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The development of innovation in Russia is the principled position of the country's leadership. This is one of the few ways to emerge from the shadow of the resource-based economic model, reducing dependence on the price environment for natural resources. Without increasing the knowledge intensity of production, introducing more effective management models, and producing unique products, the state will not be able to become one of the locomotives of the world economy.

A look into the future

In Russia, innovative technologies are developing progressively, but noticeably slower than the leaders of advanced development. Given the importance of the problem, the government initiated a medium-term development concept known as Strategy 2020. In particular, it describes scenarios for the implementation of innovative projects.

At the same time, the Russian Federation closely cooperates with partners from abroad who have useful experience that allows them to introduce innovations in the Russian economy, science, ecology, and the production sector. In particular, the project of interaction with the European Union, known as “Horizon 2020”, stands out. This is perhaps the largest such program with a budget of 80 billion euros.

Today's achievements

Every year, projects of various scales are implemented: from large ones (science cities, Skolkovo innovation center, technology parks) to local ones (based on unique industries, research institutes, universities). Since the beginning of the 90s, more than 1,000 innovative infrastructure facilities have been created throughout the country, including:

  • 5 special technology-innovation economic zones;
  • 16 testing laboratories, certification centers and other specialized facilities;
  • 10 nanocenters;
  • 200 business incubators;
  • 29 centers of information and consulting infrastructure;
  • 160 technology parks;
  • 13 prototyping centers;
  • 9 territorial innovation clusters;
  • more than 50 engineering centers;
  • 114 technology transfer facilities;
  • 300 centers for collective use.

Innovations are being introduced in Russia to ensure the development of science, including the Foundation for Advanced Research, 14 science cities, the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, several national research centers, and the Russian Foundation for Scientific Research. There is a system of development institutions, including VEB-innovations, Rusnano, Skolkovo, RVC and others.


Innovation in Russia requires multi-billion dollar investments. In 2007-2014, 684 billion rubles were allocated for the development of infrastructure and advanced technologies:

  • 92 billion rubles were invested from business development reserves;
  • 281 billion rubles were allocated from projects for the capitalization of development institutions;
  • Almost 68 billion rubles were spent on the formation of innovation infrastructure;
  • from guarantee funds - more than 245 billion rubles.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of investments turned out to be low. Firstly, the government initiative was not sufficiently supported by large private businesses, thereby violating the important principle of public-private partnership. Secondly, few serious innovative projects have achieved self-sufficiency.

Funding problems

In the context of a deteriorating macroeconomic situation and serious problems with budget filling in 2014-2015, the identified problems of inconsistency between measures of state support for innovation and their contribution to the economic development of the country lay the groundwork for reducing or suspending project funding. Innovation in Russia is experiencing financial starvation, because many objects have a high level of dependence on state budget support.

In contrast to the situation in 2008-2009, Russia is currently in conditions that do not allow us to predict a quick recovery from the economic crisis and, accordingly, a quick restoration of budgetary capacity to finance the created and planned innovation infrastructure. According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2015 GDP will decline by 3%, the World Bank predicts a decline in GDP by 3.8%. In March 2015, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation introduced amendments to the federal budget, according to which its revenues will be reduced by 16.8% in relation to the original draft budget.

Business readiness for innovation

There is another important aspect that indicates the ineffectiveness of government policy regarding innovation. Any innovative project must ultimately be profitable. It is a widely held view that structural changes in the economy require a “critical mass” of individuals interested in these changes.

A number of existing indicators assess the number and power of the social layer of innovators in the country at a fairly high level. For example, according to a study by the Martin Prosperity Institute, Russia ranks high in terms of the size of the creative class: according to this indicator, the country took 13th place among 82 countries included in the ranking of the world on the global creativity index.

At the same time, there are other estimates indicating that the “critical mass” of innovators as a sufficient number of individuals and legal entities ready to develop innovative technologies has not been formed in Russia: the Russian economy is characterized by a high level of monopolization - 801 companies concentrate 30% of GDP countries. At the same time, among small and medium-sized businesses, only 4.8% of enterprises implement technological innovations. About 90% of entrepreneurs said that they do not use the latest or new technologies in their enterprise. The share of the self-employed population (entrepreneurs) in Russia in 2012 was 5.3%, while the average for 29 European countries was 11.2%. Thus, in Russia the formation of a “critical mass” of people promoting innovation is proceeding at a low pace.


Skolkovo is the most famous innovation center in Russia. Presumably, by 2020 it will become a worthy competitor to the famous “Silicon Valley” in California (USA), a place of attraction for scientific and research centers, and modern industries using nanotechnology. As planned, it should be an integral ecosystem, capable of self-government and self-development.

Investments in the project should amount to 125 billion rubles, about half of the funds are expected to be raised from private funds. In the future, 25,000 people will work and live here on an area of ​​2.5 million m2. How fully bold ideas are implemented depends on the will of the state and innovative leaders who are ready to risk investing significant funds in the “futuropolis,” as Skolkovo is also called. The first buildings - "Hypercube" and "Pyramid" - have already been erected.


The reality is that innovation in Russia is being introduced too slowly. Inertia of thinking and fear of investing in bold but not guaranteed profitable projects are holding back the country’s development. Meanwhile, the government is aware of the need for modernization, and it is the centers of innovation that can become beacons, magnets, around which specific industries that produce innovative advanced products will be formed.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

EE "Belarusian State Economic University"

Department of Economics of Industrial Enterprises

Course work

discipline: Economics and innovation management

on the topic:Introduction of innovations into production (using the example of OJSC "MPOVT")

Student: FM, 4th year, DKP-2

Ya.O. Lisovets

Head: assistant

S.D. Nelyubin


Coursework: 35 pages, 9 tables, 14 sources.

Introduction of innovations, innovations, quality, competitiveness, advantage, improvement, efficiency.

Object of study - JSC "Minsk Production Association of Computer Equipment".

Subject of study - innovative activities of JSC "MPOVT".

Goal of the work: study and assessment of the innovative activities of OJSC "MPOVT" in order to develop measures for its improvement.

Research methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison, system analysis, economics and mathematics.

Research and development: The theoretical aspects of innovative activity and its implementation in production were considered, an analysis of the innovative activity of OJSC "MPOVT" was carried out, and measures were developed to improve its efficiency.

Area of ​​possible practical application: Some provisions of the course work can be used in the activities of OJSC "MPOVT".

The author of the work confirms that the calculation and analytical material produced in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical and methodological provisions and concepts borrowed from literary and other sources are accompanied by references to their authors.


1. Theoretical foundations for organizing innovative activities

1.1 The concept of innovation and innovative activity

2 Basic methods of introducing innovations in an enterprise

3 Organizational aspects of introducing innovations into production

2. Analysis of the innovative activities of the enterprise OJSC "MPOVT"

2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

2 Analysis of the innovative activity of the enterprise

3. Proposals for improving the innovative activities of OJSC "MPOVT"

3.1 Development of proposals for improving the innovative activities of the enterprise

2 Assessment of economic efficiency in the implementation of proposed measures


List of sources used


In a market economy, the successful functioning of industrial enterprises is largely due to the effective operation of the innovative mechanism for their development. A study of economic practice indicates that the importance of innovation for industrial enterprises in modern conditions is constantly increasing. Meanwhile, statistical data of recent years confirm the fact that industrial enterprises are experiencing a serious crisis in the innovation sphere, and if active measures are not taken to overcome it, both from the state and from the management of the enterprises themselves, then there will be adverse consequences in the near future even more significant.

The crisis in the innovative sphere of industry, in addition to objective reasons associated with the reform of the Belarusian economy, is also due to the lack of targeted work to improve the efficiency of industrial production in general and innovation activity, as its most important component, in particular. In this regard, it is necessary to note the special importance of the timely formation and systematic use of rational methods for organizing innovation activities in order to increase its efficiency.

The relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the fact that with the transition to a market economy, the survival of enterprises began to largely depend on their innovation activities. Only those enterprises that at least keep up with global trends in the development of science and technology can survive in modern conditions.

Innovation strategies, that is, strategies for developing fundamentally new products and services, are costly and very risky: on average, only one out of seven innovations has market success, the remaining six turn into unrecoverable costs for the company.

The purpose of the study is to study and analyze the innovative activities of OJSC "MPOVT" and develop ways to improve its efficiency.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

.Explore the current state of the innovation sphere of industrial enterprises in the context of strengthening market relations;

2.Explore the characteristics and features of innovations and innovative products at the enterprise;

.Analyze the state of innovation activity at OJSC "MPOVT";

.Develop measures to improve the innovative activities of the enterprise.

The object of the study is OJSC "MPOVT".

The subject of the study is the innovative activities of JSC "MPOVT".

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consisted of the works of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists, materials of scientific and practical conferences, materials of periodicals, relevant regulatory documents.

1. Theoretical foundations for organizing innovative activities

.1 The concept of innovation and innovative activity

Innovations are innovations that have been brought to the stage of commercial use and offered on the market in the form of a new product. The true novelty of a product is always associated with an increase in the economic effect of its use.

Novelty can be “relative”, “absolute” and “particular”.

