From the history of the study of parts of speech in Russian linguistics. What are parts of speech

Schoolchildren often ask the question: “How many parts of speech are there in the Russian language?” It is hardly possible to answer this unequivocally: there are different schools that, based on different approaches, identify different numbers of these categories. For example, the morphological approach of A.K. Polivanova - N.N. Durnovo allows me to name six. A.M. Peshkovsky singles out only five.

In general, linguists are sure that the question of the number of parts of speech is eternal. The deeper scientists dive into the study of language, the more often they ask themselves the question: “What features should be fundamental in the classification of these categories?” There are many theories, but none of them are indisputable.

The most common classification is based on morphological-syntactic parameters. It is taken as the basis for school acquaintance with the language. At philological faculties they study all approaches to this issue, get acquainted with all linguistic works devoted to it. In the school curriculum in the Russian language, they are determined depending on their morphological, grammatical, syntactic roles. It is these parameters that form the basis of the classification.

All parts of speech of the Russian language are divided into classes. Highlight:



Independent (they are also called significant) parts of speech in the Russian language are characterized by their own meaning, constant/non-constant. They answer specific questions, carry a communicative load, that is, they serve to convey information. This category includes all parts of speech, except function words and interjections.

Functional words include those words that do not have a nominative meaning and are not independent in lexical terms. Their task is to express semantic and syntactic connections between significant words, members or parts of a sentence. These grammatical means of language include: The latter are necessary to change the tone of a message or form numerous

Functional (non-nominal) parts of speech in the Russian language are used much more often than significant ones, because there are much fewer of them.

Finally, there are interjections. They are used only to convey emotions or feelings, serve for onomatopoeia, and have neither their own characteristics nor their own meaning. There are actually interjections (Wow! Ah! Oh! Oops!), word imitation (Woof-woof! Crow!), substantivized (transferred from other categories) words or whole expressions (Wow! Wah! Nightmare! Fathers!).

Significant parts of speech in Russian are divided into nominal and verbal.

Noun. (Mom, father, blood, orgy, lot, silence, etc.). Their constant characteristics: gender, declension depending on it, as well as animateness/inanimateness. Non-constant characteristics include: number (singular, plural), the ability to change according to cases.

Adjective (red, strong, courageous, etc.). They denote a characteristic of an object, have a single constant characteristic: they can be either qualitative, relative, or possessive.

Numeral. Indicates a quantity or account number. Depending on this, it can be quantitative (five, three hundred and forty) or ordinal (second, eight hundredth).

Adverb. Necessary to convey a sign or state of action (far, away, for a long time, etc.). It has no unstable signs and does not change.

Pronoun. It has no intrinsic meaning, but can be used instead of any name (nominal part of speech denoting it). (I, somehow, someone, someone, no one, etc.). permanent.

Linguists believe that the verbal parts of speech in the Russian language can be represented directly by verbs and their forms: participle, gerund. Some philological schools consider these categories to be independent (independent) parts of speech, others classify them as separate, special verbal forms.

The verb denotes an action (run, sing, paint). Its constant features are appearance (sing-sing), reflexivity (washed-washed), transitivity (ability/inability to combine with nouns into a conjugation.

Participle. Can be either active (running, painting, drawing) or passive (drawn, spoken).

Participle. This is a sign of a sign. Does not change, always refers to the predicate because it denotes its additional action (or attribute). (I walk, humming. I run, jumping.)

Considered as a type of adjective.

“The Experience of Historical Grammar” by F. I. Buslaev (1858)

The same number of parts of speech and their division into:

  • significant (independent): noun, adjective and verb, with the exception of the auxiliary, which is classified as function words;
  • auxiliary: pronoun, numeral, preposition, conjunction and adverb. An interjection has also been added to them.
“From notes on Russian grammar” by A. A. Potebnya (1874)
  • The author includes the verb, noun, adjective and adverb as significant parts (“lexical words”);
  • to service (“formal words”): conjunctions, prepositions, particles and auxiliary verbs;
  • pronouns are considered separately.
Course “Comparative Linguistics” by F. F. Fortunatov (1901-1902)

There is no traditional division of words into parts of speech and grammatical categories are distinguished according to formal characteristics:

  • full words: verbs, nouns, adjectives, infinitive, adverb, which are divided into conjugated, inflected and indeclinable;
  • partial words;
  • Interjections stand alone.
Scheme of A. M. Peshkovsky

