True horoscope for the year of Sagittarius. Zodiac horoscope for Sagittarius man and woman

For the Sagittarius woman, the horoscope for 2016 promises big changes. You will finally see the results of your labors. This year will bring big profits and big expenses. Beware of frivolous spending. Important decisions will be made in February. In general, in the first half of the year, the Sagittarius woman may be drawn into conflicts, not only at work, but also in the family. Be discreet.

The year is eventful, fate will provide many opportunities. A Sagittarius woman needs to decide what exactly she needs. Don't be afraid to take on new things and experiment, but do it thoughtfully.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for the Sagittarius woman for 2016 is encouraging. The year will be rich in adventure and romance. Some Sagittarius women will realize that they have met their soulmate, but they do not want to rush into getting married. The desire to be the leader in a couple will lead to long-term scandals. Try to pull yourself together in time.

In the summer, the love horoscope for 2016 promises a storm of emotions and romance for a Sagittarius woman. The stars advise you to forget all misunderstandings and spend this time with your soulmate. Summer is a turning point in relationships.

For married women of the Sagittarius sign, everything will be stable. But do not forget to solve problems within the family together with your spouse, this will help avoid omissions and quarrels. A stable financial situation can save you from some conflicts. Astrologers advise spending more time with your family and listening to their opinions.

Family horoscope

The Year of the Monkey for the Sagittarius woman will begin with the solution of the housing issue. This could be moving, buying or selling an apartment, or possibly a major renovation. The stars recommend doing repairs in the spring, otherwise it may take you a long time.

Children will inspire you, try to give them maximum attention. But you shouldn’t constantly indulge them in everything, they can grow up to be selfish and tyrants.

Money is not the most important thing for a Sagittarius woman, but their family idyll depends on their financial condition - this needs to be taken into account. And yet, the year is not favorable for marriage.

Financial horoscope

Financially, everything will be stable for the Sagittarius woman. She will constantly look for new sources of income. A favorable period for investing money in new projects. If you act tough and purposeful, you will make a good profit. Some instability may occur from March to July. This is due to the fact that, in your opinion, there will not be enough money.

The stars advise you to calm down; a large sum in the bank will still not bring satisfaction. In the middle of the year, the Sagittarius woman will have a desire to spend well. When it comes to purchasing, don’t listen to anyone, make the decision yourself, and with a cool head.


Already at the beginning of the year, the Sagittarius woman will receive a long-awaited proposal. Perhaps this is a business trip to another city or abroad. Don't doubt your abilities, agree. This trip will bring a lot of positive emotions and new acquaintances.

For those who do not receive a business trip offer, you should engage in advanced training: take courses or enroll in a higher education institution. But, even if you don’t need this, due to life circumstances, improve yourself in your profile at work.

This will allow you in the future not only to rise in your career, but also to get a high-paying job that you have dreamed of for so long.


The horoscope for 2016 advises the Sagittarius woman to pay more attention to her health. You will look good no matter what your illness. The Sagittarius woman is used to hiding her problems and not showing weakness. Particular attention should be paid to diet.

You should avoid eating less fatty foods and generally avoid eating at night. Wrong nutrition will lead to problems with the stomach, liver and pancreas. Depression and nervous breakdowns can land you in a hospital bed. If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor. Try not to be treated with medications alone, give the body the opportunity to heal itself. Get plenty of rest, walk and drink clean water.

In general, the year is quite good for the Sagittarius woman. If you want, you can achieve great success at work. Everything will be smooth in the family, you will feel your own satisfaction. But you need to pay due attention to your health, otherwise the consequences cannot be avoided.

Other Zodiac Signs:

You, born optimists and adventurers, overflowing with vital energy, were not unsettled even by the difficult outgoing year. Therefore, you will most likely accept the Red Fire Monkey’s offer to push yourself a little more with enthusiasm. And really, why not, because in 2016 you have every chance to take the main prize!

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius claims that January will be full of communication with your loved ones, and don’t try to get away from it: heart-to-heart conversations with your parents, walks with your spouse, cuddling babies and calls from aunts and uncles will fill your life with meaning, a deep understanding of what you live for.

In February, having received mental support, you will begin to quickly move towards the broadest new horizons that will open up in your career. True, you will not immediately guess that these are the same horizons. And at first you will only be indignant at the amount of work and new projects that have fallen on you. The full picture of what is happening will be revealed to you a little later - along with the professional experience gained and the necessary contacts.

