Unibrow competition questions. Funny competitions

Fool me
Each participant is given a whole pack of chewing gum, for example, Orbit. At the “start” command, each participant begins the chewing process. The task is to chew all the plates faster than the others and inflate the largest balloon. The winner and owner of the strongest jaws will receive a prize.

Crazy dancing

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, one leg of one participant is tied to one leg of the second participant. The host turns on the music and commands are given to dance, for example, lambada, cancan, chunga-changa, hip-hop, and so on. It will be interesting to watch how the couples will interact and dance with their feet tied. The most eccentric and talented couple will receive a prize.

Feel the booty

The competition is fun and interesting. Each participant's eyes are closed and an object is placed on a chair, for example, a nut, a spoon, a pencil, and so on. Each participant sits down on a chair and tries to guess what is under his soft spot. Whoever guesses the most items correctly will receive a prize.

Don't take me weakly

In this competition, the presenter offers to do one of two things: do 500 push-ups or:
- drink a glass of vodka (in fact, there will be water in the glass);
- drink a liter of potassium permanganate (diluted cherry juice);
- eat 2 worms (in fact, the worms will be gummy);
- smear your face with mud (melted chocolate) and so on.
It will be interesting who is not weak to accomplish a “feat” and it will be funny to watch the surprised faces when the truth turns out to be untrue. And the most courageous ones will receive prizes.

Make up your own word

For this competition, the presenter must think through and choose interesting words. For example, in front of the guests there is an easel and the word - . u. nya The host explains that the guests must think carefully and pronounce the word that fits, that is, simply add letters instead of dots. Or, for example, you need to make up a word of 5 letters, which must contain the letters p, z, d, a. In this way, guests will cheer themselves up and become inspired. But the answers are quite simple. The first option is the kitchen, and the second option is the west.


Participants are divided into two teams. The first team is customs, and the second is people who travel abroad. Customs will not let them through until they answer the main question: “What will you take with you abroad first?” Travelers must name things that begin with the same letter as their name.
Whoever names the most things wins.

Legs can do anything

Each participant sits on his butt, takes a marker at his feet (between his feet) and must write a phrase on a piece of paper, for example, I’m great. All letters must be clearly visible. Whichever of the guys writes the phrase faster will win a prize.

Draw the word

The host and the guests come up with a word and say it to one of the competition participants. His task is to depict this word on paper without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws. The task of the team of players is to guess what word is being talked about. The one who guesses first will receive a prize.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood

This competition involves those interested who are ready to show their announcer skills at speed. Each participant holds two nuts in his mouth, and the leader has a stopwatch in his hands. Each person in turn, with nuts in their mouths, says a simple tongue twister: “The cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood! You can choose another one. Whoever tells the tongue twister in the shortest time without dropping the nut from his mouth wins.

Show me your tongue

The guys are divided into teams. One by one, the participants of each team are invited to the center of the room, the participant takes out his forfeit from the hat, in which a certain phrase is written, difficult to pronounce, for example, “a somersault with a twist” or “the ships were still able to catch” and so on. Each participant goes to the center and, opening his mouth wide, sticking out his tongue completely, pronounces the phrase assigned to him, and his team must guess as quickly as possible and pronounce this very phrase word for word. If the team this participant is a member of guesses, it gets its point; if the opposing team guesses, it gets 2 points. There is an incentive and there will certainly be fun after everyone sticks out their tongue and tries to say something.

Are you planning a noisy party with many guests, or are your best friends, godmothers, or young relatives dropping by, and you don’t know what to do with them after the feast or tea party? Then read this article! Here you will find 8 of the most interesting games for a great time that will make you laugh and flex your brain at the same time.

Game No. 1: "Balda"

When spending time in a small company, you can remember the old but interesting game “Balda”. You need to take a piece of squared paper, draw a square on it with a pen (for example, 10 × 10 squares) and write any noun in the center. Then each player in turn must write one letter into the adjacent cells so that with each move a new word is obtained, which includes the letters of the original one. The one who has the most total number of letters after counting wins.

Game No. 2: "Rhombus"

The game “Rhombus” will also add variety to your leisure time. Draw a rhombus on a piece of checkered paper. Players must take different colored pens (each player has their own color) and take turns drawing sticks, the length of which is equal to the side of the cell. When any cell is outlined on all sides, the player who drew the last stick writes this cell to his account. The one who collects the most squares wins.

