness addressed to your partner. Even if a man has already heard many times that he is smart and handsome, it won’t hurt to remind him of this again.

Affectionate words for your beloved man, boyfriend (list)

What kind words can you say to your boyfriend or man:

  • Cute;
  • Darling;
  • gentle;
  • affectionate;
  • sweet;
  • the only one;
  • best;
  • wonderful;
  • crazy;
  • strong;
  • real;
  • Beautiful;
  • fairy;
  • beloved;
  • unique;
  • brave;
  • soft;
  • shining;
  • delicious;
  • fluffy;
  • hot;
  • temperamental;
  • attentive;
  • unusual;
  • magic;
  • clear;
  • caring;
  • desired;
  • sincere;
  • long-awaited;
  • unforgettable;
  • sexual;
  • talented;
  • omnipotent;
  • hot;
  • erotic.

Finding the right epithet is not difficult. The main thing is to listen to your loving heart.

List of tender words

Tender words can brighten and soften any phrase. If partners argue about something, but at the same time call each other affectionately and by name, they make it clear to each other that they do not want a scandal and quarrel, but only want to clarify the situation and find the truth. This is important to remember when communicating with your partner.

Remember that kind words for a man, the list of such is endless. You can always add more and more new words to the list that will please your loved one. It’s enough just to show your imagination and highlight the best qualities of your stronger half.

How tenderly can you address your man:

Kind words in your own words (I miss you, I’m waiting)

There is no need to be afraid to express your feelings in simple words. It is not necessary to have a gift for poetry or writing to express your feelings beautifully and tenderly through words, both verbally and on paper.

Sometimes a simple note with the words “I love you and can’t wait to come home” is enough! to express your feelings. The main thing is the presentation and the underlying meaning.

Here are some examples of how you can simply and sincerely show feelings of love and affection for your partner:

Unusual kind words for a man

The fantasy of a woman in love can be limitless. It is worth trying it in inventing unusual, original and non-trivial words for your beloved man.

The list of affectionate words for men is a personal, individual part of each girl. The choice is hers, depending on her preferences.

Here's an inspiring list of creative words of endearment:

Funny pet names for men

Nicknames usually hint at a deeper connection than just acquaintance and friendship, since nicknames can reflect the character traits, habits and views of the partner’s world.

That's why nicknames should be chosen that suit a particular man. Only then will he truly appreciate his “second” name, invented by his friend.

It is important to know! Not all men like nicknames. A man can be quite pleased if the woman he loves simply calls him “darling” or “darling.” Therefore, before coming up with a nickname for your chosen one, it is worth discussing with him how he feels about affectionate addresses.

What funny, gentle names and nicknames to choose for your man:

  • Fluffy;
  • Kitten;
  • Lion cub;
  • Murzik;
  • Dandelion;
  • Bagel;
  • Little squirrel;
  • Nibbler;
  • Donut;
  • Fir-fir;
  • Mouse;
  • Baldy;
  • Sugar;
  • Tiger;
  • Barsik;
  • Buska;
  • There-there;
  • Zaykin;
  • Mumrik;
  • Sweet;
  • Umka;
  • Paw;
  • Volchik;
  • Little Eye;
  • Lapkin;
  • Cupcake;
  • Catfish.

Affectionate words for a loved one (friend)

A male friend can also be addressed affectionately and express your respect and admiration through affectionate words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

However, it is worth considering that the personal distance between friends is still much greater than between loving couples and spouses. When choosing a treatment, you should adhere to tact and clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted., so as not to go into familiarity.

For example, For a beloved friend, you can use the following neutral addresses:

  • Expensive;
  • Cute;
  • imposing;
  • cute;
  • understanding;
  • courageous;
  • necessary;
  • native;
  • unusual;
  • interesting;
  • soulful;
  • extraordinary;
  • friendly;
  • musical;
  • communicative;
  • attractive;
  • nice;
  • mysterious;
  • fabulous;
  • smiling;
  • unexpectedly pleasant;
  • joy;
  • Sun;
  • beauty;
  • bunny;

Affectionate words in English for a man

Tender and affectionate words can be found in every language in the world. If a woman speaks a foreign language well, she can express her feelings in a foreign form, even if her partner does not understand.

