Who is Anna Shulgina dating? What do we know about the ambitious Anna Shulgina, the daughter of singer Valeria

Popular singer Anna Shulgina is spending her holidays in Switzerland in the company of her family: producer Joseph Prigozhin, performer Valeria, older brother Artemy and... her beloved man.


Finally, for the artist’s many fans, it has ceased to be a secret to whom Anna’s heart was given. Judging by the photographs that have recently been on my official page Shulgina began to post on Instagram, the singer is completely happy with a young man named Sergei.

However, he is much better known under the pseudonym Slem. It is noteworthy that he is the producer of Anna Shulgina, notes Starhit. Note that on his page in the same social network there are many photographs with Anna, in which it is obvious that they are connected not only by a working relationship.

Judging by the almost family photo in which Sergei hugs Shulgina and is in close proximity to Anna’s mother, singer Valeria, it is clear that the artist’s family has accepted the girl’s lover.

What can't be said about the girl you love? youngest son Valeria, pianist Arseny Shulgin. Let us recall that at the beginning of the year the media actively discussed the scandal in the family of singer Valeria: the 17-year-old son of the star, Arseny Shulgin, left home because of his 21-year-old lover Anna Sheridan, and also abandoned School of Music. Now the young man is visiting secondary school and wants to study mathematics. Valeria herself considers her son a born musician, but she reluctantly accepted his choice, not hiding the fact that she categorically does not like her son’s beloved.

Anna Shulgina was born in Moscow on June 21, 1993 in star family. Her mother is pop singer Valeria, quite famous in our country, and her father is no less famous producer— Alexander Shulgin. It is not surprising that the girl began to demonstrate acting skills quite early. Already at the age of ten she began to attend classes at the studio theater at the Gnessin Academy, but never graduated. Anna Shulgina’s personal life interests fans no less than facts from her biography and creativity.

As a child, Anna grew up as a very difficult child, so her parents decided to send her to study in Switzerland, at the Institute of Noble Maidens. However, the girl had already finished school in her native Moscow. After receiving her certificate, she became a student at the Shchukin Theater Institute.

Shulgina has been playing on the theater stage since her student days. For her, the scale of the stage does not matter, the main thing is that the role is interesting. You need to live on stage so that the audience believes in what you show.

Anna's musical career began quite unexpectedly. Her fans on the social network liked the re-singing videos foreign songs, which the girl posted there personally. Then the clip with her participation caught the eye of Joseph Prigogine and he approved it. A year later, he became the producer of her new video, which began airing on the Muz TV channel.

Besides music and theater stage Anya managed to star in many popular TV series and domestically produced films. True, she started her career in Ukraine, because it turned out to be quite difficult to break into Moscow.

Anna Shulgina’s personal life is not going well yet. The artist herself explains this by saying that she is very unloving. She may feel sympathy for opposite sex, however, I have not yet found common ground with anyone. According to her, she has never had that cherished spark with whom she can start a serious relationship with anyone.

At one time, Anna was in love with musician Maxim Tarasov, she even introduced him to her parents. However, then the girl said that she was not at all sure that these feelings were love. After some time, the couple separated.

Anna Shulgina is not just a daughter. The girl succeeds on all fronts - she writes songs, participates in shows, acts in films and plays in the theater. And there was a time when her classmates did not accept her and the teachers mocked her, saying, why should the children of celebrities study at all? In response, Anya rebelled and seemed to be testing her loved ones’ strength. Later, Shulgina will say that she is grateful to her mother for instilling in her a character that did not allow her to break down in situations of overt pressure, and there were many of these.

Childhood and youth

Anna was born in Moscow on June 21, 1993 in the family of singer Valeria and producer. The girl showed artistic talent with early years. At the age of 10, Anya began studying at the studio theater at the Gnessin Academy, but was unable to graduate.

Anna Shulgina and Sasha Spielberg - “The Other Me”

Russian media continue to monitor the activities of the aspiring singer, informing about a kind of “competition” with the TV presenter. On the Internet, users could hear Anna perform a cover version of Olga’s song “To the Sound of Kisses.” Many users appreciated Shulgina’s performance and noted that a new version The single is better than the original. However, Buzova’s fans did not agree with this opinion.

In 2016, Anna’s repertoire included the song “Hang Out” and the composition “You Are Mine,” which she performed together with her mother. Despite negative reviews On the part of critics, the song was appreciated by the army of fans of the young singer. Gradually, the performer’s work began to be discussed in the most famous Russian programs, such as “Let Them Talk,” which at that time was hosted by.

