Emerald for a woman's Taurus. As a talisman, he is also beautiful and multifaceted.

Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus appears to be the most solid and reliable. Taurus was originally depicted as a bull rooted to the ground. The character of a person born under the sign of Taurus largely corresponds to this symbol. These are people who firmly stand their ground and do not like a change of situation or a sudden change in the direction of activity.

Taurus are very calm, but also very stubborn.

Nevertheless, Taurus are not lumps or sloths at all, they just do not tolerate being bossed around. Peace-loving, calm Taurus, if forced to act under pressure from the outside, will simply “put his horn in the ground” and will stand his ground until the last.

The Golden Calf tries to benefit from everything it undertakes.

A powerful, horned, but very charming bull is distinguished by the greatest tendency towards commercialism among all other signs of the zodiac. “Golden Taurus” - this expression perfectly indicates the ability of Taurus to benefit from literally everything they undertake.

However, commercialism is not the only striking distinctive feature of the sign. These people, more than others, feel the need to surround themselves with exquisite, beautiful things, and this feature is more pronounced in women. Taurus will feel uncomfortable in a standard environment; he will certainly take up the task of decorating it. Moreover, taking into account the commercialism of the sign, Taurus will strive to ensure that the exquisite decoration also has a practical function.

Taurus people are very attached to their things.

People of this zodiac sign also have negative qualities. Taurus people tend to be selfish and stingy, but this does not mean they are greedy for money. Rather, they are distinguished by a penchant for collecting expensive, high-quality, even unique, items. You can easily borrow a fairly large sum of money from such a person, but it is impossible to persuade him to give or sell some beautiful unique thing. Moreover, the longer the persuasion lasts, the more Taurus will “pull its horn.” Compliments and psychological tricks will not help - Taurus will not part with the things he loves.

Talisman stones for Taurus based on date of birth

For Taurus born in the first ten days (April 21 - May 1), the patron is Mercury. Minerals will contribute to their luck: , amazonite, and. Products made from these minerals will become good talismans.

Taurus born in the second decade (May 2 - May 11) are under the influence of a strong exalted Moon. For these people, rock crystal, and. A piece adorned with all or a few of these stones will enhance the influence of the Moon and add a calming factor. The family well-being of a Taurus woman will be helped by a ring decorated with one or more of the listed talisman stones.

Taurus born in the third decade (May 12 - May 20) have Saturn as their patron. Saturn is a rather gloomy god of destruction, and these people may experience periods of depression, and they also experience undesirable situations in life. But the list of stones that can protect against negativity is more than impressive: diamonds, aquamarines,. Any blues can be dispelled by simple contemplation of these beautiful stones!

Individual talisman stones for Taurus

Emerald is the best talisman stone for a Taurus woman

The best talisman stone for Taurus (especially women) is emerald. Emerald will protect marital fidelity, give optimism, hope and tranquility, and ensure fertility. A ring with an emerald will protect against dark forces. If you leave the emerald jewelry on at night, the amulet will also protect you from nightmares.

Sapphire will help you make the right decisions

Sapphire is a stone of the soul. But this stone has character. An unkind person will not receive help from it, although the sapphire will not bring evil. For a person with negative intentions, a piece with sapphire will serve as a simple decoration. For a person with worthy thoughts and deeds, sapphire will help him make the right decisions and protect him from slanderers.

Jasper is a good protection against other people’s negativity

Jasper can partially neutralize negative energy. The stone is simply necessary for Taurus, who sincerely experience other people's troubles. Jasper also protects the health of its owner and protects him from energy vampires. This talisman stone has a greater effect on Taurus women.

Agate will give Taurus confidence

Agate will be a good protector for this sign. If you set the agate with copper (Taurus metal), the amulet will give the owner peace of mind and confidence. When an amulet with agate is worn for a long time, the owner’s intuition increases, eloquence develops, and the gift of convincing others of his opinion appears.

Aventurine is a good choice for entrepreneurs and businessmen

Suitable for businessmen. He helps the owner endure and realize the most daring dreams and plans. Sometimes ideas brought to life with the help of aventurine acquired the scale of statehood.

