Bull Terrier drawing. What does a bull terrier tattoo mean? Classics and flights of fancy

Images of bull terriers are popular in European tattoo culture. In the portfolio of masters, there are most often three types of tattoos with images of dogs of this breed: realistic, cartoon bull terriers and stylized images of boules.

A realistic bull terrier tattoo is a memory or tribute to sympathy and respect for your pet. The tattoo can be professional if it is done by breeders of this breed. Bull terriers, cartoon and comic book characters depicted in the tattoo, do not have deep symbolism and rather indicate the cheerful and ironic disposition of their owner.

Stylized tattoos of a dog of this breed can be intimidating (studded collar, grin, fighting stance), in this case they symbolize potential aggression, strength and readiness to give a tough rebuff. Bull Terriers are known for their death grip, and the same quality is associated with the owner of such a tattoo: he is a fearless fighter.

In modern tattoo culture, the meaning of a bull terrier tattoo is as follows: courage, perseverance, endurance, loyalty, willingness to use physical force if necessary.

Be sure to ask the artist to draw a unique sketch of a bull terrier tattoo for you, and do not look for it on the Internet.

Bull Terrier tattoo video

The meaning of the Bull Terrier tattoo suggests itself - it is love for your own pet, the breed as a whole, or the dream of owning a dog of this particular breed, endurance and devotion, perseverance and fearlessness. Fans of this breed proudly wear the “Bull Terrier” tattoo.

Meaning of bull terrier tattoo

Men pin fighting dogs as a kind of amulet, as a symbol of a devoted protector, strength and endurance.

Women who get such a tattoo say that they too can show their fighting spirit, perseverance and will to win.

There are known cases when a naturalistic image of a pet was pinned in memory of it.

Cartoon pictures of bull terriers can both personify fearlessness and strength, and hint that the owner is not to be trifled with, despite their frivolous appearance.

The Bull Terrier is a complex breed that requires proper education, a confident and authoritarian attitude, socialization and physical activity. The owner of such a dog must have a strong-willed character. The fighting qualities of a dog imply physical strength, the will to win, the ability to overcome difficulties, and perseverance in achieving a goal. These qualities are also implied when applying a bull terrier tattoo to the body, as can be seen from the sketches.

Realistic images, cartoon pictures, and drawings in the style of surrealism are suitable for representatives of the stronger sex. The image of the bull terrier is brutal in itself, without aggressive details. But dogs with grinning mouths, even bloody ones, look organic on a toned, athletic body. A fearless fighter, ready to give a tough fight, this is the meaning of such a tattoo.

Humanized bull terrier tattoos have a special charm, as can be seen from the sketches. For example, a bull terrier detective with a pipe and a hunting hat, like Sherlock Holmes. Additional details are intended to emphasize or complement the meaning of the image.

With their help you can play up and enrich the image on the tattoo. A pipe symbolizes a penchant for reflection and reconciliation, and a hat symbolizes secrecy and avoidance of problems. If we take into account that the bull terrier never attacks first, but only in response to a provocation or threat, then this symbol is intended to emphasize the desire for peace and the desire to avoid conflict situations.

Tattoos made in the Watercolor style look attractive. Stylized images can also decorate the female body, serving as a symbol of fidelity, perseverance, and strength of character.

Monochrome tattoos in the Old School style can be miniature, but easily recognizable due to the characteristic features of bull terriers. The features of the breed are especially noticeable in profile images.

Drawings of boules surrounded by hieroglyphs or runic symbols look very unusual and, to some extent, authentic. The meaning of such tattoos is strictly individual.

The breed is relatively young and has not yet acquired legends and tales. Accordingly, images of a bull terrier do not have any sacred meaning. In addition to the obvious qualities inherent in the breed, everyone is free to give the tattoo their own meaning.

Who is it suitable for?
Most often, men choose a sketch depicting a bull terrier.
Considering the stern disposition of this breed of dog, a tattoo is more suitable for people who are accustomed to leaving the last word for themselves.

The owner of such a tattoo is most likely distinguished by his strength and “ferocity” in battle. At the same time, he is a loyal and reliable friend and protector of loved ones.
Places and style of tattoo.
This tattoo is very common in European culture. Therefore, choosing a sketch from ready-made options will not be difficult.
The sketch will look great on a medium or large area of ​​the body. The shoulders, back and chest are the most suitable places. Based on this, it is applied to a visible area of ​​the body.
The most popular are stylized, cartoon or realistic images.

