The name given to which country. What does the name dana mean?

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the unity of style, soft lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Dana, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Dana, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation while searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

The name Dana has several variants of origin. So, according to one version, it is a form of the masculine Hebrew Daniel, the meaning of which can be translated as “God is my judge.” According to the second option, it has ancient Slavic roots and is interpreted as “gifted” or is the modern name of the names Denitsa, Danitsa, derived from the word “Dennitsa”, which means “morning star”. The next version says that the name Dana is a short form of the female name Danuta, derived from the Lithuanian “daughter of heaven” or from the Latin “donata” - “given”, “given”. A number of scientists believe that it came from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, hyacinth
  • Color: blue, crimson
  • Plant: violet, basil
  • Animal: elephant, partridge
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The characteristics of the name Dana are a description of an energetic, charismatic leader who knows how to captivate people. Perhaps the reason for this lies in her simple-minded, open and honest disposition, which is felt by those around her. But it should be remembered that this is far from an angel in the flesh; she is capable of immoral acts, trying to achieve the goals she has set for herself. Although such actions are rather the exception to the rule than the norm.

As a child, her leadership traits do not appear. A name for a girl like Dana is more typical of an obedient, quiet child who does not need excessive parental care and independently finds something to do. But with age, a woman’s temperament becomes more ebullient and active, stubbornness begins to appear in her, a desire to be useful and to engage in social, rather than personal, life. She still does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness, does not know how to mask her mood and emotions, and is an “open book” for her interlocutor.

The secret of the name hides a personality that is unable to mope for a long time, being in a bad mood. The only thing that can unsettle her is criticism, which Dana cannot stand. She tries not to let anyone command her and does not accept recommendations and advice, politely but firmly suppressing all attempts by others to do this. She is absolutely not characterized by greed and pettiness - the girl is ready to share with the whole world, but at the same time, in return, she expects the same generosity towards herself, being offended when this does not happen.

Among Dana's shortcomings, one can highlight her unceremoniousness and tactlessness, which she is able to show in communicating with her acquaintances and friends. This also includes obstinacy, the desire to prove one’s advantage over others and an unshakable confidence in one’s rightness, coupled with an unwillingness to admit mistakes and change anything in one’s behavior.

The summer representative of the name has a stronger character than her winter namesake. She is characterized by courage and amazing fortitude. Born in winter, she is distinguished by a soft, kind disposition and good intuition.

Interests and hobbies

“Team” activities, games, and competitions are not suitable for Dana. She is a solo player who wants to be the center of attention. He is friends with sports, loves good literature, music, and art. She likes to attend opening days and exhibitions, theater premieres and parties, discos and nightclubs. Her hobby is to be among people, literally absorbing the energy of the crowd.

Profession and business

The girl named Dana is a strong professional in everything she doesn’t undertake. Shows enviable determination in achieving career heights. A highly developed sense of duty forces her to take on and complete the most complex projects, so she is rightfully considered an indispensable worker.

Dana’s successful field is pedagogy; she is able to work with both children in kindergarten and students at school. She can work on television, choosing a career as a radio or TV presenter, becoming an excellent psychologist or pediatrician, as well as a social worker.


Despite the fact that Dana is in good health, she was often sick as a child. Sore throats, colds and runny nose can become her constant companions, so a baby with this name needs to be seriously hardened. In order to prevent scoliosis, to which she is prone, the girl should go swimming. With age, her immunity is noticeably strengthened, and diseases bypass the woman.

Sex and love

Dana transfers her leadership character traits into the plane of love relationships, not hesitating to take the first step towards the man she likes. Often he becomes the initiator of a breakup, because, without forgiving a dismissive and inattentive attitude towards himself, he may well allow more than one harshness in communicating with a loved one. Her desire to “crush” her partner leads to serious quarrels.

Being extremely jealous, she can start scandals out of the blue. This is extremely difficult for a man with a normal psyche to withstand, so the girl is often left alone.

