German singer Helene Fischer. Helene Fischer music video available for download

Years of activity A country

Germany Germany

Professions Genres

Childhood and youth

In Germany, the Fischers settle in Wöllstein in Rhineland-Palatinate. After graduation, Helena graduates from a private music school Stage & Musical School in Frankfurt am Main. Even during her three-year studies, Helena performed on the stage of the State Theater in Darmstadt, as well as on the stage of the Volkstheater in Frankfurt.

Music career

Once upon a time, while Helena was studying at Stage & Musical School Her mother, secretly from her daughter, copies a demo disc with six Helena songs and sends it to different recording studios to see the reaction of professionals. A week later, Helena is contacted by the famous music manager Uwe Kantak (German). Uwe Kanthak), which is where the singer’s brilliant career begins.

Helena's debut on stage took place on May 14, 2005 in one of the programs of the central television channel ARD. It was a duet with singer Florian Silbereisen (German). Florian Silbereisen).

On February 3, 2006, the singer's first album was released. "Von hier bis unendlich". Next year the singer releases her second album - "So nah wie Du". Both albums are certified gold. Fisher's third album "Zaubermond" released June 27, 2008, fourth - "So wie ich bin"- October 9, 2009, and the fifth album “Für einen Tag” - in 2011.


Studio albums

Highest chart positions
Year Name
2006 Von hier bis unendlich 19
(71 weeks)
(23 weeks)
(5 weeks)
2007 So nah wie du 5
(66 weeks)
(62 weeks)
(8 weeks)
2008 Zaubermond 2
(74 weeks)
(65 weeks)
(21 weeks)
2009 So wie ich bin 2
(37 weeks)
(30 weeks)
2011 Fur einen Tag 1
(46 weeks)
2013 Farbenspiel 1
2015 Weihnachten 1


Chart positions
Year Name
2007 Mitten im Paradies (Promo-Single)
So nah wie du
(3 weeks)
- -
2008 Lass mich in dein Leben
(9 weeks)
- -
2009 Ich will immer wieder… dieses Fieber spürn
So wie ich bin
(9 weeks)
(4 weeks)

Awards and prizes

A country Gold Platinum
Germany Germany 32 11
Austria Austria 0 9
Switzerland Switzerland 6 1
Denmark Denmark 1 0
Total: 39 21

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Excerpt characterizing Fischer, Helena

“Well, I just congratulated,” said Zherkov.
– I’m not joking with you, please remain silent! - Bolkonsky shouted and, taking Nesvitsky by the hand, walked away from Zherkov, who could not find what to answer.
“Well, what are you talking about, brother,” Nesvitsky said calmingly.
- Like what? - Prince Andrei spoke, stopping from excitement. - Yes, you must understand that we are either officers who serve our tsar and fatherland and rejoice in the common success and are sad about the common failure, or we are lackeys who do not care about the master’s business. “Quarante milles hommes massacres et l"ario mee de nos allies detruite, et vous trouvez la le mot pour rire,” he said, as if reinforcing his opinion with this French phrase. “C”est bien pour un garcon de rien, comme cet individu , dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous. [Forty thousand people died and the army allied to us was destroyed, and you can joke about it. This is forgivable for an insignificant boy like this gentleman whom you made your friend, but not for you, not for you.] Boys can only have fun like this,” said Prince Andrei in Russian, pronouncing this word with a French accent, noting that Zherkov could still hear him.
He waited to see if the cornet would answer. But the cornet turned and left the corridor.