Realistic tattoos, more like photographs, are often painted in memory of pets. A dog's life is much shorter than a human's, but during this time it manages to become a true friend for its owner.
Bull Terrier, made in cartoon form hardly carries a huge semantic load. Most likely the owner just liked this sketch.

Symbol meaning

The general and obvious meaning of such a tattoo is fearlessness and courage. Ready to fight to the end and win at any cost.
But for all the ferocity of the bull terrier in battle, for his “pets” he is a sweet and caring friend.
A rarer meaning is a bull terrier chasing his enemy. It means readiness to go “to the end” towards your goal.
The dog's facial expressions are important. It can be a ferocious grin or a sweet, good-natured “smile”. Accordingly, this reflects the tattoo owner’s attitude towards the outside world. He can be open and good-natured towards others, or initially unsociable and even aggressive. In any case, if you decide to anger the bull terrier, be prepared for the “last battle.”

Sometimes, such a tattoo is applied by people whose character is directly opposite to that of the bull terrier. In this case, the tattoo serves as a talisman, which should help “not to retreat” at the right time.


If you have not had a tattoo before, perhaps the process of getting a tattoo with the image “ ” will be interesting for you.

Who is it suitable for?
Most often, men choose a sketch depicting a bull terrier.
Considering the stern disposition of this breed of dog, a tattoo is more suitable for people who are accustomed to leaving the last word for themselves.
The owner of such a tattoo is most likely distinguished by his strength and “ferocity” in battle. At the same time, he is a loyal and reliable friend and protector of loved ones.
Places and style of tattoo.
This tattoo is very common in European culture. Therefore, choosing a sketch from ready-made options will not be difficult.
The sketch will look great on a medium or large area of ​​the body. The shoulders, back and chest are the most suitable places. Based on this, it is applied to a visible area of ​​the body.
The most popular are stylized, cartoon or realistic images.

Realistic tattoos, more like photographs, are often painted in memory of pets. A dog's life is much shorter than a human's, but during this time it manages to become a true friend for its owner.
made in cartoon form hardly carries a huge semantic load. Most likely the owner just liked this sketch.

Symbol meaning

The general and obvious meaning of such a tattoo is fearlessness and courage. Ready to fight to the end and win at any cost.
But for all the ferocity of the bull terrier in battle, for his “pets” he is a sweet and caring friend.
A rarer meaning is a bull terrier chasing his enemy. It means readiness to go “to the end” towards your goal.
The dog's facial expressions are important. It can be a ferocious grin or a sweet, good-natured “smile”. Accordingly, this reflects the tattoo owner’s attitude towards the outside world. He can be open and good-natured towards others, or initially unsociable and even aggressive. In any case, if you decide to anger the bull terrier, be prepared for the “last battle.”

Sometimes, such a tattoo is applied by people whose character is directly opposite to that of the bull terrier. In this case, the tattoo serves as a talisman, which should help “not to retreat” at the right time.


If you have not had a tattoo before, perhaps the process of getting a tattoo with the image “ ” will be interesting for you.


Bull Terrier... Bull Terrier... Bull Terrier...

How to draw a bull terrier dog.

I read about the bull terrier as a child in Sheila Barnford's book "The Incredible Journey." I liked the old bull terrier, a faithful friend of the cat and the Labrador, the most and I was “rooting” for him so that he would return home alive. And I highly recommend you read this wonderful book - it was written with great love for animals.

There are few bull terriers in our city, but I still saw real live white bull terriers. A very original appearance, frightening, but also inviting.

But we will draw not from life, but from a photograph. Let's start with the most general structure diagram - the general shape of the torso, head and correct bends of the legs.

We continue to draw the sketch still with a pencil:

This is my answer to the question: how to draw a bull terrier? - draw constantly comparing, literally applying your drawing to the sample, so as not to miss mistakes.

Next I will draw with a felt-tip pen - it is brighter than a pencil and does not smear. I'll start with the torso. Now I read the description of the bull terrier on Wikipedia - it’s impossible not to admire such a dog. But I won’t quote everything, in short - the body is strong, the chest is muscular, wide:

Draw the hind legs. Here is how the website dogcentr.ru describes them: “The hind limbs have well-developed articulation angles. Muscular, with strong bones. When viewed from behind, they are set straight, strictly parallel to each other. The hocks are set low, directed strictly back.” The tail is short and rather thin.

The front legs are straighter and slightly thicker than the hind legs:

The neck is very strong and short. The head is large, oval, or rather ovoid. James Herriot calls bull terriers hook-nosed, but this is not entirely true - the nose in profile is an arch. The lower jaw is very strong. The ears are triangular, thin, and always erect. The eyes are small, narrow and slanted.