Talisman stones for Taurus woman

Turquoise - girlish stone

Turquoise, the girl's stone, attracts many young girls. Sky blue turquoise helps unmarried girls find a future husband. And a pebble hidden in clothes will prevent the girl from frivolous actions and protect her from lies.

Green turquoise bracelet and necklace

For married Taurus women, green turquoise can serve as a talisman stone. This stone will help preserve peace and prosperity in the house. Green turquoise is a symbol of health and fertility. If a woman dreams of children, products with green turquoise are necessary in her family.

Bracelet "Shambhala" made of cacholong

The milk of the sacred cow is the translation of the name of the mineral cacholong. This stone, semi-opal or pearl agate, will serve as a talisman for pregnant women of this sign. It promotes the successful course of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, as well as the health of the newborn and mother. Kacholong also makes sure that the family has enough funds for the normal growth and development of the child.

Talisman stones for a Taurus man

Black agate pendant

A Taurus man, a business person, should pay attention to. This stone is able to identify hidden potential and realize it; it will also help to concentrate attention and abilities on the task at hand. The amulet is indispensable for business people.

Amazonite is also very useful for men in business. It will increase confidence in yourself and in your decisions, remove excessive indecisiveness, and help in achieving stable material wealth.

Sardonyx will help arrange the personal life of a Taurus man

Sardonyx is one of the varieties of onyx, brown or sometimes orange in color. A talisman with sardonyx is good for Taurus men with an unsettled personal life. Unsettledness is completely unacceptable for Sardonyx, and a lonely person without a suitable mate will not stay for very long. In addition, sardonyx helps develop the gift of persuasion in men.

Zircon is usually preferred by women, but this stone is still more masculine. Jewelry with zircon helps to expose intrigues and promotes the search for truth. Zircon will help a truthful man protect himself from slander and slander. Zircon will not allow a liar to carry out negative intentions and, thus, will also protect its owner, preventing him from completely wallowing in lies.

Stones not suitable for Taurus

Amber is the worst stone for Taurus

There is only one talisman stone that Taurus (especially women) need to avoid in any form, this is amber. For some reason, Amber does not like representatives of this zodiac sign and gives them troubles in all situations in which this is possible. Moreover, the amber purchased by Taurus or given to him will not be slow to show his abilities. The negative power of amber in relation to the owner does not weaken over time, and troubles will fall on the owner from all sides as long as the product with amber is with its owner.

Heliotrope, pyrite. But these talisman stones, unlike amber, do not harm their owner.

When choosing a product or jewelry with a stone designed to serve as a talisman, listen to your intuition. If you picked up a piece and felt a desire to keep it and felt warmth towards the decoration, then this is your stone!

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Each of the 12 zodiac signs has its own talisman stones. The choice of a mineral, which will henceforth serve as an amulet, depends not only on the zodiac characteristics of the owner, but also on his gender. A talisman stone for a Taurus woman, for example, must match the character of its owner and at the same time not harm her karma.

Taurus is a zodiac sign known for its amazing tenacity and stubbornness. People born under this sign are accustomed to going ahead at any cost and proving to others that they are right. They love stability in everything and prefer to solve problems that arise consistently and methodically.

The Taurus woman is not lacking in perseverance and purposefulness. But this does not prevent her from having a peaceful disposition, calmness and leisureliness. At the same time, the character of these stubborn individuals is dominated by some secrecy and pragmatism. The Taurus woman is particularly meticulous in her work and prefers to do everything strictly according to instructions.

The young lady born under the sign of Taurus is also no stranger to romance and sentimentality. She is a sensual person, but in love she shows some caution and gradually reveals herself to her partner.

These ladies love comfort and chic, so they approach any choice with special care. The same goes for talismans.

The right stone - what is it?

The most powerful talismans are stones received as an inheritance or as a gift. Minerals purchased with your own money begin to perform the function of a talisman only after a few years. And stolen gems carry nothing but negative energy.

So which talisman stone is best for a Taurus woman, how to choose it, what parameters to rely on? One simple recommendation will help answer this question: Taurus is a spring sign, and its representatives like spring colors. Therefore, talisman stones should be rich and at the same time delicate spring shades: blue sky, white clouds, young greenery.

