Scenario New Year's holiday "meet the year of the monkey." Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Year of the Monkey" New Year's scenarios with the participation of a monkey

For any holiday you need to prepare in advance. And if we are talking about the new year, then you need to prepare for this event even in the summer. We did just that and came up with a funny script for the New Year 2016 for a corporate party. The script is dedicated to the year of the monkey and will appeal to everyone without exception. Watch and arrange for yourself the best corporate party in your life.

Dear friends! Today we will say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one. Everyone knows that there is such a belief: how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. That is why we all try to celebrate the New Year in a good company, where kindness, fun and good mood. So let's, and we will create just such an atmosphere in our company - an atmosphere of kindness, happiness, fun and celebration.
And for this we need kind people who have a special energy. Do you know how to define a good person? There are several hints for this.
Firstly. Kind people are those who have animals at home. I ask everyone who has animals at home to stand up.
Secondly, kind people are people in love. Do we have such? I ask people in love to stand up. You see, and we have love in the hall!
Thirdly, good people are those who decorate the Christmas tree at home. There are such. Who decorated the Christmas tree? Get up! Do you feel how the hall is getting kinder and more festive?
And good people are those who celebrate the New Year in a good company of relatives. Friends and acquaintances. I ask everyone else to stand up.
You see, it turns out that we are all kind and good people. So, our holiday will be great. But that is not all! I ask everyone to pick up a sparkler and light it. Lit? look how beautiful! Now everything will be perfect for us all next year!
Well, now I ask everyone to sit down at their festive tables. And while you put salads on your plates. Look with one eye at our screen. You will be congratulated by cute monkeys.
Video greetings from the monkeys.

Well, now it's time to play. Let's define the monkey king first. After all, 2016 is the year of the monkey. And for that I need men.
The men take the stage. They will determine the king of the monkeys in several stages.
Stage 1.
All men stand in one line, they are given one match each. On command, each man throws a match. Whose match flew further. He is the strongest and is moving away.
Stage 2.
We hang a picture of a monkey without a banana on the wall. The men are blindfolded and given a picture of a banana in their hands. It is desirable that the pattern be on something sticky. The man is untwisted and allowed forward. He must reach the picture with the monkey and try to attach a banana to it. That is, "put" a banana in a monkey's paw. And which of the men will be able to do this, they are the most accurate and also stand aside for now.
Stage 3.
And here everything is simple. We look at the remaining men and whoever has the largest amount of hair on his head is also a contender for the title.

And here are all the contenders. They line up on the stage. The phonogram with the cry of Tarzan or King Kong is turned on. And our pretenders must repeat or utter their cry. And the audience identifies the king of the monkeys by their cry. Who has the loudest and most interesting scream. He is the monkey king.
When the monkey king was identified, it was time to find him a female. To do this, the monkey king walks around the hall and takes all the girls. Thus, they line up and dance something like a lambada. When all the girls clung to the "tail" of the monkey king, the music is interrupted. And all the girls must run. And the monkey king must catch any one girl. The one he caught will be his female and the monkey princess.

And now let's dive into the world of fairy tales. Let's see a scene in which the old prankster Santa Claus decided to get married. And in order to find a wife for himself, he asked his granddaughter Snegurochka to go to a dating site.


Dear friends! The coming year is the year of the monkey. Do you know the most famous monkey fable? That's right, it's the "monkey and glasses" fable. And now we will guess famous personalities who wear glasses. Everything is very simple here: on the screen you see glasses and eyes, and you try to guess who this person is. And then the full face of this person will appear on the screen. And whoever guessed it will get a ball. And whoever scores the most points wins and gets such wonderful points as a prize!
Sample video for the competition:

And our holiday continues. And then we have dancing and fun, delicious food and fireworks!

I'll start with thanks!

Thanks to everyone who wrote me kind words in the comments for the selection of New Year's contests, you all inspire me!

For those who are on the Again Holiday website for the first time, I’ll say right away that you need to start with the popular family fun, which are listed in these articles, and simply add “monkey” contests to the script:

Before writing the script, I asked everyone I knew what associations the word “monkey” evokes. Everyone called BANANA the first thing. I decided not to resist public opinion, so we will definitely need a decent bunch of bananas.

Who is this script for:

  • if you spend a holiday at home, where there is very little free space between the table and the TV
  • if friends and relatives aged 2 to 102 have gathered, and almost half of them are children
  • if you want to stir up the usual feast a little according to the toast-drink-snack pattern
  • if you have a few hours to prepare a family holiday and you are ready to spend a small amount of money on New Year's accessories and prizes for participating in contests

The essence of the family New Year's scenario "Year of the Monkey"

I understand how difficult it is to go beyond the standard format and encourage people to actively celebrate the new year, so I came up with those very signed bananas. To participate in competitions, it is always difficult to pull out those who wish, we simply announce that each guest must pull out his “Lucky Banana” for the evening. Who can turn down luck?

To do this, everyone needs to leave the table, pull out a banana from the basket, on which is written the name of the competition and a number indicating the number of participants. If everyone participates, we write: “ALL”.

Even an ordinary pen writes on bananas.

When you pull another banana, you will feel it yourself. The guests drank and ate, call the next lucky person to the basket. After the competitions - again a gastronomic break.

I usually have time to complete the entire program before midnight, as most children begin to nod off, and all this is started, first of all, just for them.

Contests "Year of the Monkey" for a family holiday

I remind you that the order of tasks is chosen randomly when the next guest pulls their baskets or banana boxes without looking.

Banana "Selfie with a monkey" - That's it!

In this case, everyone can stay at the table, we take all selfies on one smartphone, which we pass around. There should always be only two people in the photo, so we assign the one on the right as a monkey. Yes, it is he who will need to make a face and make characteristic gestures, while the second character, who got the role of a man, takes a selfie.

Then we demonstrate all these frames on the screen of a computer, laptop or TV. It turns out, have fun twice.

Banana "Time Capsule" - Everything!

In turn, we give each guest a beautiful piece of paper and a pen on which he will write a public promise for the next year. He will write and announce to everyone: “I promise in the new year ...”

