The latest methods of teaching traffic rules

Andrey Anatolievich Stepanov
Tver College teacher Konyaeva, author of teaching aids

In most EU countries, competency-based modular training is widely used in the vocational education system. Currently, in the Russian Federation, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education (professional lyceums and colleges) are also switching to training in modular programs. In view of the foregoing, the use of modular programs, including in driving schools, becomes relevant.

The Modular Program is developed on the basis of the Exemplary Driver Training Program and is, in fact, a Work Program.

Competency-based learning refers to learning based on identifying, mastering and demonstrating the knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes required for a given profession.

Competence is the ability to apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and experience in familiar and unfamiliar work situations.

Competency-based learning is most effectively implemented in the form of modular programs. This approach allows you to optimally combine the theoretical and practical components of training. This ensures a rethinking of the place and role of theoretical knowledge in the process of mastering competencies, their ordering and systematization. This ultimately leads to an increase in the motivation of students in their development. In addition, the modular program allows you to create an intellectual methodological resource and an internal standard of an educational institution in relation to educational programs.

The development of modular competency-based programs begins with the development of a functional map, which is based on functional analysis.

functional analysis is a description of work activity through functions and results.

After identifying the functions, that is, the real actions performed by an employee of a certain profession and the competencies that are necessary to perform this professional activity, a functional map .

The functional card consists (see applications No. 1, No. 2):

    Descriptions of the main purpose of the profession. primary goal (competency profile) briefly describes the cumulative result of what is to be achieved in the course of training.

    Descriptions of the main functions that make up this profession. Main functions (areas of competence) allow you to achieve the main goal of the profession and represent a description of those specific actions through which this main goal is achieved. The number of functions depends on the complexity of the profession. Each function contains an integral group of requirements for the actions to be taken.

Main functions (areas of competence):

BUT- provides for the study of the device of cars, carrying out daily maintenance and elimination of minor malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the vehicle that do not require disassembly of components and assemblies (it is practiced on a training car).

AT- provides for exercises on the simulator and the implementation of practical tasks 1 - 6 on driving a training car on the autodrome (closed area).

FROM- provides for exercises on a simulator and driving a training car along training routes in real traffic conditions.

  1. D- provides for the development of actions to provide first-aid medical care to victims of an accident.

    After defining the main functions, they are all subdivided into a number of their constituent smaller units, each of which is called functional module and describes the specific activities that make up this competence.

Module is understood as a holistic set of skills, knowledge, attitudes and experience (competences) to be mastered, described in the form of requirements that the student must meet upon completion of the module, and representing an integral part of a more general function.

Each module consists of the following documents

(see Appendix No. 3):

    module specification;

    module guide (is an administrative document for teachers and masters of industrial training);

    module assessment guide (assessment memo for students, assessment (control) sheets of students, assessment tasks);

    module implementation algorithm (training plan, lesson scenarios).

Consider the organization of learning by module C1"Driving on low traffic roads."

Training on this module can take place in 3 stages:

  • Auditory lessons;
  • training on a computer simulator;
  • driving a training car in real traffic conditions.

In the classroom, it is advisable to use teaching methods such as:

  • mini-lectures (brief presentation of educational material with watching videos, slides);
  • assignments for individual reading (filling in any gaps in knowledge, or deepening knowledge on a specific issue, maintaining workbooks);
  • simulation tasks (modeling) - an electronic interactive whiteboard or magnetic board is used;
  • solving thematic problems (tests) using AWS or in writing;
  • consultations.

It should be noted that in the teaching of theoretical disciplines there are often two extremes: on the one hand, excessive enthusiasm for lecturing, and on the other hand, when students simply study exam tickets in traffic rules classes. In such driving schools, they do not teach safe driving, but prepare for the exam in the traffic police. And these are different things. What stock of knowledge do these students have after such, so to speak, "training"? After all, they forget the tickets in 2-3 months, but they never learned the Rules. As a result, what happens? Learned, passed, forgotten. How about driving on the roads? Yes "as everybody"!

When conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account that solid knowledge comes through understanding, and understanding happens when a person begins to think, and he begins to think while solving some problems. Therefore, such methods as performing simulation tasks and solving thematic problems cannot be excluded from the learning process.

With a modular approach to learning, the teacher ceases to be a "relay" of educational information, but becomes the organizer of the process of mastering competencies. In other words, he helps students to obtain the necessary information, guides their activities in training this profession, makes comments, monitors, consults, and evaluates the results.

Of course, the transition to modular training will require appropriate training of teachers and masters in the new methodology, as well as changes in the planning of the educational process and the workload of teachers. However, some individual elements of modular training can already be adopted and used during classes.

Now let's talk about teaching aids.

In a modern classroom there should be: multimedia projection equipment, workstation for students, educational visual aids.

A driving school equipped with modern teaching aids and methods will be able to quickly and fairly economically respond to changes in traffic rules and programs (for this you just need to change the disk in the computer), as well as reduce the time for preparing and conducting classes, while obtaining high results in learning.

In conclusion of the report, I would like to present you the teaching materials for studying the subject of the Fundamentals of legislation in the field of road traffic (see Appendix No. 4).

The TMC consists of an electronic manual, a manual for teachers and students of driving schools, a methodological manual for teachers and a workbook.

Let's see how this kit is used.

AT Training manual for teachers and students of driving schools systematized and substantiated provisions of the Rules. The training material in the Handbook is fully consistent with the subject of the Model Program and is supplemented with color illustrations of various traffic situations, there are also links to traffic rules. At the end of each topic there are questions for self-control. All this helps students to independently study the proposed material and replenish it due to forced absences from classes, and teachers - in the preparation and conduct of classes.

Workbook is part of the UMC. The training material in the Workbook is arranged in the same sequence as in the Study Guide. The illustrations placed in the notebook are finalized under the guidance of the teacher using colored pencils, markers or gel pens. The notebook is designed for students to work in the classroom in a driving school and independent work at home. The use of workbooks in teaching allows you to activate the work of students in the classroom, reduces the time for doing homework, allows students to independently study the missed educational material and complete the necessary practical tasks. In addition, almost

  • Rolling bearings, plain bearings, housing bearings, swivel bearings, etc.
the use of a blackboard and chalk by the teacher during the lesson is completely excluded, and the time for students to redraw various schemes of traffic situations considered when studying the material is significantly reduced. There are checklists in the notebook to test knowledge on exam tickets.

AT Methodological guide for teachers of driving schools the problem of studying theoretical material on the topic "Road Signs" with the use of workbooks and modern technical teaching aids is considered, recommendations are given on the organization of classes and the sequence of coverage of educational material, repetition of the material covered and control of students' knowledge.

e-tutorial is intended to provide practical assistance to teachers of driving schools in the preparation and conduct of classes on the rules of the road. It contains a brief educational material on the topics of the Model Program, as well as color illustrations, photographs and videos. All of this can be used by the teacher in the classroom. To do this, he needs to make a presentation that will replace the relevant posters and stands during the classes.

At present, an electronic textbook and a methodological manual for teachers of driving schools have been released. Workbook and Study Guide (paper version) will be available soon. Work on them is almost finished.

Application No. 1

Functional card

Application No. 2

The structure of the training program

Occupation of training - driver of vehicles of category B.

Competence profile:

After completing the training, the student will be able to drive category B vehicles on various roads and in various traffic situations.

Competencies and modules of study

Area of ​​competence:

BUT. After completing the training, the student will be able to prepare the car for the start of the movement, maintain it in good technical condition.

Learning modules:

A1– Carry out inspections and daily maintenance of the vehicle.

A2– Eliminate minor malfunctions that occur during the operation of the car.

Area of ​​competence:

AT. After completing the training, the student will be able to drive a car on the autodrome (closed area).

Learning modules:

IN 1– Operate the controls, start moving, change the direction of movement and speed, stop the car in various ways.

IN 2– Drive a car in restricted areas, perform difficult maneuvers.

Area of ​​competence:

FROM. After completing the training, the student will be able to drive a car on roads with different traffic volumes.

Learning modules:


C2– Driving on high traffic roads.