Family and marriage

In the family, Dana is also the leader. She chooses as her husband a man who can agree to “second roles,” but deep down she dreams of a “prince on a white horse” - handsome, smart, strong-willed, rich. Such an obvious discrepancy does not prevent her from sincerely loving her chosen one, becoming a devoted wife to him, and an excellent mother to her children. She is able to take care of the well-being of people close to her, sometimes even to the detriment of her own interests, and in difficult moments she is ready to take on the financial support of the family, taking on several jobs and part-time jobs. A woman named Dana loves to cook, keeps her house immaculately clean, and is distinguished by rare hospitality.

Any name carries a secret, and each of them has its own emotional connotation. A correctly chosen name has a positive impact on a person’s character, so it is important to know the meaning of names. Choosing a name for a future child may not be so easy, because parents have many conditions and wishes for what it should be. So short, but filled with such deep meaning, the name Dana undoubtedly deserves attention.

All about the name Dana

Dana is one of those names that is very quick and easy to remember. It is used in many cultures around the world, so a woman named Dana can feel free in any country wherever she goes.

Origin and meaning of the name

There are several theories about the origin of the name Dana:

  1. The name Dana is of Turkic origin and means "glory"; The name comes from the word “Dan” (“glory”).
  2. The name Dana comes from the Celtic language and is derived from the name of the goddess of creation Danu, who is considered the ancestor of the tribe of gods. This tribe is called the Tribe of Danu. According to legend, the Tribe of Danu ruled Ireland until the arrival of the Sons of Mil (people). The tribe of gods lost to humans in the battle for the land, so they were forced to move underground. Over time, Danu's children turned into elves, goblins and fairies, and Danu became their patroness. If they talk about Danu as the patroness of magical creatures, then it is customary to call her Dana.
  3. The name Dana (دانة - Dan) is of Arabic origin and means "large and beautiful pearl."
  4. The name Dana (דנה - Dania) is Hebrew, derived from the name Daniel (דניאל - Danial), which means “God is my judge.”
  5. Dana is the modern form of the names Danitsa, Denitsa, derived from the Slavic word “dennitsa”, which means “morning star”.

The name Dana is one of those whose origins are most controversial.

Table: analogues of the name Dan in foreign languages

The name has different forms.

Table: forms of the name Dana

Name days and patrons

The name Dana is not found in the calendar, so Dana is usually baptized as Daria or Anna. In this case, the girl will celebrate her name day:

  • like Daria: April 1 and 4, August 17;
  • like Anna: February 3, 16 and 23, April 8 and 13, June 26, July 18, August 3, 5 and 7, September 10, November 4, 10 and 11, December 11 and 22.

Dana's patrons can be:

The name Dan is not in the calendar, so most often the girl is baptized as Daria or Anna

Characteristics and influence of the name Dana on a person’s destiny

The first quality that people notice in Dana is her modesty. But despite this, a woman with that name is unforgettable.

In childhood

At a young age, Dana usually shows herself to be playful and active. She gets along much better with boys than with girls. He gets along with new acquaintances very easily and gets over separation just as easily. She loves sports very much. If she dislikes someone, then she may well play a nasty joke on that person. Dana, without a doubt, embarks on various adventures and unsafe undertakings with her friends, because she does not want to look weak and helpless in their eyes.

From early childhood, Dana brings only joy to her parents and follows their opinions in everything without exception. By nature, the girl is not cocky, she deeply respects both parents, but especially her mother. Basically, Dana is a reasonable, exemplary, responsible, balanced and well-mannered person who values ​​her family and loves spending time with them. She loves helping her mother with household chores. Dana does not show capriciousness and never allows herself to throw tantrums for no reason. For this, other parents very often set the girl as an example for their children. But she herself does not consider herself worthy of imitation and perceives such praise extremely negatively. The girl learns to read easily and develops very quickly. She easily copes with all assigned tasks and tries to improve all her skills. She loves animals, she needs some kind of animal, and she will handle it very carefully.

