Group of non-angels soloists. Victoria Smeyukha spoke about her future wedding in India

The girl duet “NeAngels” was formed in 2006. His ideological inspirer and author of the project was famous producer Yuri Nikitin. The lineup consists of two girls: the burning brunette Victoria, originally from Kharkov, and the red-haired beast, Slava, from Odessa. Slava was the first to be invited to the group, and then Vika joined. The producer noticed her at one of the talent shows, where the girl took part and became a finalist. Both girls use stage names. Vika’s real name is Ekaterina Smeyukha, and Slava’s real name is Olga Kuznetsova. They are almost the same age - Slava is 28 years old, and Vika is 29.

These names invented by Yuri Nikitin became so attached to them that even in Everyday life they use pseudonyms.

Slava from the group NeAngely

Before working with Yuri Nikitin, she managed to take part in the reality show “Island of Temptations” in 2005, and also took part in the television project “ National artist" She graduated from the Kiev University of Culture and Arts and received a diploma in vocal teaching. Owns in a beautiful voice mezzo-soprano.

Victoria from UnAngels

WITH early years studied vocals and tried to build a career in show business. For this reason I got into the “Chance” program. Afterwards she performed as a solo singer under the invented name Kaira. I started working professionally when I joined the SMS group, but after a while I still returned to solo performances. Vika has a gorgeous low voice – contralto. Received musical education on playing the piano. She began her studies in her native Kharkov, but soon transferred to the capital’s Institute of Culture. In 2008, she received a diploma in the specialty of manager-culturologist in the entertainment sector.

The group was not created by chance. Just at that time, the group’s ratings began to plummet “ Via Gra"due to the frequent change of performers in it. Yuri Nikitin decided to take advantage of this and fill this niche absolutely new group. So, already in 2006, the first song of “NeAngels” was launched, “You are one of those very same ones,” which instantly became a super hit. Thus began the rapid creative rise of Vika and Slava.
Already after the second recorded song “Yura, Sorry”, it became clear that this vocally strong duet would linger for Ukrainian stage for a long time. For this composition, the girls received awards at “Song of the Year” and “Golden Organ Barrel”. But we had to wait a bit with the video for the hit; one of the girls had to pass her license in order to appear in the video.

At the end of 2006, “NeAngels” presented their first album, which contained 11 tracks, including sensational hits. The album was called “Number One”.

Along with their growing popularity, all sorts of gossip and rumors began to gather around the shocking duo, but the girls only smiled at the press’s inventions and continued to work on the image of the group. In 2008, “NonAngels” and the drag queen diva filmed a joint video work with Dana International, which further fueled interest in the group. And in the summer of 2009 it started new stage in the work of the duet, which was marked by the song “Little Red Riding Hood”. Afterwards there was the hit “Let Go”, which immediately hit the top positions of the charts. The composition once again proved the high professionalism and great importance of the group on the stage.

In May 2013 a huge solo concert"NonAngels." All tickets were immediately sold out, not a single empty seat remained. The girls performed long-loved hits, and also presented brand new compositions “Roman” and “Unravel Me”. The audience was delighted.
Already in the fall of 2013, the team released their second album entitled “Roman”, which pleased listeners with completely new songs “Play with Love” and “By the Cells”. This also includes the group’s latest super hits “Let It Go” and “Roman”.

The girls look so harmonious together that during the 8 years of the group’s existence, no one had the idea to change or expand this composition. Some disputes and scandals constantly arise around them, especially in their personal lives. Because of low voice they were even called men in skirts, especially Vika.

Personal life of singers from the group "NeAngely"

The beautiful Slava has already been married to businessman Evgeniy, the owner of a large business. They were married for only a year; before that they dated for some time. The reason for the divorce was Slava’s constant travel on tour and the husband simply could not withstand such a crazy schedule. He himself lives in America, where he also has children from his first marriage. The couple separated calmly, without scandals or reproaches. Rumor has it that both sides already have new halves. Slava is in love again. This time her chosen one was Stas Morozov, a famous director.

Little is known about Victoria's personal life. Only on vacation abroad did she appear with a young man, details about whom she did not disclose.

(PHOTO) The soloists of the Ukrainian group "NENGELS" decided to legalize their stage names. From now on, the girls according to their passports are not Katya and Olya, but Vika and Slava.