The Pavlograd Hussar Regiment was stationed two miles from Braunau. The squadron, in which Nikolai Rostov served as a cadet, was located in the German village of Salzenek. The squadron commander, captain Denisov, known throughout the cavalry division under the name Vaska Denisov, was allocated the best apartment in the village. Junker Rostov, ever since he caught up with the regiment in Poland, lived with the squadron commander.
On October 11, the very day when everything in the main apartment was raised to its feet by the news of Mack's defeat, at the squadron headquarters, camp life calmly went on as before. Denisov, who had lost all night at cards, had not yet come home when Rostov returned from foraging early in the morning on horseback. Rostov, in a cadet's uniform, rode up to the porch, pushed his horse, threw off his leg with a flexible, youthful gesture, stood on the stirrup, as if not wanting to part with the horse, finally jumped off and shouted to the messenger.
“Ah, Bondarenko, dear friend,” he said to the hussar who rushed headlong towards his horse. “Lead me out, my friend,” he said with that brotherly, cheerful tenderness with which good young people treat everyone when they are happy.
“I’m listening, your Excellency,” answered the Little Russian, shaking his head cheerfully.
- Look, take it out well!
Another hussar also rushed to the horse, but Bondarenko had already thrown over the reins of the bit. It was obvious that the cadet spent a lot of money on vodka, and that it was profitable to serve him. Rostov stroked the horse’s neck, then its rump, and stopped on the porch.
“Nice! This will be the horse!” he said to himself and, smiling and holding his saber, ran up onto the porch, rattling his spurs. The German owner, in a sweatshirt and cap, with a pitchfork with which he was clearing out manure, looked out of the barn. The German's face suddenly brightened as soon as he saw Rostov. He smiled cheerfully and winked: “Schon, gut Morgen!” Schon, gut Morgen! [Wonderful, good morning!] he repeated, apparently finding pleasure in greeting the young man.
- Schon fleissig! [Already at work!] - said Rostov with the same joyful, brotherly smile that never left his animated face. - Hoch Oestreicher! Hoch Russen! Kaiser Alexander hoch! [Hurray Austrians! Hurray Russians! Emperor Alexander, hurray!] - he turned to the German, repeating the words often spoken by the German owner.
The German laughed, walked completely out of the barn door, pulled
cap and, waving it over his head, shouted:
– Und die ganze Welt hoch! [And the whole world cheers!]
Rostov himself, just like a German, waved his cap over his head and, laughing, shouted: “Und Vivat die ganze Welt”! Although there was no reason for special joy either for the German, who was cleaning out his barn, or for Rostov, who was riding with his platoon for hay, both these people looked at each other with happy delight and brotherly love, shook their heads as a sign of mutual love and parted smiling - the German to the cowshed, and Rostov to the hut he occupied with Denisov.
- What is it, master? - he asked Lavrushka, Denisov’s lackey, a rogue known to the entire regiment.
- Haven't been since last night. That’s right, we lost,” Lavrushka answered. “I already know that if they win, they’ll come early to brag, but if they don’t win until morning, that means they’ve lost their minds, and they’ll come angry.” Would you like some coffee?
- Come on, come on.
After 10 minutes, Lavrushka brought coffee. They're coming! - he said, - now there’s trouble. - Rostov looked out the window and saw Denisov returning home. Denisov was a small man with a red face, shiny black eyes, and black tousled mustache and hair. He had an unbuttoned mantle, wide chikchirs lowered in folds, and a crumpled hussar cap on the back of his head. He gloomily, with his head down, approached the porch.

Helene Fischer Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth5 million dollars
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 60 Richest Actresses in 2019!
Yearly SalaryN/A
SURPRISING: The 10 Best Salaries in Television!
Product EndorsementsFlowers
ColleaguesMakSim & Pelageya


    Currently no houses listed.


    VW Golf Sportsvan
MUST READ: 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities That Will Amaze You!

Helene Fischer: Boyfriend, Dating, Family & Friends

Helene Fischer with cool, nice, Boyfriend Florian Silbereisen
Who is Helene Fischer dating in 2019?
Relationship statusDating (Since 2012)
Current Boyfriend of Helene FischerFlorian Silbereisen
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands
Expecting a babyShe is not pregnant
Has any kids?No
Will the relationship of German- Russian- musician Helene Fischer and current Boyfriend, Florian Silbereisen survive 2019?


Names of father, mother, children, brothers & sisters.


Skin, Hair & Eye color

This hot beautiful musician originating from Krasnojarsk has a slim body & triangle face type.

Hair colorLight blonde
Hair typeStraight
Hair Lengthlong hair (mid-back length)
Distinct featureeye color
Makeup Stylebohemian
Skin Tone/ComplexionType I: Light skin
Skin TypeNormal
Eye colorGray
Does Helene Fischer smoke?No, never
CAUGHT SMOKING: The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers!

Helene Fischer - 2019 Light blond hair & beachy hair style.
SHOCKING: 50 Celebrities Who Didn't Put On Makeup & Got Caught!

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style

Height158 cm
Weight49 kiloClothing style
Favorite colorsblack white
Feet size7.5
Dress size4
Does Helene Fischer have a tattoo?No

OMG! 50 Celebrity Tattoos Gone Horribly Wrong!