Although the breed is called “white bull terrier”, we will still slightly tint our drawing - add shadows.

Each tattoo has an aesthetic function. And not only. The semantic load is also very important. What is a bull terrier tattoo? The meaning of a picture depends on its medium.

Bull Terrier tattoo - image of an aggressive dog

So, more details. What does this tattoo say? The Bull Terrier is not an easy dog. Let's start with this. Some people consider it a symbol of strength and aggression. Others regard this breed as an excellent example of the good work of breeders. But for some, a bull terrier is simply a favorite pet. Of course, every point of view has the right to exist. And any of them can be embodied in a magnificent form of artistic art of body painting.

For men

For representatives of the stronger sex, the “bull terrier” tattoo, as a rule, personifies all kinds of strong-willed qualities: determination, courage, endurance, self-control, perseverance, the ability not to give in to difficulties. The master needs to carefully work out every detail so that the drawing turns out realistic, bright, and beautiful. Collars with spikes, ornaments, chains and inscriptions can make the image particularly impressive. The combined compositions are also impressive - a dog depicted against the background of some plot.

For women

Tattoos for men with dogs is a question that does not require much explanation. However, the weaker sex does not bypass these animals either. Images of dogs are often found surrounded by flowers. These drawings carry a double meaning. Owners of such tattoos usually try to convey to others the following: despite the fact that they are women, they are still not devoid of strong-willed qualities. And yet, they are not lacking in natural grace.

Various options

The “bull terrier” tattoo is an image that can be made in completely different styles. Someone decorates their body with a half-joking design - a cute, good-natured dog against a background of bones, butterflies, hearts, etc. Some people get such tattoos as a sign of great affection for their own dog, as mentioned above. These pictures may be accompanied by various inscriptions. Talking about the obstinacy of the pet or, on the contrary, about his kindness and love for children.

Such tattoos may not have any special meaning at all. Often such images are of an exclusively superficial nature. Sometimes they are made in the form of blurry outlines. In this case, one can only guess what exactly its owners wanted to express with this drawing. However, they look quite impressive.

Classics and flights of fancy

Tattoos for men and women most often feature a monochrome color scheme. Black and white drawings are especially popular. Single-color samples are also available.

As for the styles of creating images, there is unlimited scope for the flight of the master’s imagination. Those with an eccentric character often experiment with combinations of several directions simultaneously in their body designs. Dogs depicted surrounded by New Zealand, Celtic and other ethnic ornaments look very beautiful.

Such pictures made in the Gothic style look gorgeous. And also made by masters using organic and biomechanical techniques. All in all, the possibilities for tattoos are endless. The main thing is how it looks, or how the owner wants to see it.

Character traits

A “bull terrier” tattoo can speak about many characteristics of a person’s behavior. First of all, it’s about strength. After all, bull terriers were created exclusively for fighting. These dogs had to have incredible physical strength in order to give their opponents a worthy rebuff.

Determination is a certain parallel with the death grip of such a dog. He does not let go of the enemy until he is defeated. The dog is very persistent. He goes towards his goal, no matter what.

In addition, this dog breed is extremely patient. Until strangers show aggression towards her.

Well, of course, such a tattoo is a sign of kindness and love for our smaller brothers. Animal protection symbol. People often wear such tattoos in memory of their four-legged friend.


And one more important point. What does a “bull terrier” tattoo mean to cynologists? It turns out there is nothing special, except for a picture indicating the category of their earnings. After all, dogs are not only entertainment. Such an image often indicates that its owner works in the field of breeding, keeping and caring for these animals.

Women and men get such tattoos. But men need to initially improve their physical shape properly. On a flabby body, the Bull Terrier will look very clumsy, losing all its effectiveness.

Selection of application site

Let's summarize. When choosing a tattoo location, rely on the size of the design. You can fill the bull terrier's face on the shoulder, on the arm, on the chest, and on the thigh. In a word, everything depends on the client’s wishes.

The meaning of the Bull Terrier tattoo suggests itself - it is love for your own pet, the breed as a whole, or the dream of owning a dog of this particular breed, endurance and devotion, perseverance and fearlessness. Fans of this breed proudly wear the “Bull Terrier” tattoo.

Meaning of bull terrier tattoo

Men pin fighting dogs as a kind of amulet, as a symbol of a devoted protector, strength and endurance.

Women who get such a tattoo say that they too can show their fighting spirit, perseverance and will to win.

There are known cases when a naturalistic image of a pet was pinned in memory of it.

