Download presentation examples of speech styles. Presentation on the topic "Speech Styles"

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Goal: to give an idea of ​​the stylistic varieties of the Russian literary language. Language serves the most diverse needs of human social life. Depending on the content and purpose of the narrative, on the situation of speech, certain means of language are used

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Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the principles of the appropriate use of the means available in a language. The set of linguistic means, the choice of which is determined by the content, purpose and setting of speech, constitutes what is usually called the style of the language

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Classification of style varieties of speech Written speech Oral speech Scientific style Business style Journalistic style Artistic style Conversational style

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Scientific style Purpose: systematic and accurate presentation of scientific issues Use of complex sentences Presence of words with abstract meaning, scientific and technical terminology Absence of emotionally charged words Logical presentation

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Main genres Article Monograph Dissertation Encyclopedia Dictionary Reference Book Educational literature

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Determine which of the texts is written in a scientific style? Explain your choice. Birch is a genus of trees and shrubs of the birch family. About 120 species, in temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere and in the mountains of the subtropics. Forest-forming and decorative species. The warty birch and downy birch are of greatest economic importance. The white birch tree under my window is covered with snow, like silver. On the fluffy branches, like a snowy border, the brushes blossomed like a white fringe... S. Yesenin

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Business style Used in the field of legal relations Accuracy Standardized text construction Prescriptive nature of business documents Widespread use of standard phrases Large number of derivative prepositions and conjunctions (in accordance, in connection, due to the fact that, according to ...)

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Main genres: Legislative acts Official correspondence Documents (application, application, power of attorney, explanatory, memorandum) Characteristics Autobiography, cv

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Review the sample application. What are the rules for writing and arranging parts? To the director of Humanitarian School No. 5, Yu. R. Semenov, student of class 10 “a” Petrov S. K. statement. I ask you to transfer me to grade 10 “b” (specialization in mathematics), since I intend to take the state exam in mathematics for further admission to the institute. Petrov September 5, 2005

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Journalistic style Purpose: informing, transmitting socially significant information Impact on the reader/listener Scope of use: socio-economic, political, cultural relations Logic and imagery Emotionality, appeal, evaluativeness Public accessibility: speech is intended for a wide audience Accuracy of facts, specificity Rhetorical questions, requests

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Main genres: Article in a newspaper, magazine Essay Report Interview Feuilleton Oratorical speech Judicial speech Speech on radio, television Report

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Determine the genre. The sunken ship Frau Maria was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic. Finnish scuba divers discovered the Dutch ship Frau Maria, which sank in 1771, at the bottom of the Baltic. According to available archival data, the ship transported works of art, faience, and gold jewelry that Empress Catherine the Great bought in Amsterdam.

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Artistic style Main function: aesthetic Imagery Use of artistic means of language (tropes): epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, etc. Emotionally charged vocabulary

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Read the poem. Determine the style of speech. Name the means of figurative expression. It was not the wind, blowing from above, that touched the sheets on the moonlit night; You touched my soul - It is as restless as leaves, It is like a harp, multi-stringed. The whirlwind of life tormented her and with a crushing attack, whistling and howling, tore the strings and covered her with cold snow... A. Tolstoy

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Conversational style Used in everyday life Ease of communication Unprepared speech Expressive and evaluative Presented both orally and in writing - notes, private letters summary of other presentations

“Features of the journalistic style of speech” - The main features of the style. Guilt complex. Chain of microtopics. Patriotism. National identity. Keywords. Journalistic style. Morality. Style features. Journalistic style of speech.

“Functional speech styles” - Professionalisms. System of speech means. Words-terms. Journalistic style. A means of artistic expression. Colloquial. Vernacular. Conversational style. Jargons. Scientific style. There are 5 functional styles. Varieties of language use. Territorial dialects. Use of spoken language. Type of speech. Dialectology. "General" spoken language. Business information. Official business style.

“Artistic style” - Non-Union. Using concepts, scientific thinking. I read Tolstoy. Using a word or expression in a meaning contrary to its literal meaning for the purpose of ridicule. Metonymy. Paths. The king of beasts is the lion. Can I again clothe the nakedness with the cover of a familiar life? Inversion. “It is very useful to sharpen and polish your mind on the minds of others.” Paraphrase. And you?.. Repetition of special words and phrases at the beginning of the passages that make up the statement.

“Official business style” - Name of the enterprise. Forms of control. Presentation of the essence of different points of view. Autobiography. A document called "Summary". Subject. Areas of use. Business letter. Formal - business style. Constructions for entering argumentation. Abstract. Statement. Learn to use official business language. Characteristics of primary sources. Concept of speech. Relevance of the topic. Expressing attitudes towards different points of view.

“Publicistic and artistic styles of speech” - The Russian language is rich. Paths. Gold rusts. Main problems. Journalistic and artistic styles of speech. List of books. Fiction style. Poetry. Talk about a poem. Word. Gogol. Extraordinary excitement. Amazing memory. Words can kill. Russian language. Unity of people. Epithet. Figures of speech.