People born under the constellation Taurus are naturally endowed with high energy potential (including women). Therefore, it is better to choose minerals that are active and at the same time not too aggressive as talismans. Their main task should be to direct the innate energy of their owner in the right direction.

Select by date of birth

The best solution is to choose a talisman stone for a charming Taurus woman, based on her birth period. In total, 3 such periods can be distinguished:

  1. Taurus women born April 21 - May 1.
  2. Taurus women born May 2 - 11.
  3. Taurus women born May 12 - 20.

Each group will have its own amulets.

First ten days (April 21 - May 1)

Taurus women, born between April 21 and May 1, are ruled by the planet Mercury. Their distinctive features are balance, amazing luck, generosity, love for pleasant surprises. The best talisman stones for these young ladies are:

  • Aventurine is a stone that brings prosperity to its owner and protects her from various unpleasant situations. The mineral also enhances the leadership qualities of its owner. It helps activate positive energy and releases it itself. Attracts luck and fortune.
  • - protects its owner from the influence of dark forces, from the evil eye. Calms and softens her disposition, gives her confidence in her abilities. Eliminates anger and irritability. Strengthens health. Helps to establish peace and harmony in her family.
  • - a calming stone that relieves anxiety and induces good mood. Brings harmony into the family life of its owner. Recommended for single Taurus women, as it gives the energy needed to create a family, attracts prosperity, peace into the home, and gives a feeling of security.
  • - a talisman that helps its owner relax, achieve peace and tranquility, and take control of her emotions. Protects against alcoholism.
  • — it is recommended to choose an “old” mineral. This is a talisman stone that will help strengthen intuition and bring prosperity and well-being. Attracts love, strengthens family relationships, brings harmony and happiness to the family.
  • Bull's eye - helps to cope with various diseases and addictions, protects against them. Awakens the gift of clairvoyance. Recommended for active and active Taurus women. It will bring harm to its owner if she is prone to laziness.
  • - activates mental activity, develops imagination. Attracts financial well-being. Treats the respiratory system.
  • - a stone that brings good luck in love, and also attracts money and fame. Attracts the attention of men and gets rid of overly intrusive suitors. Protects its owner from betrayal.
  • - endows his mistress with insight. Develops patience and concentration. Instills determination and activity.
  • bloody is a powerful talisman stone that protects the Taurus woman from any negative influence, including those coming from evil forces (damage, the evil eye). Gives happiness and prosperity.

Second decade (May 2 - 11)

Taurus women born between May 2 and May 11 are ruled by the Moon. These are business and practical ladies who are absolutely alien to romanticism. The key goal of their life is to build a career. At the same time, these individuals are distinguished by some indecisiveness.

The best talisman stones for representatives of this period are:

  • - a talisman against misfortunes and failures. Endows its owner with intelligence, wisdom and perseverance. Makes her more modest and merciful, courageous and fair.
  • - a stone with healing powers. Improves mood, protects against depression. Gives harmony and fulfills innermost desires. Attracts wealth. It is recommended to wear it framed in silver so that the talisman can protect its owner from the envy of others.
  • - a mineral that can calm its owner and strengthen her body. Helps to find a life purpose, gives a good mood, enhances the positive qualities of the owner.
  • Opal is an amulet that protects against the influence of dark witchcraft forces. Protects from failures and accidents, from dishonest people and diseases. Develops talents.
  • - a stone with strong energy of love, happiness and joy. Attracts the attention of men to its owner, sometimes even too active and intrusive. Makes the atmosphere in the family joyful and happy.
  • - a talisman that protects against danger and malice. Stone of friendship - helps to make friends with worthy people. Gives its owner good luck.

Third ten days (May 12 - 20)

Taurus women whose birth date fell in the third decade (May 12-20) seem cheerful, perky, cheerful, cheerful and full of optimism to the people around them. In fact, this is a kind of mask under which a pessimistic and uncommunicative nature is hidden.