Cartoon pictures of bull terriers can both personify fearlessness and strength, and hint that the owner is not to be trifled with, despite their frivolous appearance.

The Bull Terrier is a complex breed that requires proper education, a confident and authoritarian attitude, socialization and physical activity. The owner of such a dog must have a strong-willed character. The fighting qualities of a dog imply physical strength, the will to win, the ability to overcome difficulties, and perseverance in achieving a goal. These qualities are also implied when applying a bull terrier tattoo to the body, as can be seen from the sketches.

Realistic images, cartoon pictures, and drawings in the style of surrealism are suitable for representatives of the stronger sex. The image of the bull terrier is brutal in itself, without aggressive details. But dogs with grinning mouths, even bloody ones, look organic on a toned, athletic body. A fearless fighter, ready to give a tough fight, this is the meaning of such a tattoo.

Humanized bull terrier tattoos have a special charm, as can be seen from the sketches. For example, a bull terrier detective with a pipe and a hunting hat, like Sherlock Holmes. Additional details are intended to emphasize or complement the meaning of the image.

With their help you can play up and enrich the image on the tattoo. A pipe symbolizes a penchant for reflection and reconciliation, and a hat symbolizes secrecy and avoidance of problems. If we take into account that the bull terrier never attacks first, but only in response to a provocation or threat, then this symbol is intended to emphasize the desire for peace and the desire to avoid conflict situations.

Tattoos made in the Watercolor style look attractive. Stylized images can also decorate the female body, serving as a symbol of fidelity, perseverance, and strength of character.

Monochrome tattoos in the Old School style can be miniature, but easily recognizable due to the characteristic features of bull terriers. The features of the breed are especially noticeable in profile images.

Drawings of boules surrounded by hieroglyphs or runic symbols look very unusual and, to some extent, authentic. The meaning of such tattoos is strictly individual.

The breed is relatively young and has not yet acquired legends and tales. Accordingly, images of a bull terrier do not have any sacred meaning. In addition to the obvious qualities inherent in the breed, everyone is free to give the tattoo their own meaning.

Probably each of us has heard the expression “a dog is a man’s friend” at least once. Four-legged pets, like no other animal, become attached to their owners, ready to protect them, love them and simply be faithful.

The popularity of drawings depicting dogs is increasing every day, as well as other animals in general. The bull terrier tattoo is proof of this. The home of this graceful breed is England, so the designs are most common on the European continent.

Speaking of history, bull terriers were born in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, Foggy Albion was famous for such entertainment as dog fighting and bull baiting (bull baiting with dogs). Bulldogs were in great demand - muscular, strong, fighting dogs. At one point, it was believed that this breed was not suitable for fighting, and they began to be actively crossed with terriers, which led to the appearance of bull terriers.

The first generation of dogs retained their fighting abilities, in addition to gaining agility and intelligence. However, the fashion for cruel entertainment with dogs in England gradually began to become a thing of the past, and therefore breeders began to pay more attention to the appearance and aesthetic beauty of the breed.

Meaning for men and women

The meaning of a bull terrier tattoo is often associated directly with the character of the breed. Let's look at the main ones:

  • Force. As stated above, bull terriers were originally created for fighting and bull baiting. Dogs intended for such “entertainment” are simply required to have enormous physical strength in order to repel their opponents.
  • Determination. Here we can draw parallels with the death grip of a dog: a dog, clinging to its enemy, will not let go until it is defeated. The Bull Terrier is extremely persistent, ready to go towards its goal no matter what.
  • Patience. This is true. The dog is actually affectionate and patient until you show aggression towards it. Such a tattoo can sometimes tell its owner that in some situations it is better to be patient, as a bull terrier does.
  • Protection. The image of a bull terrier on the body can be a kind of amulet that can protect its owner.
  • Love for dogs. In addition to the above meanings, such a tattoo can tell about the hobby of its owner. Fans of four-legged friends, or a particular breed, can easily immortalize a tattoo with the image of a bull terrier to show their love for them. Also, such a tattoo is applied in memory of the death of a pet.
  • Professional. This kind of drawings can be classified as “professional tattoos”. For some people, dogs are not just entertainment, but primarily a source of income. A bull terrier tattoo, like any other dog, may indicate that the owner of the design is involved in work related to the care, maintenance or breeding of pets.

The tattoo is more suitable for both men and women. Such a pattern on a woman’s body will make it clear that the weaker sex is not always the weaker.

For men, in turn, it is advisable to improve their physical shape before applying such a tattoo. A bull terrier on a flabby body will look awkward and lose its effectiveness.

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