“Scientific Speech” - Currently, more than 50 thousand scientific journals are published. Science does not recognize such language. Tolerance is tolerance for other people's opinions and beliefs. Immigration is the entry of foreigners into a country for permanent residence. What substyles do you know? Write down the types of substyles and main characteristics. The most important property of soil is...fertility. Popular science substyle. Interpretation of some terms.

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From the history of the word

Stylos (gr.) - writing stick

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Style is a functional variety of literary language, features of speech structure and word usage.

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Read the texts, determine the style of speech

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    Wind is the movement of air over the surface of the earth. Occurs due to uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure.

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    Mom mom! Look how strong the wind is, the trees are bending to the ground. - Let's go, Mashenka, hurry home.

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    Suddenly something broke through in the still air, the wind rushed strongly and whirled across the steppe with a noise and whistling sound. Immediately, the grass and last year's weeds began to roar, dust swirled along the road, ran across the steppe and, carrying straw, dragonflies and feathers with it, rose to the sky in a black spinning column and fogged the sun. A.P.Chekhov

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    1. scientific style 2. conversational style 3. artistic style

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    Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious shine. K. Paustovsky

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    It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me. I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold. A.S. Pushkin

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    Epithets Similes Personification Metaphors Expressive means of language

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    The moon makes its way through the wavy fogs, It pours sad light onto the sad meadows. A.S. Pushkin Epithets - figurative definitions

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    The forest, like a painted tower, purple, gold, crimson, stands like a cheerful, motley wall above the sunny meadow. Comparison - comparison of one object with another

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    A quiet sunset floats across the pond like a red swan. Metaphor is a hidden comparison, a juxtaposition of two objects that have a common feature. S. Yesenin

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    Personification is the endowment of inanimate objects with various feelings, thoughts, actions, and speech. Bird cherry sleeps in a white cape S. Yesenin.

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    Identify the expressive means of language in an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”.

    In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry, the darkness was rushing in the cloudy sky, the moon, like a pale spot, through the clouds of gloomy yellow bodies, and you sat sad. personification personification comparison epithet epithet

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    Formal business style

    The goal is accurate transmission of business information

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    In place of the blanks, write the full official name of our state.

    Our state is the Russian Federation. Complete the sentence: The the city...

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    Journalistic style

    Publikus-lat. public

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    The presentation was made by a teacher-speech therapist (GBOU Kazan boarding school No. 7) Usmanova F.A.


    Style is a choice of linguistic means associated with a certain sphere of social activity, the purpose of verbal communication and the composition of its speakers. What is style?


    Official business style The sphere of communication is communication between citizens and institutions. Used in documents, reports, statements, powers of attorney, business letters, orders and laws. Speech situation – 1/many. Serves to transmit information in the field of management.

    The official business style is characterized by: clarity; unemotional presentation; standardized phrases; words-terms; stylistically neutral vocabulary; vocabulary reflecting official business relations: plenum, session, decision; clerical work: listen to the report, read out the decision, incoming number; The main form of speech is written.

    Scientific style The sphere of communication is scientific activity (writing special textbooks, scientific articles, notes, term papers). Speech situation 1/many. The purpose is to provide an accurate and clear understanding of scientific concepts.

    The scientific style is characterized by: clarity and consistency of presentation; evidence; lack of expression of emotions; terminological vocabulary: - technical terms: centrifuge; - medical terms: x-ray; - linguistic terms: suffix; - economic terms: barter; The main form of speech is written.

    Journalistic style The sphere of communication is mass propaganda activities, information or analytical broadcasts on television and radio, speeches at meetings, articles in newspapers. Speech situation – 1/many. It is used to influence the thoughts or feelings of people in a certain way, in order to interest them or convince them of something.

    The journalistic style is characterized by: information content; evidence; book vocabulary: position, essence, phenomenon; evaluative vocabulary; abstract words with socio-political meaning: humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving; expressiveness and emotionality; emotional-expressive assessment; The main form of speech is written and oral.

    Artistic style Sphere of communication - works of art: novel, story, poem, short story, poem, story, essay, ballad. Speech situation 1/many. The main function is aesthetic.

    The artistic style is characterized by: imagery; book vocabulary: lofty words that give speech solemnity; evaluative vocabulary; emotional-expressive assessment: great-heartedness, quixoticism – positive assessment; pedantic, mannerism, disguise, corrupt – negative assessment; author's individuality; The main form of speech is written.

    Conversational style The sphere of communication is communication between people in everyday life, conversations in the family, clarification of relationships, discussion of plans, friendly communication. Speech situation 1/1. It is used in informal, everyday, everyday communication between people in oral speech that has not been prepared in advance.

    The conversational style is characterized by: incomplete expression and emotionality; colloquial words and forms: brother, sister, waved, jumped; evaluative vocabulary; the stylistic coloring is clearly expressed: daughter, excellent, wonderful, wonderful, excellent, nasty, nasty, insolent; reduced words that are outside the literary vocabulary; The main form of speech is oral.

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