Game No. 3: “Musical traffic light”

In a large group you can play “Musical Traffic Light”. One of the players says the letter “A” out loud and then mentally lists the letters of the alphabet. At some point the other players say stop. The player names the letter on which he stopped. All participants must take turns singing songs starting with this letter.

Game No. 4: “Crocodile”

The famous game "Crocodile" will cheer up any company. Having pulled out a piece of paper with a word, definition, movie title or proverb, the player uses gestures to try to explain what is written in the task. The rest of the game participants must guess the word.

Game No. 5: “Mask”

To play "Mask" you will need a cosmetic pencil. One person is chosen as the leader, he guesses the category. The rest of the players must take turns saying words on this topic. If someone goes astray, then they draw a unibrow, then a mustache, glasses, beard, etc.

Game #6: Jenga

Jenga is a board game that uses identical wooden or plastic blocks. You need to build a tower from them, changing the direction of laying the blocks at each stage. Then the participants in the game take turns trying to pull the blocks out of the tower. The player whose actions caused the tower to collapse is considered the loser.

Game No. 7: “Secret Agent”

The game "Secret Agent" will force you to use logic. The presenter thinks of some famous phrase or catchphrase and says how many words there are in this sentence. The rest of the game participants can ask the host any questions, which he must answer in one sentence containing a word from the hidden phrase. Players try to guess the phrase.

Game No. 8: “Unibrow”

Any pencil is needed, but for the brave souls, a marker will do. The presenter thinks of a category, and all participants quickly take turns saying a word on this topic. Round and round until someone gets confused or thinks for more than 3 seconds. The one who lost gets a unibrow, then a mustache, glasses, etc. And so on until the topics and space on the participants’ faces run out. You can choose any topics. Believe me, no one will be able to avoid failure, which means that everyone will be in a good mood.

The games proposed in this article can help you have fun, decorate any party and entertain any company.

Dress up the lady
Each woman holds a ribbon twisted into a ball in her right hand. The man takes the tip of the tape with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the tape around the woman. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster, or by the decision of the jury.

I love - I don’t love
The host asks all guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I like my neighbor’s ear on the right and don’t like his shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of wild laughter is guaranteed for you.

Write the first lines of love songs on paper hearts and invite each of the guests to finish singing the verse of the song whose first line they got.

Feed your loved one
The guests are divided into pairs. Each pair consists of a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to work together, without using their hands, to unwrap and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do this wins.

Feed your loved one #2
Guests are divided into pairs. Each contains a man and a woman. In front of each couple, a few meters away, there are plates of ice cream. The task of women is to take a spoon, scoop up the ice cream and, taking the spoon by the handle with their lips, carefully return to their partner and feed him without letting go of the spoon from their mouth. The first couple to eat ice cream wins.

Situational competition for women
The presenter asks:
1. You came home, and an unfamiliar man was sleeping on your bed. Your actions?
2. You come to work, and another employee is sitting in your place. Your actions?
3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions?
4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to recolor it before the reception. Your actions?
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors are having a big party, which keeps you awake in any case. Your actions?

Boxing match
Props: boxing gloves, candy (preferably caramel)
Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen wear boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The presenter’s task is to escalate the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, even ask for short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, do not leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc. After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

Props: ribbon or string
At my signal, the first participant takes the rope in his hand and runs the entire distance alone. He returns to the start, the second “kid” from the group grabs the rope. Now two people run the entire distance, then three, etc., until the whole group is holding on to the rope. Whichever group reaches the finish line first wins.

The road to "Freedom"
Two teams: one men, the other women.
Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothes wins.

