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Every year on August 22, the Komi people (more precisely, the Komi-Zyryans, who differ from the Komi-Permyaks living in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug) celebrate the formation of their national Republic. On this day, many cities in the region host ceremonial meetings, festive concerts and mass celebrations dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the Komi Republic. Officially, this region became part of Russia back in the 15th century, but until the October Revolution of 1917, the territory where the Komi lived was part of different provinces - Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Vyatka. The Komi people had the opportunity to find their own region after the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia in November 1917.


It is very important to introduce children to their small homeland. Knowledge of history, what your republic is proud of, is the basis of true patriotism.



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Sights of the Komi Republic, remarkable places of the Urals. (part 1)

The KOMI republic's area is 416.8 thousand km2, which is comparable to the area of ​​such European countries as France, Germany, and Poland. According to data as of January 1, 2012, the population of the republic was about 890 thousand people. 77% of this number are urban residents (Vorkuta, Vuktyl, Inta, Pechora, Sosnogorsk, Syktyvkar, Usinsk, Ukhta).

VORKUTA is a city beyond the Arctic Circle in the north of the Komi Republic. It is located in the permafrost zone, in the tundra. Translated from Nenets, the name of the city means “Bear Corner”. This is still true in the sense that getting to Vorkuta is quite difficult. There is still no road here. You can only get to Vorkuta by train or plane.

The name of the city is given by the Vorkuta River (originally - Varkuta-yakha, which is translated from the Nenets language as “river abounding with bears” (vark - brown bear (Nenets)). The city in Russia is located in the north of the Komi Republic, on the western slopes of the Polar Ural, on the Vorkuta River. Located above the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone. It is the third most populous city in the world located above the Arctic Circle.

Yarega You probably know that our country is one of the world leaders in oil-producing states. There are many deposits of this “black gold” in our country. But what do we know about the extraction methods of this mineral? Basically, oil is extracted by drilling wells, from which, roughly speaking, gas and a fountain of liquid oil then burst out. This extraction method is typical for low-density oil, or simply put, liquid oil. Is there really other oil? - you ask. Eat! And they mine it, like solid minerals (ore, coal) in mines. And the first of them on the territory of our country began to work in Yaregi.

VOTCHA is one of the oldest settlements in the Komi Republic. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of ancient settlements near the village, indicating that people lived here before the 10th - 11th centuries. In total, the Votchinsky archaeological complex includes three monuments of different periods: the settlements of Gul-Chun, Karyyil and the Votchinsky burial ground. Archaeologists have made many finds here, including silver items.

VYLGORT - Vylgort is an ancient village, the administrative center of the Syktyvdinsky district, located near the capital of the Komi Republic - the city of Syktyvkar. And although the village is not administratively connected with Syktyvkar, in fact it is its suburb. The first written mention of Vylgort dates back to 1586. The village was formed from the merger of several villages. Translated from the Komi language, “Vyl Gort” means “new home.”

Architectural monument The main attraction of Vylgort is a very beautiful wooden elementary school building, built in 1913. In 1999, the Museum of History and Culture of the Syktyvdinsky District was opened in this building.

In 2008, the center of folk crafts “Zaran” opened in Vylgort. Here you can learn many interesting folk crafts.

Zavalinka In the summer, in July, in the center of the village on Yubileinaya Square, it has become a tradition to hold festivals of performers of the folk song “Zavalinka”. Where famous groups and singers come from many regions of Russia, Moscow and abroad.

Izhma From time immemorial, the people of Izhma went out “for a walk in the meadows” on one of the white July nights. The holiday was called: Lud, that is, “meadow”. The Lud holiday includes round dances and round dance games, some of them are “Kyk ryad”, “Orchchon sulalom”, “Krugon vorsom”, “Kuimon”, etc. The population feels unity in a common round dance, the leaders of which are amateur performers. This holiday has the status of a Komi Republican holiday and is included among the 11 wonders of the Komi Republic.

