Famous quotes about food. Quotes about food

- “Stay hungry. Stay reckless." And I always wished this for myself. And now that you are graduating and starting over, I wish this for you.

Self-sacrifice is a passion so all-consuming that in comparison even hunger and lust are trifles. She rushes her slave to destruction at the hour of the highest affirmation of his personality.

Adam was a man: he desired the apple from the tree of Eden not because it was an apple, but because it was forbidden.

Buy in your youth something that over the years will compensate you for the damage caused by old age. And, realizing that wisdom is the food of old age, act in your youth so that old age is not left without food.

If you have a nook to live in -
In our vile times - even a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

Life is boring without a moral goal, it is not worth living just to eat, the worker knows this - therefore, life requires a moral occupation.

Life is a source of joy: but in whom a spoiled stomach speaks, this father of sorrow, for him all sources are poisoned.

The American initiative is nothing more than a proposal to “burn the house down to cook scrambled eggs.” (About the creation of a missile defense system)

Will we refuse food only on the grounds that, when we are full, we lose our appetite? Can we say that a field is wasted if it remains fallow?

The bread that you store in your bins belongs to the hungry; the cloak lying in your chest belongs to a naked man; the gold that you buried in the ground belongs to the poor man.

Three things make the world tremble
(You won’t survive the fourth):
Suddenly a slave who became a master,
Glutton, drunken fool,
And he who is weak in flesh and spirit
Got involved with an evil, rude woman.

In four cases, one should not express either approval or condemnation of the matter until it is over.
Firstly, about eating until it is digested in the stomach.
Secondly, about a pregnant woman until it is resolved.
Thirdly, about the brave man until he leaves the battlefield.
Fourthly, about the farmer until he reaps the harvest.

A wise man should not stop in a city that does not have five things: first, a just sovereign and a strict and authoritative ruler; secondly, running waters and rich lands; thirdly, scientists with practical knowledge and endowed with moderation; fourthly, skillful and compassionate healers; fifthly, generous benefactors.

People who are constantly chasing more and more riches, never finding time to use them, look like starving people who cook everything, but do not sit down at the table.

When I see these tables covered with dishes, it seems to me that gout, dropsy, fever and many other diseases are hiding behind each of them, as if in ambush.

Cool quotes and aphorisms about food and gluttony

N and day 5 of the diet, dreams of a sexual nature began: a large room... I’m lying in a bathtub... filled with borscht!

WITH salad made from crab sticks... It’s good that it’s not made from sheep’s balls...

N and the culinary magazine says 12+ WHAT, WHAT IS THERE? NAKED CHICKEN?

N lack of food gives food for thought

TO what a table and what a chair.

N do you know how to lose weight? Drink a glass of water three days before meals.

WITH Listening to music while eating is an insult to both the cook and the violinist.

P looking for something that the body cannot digest, eats the one who ate it

IN Not a more standard figure from year to year...

IN It’s always like this: if I eat, it’s fun, if I don’t eat, it’s kind of boring...

WITH Now we eat genetically engineered products, and then they will eat us.

U everyone has their own recipe for happiness... I have it written on the ceiling: tomorrow I’ll quit eating... Every morning, when I wake up, I see this inscription and think: it’s good that tomorrow, and not today

IN You won’t believe it, but today’s bread can be stored for six months - in your stomach.

N While at work, there was a note on the pie in the refrigerator: “Don’t eat me.” Now there is an empty plate with a note: “The pies will not boss me around!”

AND Of all the suicide weapons, the most popular are the knife and fork.

I I don’t eat after six. I have a fasting hour from 6 to 7!

N and for every yogurt with live bacteria there is a doctor with antibiotics.

ABOUT days they eat to live. Others are starving for the same purpose.

X A spoonful is good for lunch, and a glass before lunch.

H The appetite also comes when there is no food.

B the fast meal ends in a slow funeral procession.

I I usually don’t improvise, but trust my mother to cook the food. This old, proven recipe was inherited from my dad.

L It’s better to eat a lot, but often.

N To spite your enemies, eat dinner yourself.