Absolute novelty is characterized by the absence of analogues to this innovation; relative - this is an innovation that has already been used at other enterprises, but is being implemented for the first time at this enterprise; private novelty implies updating an element of a product.

The economic advantage of an innovation is that the benefits from implementation exceed the costs of its creation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes an “innovation”. Only then do various ideas, inventions, new types of services and products gain consumer recognition and in a new quality they become innovations. Those. The innovation process combines the process of creating an innovation and its implementation.

All stages of the innovation process are interconnected and it is necessary to think through the implementation of all subsequent stages already at the first. The main thing is to be able to transition from one to another. Since the effectiveness of the innovation process is determined not only by the effectiveness of its individual stages, but also by the speed of transition from one stage to another, i.e. In the management process, it is important to reduce the interval between stages, combining them as much as possible in the overall process.

The period of time from the origin of an idea to the practical creation and implementation of an innovation and its use is usually called the life cycle of an innovation. There is a need to manage creative potential and increase the efficiency of communication between science and production. This is what innovation policy deals with - the science of the formation of innovations, their diffusion, as well as factors counteracting the introduction of innovations; human adaptation to them; organization and mechanism of innovation; developing innovative solutions and policies. In other words, innovation policy is a new area of ​​research necessary for effectively solving the problems of intensification and accelerated development of the innovation economy, primarily the creation, development and dissemination of various types of innovations. Thus, innovation policy and innovation activity arose as a reaction to the modern requirements of the economy, the need to increase the susceptibility of its elements to the emerging changes.

In practice, innovation is classified according to a number of criteria.

Based on the reasons for their occurrence, they are divided into reactive - as a reaction to new transformations carried out by a competitor, to fight in the market and survive the enterprise, and strategic, the implementation of which determines the acquisition of promising advantages over competitors.

For an enterprise, innovation can act as:

-productive - production of new products, products and services, which is associated with the creation of new types of production; a new product created can lead to a decrease in demand for the old one, which will entail the elimination of old types of production;

-market - opening new areas of product introduction and thereby expanding market space;

-process - the use of new technologies, management structures and the organization of a resource-saving method of production, product or service;

-consumer - aimed at satisfying current consumer needs and creating new ones in the future.

According to the innovative potential, depending on the subject content and pace of implementation of the innovation, the following types of innovations are distinguished: radical (basic), when fundamentally new inventions are used; technological, characterized by the development and implementation of new highly efficient technological processes, new technological equipment, which can dramatically increase labor productivity and the quality of products; modifying (ordinary), aimed at improving, updating designs and forms of innovation (small inventions, rationalization proposals).

In official statistics, technological innovation is understood as the final results of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product (service) introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process or a method of production (transfer) of services used in practical activities. All formalized characteristics of this process depend on which definition of innovation is used. At present, there is no single approach to defining innovation activity, just as there have been no comprehensive surveys of enterprises and organizations in which innovation was studied. Existing assessments of innovation activity are based on sample surveys of greater or lesser breadth, and this explains the frequent contradiction in their results.

An innovative enterprise is one that introduces product or process innovations, regardless of who was the author of the innovation - employees of this organization or external agents (external owners, banks, representatives of federal and local authorities, research organizations and technology providers, other enterprises ).

1.2 Basic methods of introducing innovations in an enterprise

We live in a changing world. At the same time, the dynamics of change are different and depend on geography, economic well-being, the legal sphere, social relations, climate and a host of other variables that do not depend or depend on people. The organization also changes: grows or shrinks, moves towards prosperity or goes into disarray. That is why one of the significant limitations that a modern enterprise must take into account is the impossibility of the organization existing (long-term and effectively) without changes. Reform can be carried out in two ways: 1) slow evolutionary changes; 2) dynamic, drastic and revolutionary changes in a short time.

As a result of the introduction of new equipment and technology into the activities of the enterprise, the quality of products improves and the characteristics of products progress, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are improved. The introduction of innovations is carried out, as a rule, in the following areas:

-development of new and modernization of manufactured products;

-introduction of new technologies, machines, equipment, tools and materials into production;

-the use of new information technologies and new methods of production;

-improvement and application of new progressive methods, means and rules for organizing and managing production.

The tasks of comprehensive improvement of technology and production organization are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should develop, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are resolved by engineers, marketers and economists who develop an enterprise development strategy and its technical policy. Based on this policy, the direction of technical development of production and the market sector in which the enterprise intends to gain a foothold are determined.

The innovative activities of the enterprise in the development, implementation, and development of innovations include:

-carrying out research and development work to develop an innovation idea, conduct laboratory research, produce laboratory samples of new products, types of new equipment, new designs and products;

-selection of necessary types of raw materials and supplies for the manufacture of new types of products;

-development of a technological process for manufacturing new products;

-design, manufacturing, testing and development of samples of new equipment necessary for the manufacture of products;

-development and implementation of new organizational and management solutions aimed at implementing innovations;

-research, development or acquisition of necessary information resources and information support for innovation;

-preparation, training, retraining and special methods of personnel selection;

-carrying out work or acquiring the necessary documentation for licensing, patenting, acquiring know-how;

-organizing and conducting marketing research to promote innovation, etc.

The set of managerial, technological and economic methods that ensure the development, creation and implementation of innovations represents the innovation policy of the enterprise. The purpose of such a policy is to provide the enterprise with significant advantages over competing firms and ultimately increase the profitability of production and sales.

To carry out innovative activities, it is necessary to have the innovative potential of the enterprise, which is characterized as a combination of various resources, including:

-intellectual (technological documentation, patents, licenses, business plans for the development of innovations, innovation program of the enterprise);

-material (experimental instrument base, technological equipment, space resources);

-financial (own, borrowed, investment, federal, grant);

-personnel (innovative leader; personnel interested in innovation; partnerships and personal connections of employees with research institutes and universities; experience in carrying out innovation procedures; experience in project management);

-infrastructural (own divisions, chief technologist department, new product marketing department, patent and legal department, information department, competitive intelligence department);

-other resources necessary for carrying out innovative activities.

The choice of one strategy or another depends on the state of innovation potential, which in this case can be defined as a measure of readiness to fulfill the set goals in the field of innovative development of the enterprise. Practice shows that not all enterprises need to master new technologies, despite the constant increase in the importance of innovation. Some types and forms of economic activity, say small pharmaceutical enterprises, are unable to independently develop new drugs. And for enterprises that are in complete decline or at the stage of bankruptcy, it simply does not make sense to modernize production.

Innovations in the field of material production are closely related to investment. The development and production of new products, the use of new equipment and technology become realistic only if they can be financed. Financial resources intended for investment are conditionally divided at enterprises in the following areas:

-development and release of new products (in this case, progressive changes are almost always made to the technology and organization of production, which ensures the comprehensive and rapid introduction of advanced scientific achievements into production);

-technical re-equipment (a form of updating the production apparatus, when old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with new ones, with higher technical and economic indicators);

-expansion of production (involves the construction of new additional workshops and other divisions of the main production, as well as new auxiliary and service workshops and areas);

-reconstruction (events related to both the replacement of obsolete and physically worn out machinery and equipment, and the improvement and reconstruction of buildings and structures);

-new construction (only advisable to accelerate the development of the most promising and developing products and industries, as well as to master fundamentally new equipment and technology that does not fit into traditional production structures).

When introducing new products or new technology, businesses are exposed to high risk. The level of risk varies significantly and is directly related to the degree of novelty of the product or technology. It is no secret that the higher the novelty, the higher the uncertainty of how the product will be perceived by the market. There are various approaches to classifying and identifying various uncertainties that affect the efficiency of the innovation process, including: scientific, technical, marketing, financial, legal, environmental and other risks. The main failures in introducing new products to the market are considered to be:

-insufficient analysis of external factors in the operating environment of the enterprise, prospects for market development and the behavior of competitors;

-insufficient analysis of internal innovation, production, financial and other capabilities;

-ineffective marketing and insufficient (or unprofessional) support for a new product when introducing it to the market.

When considering the generally recognized shortcomings of introducing innovation to the market, we can conclude that the success of innovative technologies may largely depend on the management system used at the enterprise in general and innovative technologies in particular.

The need for an integrated approach to the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology and production organization makes significant amendments to the conceptual apparatus and production management system. When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of “introduction of new technology” expanded and became an integral part of the concept of “scientific and technological progress”, which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application to solve set socio-economic and political problems.

There are several methods that are used when introducing innovations.

.Forced method. Involves the use of force to overcome resistance from personnel. This is a costly and socially undesirable process, but provides advantages in strategic planning time. It is used in conditions of severe time pressure and only in cases where the nature of resistance is clear and overt manifestation of force is not required.

2.Method of adaptive deviations. In this approach, strategic change occurs through gradual, small changes over a long period. The process is led not by top management, but by a specially created project group. At any given moment there will still be resistance, although weak. Conflicts are resolved through compromises, deals, and changes in leadership. This method is useful in a state of the external environment where danger or opportunity is easy to foresee, and therefore there is no particular urgency to take action. In the event of emergency events in the external environment, the method may be ineffective.

.Crisis management. The method can be used in a situation where the administration is in a crisis situation, for example, changes in the external environment threaten its improvement and it finds itself in a harsh time-limited framework.