A box or a bottle can serve as a capsule, that's not the point. I publicly promise to lose weight by 5 kg. I hope the daughter will make a promise to use her time productively, and the son will assure everyone that he will start pushing up from the floor 10 times. Something like this. Of course, you can laugh it off, but the action itself makes the guests think.

Banana "Angry monkey" - 5

This is a "live" version of the famous game, only we will not have a bird to fly, but a soft monkey.

A total of 5 people are needed. Two hold the ends of an ordinary linen gum 1 m long or a little more. The other two participants will compete in hitting the target in turn. Our target will be the 5th participant. A soft toy will fly into him, and he will also serve it back to the participants in the competition.

We put a monkey on an elastic band, pull it off, aim, shoot! I don't think any further explanation is needed here. Let's give everyone 5 attempts.

May friendship win, prizes for both shooters.

Banana "Dance with a banana" - That's it!

On the one hand, it would be nice to use a monkey mask or a hat, but guests do not always want to spoil their hair, so we use a banana as a transition prop.

Put all the guests in a circle, the host has a banana in his hands. He shows everyone the movements, after a few musical phrases he passes it on to another. It is this music that is not fast, the movements are easy to repeat even for small children. "Awimbawe" liked the monkey Marcel from the comedy "Friends".

When I get a rolling banana, I build everyone into a snake and lead them around the apartment. Mixed with kids it turns out funny, because their hands do not always reach the waist of the previous person.

Here's the music, in case anyone forgot:

If you need something more energetic, download a cut of various hits from my Yandex Disk (there are almost 5 minutes of fun music).

Banana "Grad" - All children!

There are times when you need to prepare a surprise for the children, and distract them all for a few minutes in another room. Here's what I came up with this time. Prepare ice balls with a small plastic toy inside the day before the holiday. Let's call it "hail from the Planet of the Apes."

I think a lot of monkey keychains will be sold soon - just right. We put the toy in a ball, fill it with water (for this I pull the ball on the tap), tie it tightly and put it in the freezer.

Before the start of the holiday, we tear off the rubber shell from the “hailstones” and keep it in the freezer or on the balcony (if the temperature is below zero) until the right moment on one large tray. Looks impressive, by the way!

You need as many balls as there are children so that they all go to the bathroom or the kitchen to defrost their hailstones under running water and get toys that are frozen inside. In the picture for example - a dinosaur, and we put a monkey.

Banana "Predictions"

This is a standard, but always funny entertainment, when guests need to come up with 20 adjectives, which are then inserted into a pre-prepared text.

Here is an example text of "The Wise Monkey's Predictions":

The new year will start with a _______ surprise! You will wake up on the morning of January 1 and see outside the window __________ a phenomenon that no one has ever seen! For the next 10 days, __________ treats, __________ guests, __________ walks around _________ city, many ___________ gifts and ______________ surprises are waiting for you! January will pass unnoticed, and in February you will congratulate __________ men on _________ holiday, and in March ______ women are already waiting for gifts. Further, everything is without much adventure, until the most long-awaited holiday comes - _______ summer. This is three months of __________ weather, _________ vegetables and fruits, __________ picnics by the water. Yes! And again on September 1st! ________ children will take their _______ bags and __________ flowers and go to _________ school! And the last prediction... At the end of December, you will again prepare for the new year. As usual, this will be the most _________ holiday in your family.

Banana "Alaverdy" - Everything!

This is such a circular toast in one phrase, but so that the guests do not repeat themselves, let everyone be given a topic for a toast in “one line” (we pull a piece of paper from a hat). It will be almost like in the film “Peculiarities of the National…”, but do not forget that we have children at the table, they also need to say a wish for everyone. It's fun when a three-year-old child gets the topic "Politics".

Here are some more topics (before the toast begins, the host asks everyone to draw out a card): “About children”, “About health”, “About finance”, “About the world”, “About the country”, “About beauty”, “For parents”, “For women”, “For real men”, “About love”, “About dreams”, “About work and study”, “About surprises and gifts”, etc. I think it's not so difficult to come up with something for every guest, including kids, even if there are only 20 people. The apartment won't fit anymore.

Banana "The name of the monkey" - That's it!

This is a quiz. It's the year of the monkey, so I decided to find all the monkeys that have become famous in movies, cartoons and books. Sometimes you can just ask the question "What was the name of the monkey from ...". Or like this: “Where is monkey Dexter from?”

Small prizes can be given for guessing.

Here are the famous monkeys that I remembered:

Chichi (Aibolit's assistant), Maria Frantsevna (Cheburashka's friend), Anfisa (Uspensky's character from the fairy tale "About Vera and Anfisa"), Abu (from "Aladdin's Lamp", Chita (Tarzan's girlfriend), mother of many children ("Beware of monkeys"), Rafiki (from "The Lion King"), King Kong (film of the same name), Zira (chimpanzee doctor from "Planet of the Apes") , Bambino ("Funtik"), Dexter ("Night at the Museum"), Spike (monkey from "Ace Ventura"), Mr. Nilson ("Pippi Longstocking"), Slipper ("Dasha the Traveler"), Toto (passepartout was in "80 days around the world").

My fantasy is over...

Banana "Monkey and Glasses" - That's it!

This is just a fun photo session with funny glasses, you can organize it at the time of the change of dishes, when the guests got up to warm up. These glasses are now sold in all holiday stores, you can easily find them.

Take pictures of your guests trying on accessories, imitating the heroine of a famous fable. In other words, glasses can be applied to any place. If someone has forgotten the fable, you can read it pathetically on a stool.

You can borrow glasses from me. They need to be cut out and glued to them with wooden skewers. .

If there is no time for all this, you can buy ready-made kits for a funny photo shoot (glasses, sponges, mustaches) immediately on sticks. .

Banana "Relay" - 2

Monkeys are called Quadrupeds, although they are rather Four-armed. In any case, monkeys are equally good at both hands and feet. Our relay race will prove it!

Coconuts (balloons), you need to bring to the kitchen in your hands, and back - in your legs ... Or even at the same time: one in your arms, the other in your legs.