Anna Shulgina and Valeria - “You are mine”

In March 2017, the performer presented the single “Mom”. Dance composition fans liked it musical talent Shulgina.

Anna has plunged headlong into creativity - she plans to release new videos and is writing a book, and is also recording an album with her current chosen one, a producer whose name she refuses to name. However, the media found out that next to Shulgina is the same rapper Slam, whose influence each time more and more clearly affects the style of the music performed by the singer. According to rumors, in 2016 Sergei (that’s the guy’s name) almost became Anna’s husband.

Personal life

In Anna Shulgina’s personal life, not everything is as smooth as in her career. She calls herself "a damn unloving person." There were sympathies, but it was impossible to find common ground. Being an enviable bride, the singer is in no hurry to get married, but she is sure that as soon as a real prince appears in her life, she will happily give grandchildren to her famous mother.

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Anna Shulgina and Valeria

At the age of 21, Anna started an affair with pianist Maxim Tarasov. The girl delighted the fans photos together, introduced the chosen one to his parents. But on a talk show on Channel One, she told the whole country that “everything is complicated” in their relationship; there is no certainty that this is love. Soon the couple broke up.

On August 1, 2013, Anna Shulgina made her debut as a co-host of the show “Our Way Out” on the Russia-1 TV channel. Journalists immediately attributed the girl to a close relationship with her colleague Alexei Vorobyov. Anna quickly put emphasis on this issue, saying that the young man was not her boyfriend, it was just comfortable to work with him, but no spark ran through.

At first, Valeria did not understand the singer’s current relationship. She did not see Slam as the father of Anna's future children.

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The girl herself states that she is ready to learn from her own mistakes and, no matter how close her relationship with her mother is, she is used to doing as she sees fit. Valeria changed her anger to mercy when she noticed that her daughter blossomed next to this man, including creatively.

Anna says that two personalities live inside her. One is a rocker who creates madness, and the second is an intelligent girl in romantic dresses and with curls on her head. The artist does not like it when journalists and critics compare her with Valeria, assuring that her mother conveyed only her eyes and charisma, and her father - her physique and facial features.

Actress, TV presenter and singer Anna Shulgina was born in June 1993 into a creative family known throughout the country. The girl’s mother is singer Valeria, and her father is producer Alexander Shulgin.

Already in early age it became clear that Anya has acting skills. At the age of ten, her parents took her to classes at the theater studio at the Academy. Gnesins, but she was not able to finish it.

As a teenager, Anya was not distinguished by exemplary behavior, grew up as a difficult teenager.

Wanting to rectify the situation, the parents sent the girl to the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens. They really hoped that discipline, demanding teachers and a lot of work would correct Anya, and she would be able to move in the right direction.

The girl finished school in her native Moscow, and immediately submitted documents to the famous Theatre Institute them. Shchukina.

Having successfully studied at the theater institute for all four years, Anna Shulgina graduated from it in 2013.

Theater and cinema in a girl’s life

IN student years Anna played in the production “A Day Without Shopping”, and in her graduation projects she embodied the role of Bordyurova in the play “Friends of Writers” and Lizonka in “Vassa Zheleznova”.

The aspiring actress always played with great pleasure character roles , And special meaning I had a script for her - exciting and interesting. So, Shulgina’s theatrical repertoire includes roles in the following plays:

  • “My poor Marat”;
  • "Dog in the manger";
  • "Witch";
  • "Rats."

Anna also has some experience in cinema. The girl has proven herself well in the popular Russian projects “Karpov”, “Threads of Love”, “Pyatnitsky”, “Vasilisa” and “I Believe Not Believe”.

Musical path

Anna Shulgina I always re-sang with great pleasure in my own way popular songs , and sometimes posted the footage on her Instagram page.

Noticing vocal abilities, Shulgina’s friend suggested that she record a full-length track with the aspiring rap artist SLeM.

As a result, the song “Give a chance to a dream” was written and a video was created. Anna showed the result of her work to several producers, and they approved of her endeavor. Anna presented her song at her mother's birthday.

Interesting notes:

A year later, the purposeful girl released another video for the song “Knife” and this time it was broadcast on the Muz TV music channel. In 2015 she recorded new song"The Other Me", which was released with the support of the famous video blogger Sasha Spielberg.

In 2016, the aspiring singer released two compositions at once: “Hang Out” and “You Are Mine.” She performed the last one with her mother.

A year later Anna wrote down new single called "Mom". The danceable and fiery composition was liked by fans of young Shulgina.

Currently, Anna is engaged in creativity: she is recording an album, plans to release new videos, and actively participates in music competitions and even writes a book.