.Resistance management. If coercive and adaptive methods are extreme measures of change, then this method is intermediate and can be implemented within a time frame dictated by the development of events in the external environment. The duration of the change process must take into account the time available. As urgency increases, this method approaches coercive, and as urgency decreases, it approaches an adaptive method of implementing change.

1.3 Organizational aspects of introducing innovations into production

innovation licensing patenting costs

In the context of studying the phenomenon of social innovation, the main goal of management when implementing innovations is seen to be establishing and ensuring group balance and supporting the adaptation of individuals, the conditions of which were dictated by the process of transformation. They saw the preservation of group balance as a necessary condition for the effective implementation of innovations. Equilibrium (homeostasis) is a characteristic of an organization that describes the organization’s ability to restore and maintain the balance of interests of individuals and protect it from significant disturbances. Each individual has a certain level of tolerance to ongoing innovations due to the special physiological, mental and social costs of adaptation of the individual. Exceeding a certain “limit” of costs threatens the individual with severe stress and overload, and the organization with potential failure of the innovation process. An increase in the scale of innovation entails an increase in the costs of its implementation, and the speed at which the results of innovation appear is inversely proportional to their scale.

Experts distinguish three types of individual resistance to innovation: 1) logical (rational); 2) psychological (emotional - installations, attitudes); 3) social (determined by the influence of the group on the individual).

In the implementation phase, the losing party may or may not consider the issue posed with the same degree of probability. If the problem is not addressed, then the minority 1) resists innovation (its behavior affects the efficiency and effectiveness of implementation): 2) requires a revision of the initiation phase of the organizational development process. The phenomenon of the first type is characteristic of an authoritarian style of decision-making, the second - of a collective one.

Destabilization of the organizational system at the stage of initiation of innovation is caused by the entry into the organization of new information, new knowledge - in connection with the use of unusual vocabulary when transmitting information (the phenomenon of communication differentiation or the barrier of the codification scheme was studied by F.J. Roethlisberger, K.R. Rogers, K.C. Deutsch (1969), C. Young (1972). Resistance to the flow of new information may be caused by status differences between potential donors and recipients. The higher the status of the potential donor organization, the less likely it is that information will be transferred. In addition, it must be felt economic ability to implement innovation.Research often monitors the dependence of the formation of defects in information transmission on the weakness of communication channels.

An innovation may not be accepted due to its potential impact on existing social ties in the organization, as it threatens the hierarchy of power and prestige that has developed on the basis of the established technology, or more precisely, the control system it offers. Innovators pose a personal threat to certain social circles of the organization. The reason for resistance may also lie in what is called local pride. The organization is unique, and future innovations may deprive it of this uniqueness.

The resistance factor to innovation is the business system (technology) used in the organization, especially if it produces certain positive results: the truly difficult barrier to the implementation of innovative solutions is the successful current functioning.

The obstacle also lies in the division of labor and the associated role structure of the organization. There is a high probability of competition between departments. In this case, we will talk about the process of redistribution of limited resources. The quality of connections between departments deteriorates and most often develops into conflict.

An important condition that is the key to success when introducing innovations is the openness of the enterprise and the involvement of various experts in a particular field. The enterprise does not always have a sufficient number of properly qualified specialists who can effectively assess the situation of the enterprise and develop a strategy. Thus, the involvement of specialists “from outside” will allow you to choose a more appropriate way to carry out changes and clearly identify the area in need of modernization.

In order to maintain the constant development of the enterprise and the ability to carry out changes, it is also necessary to constantly invest in these processes. Without investment, an enterprise will not be able to carry out effective innovation activities and, accordingly, increase its level of competitiveness.

For the successful implementation of innovation and the overall functioning of the enterprise, the flexibility of the enterprise, the ability to quickly change the direction of its activities in accordance with the demand in the market for goods and services, is of no small importance.

2. Analysis of the innovative activities of the enterprise OJSC "MPOVT"

.1 Brief description of the enterprise

In 1956, the Union government decided to build a plant for the production of electronic computers in Minsk.

In 1959, the first production building was put into operation and the first M 3 electronic computers with a speed of 30 operations per second and a RAM of 1024 words were produced. It was one of the first serial domestic machines of the first generation, developed by the Moscow Energy Institute.

In 1980, the Minsk Association of Computer Technology was awarded the Golden Mercury Prize for active international cooperation in the field of production of computer equipment.

The structure of OJSC "MPOVT" includes the following separate structural divisions:

-production and technical complex of computer equipment;

-recreation center "Rudakovo"

In addition, the structure of the company includes two branches without the right of a legal entity and without taxpayer registration numbers:

-computer equipment plant;

-printed circuit board factory;

Management of OJSC "MPOVT" is carried out in accordance with the Charter. The governing bodies are the general meeting of shareholders, the supervisory board and the general director.

The supreme management body of OJSC "MPOVT" is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Meeting of Shareholders consists of shareholders or persons authorized to do so by a power of attorney issued to them by the shareholders of the company.

The general director represents the enterprise in all institutions and organizations, concludes contracts, issues orders for the enterprise, opens bank accounts for the enterprise and performs a number of other functions.

Directly subordinate to the director of the enterprise are eight deputies: for production, for investment projects, for social development, for marketing and long-term planning, for economics, for personnel, for product quality, a technical director, as well as an audit commission and a documentation support department. Also directly subordinate to the general director are two structural divisions - a computer equipment plant and a printed circuit board plant.

Nowadays, the open joint-stock company "MPOVT" is one of the leading enterprises in the radio-electronic industry of the Republic of Belarus, specializing in the production of information technology equipment, energy-saving equipment (water and heat meters), electronic components for the automotive and tractor industry, communications and communications equipment competitive in the markets of the CIS countries and the Republic of Belarus. telecommunications, cash registers and other products.

Currently, JSC "MPOVT" produces a wide range of products.

Information technology tools: automatic machine for issuing banknotes (ATM); payment and reference terminal equipment and equipment for non-cash payment systems; computer classes; software and hardware problem-oriented complex.

Systems and means of telecommunications: universal input and switching devices UVK-U; closed cross-country unit KZT; integrated network platform for subscriber access (ISPAD); synchronous multiplexer SMM; direct communication station SPS; integrated digital dispatch communication system DDS-M for the railway.

Products of intra-ministerial cooperation: universal numerical program control (CNC) system; production of programmable universal controllers; rotary locks; relay-analyzer for control of electric torch heating (MKP); lamp control unit (LCU); mechanism for remote control of the distributor of the hydraulic system of Belarus tractors (Joystick RU-1); digital contactless fuel consumption recording system (SRRT); fuse and relay block for MAZ (BPR-2); equipment control unit (BKA-3A); switching distribution box (KRB); indication unit (BI); on-board control and diagnostic system (OSD) unit; microclimate control unit (BUM); improved instrument panel (IDC); speed sensor; improved switching equipment unit (UBKA).

Products for national economic purposes: cash registers; system passive cash adding register (KSA) "VM-8014SM 2"; water and heat quantity meters.

Medical equipment products: multifunctional impedance cardiograph for diagnosing hemodynamics in the central, cerebral and peripheral zones (IMPECARD-M); multifunctional device for aesthesimetry "Aesthesimeter".

The main performance indicators of the enterprise OJSC "MPOVT" are shown in table 2.1.

Table 1 - Dynamics of indicators of financial and economic activity of OJSC "MPOVT" for the period 2008 - 2010.

Name of indicatorUnit. Iz. 2008.2009.2010 Production production in the actual price of the price of R..324 791,36331 419,76362 824.37 Released products Milln 88 403.07221 978.30435 075.61 SECTIONALY R. 80 010 010 010 010 .00201 866.18400 608.74 Profit from sales of products million rubles 8 393.0720 112.1234 466.88 Profit for the reporting period million rubles 12 265.5821 949.9728 504.08 Average annual cost of fixed assets million rubles 49 217.43 133 418.37225 438.21 Average annual cost of standardized working capital RUR 26,399.6243 989.5391 232.24 Profitability of products sold% 10,499,968.60 Return on total capital% 16.2211.349.00 Capital productivity per 1 ruble of fixed assets RUR 6,602,481.61 Turnover working capital turnover days 118.7878.4581 .98

The growth rate of revenue in 2010 compared to 2009 was 196.00%, which is 213,097.31 million rubles, but the increase in the cost of goods sold was 98%. The growth rate of production was 109.48% in 2010 compared to 2009.

Analyzing the profitability indicators of sold products, we can conclude that the enterprise's profitability for the period 2009 - 2010. decreased. And in 2010, compared to 2009, this figure decreased by 1.36 percentage points.

Working capital turnover decreased by 3 days.

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that, in general, the financial position of the plant can be characterized as satisfactory.

JSC "MPOVT" operates a quality management system, within the framework of which the following quality management systems are certified in the national certification system for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2001 (certificate No. ВY/112 05.01.003 0162):

-design and production of automatic telephone exchanges;

-production of personal electronic computers;

-production of input switching devices and cash registers;

-production of printed circuit boards;

-production of fuse and relay blocks, water and heat meters and regulators;

-production of rotary locks.

