When is the best time to sunbathe?

As many people know this situation, when he came to the sea, got burned, and spent the rest of the rest in a room with antipyretics. How to sunbathe correctly, at what time, in order to get the maximum benefit from ultraviolet radiation?

For the summer season, you need to prepare in advance, in order to appear on the beach in a beautiful swimsuit with spectacular skin, you need to start sunbathing from April-May.

At this time, the rays of the sun are still weak, and therefore tanning will be the safest. At first, it is enough to substitute hands and face under the face, so that the body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation.

Of course, it’s too early to lie on the beach so as not to get sick, but it’s completely safe to sunbathe during a morning run or exercise, knitted shorts and a T-shirt will provide excellent sun preparation.

For sunbathing, it is important to choose the right time of day, so that ultraviolet does not negatively affect the skin. The peak of solar activity is from 12 to 15 noon, and in conditions of intense heat and in the evening, you can get burns.

If the air temperature is above 25 degrees, then it is better not to go outside, especially for pregnant women and small children who can overheat, get a large dose of ultraviolet radiation.

Sunbathing is best from 8 to 10 am, as well as in the afternoon, starting at 6 o'clock.

What time to sunbathe on the sea?

At sea, you need to be careful, because in a maritime climate, a tan turns out faster, the sun is very insidious. Enjoying a beach holiday, you can quietly get severe burns and other unpleasant consequences.

To avoid this, you need to follow certain security rules:

  • not located on the sea beach from 12 to 5 pm, avoid direct sunlight, always cover yourself with a light cape, hide under an umbrella or awning;
  • do not neglect the headgear, so as not to get a heat stroke;
  • periodically plunge into the sea, do not spend a long time on the beach;
  • when cool, go to the shade, because even at the sea you get a tan, getting a sunburn at the sea is more likely than in the pool.
  1. No more than 30 minutes in the morning and no more than an hour after 5-6 pm.
  2. Every day increase the time spent in the sun by half an hour.
  3. Maximum stay in the morning and evening in the sun for 2 hours, under direct rays.

If you have fair skin, then you need to protect it more, and if you have a slight tan, you can relax a bit by using a sunscreen with a lower protection index.

To speed up the tanning process and avoid sunburn, it is advisable to use special creams and lotions, but this is best done after getting a light first tan.

At first, it is better to use a sunscreen that is waterproof, so as not to apply it after every bath. There are also special tanning oils, they are more effective than creams, but they leave an imprint on clothes, a towel, sand sticks to the body, and so on.

Don't shock your skin, cloudy weather is a great time to tan. In this weather, you can bask on the sand for at least a whole day and not worry about burns. After bathing, you should wipe yourself dry so as not to attract the sun's rays.

In hot countries, you should especially treat the tanning process, in the early days, sunbathe for no more than 5 minutes under the open sun, if you are lying on the beach, then do not forget to roll over, changing position every 10-15 minutes.

Attention! Some skin diseases do not tolerate direct sunlight, you should remember this and consult a doctor before going to sea. It is not recommended to sunbathe:

  • pregnant women;
  • infants up to 2 months;
  • people with many birthmarks and moles;
  • patients with cancer;
  • when taking certain medications;
  • in acute chronic diseases and so on.

If used correctly, ultraviolet rays will bring great benefits to your body. They are able to destroy microbes, change the chemical composition of cells in the body.

Faster and easier are the processes of wound healing, getting rid of excess weight, strengthening immunity, rest gives a lot of wonderful emotions, a storm of joy and pleasure!

With proper tanning, the skin becomes beautiful, elastic, toned, acquires a healthy look and color. It is quite possible to achieve such a result, the main thing is to follow the above recommendations correctly!

You are the master of your situation, choose the right time and place and safely get an even and beautiful tan. Everything should be within reason, carefully prepare for your vacation and do not miss a single moment.

Always take with you to the river, the sea, the lake a hat, suntan products, a towel, oils to relieve burns. Let your vacation bring you only positive memories!

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