Dana just loves all animals

At an early age, Dana is in good health, but can often suffer from mild colds. One of the few negative traits in the girl’s character can be called irritability that arises from time to time. Although she deeply respects her parents and tries to listen to them in everything, she can sometimes cause them concern with her bad behavior. But behavior problems only happen in the company of peers. With them she behaves completely differently than in the family. Friends love Dana for her extraordinary sense of humor and sociability. Her humor can often border on sarcasm, so it costs her nothing to offend anyone from her circle.


As a teenager, Dana changes greatly, both for the better and for the worse. Outwardly, she manifests herself exclusively as soft, sometimes too touchy. Dana is unusually talented, she has a developed imagination, she is characterized by a craving for creativity, she is intellectually developed and smart. She is best at inventing her own interesting stories and writing poetry. At school she is the best in literature. She is very receptive and does not tolerate criticism. Can easily become depressed due to any too harsh expression addressed to her or her creations. Therefore, she is often embarrassed to share her creativity. But in later adolescence, the girl also acquires such traits as strength of character, willpower and toughness - with the advent of this, she ceases to be ashamed of criticism. Dana is eloquent, a quality she often uses to provide moral support to others. Knows how to listen carefully and give good advice. She will always try to understand a person’s problem and will always help in some way. But if her help is criticized, she will not tolerate it - any less than flattering phrase will anger her.

Dana does not tolerate criticism well, but over time she learns to ignore it

As an adult

Dana is a lover of truth, for her truth is above all. Her character may seem contradictory. One of the main aspirations of the owner of the name is to please everyone without exception. At the same time, she shows herself to be a rather reserved person. The only thing where this restraint is not visible is that Dana is overly talkative. Even if she achieves a lot, she still feels that she is missing something. Internally, she understands that her successes do not always occur only thanks to her merits.

Dana makes only a positive impression on everyone. Rich and lively imagination and artistry allow her to develop in the creative field. Dana is often in search of her characteristics, her individuality. She does not always manage to achieve this, so she can easily become confused in herself and close herself off from the world. A woman with this name may lack courage and self-confidence, but a sense of duty successfully replaces these qualities and helps Dana achieve her goal and cope with the most difficult tasks. She does not allow herself to neglect moral and social norms, knows when to stop in everything and always reasonably assesses her capabilities. Dana can give the impression of a tolerant and submissive girl, this also helps her in many matters and the implementation of plans.

Dana is a strong-willed person, difficulties strengthen her

Over time, Dana hardens, becomes an unusually strong personality, very self-confident and self-sufficient. Many people envy her, but she does not pay attention to this, as well as to the critics who evaluate her negatively. Adult Dana cannot be broken morally; she is very strong psychologically. The girl is very sociable and can get along even with people she doesn’t like.

Dana is not too fond of noisy gatherings in a friendly company - she prefers a quiet time spent in a warm family circle. Self-development is most important to Dana; she sets herself the goal of finding her purpose in life. This woman’s nature is best revealed in some extreme situations where maximum concentration and dedication are required. Thanks to her ability to understand people, Dana has every chance to achieve a lot both in her career and in life. However, she finds much greater satisfaction in helping people rather than competition.

Career and talents

Dan has a highly developed desire for creativity and creation. This is what makes her seek her destiny in the creative field. She excels in areas that require intuition, artistry, perseverance, intelligence, tact and charm. If Dana finds her way, she will work tirelessly to achieve her goals. In the work itself, a woman is much closer to the activity of a manager than an independent worker. Dana does not have any high ambitions, but despite this, she always knows how best to express herself.

Dana is perfectly suited to be a writer

Dana has remarkably developed intuition and the ability to feel people. The best professions for her:

  • accountant,
  • hairdresser,
  • investigator,
  • programmer,
  • cook,
  • musician,
  • writer,
  • poet.