The quality control system for manufactured products is built on the basis of reliability assurance schemes and is constantly being improved through the implementation of annual reliability assurance programs, periodic testing schedules, control assemblies and designer's design and technological supervision.

Product quality management is planned to be carried out in accordance with the annual comprehensive plan of organizational and technical activities, the Quality program, quarterly plans for improving the quality of products, reliability programs at the stages of development and production, and ongoing activities taking into account the results of production and operation.

The Company includes equipped testing centers accredited in the national system of the Republic of Belarus.

Manufactured products undergo mandatory certification and hygienic registration in accordance with the regulatory documents in force in the Republic of Belarus.

.2 Analysis of the innovative activity of the enterprise

Let's determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise OJSC "MPOVT".

Strengths of the company:

)a wide range of products, which allows us to satisfy the needs of consumers in full. at the same time, the plant is constantly searching for new design and technological solutions, which allows us to constantly supplement and expand the existing product range at JSC MPOVT;

2)the enterprise has implemented an organizational system that, already at the R&D stage, uses production units, serial design and technological support services for each purpose;

)possession of the full technological cycle of product manufacturing;

)the ability to independently develop new products and technological processes and implement them into your own production;

)own product testing base;

)the operation of the enterprise in various markets that are not directly related to each other, which avoids sharp fluctuations in the operation of the enterprise.

Weaknesses of the enterprise:

)technically and morally outdated technological equipment that requires updating;

2)use of outdated technologies in production;

)low rates of enterprise re-equipment;

)long periods of development and mastering of new products;

)significant costs for electrical and thermal energy associated with climatic conditions and the lack of high-tech energy-saving equipment and technologies, which increases the cost of products and reduces competitiveness.

The activity of the management of the enterprise JSC "MPOVT" in the field of innovation can be determined in three areas:

-participation in modern innovative programs,

-concluding R&D agreements with third-party organizations,

-communication with scientific design institutions.

OJSC "MPOVT" takes part in the implementation of the following programs:

-State Target Program (GTP) for the development of the radio-electronic industry and instrument making, systems and means of information and optoelectronic technologies, measurements, telecommunications and communications for 2007-2012;

-State Research and Production Enterprise "Radioelectronics";

-State Research and Production Technology "Instruments, measuring instruments and technical diagnostics";

-State Research and Production Enterprise "Mechanical Engineering";

-State import substitution program;

-Industry import substitution program;

-State program "Belmedtekhnika".

Within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Progress "Radioelectronics" for 2010 - 2012. It is planned to develop and put into production such competitive products as:

-closed-type crossover device for use in telecommunication systems;

-passive system cash register with advanced functionality;

-hemodynamic monitor for monitoring vital functions of the body (Patient Monitor);

-currency exchange terminal.

Within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Program "Instruments, Measuring Instruments and Technical Diagnostics", together with BSUIR, work is being carried out to develop and launch the production of a digital contactless system for monitoring and recording fuel consumption of mobile vehicles.

In 2011, within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Progress "Mechanical Engineering" under the subprogram "Machine Tools and Tools", the development of a universal system for numerical program control of a machine tool based on an industrial PC began. Completion of the project in 2012. Under the subprogram "Belavtotractorostroenie" together with OJSC "MAZ" it is planned for 2011 - 2012. development and production of instrument panels, on-board monitoring systems, diagnostics and control of the heating and microclimate systems for vehicles of the MAZ family.

As part of the implementation of the State and Industry Import Substitution Programs, the enterprise produced import-substituting products totaling $17,552.0 thousand, including during 2010 and 9 months of 2011, import-substituting products worth $3,955.95 thousand were produced. In 2012 This year it is planned to complete the development and launch production of products under two projects of the State Import Substitution Program, as a result of which production will be mastered:

-competitive import-substituting digital fiber-optic systems that provide all the functions of SDH synchronous digital hierarchy stations with transmission rates of 155 (STM1), 622 (STM4) and 2500 (STM16) Mbit/s;

-integrated network platform for subscriber access (ISPAD). The implementation of this project will allow the supply to the market of domestic equipment that provides high-level telematics services and will allow the replacement of similar expensive equipment from foreign companies. It can be used especially effectively when building departmental and corporate communication networks.

Within the framework of the State Program "Belmedtekhnika", work is underway to master the production of a medical device for measuring tactile and pain sensitivity - an esthesimeter (E-01), the serial production of which is planned in 2012.

The enterprise JSC "MPOVT" constantly maintains contact and carries out joint work with various scientific and design institutions of the republic. Thus, together with the “Physical and Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences”, work was carried out on the creation and implementation of an economical and progressive technology for processing the surface of copper foil and the design of the outer layers of printed circuit boards using polyamide-corundum circles; Together with the Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors of the National Academy of Sciences, in order to develop the production of competitive products, work has been carried out to introduce the technology of applying a wear-resistant protective coating to the working surface of magnetic heads. Together with BSUIR, on a contractual basis, within the framework of the State Enterprise "Import Substitution" in order to create domestic equipment for synchronous digital hierarchy, the development of a synchronous multiplexer SMM-16 is underway, which can be used to build departmental and local primary fiber optic networks; within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Program "Radioelectronics" it is planned to develop a medical device "Patient Monitor" and under the State Scientific and Technical Program "Instruments, Measuring Instruments and Technical Diagnostics" work is being carried out to develop and master the production of a digital contactless system for monitoring and recording the fuel consumption of mobile cars

As part of R&D, implementation of state scientific and technological innovations, online technological innovations, and introduction of new technologies, the company carries out joint work with the following scientific and design institutions:



-Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics NASB;

-Institute of Physics and Technology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;

-Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy;

-State Institute of Communication Design "Giprosvyaz";




-Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

JSC "MPOVT" mainly faces the problem of expanding existing markets and penetrating new markets, ensuring break-even sales of goods.

To solve the problem of expanding markets, a number of measures are envisaged: to introduce a payment and reference terminal and an ATM into production; master the software and hardware of optical synchronous transmission in production; complete preparation for production of the direct communication station; master the integrated subscriber access platform in production; develop and master the production of a multi-service access gateway; develop and master the production of programmable universal controllers.

OJSC "MPOVT" relies on knowledge-intensive production, high technology, the intelligence of specialists, the creation of high-performance jobs for young specialists, which allows planning the development of new products in the total production volume of more than 50% annually.

The main trends in increasing the technical level of telecommunications means and systems, ensuring their competitiveness, are associated with the creation of a unified digital transport telecommunications environment for the transmission of all types of information, the development of multiservice networks - next generation networks, reflecting the process of merging two industries - telecommunications and information. As a result, a wide range of services is provided, starting with classic telephony services and ending with various data transfer services or combinations thereof to provide additional communication services to organizations and the public.

For the development and implementation of new technologies, it is planned to implement the following measures to achieve a positive effect in terms of expanding the technological capabilities of the enterprise:

-modernization of mechanical painting production (purchase of equipment);

-introduction of surface mount technologies for class 5 printed circuit boards;

-carrying out work to improve product packaging technology;

-modernization and development of the polymer coatings section;

-introduction of casting technology for low-flammability domestic plastics for the manufacture of protection modules for cross-connect devices of our own production instead of imported ones;

-introduction of technology for electrical testing of printed circuit boards on a stand with scanning probes;

-mastering the technology of applying OSP organic finishing coating to single-layer printed circuit boards, etc.

The total number of design and technological services of the enterprise in 2011 was 431 people, of which 259 were directly involved in research and development or modernization (60.0%), including by department:

Table 2.2 - Composition of design and technological services of the enterprise, people.

Name of department Total number (including those involved in development or modernization) Absolute deviation 2009 2010 Special design bureau of the head plant (SKB) 174 (157) 178 (160) 4 (3) Special design and technology bureau of the head plant (SKTB) 63 (17) 67 (19)4(2)Design and technology department of the production and technical complex of computer equipment 17 (17)18 (18)1(1)Special design bureau of an integrated automated control system (SKBIASU)49 (17)52 (19)3( 2) Department of the Chief Designer of the Computer Equipment Plant (OGK ZVT) 31 (23) 33 (25) 2 (2) Department of the Chief Technologist of the Computer Equipment Plant (OGT ZVT) 50 (12) 50 (12) 0 Department of the Chief Technologist of the Printed Circuit Board Plant (OGT ZPP)30 (5)33 (6)3(1)Total:414 (248)431 (259)17(11)

Note - Source: own development based on enterprise data.

Analyzing Table 2.2, we can conclude that the number of design and technological services of the enterprise in 2010 compared to 2009 increased by 17 people, including 11 people directly engaged in research and development or modernization. The greatest increase in people was observed in the special design bureau of the head plant and the special design and technology bureau of the head plant by 4 people in each department.

JSC "MPOVT" carries out design and technological work to create new products in four main areas:

-communications and telecommunications;

-information technology tools;

-household goods and consumer goods;

-new technologies.

In 2012, the company plans to develop and put into production the following competitive products.