For Taurus women of the third decade, talisman stones are suitable:

  • Aquamarine - directs the owner’s energy in the right direction, helps her learn to distinguish between any deception and the secret meaning of things. It has healing properties: strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins and waste.
  • () - makes the hostess happy, attracts material well-being into her life. Makes her character more decisive and firm. Heals mental illnesses and relieves depression. Protects from any evil. Recommended for Taurus women for constant wear.
  • Beryl - guards the financial well-being of its owner. Protects against any diseases, gives the body vitality and tone, increases its potential. Recommended for older Taurus women.
  • - ignites passion, brings back faded feelings. Suitable for Taurus women in creative professions.
  • - helps out in difficult life circumstances, gives strength and patience. Attracts prosperity.
  • Ruby - brings up purely masculine qualities in its owner: courage, fearlessness, bravery and strength. Recommended for wearing by Taurus whose activities involve danger and risk.
  • - strengthens marriage bonds, protects against lies. Represents virgin purity, chastity and constancy.
  • - protects against deceit, lies and intrigue. Helps to manage subordinates and find the right solutions. Instills focus. Recommended for Taurus women involved in business.

To change your life for the better, you need to select jewelry that will help attract happiness and good luck. To choose the right mineral for you, you should study its properties and characteristics.

For a Taurus man, the amulet stone should attract monetary well-being and soften the violent temperament of representatives of this zodiac sign.

What stones are suitable for a Taurus man?

Taurus is the salt of the Earth. They have a peaceful and calm disposition. They like to spend time in the company of kind people, where they can relax and show off their intellectual knowledge.

A Taurus man knows how to earn an excellent amount of money, so he never feels the need for material things. Such people persistently go towards their intended goal, because they consider their opinion to be the only correct one.

The impression of the representatives of the sign is slightly overshadowed by their selfish inclinations and greed. Precious minerals can mitigate the shortcomings of Taurus and reveal their potential.

Reliability and stability in the character of Taurus is expressed in stones that are suitable specifically for the growth of their well-being.

Each of the minerals bestows benefits on the owner and protects against rash actions:

  • Emerald calms and gives harmony. He controls Taurus, who is in a critical situation. Helps you cool down and consider the situation from all sides in order to find a profitable solution.
  • Turquoise Young Taurus will like it. It will help you not to succumb to the influence of youthful fervor, prevent rash actions, and prevent quarrels from developing into conflicts with the older generation.
  • Sapphire promotes the development of logical thinking. Sometimes Taurus cannot assess the situation sensibly, so he stops in indecision and runs into a barrier of obstacles. Sapphire will help him cool down in time and gain worldly wisdom. The stone will also help calm an impatient temperament, learn compliance and composure.
  • Chalcedony will protect you from negativity from the environment. Taurus are responsive to requests and love communication. But they often confuse who is nearby - enemies or friends. Energy will be protected by chalcedony, so no one else will be able to take advantage of the kindness of Taurus for profit.
  • Money men - . Financial well-being comes directly from black agate. A white or green stone promotes happiness and love. Blue agate will give you strength from the Earth, activity and cheerfulness. It will also increase self-confidence, prevent depression and melancholy, and set you up for a love of life. If you urgently need to correct the negative in fate, then you should wear jewelry with agate.
  • . Taurus men should not wear this stone too often, but in some cases it is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to him, you will be lucky not only in concluding contracts and business, but also in the love sphere. It will help restore the health of the upper respiratory tract and localize allergies.
  • . Taurus often fall under the influence of unreasonable laziness and apathy. This semi-precious stone will successfully cope with uncertainty in decisions and restore good spirits and activity. Chrysoprase will inspire you to make new decisions and help bring all interesting projects and plans to life.
  • Rose quartz will improve personal relationships and attract love harmony.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Taurus

A Taurus man can immediately be distinguished from the crowd. He behaves silently and reservedly. His whole manner of moving and speaking is sedate and measured. His calmness is unshakable, he rarely loses his temper and becomes angry.