LUD From time immemorial, the people of Izhma went out on one of the white summer nights to “ludyn voilyny” (“walk in the meadows”). In the mid-1930s, this tradition was interrupted. The celebration was resumed only sixty years later, in 1997. At ten o'clock in the evening, ancestral and family bonfires are lit on a freshly mown part of the festive meadow. By this time, all Izhem villages and hamlets are erecting mini-farms, representing the peculiarities of the local way of life. Sizyabsk, a traditional reindeer herding village, is setting up a tent. Mokhcha and Gam, famous for their horses, organize horse races. In the Krasnoborsky farmstead, which also unites residents of the villages of Vertep and Diyur, they demonstrate their values: healing blue clay, “living” water and miracle brooms.

Ust-Tsilma is a large village on the Pechora River, located in the north of the Komi Republic. The village was founded by Novgorodians in 1542. In the 17th-18th centuries. A large number of Old Believers moved to Ust-Tsilma to escape persecution by the authorities. To this day, Ust-Tsilma has preserved the rich folklore traditions of the Russian North.

"Red Hill", which in 2004 was awarded the status of a republican holiday. This is a bright colorful celebration, a spring-summer ritual holiday. held from Midsummer to Peter's Day (from July 7 to July 12). According to folklorists, it is here that this holiday has been preserved to this day in full, living ritual action.


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Sights of the Komi Republic, remarkable places of the Urals. (part 2)

Ural Manaraga is one of the highest and most beautiful mountain peaks of the Subpolar Urals. Manaraga looks from a distance like a heavily cut ridge. Its height is 1662 meters above sea level. The name of the mountain comes from the Nenets words “mana” and “rakha” - “like a bear’s paw”. The truly dissected ridge of the mountain resembles a clawed bear's paw.

Ural Mountain Narodnaya (emphasis on the first syllable) is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. The mountain, almost two thousand meters above sea level, is located in a remote area in the Subpolar Urals. The story of the origin of the name of this key Ural landmark is not a simple one. There has been serious debate among scientists for a long time about the name of the mountain. According to one version, the peak, opened just on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution, was named in honor of the Soviet people - NarOdnaya (with emphasis on the second syllable).

Ghost town Halmer-Yu is probably the only ghost town in the Urals. Here, in a beautiful place in the middle of the tundra, near the Ural mountains, there are apartment buildings, administrative buildings and industrial facilities abandoned forever by people. Urban trip lovers will feel like in paradise here. After the closure of the village, the territory is used as a military training ground under the code name “Pemboy”.

The village of Graddor is located not far from the capital of the Komi Republic - the city of Syktyvkar - on the territory of the Syktyvdinsky district, belongs to the Shoshkinsky village council. The first mention of the village of Graddor dates back to 1719. The name of the first settler of the village is known - he was Ivan Anisimovich Savinov, a native of Shoshka. The most famous native of Graddor is the military leader Dmitry Georgievich Dubrovsky. For his military exploits he received many high awards.

The small village of Zelenets near the capital of the Komi Republic - Syktyvkar - is interesting for its old, abandoned church. The village stretches along the left bank of the Vychegda River. On the right bank of the Vychegda, opposite the village, there is an archaeological site. Archaeologists have discovered a settlement here that dates back to the 9th century. Scientists attributed the finds discovered here to the Vanvizda culture. They can be seen in the Museum of Ethnography and Archeology of Syktyvkar University.

Zelenets The village was first mentioned in documents in 1586. Its original name was Shordoryag, which translated means “near the forest river.” The toponym “zelenets” means an island on a river without arable land. Probably they meant the island located just below the village. In the past, the village of Zelenets was a famous center for the production of household utensils from wood.

Knyazhpogost (Emva) The village of Knyazhpogost is located north of the capital of the Komi Republic - the city of Syktyvkar. Apparently, in the distant past, this place was the residence of the Vym princes who ruled Perm, Vychegda, which is why such a toponym arose. This is one of the oldest settlements on the Vym River. Archaeological finds indicate that people lived here for a long time. Near the village, traces of an ancient fortified settlement with ramparts and ditches were discovered.