If you have a large room and enough space for the relay, you can not go anywhere. We just observe the ingenuity of the participants.

Banana "Portrait" - 2

Who knows which breed of monkeys are the largest? What are the smallest? Gorilla and Igrunka. So… We ask for the merry dance of the BIGGEST and smallest guest. We make their portrait and give gifts. We have the tallest grandfather Vova. The smallest is 10-month-old baby Romka. We will honor them!

Banana "I don't see anything..." - 3

Who knows why in Japan exactly three monkeys show the Buddhist idea "If I see no evil, hear no evil and say nothing about it, then I am protected from it"?

In Japanese, "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I will not tell anyone" sounds like "mizaru, kikazaru, ivazaru." So the ending "dzaru" is consonant with the word "monkey".

The competition consists of 3 parts, 3 guests participate. Everyone gets a prize for guessing, of course. Here I am a little monkeying from the game "Crocodile", but this year it is not forbidden to monkey.

1. I don't see anything. The guest stands with his back, we ask you to guess the object that everyone else sees, and he asks leading questions: “Is this edible?”, “Is this red”, etc., until he guesses. From experience, a glass ball for a Christmas tree, a calendar and a designer are guessed for a long time.

2. I can't hear anything. We show the object only to the guests behind the person’s back, and he himself again does not see the object, but sees everyone else. The guests “describe” the object with movements (he doesn’t hear), he guesses out loud. Let these be notes (guests begin to portray playing musical instruments, a conductor, etc.), but we are talking about notes printed on paper.

3. I won't tell anyone. Vice versa. The presenter in the picture shows the word only to the player, and he is trying to convey the essence of the guests with movements. It is good to guess the phrase "New Year".

Banana "Such a clockwork" - All children!

We call all the children, turn on a song from the movie "Electronic", where the monkey sings "And I'm so groovy" and tell the conditions. The host touches the nose (“turns on” the monkey), only then does it begin to dance funny. Then he touches the back - turns off. All the other monkeys stand still until they are turned on, then freeze when the leader touches their back. By the third verse, I include everyone together. It's fun, friends! Even it is a pity that the song is only a minute. Sometimes we spin 3 times in a row.

What awaits in the new year?

Oh, everyone likes personal predictions and always, that's for sure absolutely! Sometimes I put bags with souvenirs and predictions on a plate, the guests are seated in all directions, so everything turns out really spontaneously. Sometimes a son comes out with a bag in a mask of the symbol of the year, offers to pull out a bag to each guest in turn. This year I will buy him a monkey mask or even a costume ...

Souvenirs I buy the most inexpensive ones in the nearest supermarket, only then I come up with wishes and predictions. I wrap each little thing in a plain napkin or in corrugated paper, tie it with a ribbon. I put a piece of paper with the text there, which each guest reads aloud.

Here is what I bought this year, for example I give predictions:

gold fish(in my case - a children's plastic flashing pendant around the neck) - In the new year, 3 big wishes will come true. Just be careful, think about what is really important to you. And stop in time!

chocolate umbrella The chocolate umbrella is magical! It will not protect you from bad weather, but it will protect you in all other important situations. Eat your talisman with your loved ones and the magic will begin!

Christmas caramel“Now in your life, not black and white stripes will alternate, but red and white. What does it mean? Only weekdays and holidays will fill your life, forget about everything else!

chocolate coins- It will not only be the sound of coins and the rustle of banknotes! That wealth will come into your life, about which they say “happiness is not in money”.

spinning top Spinning around like a top is fun! You will be healthy, energetic and full of ideas. Everything will be easy. As soon as one steep turn ends, another immediately begins. Spin for the joy of all!

Chocolate bottle of champagne- The New Year will begin with a loud and joyful clap, for which you have been preparing for so long. It remains only to pour the drink of luck evenly for all 12 months of the year, and you will take on the most difficult things in high spirits!

notepad- Do not be lazy, write down on the first sheet of this notebook the main goal for the coming year. Even if it seems too big and impossible for you, just trust the magic. It remains to understand exactly what you want to achieve.

Soft toy(I have a snake) - You will have a year of Generosity and Kindness. You will want to give a lot of warmth and care, and all the people around you will delight you with good deeds. You will decorate the world with yourself and your talent.

New Year's toy in a package with the inscription "Time of Wonders"(bullfinch) - Yes, the time of miracles has come! You will get tired of being surprised at how simple and easy everything you have planned turns out. But… There is one condition! Share your unprecedented luck with those closest to you and invent miracles for them every day.

clockwork toy(frog) - Jump! Run! Squat! Sport is not only health, but also a source of energy for any business. This year you will make an unprecedented breakthrough, and your physical form will surprise us all.

ball(in my picture it is transparent, with fish) - Choose a target and make many attempts! You will definitely hit the target, and don't be angry if it didn't work right away. Believe me, the more training, the more valuable will be the joy of victory. In the new year, you will be the first in the most important thing for you.

Chocolate medal- This year you will understand that the most important thing is not the reward, but the path to victory itself. Enjoy every minute of life. Accept with gratitude all life's puzzles, be surprised and rejoice at the little things, easily give kindness and care to loved ones.

figured soap(I have it again a monkey) - You will be cleansed of the worst - sad thoughts, self-doubt, endless anxiety. Wash away your failures and start the year with a clean slate.

Souvenir Chupa Monkey

I'm giving away a free layout! Print and cut out such a funny monkey, which has a candy on a stick instead of a nose. There you need to make a hole for the stick, put the candy in and glue the edges of the ears and the top of the head.

Not saying goodbye!

I will supplement this page until December 31, as ideas come to me suddenly and often do not coincide with the moment the article was written. I would be glad to add comments in the comments, because we all need a cheerful family New Year.

Scenario of the New Year of the Monkey "Jungle"

Inventory :

Presenter's folder, decorated in the form of two green leaves
Monkey masks - 2 pcs.
Pony tails - 2 pcs.
Fur gloves - monkey paws - 2 pairs
Monkey hair wigs - 2 pcs.
Fake fruits, other items in the basket
Large pineapple fake with a flat bottom - 2 pcs.
Clown glasses - 1 pc.