Never convince him of anything if you don’t want to get acquainted with his “stony” stubbornness. For years he seems to be a surprisingly calm and indifferent person who wisely looks down on those around him. If you manage to piss him off, then immediately get out of his way. An angry Taurus is capable of crushing everything around him. Representatives of this sign are not subject to irritation; they often flare up with anger and rage. Although such attacks occur very rarely.

Taurus will never join the army of the unemployed. They are trying to build their own monetary empire on their own. Brick by brick they work to achieve their goal. They accumulate money as well as power.

All work is transferred to their own subordinates. They are intoxicated by the feeling of having money and power. Hardworking and reliable Capricorns work for them, and loving Taurus will enjoy the attention of a beautiful girl at this time. Which ones you can find out here.

The most stubborn men are Taurus. Although they consider themselves extremely patient, everyone around them knows about their incredible stubbornness.

Although a Taurus man can really withstand incredible loads and not complain about unfair circumstances. He shows remarkable courage in the face of the blows of fate, which have broken more than one representative of other zodiac signs.

Taurus will never stoop to cruelty and revenge. He is devoted to family and friends. With a Taurus man, you can forget about financial instability. He will provide as much as possible for his wife and children.

He likes to spend time outdoors, where he will do what he loves - fishing. He enjoys reading books about the biographies of great people of the past. All true masculine properties are embodied in the Taurus man.

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth

Stones for Taurus men by date of birth:

  • 1 decade (starting from April 21 to May 1). In the first decade, unusually smart and generous Taurus are born. From the outside they seem completely happy and do not require additional protection of the stones. But this is not entirely true. In some periods, they also need the support of magical talismans. To attract good luck for Taurus men, malachite is suitable. It will help beginning businessmen begin their financial ascent. Malachite will become a talisman for attracting and increasing money. Confidence in decisions and peace of mind will be given by a stone of green and dark green shade.
  • 2nd decade (from 2 to 11 May). The second decade introduces the world to hard-working Taurus, calculating and a little boring. To dispel their pessimism and give them a little recklessness, it is worth wearing talismans. Minerals will smooth out the impact of Mercury, which bestows pragmatism on every cell of Taurus. It is worth wearing such stones as:
    • will drive away despondency and boredom. If Taurus is often depressed, then a bright mineral will return excellent mood and joy. Men can wear jasper cufflinks or rosary beads. A Taurus businessman will become more risky and decisive, and a bit of adventurism will appear in his character, which representatives of this sign do not have at all.
    • Cornelian will help you find love and happiness. The Taurus man often goes through girls, because his demands are unusually high. He wants to meet an excellent housewife and a loving mother to future children.
  • 3rd decade (May 12 – May 20). Representatives of the constellation of the third decade are cheerful optimists. Their disposition is cheerful and easy, which is explained by the close influence of Gemini. The following stones are suitable:
    • Diamonds contribute to achievements in the material sphere and unprecedented success, will lift the spirits and amuse the pride of Taurus.
    • Emeralds will give inspiration. This stone is suitable for all Taurus, although it will most affect representatives of the third decade. Emerald not only attracts material well-being, but also sensual love.

Amulets for Taurus men

A talisman in the form of an elephant or a bull will bring good luck to Taurus. A product made of bronze or wood is suitable, but it is better to refrain from souvenirs made of mahogany and ivory.

Taurus will also be helped by amulets in the form of the following figures:

  1. Owl figurine will help fill gaps in knowledge, give patience and perseverance. The figurine must be made of glass, wood, silver or rock crystal.
  2. Horse for Taurus symbolizes efficiency and success. A figurine on your desktop helps you climb the career ladder. You can carry with you a horse made in the form of a pendant. Even a small pendant will do to always accompany success. Choose gold as the metal for making the amulet.
  3. Gold figurine of a calf will attract material well-being and good luck when concluding deals.

How to wear stones correctly for a Taurus man?

All Taurus stones must be ennobled with metal frames:

  • Agate is set into copper, and for emerald, diamond and sapphire, gold is a more advantageous metal. A suitable stone, coupled with a noble metal, will greatly enhance its positive impact on the representatives of the sign.
  • Aventurine, jasper, chalcedony and turquoise prefer silver, and for carnelian it is enough to use a simple jewelry alloy.
  • Diamonds are set in gold and platinum to form a ring.
  • Emeralds are also inserted into rings, although give preference to wearing this jewelry on the little finger.