7-8 people participate
The game is generally for children of older preschool age, but at parties and weddings it goes great! 7-8 people participate, each chooses an animal and shows the others the characteristic movement of this animal, only movements! :) This is how “getting to know each other” happens. After this, the host from the side chooses the one who starts the game. He must show “himself” and another “animal”, this “animal” shows himself and someone else, and so on until someone makes a mistake, i.e. will show another “animal” incorrectly or show an eliminated one. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated. The game ends when two remain." Then a toast :)

Props: pencil
Teams in which men and women alternate must pass from first to last a simple pencil, and it is passed clamped between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you can’t touch a pencil with your hands, but you can touch everything else with your hands :))), if the guests have already taken a certain amount of alcohol, the spectacle will be AbAlDeNnoe

Props: toothpicks (matches), ring
A large group (of any age) stands in the order M--F--M--F--M--F. Each participant takes a toothpick (match) into his mouth. The first thing to put on a match is a ring (any ring, maybe a wedding ring). The point of the game: pass the ring along the chain (from match to match), naturally, without the help of hands, to the last participant.

Loud reader competition
Props: any newspapers, men participate :)
The presenter announces that the participants must demonstrate how they read newspapers out loud at home for the whole family, and the one who does it best and loudest will win. To do this, they sit in armchairs or on chairs, roll up one trouser leg to the knee (so that their bare leg is visible), cross their legs (bare leg, naturally, on top) and are given a newspaper in their hands. Reading texts should be as diverse as possible. At the command of the presenter, the participants begin to read newspapers out loud, trying to talk down their opponents. Such a funny hubbub begins that the spectators are rolling with laughter... At the command “stop,” the reading stops, and the presenter announces the winner. The last joke: the presenter announces that in fact this competition was not for reading, but for the hairiest legs, and the prize goes to the “hairiest” one. :)))))))

Props: tape, balloons
From available material (preferably large), for example, balls, participants sculpt a woman or a man and explain what they have built. Use tape for fastening. The winner is the participant who has created the most INTERESTING sculpture and explained it most picturesquely.

Where to invest money?
Props: money wrappers
The presenter calls two pairs (a guy and a girl in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couples candy wrappers). Banks for your deposits can serve pockets, lapels, and all secluded places. Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible, open as many banks as possible. Get ready, let's start!" The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task; after 1 minute, the facilitator sums up the results. Presenter: “How many bills do you have left? What about you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done! And now I will ask the women to switch places and withdraw the entire amount from their accounts as quickly as possible. Open the banks, withdraw money! Attention, let’s start! ". (Music plays, women look for money from other people's partners).

Props: two sheets of A4 format or just a newspaper sheet
Two boys and two girls take part in the game. Two chairs are placed on which the young men sit. Next, two sheets of A4 format are taken and placed on the young people’s laps. After which the girl sits on a sheet of paper lying on the young man’s lap. The task is to crumple the sheet as much as possible within 1 minute. From the outside it looks very impressive and fun! :)

girlfriend's leg
Good company, a celebration with friends (just don’t do this joke with parents, grandparents, or vice versa with children), birthday, etc. In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. From practice - no longer necessary. They show the man that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them and he is taken to another room and blindfolded TIGHTLY. At this moment, all the women change seats, and among them (for color) 1-2 men sit down. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He is squatting, touching everyone's bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his wife. There is nothing very scary, but the jokes are rubbish. There are many options. And the man “climbs” on the legs for a long time, and sometimes he doesn’t recognize the “wife,” well, and if he pointed at another man, saying, here’s my wife (and he’s wearing a stocking to hide his hairiness) - it will be complete FUCK. Then all the men will want it, they won’t be able to drag it away!!!

Props: balloons (1 for each), regular thread, adhesive plaster, pushpin (1 for each)
Number of people - the more, the better. The game can be either a team game or every man for himself.
The balloon is inflated and tied with a thread around the waist (the balloon should be at the level and area of ​​the buttocks). The button is used to pierce a piece of adhesive tape and stick it on the player’s forehead. This procedure is done with each participant. Then each player must fold his hands on his chest or behind his back (he cannot use them during the game), or he can tie them. After all these preparations, the start is given (a certain amount of time is set - for a team game, after the time has elapsed, whoever survived is counted; and for the game, every man for himself - the game is played to the last), after which the player’s task is to pierce the enemy’s ball with a button on the forehead (not using your hands). It all looks simply amazing, the main thing is that there are more people. Well, the winner gets an incentive prize.