Official websites/fansites:

Does Helene Fischer have official Social Media profiles?

She was 4(!) years old when her Eltern (parents), taking both daughters with them, left for Germany. The girl grew up and entered the School of Theater and Musical in Frankfurt am Main, where she studied for three whole years, and then received... Read all

Helene Fischer was born on August 5, 1984 in Krasnoyarsk, i.e. in our country, in that part of it called Siberia. She herself does not hide this and even emphasizes it in every possible way.
She was 4(!) years old when her Eltern (parents), taking both daughters with them, left for Germany. The girl grew up and entered the School of Theater and Musical in Frankfurt am Main, where she studied for three whole years, and then received a diploma as a musical performer. She played (and sang) in many musicals, but her luck really smiled on her in the show of Florian Silbereisen, a famous singer and TV presenter. Participation in this program was not accidental - Helena’s mother, secretly from her daughter, gave a CD with her songs to a man named Uwe Kantak, who became her manager. It was through his connections that Helena met Jean Frankfurter.
This is a very famous person. The entire repertoire of the disco trio Arabesque is signed with his name, and in total he wrote about 2,500 songs, and in his homeland he is famous as a composer of hits. He became not only a composer, but also a producer for Helena, and in February 2006 they released the album “Von Hier Bis Unendlich” (From Here to Infinity), which the public initially did not pay much attention to.
In June 2007, the second album “So Nah Wie Du” (As Close as You...) was released. It should be noted that this album had good promotion (it was from that time that Helena had an official website). The album entered the top tens of the charts in Germany and Austria, where it did not leave for more than a year, and became four times gold and one time platinum. By the way, the first album, thanks to the second, became twice gold and once platinum. Sales of legal copies of Helena Fischer's albums currently amount to about 1.5 million copies, which is a super achievement for a hit singer in the 21st century...
In January 2008, Helene Fischer received the Folk Music Crown as the best young hit singer.
On June 27, 2008, the third album “Zaubermond” - Magic Moon - was released, and the main single from this album - Lass mich in dein Leben - started in the German charts from 38th place.

Official Helene Fischer website, sophisticatedly protected by all means of copyright protection, but providing the opportunity to preview music.

Helene Fischer was born on August 5, 1984 in Siberia, in Krasnoyarsk. Lena Fischer's grandparents shared the fate of thousands of Volga Germans who were exiled to Kazakhstan and Siberia in 1941.

Lena's mother Marina worked at a university, and her father, Peter Fischer, taught physical education at school. The older sister Erica loved to sing and communicated with her younger sister Lenochka exclusively through songs. Helen also got a strong and clear voice. Already at three years old, the child was singing for real.

The father was the first to notice the younger daughter's talent - he recorded the baby's voice on a tape recorder. Lena believes that she got her wonderful voice from her grandmother.
Soon the parents moved to Germany. Four-year-old Lena sang in Russian at that time. Then there was school and the girl’s desire not to stand out, but to be like the others. The Russian language somehow quietly faded into the background; it was spoken only in the family. Today Elena understands almost everything in Russian, but does not dare to speak. She is a perfectionist by nature and is used to doing everything well. According to Elena, the Russian language became for her in Germany the same as German was for Russian Germans in Siberia - it seemed like a native language, absorbed with mother’s milk, but spoken only in the family. The singer does not dare to speak on complex topics in Russian, because, as she puts it, she cannot keep up with her thoughts. And she thinks in German.

After graduating from the Stage & Musical School in Frankfurt am Main, Lena was accepted into the Rocky Horror Show, as well as the Fifty-Fifty show. At first I sang in musicals, and it was an excellent school.

Elena Fisher's stage language is so expressive and beautiful that many performers of songs in their native language could learn from her, music critics are convinced. And therefore, the singer’s choice of the German hit genre, according to the singer’s managers, was the only right decision.

Elena Fischer received her musical and theater education in Frankfurt am Main. During Elena's studies, her mother Marina made copies of her daughter's music recordings and secretly sent them to different recording studios to see the reaction of professionals. A week later, 19-year-old Elena Fischer received a call from the famous music manager Uwe Kanthak, who, according to the girl, attracted her to the world of the hit.