Men face difficulties when choosing turquoise jewelry. Cufflinks without a metal frame or a small turquoise pyramid on the table will help out. You can wear tie clips with matching jewelry or key chains.

Stones that a Taurus man should not wear

Taurus people should avoid certain minerals: amber, ruby, topaz, amethyst, heliotrope and pyrite. They will become a source of trouble and cause harm to health. Amber is especially contraindicated, as it becomes the cause of constant misfortunes.

Taurus people should absolutely not wear stones known for their aggressive energy. For talismans, the best choice would be minerals that slightly correct energy flows and direct them in the right direction.

Tips for choosing stones:

  1. Minerals of more saturated colors are suitable for men. The stones should have an emerald or black tint.
  2. Quietly talk to your own amulet in difficult times. Taurus often have enough to talk to the stone in order to make the right decision. This way you can look at the problem from a different angle and find the most optimal solution.
  3. Take advantage of the assistance of amulets during meetings or important negotiations. This way you will earn much more and will be able to promote promising projects.
  4. If you are about to be called to the authorities, grab your lucky stone. It will help you concentrate and not panic.
  5. Give the amulet to little Taurus from birth. The boy will begin to study more successfully and absorb knowledge as much as possible. Teenagers will not turn into withdrawn people and will be able to find true friends.

When a Taurus man has already chosen a suitable talisman for himself, it is worth making sure of the authenticity of the gemstone during the purchase. A fake mineral will only bring disappointment and resentment.

When choosing a stone, you must rely on your own intuition. She will tell Taurus whether this amulet is suitable for him or whether it is better to refuse the purchase. If touching the stone causes an unpleasant sensation and cold, then such a mineral will cause troubles and misfortunes. If a man feels a surge of strength and energy, then such a jewel will give him financial well-being, determination and success in career growth.

Feelings are more important than thoughts for Taurus. They are distinguished by an increased interest in the opposite sex, but at the same time they stand firmly on the ground and are practical. Representatives of this sign extremely value their home and strive to fill it with beautiful things and comfort. Taurus people know how to earn money and strive for high social status.

"Bulls" sometimes show stubbornness. At the same time, due to their soft nature, it is difficult for them to resist stronger signs.

Natural minerals will help you gain self-confidence and successfully achieve your life goals. To direct energy in a favorable direction, astrologers recommend having 8 stones for different purposes.

Universal talismans for Taurus


A magnificent green gem is the personification of wisdom. Since ancient times, it has been considered a powerful amulet against all sorrows and negative influences.

12.05 – 21.05 (Saturn)

Seriousness, reaching the point of pessimism, darkens the life of Taurus in the third decade. will bring back the joy of life, help overcome anxiety and fear.

Selecting stones by color

Minerals of green and blue shades have a beneficial effect. To the list of the above mentioned talismans you can add:


Which stones should Taurus pay more attention to?

Although modern Astrologers have different opinions about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones not according to the Sun sign, but according to the weak one. List of stones that Taurus should take a closer look at:

  • serpentine();
  • "bloody" ();
  • “stone of sadness” - ;
  • black iridescent

Like no other natural substance, it can accumulate and preserve human energy. Their interaction with humans is very strong, such a connection lasts for several generations.

That is why stones given as gifts and those inherited are especially valued as talismans. Stolen minerals carry a negative charge, and purchased ones become amulets or talismans only after many years.

Characteristics of the sign

Taurus is peaceful, calm, extremely patient and persistent. This superwoman always goes to the end in her goals. But, at the same time, he knows how to do without harsh statements and rude remarks.

Pragmatism is also a distinctive feature of women. The company of such a woman will be pleasant for everyone. She is always fresh, beautiful and graceful.

Her soft, calm gaze is captivating, and the same voice contributes to a conversation that is conducive to her. Besides she is a good listener.

In short, someone born under the sign of Taurus is the dream of any sane man.

Perfect cleanliness will reign in her house, since these women are outstanding housewives. No one else is capable of maintaining such order in their home.