Props: The organizers of the game tie absolutely any (and as many) items as they want on strings and hide them in a bag.
They call a volunteer and blindfold him. When the eyes are blindfolded, the leader takes one of the prepared items dangling on a rope from the bag and brings it to the volunteer’s nose. You need to determine without the help of your hands, only through the sense of smell: what kind of thing it is. You guessed it, you will get this very thing as a gift... The very first one is given something simpler, like an apple. The rest, inspired by the example, will then stand in line. It can be very funny when an unfortunate sniffer pokes his nose, for example, into a suspended can of beer, which is dangling back and forth... Finally, it comes to the point that volunteers are given scented condoms to smell. The volunteer sucks in air with all his might, and the people just crawl under the furniture out of laughter. You can also let them smell the bills. And if he guesses right, then let him tell you what denomination the money was. Practice shows that there is always someone who is able to guess the dignity by smell...

About the first wedding night
Props: pen and paper for presenter
Each guest is asked to try to reach their heel without bending their knees. Everything that the player says during this “exercise” is written down by the presenter on a piece of paper (not forgetting to indicate the name of the speaker next to each statement). If the player silently tries to complete this exercise, the facilitator asks leading questions: what do you feel now, what are your sensations, etc. When all the guests have gone through this, and all their statements have been recorded in detail, the host announces: “And now we will find out what (for example, Anna) thinks about her wedding night,” and reads all the recorded statements of this player. And so with the statements of each guest.

Props: thick winter mittens, shirt or robe.
Male players are provided with thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the most buttons on a shirt or robe that is worn over their playing partner's clothes.

Hunting for marbles
Props: inflated balloons
Group version of the game "Balls". Evening dresses are not a hindrance. Inflated balloons are tied to the ankles (we tied one at a time), in the absence of balloons or their shortage for everyone, you can replace them with “rubber products” (tested - no worse). On command, everyone rushes to eat each other's balls with their feet, trying to protect theirs. The game continues until the last ball. The winner is the owner of that very last ball. The game is very stormy, noisy, fun, but, unfortunately, fast (but there are a lot of impressions).

Roll the ball
Props: several ping pong balls
Several pairs participate in the game. Each pair receives two ping pong balls. Men roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to her left sleeve. Ladies roll balls through a man's trousers from the right leg to the left

Hanging Apple
Props: an apple (grape, etc.) is tied by the tail with a thread and suspended
The first option involves eating apples at speed, not yet removed from the tree, in the second: the apple is tied by the tail with a thread and hung on a chandelier (for example). In both cases, you cannot help yourself with your hands. The most interesting version of this game is a team one, when both a guy and a girl take part in eating each apple. In conditions of a poor harvest of apples, they can be replaced with bunches of grapes, but the absorption of these heavenly fruits should be carried out simultaneously by a guy and a girl to create a piquancy of the situation.

Props: two chairs and a rope or ribbon two meters long
Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, with their backs facing each other. Place a rope (ribbon) two meters long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull out the string (tape) and take it for yourself.

Understand me!!!
The participants of the game (at least 4 people) are divided into two teams. A “driving” team is appointed. The other team comes up with a word without being heard by the opposing players. This word is communicated “in the ear” of one of the representatives of the “driving” team. The goal of this participant in the game is to depict with gestures the meaning of the word communicated to him so that his team names the hidden word. Using letters, pronouncing this word with your lips without a voice (and, of course, with your voice), and also pointing at an object called this word is prohibited. If a team guesses the word, it gets a point. Next, the teams switch places. In the next round, other representatives from the teams must speak, and so on until everyone has spoken. Of course, this game may not seem very funny, but if you give free rein to your imagination, you can come up with very “interesting” words: “vacuum cleaner”, “orgasm”, etc. In addition, of course, the players are required to be relaxed and have a light, humorous attitude towards fun.

Princess on the Pea
Props: buttons on the leg (preferably larger ones)
Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. We usually play the song "Move Your Booty" for this competition. And so, while dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

With my eyes closed
Props: thick mittens. Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls guess guys. You can feel the whole person.