At work, the main obstacle in Dana's path is her temper. In many cases this trait candistance the woman from the goal. She has an extraordinary mind and imagination. Her eloquence allows her to convince people of the correctness of her opinion. Dana is quite capable of long, painstaking work; she is ready to take on even work that seems impossible, and always copes with it. Some other areas in which Dana excels:

  • policy,
  • entrepreneurship,
  • organizational,
  • volunteer activities.

Dana achieves considerable success in business, but she immediately spends everything she earns without regret. Therefore, if she does not learn to manage money wisely, it will be very difficult for her to make a significant fortune. In her personal business, she will achieve more than just in a leadership position.

Dana will have success in business if she learns how to manage money correctly

Dana often takes risks, but over time she realizes that they are not always justified, so she tries to wisely calculate her strengths and take care of her nerves at work. She is very difficult to please, so only proven and reliable people can become her business partners.

Dana's health depends on how much control she has over herself. She has a rather weak nervous system, so disorders such as imbalance, depression, nervous breakdowns are possible, which can lead to other problems, for example, with the heart and gastrointestinal tract. She should refrain from drinking alcohol, even in small doses.

Dana is in pretty good health, but she needs to take care of her nervous system

Love and marriage

Dana is ready to change herself for the sake of a relationship, but she is not always ready to give in to her partner. She can be very demanding. For her, it is in the order of things, having chosen a partner, to demand something impossible from him, to set impossible tasks for him. Dana constantly has new and new desires. She is very difficult to please.

Being a successful woman, Dana most often tries to choose a man more ordinary than herself as a companion. She does not strive for a relationship where the man is older and more experienced, since she is impressed by younger partners who will listen to her advice and fulfill all her whims. But Dana will not always be grateful to her companion for this. She may not appreciate his care and attention.

In relationships, Dana tries to find warmth, care, comfort, understanding and friendly communication. But she herself is not always ready to give them to her partner. Also, often her irritability, activity, and even the struggle for leadership in a relationship can hide her true feelings.

Dana is rarely happy in her first marriage, but her second is much better

A woman named Dana comes across as mysterious, innocent and naive. All these ostentatious qualities produce the impression she needs on men. Her pretense can deceive anyone. Dan chooses her husband carefully, trying to ensure that he meets all her requirements. But usually Dana’s first marriage is not very successful. In the future, the woman learns a lesson from past mistakes and becomes more tolerant and softer. The second marriage is much happier. Dana loves children very much and dreams of motherhood. Despite the fact that she adores her children, she does not really like raising them and staying at home, because due to her desire for self-development, she does not consider it necessary to devote all her time to her family. But despite her difficult nature, Dana generously gives her loved ones warmth and light. She is a wonderful and skillful hostess, hospitable, and can arrange a luxurious reception out of nothing.

Dana is great at housework

Table: compatibility of the name Dana

The following astrological objects correspond to the name.

Table: astrological symbolism of the name Dan

Numerology of the name Dana

The name Dana in numerology is designated by the number four. People with this name number have a scientific approach to almost everything; they have a penchant for various kinds of sciences. They make excellent designers, scientists, and engineers. “Fours” are reliable, prosperous and conscientious, they rarely quarrel with someone without a reason, but they are very predictable, and you should not expect anything extraordinary or original from them. They schedule their lives minute by minute and do not allow anyone or anything to move this planned schedule. Often they do not show their emotions violently, they are even cold. But they are not afraid to entrust an important matter; they are reliable, faithful and obligatory. Strict but loving parents. “Fours” are obedient children.

According to numerological analysis, the name Dana has the number 4

Spelling out the name

D. Thinking personality, attachment to family, sometimes capricious, always ready to help. They have excellent intuition and often even extrasensory abilities. They do not admit their mistakes, are unbalanced, and imprudent. Charm and romance are also present.

A. Beginning, craving for the implementation of plans, love for comfort. Letter of leadership and creation.

Dana is honest, responsible and educated

Character by seasons

Autumn Dana is distinguished by intelligence, self-confidence, hard work, and excessive stinginess. She is a typical consumer who does not like to give anything in return for what she receives. She opens her soul to few people. Relationships with men are difficult due to the exactingness of autumn Dana towards her partner. Hardworking, smart, self-confident, but at the same time overly stingy.