Personal life

Having a bright and expressive appearance, Anna has always been in the center male attention. However, it is very difficult for her to build her personal life.

First serious romance the girl had a meeting with pianist Maxim Tarasov. She even introduced her chosen one to her parents, but after a while she publicly declared that their relationship had exhausted itself.

Anna was credited with an affair with a charismatic man, but she denied these rumors. Currently, her heart is free, and she devotes all her time to her favorite business.

Anna Shulgina in Lately became more popular than her mother, singer Valeria. The girl has become a real it-girl: she runs a stylish Instagram page, travels around the country giving performances and, of course, relaxes beautifully, which she also shares with her subscribers.

Biography of Anna Shulgina

The singer, actress and TV presenter was born into the family of the popular singer Valeria and producer Alexander Shulgin. Anna has two younger brother– Artemy and Arseny. After her parents' divorce in 2002, the girl found new family: in 2014, her mother married producer Joseph Prigozhin, with whom she is still happy today.

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Apparently, worries because family drama left their mark on the character of young Anya. She became an easily vulnerable and difficult teenager who quickly lost her temper. But this did not affect the acting data in any way. From the age of 10, Anna studied at the Studio Theater at the Academy. Gnessins, which, however, she did not graduate from. At the age of 13, Anna’s parents send her to the Swiss Institute for Noble Maidens in the hope that there the girl’s character will become softer and she herself will learn manners. At the institute, Shulgina studied English and Spanish, cooking, horse riding, and read Shakespeare in the original. After several years in Switzerland, the girl returns to Moscow to hometown finish school and go to university. In 2009, Anna was enrolled in the Theater Institute named after. B. Shchukin, from which in 2013 she successfully graduated with a degree in “Dramatic Theater and Film Actress” and “Variety Artist ( artistic reading)". During her studies, Anna Shulgina did not waste time and built up an acting portfolio. The girl’s collection includes roles in the plays “Dog in the Manger”, “My Poor Marat”, “8 loving women", "Caught Swallow", "They Build Fools by Their Height", "Happiness", "Dulcinea of ​​Toboso", "Rats", "Turning", "The Jester Balakirev", "The Witch", "Mademoiselle Nitouche".

After graduating from higher education educational institution Anna Shulgina did not rest for a long time and a couple of months later she made her debut on the central television channel as the host of the “Our Way Out” program. And - what a coincidence - the central place on the jury of the project was occupied by none other than... singer Valeria, mother of Anna Shulgina! Now Anya was noticed by the whole country, and her popularity began to gain momentum. By the way, at the same time the girl began to appear in cameo roles in domestic television series.

Having noticeably lost weight and looked prettier, in 2014 Anna Shulgina decided that being just an actress and TV presenter was boring, and released her first single “Give a Chance to a Dream”, a little later - lyrical song“You are mine”, which she performed together with... (unexpectedly!) her mother, singer Valeria. A year later, Anna presented the solo composition “Knife”, then appeared naked in a photo shoot men's magazine.

Fans and celebrities love to compare Anya with the singer Valeria. The girl was pretty tired of this, she even said: “Mom and I are not Siamese twins! If she’s perfect, then I’m not!”

Personal life of Anna Shulgina

A damn unloving person, as Anna Shulgina calls herself, is happy in a relationship today. A couple of years ago, the girl had an affair with pianist Maxim Tarasov. During the filming of the project “Our Exit,” Anya was credited with falling in love with co-host Alexei Vorobyov. But, according to the artist, they were connected only by friendship. Anna does not disclose the name of her current chosen one, she only admits that he is much older than her and is also associated with creativity. "I believe that a real man“must have a goal in life,” says Shulgina. - He should strive to earn money for the sake of his family, set himself more high goals because it will motivate him even more. The higher you set the bar for yourself, the higher you begin to jump. Even if you don’t make it, you will have much more than if you set the bar that you supposedly will reach. A man must want to have children. He must have an inner core, he must be a man next to whom you feel completely protected. You know, I realized that appearance is not the main thing in a man. I had sympathy for different young people, this is normal for my age. For some reason, it didn’t happen that there were romances with smart and courageous people. When I was almost disappointed in young people, I suddenly met my man, who is responsible for his words, down to the smallest detail. He never lets me be sad, he feels me. I pick up the phone, smile, and he understands that something is wrong with my mood. We have similar interests and even have the same dreams. We text each other at the same time and call each other at the same time. He doesn't allow me to overwork, he takes all my problems upon himself. I’m not used to this and for a long time I said: “Wait, is this really necessary?”, but he says that’s exactly how it should be! So I’m over the moon now because I found a real man.”

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