Area of ​​competence:

  1. D. After completing the training, the student will be able to provide first aid to victims of road traffic accidents.

Learning modules:

  1. D1 - Restore respiratory function, conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  2. D2 - Stop bleeding in various ways, carry out the primary treatment of wounds.
  3. D3 – Carry out transport immobilization using improvised means and standard tires, transport victims to medical institutions.

Cross-cutting modules related to all areas of competence:

Manage your emotional state, constructively resolve interpersonal conflicts that have arisen between road users.

Comply with safety and environmental requirements when operating the vehicle.

Auxiliary modules:

Comply with the requirements of legal documents governing relations in the field of road traffic.

Use equipment, fixtures and tools for daily maintenance and repair of the car.

Application No. 3

Module C1

Module name: Driving a car on roads with low

traffic intensity

Profession: driver of vehicles of category "B"

Developed Stepanov A. A.


Document 1 . Module specification

Table 1

Module task: after completing this module, the student will be able to drive on low traffic roads





Carry out a check-up and daily maintenance of the vehicle in compliance with safety measures, determine malfunctions in which its operation is prohibited, safely start driving and drive onto the road from the adjacent territory

The procedure for conducting a control inspection and daily maintenance of the car, malfunctions and conditions under which its operation is prohibited, safety measures when performing work, the procedure for starting to move and leaving the road from adjacent territories

training vehicle

auto simulator


1. multimedia learning tools

2. e-tutorials

3. study route No. 3 4. road facilities 5. traffic control facilities

Drive safely in traffic, drive the vehicle in the best path and at a safe speed when cornering, stop and start on slopes, park in various ways, use rear-view mirrors and gauges

Techniques for driving a car when driving in traffic, on turns, ups and downs, when stopping, choosing a safe distance and interval, road signs and markings, the order in which vehicles are located on the roadway, stopping and parking rules

Safely drive a car when changing lanes, overtaking, avoiding obstacles and oncoming traffic in various traffic situations, drive a car along an optimal trajectory and at a safe speed, form a safe space around the car, predict the development of a traffic situation, use rear-view mirrors and control measuring instruments

Driving techniques, dynamic dimensions of the car, safe choice of speed, distance and interval when changing lanes, avoiding a fixed obstacle, passing oncoming traffic and when overtaking vehicles; road signs and markings, the order of the location of vehicles on the roadway, the rules for rebuilding, overtaking and oncoming traffic


1. Rules of the road as amended on 01.03.09.

2. Stepanov A. A. Textbook for teachers and students of driving schools

3. Educational and methodological documentation of the master of industrial driving training

It is safe to drive a car when driving on bridges, overpasses, pedestrian crossings, at stops of route vehicles, passing guarded and unguarded railway crossings, use rear-view mirrors and instrumentation

Driving techniques at railway crossings, especially the passage of pedestrian crossings, bridges, overpasses, interchanges, tunnels; road signs and markings, rules for passing pedestrian crossings, guarded and unguarded railway crossings

Assess the traffic situation when approaching a regulated intersection and choose the speed of movement, determine the sequence of passage through regulated intersections according to the signals of a traffic light and a traffic controller, drive a car when switching traffic lights (changing signals of a traffic controller), choose the trajectory of movement through an intersection when turning and turning

Types and types of intersections, actions of drivers in response to traffic lights (traffic controller), methods of driving a car when switching traffic lights (changing traffic controller signals); road signs and markings, traffic rules for controlled intersections


teacher, driving, student

Assess the traffic situation when approaching an unregulated intersection and choose the speed of movement; determine the presence and direction of the main road at the intersection, the sequence of passage of intersections of equivalent and unequal roads; comply with the requirement to “give way” in various traffic situations; choose the trajectory of movement through the intersection when turning and turning

Types and types of intersections, driving techniques when passing intersections of equivalent and unequal roads; road signs and markings, rules for driving through unregulated intersections

Document 2 . Module content.


Driving on low traffic roads.

A task:

Duration: 36 hours.

Document 3 . Module guide


Driving on low traffic roads.

A task:

Teaching methods:

    Mini lectures.

    Watching videos (slides).