Scenario start

The beginning of the holiday according to the script. The general light goes out. Light emphasis is placed only on the leader.

Jungle-style music plays, birds chirp, the presenter (leader) enters the stage (to the guests in the hall). The leader is dressed brightly, with beads in the form of fangs on his neck, and a bandage with feathers on his head, like an Indian. A folder with a green holiday script, framed in the form of two large leaves.

Host: Good evening, gentlemen!
The cold is coming.
Soon the holiday - New Year,
He comes to the jungle!

We'll be fine here
It's cozy and warm here!
Fruit - the sea and wine,
Everyone please come here!

The host bows hospitably.

Leading: Who is in the jungle, as in paradise?
What year will come? Chorus!

Guests say: Monkeys! Monkey!

Host: We'll meet her soon!

Host: And now let's hold a small contest:


Guests are divided into teams, it is possible by tables, it is possible for men and women.
You need to remember as many cartoons with monkeys as possible.

Answer options:
– Limpopo (Dr. Aibolit);
- 38 parrots;
- Watch out, monkeys!
- About Vera and Anfisa;
- Monkeys in space;
– Monkey from the island of Sarugashima;
- A monkey and a turtle.

The winners are Mamba sweets.

The DJ puts on upbeat music. The musical break lasts 5-10 minutes. The guests are eating.

Leading: New Year will come soon,
Hello, our happy holiday!
Symbol of the year - Monkey,
We all know about you!

Now questions for you
How do we know monkeys?
What do we know about primates?
Only here I ask, without a mat.

Questions about the monkey

Questions about monkeys for those who are well erudite, or have traveled a lot around the world.

1. Is there a monument to monkeys? (yes, not one)
2. Where are such monuments located?
- in Abkhazia, Sukhum. The monument to monkeys was erected for their merits and sufferings before experimental medicine, in gratitude to the monkey from man for the victory over many diseases;
- in Kharkov, a monument to monkeys - Hector, Rosa and Desi - who survived the Great Patriotic War, was installed in the zoo;
- in China, on the island of monkeys - a monument to the wise monkey;
- there are also monuments to monkeys in Germany - Berlin, Poland, Sweden, in the city of Syzran.
3. How is a monkey different from a human?
- a person always walks on his feet, a monkey mostly moves on four, only sometimes rises on two;
- the forelimbs in monkeys are longer than the hind limbs, in humans - on the contrary; therefore monkeys are adapted to climb, hang, jump, and man to perform small operations;
- the fangs of the monkey are long, those of humans are short;
- the hairline in humans is not significant, but in monkeys throughout the body;
The human brain is larger than the monkey brain.
4. How many months do monkeys bear cubs?
– from 5 to 7.5 months depending on the species.
5. How many cubs are there in 1 litter?
- usually 1, rarely 2.
6. The main enemies of monkeys?
- predators, especially the leopard;
- snakes.

The winners of this competition - Frutella!

Presenter: How many interesting things we know about monkeys! But I will add from myself: monkeys still have a lot of similarities with humans. And not only in the structure of organs and appearance. It is interesting to watch how mother monkeys take care of their babies. Lisping, pumping, caressing, punishing and even kissing!

And now a short musical break. Lasts 10 minutes. The guests are eating.

Funny monkey contests

Leading: The holiday continues.
The competition starts!

Competition "Fruit Salad"

2 people are selected. They are blindfolded. You need to make a fruit salad for the Monkey.

In the common basket there are dummies of fruits and other foreign objects. It can be: computer wireless, perfume bottle, bar of soap, rubber ball, etc.

Participants need to take only fruit and put it in their bowl. To the music, the participants begin to lay out items in bowls. Whoever does not make a mistake, or makes fewer mistakes, and collects more fruit, is the winner.

In this competition, the initial selection of subjects plays an important role. The more unexpected they are, the more interesting!

Host: Again the "Monkeys" contest,
Two couples are called!

Husband and wife + husband and wife.

Wives must change their husbands into monkey costumes (masks, gloves, fur ponytails with an elastic band, or in the form of a belt, wigs are given). Whoever copes with the task ahead - that couple will win.

Prizes - frutella or mamba.

Musical pause. The guests eat and drink again.

Competition: "Laughter therapy"

Host: Again a competition for guests,
Who laughs more merrily?

As you know, the monkey loves jokes and laughter. This fun contest is for those who like to laugh. To stimulate laughter, the organizers of the holiday need to come up with some kind of funny sound signal that needs to be given to the participants.

Any number of participants, men and women (7-10 people) are called.

After the beep, the 1st participant laughs.
Further also the 2nd. And so on.

When the last participant laughs, all participants are invited to laugh in a chain one by one, without intermediate sound signals.

The competition can be very successful! After all, people come across with a very original, outstanding laugh!

The winner will receive a funny surprise gift.

The evening continues. Guests drink and eat.

Contest "Pineapple"

For the next competition, you will need 2 fake pineapples with a flat, soft bottom. Such toys can be sewn from fabric, stuffed with soft filler. Two participants are selected. You need to carry a pineapple on your head without dropping it. Whoever does it to cheerful music, dances in an original way and enchants the audience is the winner!

Competition "Monkey and Glasses"

For this contest, you will need clown glasses, or any other, plastic is better so as not to break and the larger the better.

Several people are selected from the guests, who must come up with different uses for the glasses and announce them to the hall. Participants announce their proposals in turn, picking up glasses and showing how to use them. The more ridiculous they are, the better. The one who can no longer come up with a new use for glasses will lose!

Possible options:

- glasses can interfere with the soup in the pan;
- weed beds in the garden;
- scratch your back
- stroking the cat;
- to beat the husband;
- creak and enrage the neighbors with this;
- iron linen;
- entertain the child, etc.

Cheerful final contest "Rope"

This competition is not quite ordinary. It is necessary to prepare a long rope (rope), one end must be hidden from the eyes of the guests and go to another room. The second end of the rope will need to be pulled by the guests in turn, choosing the strongest.