Close to Fortunatovskaya:

  • the verb, noun, adjective, participle, adverb, gerund and infinitive are distinguished.
  • Peshkovsky does not distinguish pronouns and numerals into independent parts of speech,
  • function words are considered only in syntactic terms.
Scheme by A. A. Shakhmatov

Shakhmatov connected the doctrine of parts of speech with syntax and identified 14 parts of speech:

  • nominative: noun, adjective, verb and non-pronominal and non-numeral adverbs;
  • non-nominal: numeral, pronominal nouns, pronominal adjectives, pronominal adverbs;
  • auxiliary: preposition, connective, conjunction, prefix, particle;
  • separate interjection.
Classification by V. A. Bogoroditsky

Semantic and syntactic features prevail over morphological ones. Stand out:

  • words with an independent meaning: noun, verb, personal pronoun;
  • words with a lesser degree of independence: adjectives, numerals, demonstrative pronouns, participles, adverbs, gerunds;
  • words without their own meaning: prepositions and conjunctions;
  • interjections.
Scheme by L.V. Shcherba
  • Significant words: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, quantitative words, state category, verb;
  • function words: connectives, prepositions, conjunctions;
  • interjections.
Classification by V.V. Vinogradov
  • Parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun - in a state of decomposition, verb, adverb, category of state;
  • particles of speech: particles in the proper sense, connective particles, prepositions, conjunctions;
  • modal words;
  • interjections.
Article “On parts of speech in the Russian language” by M. V. Panov (1960)
  • nouns, verb, gerund, adjectives and adverbs;
  • numerals and pronouns are distributed among other parts of speech;
  • Outside the parts of speech system there are particles of speech and interjections.

Parts of speech distinguished in modern Russian language

  • Independent parts of speech
  • Functional parts of speech


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    They are distinguished according to non-morphological criteria and the term “parts of speech” itself is understood as the functions of words in a sentence (thai. nathikongkham). The main criteria are the presence of a paradigm of forms inherent in words of a certain part of speech, grammatical ... ... Wikipedia

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    The main classes of words in a language, distinguished by the presence of a common categorical meaning, a unified system of grammatical categories, special types of inflection, form and word formation, and common syntactic functions. In the Russian language they distinguish... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Modern Turkish language. Practical course. Elementary level. Three in one: textbook + workbook + dictionary. Grammar in Russian. Texts for audio courses. Keys to all exercises. Tem, E. Genisch, J. Taşkaya, A. O. Şenol, K. Furat, N. Köklüce. The uniqueness of this textbook lies in the fact that it is the first textbook developed by Turkish teaching specialists specifically for the Russian-speaking audience. Textbook…
  • Modern Turkish language. Practical course. Elementary level. Three in one: textbook + workbook + dictionary. Grammar in Russian. Texts for audio courses. Keys to all exercises. Thematic dictionary. Turkish-Russian dictionary (2500 words), Genish E.. The uniqueness of this textbook is that it is the first textbook developed by Turkish teaching specialists specifically for the Russian-speaking audience. Textbook…

The parts of speech of the Russian language are divided into independent and auxiliary, and interjections are distinguished separately. Let's list the parts of speech, note their grammatical features, and create a summary table.

An adverb, a category of state, is an unchangeable part of speech. Preposition, conjunction, particle are auxiliary parts of speech and are unchangeable words. Participles and gerunds are special forms of the verb. The category of state has recently begun to be distinguished from adverbs; perhaps it is not yet covered in your curriculum. Interjection is considered separately from independent and auxiliary parts of speech.

Grammatical features

Let's look at parts of speech from the point of view of their grammatical features.
Adverb, conjunction, preposition, particle do not change. In view of this, the initial form has not been determined for them; in morphological analyzes their immutability is noted. For the remaining parts of speech, we list the meaning, initial forms, and questions.

Part of speechGeneral valueQuestionInitial form
NounItemWho? What?Nominative
AdjectiveItem attributeWhich? Which? Which? Whose? Whose? Whose?
NumeralQuantityHow many? Which?Nominative
PronounIndicates a sign or objectTo whom? Whose? etc.Nominative case, singular
VerbItem actionWhat to do? What to do?Indeterminate form
ParticipleItem attribute by actionWhich? Which? What?Nominative case, singular, masculine
ParticipleAdditional actionDoing what? What to do? How?Infinitive

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions: who? What? (person, book). They differ by gender and vary by cases and numbers. There are animate (worker) and inanimate (TVs).