T As soon as I took hold of the eggs, the oil immediately disappeared.
Alexander Lukashenko

E We need to eat and drink enough so that our strength is restored and not suppressed. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

I replaced zucchini with zucchini.

ABOUT The trouble in Russia is not the food, but the time of day.

N and your favorite food usually lacks health.

P The horns mostly come out sideways.

X good things cannot be called bad.

E If you are afraid of gaining weight, drink 100 g of cognac before meals. Cognac reduces fear.

A Ppetite - unlike hunger, it is not satisfied.

H The human body grows up to 25 years. Only neither the stomach nor the ass know about this.

M Elijah, let's agree: I say it's very tasty, but you never cook it again.

ABOUT, dissolve me at least a little coffee!...
Vladimir Vishnevsky

X There are far fewer empty stomachs than good food.

TO urica is a creature that is eaten either before its birth or after its death.

WITH The hottest topic of the day: pies.

AND You need to get up from the table with a heavy feeling of slight hunger.

D Ieta is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

L love comes and goes, but you always want to eat

AND"cheese-", and "gum-", that's it - fatburger!

T It feels like I have an alarm clock in my head, set for 11:00 pm, with a reminder: “Don’t forget to eat at night!”

Z Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner with a friend.

P omni! Opening the refrigerator after 18.00. turns the princess into a PUMPKIN!

ABOUT bottom calorie - one cal. A thousand calories is one cal.

R The secret of olives and olives is hidden: olives have an olive color, but black olives do not.

ABOUT Bzhora digs his own grave with his teeth.

N and nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

I I want a sandwich. But no, it seemed... I WANT FIVE SANDWICHES

I I WANT TO EAT!!! Because I wanted to eat half an hour ago.

G nuts are food for others to think about your personal qualities!

IN All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and the press


I'm pretty sure that in the second before death, a dieter thinks, "Damn, why did I give up blueberry donuts 17 years ago?"

A man is what he eats.
Der Mensch ist, was er isst.

If you want to prolong your life, shorten your meals.

The table is the only place where people don’t get bored from the very first minute.

Since we are condemned to eat, let us eat well.

After a good dinner, you can forgive anyone, even your relatives.

Some eat to live, others starve for the same purpose.

Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch.

It seems to me that every husband prefers a good dish without music to one without a good dish.

Evil people live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live.

Animals feed, people eat; but only smart people know how to eat.

The diet is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.

War is war, and lunch is on schedule.

Appetite comes with eating.

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.

Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.
Russian proverb

If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, then the country has reached the end of its rope.

The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.
The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

The rule of three “Cs”: only the one who can prepare a salad, sauce, soup is considered a real cook.

To become tasty, fish must swim three times: in water, in oil and in wine.
Fish, to taste good, must swim three times in water, in butter, and in wine.

The most delicious cakes in my life were the cakes in the Warsaw confectionery in 1913 and these rats. Rats gave us the opportunity to survive, the cakes gave us a guide to why...
Aunt KATYA, siege survivor. Quote from: The New Times, 2010 No. 15, page 60

I love food. The food is delicious.
I Like Food. Food Tastes Good.
English book title

On the continent [Europe] people eat well, in Britain there are good table manners.

In case of major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink.

To live well, you need to eat well.

A person should know no less about food than about mathematics or his native language.
GORDON RAMSAY, British chef, to Igor Serdyuk in an interview “In pursuit of extremes.” Quote from: Vedomosti, August 7, 2009

Cook quickly, eat slowly.

Hunger is the best seasoning for food.
Cibi condimentum est fames.

He who eats and drinks hastily does not live long in the world.
Czech proverb

Obesity in developed countries is a sign of poverty. When there is plenty of food, the wealthier prefer to eat not as much as possible, but as best as possible.
JOHN KAY, Financial Times columnist. Quote from: Vedomosti, September 26, 2008, p. 4

There is usually not enough health to buy your favorite food.

The dishes should be beautiful, the rest is not important.
Alena, daughter of Alexander Galich, about the principle of a father who is unpretentious in food. Quote from: Story, 2008, No. 5, p. 105

They throw a stone at you, throw food back at you.
Bashkir proverb

“Eat simple food and you can do anything.”