Born in winter, the owner of the name Dana is not only practical, but also determined and very stubborn. She will never allow herself to be offended. She is a very amorous person, under the influence of her feelings she can commit many rash acts, but she never regrets anything.

Spring Dana sets realistic goals for herself and knows how to achieve them; she does this not only through hard work, but also with the help of charm. Ambitious, stubborn and persistent, she is not afraid of the difficulties of life. She is courteous and flirtatious with men, so she has no shortage of male attention. But spring Dana prefers men proven by circumstances and time.

Spring Dana is flirtatious, so she has no shortage of male attention

Summer Dana is prudent, pragmatic, obligatory. These qualities help her a lot in business. Her career always strives only upward. She loves spending time with friends, among them she is a leader. Cannot tolerate alcohol.

Table: name horoscope

AriesA girl born under the auspices of Aries and named Dana is a friendly and good-natured person who loves and knows how to communicate with people. Absolutely cannot stand loneliness and routine. I am ready to do anything to help anyone who needs it. He will never refuse advice or support to anyone.
TaurusThe combination of the sign of Taurus and the name Dana endows the girl with such traits as ambition, the ability to achieve her goal, self-sufficiency, activity and the ability to focus on what is most important. Dana easily defends her opinion and successfully imposes it on people. She is very hardworking and prefers building a career to having fun.
TwinsThis sign does not give Dana the strongest character; she cannot always withstand life’s problems. She is very vulnerable and receptive, but it is pleasant to communicate with her. Loves attention and tries to attract it. Not the most obliging person, often forgets about his promises.
CancerDana, under the auspices of this zodiac sign, becomes monotonous and tedious, she is pessimistic. Dedicates himself to work. He sets himself only one goal - to create a successful career. In almost everything he depends on the opinions of others, he tries to achieve respect. He suffers greatly from the slightest criticism.
a lionDana the Lioness is selfish, she is used to taking from everyone what she needs, but she is not going to give anything in return. She is quick-tempered and harsh, but she also knows how to restrain her emotions, especially when this is supported by the desire to benefit from communicating with a person she does not like. Narcissistic to the point of infinity.
VirgoDana, born under the sign of Virgo, can be boring, often lonely, and prefers a quiet holiday with her family to friendly company. She is interested in many things and has many hobbies. Therefore, she often leaves some things unfinished, especially if they seemed difficult to her.
ScalesDana-Libra is intelligent, delicate, soft, tactful, and has developed intuition. She gets along well with almost everyone. As a wife, she usually chooses a domineering, strong, but flexible man who will give her love and understanding.
ScorpionDana-Scorpio is unusually self-confident, stubborn, and decisive in all matters. She achieves success in what interests her, she is happy in material terms.
SagittariusDana, born under this sign, will be assertive, independent and unusually stubborn. She cannot be called weak - she hides all her softness and femininity under the mask of rudeness and strength. She never asks others for help; she tries to do everything herself. But she really really needs a person who will support and understand her.
CapricornThis zodiac sign gives Dana incredible inner strength. She is strong-willed, always glows with enviable enthusiasm, and easily achieves her goals. At the same time, she is a dreamer, dreams of sincere, true love. She cannot be called amorous, but if Dana-Capricorn still falls in love, then for her this feeling will last a lifetime.
AquariusDana, born under this sign, is active, active and loves to travel. Energy and positivity flow out of her. Even in the most hopeless cases, she thinks positively. She doesn't really like various noisy parties. Tries to lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle.
FishThe sign of Pisces endows Dana with silence, suspiciousness, shyness, distrust and lack of independence. She gets along well with many people, but with her life partner she will appear dull and dull. She will be an exemplary mother and housewife.