An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions: which one? which? which? which? Changes by gender, number and case. It differs from the sacrament in that it has no signs of voice, aspect or tense.

  • Qualitative adjectives denote an unrelated property of the object itself, which can manifest itself with different intensities: white, fast, old. They have short forms and degrees of comparison: white, faster, oldest, oldest.
  • Relative adjectives denote a property of an object through its relationship to another object or action: door, iron, inflatable, measuring.
  • Possessive adjectives indicate who owns the object they define: fathers, sisters, foxes.


Numeral is a part of speech that means:

  • number of items; answers the question how much? (Cardinal numbers): two, fourteen, one hundred twenty-five;
  • order of objects when counting; answers the question which? (ordinals): second, fourteenth, one hundred and twenty-fifth;
  • Among the cardinal numerals, a group of collective numerals stands out, denoting the number of objects as one whole: two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten, both, both.


A pronoun is a part of speech that indicates a person, object or sign, but does not name them. Pronouns are divided into:

  • Personal: I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.
  • Reflexive: yourself.
  • Possessives: mine, ours, yours, yours, yours.
  • Interrogative-relative: who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many.
  • Demonstratives: this, that, such, such, so much.
  • Determinatives: himself, most, all (all, everything, all), everyone, each, any, other.
  • Negative: no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one, no one, nothing.
  • Indefinite: someone, something, some, some, several, someone, something, some, any, something, etc.


A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state and answers the questions: what to do? what is he doing? what did you do? what will it do? It has signs of aspect, voice, person, number, tense, mood and gender (in the past tense, in the subjunctive mood).

Verb forms:

  • An infinitive is an indefinite form of a verb without signs of person, number, tense, voice, mood or gender: run, sleep, read.
  • A participle is an unconjugated verb form that denotes an action or state as a sign of an object that can change over time. Changes by gender, number and case; has signs of voice, aspect and tense - this differs from an adjective.
  • The active participle denotes an action that is performed by the bearer of the attribute: a reading student, a blossoming garden.
  • The passive participle denotes a sign that arose as a result of the influence of someone (something) on ​​the bearer of the sign: a thrown stone, wind-driven leaves.
  • A gerund is an unchangeable form of a verb that denotes an action as a sign of another action, for example: spoke, looking into the eyes; exhausted, sat down on the bench. It differs from the sacrament in that it does not change; has signs of type and voice.


An adverb is an independent part of Russian speech, denoting a sign of an action, a sign of an object or a sign of another sign: gradually, competently, childishly, joyfully. The question that an adverb answers depends on what meaning it has. Most often, adverbs answer the questions: how? Where? Where? to what extent? where? When? For what? Why?

An adverb is an unchangeable part of speech. It cannot be declined, conjugated, or otherwise coordinated with other words. Based on this, the adverb does not and cannot have an ending.


A preposition is an auxiliary part of our speech that expresses semantic connections between nouns, numerals and pronouns and other words in sentences or phrases: went to school, climbed a mountain, ran down the street, approached my father.

Prepositions in the Russian language, like other auxiliary parts of speech, do not change and always remain in the form in which they exist: in the middle, in half, on, with. Also, prepositions are not members of a sentence, but when parsing a sentence syntactically, prepositions are emphasized together with the member of the sentence to which they relate: After a short hesitation, the animal came up to me (after hesitation - circumstance, to me - circumstance).

Prepositions, conjunctions and particles are auxiliary (non-independent) parts of speech. Despite this, they have their own classification and are divided into certain types.


A conjunction is an auxiliary unchangeable part of speech that connects members of a sentence and/or parts of a complex sentence (to be distinguished from prepositions that connect not syntactic units, but words).

  1. Coordinating conjunctions: and, yes, a, but, or, either, too, also.
  2. Subordinating conjunctions: when, before, while, that, so that, how, since, because, thanks to that, so, as if, as if, if, once, although, despite the fact that, in order to, not only ... but also..., not so much... as... etc.