Endearments in a foreign language will give a woman more charm and expand her vocabulary of affectionate words. If a girl does not speak a foreign language, she can still learn a few foreign words and phrases that express feelings.

For example, some affectionate words in English:

  • Honey - dear, sweet;
  • Sunshine - sunshine;
  • Pumpkin - pumpkin;
  • Muffin - cupcake, pie;
  • Shorty - baby;
  • Wifey - sweetheart;
  • Babycakes - baby;
  • Sweetie pie - sweet pie;
  • Sweetheart - dear, beloved (literally “sweet to the heart”);
  • Bubble - bubble;
  • My love - my love;
  • My precious - my beauty;
  • Sugar plum - sugar plum;
  • Bunny - bunny;
  • My hero - my hero;
  • Sugar lips - sugar sponges;
  • Sweet cheeks - sweet cheeks.

Kind words to my beloved husband

Certainly, husband is a priori the best man, otherwise the woman would not have married him. However, it won’t hurt to remind him of this from time to time. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship between spouses is close and trusting.

Most likely, they know each other’s worldview, habits, and gestures very well. That's why the slightest manifestation of falsehood, ridicule or indifference will be immediately noticed.

What kind and gentle words can a wife say to her husband:

Tender words of gratitude for a man

Gratitude can be expressed in different ways. AND Sometimes, instead of words, a tight hug or kiss is enough, so that a person understands the power of gratitude, and sometimes a simple “thank you,” spoken with feeling and sincerity.

Sincere gratitude, expressed from the bottom of your heart, is valued much more than routine polite words.

A man can hear indifference behind cliched phrases, which will leave him with a not very pleasant impression of the woman.

How to tenderly express your gratitude:

Affectionate compliments to your beloved man

Compliments are needed to highlight a person's strengths. and express your admiration (regardless of gender). That is why “duty” compliments are rarely truly heard.

Don't give compliments inappropriately, simply because the rules of decency require it. For example, a person doesn’t feel well, hasn’t slept much and doesn’t look very fresh, and the compliment “you look good” or “you’re so handsome today” will sound like ridicule.

It is more appropriate in this example to ask about health status than to emphasize what is not there.

What compliments should a man give so that he feels a woman’s sincere admiration and feels confident?

Here are some examples:

Sweet words that rhyme with name

Not all names rhyme. At the same time, it can be difficult to find an affectionate rhyme even for sonorous names. However, when addressing your partner playfully, you can use appropriate rhymes to the name.

Some examples of rhyming names:

Poems for your beloved man with affectionate words

It will not be difficult for a girl who knows how to write poetry to compose at least a quatrain. For those who are not familiar with poetry, poems by classic poets will help— Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Akhmadullina, Bergholtz, Gippius. You can also compose simple couplets expressing tender feelings.

A few examples of simple quatrains:

Expressing your feelings is great! It is important for a loved one to hear sincere words of love and devotion every day. You should not be afraid to express your feelings - your loved one will definitely remain grateful.

In this video you will learn how to use kind words for men. a list of these words.

This video will give you an example of kind words for your man.

The selection includes the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, which can be used in an SMS message for a charming declaration of love to your soulmate. And remember:

“Female sensuality is the source in which male spirituality is renewed.” Karl Kraus

“I want to become a drop of rain to quench the thirst of your expectations, a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I want to become the moon to illuminate your path home in the evenings. Every morning I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work... But, most of all, I want to always be and remain your beloved. I love you, my most affectionate and most tender.”

“Dearest and most beloved, life without you is worse than hell! I’ll go to the ends of the world after you, I won’t leave you in trouble, I’ll be with you always and everywhere!”

"You are wonderful…. Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you madly. Let my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman.”