The hidden end of the rope is previously tied to a girl dressed in a monkey costume. This will be her tail. The rope must be firmly fixed on the belt, tied in a circle so that it definitely does not get untied, otherwise the competition will be ruined. The ape-man must be held by assistants so that the contestants cannot immediately pull her onto the stage.

Guests are offered to drag a surprise that is tied to a rope. Who can drag - he will receive this gift. The guests are thinking about some valuable thing.
The most powerful men among the guests are called first. After several attempts, they can't pull the rope. At the end, they offer to pull the rope to a short, fragile woman or girl.

The girl begins to pull - and the rope gives way - the monkey begins to five backwards into the hall.

Congratulations from the Monkey


I'm a funny monkey!
Call me Monkey Yana!
I am the symbol of the year now!
Open the door wider!

I respond to kindness!
Your jokes are amazing!
You are the right company!
I am happy to celebrate with you!

Strength is in tenderness, love,
People, be people!

Respect each other
Don't be lazy - it's boring!
My pledge for the year to all of you:
Laughter is the cure!

I'm a funny monkey!
My name is Jan the monkey!
It will be more fun with you!
Turn on the music, DJ!

The dance program begins. Everyone comes out to dance.
The scenario for holding a corporate party in the New Year of the Monkey is coming to an end.

In this scenario, you can also include congratulations on the year of the monkey:


Do not stay at home in the cold!
On the nose after all, the new year!
Let's all have fun
This monkey year!

I wish you all good health
Eat fruits all year round
oranges and bananas,
To not hurt the stomach!

And I will remind you, friends!
You can't live without laughter!

Natalia Lavrentieva

Holiday New Year - Year of the Monkey 2016.


Opens New Year fabulous doors!

Let the one who believes in a fairy tale enter here now!

How nice that today the guests came to us here,

And without looking at the worries, everyone found a free hour.

A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming,

Festival of laughter and fun, holiday of happiness for children.

ENTRY OF CHILDREN UNDER THE SONG “And one, two, three….”

Vedas. What kind of guest came to us?

How elegant and slender!

This is Santa Claus

Brought it to the kids!

Balls glitter on it

Toys are hanging!

Vedas. Guys, let's say hello to the Christmas tree!

Children: Hello, Christmas tree!

And under the tree on New Year's Eve

Children dance!

Let's have fun around the Christmas tree.

And we will sing a good song about the Christmas tree!

round dance "They came to visit the Christmas tree"

And now I will tell you riddle:

That's right - Christmas tree! Children, tell me, in our riddle, a palm tree was mentioned. Do you know who lives on a palm tree? Who? Monkey! Exactly monkey! And the coming 2016 is just the year monkey. Let's invite us to visit monkey!

Just like that, she will not come to us, she must be lured to us. How to do it?

That's right - bananas! Look, we have bananas on the festive table. I'll peel one banana now, monkey learn the smell and come!

The host peels one banana and appears monkey.

music output monkey

Monkey: So that's where such a delicious banana smell comes from! How many bananas are there! And is it all for me?

Leading: monkey! This is not all for you, this is also for our children.

Monkey: Kids? Did they deserve them? Were they well-behaved all year?

Leading: wow, monkey! You sound like Santa Claus!

Monkey: So I went with him here, only he stopped somewhere in the forest. Probably giving gifts to animals. But I still love the heat, not the snow. That's why I came ahead of him.

Leading: That is OK. While Santa Claus is gone, let's play a game. Do you agree?

A game "Funny Monkeys"

Competition with monkey(to the song "Winter beauty")

Leading: monkey, did you like it with us? Do you want us to holiday stay? (I liked it very much, but I can’t. I need to help D.M.

Guys let's go monkey, Goodbye monkey.

Leading: Guys, what holiday without Santa Claus and gifts? Let's call him together. The children are calling "Father Frost", the presenter asks parents to help call Santa Claus. To the music ( "Baba Yaga" M. Mussorgsky) enters Baba Yaga with a broom, runs around the Christmas tree. Then he stops and flaunts, humming to the tune of the song "Winnie the Pooh".

Baba Yaga: Look, I'm good today!

Hear how my soul sings!

All you have to do is roll your eyes,

It is only necessary to braid the curls,

I'll be the Snow Maiden anywhere!

Really, guys? (without waiting for the children's response) Yes Yes Yes (does not see children, turns to parents) Well, how about we yell? Are we screaming? (to the tree) What else is that sticking out here? (grabs the tree by the branch). Oh-she-she! Vicious, vicious, like me! (Pay attention to children) ABOUT! What are you doing here? I didn't invite you? Didn't invite! Hello, didn't I tell you? Did not tell! And you to me? Also no! How lovely! Yes, you are as ill-mannered as me! My gold! My darlings! Why are they crowded under this green thorn, I ask?

Leading: Grandmother Yaga, say hello first - you see the audience! (points to children)

Baba Yaga: I don't see any donut!

Leading: Yes, not a donut, but the public!

Baba Yaga: So I would have said right away. Hello, skewer girls and stalked boys. Well, why sit down near the tree? Don't let good people pass! (walks past the children and tries to step on their feet)

Leading: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Baba Yaga: (enthusiastically) Holiday! New Year! (surprised) With songs?

Leading: With songs!

Baba Yaga: With dancing?

Leading: With dancing!

Baba Yaga: With gifts?

Leading: With gifts!

Baba Yaga: I also want gifts.

Leading: And the kids want to receive gifts. But what holiday without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: (grabs heart) For me, it’s just a splinter in my heart that you are all waiting only for Santa Claus! (runs around the tree) Ah - ah, you want New Year, gifts! Waiting for Santa Claus!

(stops) But in vain! After all, you are me, a kind and good Grandmother-Yagusechka, every year from the tree of what ?. That's right, you're kicking out. What are you giving me as a present? That's right, don't. You think I will continue to endure your antics! Netushki! I’ll conjure this for you (scratches the back of his head, thinks it’s like that, wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure. You can call whoever you want, complain to anyone! But I’ll still conjure! (scratching the back of his head, spinning around himself) Think, grandma, think (enthusiastically) Wow, I figured it out! I will invite a dear guest. Oh, I'm tired of witchcraft.