In March, if possible, slow down your work speed a little: your health will require attention, and it does not need excessive stress. This is a good time to get tested or take preventive health care. April is also unlikely to be a shock month, since it will spin you in a round dance of flirting, romance, new acquaintances and old but good relationships. The only exception will be the last week of the month, when in just a couple of days you will be able to catch up on what you missed in work matters.

May 2016 will make you, a little bored, turn your nose around in search of new goals, ideas and dreams. Now is truly a unique moment when you can clearly see in front of you what makes sense to actively move on - in work, love or, for example, hobbies. Mentally draw a picture of your dream as clearly as possible - then it will have an almost one hundred percent chance of coming true.

The main task of June is to put things in order, deal with debts (both financial and official), clear the rubble on the desktop and finally do what we were planning to do five years ago, but kept putting it off until later. “Later” has arrived: now you need to free up your living space for new achievements. If you are not too lazy to do this, then already in July you will have such a cheerful life that many will sincerely envy: no matter what you undertake, you will instantly be attacked by rare luck. We dreamed of changing jobs to something more profitable - the boss would suggest interesting and profitable projects or offer a promotion. Or maybe your dream job will suddenly find you on its own - just start looking! You wanted love - and even those relationships that you no longer believed in would blossom in full bloom, just give a hint. We planned to improve our living situation - and wow! - as soon as you start looking for options, the most comfortable and inexpensive one will immediately pop up.

True, August will require you to “work off” the July luck, harnessing your professional responsibilities to the fullest extent. But it will also bestow personal happiness: Single Sagittarians are likely to meet a person next to whom their heart will sing, family Sagittarians will experience a surge of warm feelings for their significant other, and Sagittarius “neither this nor that” may unexpectedly get married.

The fall of 2016 will be held under the working motto “I am a winner!”: you will suddenly discover the talent to work for ten people. Don’t step on his throat - and then in December you will feel financially independent, free in thoughts and happy. To keep this feeling alive, share it with your family.

Love horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Sagittarians will be unusually amorous, and some will be able to revive the enthusiasm of the first months of falling in love.

In the year of the Monkey, in the spring, Sagittarius, born in the first decade, will also “wake up”. They will be spun by a whirlpool of passions and events. Stop being modest and shy, take the initiative in the love sphere. The main thing is not to overdo it. Show confidence and good moral character, be sincere - the stars are favorable. A romantic relationship can develop into a strong friendship, and you will like this scenario.

Sagittarians of the second decade will enjoy the year of the Fire Monkey with an abundance of meetings - especially those who are in search of their soulmate. Already in the spring, you will have a chance to make a promising acquaintance with a fairly wealthy person, if you are not bothered by the large age difference. Those Sagittarians who are in a couple will purchase new housing or make repairs. If you want to keep the romance in your relationship, go on an interesting journey.

Sagittarians born at the end of November will experience nostalgia for past relationships. Have no illusions and move forward - life goes on. Go on a trip this summer, especially since the stars promise you a whirlwind holiday romance. Sagittarians who are in a relationship are warned by the stars about a difficult period in the couple. Your relationship may cool down due to problems in the professional sphere of your spouse. Help a loved one, support him morally, do not escalate the situation.

Business horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016

Use all your capabilities, erudition, ingenuity, even cunning - and achieving results will be much easier.

Sagittarius 1st decade (11/23-12/2). Sagittarians of the first decade need not to go too far beyond their duties, it is advisable to strictly adhere to the instructions in everything. If you are sociable and self-confident, success and material wealth await you. Take courses, expand your knowledge, learn a related profession - soon there will be an opportunity for career growth when all this will come in handy.

Sagittarius 2 decades (3.12-12.12). Many Sagittarius born in the second decade will want to be appreciated and noticed for their professionalism and business qualities. Perhaps they will decide to climb the career ladder or change their occupation. The stars are supportive, but if something or someone prevents you from achieving what you want, think about it. A new job can be so demanding that you will achieve nothing except headaches and constant dissatisfaction with yourself.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). Sagittarius of the third decade, the stars warn about the likelihood of conflicts in the work team. Be able to step aside at the right moment, don’t be nervous, don’t take anyone’s side. This way you will save both your nerves and your health. In April-July you will have a chance to get “easy” money. Maybe you win the lottery or become the winner of a competition. Believe in yourself and your luck - fortune is on your side. At the end of the year you may receive a very expensive gift.