Konstantin Rokossovsky - served his sentence in Knyazhpogost. In the recent past, it was one of the islands of the Gulag archipelago. It was the prisoners who built the Syktyvkar-Knyazhpogost highway and the railway. The administration of Sevzheldorlag was located in the village of Zheleznodorozhny. The Northern railway camp existed from 1938 to 1950, the number of prisoners reached 85 thousand people.

Moose farm of the Pechora-Ilychsky Nature Reserve In 1946, news spread around the residents of the Troitsko-Pechora district. In the taiga expanses in the upper reaches of the Pechora, hunters, collective farmers, and ordinary residents are involved in catching elk calves. Soon, long-legged, good-natured animals could be seen outside the enclosures in the local village of Yaksha. In 1949, there were already 11 domesticated moose calves here. This is how a moose farm, the only one in the world, was born in the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve.

Moose farm

Yugyd-Va – National Park We present to your attention the largest national park in Russia, which is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as “Virgin Komi Forests”. It is truly huge - its territories spread across three regions of the Komi Republic: Intinsky, Vuktylsky and Pechora and occupy the western spurs of the Northern and Subpolar Urals.

Weathering pillars This beautiful and mysterious place of the Northern Urals is often called: Man-Pupu-Ner, Man-Pupyg-Ner, Bolvano-Iz, Mansi blockheads... Tourists usually call them briefly - “Pupy”. Translated from the Mansi language, “Man-Pupu-Ner” means “Small Mountain of Idols.” There are seven of these remains in total. Six pillars are lined up on a flat plateau, and one stands slightly to the side. Their height is from 30 to 42 meters. They all have bizarre shapes. For the Mansi, this place has long been considered holy; they forbade going here.

Ulyanovsk Trinity-Stefan Monastery is one of the oldest in the Komi Republic. According to legend, it was founded by Stefan of Perm in 1385, but then it did not last long. By the way, also according to legend, in ancient times, the girl Ulyaniya drowned in this place in the Vychegda River while fleeing from enemies. The settlement in this place was named after her.

The small village of Ust-Vym in the Komi Republic is very interesting for its history and architecture. The village is the administrative center of the Ust-Vymsky district of the Komi Republic. It is located near the confluence of the Vychegda and Vym rivers. In 1380, the missionary Stephen, now known as Stephen of Perm, arrived in this place. He promoted Orthodoxy and fought against paganism.

The village with the unusual name Yb is one of the most popular places for tourists and pilgrims coming to the Komi Republic. This is a major center of ethnographic tourism. The village is located on the high left bank of the Sysola River. The rural settlement of Yb consists of 13 villages standing on seven hills, stretched along the Sysola River for about 15 kilometers.

Finno-Ugric Ethnocultural Park is a thematic cultural and educational complex located in the village of Yb, Syktyvdinsky district. The main idea of ​​the Finno-Ugric ethno-cultural entertainment complex is to have an ethno-cultural flavor at the heart of its activities, in connection with the facts of the history of the Komi and other Finno-Ugric peoples, to the cultural traditions and demands of the modern population of the republic and its guests.

The Komi Republic (Komi Komi Republic) is a republic within the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the North-Western Federal District. Located on the Pechora, Usa, Mezenkomi and Russian Federation rivers, a subject of the Russian Federation of the North-Western Federal District

Climate The climate is temperate continental. Winters are long and cold, summers are short, warm in the south and cool in the northern regions. Average January temperature: 20 °C (in the northern part) and 17 °C (in the southern part) Average July temperature: +11 °C (in the northern part) and +15...+17 °C (in the southern part) Precipitation: from 700 mm per year.