Particles are function words that add additional semantic or emotional nuances to sentences and individual words: no, not, any, -something, -that, -those, -sya (s), -ka, -de, but, whether, would, happened, yes, let, let, even, really, only , almost, only, at least, really, really, give, know, come on, well, they say, after all, well, as if, as if, exactly, as if, like, supposedly, tea, perhaps, maybe, just, exactly, almost, almost, or something, etc.


A connective is a function word torn away from the paradigm of a pronoun or verb. Its functions include indicating the syntactic relationships between the components of a sentence. Connectives include the words this, the phrase this is, there are (and other forms of the verb to be), conjugated forms of the verbs to appear, to appear, to mean, to mean, to be called. Connectives are often omitted, and a dash is placed in their place in the sentence: Automobile– [is] not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

A connective is also considered a component of the universal logical structure of a sentence-judgment, expressing a predicative relationship between the subject and the attribute that characterizes it and forming a predicate together with the attribute; 2) a component of a compound nominal predicate, expressing its grammatical meanings (tense, person, modality, etc.) and usually represented by the verb “to be” or its lexicalized equivalents - semi-linked verbs.


The word "yet" - what part of speech in Russian?

August 16, 2014

The word “yet” - what part of speech? You will receive the answer to the question asked from the materials in the presented article. In addition, we will tell you what a part of speech is in general and what characteristics it has.

General information

“Yet” - what part of speech? Before answering the question posed, we should talk about the fact that absolutely all words in the Russian language can be divided into unique groups, which are officially called parts of speech. Moreover, each of them has its own special characteristics, grouped into three groups:

  • general grammatical meanings, that is, meanings that are the same for all words of the Russian language belonging to the same part of speech;
  • morphological features (case, person, gender, tense and number, as well as conjugation and declension);
  • syntactic features (the ability of words belonging to the same part of speech to be certain members of a sentence, as well as the features of their connection with other words).

What groups of parts of speech exist in the Russian language?

In order to understand what part of speech “still” is, you should find out into what groups all words of the Russian language are generally divided.

So they may refer to:

  • Independent parts of speech (or so-called significant).
  • Official. These include prepositions and particles.

Video on the topic

Independent group (parts of speech)

It’s quite easy to answer the question about what part of speech “else” is. But first, it should be said that this word can refer to both the significant group and the service group. In this regard, special attention must be paid to the context being studied.

Thus, to determine which part of speech the word “yet” is, it is necessary to list all existing parts of speech (independent) in the Russian language, as well as their questions:

The word “yet” - what part of speech? Let's find out together

Now you know all the parts of speech that exist in the Russian language. Moreover, almost all the issues that relate to them are presented to your attention. It should be especially noted that this information will make it much easier for you to find an answer to the question asked (part of speech of the word “more”).

Let's analyze the word "more"

In order to determine the category of the named word, it is necessary to carefully study the sentence in which it is used. For example:

  • Give me some more potatoes.
  • He hasn't arrived yet.
  • Come visit again.
  • I'll still catch the bus.
  • The moon shone even brighter.

After studying the context for this word, you need to ask the question: “How?” - more. From the information presented above, it is known that it is answered by a pronoun, an adverb and a gerund. The first and last are eliminated, since the word “yet” does not have the characteristics of a verb and does not indicate any person. From these exceptions we can safely conclude that this is an adverb. However, this raises a new question: “Why is it written not “o”, but “e” at the end of a word after a hissing letter?” The fact is that this expression falls into the category of exceptions.

Defining the particle “still”

Part of speech is a special category of words in the Russian language, which has both syntactic and morphological features. It should be noted that in some cases the same expressions may belong to completely different categories. The word “still” belongs to these. Indeed, in addition to an adverb, in a sentence it can also be expressed by an ordinary particle. Here are some examples:

  • She's such a sneak!
  • Where else will fate take us?
  • Ask him this question! - Why else?
  • I don't remember what the movie was called. Andrei Polyadkovsky also played there.

In these contexts, the word “still” acts as a particle. What is this connected with? The fact is that you cannot ask a question about the particle, since it belongs to the auxiliary part of speech. Actually, this fact is the main difference between the adverb “still” and a particle similar in spelling and pronunciation.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what part of speech a word like “still” belongs to. It should be noted that this information will especially help you if you need to determine all the members of a particular sentence. Let us remember that most often adverbs act as adverbs in it.

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