Family horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016

Renew your space, fill your home with new energies.

Sagittarius 1st decade (11/23-12/2). Family Sagittarius of the first decade will often communicate with relatives. This will not be the easiest period in your life, but it is very important for a good relationship. At the end of summer, work will come first, but do not forget about family, otherwise conflict is inevitable. Pamper your children, don't forget your parents.

Sagittarius 2 decades (3.12-12.12). The stars advise Sagittarians born in the second decade to pay attention to themselves, their loved ones and their home. Update your wardrobe, take care of your home. In the second half of the year, be especially attentive to your partner, fade into the background, let him solve family problems, become a reliable “rear support” - and happiness and harmony will strengthen your union.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). Sagittarians of the third decade will take care of solving domestic problems. Since you put everything off “for later,” you will have to deal with everything at once, starting with minor repairs and ending with decorating the space or renovating. Don’t waste time, you yourself will enjoy the process, and the result will please both you and your loved ones. Get rid of unnecessary things - make room for new energy.

Health horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius

Life will delight you, and your health too - no force majeure situations are expected!

Sagittarius 1st decade (11/23-12/2). In the first half of the year, Sagittarius needs to take care of their health. Pay special attention to nutrition, do not abuse alcohol - there is a high risk of poisoning with serious consequences. Eat less heavy and fatty foods, take care of your nervous system, otherwise a hospital bed awaits you. Pay attention to bone health - eat foods rich in calcium or take calcium-containing medications.

Sagittarius 2 decades (3.12-12.12). The only thing that can poison the life of Sagittarius this decade is general overwork of the body. Don't get too cold and avoid too intense physical activity. Don’t forget about scheduled visits to doctors and take better care of your body.

Sagittarius 3rd decade (13.12-21.12). If Sagittarians of the third decade have problems with the endocrine system or stomach, they need to visit a specialist or relax in a sanatorium at the beginning of summer. They say that all problems are caused by nerves - relax. Visit a beauty salon, change your image, go to the sauna. Drive away gloomy thoughts - and life will improve.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Rat

The Fire Monkey warns: “If you want to maintain a stable financial situation, calculate your every step and clarify the feasibility of each of your purchases.” And for those Sagittarius who want to improve their well-being, this rule must be followed doubly. But excessive gullibility, arrogance and disregard for the advice of loved ones can make a noticeable hole in your wallet and self-esteem.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Tiger

The coming year gives you an excellent chance to seriously improve your financial situation and strengthen your financial stability. Most likely, this will be due to the fact that you suddenly discover monetary potential in your hobby or find an unexpected part-time job in addition to your main area of ​​employment. At the end of the year, you will be able to thank yourself for your hard work with desirable and expensive purchases.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Dragon

Purposefulness, perseverance, efficiency - these are the three pillars that will allow you not only to stay on the surface of the stormy sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife in 2016, but also to catch the wind that will take you to career and financial success. But as far as personal success is concerned, everything is not so simple: there is a risk that your busyness will cause resentment to your “other half.” Surround your loved one with care!

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Horse

The Monkey promises to fill your life with flirtation, romance and adventure. But if you value your “other half,” try to hide your frivolity from her (if you really can’t give up innocent hobbies). But where frivolity should be completely abandoned is in financial matters (don’t get into debt and control spending) and in the workplace.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Monkey

“Open up to the world!” - the Red Monkey calls you and promises you for this (cross your fingers): meeting a person who will bring a fresh stream into your life - professional or love; interesting offers and the changes that follow - changing jobs to a more profitable one, moving to a more comfortable place to live... Don’t be afraid to open up and shake yourself up - this is happiness!

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Dog

With the advent of the Year of the Monkey, your intuition will speak loudly within you. Listen to your inner voice, even if at first glance it seems as if its prompts go against logic and your desires - thanks to this, you can get significantly closer to your goals, improve your financial situation and charm the person you consider to be your Destiny.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Ox

The time has come for you to take the bull by the horns - in the sense of yourself. Namely: to begin an assault on career and financial heights, a siege of some romantic “fortress” or the active phase of building and improving a home. The more energy, creativity, and strength you put into the business you have started, the more deafening the success will be. By the end of 2016, almost all Sagittarius-Oxen (except for inveterate sloths) will receive what they were striving for.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Rabbit (Cat)