“Your name is an amber light in the twilight of loneliness. I love your name: it saves and protects me. It is my talisman, I will not give you to anyone! Never to anyone, my love."

“Crazy, the most long-awaited. I want to feel the aroma of your perfume on my clothes, I’m waiting for you with bated breath.”

“Not much time has passed since we parted, but I already miss you. Longing tears my heart into small pieces. But even these small pieces strive for you. Spring is already coming in this gray city. The soul is supposed to open up, the soul wants to sing, rejoice at this time of year. The long distance with you does not allow you to realize and feel spring. The celebration of life is not complete without your tender look, your hugs and warm, tender kisses. Do you remember our walks in the evenings? You gently held my hand and I was silent, afraid to interrupt your story. I don’t remember what you were talking about (forgive me for that), I just remember your voice, your smile and the warmth of your hand. (pleasant words to your beloved man at a distance)

“All your actions are permeated with kindness, all your words come from the heart. You have a real gift for inspiring friends to make changes in their lives! No one is perfect, but you are unique!

“Oh, you are my happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, sometimes leading to nervous breakdowns and a terrible fear of losing you, but happiness.”

“I walk forward with my eyes wide open and not afraid of the morning fog or the cold September rain. I know that you will always be with me, the sun that gives life to all living things.”

“It’s not often that you come across such romantic men as you! It seems to me that you are the source of my heart wounds...”

“You combine intelligence and charm, adult and childish emotions, seriousness and humor. Everyone needs you. And I don't wonder why I need you so much. You are special. You are super! Do not forget about it. Being with you is a blessing."

“You are unique, brilliant, and a very interesting conversationalist! There are no more beautiful minutes than the minutes spent with you, I’m simply in awe of your voice!”

“There is nothing sweeter than your kisses. The best night is the one we spend together."

“The muscles are bas-relief and from the sculpture the torso, the look is warm, the muscles are steel. I always admire you, my dearest one in the world.”

“You are the one whom I could never forget from the very moment we met. You are my dream, you are my happiness, you are my misfortune! I want to walk the road of life with you, both in sorrow and in joy!”

“You are a very charming man! And in general in life, Mister Positive!”

“Beautiful in both soul and body, I melt in your hands.”

“I have never seen a shadow of doubt or confusion on your face. You are a born manager and leader! If you were to head a corporation, you would turn around! This happens very rarely, but you have the ability for everything you undertake! You are an amazing person!

“My love for you is as big as the world. My soul is in your captivity, and most of all in this confused world, I’m afraid of losing you forever.”

“The soul sings and I fly. Believe me, I am completely yours, because you struck my heart with love and filled my desires with passion!”

“I appreciate your look and your hands, on the entire serene planet, you are the most affectionate and gentle.”

“Your gaze beckons and drives me crazy! You’re like an unbridled wild cowboy, I feel incredibly good with you!”

“As if a sorcerer enchanted me, eternity itself flared up in our hearts and we were drawn to each other, despite the fact that we are so different. Now all my thoughts are about you.”

“My prince, mysterious, irresistible. In any trouble without talking, a reliable shield, my support!”

“You just fascinate me. I am ready to shout to the whole planet how much I love you, my treasure. For me, you are the best in the world. May everything go well for you, kitty, may all your cherished dreams come true.”

“My incomparable and dear one! Affectionate and strong, reliable and beautiful, you are my treasure, simply the best in the world!”

“Thinking about you is so pleasant...You are the source of my happiness.”

“Yes, I know, we had reasons to go in different directions. But despite this, you will always be a part of my life. I am always there, I will serve as a barrier to all dangers, a saving bridge, to stand tirelessly between all sorrows, without demanding any reward, without expecting any gratitude. If you ever decide to return or need help, I will welcome you with open arms. We don’t communicate and don’t meet as often as before, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about you. Just tell me, and we will instantly return to the old days.”

“I’m incredibly interested in you. You are like a giant magnet that attracts me with great force. I can't resist or resist it. It's useless".