Regarding the further development of communications and telecommunications within the framework of the industry scientific and technical program "Telecommunications" the development has been completed, production has been mastered and serial production of the automatic telephone exchange for city telephone networks "BETA M 25" is planned since 2012, which is the latest model of the promising digital switching platform "Beta M", providing construction of competitive automatic telephone exchanges (ATS) with a capacity from 128 ports to 75 thousand ports, completely covering the needs of local and departmental telephone networks of the Republic of Belarus for switching equipment of this type at a price 2.5 times lower than the S12 PBX from Alcatel. The implementation of interfaces and access protocols in accordance with the standards of the European Telecommunication Standardization Institute (ETSI) ensures the compatibility of the Beta M PBX with any type of modern equipment and the possibility of its integration into international networks. The use of the most modern element base of domestic and imported production in the equipment made it possible to reduce the material consumption and energy consumption of the automatic telephone exchange by 35% compared to the Beta automatic telephone exchange and, according to these indicators, correspond to the best foreign analogues.

In the future, the production of automatic telephone exchanges of the modernized Beta M switching system will continue. The main emphasis is on expanding the functionality of stations, implementing the requirements of corporate customers, and increasing reliability.

Recently, one of the most dynamically developing areas of telecommunications is the field of subscriber access, which is also called the “last mile”. Modern technologies make it possible to provide the user with a full range of various services (speech, data, video information) over one communication line. Domestic subscriber access equipment that meets modern requirements is not produced, and similar equipment from foreign companies is quite expensive. Therefore, within the framework of the State Enterprise "Import Substitution" the enterprise is carrying out work, planned for completion in 2012, to implement the project "Develop and put into production an integrated network platform for subscriber access (ISPAD)", which can be especially effectively used in the construction of departmental and corporate networks communications.

In 2012, work on the development of mass production of an optical multiplexer unit designed for organizing connecting lines between similar automatic telephone exchanges or connecting automatic telephone exchanges into switching networks via a single-mode cable in the wavelength range of 1.30 or 1.55 microns is being completed. The optical multiplexer corresponds to the best foreign analogues QFLC, TC-16E and has a lower cost. The development and production of a dispatch communications switch (DCS) is nearing completion, intended for use on departmental telephone networks as an institutional and production PBX, an office PBX and a dispatch communications switch. The implementation of this project makes it possible to modernize and expand the local telephone networks of the republic with cheaper equipment of our own production without attracting foreign currency to purchase equipment abroad.

Currently, the Republic of Belarus is developing a concept for building NGN networks. In this regard, it is advisable to develop and put into production domestic equipment by the time the networks are built. To this end, the company plans, starting in 2012, to develop and put into production an access gateway to NGN networks - PBX Beta MS SD. The goal of this project is to develop domestic hardware and software products for the access layer that can work with both legacy networks and the NGN network as it is deployed. The main consumers of the equipment will be corporations and departments (including law enforcement), as well as government bodies of the Republic of Belarus.

JSC "MPOVT" is the only manufacturer of input switching devices (VKU) in the republic and produces, constantly improving, equipment in its technical parameters that corresponds to the products of European companies Krone and Ericsson. In 2008 and 9 months of 2009, the company manufactured and supplied consumers with VKU products with a total capacity of over 500 thousand lines, including 253.4 thousand lines for the Belarusian-German joint venture Alcatel-MPOVT. Work is planned for 2011-2012 on the development and production of closed-type cross-connect devices for use in telecommunication systems and high-density cross-connect devices based on LSA-PROFIL-NT plinths.

Regarding the development of promising information technology tools in 2011 a new version of the PC VM 2002 based on a processor with 64-bit architecture has been developed and put into production, and a special version of the PC has been developed, designed for processing classified information, which will be put into serial production in 2012. Work is planned to develop the production of PCs based on a dual-core microprocessor. In addition to the traditional production of PCs and computer classes, it is planned to develop the production of server versions of PCs and currency exchange terminals.

In the direction of household goods and consumer goods in 2011, the enterprise, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Industry for the gradual provision of OJSC MTZ and OJSC MAZ with domestic components, developed and put into production: a spark plug heating control unit (MKP-3), a fuse and relay unit (BPR-2), two modifications of the lamp control unit (LCU). The production and supply of remote control mechanisms for the distributor of the hydraulic system of Belarus tractors (Joystick RU-1) and relay signaling devices for controlling electric torch heating (MKP) installed on Belarus tractors to ensure the reliability of their operation continues.

Work is planned for 2012 on the development, development of production and production of more than 10 types of components purchased outside the republic for tractor and automobile factories. These are modernized tractor spark plug heating control units (MKP-3) and fuse and relay units (BPR-3) for RUE "MTZ", a unified switching equipment unit (UBKA) and distribution switching box units (RKK) for MAZ, lamp control units BCL on LEDs, display unit (BI), contactless system for monitoring and recording fuel consumption of mobile vehicles, etc.

The enterprise has begun the development of a universal computer numerical control (CNC) system for a machine tool based on an industrial PC, intended for use in machines of domestic manufacturers as a central control core instead of expensive imported systems. The development of serial production is planned for 2012.

Further work is underway to improve the manufactured heat and water consumption meters (SViT-03). Here the emphasis is on reducing their cost, increasing reliability and increasing production volume. Installing heat energy metering and regulation devices allows you to save up to 30% of energy consumption during the heating season.

In addition to the traditionally produced medical cabinets and converters with digital output RPTs 2-02, in 2012 it is planned to launch production of devices for determining the threshold of pain sensitivity (Exthesimeter-01) and to begin the development of a new medical device "Patient Monitor" for equipping intensive care units of hospitals.

3. Proposals for improving the innovative activities of OJSC "MPOVT"

.1 Development of proposals for improving the innovative activities of the enterprise

When analyzing the innovation processes at OJSC "MPOVT", one could notice the enterprise's tendency to produce new types of products and update its base.

To survive in such difficult conditions of existence, the company strives to expand the range of products, thereby raising its image and strengthening itself in new markets.

In this project part, measures will be proposed for the effective use of innovative resources of both a technological and organizational nature and the economic effect from the implementation of these measures will be calculated.

Raw materials and supplies per unit cost of marketable products at the OJSC "MPOVT" enterprise account for 16% of the total costs, among which the specific weight of 9% falls on the "metal" material.

During the period of formation of market economic relations, due to a sharp increase in the cost of metal products, the issue of using metal waste becomes relevant; this problem is closely related to the efficiency of social production and is a vital part of the formation of economic conditions for the creation of waste-free production.

Only on the basis of the development of the economic mechanism of interrelations between main production and industries that use waste as feedstock to produce new products, can the prerequisites for truly waste-free production be created, where economic problems will be fully resolved.

The sale of existing reserves of secondary raw materials at OJSC "MPOVT" will allow preserving many valuable materials and saving a significant amount of energy. The national economic effect will be obtained by expanding the raw material base without allocating additional investments for the exploration and development of mineral deposits; releasing land from dumps and landfills; reduction of unsustainable transportation of primary raw materials; environmental protection costs.

One of the types of valuable secondary raw materials is metalworking waste: metal shavings, scraps of workpieces, hoses from grinding machines.

When cutting metals, a large amount of cutting fluids (coolants) are carried away with the chips. In addition, at the OJSC "MPOVT" plant, during the heat treatment of metals, a large amount of scorch is formed, which is deposited in the oil after hardening. Coolant in chips and scale reduces their economic value, because During the melting process, the content of sulfur, carbon and impurities in the smelted steel increases. For rational use as a charge material, shavings must be pressed into briquettes and bags of maximum density.

The use of briquettes or bags helps to increase its metallurgical value and reduces the labor intensity of loading and unloading operations.

Obtaining high-quality briquettes or bags from shavings is possible only by thoroughly cleaning them from oil and emulsion.

The main goal of the event is the justification and development of equipment and complex systems for processing metal shavings. The idea is to obtain the highest possible density of briquettes or bags through high-quality preparation of the raw materials and agglomeration with minimal energy costs. At the same time, high-quality preparation of the feedstock should ensure maximum density of briquettes or bags when using serial pressing equipment, which requires a certain improvement in agglomeration technologies.

.2 Assessment of economic efficiency in the implementation of proposed activities

In order to develop and introduce innovations into production, it is proposed to introduce special equipment for collecting and atomizing metal waste to produce briquettes.

The basis for determining economic efficiency is the identification of the main cost items:

-costs for initial analysis and planning of IP implementation;

-costs of purchasing technical equipment;

-costs for dismantling old equipment;

-costs for installation and installation of equipment;

-commissioning costs;

To assess economic efficiency it is necessary to:

-calculation of capital costs;

-calculation of current costs.

The costs of initial analysis and planning will amount to 1220 thousand rubles. (specialist's salary).

The cost of purchasing technical equipment will amount to 21,650 thousand rubles.

The cost of dismantling old equipment will amount to 3,210 thousand rubles.

Installation and installation costs are determined according to generally accepted standards, as a percentage of the cost of technical equipment. Cost standard - 5%

Commissioning costs are divided into the following items:

-costs of consumed electricity;

-labor costs (basic and additional wages);

-payroll accruals.

Table 3.1 shows the data required to calculate costs.