The main gift that the Red Monkey brings you is being in demand. Prepare for the fact that professionally you will be at a loss - both colleagues and employers will line up for your knowledge, experience and skills. Don’t refuse people: your “yes” will result in increased authority and golden showers. The same picture is promised on a personal level. But here the Monkey asks not to say “yes” without love.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Snake

The main thing you should take into account in 2016 is patience and self-control. For the reason that the harshness and lack of restraint characteristic of many Sagittarius can cause a break in relations with long-term partners - both in professional activities and in personal relationships. Such a turn of events will unsettle you and make you weaker in front of your competitors - try to prevent it.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Goat (Sheep)

Your main task for 2016 is to learn to seek and find compromises, even if this means stepping on the throat of your own song. This useful skill will allow you, in the coming rather nervous year, to maintain good relationships with colleagues, trusting relationships with your boss, and keep your “other half” close. And also, discover that harmony is possible if you do not indulge your own “I want!”

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Rooster

In 2016, it is very important for you to learn one serious thing: think and evaluate the consequences before speaking. Remember: your temper and ardor can scare away the tremulous “monkey” Luck from you. Those Sagittarians who are able to pacify and overcome the negative qualities of their character will have a very promising, successful and profitable year.

Horoscope for 2016 Sagittarius - Pig

Do not trust the words of others, do not take a single step without serious calculations, keep your wallet locked and certainly do not open it even to the most tempting promises - these are the basic safety rules for Sagittarius in 2016, which will allow you to avoid becoming a victim of scammers and swindlers. Otherwise, the year promises to be favorable, and will bring a long-awaited meeting for single Sagittarius.


The first half of the year will be full of important events for representatives born under the sign of Sagittarius. Incredible luck will accompany them throughout their relationships with family and friends, professional sphere, and family. For single Sagittarius, the year of the Fire Monkey is the most favorable time to tie the knot and become an exemplary family man.

In 2016, Sagittarius will experience positive changes in the financial sector. Most likely, monetary profit will not be the result of hard labor of representatives of this sign. They will get it from the outside. This could be winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, help from friends and distant relatives, and more. It is better to postpone applying for a loan from banking institutions until the end of June.

This year, Sagittarius needs to think carefully and weigh everything, since hasty decisions can play a cruel joke on them. To attract positive events into life and radically change it, representatives of the Sagittarius sign need to leave the past in the past, “burn all bridges” and make room for new events.

The Fire Monkey will lift Scorpios on the wings of love, turn their heads, give them a lot of romantic emotions and real feelings, ignite a strong fire that will further strengthen the relationship and take it to a whole new level. Scorpios will try to win the person they like with the help of material goods, which can lead to frequent conflicts. And to some extent they will be right. In the year of the Fire Monkey, the combination of the energy of money and the energy of love and care has incredible power of attraction. All disappointed Sagittarius in personal relationships will be able to look at all this from a completely new point of view and find the meaning of life.

Relationships in marriage, family, with children and parents will develop in the best possible way in the first half of the year. This also applies to partnership business relationships, which in turn will entail fundamental changes in business development and increased profits.

All questions regarding career advancement will remain stable and do not foretell any changes. For Sagittarius who have their own business or are just planning to open one, this is the best time to implement new ideas and brilliant plans that will bring a significant increase in capital. In the month of May, Sagittarius should beware of envious people and competitors who can “put a spoke in their wheels.” You will have to fight for your place in the sun. Show tolerance and diplomacy when communicating with colleagues. This will smooth out all the rough edges and avoid serious conflicts.

At the beginning of the year, Sagittarius will experience an acute feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction with their lives. Old and forgotten diseases recur. Sagittarius will need to radically change their lifestyle, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, relax actively, eradicate all bad habits and look at life only with positivity and optimism. The more positive emotions, the better your health.

In the fall of 2016, Sagittarius will need to reconsider their attitude to life and their principles. Analyze your actions and thoughts, understand where mistakes were made, and try to correct them. Several sessions of self-analysis can significantly simplify the life of Sagittarius and resolve many long-standing problem situations.

The Year of the Fire Monkey promises Sagittarius financial stability and prosperity. In the spring, they will receive a promotion at work and an increase in wages. All financial investments will be doomed to success and will become a good source of monetary profit. But don’t relax, there may be unexpected huge expenses this year. Sagittarius needs to learn how to manage funds wisely.