Baba Yaga knocks on the floor with a broom. Music sounds. Exit Fox Alice and Cat Basilio. The cat leans on a crutch, the Fox has a saw hanging behind his back

Fox: - Skip the lame invalid, the poverty of the eyeless ...

Cat:- We froze in the cold ... we have such a cold in the Land of Fools!

Fox: - We are looking for a big tree to cut down and build a fire to keep warm.

Cat: -ABOUT! Here is a tree ... big, fluffy. Lots of firewood!

Fox: - Wow, it's so dressed up! All sorts of balls-lanterns on it ...

Cat: - And let's cut down a tree, collect balls, make beads and sell them in our country, and divide the money!

Fox: - Excellent! And we will share So: you 2, me 3! Everything is equal!

Cat: - Wow equally!

Fox: - Okay, not gundi! Let's cut him down first!

The cat and the fox are attached to saw the Christmas tree

Fox:- And you know, Basilio, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come here soon. She is so beautiful and polite!

Cat: - Look disgusting!

Fox: - And that's what I came up with: we need to kidnap the Snow Maiden from Santa Claus and demand for her ransom: PRESENT! And there are a lot of sweets, chocolates!

Cat:- Clever, Fox! You have a smart head! Here we eat! But how do we steal it?

Fox: - Well, you can’t think of anything yourself! Would be lost without me! We need to kill Santa Claus!

Cat:- You would be lost without me! And how do we put it to sleep?

Fox: - It is necessary to drink Santa Claus with compote. And we’ll add sleeping pills to the compote!

Cat:- Ahhh! Grandfather will fall asleep, and we will drag the Snow Maiden! So let's do it! Let's go wait for Santa Claus! (they leave the room to the music).

Leading: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I hasten to congratulate everyone

Let bad weather bypass you

Let your ringing laughter sound!

Let's start the round dance - because today is the New Year!

Dance "Icy palms."


- guess guys: who will come to us?

Grandfather with a beard lives in the world,

Never drink hot tea!


Father Frost!


I need to call my grandfather

It's time to welcome the New Year!

Children call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus, come out

children give a holiday!

Exit Santa Claus. music

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Early in the morning before dawn

I went on a hike.

After all, Santa Claus

A lot of holiday hassle!

I rubbed the month to shine!

The stars shine brighter!

All forests, fields and rivers

I covered with ice and snow!

I locked the blizzard in the closet,

So that the roads are not covered

And decorated the neighborhood

With a bright flame of dawn!

Icicles shine with silver

The bell is ringing...

And they shone with a blush

Faces of adults and children!

Hey kindergarten people

Get into the round dance!

Round dance game with Santa Claus "Heel, toe"

(children sit on chairs)

Father Frost: - Oh, and smart people gathered ... I even got hot! Water to drink...

The Fox and the Cat run out, holding a bucket of water.

Fox: - Oh, grandpa wanted to drink! Try our drink!

Cat: - I'm thirsty as if by hand!

Father Frost: What is this drink?


Father Frost: Strange name...

Fox: - Who does not know, he does not understand!

Father Frost: - Okay, I'll drink! I really want to drink! (drinks ... Oh, strange ... my eyelids are heavy, my eyes close! I really want to sleep! I fall asleep .... (snoring)

Fox: - Eh, rose-mimosa ....

Fox: - They put to sleep, after all, Santa Claus!

(rejoice, congratulate each other, hide behind the Christmas tree)

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song maybe D. M. maybe he will wake up.

Song of the Little Christmas Tree

Leading: No, I didn't wake up D.M.

Exit Snow Maiden music

Snow Maiden:

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

What about grandpa? Is he sleeping?

Fox:- Sleeping! Asleep! What's to stop him!

Cat: Well, come with us! We'll trade you with your grandfather for gifts!

Snow Maiden: - But it's not good! You can't do that! Without me holiday will not take place!

Cat: -To me too ... person!

Fox:- That's it, we're leaving ... it seems Santa Claus is waking up ....

(they take away the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost:- Oh, what have I done! The guys prepared poems for me, and I fell asleep! Come on, kids, girls and boys .... tell grandfather poems ...

Children: read poetry

Father Frost: I can't wake up! Let's sing with you guys!

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Game with Santa Claus (song-gameFrost)

(Children sit down)

Father Frost:-Something I played out like a little one ... But where is my granddaughter Snegurochka?

(children's answers)

The Cat and the Fox, the Snow Maiden come out.

Cat: Well, what are you talking about here? We have her!

Fox:- Father Frost! Let's change: we are a Snow Maiden for you, you are GIFTS for us!

Father Frost:- Oh no no no! And shame on you! Well, take gifts! Give us back the Snow Maiden! (gives bag)

The cat and the fox happily run away.

Father Frost:

Hello granddaughter! How long have we been waiting for you! And you guys don't get upset: I'm a magician! Fox and Cat will not receive gifts! They open the bag, and there are cones and needles from our Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Let's holiday continue

have fun dancing

Dance tutorial. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


Father Frost! We have been waiting for you...

We dreamed of gifts

And you're still sitting and sleeping,

And you are in no hurry to dance to us ...

Father Frost:

And that's true ... today holiday! No one can sit on a day like this... !

Song game "Walking through the forest D. M."

Father Frost: Well done, kids, danced from the heart!

Father Frost:

It's time to distribute gifts to children!

Hurry up to kindergarten and get gifts!

Father Frost: That's New Year's holiday it's time for us to finish

happy year monkeys congratulations friends!

This year I give gifts to everyone supply:

Wisdom for children

Wealth to parents

Good luck to all our viewers!

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us

You wait for us, my grandfather and I will come.

And meet again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts.


We wish you health and joy,

So that life is without grief and worries!

We wish you all Happy New Year!

May the New Year be happy!

Song "New Year"

Vedas. Good evening friends! Good evening! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! These magical words cheer up, eyes light up with joyful fire. Faces shine with smiles, and we say from the bottom of our hearts: “Happy New Year!”. Friends dance, sing, laugh! Fill the room with fun!