“Your scent is simply beautiful, and your athletic figure and masculine features have won my heart!”

“I admire your nobility! Your strong hands and gentle gaze drive me crazy.”

“I want you to always smile with all your teeth next to me. I will try to make you the happiest!”

“Thank you very much for having me. And thank you for giving me a chance to be with you. I love you. And I will always love you. And I will treasure the love that you gave me very much. After all, this is now the only incentive in my life that gives me the strength to go forward. Only thanks to you may life have meaning. I kiss you tenderly and affectionately.”

“How beautiful and pleasant you are, there is nothing in this world that can ever take your place.”

“You are firm in your actions and thoughts, you know your worth, your confidence fascinates me! You have an amazing quality - to make correct, informed decisions!”

“My soul, my light, my air, the elixir of my heart and my soul. I'm yours forever!".

“You are the whisper of all the most tender words in the world. You are my luck. You are the beginning of all beginnings. You are the only person for whose sake, if necessary, I will be able to say goodbye to my only life!”

“We found each other among a million, starry and milky paths brought us together. Just know: with my soul, my mind, my heart – I live, love, dream – for you.”

“I will not deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth tastes bitter, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And I will make her bitterness sweeter every day with the help of kisses.”

“Without you, I can’t find warmth in the Universe, everything was magical and now... I’m just happy with you...”

This article contains the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, I miss you, which can be used for SMS messages. “Everyone has a fifth element in life... Earth... Water... Fire... Air... become for your chosen one the one without whom all this does not work”

Try to remember the happiest moments in your relationship with your loved one. Why were you happy? Was it because you and him were just spending a lot of happy hours together? Or was it because of all the little things he did for you? His words and actions that made you feel loved and important to him. Such as cooking your favorite dish for dinner yourself or booking a table for two at your favorite restaurant for the evening and having a romantic date. Or organize a day of relaxation and pleasure by ordering spa services, massages and seaweed wraps.Truly, they consist of moments like these - sincere, unexpected, touching.But what if such manifestations of attention on his part become less and less every day? Perhaps the fact is that you do not respond to him with similar reciprocal actions. You don’t thank and don’t sincerely rejoice at his manifestations of care and love towards you.It is important for a man to know that you are happy next to him.

SMS to your loved oneman

So where do you start? What to write to your beloved man in SMS?

My suggestion is to start with the simplest thing, with love. SMS to a man , each of which can positively impact your relationship.By the way, at the trainings that I conduct, sending"correct" SMS to a man straight from the hall. The result does not take long to arrive)

Those who visit them know that one of my recommendations is to start messages by addressing them by name, without using identifications and diminutives like"bunny, baby, teddy bear, pie" etc. As an example of one of the nice SMS for a man that he will definitely like if you have been very busy lately:

“Dear Sergei, forgive me for paying so little attention to you lately. Thank you for what you...(we write what he specifically did). I was very pleased! And I promise to improve" .

And now I bring to your attention 19 templates that, in combination with the above recommendation, will help you send win-win messages in any situation.SMS to your beloved man.

  1. I love your (yours, yours)…

Are there people who don't like receiving compliments? When you write erotic or romantic SMS to your beloved man,indicate something specific and not too banal instead of an ellipsis: a sexy voice, pumped up biceps, a languid look, etc.

  1. You are the most... in this world!

Get creative with the blank you need to fill out by sending something like thislove SMS to your loved one: kind, caring, gentle, cheerful, loving, best.

  1. I wish you good luck - you will be great! I believe in you.

Similar SMS to a man it is appropriate to send when he is preparing to participate in some important event (thesis defense, report at a conference, important negotiations on a robot). This seemingly trivial short message can show how much you believe in his capabilities.

  1. I'm just sitting here and thinking about you

Send this SMS to your beloved man, and after a few minutes follow up with something like:“I just heard our song on the radio” .

  1. Miss you

Too corny? Then d add a small clarification: I miss your voice, smell, touch, strong hugs.