Now the singers are preparing a package of documents necessary for the procedure, reports the production company mamamusic.

“Nobody calls us by our native names for a long time now. Even my mother calls me Slava. So we decided to legalize the names that bring us luck,” says red-haired Slava.

“When I met Yura Nikitin, he immediately said that I goes the name Victoria - “victory”. It’s surprising, but my mother wanted to call me by this name. But I changed my mind, because her name is also Victoria.

I believe that this name brings me good luck, and a formal change in the passport will turn fortunes in my favor even more,” says brunette Vika.

Girls do not believe in signs and prejudices about changing their name. For example, they are not afraid of changes in fate that are prophesied for a person with a new name.

They say that their fate already changed when the NEANGELS group appeared. The girls are sure that even after the official change of names, only positive changes in their fate await them.

Popular Ukrainian group“NeAngels” is memorable not only for its rhythmic compositions, but also for its charismatic participants. Victoria Smeyukha and Slava Kaminskaya, the soloists of the group, were not afraid of anything on the path to fame: the girls not only said goodbye to their usual way of life, choosing in favor of constant rehearsals and concerts, but they were not afraid to give up their real names, choosing stage names. As Victoria and Slava admitted in an interview, now even friends and relatives call them by new names.

History of creation and composition

The producer of the sensational group was , who also worked with artists and. The NeAngely team was conceived as a pop team whose compositions are close and understandable to everyone. In order to reach a larger audience, it was decided to select the ensemble’s repertoire in Russian. According to rumors, “NeAngels” could become a trio, but later Nikitin decided to settle on the duet format.

The first member of this talented couple is Slava Kaminskaya. The girl's real name is Olga Kuznetsova. Before joining the “UnAngels” project, Olga managed to graduate from the Kiev University of Culture and Arts, take part in the TV shows “People’s Artist” and “Island of Temptation” and even achieve some success in acrobatics. Later, plasticity and flexibility were repeatedly useful to the artist in preparing dance numbers.

Victoria Smeyukha became Slava Kaminskaya's stage partner. Before participating in the group “NeAngels”, the girl had the name Ekaterina. She started singing since childhood and even managed to win fans, performing under the pseudonym Kaira. However real glory I came to the girl only with the beginning of the work of “NonAngels”.

Both singers are memorable not only for their vocal abilities, but also for their bright appearance. The very first songs of the group attracted the attention of music lovers to the girls, and shooting for the cult men's magazine Playboy helped consolidate their success. Candid photos The beauties further increased interest in the group’s music and gave Slava and Victoria new fans.


The group's first compositions, released in 2006, instantly became hits. The words of the songs “You’re one of those people” and “Yura, I’m sorry” were sung by listeners from several countries. At the end of the same year, the girls already presented their debut album, called “Number One”. The album sold record copies, taking pride of place in various lists and hit lists of best-selling discs.

Song "Yura, forgive me" by the group "NeAngely"

Two years later group“NeAngels” again conquered the airwaves of radio stations and television channels: the girls released a joint video with Dana International, a drag queen who conquered the popular Eurovision contest in 1998. This composition - “I Need Your Love” - stayed at the top of the charts for several months.

The song “I Need Your Love” by the group “NeAngely” and Dana International

In parallel with work in the studio, the girls constantly performed: the group went on tour and home country, and nearby countries, meeting loyal fans everywhere. In 2009, Slava and Victoria delighted their army of fans with the track “Little Red Riding Hood,” and a year later the duo’s main hit was the song “Let Go.” Music lovers were eagerly awaiting the next album from their favorite band. True, fans had to be patient - the second album of “NonAngels” was released only in 2013.

Song “Let Go” by the group “NeAngely”

This year in the band’s biography is marked not only by a new album, but also by participation in qualifying round Ukraine for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013. Composition prepared specifically for the main European music show, called "Courageous". It is noteworthy that the author of this song was the well-known Swede Alexander Bard, familiar to listeners from the projects “Army of Lovers” and “Vacuum”. Unfortunately, Slava and Victoria never made it to Eurovision. She represented Ukraine that year.

The group "NeAngels" at the selection for the Eurovision Song Contest

In 2014, “NeAngels” presented two new compositions - “By the Cells” and “You Know”, and also recorded a video for the song “Bridges over the Dnieper” together with and, Irina Bilyk, the group and others popular artists. And at the beginning of next year, the band performed on tour as part of the “Roman” tour.