Representatives of this sign are partial to children and nature, so the ideal place for them to live would be a country house, where they have the opportunity to go out into the garden and be surrounded by natural beauty and the sonorous voices of children.

Stones that match your date of birth

The magical properties of stones were known and used many centuries ago. Then people learned to select stones according to their horoscope or date of birth.

It is especially important to wear the stone that you like. It is also not recommended for men to wear women's stones, and for women to wear men's stones.

“Male” stones have a brighter shine and are colored in warm tones, while “female” stones are duller in appearance and are dominated mainly by cool shades.

For such sensual and comfort-loving natures as Taurus, not every mineral is suitable. These people need to approach the choice of a talisman as responsibly as possible. Let's consider which stone to choose for representatives of this zodiac sign by decade.

First ten days - from April 21 to May 1

These stones will bring Taurus victory, success and protect them from evil forces. Already “lucky” in life, these Taurus women will enlist the support of the power of their stones and become truly invincible in any business and endeavor.

Second - from May 2 to May 11

Completely devoid of romanticism, people of this decade are avid careerists. They are politically inclined, but at the same time indecisive and practical.

These Taurus people are best suited for:

  • Jade- symbolizes modesty, mercy, courage, justice. Gives its owner these qualities, adds intelligence and perseverance. Protects against failures and misfortunes, promotes making wise decisions.
  • Malachite- An excellent remedy for skin diseases. He can grant wishes. This is the strongest stone, helping to achieve mental balance and monetary success.

    This beautiful stone gives its owner increased tone and improved mood. Framed in silver, it helps (especially women) to stop envy, attract a man and clear away negativity.

  • Onyx- calms the nervous system, has a general strengthening effect on the entire body. Helps you find the meaning of life. It enhances all the good qualities in a person’s character, giving him a cheerful mood.
  • Opal- an excellent amulet against witchcraft, the evil eye and failures in life. It is a very strong mineral in itself. protects owners from fire, thieves, evil spirits and epidemics. Develops the abilities of talented people.
  • Sodalite- reduces exposure to radiation. Can develop supernatural abilities. Increases attractiveness among the opposite sex. Protects from mistakes.
  • Chalcedony- a real love stone, provoking very strong attention of the stronger sex to the girl (sometimes even too strong, be careful). This is the “Stone of Joy”, it is able to bring notes of joy and happiness to relationships and family.
  • Chrysoprase. Achievements, luck and friendship are his strong points. Protects from anger and danger. Attracts good and worthy people into your life who may become your friends in the future.

Born from May 12 to May 20

Pessimistic and unsociable by nature, these women can be optimistic and cheerful, even perky, in public.

Talismans and amulets

When talking about amulets, amulets and talismans, we most often mean jewelry that a person puts on himself - pendants, rings, brooches and earrings with stones.

However, it could also be some kind of interior item- a figurine on the desktop, for example, or an image - a painting hung in a prominent place in the home. For Taurus, objects made of wood or bronze are recommended.

Images of a horse and an elephant are considered the best and most effective amulets for Taurus. The strongest amulet for Taurus is the mineral carnelian, and a totem can be a picture carved on this stone.

These could be the following images:

  • Taurus
  • goat
  • verbena
  • Human
  • seal

What minerals should you not wear according to your horoscope?

There are also stones that Taurus women absolutely cannot wear. These are amber, ruby ​​and pearl. Their energy is discordant with the natural energy of this earth sign, causing only painful frustration and all sorts of failures.

Also among the “bad” stones for Taurus are coral, as it carries the energy of water.

The following gemstones should be worn with great care:

  • - also refers to the water element, thereby excessively “cooling” the ardor of Taurus.
  • Obsidian- If you wear it for a long time, you can become overly cautious or even cowardly.
  • Zircon- dangerous for people who are prone to risk, including active Taurus.
  • Red corundum— does not allow a person to relax at all, take a break from activities, or loosen control over thoughts and feelings. For Taurus, it can cause psychological overload.

All these minerals have very powerful energy that resonates with the natural energy of Taurus, which in itself is quite strong.

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