“To stay in shape you need rest, good food and, most importantly, no exercise.”

If you want to know me, eat with me.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

God created food, and the devil created cooks.

You need to eat more dense foods. You will immediately become a different person.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Cheese is the corpse of milk.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

For a normal Japanese, there is nothing worse than rice that has lost its whiteness.
HARUKI MURAKAMI. Quote from: The New Times, 2008, No. 8, p. 61

Many of my views and habits were formed due to the fact that in my young years I was overfed with black caviar.

It is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea.
British joke

No one can convince me that a brilliant symphony has more content than a brilliant salad. If we erect a monument to Mozart, we are obliged to erect a monument to Mr. Olivier.

“Tea should taste bitter, just like beer, and sugar or milk kills its true flavor.”

“How can we hope for peace and prosperity on earth if our bodies are living graves in which slaughtered animals are buried?”

"Of course the best English food is simply French food."
GEORGE ORWELL, citing this phrase from a French book and objecting to it passionately

“You need to cook slowly, with feeling, using the freshest organic ingredients, and eat with those you love, at one big table. By endlessly accelerating the rhythm of life, we deprive ourselves of life itself.”
CARLO PETRINI, founder of the Slow Food movement. Quote from: “Kommersant-Weekend”, 2007, No. 49, p. 28

"English cuisine is much better than its reputation."

“Gastronomic art teaches a person to manage his time rationally and prudently. It cultivates in us both wise patience and instant reaction.”
SERGEY PARKHOMENKO in the article “About pea soup, with which no one is in a hurry.” "Kommersant Weekend", 2007, No. 62, p. 49

“Classic vinaigrette: everything delicious in one plate.”

“Let them do what they want, but raising the price of coffee is too much.”
The heroine of SERGEY DOVLATOV

“I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself.”
The heroine of Audrey Tautou in the film “Fatal Beauty”

“It has long been known that in the kitchen quantity never turns into quality, rather the opposite.”
DARIA TSIVINA about the restaurant menu, where almost all the capitals of the world are represented. "Kommersant-Weekend", 2007, No. 36, p. 30

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Feel free to pave the same path to a woman’s heart.”
SVETLANA ZAKHAROVA, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater

“Be careful with a person who does not know how to eat or feed.”
Prince VLADIMIR ODOEVSKY, “Kitchen”, “Book Review”, 2007, No. 2, p. 19

"Too many cooks - goodbye stew."
English proverb

"Sauce hides a thousand sins."
An old cook's saying

“The second freshness - what nonsense! There is only one freshness – the first, and it is also the last.”
MIKHAIL BULGAKOV, "The Master and Margarita"

“For me, a restaurant is, first of all, about people. I want them to have fun."
ARKADY NOVIKOV, restaurateur. GQ, 2007, no. 4, p. 192

“You need to eat either fast food or black caviar. But both must be accompanied by fried potatoes.”
PARIS HILTON. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 35

“If you have unexpected guests and there is nothing at home, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb.”
ELENA MOLOKHOVETS. Quote from: “Kommersant Weekly”, 2007, No. 29, p. 39

“By ignoring walnuts, you are making one of the main mistakes in your life.”
Leaders of the Belgian Walnut Society. Quote from: “7 Days”, 2007, No. 12, p. 98

“Only fools are not gourmets.”
Norman wisdom

“The stuffing cannot be turned back.”

“An Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti.”

“There is nothing heavier than an empty stomach.”
Malagasy saying

“Papanov and I worked abroad, we were paid little, so we ate canned food. One day he told me: “If you think that these canned goods are not reflected in our eyes, you are mistaken.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to make the best spaghetti sauce in the world—it won’t taste better than the one you buy in the supermarket around the corner.”
From a fashion magazine

“A moonlit night and boiled rice always come in handy.”
Japanese saying

“You need to eat only good food and little by little, the same with books and movies.”
Krzysztof Zanussi

“He who does not feed the body does not feed the spirit.”
Chefs' favorite saying

“The plate should have one part cruelty – pepper, vinegar, spices, three parts strength and six parts tenderness.”