    Independent study of theoretical material.

    Solving thematic problems (tests).


    Demonstration of actions on the module.


Characteristics of students:

Learning environment:



    Training car.

    Technical training aids (multimedia, screen-sound, information-controlling, training).

    Study route No. 3 (road facilities, traffic control facilities).

Human resources:

Teacher and master of industrial training from a driving school.

Educational materials:

Workbooks, educational and methodical literature, electronic teaching aids, examination tickets.


    Solution of situational problems (tests).

    Performing practical tasks on module C1 on a training vehicle.

Document 4. Grade.

Evaluation Guide

Name: Driving on low traffic roads.

General characteristics of the evaluation process

Types and methods of assessment should correspond to the objectives of the module and may include:

Solution of situational problems (tests);

Fulfillment of practical tasks.

The final assessment must necessarily be comprehensive.

To record the results of the assessment, a student checklist should be compiled.

General principles and approaches to assessment

The best method for evaluating this module can be a demonstration of skills and knowledge to students, which allows obtaining confirmation of their competencies in real traffic conditions.

To confirm the mastery of this module, the student must demonstrate the ability to independently drive a car on roads with low traffic intensity.

An oral or programmed survey may also be appropriate. The wording of questions and requirements for practical tasks should be clear, understandable and understandable for students.

Evaluators should document the methods used to evaluate all activities in a learning module.

Principles and approaches to assessment

specific activities

The requirements for evidence of student achievement of the task of the learning module imply an indication of the type and amount of evidence that must be presented to them to assess the development of specific competencies.

For this module, the teacher-assessor for assessing actions:

- Preparing the car for the start of the movement, leaving the road from the adjacent territory, driving in the traffic stream, on turns, uphill and downhill, stopping and starting the car on various sections of the road and in parking lots controls the actions of the student. At the end of the practical task, the student will be asked to solve 5 situational tasks on the topic: “stop and parking”.

- Oncoming passing in narrow passages, rebuilding, avoiding obstacles, overtaking vehicles, driving on bridges and overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings controls the actions of the student. At the end of the practical task, the student will be asked to solve 5 situational tasks on the topic: "stop places for route vehicles, railway crossings."

The result is considered positive if the practical task is correctly completed and 4 situational tasks out of 5 proposed are solved.

- Driving through regulated and unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction controls the actions of the student. At the end of the practical task, the student will be asked to solve 5 situational tasks on the topic: “Passing through intersections”.

The result is considered positive if the practical task is correctly completed and 4 situational tasks out of 5 proposed are solved.

The final assessment of the competence of the module will be carried out in the form of a comprehensive practical task to check all the actions of the module in compliance with the requirements of the Rules and traffic safety for driving on roads with low traffic intensity.

The teacher and the master of industrial training will control the actions of the student and evaluate the correctness and safety of their implementation. At the end of the complex practical task, the student will be asked to solve 10 situational problems in order to demonstrate knowledge.

The module is considered mastered if the student correctly completed the practical task for all the actions of the module and solved 8 situational tasks out of 10 proposed.

- up to 1 hour.

Skill Assessment Checklist for Trainersegosha

Name: Driving on low traffic roads.

By the end of this module, you will be able to drive independently on low traffic roads.

During the development of the module, you will be asked to perform various practical tasks to assess skills for specific actions. The most important element of assessment in determining your achievements will be the continuous demonstration of your mastery of the module competencies. The current assessment of your activities will be carried out on the development of each action of the module constantly and will end with a final assessment for all the actions of this module.

In addition, when evaluating the achievements of the module results, your “portfolio of evidence” will be taken into account, which should include a workbook, a student journal with the results of completing actions on the module, and the results of solving thematic tasks (tests).

Skills will be assessed as you are ready.

preparation of the car for the start of movement, exit onto the road from the adjacent territory, movement in the traffic flow, on turns, uphill and downhill, stopping and starting the car on various sections of the road and in parking lots

    Prepare the vehicle for driving.

    Drive out onto the road from the surrounding area.

    Move in the traffic flow, on turns, ups and downs.