  1. I'm so glad to have you in my life

If in this SMS to your beloved manadd a line starting with"because…", you can count on a particularly passionate kiss at your next meeting.

  1. Excuse me, I’m like that)…

For example, if you are very late, write to him“Excuse me like this. I’m late and won’t be able to arrive on time.” Don’t make him wait for hours for your arrival; let him know if you don’t make it by the agreed time.

Such messages make it clear that you value his time, and therefore respect him.

  1. I have a little surprise for you...

It's not just children who love surprises. Grown men also go crazy from all sorts of unexpected things. This kind of spontaneity is the lifeblood of long-term relationships.

  1. Thank you/thank you for helping me/for pampering me...

Breakfast in bed, a gift, a day without household chores, a downloaded new episode of my favorite TV series. Show appreciation for any such actions of your man.

  1. I need you.

Send something like this SMS to boyfriend It’s possible if you already have one, he knows about your feelings. It is important for a man to feel needed. This will be a pleasant reminder for him.

  1. You are the best because... !

Everyone needs praise from time to time. And if a pleasant reason is also indicated, such SMS to a man has a double effect.

Agree, receive message“You are the best because you give a wonderful erotic massage”

  1. Sweet dreams. I fall asleep thinking about you...

If you usually sleep in the same bed, but for some reason you are away from each other, send a gentle messageSMS to your beloved manwith this simple text and it creates the effect of your presence next to him.

  1. Have a nice day, my hero!

All the tricks of love SMS to a man is to indicate the time period that he should have a good one. By doing so, you are hinting that after a good day, an even better evening may await him!

  1. Sorry... Let's reschedule our plans to/ I would like to ask to reschedule our plans...

People who love each other do not need thousands of words to express their regret for what they cannot accomplish. Just apologize if plans were disrupted due to your fault.

  1. Can I help you?

Or even better: "Let me take care of..." . Even the smallest help will once again remind him of how important he is to you. Especially if this concerns small everyday moments that distract a man from his global goal. For example, iron his shirt or make coffee.

  1. Be careful! You are playing with fire!

A similar message can be sent when you are sitting at a holiday table with a certain number of guests, and he shows minor signs of attention to other women.

  1. Stop being so wonderful!

Or: cool, sexy, amazing. Despite the seemingly reproach, the subtext turns out to be very pleasant.

  1. Do you want to tell me a secret?

Send this SMS to a man , pause or wait for an affirmative answer and send a phrase like:“I just can’t get last night/evening with you out of my head!” .

  1. Want you!

Many SMS to your loved one can help perk him up and excite a man throughout the day. But this message will definitely set his fantasy into motion and make his heart beat wildly in anticipation.

How else can I help you?

Here are a few simple but importantGood night SMS to your beloved man or instead of “good morning”, which should be enough for quite a long time. Using them, you can show your man that you are constantly thinking about him.

Your support will be especially important for him. And gratitude for the actions he has done, even minor ones, can significantly pamper his ego.

In addition, reminding him of himself in the form of such SMS will have the opposite effect - he will think more about you, and this will have a positive effect on your relationship.

There is a myth that you don’t need to confess your sympathy to a man, he himself must take the first step, under no circumstances should you take the first step. When someone chooses you, then you will choose him. And you don’t have to choose anyone first. And I like it because a lot of girls think like that. It is very scary for them to take the first step. But providing for a man when he lives at her expense, when he is a gigolo, when he is lying on the couch, cannot provide for children - this is normal. But the first step is no, what are you talking about? Therefore, if you want a normal man, you must be able to pronounce this phrase or at least write it on social networks: “ Hello, I liked you», « Hello, I liked you as a man», « Hello, I'm interested in you as a man" This is the first phrase, write it down for yourself, and, of course, try it. Right now you can use it somewhere on social networks, in SMS, in messenger, in Viber.

Try sending one of these SMS messages to a man right now, if you really are. He will be really pleased. If you can, post his reaction in the comments. This will be interesting to know!

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