The most attentive
It is held at the table. 2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, you will immediately take the prize: “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not just one, but seven.” “When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take them and repeat them once at night - twice, or better yet, 10.” “A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march!” Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” If they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it: “ Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

Match tournament
Several teams are participating.
Props: several boxes of matches
"Fun relay races for any age. Several teams participate (the most optimal number of teams is three). If the team completes the task first, it is awarded three points, the second - two, the third - one. Whoever has more points after all stages is the winner of the competition. For each competition, teams can stick matches into potatoes, and then count how many needles such “hedgehogs” have. The relay race is considered completed when the last team member delivers the boxes to the place from which the movement began. If the boxes fall during the movement, the relay participant must stop, put it back in place and only then continue on its way.
Competition tasks:
1. Carry a matchbox, placing it on the top of your head.
* Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar area.
* Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.
* Carry the box, placing it on your foot in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot.
2. Pass the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. The ends of the box should rest against the chin and neck.
3. Pass the outer part of the box, attaching it to the nose. Pass the baton without using your hands; the next participant must remove the box with his nose.
4. Place an empty box on the floor and blow on it so that it moves on its own. Move the boxes in one direction in this way, then run back.
* Place the word “Congratulations!” from the matches.
5. Who will collect the scattered matches faster? For each team, 5 boxes of matches are scattered in a certain place.

Arrows of Cupid
Props: large slingshot (the size of an adult palm), heart-shaped balloons
Buy a large slingshot (the size of an adult palm), we recommend craftsmen make it themselves. Heart-shaped balloons are inflated slightly so that they fit into a slingshot. The “Angel of Love” must hit his Chosen One in the heart with “Cupid’s arrow”; this rarely happens the first time, since the Chosen One is at some distance. The places where the balls fall must be kissed. The game is played until "Cupid" hits the heart. It is especially interesting when several men armed with slingshots try to hit the heart of one Chosen One.

The thorny path
Props: several bottles from the table
The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent :)

Thick-cheeked lip slap
Props: a bag of sucking candies (the “theater” type).
2 people are nominated from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy calling their opponent a “fat-cheeked lip slap” :))) Who stuffs the most candy into their mouth and at the same time He will say the “magic phrase” and he will win. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game bring the audience into complete delight!

You are in trouble!
Props: hat or tall container, playing cards, nuts in shell, straws for drinking water, etc.
Give your guests a few playing cards, shelled nuts (pistachios), straws for drinking water, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these items while standing at a certain distance from the target. The participants' hits or misses with various objects are humorously commented on by the presenter. Increase the distance, repeat everything again, but this time ask the contestants' assistants to help their friends (i.e. catch the same objects with a hat).

Props: bottles (all sorts of liter, plastic), rubber gloves.
Presenter: “So we’ve eaten. What about drinking? No, we’ll drink milk!” In each group, one teacher and 5 “young suckers” are selected. I hand the teacher a bottle (one and a half liter, plastic), but instead of a nipple, a rubber glove is attached to its neck with an ordinary black rubber band. There is a hole in each finger of the glove. (Make a bigger hole.) At my signal, one “baby sucker” is attached to each “nipple” and begins to suck milk. Those whose bottle empties the fastest are the winners.

Curly tufts
Props: colorful hair ties.
Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair using rubber bands. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.

Spiritualism session
Props: plate, coin, candle
The leading toastmaster asks a person who believes in spiritualism, calling the spirit, etc. to take part in the game. After that, they sit down at the table opposite each other. There are 2 plates on the table near the host and the player. There is a coin in the host’s plate. The host says that if the player is very attentive and focused, looks only into the host’s eyes and absolutely exactly repeats his movements, then the coin will move to the player’s plate. The lights in the room go out, a candle is lit in the middle of the table, and there is deathly silence. The presenter makes various magical passes with his hands, from time to time running his open palm along the bottom of his plate, and then over his face. This continues for several minutes, and then the presenter says that unfortunately today the trick failed. The joke of the competition is that the bottom of the player's plate was previously smoked using a candle/match/lighter, and every time the player runs his palm over the bottom and then over his face, it becomes blacker and blacker. The most important thing is that the audience, seeing all this before the end of the game, does not laugh too loudly.

Props: not needed
Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must, as quickly as possible, say into the ear of the next person his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example glass, the last word turns out to be “gangbang” :)

The Internet industry is doing everything possible to keep people connected to their smartphones: creating spectacular games, convenient instant messengers, and gigabytes of funny pictures in social media news feeds. Despite this, there are still those who read paper books the old fashioned way and play board games with friends.