Song "Roman" by the group "NeAngely"

2016 began for Slava and Victoria with a new attempt to conquer the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately, this time too, luck did not smile on the “UnAngels” - the honor of representing Ukraine fell to the singer, who earned first place for the country.

Song "Points" by the group "NeAngels"

In the same year, the group celebrated its 10th anniversary with large-scale concerts, and in the fall they pleased fans with a new song - the composition “Seryozha” and added another discography to their discography called “Heart”. Another hit of “NeAngelov” - the song “Points” - was released at the beginning of 2017, and immediately after the premiere the girls went on another tour of Ukraine.

"NonAngels" now

Now the girls continue to perform and delight fans with catchy compositions. In 2018, the artists presented new clip"SlavaVictoria", which is already breaking viewing records in in social networks and on YouTube.

Song “SlavaVictoria” by the group “NeAngely”

Fans of the group "NeAngely" are eagerly awaiting news about the release of the group's new album, hoping that new album will appear by the end of the year. The girls themselves have not yet commented on such plans.

Music lovers can learn about news from the personal lives of Slava Kaminskaya and Victoria Smeyukha, details of concerts and performances from the girls’ Instagrams, as well as on the group’s fan pages on other social networks.


  • 2006 - “Number One”
  • 2013 - “Novel”
  • 2016 - “Heart”


  • 2006 - “You’re one of those guys”
  • 2006 - “Yura, I’m sorry”
  • 2007 - "Boy"
  • 2008 - “Shura-mury”
  • 2009 - “Little Red Riding Hood”
  • 2010 - “Let It Go”
  • 2011 - “If only you were”
  • 2012 - “Yours”
  • 2013 - “Novel”
  • 2015 - “Heart”
  • 2018 - “SlavaVictoria”

Having joined the “nonAngels” team, the girls received middle names. As the group members admit, everyone is so used to them that even their mothers call them by these names.

NonAngels - popular Ukrainian musical group, formed in 2006. The beginning of the “NeAngels” project by producer Yuri Nikitin was largely connected with the gradual dissolution of the “Via Gra” group, which, after constant replacements and the final “Russification” of its participants, had largely lost its Ukrainian flavor. As a result, in Ukraine the need again arose to create a new pop group performing Russian-language songs for greater rotation. The group consists of girls Victoria from Kharkov and Slava from Odessa.

The debut album "Number One" became a Golden Album.

A month after the formation of the group, the girls starred for the cover of the July issue of Playboy.

Vika and Slava are not the girls' real names. Vika, aka Ekaterina Smeyukha, before starting her career in the group, sought happiness in the Ukrainian program “Chance”. Olga Kuznetsova, known as Slava, took part in the reality show "Island of Temptations", hosted by Russian actor Vladislav Galkin. Having joined the “nonAngels” team, the girls received middle names. As the group members admit, everyone is so used to them that even their mothers call them by these names. That is why Vika and Slava decided to legalize their new names and changed them officially. Now Katya and Olya don’t even exist in their passports.

Glory, but then Olga was born on July 16, 1984 in sunny Odessa. In her youth she did acrobatics. She loves collecting perfumes - now the number of her scents exceeds 100 pieces.

She appeared on television in 2005, when she participated in the reality show “Island of Temptations” together with Andrei Skorin (1982, Vyshgorod), with whom they studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. With him, the girl took part in the television competition "People's Artist".

In December 2006 the group released their debut album“Number One”, which sold 50,000 copies, for which one of the Ukrainian recording companies awarded “NeAngels” a “Golden Disc”. After that, almost every song performed by the brunette Vika and the red-haired Slava became hits.

Two years later, “NeAngels” shot a video with the winner of Eurovision 1998, the world famous drag queen named Dana International, for the song “I Need Your Love”, and in 2009 they presented the single “Little Red Riding Hood”. At the same time, the composition “Let Go” fell into hot rotation on more than 100 radio stations in Ukraine in record time.

Personal life

On June 27, 2012, Slava got married for the first time. Her husband was Kyiv businessman Evgeniy. But after a year family life the couple separated. But the girl did not plan to be alone for a long time. Just a year later, on July 16, 2014, Slava got married again - this time to plastic surgeon and took his last name. On December 12, 2014, the couple had a son, Leonard, and on December 6, 2015, a daughter, Laura.

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