This is the most open and cheerful sign of the Zodiac, which is full of optimism. He always has interests. Sagittarius men and women both love to travel. They have a philosophical view of life and love to share their knowledge with others. In general, Sagittarius is such a mentor and manager. Sagittarians are often interested in science and art.

Even in early youth, Sagittarius set a goal and strictly follow it. They are inspired when they encounter something new and unknown on their way. They are not only interested in revealing secrets, but also sharing their discoveries with the outside world. Sometimes Sagittarians are too straightforward, because justice is paramount to them.

They are able to convince any opponent that they are right and always try to resolve conflicts peacefully. If they fail, they boldly go on the warpath.

Sagittarians are rarely homebodies, but their personal life is going well. They are generous and have many friends.

What awaits Sagittarius in 2016

The stars promise Sagittarius changes, sometimes of a global nature. Sagittarius will not be surprised by this, since the previous year also pleased them with this. Sagittarius will completely rebuild their inner world, their self-esteem will increase and they will become more confident, and these qualities will help in various difficult situations.

The stars do not encourage Sagittarius to immediately take on some new business. On the contrary, you should do everything slowly, carefully thinking it through and writing a clear plan. Then success in any business is guaranteed. Sagittarians will be given several chances to improve their future, but they need to be considered and taken advantage of. Don't be afraid to experiment, but do it thoughtfully.

This is a good time to make provisions for the future. Interesting travels and new acquaintances await Sagittarius. New friends and acquaintances will appear. Positive changes await Sagittarius in their personal lives, but they will have to take very serious care of their health throughout the year.

Love horoscope for 2016

A stormy and eventful year for love relationships. Many tender and sweet moments are expected with your significant other. The meetings will be calm, but very anxious. For single Sagittarius, there is a great chance to meet their destiny, but Sagittarius will take a long look and think whether it is worth tying the knot. However, some Sagittarius will not be in a particular hurry to start a family, since this level of relationship will suit them.

If you had a conflict with your partner, then it threatens to escalate into a storm. In this situation, you should behave very carefully so as not to completely ruin the relationship. Watch your words, because you can really hurt a person.

If this not entirely favorable period can be passed with the least losses, Sagittarius will experience a surge in relations.

Lonely Sagittarius will experience tender passion. They will think that the happiest period of their life has come and great love has descended on them. They will stop perceiving the world realistically, they will want to hug the whole world and give warmth to everyone. The soul of Sagittarius will be filled with bright feelings.

By the end of the year, Sagittarius will certainly want to improve their living conditions - make repairs or move to a new place of residence. And although money is not the main thing for Sagittarius, their family life will greatly depend on their material well-being, so take this point into account. Despite love and feelings, Sagittarians are not advised to play weddings this year. Better dedicate this year to strengthening your relationships.

Money horoscope for 2016

From the very beginning of the year, Sagittarius will begin to look for new sources of income, because they will not have enough money. Perhaps new projects will appear on the horizon, and if Sagittarius dreamed of taking a leadership position, then this is the best time to implement their plans. Take the initiative into your own hands from the first days of the year. If Sagittarians act assertively, they will get such an excellent result that they did not even count on - the amount of profits will increase significantly.

Sagittarians will quickly make decisions and invest money in profitable projects. Great year to engage in trade, this is precisely the area where representatives of this sign can fully realize themselves.

In the middle of the year, a lot of attention will have to be paid to documentation so that financial matters do not collapse. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists - lawyers or notaries, experienced accountants. It is possible that competitors will begin to look for compromising evidence at this time in order to unsettle you. Some remedies will be required to solve this problem. Do not spare this money, otherwise you will lose much more.

A certain patron may appear who will offer you an interesting deal or a profitable part-time job. Sagittarians will be able to save enough money by the end of the year to go on a cruise with their family or make a large financial purchase.

Career horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, Sagittarius will want to expand the scope of their activities and do something new. They will actively make new acquaintances in order to somehow realize themselves more fully in their professional activities. In every new person, Sagittarius will look for benefits and an opportunity to climb the career ladder. And although the beginning of the year does not promise significant changes, by the middle events will begin to develop so rapidly that sometimes Sagittarius will not be able to keep up. During this period, complete concentration on work and complete dedication are required.