New Year is the best holiday. Holiday of miracles, magic, fairy tales.

(Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear)

Snow Maiden: I don't want to! I don't want to and I won't! I had enough! Every time the same! We are remembered only on New Year's Eve!

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, shame on you! You didn't even say hello to the guys!

Snow Maiden: (gloomy). Hello!

Santa Claus: We are glad, children, to see you!

Happy New Year everyone, have a good time!

We start here today

Merry Christmas holiday! (turns to the Snow Maiden) Now we will sing a song together with the guys ...

Snow Maiden: (with sarcasm). Let's dance, and then we will listen to rhymes and play toys! I'm not two years old anymore! I want to sing normal songs. And I really want to be a star!

Santa Claus: (upset), Those times ... And who will help me? Yes, and what is the New Year without you, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: Yes, the children won't even notice that I'm gone. And I want to be talked about! For my clips to be played, for fans to ask for autographs....That's life! Grandpa, why should you hit the magic staff once?

Santa Claus: Granddaughter, you don't need all this! You are so beautiful with us, and all the guys love you. Really guys?

All Yes.

Snow Maiden: My talent is disappearing! I know what to do! Need to find a producer! (gets ready to leave).

Santa Claus: Wait, Snow Maiden! What is a tree without you? Do not spoil the holiday for everyone, today you will show your talent.

Snow Maiden: Well, I persuaded you! But if someone offends me, I'm leaving!

Santa Claus: Thank you granddaughter. Let's sing our traditional songs, just a few at a time. So, New Year's potpourri.

The mischief enters.

Schadenfreude. Oh, how boring. For a whole year, not a single dirty trick. And the old woman Karga - Yaga completely lost her mind. He walks through the woods, picking up animals from the homeless.

Vredomor. And then feed them, take them out into the street, educate them ... But who am I in the world? I am the evil wizard Vredomor, I am ready for anything for the sake of evil, I can find a dispute with anyone, how I began to serve Zlorada.

Schadenfreude. And I'm Zlorada - the Queen of Evil. I have a proposal to get into the New Year tree and arrange a firework of dirty tricks and these dirty tricks should be so New Year's, such New Year's, so that everyone in the hall will cry.

Vredomor and Glupinien: Gib-gib - hurrah! Long live mischief!

Spite: Well, that's enough, that's enough. You just have to grind your tongue, let's get down to business! I'll give you a second to think about how to make everyone cry at the New Year's holiday.

Vredomor: More onions, garlic! We'll spoil the girls' dresses, guys

shirts "smear". Let's melt Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Oooh... Glupinjen: There's no better "Chips-Chips"

Spite: Why "Ships"?

Glupinjen: Because they contain a potion based on snake venom. Swallow, hiss, hiss and burst ...

Ravenous: Stop your dirty tricks. Baba Yaga is coming.

Vredomor: Let's hide and see what mood she's in.

Glupinen: If he goes and swears, then dirty tricks will come true.

Spite: And if he sings, then once again dirty tricks will have to be canceled.

(Baba Yaga walks, carries animals in a basket and sings):

I'll get up early in the morning, in the morning, in the morning!

I'll clean up everything in the house, clean up, clean up!

I'll sweep the floors, wash the dishes,

And I won't forget to bring water.

Hey! My dirty tricks, where are you?

They don't meet me, they don't call me.

All: Here we are Granny, here we are Yagusenka.

Baba Yaga: Well, what were you doing here without me?

All: Bored.

Baba Yaga: That's how it always is. They didn't do anything around the house. I am Baba Yaga alone, I work like a bee. I am an old, defenseless woman, today I drank coffee without any appetite.

Vredomor: Sit down, Grandma, we'll turn on the TV for you, your favorite program "Concert on Request".

Spite: Now we will cajole the old woman, and then we will offer dirty tricks. (Babu Yaga is seated on a chair). The song "Christmas Toys"

Baba Yaga: Well, well done, the old woman was pleased. Well, dirty tricks, for me there is nothing for good people to spoil the holiday, we have a lot of things to do in the forest. (everyone leaves)

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear.

Santa Claus: Yes, you have fun here today. Involuntarily, you want to be an artist.

Snow Maiden: You see, grandfather, what success everyone has. I will also become an artist.

Santa Claus: Well, well, Snegurochka, let's hold a Christmas tree and we will prepare for the casting "Voice" or "Main Stage". It's nice to be among you, but it's time for the Snow Maiden and me to go, they are waiting for us at many Christmas trees.

Snow Maiden: Winter holiday is on the way,

The old year is leaving us

The New Year is knocking on the door.

Let with a blizzard and powder

He will bring all the good

Children - joy, as before,

Adults - happiness and hope.

Santa Claus: Let the New Year's Santa Claus

Good health in addition,

In everything conceived, good luck,

Fun, laughter, tenderness, affection,

For life to be like in a fairy tale.

How not to dance today?

Dance more, out of the norm

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

Girls dance

Host: This story took place on a tropical island.
A biologist has been working on the island for several days, who came to study the monkeys.
(Music: monkey theme and 38 parrots cartoon.)
Biologist: As far as I can tell, you can't take food from bags from tourists, it's much worse than bananas.
Monkey: And this is what a person tells me ...
Biologist: A person who studies monkeys.
Monkey: And I also study people. My great-great-grandmother, for example, knew Robinson himself, learned the alphabet from him, wrote down sticks, and then other people came and caught Robinson.
Biologist: Everything was wrong, Robinson returned home.
Monkey: It's all called a happyend, that's what the writer who talked to my great-great-grandmother said.