Games for two

« Balda»

  • How to play: You will need a pen and a checkered piece of paper. We think of any noun in the singular (proper nouns are not allowed). Depending on the number of letters, draw a square and write the word in the middle. Then, one by one, players assign one letter at a time to form new words. Points are counted by the number of letters, and the one who comes up with the most long words wins.
  • Target: Come up with a big word and carefully assign letters move by move so that the opponent does not guess what is planned and does not write it first.

« Rhombus»

  • How to play: The props are the same: a piece of paper and a pen. A rhombus is drawn, and players take turns drawing sticks the size of 1 square. When the square is outlined on all sides, the one who drew the last stick writes a cross or a zero into the resulting square.
  • Target: Make as many “houses” for yourself as possible and not help the enemy build theirs.
  • What's the interest: The excitement of the game increases when there is no free space left and the real fight for the cells begins.

Games for a large company


  • How to play: One person thinks of a word and says the first letter. The rest of the participants take turns asking him a question, the answer to which will be a word starting with the same letter. Example question for a letter word TO: “Is this an animal that has whiskers, paws, a tail?” Example answer: “No, it’s not a wild boar.” Boars, you know, also have mustaches, paws, and a tail. If the presenter cannot answer the question, he says the second letter. And in this case, the rest already guess the words in which the first two letters correspond to the guessed ones, and so on, until someone guesses the whole word.
  • Target: Make the questions tricky so that the presenter does not immediately guess what is being said. The main thing here is not to overdo it; it is important that the answer to the question posed is unambiguous.

"Musical traffic light"

  • How to play: One participant says the letter loudly A and begins to mentally list the letters of the alphabet in order. On the command “stop” of any of the participants, the first one announces which letter he stopped on. With this letter, all participants must remember an excerpt from the song and sing it.
  • Another game option: Participants are divided into two teams, and each gets a theme: “plants”, “animals”, “seasons”, “love”, etc. The teams’ task is to take turns singing songs on their topic. Those who know more songs win.
  • Target: Relax properly and babble from the heart. In this game, hearing and other musical talents are not essential.

« Crocodile", or " Cow"(improved)

  • How to play: You need a stopwatch, a pen and a piece of paper on which to record your points. Participants are divided into two teams, then take turns telling each other a word and choosing a member from the team who will show it to “their friends.” If the word is not guessed within 1 minute, then the team does not receive a point.
  • Target: The main thing is to come up with interesting words so that they are funny to show and not very difficult to guess. For those who love this game and constantly play it with friends, we offer the following winning words: “sunshine”, “instinct”, “looter”.

  • How to play: This game is best played at the end of the party, when the mood has already risen. Everyone sits in a circle so that each other is clearly visible, then the participants take turns saying: “I.” Whoever laughs first gets a word that he adds to “I” in the next round.
  • What's the interest: At first glance the game may seem strange, but in reality it is very, very fun. Even if everyone is serious and no one laughs for several circles, sooner or later there comes a moment when someone begins to understand what nonsense everyone is doing and how stupid it looks from the outside. And - voila - the first one is ready, and then no one can be stopped: tears will flow from laughter and stomachs will ache.


  • How to play: You need a pencil from a woman's cosmetic bag, but for the brave souls, a marker will do. The presenter thinks of a category, and all participants quickly take turns saying a word on this topic. Round and round until someone gets confused or thinks for more than 3 seconds. The loser gets a unibrow, then a mustache, glasses, etc. And so on until the topics and space on the participants’ faces run out.
  • What's interesting: You can choose any topics you like. Believe me, no one will be able to avoid failure, which means that everyone will be in a good mood.

Well, if there is no company, then you can perfectly spend the evening alone if you know one interesting “time killer”.

Game for one

"Knight's move" or "Fill the square to 100"

  • How to play: Here, too, you can’t do without a pen and paper. We draw a square of 10 × 10 cells, write the number 1 anywhere, then 2, 3, etc. You can only move with a letter G like a knight moves in chess.
  • Target: Write all numbers up to 100.
  • What's the interest: The excitement lies in the fact that there are tens of thousands of game options and each time the result will be different. It is theoretically possible to reach 100, but in practice it is very difficult. They say only geniuses can do this!
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