Table 3.1 - Initial data

Indicator Designation Unit of measurement Value Cost of 1 kW of electricity Tsr. 360 Power consumption of electric motors MkW 5 Operating time of one electric motor per day t Hour 10 Duration of development Three months 1 Number of workers Hours 9 Workers' wages z\ptys. RUB 1220 Additional salary standard Nd%40

It is necessary to distinguish between: - innovations and minor modifications in products and technological processes (for example, aesthetic changes, that is, color, etc.); minor technical or external changes in products that leave the design unchanged and do not have a sufficiently noticeable impact on the parameters, properties, cost of the product, as well as the materials and components included in it;

Innovative development

Innovative development is a systemic process of social and economic development, based on knowledge and innovation, realizing the competitive advantages of the country's economy, ensuring sustainable economic growth, improving the quality and standard of living of the population through the harmonization of the interests of its participants.

To effectively manage innovative development, it is first necessary to understand the substantive side of the categorical apparatus of innovative development and, above all, the term “innovation”.
In the world economic literature, there have been several approaches to defining the category “innovation”, which treat innovation as a process; system; change; result.

It should be noted that the development of the theory of innovation is significantly hampered by the lack of a unified position among researchers on many fundamental issues (terminology, classification of innovations, etc.). Currently, there are a large number of significantly different definitions of the concept of “innovation”. However, with all the existing diversity of definitions of this term, two approaches to understanding the essence of this category are distinguished. On the one hand, innovation refers to the process of introducing new technologies, products, processes, organizational principles, etc., that is, innovation is the generation, adoption and implementation of new ideas, processes, products and services. On the other hand, innovation is an idea, practice or product that is perceived as new. In other words, they view innovation not as a process, but as the result of a creative process, embodied in the form of a new technology, product, method, etc.

The following definition most accurately and completely reflects the essence of innovation: innovation is a new or improved product (product, work, service), a method (technology) of its production or use, innovation or improvement
in the field of organization and (or) economics of production and (or) sales
products that provide economic benefits, create conditions for such benefits, or improve the consumer properties of products (goods, work, services).

In the economic literature, there are different approaches to the classification of innovations. In turn, the classification of innovations is the distribution of innovations into specific groups according to certain criteria. A classification is proposed in accordance with the above definition (Table 1).

General characteristics of innovation processes

Concept and classification. The entire set of processes (phenomena) occurring at enterprises in various sectors of the national economy can be divided into two groups - traditional and innovative. Traditional processes (phenomena) characterize the normal functioning of the national economy, its industries and enterprises, while innovative processes characterize the development of the latter at a qualitatively new level. Over a long period, when the economy functioned and developed primarily due to extensive factors (the use of an ever-increasing volume of public resources - personnel, production assets), traditional evolutionary processes dominated in production. Since extensive factors have practically exhausted themselves or have become economically unprofitable, the development and intensification of modern production should be based primarily on new solutions in the fields of technology, equipment, organizational forms and management methods. The development, adoption, and implementation of such decisions constitute the content of innovation processes.

In a general understanding, the innovative processes that take place in any complex production and economic system are a set of progressive, qualitatively new changes that continuously arise in time and space.

The result of innovative processes is innovation, and their introduction into economic practice is usually called innovation. Innovation processes are initiated by individual branches of science and are completed in the sphere of production, contributing to progressive changes in the latter. The primary impulses for the introduction of innovations (innovations) at enterprises are not only social needs and the results of fundamental scientific research, but also the use of foreign progressive experience in the fields of technology and production organization, modern forms of management. By their nature, innovation processes, innovations and innovations are divided into interrelated types (Fig. 9.1).

Main sources, classification and relationship of innovative processes (innovations, innovations) in the enterprise

Technical innovations and innovations appear in the form of new products (products), technologies for their production, means of production (machines, equipment, energy, construction materials). Organizational innovations cover new methods and forms of organizing all types of activities of enterprises and other parts of social production (organizational structures for managing the spheres of science and production, forms of organizing various types of production and collective labor, etc.).

Economic innovations (innovations) include methods of economic management of science and production through the implementation of the functions of forecasting and planning, financing, pricing, motivation and remuneration, performance evaluation, and social innovations include various forms of enhancing the human factor (professional training and advanced training of personnel, primarily management personnel at all levels; stimulation of creative activity; improvement of conditions and constant support of a high level of labor safety; protection of human health and the environment; creation of comfortable living conditions, etc.). Legal innovations are recognized as new and amended laws and various regulatory documents that define and regulate all types of activities of an enterprise and organization.

Based on the scale and power of influence on the efficiency of certain units of social production, all innovations and innovations can be combined into two groups - local (single) and global (large-scale). If local innovations (innovations) cause predominantly evolutionary transformations in the field of activity of enterprises and therefore do not have any significant impact on the efficiency of their functioning and development, then global innovations, which are in most cases revolutionary (fundamentally new), radically increase the organizational and technical level production, providing significant positive changes in economic and social processes.

There is a relatively close relationship between certain types of innovation processes (innovations, innovations). Technical innovations cause, first of all, corresponding organizational innovations, and the latter, as a rule, require certain changes in the economic mechanism of the enterprise. In particular, the creation and development of flexible automated systems (production) - GAS (GAP) at enterprises in various industries objectively requires fundamental changes in the organization of technical preparation of production, methods of current planning and operational regulation, making it necessary to transition to a continuous mode of operation of workshops with flexible production systems. In addition, large-scale computerization of production and other areas of human activity leads to the active formation of a new type of management - industrial service and the corresponding organizational and economic forms of its implementation.

Effective technical, organizational and economic innovations lead to noticeable positive changes in social processes in enterprises, and the constant updating of urgent social problems initiates their solution using new economic methods. Finally, all innovations at enterprises aimed at dynamic development and steady improvement of production efficiency must be based on their own legal foundation and relevant regulations. Otherwise, they will not be able to adequately influence the scale of the goals of enterprises and organizations and the timing of their achievement.

Based on this, it is necessary to positively assess the intensification of legislative processes in Ukraine, which will ultimately contribute to a rapid transition to socially oriented market relations between business entities.

Impact on production.

Local and global innovations of different directions can provide the greatest possible impact on production if the enterprise uses them constantly, comprehensively and harmoniously. Technical and organizational innovations have the greatest direct impact on the effectiveness (efficiency) of an enterprise. Other innovations affect production indirectly through the effectiveness of new organizational and technical solutions. The power of influence of individual organizational, technical and other innovations on the corresponding performance indicators of an enterprise is evidenced by numerous examples.
Thus, experience in operating flexible automated production (FAP) has shown their significant advantages compared to traditional technological equipment: the share of labor costs (per part) decreased by 25-39%, and overhead costs by more than 80%. ; production areas were reduced by 60%, and the duration of the production cycle - by 5-6 times. Among the global technical innovations, the most important in terms of impact on the economy of the enterprise are rotary and rotary-conveyor lines, which also provide an increase in labor productivity - 4-10 times; reduction in the volume of required production space - 2.0-2.5 times; reducing the manufacturing cycle time by 15-20 times, and the volume of product transportation by 25-30 times.

The influence of new technical (technological) systems not only on economic phenomena, but also on social processes is noticeably increasing, which requires the constant attention of designers of new equipment to ensure the necessary indicators of its reliability, efficiency and environmental friendliness. The task of greening production is especially urgent. Special scientific research has established, for example, that a doubling of air pollution by harmful emissions reduces the service life of industrial equipment before the first major overhaul (between two adjacent ones) by an average of one and a half times. Wheat yields in the areas covered by non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are 40-60% less than outside these zones. At the same time, it is known that modern advanced technologies in many cases make it possible not only to reduce the amount of harmful emissions, but also to transform their additional factors for the growth of production volumes and profits. In particular, the use of technology for recycling sulfur dioxide emissions from thermal power plants by equipping them with appropriate gas treatment plants can satisfy half of the Ukrainian national economy's need for sulfuric acid.

However, the effectiveness of individual global and local measures is an important, but insufficient measure of the degree of influence of organizational and technical innovations on the performance of enterprises. In this regard, it is necessary to have a specific methodology for determining the integral impact of a specific set of innovations on key indicators of the production and economic activities of an enterprise.

First of all, it is recommended to use a general methodological approach, the essence of which boils down to calculating, using special algorithms (formulas), the main indicators that characterize the economic efficiency of a particular set of new technical and organizational innovations (TON) introduced over the course of a year (several years). In particular, such technical and economic indicators should be calculated.

Types of innovative production and their classification. It is necessary to distinguish between: - innovations and minor modifications in products and technological processes (for example, aesthetic changes, that is, color, etc.); minor technical or external changes in products that leave the design unchanged and do not have a sufficiently noticeable impact on the parameters, properties, cost of the product, as well as the materials and components included in it; - expansion of the product range by mastering the production of products that were not previously produced at this enterprise, but are already known on the market, in order to satisfy current demand and increase the income of the enterprise. The novelty of innovations is assessed based on technological parameters, as well as from market positions.

Taking this into account, a classification of innovations is constructed. Depending on technological parameters, innovations are divided into product and process. Product innovations include: - the use of new materials; - new semi-finished products and components; - obtaining fundamentally new products. Process innovation means new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovations can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within an enterprise (firm).