At the end of the year, Sagittarius will take risks to achieve something. In general, throughout the year, professional activities for this zodiac sign will come first. There is a high probability of a long-distance business trip that will radically change your career. It is after this that a promotion is possible. But beware of envy and intrigues; there will be many situations when your ill-wishers want to denigrate you and put a spoke in your wheels. You should clearly control your actions and talk less. Don't let strangers get too close to you and involve them less in your professional plans.

A period when all the work needs to be clearly planned, otherwise you simply won’t be able to do everything. Consult with your superiors more often, this will be duly appreciated. Feel free to offer your ideas and talk in detail about the benefits of a particular project. Perhaps you will take up a new direction that will bring you both good money and satisfaction.

Health horoscope for 2016

A year when you need to pay careful attention to your diet and diet. Many Sagittarius people like to eat heavily, especially in the evening, and this will not have a very favorable effect on their figure, and even more so on their stomach. Serious diseases with the liver, stomach, and pancreas may occur. You will have to go on a forced diet for quite a long time to restore your health.

Sagittarius will enjoy all the delights of nature; they will spend a lot of time in the fresh air, which will help boost their immunity. But not all Sagittarius will have good health, frequent colds and viral diseases are possible. Moreover, Sagittarius will be quite pessimistic about any illness; it will seem to them that fate is subjecting them to unreasonably strong tests.

In the middle of the year, even more serious illnesses are possible, which will lead to a hospital bed or to the operating table. Stomach problems, insomnia, private migraines - these are the main enemies of Sagittarius. You need to not only be treated with medications, but also give your body the opportunity to heal itself. Pay attention to the nervous system, which will experience overload. Walk more near the water, which has a beneficial effect on Sagittarius. It is also worth completely changing your diet and adding more plant foods to it. Create a diet schedule. Walk more and at the first illness, go on sick leave.

Famous personalities who were born under the sign of Sagittarius:

Nero, Lope de Vega, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Suvorov, Afanasy Fet, Hector Berlioz, Friedrich Engels, Gustave Flaubert, Alexandre Eiffel, Ivan Papanin, Dmitry Likhachev, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gennady Khazanov, Steven Spielberg, Alice Freundlich, Edith Piaf, Britney Spears , Patricia Kaas.

Eastern horoscope for 2016

Other horoscopes for 2016

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In 2016, Sagittarius will experience big changes in all areas of life. What exactly should they expect in the Year of the Monkey, and will they be able to prepare for the vicissitudes of fate?

Famous Sagittarius

  • Steven Spielberg
  • Britney Spears
  • Brad Pitt
  • Charles de Gaulle
  • Patricia Kaas
  • Gianni Versace
  • Dale Carnegie
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Edith Piaf
  • Ozzy Osbourne

Forecast for Sagittarius women for 2016

Sagittarius women will finally have the opportunity to make an expensive purchase or go on a long exotic trip. This is a year of achievements and new perspectives. You will make useful contacts and even expand your narrow circle of close friends. The Year of the Fire Monkey will be marked by a rapid change of colors!

You will experience unexpected mood swings and frequent changes of plans, especially in the first half of the year. Of course, variety is good, but try to finish the things you start, because it is typical for you to give up everything halfway. The second half of the year is successful for the implementation of creative plans and an active social life.

Forecast for Sagittarius men for 2016

For Sagittarius men, 2016 is preparing some strength tests. In spring, conflicts with friends and prolonged depression are possible. absolutely not favorable for gambling in any form - you will lose everything you put at stake. Only work and patience will help you increase your capital.

In the summer of 2016, the stars recommend that you have a good rest on the seaside and gain strength, because by the fall you will have the opportunity to work well and improve your financial situation. Try to rely on yourself in everything, as you will have many envious people and ill-wishers who will try to interfere with you every now and then.

Love horoscope for 2016

This time is not the best for your personal life. At the beginning of the year, your relationship with your significant other will deteriorate a little, feelings will decline, and in general some kind of crisis is possible. The future with the person who is next to you depends on your patience. Sagittarius women will complain to their man and criticize him over trifles. If you fail to control yourself in time, you may lose your partner forever!

Controlling your emotions is a difficult task for you, but try to tame your anger. In 2016, the best way to peaceful coexistence is understatement, not the emotional flow of speech. The end of the year is especially difficult for Sagittarius who are in relationships. Due to constant busyness and success at work, you can push love into the background. This should not be done under any circumstances, otherwise you may lose both your loved one and your job.