In the Middle Ages, the Komi lands were part of the possessions of the Novgorod Republic, but at the end of the 15th century they were transferred to the Principality of Moscow. The most important commodity exported outside the territory was furs. Due to the harsh climate and the lack of year-round communications, the territory remained sparsely populated for a long time, although artisanal oil production began in the mid-18th century in the area of ​​the Ukhta River. Middle Ages of the Novgorod Republic 15th century Moscow Principality of Furs Climate 18th century Ukhta Artisanal


The Mountain of Stone Idols is covered with many legends about its origin, composed by local peoples. Despite the fact that geologists point to the natural origin of high stone layers, the object does not become less interesting. The huge pillars fascinate travelers traveling vast distances along a beautiful but difficult road with their extraordinary nature: it is difficult to believe that nature could so carefully carve out the stone guardians of the Pechora sources year after year. They say that sometimes you can hear the noise coming from the stones, and a long stay near them can plunge even those who always enjoy life into depression. Mountain of Stone Idols

The Buredan waterfall is located 25 kilometers from the village and represents the end of the cascading rapids on the Halmeryu River. Cascades of rapids were formed as the river passed through the eastern spurs of the Pemboya Upland. The cascade of rapids stretches over a distance of 10 kilometers and is located in a picturesque gorge surrounded by high cliffs, the total height of the water fall is more than 10 meters

Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich () a world famous sociologist and philosopher were born in the republic. Kuratov, Ivan Alekseevich Kuratov, Ivan Alekseevich () founder of Komi literature, linguist, translator, Komi poet. Zhakov, Kallistrat Falaleevich Zhakov, Kallistrat Falaleevich () Komizyryan ethnographer, philosopher, writer. Avramov, Ivan IvanovichAvramov, Ivan Ivanovich () actor, theater director, People's Artist of the USSR (1976) People's Artist of the USSR1976 Sidorova, Glafira PetrovnaSidorova, Glafira Petrovna (b. 1922) theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Leontyev, Valery Yakovlevich Leontyev, Valery Yakovlevich (b. 1949) Soviet and Russian pop singer.

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The Komi Republic is a republic within the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, and is part of the Northwestern Federal District.
The Komi Republic is located west of the Ural Mountains, in the extreme northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation.

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The Komi Republic was formed on August 22, 1921 as an autonomous region - Komi JSC (Zyryan); On May 26, 1992, it was transformed into a republic within Russia - the Komi Republic.

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Flag of the Komi Republic

The blue color symbolizes the clear sky, the grandeur and vastness of the north. Green color is a symbol of taiga expanses and forest riches. The white stripe on the flag reminds us that the territory of the Komi Republic belongs to the North. It embodies the whiteness and purity of snow, the harsh beauty of northern nature.

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The coat of arms depicts the silhouette of a golden bird of prey on a red heraldic shield, and on its chest is the face of a woman framed by six elk heads. The bird is depicted in flight and represents statehood and power, which are called upon to protect the Motherland and people, promote their development and prosperity. The open wings of a bird mean the hospitality of the republic. The woman’s face on the bird’s chest resembles the image of Zarni An (Golden Woman), the life-giving solar goddess, the mother of the world. The image of a moose is associated with the idea of ​​strength, nobility, and beauty.
Coat of arms of the Komi Republic

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National anthem of the Komi Republic (in Russian) North, our native land, Deep are your snows, Cold are your winds, High is your taiga! We are carried through the centuries by Falcon wings. Komi region, your destiny is gracious and bright!
The national anthem of the Komi Republic is the official solemn song. The anthem is a symbol of a democratic legal state, the unity of its multinational people, and the preservation of the traditions of national culture.

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Syktyvkar is the capital and largest city of the Komi Republic. The city was founded in 1780. All government institutions and the Supreme Court of the Komi Republic are located in Syktyvkar.

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Syktyvkar is the social and business center of the Komi Republic. It is also an industrial center in northern Russia. The city has about 40 large industrial enterprises, one third of which are of national importance.

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Vorkuta – a city of “permafrost”
The city of Vorkuta is located in a permafrost zone, just 140 kilometers from the coast of the Arctic Ocean. In winter there are polar nights, and in summer there are polar days. You can see the northern lights in the sky of Vorkuta!

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The largest cities of the Komi Republic
Ukhta is a city of oil and gas workers.
Ukhta is located in areas equated to the regions of the Far North. The first oil production in Russia began in Ukhta.

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