(A shot from a cannon rumbles, you can throw a ball from one side of the stage to another ball)
Monkey: What's that noise?
Biologist: They shoot from a cannon.
(Someone screams - Help)
Monkey: Help?
Biologist: Help.
The song "Clap-clap crackers"

Stranger: Help!
(The Stranger hugs the "Boa" and opens his mouth, but cannot swallow due to his small stature)
Biologist: Oh, what a beautiful boa constrictor.
Monkey: And who are you and why did you get caught by this undersized man?
Stranger: I'm here by accident, help me, otherwise he will strangle me.
Biologist: We need to remove it somehow.
Boa constrictor: Where, my prey.
Monkey: Look, there are banderlogs.
Boa constrictor: Where is the banderlog? Eat everyone.
(Boa constrictor "creeps away")
Stranger: Thank you, you saved me, but how do I get out of here?
Monkey: With your luck, you will get caught by someone again.
Monkey: How so, we saved you.
Stranger: I attacked this island to rob everyone, and you did not let me go to hell.
Pirates: And then we arrived in time, and we will have fun.
Stranger: So, who is the richest among you?
Monkey: My girlfriend, she works with tourists.
Pirates: Too bad it's not tourist season.
Stranger: What does she have?
Monkey: She has a whole mountain of packs of all sorts of goodies, as well as a notebook cover and a pillow.
Stranger: Why does she need all this?
Monkey: She decorates the palm tree with bundles, waves the cover like a fan so that it is not so hot, and sits on the pillow so that there is a sofa.
Pirates: What do you have?
Monkey: Nothing, I'm an ordinary monkey.
Pirates: Oh, what a poor thing, can you give her something, and then take it away?
Stranger: Wait... Wait, I'll think...The song "The lights of the round dance swirled"
Biologist: Saved, cheers we're saved.
Monkey: Yes, well, the monkey can easily gnaw through the ropes.
Boa constrictor: They wanted to sell me, put me in a box and sell ....
Biologist: Well, calm down ...
Monkey: We were saved ...
Boa constrictor: What is a box and what is a sell?
Biologist: Yes, but the pirates are still on the island, what should we do.
Monkey: We need to arm ourselves and fight back the pirates.
Biologist: Exactly, but who will we arm?
Boa constrictor: If the weapon looks like a box, I myself will put all the pirates in it.
Biologist: Wait, that's not it...let's give the pirates a sleeping pill.
Monkey: How to do it?
Boa constrictor: And this will not harm digestion?
Pirates: Where are these fugitives?
Biologist: (In a medical gown) Come on, come on, are you pirates?
Pirates and Stranger: We.
Biologist: My assistant and I must vaccinate you, here is a paper with the seals and signatures of the pirate ministry of health.
Pirates: What is written here?
Stranger: We won't give in.
Biologist: And if your mothers find out that you don't take care of your health, they won't let you go.
Pirates: Let go.
Biologist: They won't let you go, a fever is raging on the island.
Pirates: So be it, and we'll sail away.
Biologist: And those who fearlessly get vaccinated are promised an increase in their pensions and the Order of the Pirate of the Seven Seas.
Pirates: All right then.
Stranger: That's what they would say. What exactly is a fever?
Biologist: Creeping.
Stranger: Wow.. (Pirates fall asleep).
Song "Snow, snow, snow"
Biologist: My mission is accomplished, only people needed to be studied.
Monkey: What exactly?
Biologist: Qualities like honesty, for example.
Monkey: I want to be honest too.
Biologist: But she lied about Robinson, didn't she?
Monkey: What great-great-grandmother said is true.
Biologist: We'll have to say goodbye.
Monkey: What's next?
Biologist: And then there will be a holiday, songs and a New Year's disco.
Monkey: Then why say goodbye? Let's wish each other a Happy New Year together.
Biologist: Let's remember all the good things that happened in the past year.
Monkey: And we will dance.

Snow Maiden: Well, here are my friends, it's time to say goodbye

With the January wind flew to us.

And again we say "Goodbye"

To my good and great friends.

Santa Claus: And at this hour of farewell

To all dear and dear, to us, friends

We say: "Goodbye,

See you again. We wish you happiness!

All together: Goodbye!

School horoscope for 2016

Came to school today
Glorious New Year's holiday!
The horoscope will tell you
What awaits us in the future, there
In the New Year 2016
I'll tell you everything!

Aries you go to school
Adults, Aries, don't be rude.
Treasure every day
You will find knowledge in it!

School is your home, Taurus!
If so, you are great!
You will be friends with the school
Life will be more interesting!

Gemini needs patience
It is difficult to learn suddenly,
Or just an obsession
Maybe even bad luck...
It will be the hardest for you
But success will come to you!

Cancers, you go ahead
Yes, learn all the lessons!
Then the prize will be waiting for you,
Needed crayfish surprise for everyone!

Proud Lions, do not suit you
"Deuces" to receive.
You are excellent in life
Everything will be on the "five"!

Virgo, at school you, of course,
Very charming!
New victories are waiting for you!
Exactly, definitely!

Oh, and you are shaky, Libra!
You and I know this.
You get good luck
Be honest in school!

Scorpions, your sting
Even sharper than a dagger.
Be kind to everyone
And you will find friends!

Our very accurate Sagittarius
Let's just say - well done!
You find goals in teaching,
You will be in business all year long!

Don't be afraid, Capricorns.
Long journeys await you
The country of discoveries is different.
And various victories! .

Aquarius is the soul of friends!
Nothing to be sorry about.
There will be a school as a consolation
Looking forward to the next year!

Pisces, you are not silent at the blackboard,
What do you know, speak up.
It will be easier to live in school
And be friends with the sciences!

You are all zodiac signs!
Don't forget, however
That everything depends on you!
School ours is first class!


Happy new year friends!

Beat the chimes in the New Year's haze!

I want the new coming

Was a happy year on earth!

There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn.

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is New Year!

Let the year start with a good smile

From the fact that we forgive each other's mistakes

And even to enemies we wish good,

After all, life is so beautiful, it's time for us to understand!

Here is the New Year, for the umpteenth time,

Comes to us from the starry distance.

And as always, he beckons us,

Hope, bright dreams,

Hope, believe and love

All three cherished words

Take it with you and go far

And be happy again.

Let's love each other!

And cherish our feelings!

Adversity and bitterness, resentment and pain

May the outgoing year take with you

And in the New, let there be good luck and happiness,

And the joy of communication even in rain and bad weather.

Waltz dance

Song "Snow and Blizzards"

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