Photo gallery: famous people named Dana

Dana Wells Delaney - film actress from the USA
Dana Burke - singer, entrepreneur and TV announcer Dana Borisova - Russian TV presenter, awarded a certificate of honor from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For success in patriotic propaganda" Dana Rosemary Scallon - singer and politician from Ireland Dana Zatopkova - athlete from Czechoslovakia, 1952 Olympic champion , two-time European champion Dana Brozkova - Czech orienteer, world champion in orienteering

The fate of a person and his character are mostly shaped by heredity and upbringing. The name only contains potential that a person can develop in himself. What we become depends only on us, but a correctly chosen name can undoubtedly help a person in many ways in life.

Simple-minded Dana, straightforward and positive, is usually the center of attention. This is an exemplary wife and mother, caring and gentle, honest and optimistic.

Girl Dana may seem quite modest at first. However, this does not prevent her from attracting a lot of attention. The multifaceted nature is explained by the ambiguous origin of this name.

When choosing a name for a girl, Dana, many parents wonder what such a name could mean, because there are many versions of its origin:

  • As a Slavic name, it is translated “given, given” from the Latin language, which can be interpreted as “given by God.” In this meaning, it overlaps with the name Bogdan, although briefly its owner can also be called Dana.
  • The Bulgarian and Serbian version of the name Dan is Danitsa, a form of the Slavic word “Dennitsa”, which translates as “morning star” and refers to the planet Venus. This name was popular in these countries in ancient times. Today, although it has lost its original meaning, it remains used among modern families.
  • Another possible origin is “Danuta” or “Moon Goddess”. This is exactly how the name was interpreted in ancient Belarus, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Perhaps the reason is the translation from Lithuanian “daughter of heaven”.
  • The Hebrew version of the name Dan is a shortened form of Daniel. Translated like the Hebrew male name Daniel, it means “God is my judge.”
  • Another version of the origin of the name Dana is the ancient Celtic language: the Celts had a goddess of creation, who had the same name. It was she who was considered the foremother of the tribe of gods Danu. Today in Ireland this name sounds like Dana.

It is obvious that in literally all languages ​​the word “Dana” has a divine origin or affiliation with the gods, be it the Goddess of love, the moon, or in general the ancestor of all gods.


“Given, bestowed by heaven,” according to numerous translations of the name, is clearly a divine phenomenon, which is why the meaning of the female name Dan is reduced to heavenly origin. This is the “morning star”, and the “daughter of the sky”, and the “goddess of the moon”. Despite the existing opinion that Dana is a female variation on the theme of the name Daniel, Danila, in fact, it is the feminine sound that has a lot of translations from different languages. Accordingly, their meaning is also multifaceted and diverse.

For example, the Muslim meaning of the name Dana differs from the Slavic or Jewish:

  • From Persian the word is translated as “brilliant, wise.”
  • In Arabic, this sound is understood as “large pearl.”
  • The Turkic language gives its own version of the translation - “glory”.

But most often the name Dana is perceived as a short form of such forms as Bogdana, Daniela, Danaya, Dayana, Daniela, Danuta. However, it all depends on how the parents write the girl on the birth certificate. Then you can discuss what kind of character and what kind of fate they will give to their baby with this name.


The meaning of the name Dana for a girl is of interest to all parents who still doubt what exactly to name their newborn daughter. Some will think that Dana sounds too masculine, rude and even militant, but others will still hear gentle and beautiful notes in this form of the name.

Mostly honest and straightforward, Dana is quite verbose. Many people note that she talks more than she actually does. But she is capable of achieving considerable success. The owner of this name knows that her every achievement is the result of her own efforts. This is not luck or luck. Dana works on her own success.

She can search for herself all her life. Not receiving satisfaction, Dana withdraws into herself, believing that she is confused and cannot find her place in life.

Throughout her life, Dana sees the limits of what is permitted and rarely goes beyond them. Nevertheless, she is capable of an immoral act, which can be justified by the hopelessness of the situation.

Dana may be outwardly submissive and tolerant, but often this is just an illusion to achieve the goal. She will more often manage others to get results than do it herself. The owner of such an unusual name is well versed in psychology, she has good intuition, and she uses it well.