Based on the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into: - new to the industry in the world; - new to the industry in the country; - new for a given enterprise (group of enterprises). If we consider an enterprise (firm) as a system, we can distinguish:

3. Innovations in the system structure of the enterprise: - managerial; - production; - technological. Depending on the depth of changes introduced, innovations are distinguished: - radical (basic); - improving; - modification (private). The listed types of innovations differ from each other in the degree of coverage of life cycle stages.

Russian scientists from the Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) have developed an expanded classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise, in which innovations are highlighted: - technological; - production; - economic; - trading; - social; - in the field of management. Classification of innovations according to A.I. Prigogine:

1. By prevalence: - single - diffuse. Diffusion is the dissemination of an innovation that has already been mastered in new conditions or on new objects of implementation. It is thanks to diffusion that the transition occurs from a single introduction of innovation to innovation on an economy-wide scale.

Classification and advantage of innovations

Classification of innovations means the distribution of innovations into specific groups according to certain criteria. The construction of a classification scheme for innovation begins with the definition of classification characteristics. The classification sign is a distinctive property of a given group of innovations, its main feature.

Classification of innovations can be carried out according to different schemes, using different classification criteria. The economic literature presents a variety of approaches to the classification of innovations, as well as to the identification of its criteria.

Innovations are classified according to the following criteria:

significance (basic, improving, pseudo-innovations);
direction (replacing, rationalizing, expanding);
place of sale (industry of origin, industry of implementation, industry of consumption);
depth of change (regeneration of original methods, change in quantity, regrouping, adaptive changes; new variant, new generation, new species, new genus);
developer (developed by the enterprise, external forces);
scale of distribution (to create a new industry, application in all industries);
place in the production process (main product and technological, complementary product and technological);
the nature of the needs being satisfied (new needs, existing needs);
degree of novelty (based on a new scientific discovery, based on a new method of application to long-discovered phenomena);
time to market (leading innovations, follower innovations);
cause of occurrence (reactive, strategic);
area of ​​application (technical, technological, organizational and managerial, informational, social, etc.).

Based on their significance, basic innovations are distinguished, which implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and areas of technology; improving innovations, usually implementing small and medium-sized inventions and prevailing in the diffusion and stable development phases of the scientific and technological cycle; pseudo-innovations aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technologies.

In terms of impact on the production process, innovations can be expanding (aimed at deep penetration into various industries and markets of existing basic innovations), rationalizing (essentially close to modifications) and replacing (intended to replace old products or technologies with new ones based on the implementation of that same functions).

Classification of innovations according to the depth of changes made allows us to consistently trace the transitions from innovations of a lower level to a higher one:

regenerating the original properties of the system, preserving and updating its existing functions;
changing the quantitative properties of the system, regrouping the components of the system in order to improve its functioning;
adaptive changes in the elements of the production system in order to adapt to each other;
a new option is the simplest qualitative change that goes beyond simple adaptive changes;
new generation - all or most of the properties of the system change, but the basic concept remains the same;
new type - a qualitative change in the original properties of the system, the original concept without changing the functional principle;
new genus - the highest change in the functional properties of the system, which changes its functional principle;
radical (basic);
modification (private).

Based on the scale of distribution, local innovations that develop existing basic technologies can be distinguished; industry innovations that became the basis for a new industry; and global innovation that has applications across all industries.

Depending on the nature of the needs being satisfied, innovations can be focused on existing needs or can create new ones.

According to the degree of novelty, innovations can be based on new discoveries or be created on the basis of a new method applied to open phenomena. Also, according to the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into:

new to the industry in the world;
new to the industry in the country;
new for a given enterprise (group of enterprises).

Based on the reasons for their occurrence, innovation can be divided into reactive, ensuring the survival of the company, which is a reaction to innovations carried out by a competitor; and strategic - innovations, the implementation of which is proactive in nature in order to gain competitive advantages in the future.

In terms of their application, innovations are very unique: technical innovations usually appear in the production of products with new or improved properties; technological ones arise when using improved, more advanced methods of manufacturing products; organizational and managerial are associated, first of all, with the processes of optimal organization of production, transport, sales and supply; information solve the problems of organizing rational information flows in the field of scientific, technical and innovative activities, increasing the reliability and efficiency of obtaining information; social ones are aimed at improving working conditions, solving problems of health care, education, and culture.

Based on the place of innovation in the system (in the enterprise), we can distinguish:

innovations “at the input” of the enterprise (changes in the choice of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);
innovations at the output of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);
innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (managerial, production, technological).

The Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) has proposed an expanded classification of innovations taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise. According to this criterion, innovations are divided into:

in the field of management.

In the theory of innovation management, there is a general (traditional) classification of innovations and innovative products and a classification of innovations that takes into account the development of technologies based on “disruptive” innovations.

Types of innovations and their classification

Innovation management can be successful subject to long-term study of innovations, which is necessary for their selection and use. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between innovations and minor modifications in products and technological processes (for example, aesthetic changes, that is, color, etc.); minor technical or external changes in products that leave the design unchanged and do not have a sufficiently noticeable impact on the parameters, properties, cost of the product, as well as the materials and components included in it; expansion of the product range by mastering the production of products that were not previously produced at this enterprise, but are already known on the market, with the goal. Meeting current demand and increasing enterprise income.

The novelty of innovations is assessed based on technological parameters, as well as from market positions. Taking this into account, a classification of innovations is constructed.

Depending on technological parameters, innovations are divided into product and process.

Product innovations include the use of new materials, new semi-finished products and components; obtaining fundamentally new products. Process innovation means new methods of organizing production (new technologies). Process innovations can be associated with the creation of new organizational structures within an enterprise (firm).

Based on the type of novelty for the market, innovations are divided into: new to the industry in the world; new to the industry in the country; new for a given enterprise (group of enterprises).
If we consider an enterprise (firm) as a system, we can distinguish:

1. Innovation at the entrance to the enterprise (changes in the selection and use of raw materials, materials, machinery and equipment, information, etc.);

2. Innovations coming out of the enterprise (products, services, technologies, information, etc.);

3. Innovation of the system structure of the enterprise (managerial, production, technological).

Depending on the depth of changes made, innovations are distinguished:
radical (basic);
modification (private).

The listed types of innovations differ from each other in the degree of coverage of life cycle stages.

Russian scientists from the Research Institute for System Research (RNIISI) have developed an expanded classification of innovations, taking into account the areas of activity of the enterprise, in which innovations are highlighted:
in the field of management.

A fairly complete classification of innovations was proposed by A. I. Prigozhin:

1. By prevalence:

Diffusion is the dissemination of an innovation that has already been mastered in new conditions or on new objects of implementation. It is thanks to diffusion that the transition occurs from a single introduction of innovation to innovation on an economy-wide scale.

2. By place in the production cycle:
raw materials
providing (binding)

3. By succession:

4. By coverage:

5. By innovative potential and degree of novelty:


The last two directions of classification, taking into account the scale and novelty of innovations, the intensity of innovative change, most express the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of innovations and are important for the economic assessment of their consequences and the substantiation of management decisions.

The original innovative observation was made by N.D. Kondratiev in the 20s, who discovered the existence of so-called “large cycles” or, as they are called abroad, “long waves”. N. D. Kondratyev pointed out the existence of a relationship between long waves and the technical development of production, drawing on data on scientific and technical discoveries for analysis, showing the wave-like nature of their dynamics. He explored the dynamics of innovation, distinguishing it from discoveries and inventions. The dynamics of innovations are studied in the context of the phases of a large cycle. In the studies of N. D. Kondratiev, the foundations of the so-called cluster approach are first seen. N. D. Kondratiev showed that innovations are distributed unevenly over time, appearing in groups, that is, in modern terms, clusters. The recommendations of N. D. Kondratiev can be used in developing an innovation strategy.

2.2. Organizational structures of innovation management

Organizational structures of innovation management - organizations engaged in innovation activities, scientific research and development.

Scientific organization is an organization (institution, enterprise, company) for which scientific research and development is the main activity. Scientific research and development can be the main activity for units within an organization (institution, enterprise, firm). The presence of such divisions does not depend on the organization’s affiliation in a particular sector of the economy or its organizational and legal form of ownership.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Frascati Guide, the following classification of scientific organizations operates in Russia by sectors of science and types of organizations, united according to organizational characteristics, the nature and specialization of the work performed:

Sectors of science (activities)

Stimulating the use of innovations in production is associated with the problem of their “correct choice”. The difficulty of selecting for implementation into production one or another solution proposed by science and technology lies primarily in the diversity of the possible impact of each of these solutions on production. Diversity is determined by the fact that various technical or technological innovations introduced into production, even if they bring the same production effect, have unequal economic efficiency, since they have different effects on changes in the production apparatus and materials used, on the organization of production. The relevance of the problem of choosing an innovation object lies in the fact that the correct initial choice predetermines the entire course of subsequent innovation activity and makes the development of production irreversible.

Currently, innovative technologies are becoming the basis not only for the development, but also for the survival of companies. Only on the basis of innovative technologies can one develop successfully in the conditions of fierce competition between firms for markets for their products. The operating conditions of firms are complicated by the fact that the external environment is changing dynamically and risk factors are increasing. Firm managers have to work in conditions of uncertainty and adapt to unfavorable factors operating in sales markets.