Elena's spectacular appearance, her charm and beautiful voice soon brought success to the singer.
She moves well on stage, loves the camera, and the camera loves her. Elena Fischer became the star of the German hit.
The debut on the big stage, Elena recalls, took place on May 14, 2005 in the ZDF program, the second national television channel. It was a duet with singer and TV presenter Florian Silbereisen. The performance, accompanied by dancers from the German Television Ballet, lasted seven minutes. As Elena says, she “still shudders” when she remembers this premiere.

Immediately after the performance, Florian Silbereisen invited Elena Fischer to take part in his own tour. The 50 days they spent together, performing in different cities in Germany, marked the beginning of the birth of a new German hit star.
First, the young singer recorded two studio compositions with her current composer and producer Jean Frankfurter, and in 2006 Elena Fischer’s first album was released. To date, the singer has already released 9 platinum and 17 gold albums in Germany and Austria. The number of CDs and DVDs with her songs sold has exceeded the two million mark.

Elena Fisher is one of the youngest performers in the hit genre, which is more popular among older people. She could sing about love for teenagers and, for sure, would win their hearts too. But lovers of hits, according to Elena, are a more faithful audience.
The singer adds that she loved the German stage with all her heart, but this does not mean that she does not perform songs in English or Russian at her solo concerts. Moreover, Fischer dreams of someday going to Russia for concerts, because, according to her, she loves this country with all her heart.
“My family has a lot in common with Russia,” Lena emphasizes, “and I would like to believe that my songs will find a response in the hearts of people who live not only in Siberia, where I’m from, but also in St. Petersburg and Moscow.”

2011 was a very successful year for Elena Fischer - a big tour, work on the new album "Für einen Tag", participation in various TV shows and "collection" of all kinds of prizes and awards. “Fishermania” is confidently moving across the country, and, perhaps, throughout Europe as a whole.
Something has changed after all. That part of Germany, which just a couple of years ago pretended that it was indifferent to Lena’s work, finally and irrevocably fell in love with this wonderful singer and charming woman...

FOTO: Helene Fischer

Known throughout Germany, the German hit star Helene Fischer
born in distant Russian Krasnoyarsk in 1984. Little Lena’s first singing teacher was her older sister Erica. From the age of two, the baby hummed something all the time, even learned new words in a chant, and, funny to say, the parents began to fear that their daughter would not learn to speak normally.

A turbulent time of change began, with only a few years left before the collapse of the USSR, in 1988 the Fischer family decided to move to Germany. In kindergarten, the tiny girl was immediately noticed; she carried a large acoustic guitar and sang something in Russian. Years passed, young Helen dreamed of the musical theater stage, however, fate in the person of the mother of the future star decreed otherwise, but first things first... At a private musical school in Frankfurt am Main, Helene Fischer studied vocals. The recorded CD with only six songs performed by her became the starting point in the career of the future singer. Elena’s mother sent copies of this disc to different recording studios just to hear feedback from specialists. And who would have thought, just a few days later Elena Fischer received a call from maestro Uwe Kanthak himself! Memories of her debut on the professional stage even now cause great excitement in the singer. The first performance took place on May 14, 2005 during the recording of the ZDF music program and lasted only seven minutes. The duet between Helene Fischer and Florian Silbereisen was a huge success. After the performance, Silbereisen immediately invited the aspiring soloist to take part in his 50-day tour of Germany. The young singer moved wonderfully and “felt the stage” perfectly. The experience gained during three years of study at the School of Theater and Musical was truly invaluable; performing repertoire in the “unsingable” German language was never a problem for Elena.

After a series of concerts with Florian Silbereisen, Elena records songs by Jean Frankfurter (now he is its producer). In 2006, her first album was released; unfortunately, this great work was not noticed by pop fans. It was only in 2007, with the release of her second album, that the public rediscovered Helene Fischer. The new collection hit the top of the charts, in just a year it received the status of “Golden Disc” four times and “platinum” once. Quite unexpectedly, the second album was followed by the first collection of 2006, it became “gold” twice and “platinum” once! Today, the singer has seventeen “gold” and nine “platinum” albums, recorded in Germany and Austria; sales of DVDs and CDs have long exceeded 2 million.

Helene Fischer loves the German stage, but sometimes performs songs for his listeners in English and Russian. The singer hopes that someday her concerts will take place in Russia...

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