Dana will be successful in professions such as accountant, programmer, hairdresser, investigator, cook or music teacher.

In relationships with men, the owner of this name usually remains a goddess: she knows how to be submissive, mysterious, innocent and naive. Of course, she often plays her role, attracting the chosen one that she needs, but men do not notice such falsity, especially since Dana knows how to use her appearance.

She can choose a life partner for a long time, and quite often attempts at family life fail: her demands are quite high. If Dana finds her one and only, she will be happy, especially since quite early she longs to become a mother.

The “goddess” is never afraid of housework and copes well with it. Dana loves her children. She happily receives guests and usually does it luxuriously.


Since childhood, Dana has shown herself brightly and unforgettably: she grows up as a mischievous girl, causing a lot of concern to her parents. She quickly gets along with the boys, without making friends with her peers. At the same time, she can quickly win new friends, but after a while lose interest in them and switch to new acquaintances.

The owner of this name is distinguished by good athletic training, she is strong, and is not afraid of stress. At the same time, she is confident in herself, can be harsh, and sometimes even cruel.

Her character also depends on the time of year when the girl was born:

  • Dana, born in winter, is more decisive. She is stubborn and straightforward. At the same time, she is quite amorous and often commits rash acts. Her emotionality sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences, but Dana never regrets anything.
  • The autumn owner of the name is more pragmatic: she is not threatened by excessive emotionality. It is this kind of Dana who is capable of becoming a leader and displacing any of her bosses.
  • Girls who celebrate their birthdays in spring and summer are less confident in themselves, but they also strive to be in noisy companies and love success and attention.

Dana can be reserved and emotional, sociable and modest, bold and indecisive. It combines rather contradictory qualities that manifest themselves in different situations.

Among the shortcomings that others usually highlight are touchiness, rejection of criticism, and an overly jealous attitude towards a loved one.

Name day

Dana celebrates her name day on April 8, although some sources claim that owners of such a name do not have name days at all.

Name color

The colors blue and crimson correspond to the name Dan. If blue is a shade of wisdom and calm, then crimson is a chaotic and restless color. This is precisely how contradictory Dana can be, which is not surprising: her name has so many meanings that it is difficult to understand which one prevails.

Name flower

The flower named after Dan is considered to be the violet - diverse, ambiguous, fabulous and attractive. Some people like it, some don't. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find identical flowers. There are many variations in the colors of such buds, which corresponds to the ambiguity of the character of the name Dana.

Name translation

In different languages, the name Dana sounds the same, although its translation is varied:

  • “given” from Latin;
  • “morning star” from Old Church Slavonic;
  • “daughter of heaven” from Lithuanian;
  • "wise" from Persian;
  • "big pearl" from Arabic;
  • "glory" from Turkic.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Dana is the full name if the parents want it. This form is often used as a short form for the names Danut, Daniel, Bogdan. Although Dana itself can also be an officially full name.

Briefly and affectionately the girl can be called like this: Danya, Dada, Danechka, Danochka, Danusya.

What middle name is suitable?

The name Dana will sound harmonious with the following patronymic options: Alekseevna, Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Evgenievna, Kirillovna, Leonidovna, Konstantinovna, Maksimovna, Sergeevna.

Name compatibility

Dana's life together with Sergei, Peter, Ilya, Pavel, Efim, Vladimir and Andrey will be successful.

How to incline

The name Dana is declined as follows:

  • Dana – nominative.
  • Dana – genitive.
  • Dane - dative.
  • Danu - accusative.
  • Danoi - creative.
  • Dane - prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Even though the name seems uncommon, the list of famous women is actually quite long. And here is just a small part of it:

  • Dana International is a famous transsexual singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 1998.
  • Dana Borisova is a TV presenter.
  • Dana Brozhkova is a world champion in orienteering.
  • Dana Burke is a singer.
  • Dana van Dreven - DJ Lady Dana.
  • Dana Wells Delaney is an American actress.
  • Dana Zatopkova is an athlete from the Czech Republic who set the world record for throwing a projectile in 1958.
  • Dana Ivey is an actress from the USA.
  • Dana Houghton is an American performer who sold 2 million copies of her album at the age of 12.
  • Dana Rosemary Scallon is an Irish singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest 1970.