In these difficult conditions, only those firms that focus on producing new “scarce” products and master new efficient technologies for their production can survive and develop successfully. This organization of a company’s activities most reliably protects it from unfavorable market factors. The second important factor promoting the use of innovative technologies is their high efficiency.

Scientific activity is traditionally considered an area of ​​active government policy. The fact is that scientific ideas cannot be directly used in economic activities whose goal is profit. Therefore, organizations are very restrained in directly funding research, although they have a great need for their results. In modern conditions, the state largely takes on the function of providing business with one of the most important resources of the innovation process - scientific knowledge and ideas. That is why scientific and technological progress in leading countries is considered as a single chain: scientific ideas and developments - innovative business - large-scale use.

The state is called upon to formulate the goals and principles of innovation policy and its own priorities in this area. The goals are usually to increase the contribution of science and technology to the development of the country's economy; ensuring progressive transformations in the sphere of material production; increasing the competitiveness of the national product on the world market; strengthening the country's security and defense capability; improvement of the environmental situation; preservation and development of established scientific schools.

At the same time, the state is developing the principles on the basis of which policy in science and innovation will be pursued, as well as a mechanism for implementing this policy. These principles depend on the current economic system of the country and the depth of influence of state institutions on economic activity.

In the Russian Federation, the state implements a policy to support innovation activities. Support for innovation activity is a system of measures carried out by government bodies of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, local governments and aimed at supporting the development of innovation activity.

State innovation policy is aimed at stimulating the creation of a favorable climate for innovation processes and is a connecting link between the sphere of scientific and innovation activities and production.

Functions of the state in supporting innovation activities:

Promoting the development of science, including applied science, training of scientific personnel and small innovative entrepreneurship;
- creation of programs aimed at increasing innovative activity in the production sector;
- formation of government orders for R&D, ensuring the initial demand for innovations, which then become widespread in the economy;
- introduction of tax and other government regulation instruments that form an active impact on the effectiveness of innovative solutions;
- mediation in the interaction of academic, university and applied science, stimulating cooperation in the field of R&D.

The main directions of support for state innovation policy in the Russian Federation:

Promoting increased innovation activity that ensures increased competitiveness of domestic products based on the development of scientific and technical achievements and renewal of production;
- focus on full support of basic and improving innovations that form the basis of the modern technological structure;
- combination of state regulation of innovation activity with the effective functioning of a competitive market innovation mechanism, protection of intellectual property;
- promoting the development of innovative activity in the regions of Russia, interregional and international technology transfer, international investment cooperation, protecting the interests of national innovative entrepreneurship.

One of the conditions for the successful implementation of the general stabilization program is the implementation of an agreed scientific and industrial innovation policy. This is especially true when the influence of science on all spheres of social development increases many times over. Today, only those countries that have a scientific development strategy for the future and a powerful industry developing on the basis of the most modern technologies can count on becoming world leaders. The market for science-intensive products, high technologies and fundamental knowledge is becoming an arena of the toughest global competition, and the scientific and technical sphere is one of the most important factors in geopolitics. In high-tech markets, the demand for scientific products is determined, first of all, by the fundamental novelty of R&D and its patent protection. The price of development depends on the quality.

The state's budgetary policy should be focused exclusively on supporting basic innovations. When implementing it, an independent expert institution is required. It is necessary to shift the emphasis on budget policy priorities in favor of export-oriented enterprises introducing basic innovations, as well as enterprises mastering environmentally friendly technologies.

The basic principles of state policy in scientific and innovative activities include: freedom of scientific and scientific-technical creativity; legal protection of intellectual property; integration of scientific, scientific and technical activities and education; supporting competition in the fields of science and technology; concentration of resources on priority areas of scientific development; stimulation of business activity in scientific, scientific, technical and innovation activities; development of international scientific cooperation.

The social, political and economic situation in Russia requires the development of a Federal Law aimed at developing innovation activities. Several drafts of such a law were developed, and the entire regulatory and legal framework of science and education was adjusted and improved. Laws defining activities in the field of science and education can only apply if they are successfully implemented at the regional level, for which it is necessary to develop similar laws in each region.

The role of regional innovation management bodies should be noted. These bodies, which formulate regional policy in the scientific, technical and innovation spheres and a system for monitoring innovation potential, organize and implement a regional system of support, including financial support, and the development of innovation activities, and ensure the creation of jobs for highly qualified specialists. It is necessary to develop periodic innovation programs in the regions. This is a targeted document that provides for production, scientific, technical, organizational, economic and other activities aimed at solving the most important national economic problems and achieving long-term goals of economic development, as well as resources, performers and deadlines for completing these activities. According to the definition, an innovation program (federal, interstate, regional, interregional, industry) is a set of innovative projects and activities, coordinated in terms of resources, implementers and timing of their implementation and providing an effective solution to the problems of development and dissemination of fundamentally new types of products (technologies).

In the context of the transition to a market, accompanied by an economic crisis, government regulation policy should be subordinated to the tasks of preserving the accumulated innovative potential and mobilizing it to implement structural restructuring. In the general system of economic relations, innovation activity has a key place, since its final results - increased production efficiency, increased output of high-tech products - determine the economic power of the country in modern conditions.

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Innovative production appears as a unity of material (tangible) and anthropocentric (intangible) production systems. As soon as investments in research and development exceed investments in fixed assets, the company turns into a structure in which they not only produce something, but also think. The peculiarity of the intellectual economy is that its main resource - knowledge, information, unlike all other resources, is not characterized by either finitude, depletion, or consumability in the traditional sense. The main condition limiting access to such an accessible resource is the specific qualities of the person himself - the presence or absence of the ability for intellectual activity as a form of accumulation, processing and generation of new knowledge. The leading characteristics are the employee’s motivation, initiative, ability to finish what he started, control over himself and the situation in times of crisis.

The process of innovative production can be divided into two periods: the short-term (short) period and the long-term (long) period. A short-term period is a time period during which an enterprise is not able to change the volume of all resources at its disposal. For example, a large plant can quickly replace some workers with others, but is not able to replace one machine with another, more modern one during the same time. Therefore, production capacity is most often considered as a permanent resource. A long-term period is a time period during which an innovative enterprise can change the volume of all resources used, regardless of whether it is labor or capital. Thus, in the short run, one part of the resources is variable, the other part is constant, in the long run, all resources are variable. An unchanging factor is called constant, a changing factor is called variable.

A comprehensive interpretation of the structure of innovative production means, firstly, that along with the tangible movement of material factors of production, there is another, intangible movement - the movement of information and knowledge; secondly, that human intellectual activity acquires a functional purpose in the production process and acts as a kind of intangible means of labor that generates knowledge.

From this definition it follows that innovative production is not a type, not a new sphere of production, but the nature of production activity, in which the central role in the production process shifts from the mechanical use of information to the intellectual, creative one.

The given indicators are called characteristics of the technical effectiveness of innovative production.

Let us list the main terms used in the theory of innovative production: total product TP (output volume - Q) (total product) - the total volume of goods and services produced by a company over a certain period of time.

Structure and relationships of innovative production.

The main link between the anthropocentric and material systems of innovative production is intellectual activity, which, on the one hand, acts as the basis of anthropocentric production, and on the other hand, is the main characteristic of the labor potential of the subjective factor of material production.

In our opinion, human capital as a functional component of innovative production is knowledge, skills, practical experience, inspired by intellectual activity, which serves as a form of realization of intellectual, morally and culturally oriented human abilities to create new, previously unknown knowledge, ensuring the receipt of intellectual rent and various types of advantages over competitors. From the definition it follows that intellectual activity is the component that distinguishes the abilities for creative work from the abilities for performing work, human capital from simple labor, and determines the conditions and nature of the process of capitalization of labor abilities.

As we have seen, intellectual activity becomes in the conditions of the information economy the same economic phenomenon as the average level of skill of a worker and his educational level were in past eras. Therefore, it is the presence or absence of this quality, the features of its manifestation at the reproductive level and in the labor process that should underlie the differentiation of categorical concepts of abilities for performing and creative work, material and innovative production.

State regulation of small businesses is based on the implementation of certain principles: 1) protectionism; 2) differentiation of support: at the federal level, not just any small business should be supported, but only its actual subjects and not just the latter, but only those of them that participate in the implementation of government programs; 3) motivational orientation: Russia needs a powerful incentive mechanism for attracting investments specifically in the sphere of small businesses engaged in innovative production; state support should be selective and stimulating in nature; 4) warranty and responsibility. State support is provided under certain conditions, legally established in agreements between the state and small businesses with mutual responsibility. A systematic approach to the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of small business determines the use of elements (subsystems) of the system of state regulation and support for the development of small business: 1) legal support, 2) financial support, 3) information support, 4) infrastructure support, 5) technical and technological support, 6) training and advanced training of entrepreneurs, managers, specialists and workers in the small business sector, 7) assistance in foreign economic activity of its subjects. This system also needs to be structured vertically. In relation to Russia, three levels are distinguished: the federal subsystem, regional subsystems (subjects of the Russian Federation) and local self-government.

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