“A good cook has a lot of character and feeling.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“When you try a seemingly simple haute cuisine dish, you feel the greatness of the chef being revealed.”
EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant “Au Crocodile”, Izvestia dated August 12, 2005

“Are there rehabilitation clinics for Coca-Cola drinkers? I drink six cans a day!”

I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals, I just hate plants.

If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes.
Allegedly, Marie Antoinette addressed the hungry poor of revolutionary Paris. In fact, the phrase had been circulating in the French press since 1760, that is, thirty years before the revolution. In addition, in the original there are not cakes, but brioche - white buns, that is, the same bread.

To keep your figure slim, share your food with the hungry.

It turns out that a bun with solyanka is a pie with cabbage))

Eat less, lose weight!))

It so happened that a horse does not eat a horse, a rabbit does not eat a rabbit, and a cat does not eat shawarma.

If you are what you eat, then who do you have to eat to become human???

He who knew trouble eats lard without bread.

In biology I was asked to write what I ate that day. I'll go get whatman paper)

- Little Sunshine, we have guests coming over today, can you cook something for dinner?
- No questions! How to cook - so that they come again or so that they don’t come anymore?

Everything else is just food. And chocolate is chocolate.

The worse the cooks are, the more polite the waiters should be.

“I won’t eat caviar, as usual, a bucketful at a time, and due to exhaustion I will lose weight and die!!!”

At night I am quiet, like a ninja, agile, like a doe, and determined, like a sumo wrestler... Just to open the treasured refrigerator...)))

Upset - eat it, nothing to do - eat it, just arrived - eat it, busy with work for a long time - take a break, eat it!

If you want to really lose weight, then you need to follow just one simple rule: Never eat on an empty stomach!

I suffered from insomnia at night... “I was counting” cutlets.)

I learned that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and now I eat breakfast 17 times a day.

If at 01:00 you are awake and want to eat, then you are a girl.

- Maybe we can go somewhere and have a snack? - Cut the telephone cable and don’t call, fuck it.

When a person with a weak stomach eats fatty foods, he hopes every time that he will carry through. And he’s not wrong every time...

If the chickens make you laugh, remind them what chicken Kiev is made from!

The man was, is and will be hungry!

A good diet, they say - less flour, more night food)))

- It’s impossible to take my eyes off your chicken!... You should at least cut off its head before serving it to the table!

You have to love what you eat or love the person you cook for. Cooking is an act of love.

I’ll eat breakfast myself... and I’ll eat lunch myself... dinner too... and in general, why should I share such a delicious thing?)))

If only there was a device that would work after six in the evening - I opened the refrigerator and instead of bread I got it in the bin!)

I decided to lose weight by summer... Diet and all that. Damn, I have never had such a strong desire to eat chocolate-flavored shampoo...

I love it when my husband cooks... At such moments even fried eggs seem like a masterpiece...

I constantly introduce innovations into dishes - while I was watching a movie yesterday, I invented Fried Soup!)))

As soon as the Chinese understand that rice is a side dish, that's it, this world is ruined!!!

The path to the stomach lies through the store.

What a s*x - such a borscht.

What is the name of the most powerful American chemical weapon??? - McDonald's!!!:)))

The day has finally arrived when the whole country eats last year's Olivier for breakfast.

Wife to the seller: “Give me a kilo of liverwurst for the dog.” Husband in surprise: “Darling, but we don’t have a dog.” Wife: “I beg you, stop and don’t bark.”

Well, what kind of law of meanness is this? The more you eat in the evening, the more you want to eat in the morning!

She ate like a bird - half her weight a day...:)))

A cake left in the refrigerator overnight may suddenly disappear by morning :-)

Not all shawarma products are easy to buy at your local store. Some you have to run after.

A healthy appetite should primarily be for life, not for food.

It’s terrible, I can’t start taking the medicine because the instructions say to take it an hour after meals... But I don’t leave such long gaps between food!!!))

I picked mushrooms. Now I’m going to fry... What kind of mushrooms I don’t know. Just in case, I washed myself, cut my nails and dressed in everything clean...

Why does one sleep so sweetly during the day... but food tastes better at night?

- Do you pray before eating?
- No, my wife cooks normally.

Cool sayings about food

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