It is obvious that Dana was born to be talented, active, and successful. When giving a newborn such a name, parents must understand that she has an eventful life ahead, and they will not have to wait for peace, just like the husband of a sincere and faithful wife, the friends of Dana’s rather sensitive and sometimes insecure mother, who is loving and devoted to her children.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Dana


Sophisticated, independent and charming, Dana is very caring and sympathetic to others.

The name Dana is one of the short and easy-to-remember names that are quite widespread in different parts of the world, so the girl always feels “at ease” wherever she is. Widespread distribution has led to the fact that the origin of the name is attributed to several cultures at once.


In order to determine the meaning of the name Dan, it is worth turning immediately to the traditions of the Persians, Arabs, Jews, Hindus and even the Celts. According to one version, the origin is attributed to the biblical character - Daniel, from whom the full feminine - is derived. If the name Dana is a shortened version of Daniela, then it means “God is my judge” in Hebrew.

The second version indicates a connection with the Celtic fertility goddess Danu. In turn, the etymology of the name of the goddess still causes debate. Today there are several options, the most likely one is that it means “good.”

According to the third version, the name Dana comes from the Persians and means “knowing.” Persian names are associated with dignity, generosity and aristocracy.

The fourth version claims Muslim origin, from Arabic the name Dana is translated as “the most beautiful pearl.” Muslim origin is associated with such qualities as passion, the ability to adapt to extreme conditions, and the desire for spiritual growth.

Additionally, there is a Sanskrit word that translates to “magnanimity.” Thus, the name Dan can be considered international, but it has not become widespread in Russia. Yes, and it is not in the Orthodox calendar, therefore, at baptism, a child is often given the names of saints, similar in meaning or pronunciation.

It's difficult to figure out what the name really means. Therefore, the meaning of the name Dana is easier to understand from an analysis of the energy of sounds and their corresponding letters. The leader is “D”, which is responsible for meaningfulness, prudence and caring. The name contains two letters “A”, associated with creation and strength.

“N” adds to the listed qualities diligence, legibility, curiosity, and a keen desire to engage in interesting projects that allow one to realize the individual’s potential. As a result, we can say that the girl’s character is calm and she is focused on helping others.

Development process

As a child, Dana was active and brave. She easily manages to establish friendly relations with boys, with whom she prefers communication with girls' get-togethers. She gladly indulges in games and various dangerous enterprises with them, because she feels like she belongs in their company and does not want to lose face.

With age, a girl's character becomes stronger, she gains strength and perseverance. She is less interested in being accepted by society, and gradually her attention begins to be occupied by the issue of self-development and finding a path in life. By the way, Dana’s character is revealed more strongly in extreme situations that require full dedication and maximum concentration.

Thanks to the fact that Dana has a great understanding of people, she easily climbs the career ladder and wins in confrontations, although she receives the most complete satisfaction from helping others, not competition.

The desire to create and be creative literally forces a girl to look for her destiny. She will show herself perfectly where intuition, tact, artistry, charm, intelligence and perseverance are required. The girl is used to giving her all to achieve her goals.

In romantic relationships, he seeks care and warmth, comfort and companionship. But activity and passion, the struggle for leadership with a partner often hide Dana’s secret desires. She really wants to become a mother, so family is of great importance to her. For the sake of her preservation and the happiness of her children, she is ready to do a lot.

Character and destiny are in most cases shaped by upbringing and heredity, as well as turning points in a person’s life. The name reflects only the most general patterns observed in the biographies of people with the same names. At the same time, we are able to change ourselves quite a lot, since each characteristic of a name is only a possibility, some aspects of which can be demonstrated, while others can be completely ignored. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

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