Torn between work and relationships, Sagittarius will achieve nothing

Sagittarius men may have some luck in 2016. Your sociability and charm will help you attract the attention of the fair sex. But in order to keep your popularity at a high level, you will have to work hard. The stars promise you a lot of love experiences and bright affairs, but there will be some difficulties in choosing a companion for a permanent relationship. You should be more self-critical and serious.

Remember: youthful maximalism will bring you nothing but another one-night entertainment. Summer is the ideal time to start a relationship that can later develop into true love. With a high degree of probability, your future wife will find you on her own - so don’t reject a woman who literally appears out of nowhere. But for family Sagittarius, the year of the Fire Monkey promises stability and even boredom in their relationship with their partner.

But don't panic! Stability is a sign that everything is going well. Remember, the best is the enemy of the good, which means you shouldn’t look for adventure where there shouldn’t be any. At the beginning of autumn, reconsider your relationship with your children - perhaps they are suffering from a lack of your attention. The best way to get closer to your family is to go on a trip together, where, under the influence of vivid impressions, you can give joy and love to your family members.

Health horoscope for 2016

For all representatives of the Sagittarius sign, 2016 will be a period of excellent appearance and good health. You will be able to avoid viral diseases and significant health problems. But Sagittarius women may experience a seasonal exacerbation of allergies, accompanied by swelling and problems with the respiratory system. Pay close attention to your health, because you know that allergies can cause unexpected serious complications.

Take a preventative course of antihistamines and adjust your diet by removing allergenic foods from your diet. Also in 2016, some problems with the urinary system are possible. The stars recommend that you drink a lot of clean water without gas to maintain proper kidney function and not lead the body to dehydration.

In 2016, Sagittarians are at risk of developing allergies.

Sagittarius men should pay attention to their physical activity, which is so low that it can lead not only to obesity, but also to other unpleasant phenomena. In 2016, it is especially important for you to exercise, even if not too intense. The ideal option would be swimming or walking at a brisk pace.

By the way, the Fire Monkey does not like alcohol, so you will have to almost completely give up strong drinks. Take a closer look at your daily menu, which is dominated by carbohydrates, and replace some of the complex carbohydrates with proteins. In just a few weeks you will see results: weight loss and overall improvement in well-being.

Money horoscope for 2016

The stars predict great prospects and financial well-being for Sagittarius. All you need is to learn how to make money quietly, without unnecessary publicity. Your excessive talkativeness prevents you from achieving the heights of which you are capable. Don't forget that not all people around you are well-wishers. By talking about your plans and successes to just anyone, you turn success away from yourself.

The main thing for Sagittarius is to do things, not talk about them

Sagittarius women will be able to get a round sum of money as a result of a profitable sales transaction. At the beginning of July, a test of your strength awaits you: your close friend will ask you to borrow money. The stars warn you against such a loan, since you may lose both money and a friend. Your decisive refusal will not affect the friendship, but will play a role in maintaining the relationship with this person.

Sagittarius men should be more careful with their capital. You will have many temptations to spend money, but your horoscope clearly shows the possibility of signing a very profitable deal in late summer 2016. If you invest money in this business, it will very quickly begin to bring you good profits. So don’t rush to waste your money.

Career horoscope for 2016

The Year of the Monkey promises you great discoveries and many foreign business trips. You will have an excellent opportunity to realize yourself and continue to develop professionally. If you choose the right moment to show your superiors your capabilities, you can soon take a very good position in your department.

It's time for Sagittarius to forget about laziness and work hard!

Sagittarius women should be attentive and not take part in gossip in the workplace. Do not forget that in any team there are “ears” of management, and your words can be used against you. If there is currently a struggle for promotion in the team, then you may simply be set up. But towards the end of the year, you can safely expect advancement on the career ladder, but only under the condition of an honest struggle and conscientious work.

Sagittarius men need to overcome their laziness and make every effort to advance in their careers. In the middle of the year it is possible - do not be afraid to radically change your life, because in your case the risk is justified. You will be able to broaden your horizons, significantly increase your salary and enjoy your new job. If you are running your own business, then November-December is the best period for developing an existing business or starting a new one.

Brief characteristics of the sign Sagittarius
Lucky numbers 3, 12, 21, 30, 33, 42
Gems Turquoise
Lucky colors Dark red, dark blue, dark green
Patron planet Jupiter
Lucky months January, February, May, August, November, December
Bad months July, September, October
Most Compatible Signs
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