    Stop the car and start moving on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

The teacher and the master of industrial training will control your actions, and at the end of the practical task you will be offered 5 situational tasks on the topic: “Starting movement, moving in traffic, stopping and parking”.

The result is considered positive if the practical task is correctly completed and 4 situational tasks out of 5 proposed are solved.

Duration- up to 0.3 hours.

Know- the procedure for conducting a control inspection and daily maintenance of the vehicle, malfunctions and conditions under which its operation is prohibited, safety measures during the performance of work, the procedure for starting to move and leaving the road from adjacent territories, driving techniques when driving in a traffic stream, when cornering, ascents and descents, when stopping, the choice of a safe distance and interval, road signs and markings, the order of the location of vehicles on the roadway, the rules for stopping and parking.

Be able to– carry out a check-up and daily maintenance of the car in compliance with safety measures, determine malfunctions in which its operation is prohibited, start moving safely and drive onto the road from the adjacent territory, safely drive the car in traffic flow, drive the car along the optimal trajectory and at a safe speed cornering, stopping and starting on slopes, parking in various ways, using rear-view mirrors and gauges.

To assess your knowledge and skills in the field oncoming passing in narrow passages, rebuilding, avoiding obstacles, overtaking vehicles, driving on bridges and overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings You will be asked to complete practical tasks in compliance with the requirements of the Rules and road safety:

    Move in the traffic flow, change lanes before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, bypassing obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles.

    Move on bridges, overpasses, pass places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

The teacher and the master of industrial training will control your actions, and at the end of the practical task, you will be offered 5 situational tasks on the topic: "Overtaking, oncoming passing, passing pedestrian crossings, stopping places for route vehicles, railway crossings."

The result is considered positive if the practical task is correctly completed and 4 situational tasks out of 5 proposed are solved.

Duration- up to 0.3 hours.

To complete this task you need:

Know- driving techniques, dynamic dimensions of the car, safe choice of speed, distance and interval when changing lanes, bypassing a fixed obstacle, oncoming traffic, overtaking vehicles, passing railway crossings, pedestrian crossings, bridges, overpasses, interchanges, tunnels; rules for the passage of pedestrian crossings, stopping places of route vehicles, guarded and unguarded railway crossings; road signs and markings, the order of the location of vehicles on the roadway, the rules for rebuilding, overtaking and oncoming traffic.

Be able to- safely drive a car when changing lanes, overtaking, avoiding obstacles and oncoming traffic in various traffic situations, when driving on bridges, overpasses, pedestrian crossings, at stops of route vehicles, passing guarded and unguarded railway crossings; drive the car along the optimal trajectory and at a safe speed, form a safe space around the car, predict the development of the traffic situation; use rear-view mirrors and instrumentation.

To assess your knowledge and skills in the field passing regulated and unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction You will be asked to complete practical tasks in compliance with the requirements of the Rules and road safety:

    Pass the regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and to the left, turning around for movement in the opposite direction.

    Pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction.

The teacher and the master of industrial training will control your actions, and at the end of the practical task, you will be offered 5 situational tasks on the topic: “Passing through intersections”.

The result is considered positive if the practical task is correctly completed and 4 situational tasks out of 5 proposed are solved.

Duration- up to 0.3 hours.

To complete this task you need:

Know- types and types of intersections, actions of drivers at traffic lights (traffic controller), when passing intersections of equivalent and unequal roads; driving techniques when switching traffic lights (changing traffic controller signals); road signs and markings, rules for driving regulated and unregulated intersections.

Be able to- evaluate the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, choose the speed of movement, determine the order of passage of regulated and unregulated intersections, comply with the requirement to “give way” in various traffic situations, drive a car when switching traffic lights (changing signals of the traffic controller), choose trajectory of movement through the intersection during turns and U-turns.

The final assessment of the competence of the module will be carried out in the form of a comprehensive practical task to check all the actions of the module in compliance with the requirements of the Rules and traffic safety for driving on roads with low traffic intensity.

Control over your actions will be carried out by a teacher and a master of industrial training from a driving school.

When completing a practical task, you will be offered 10 situational tasks to test your knowledge.

The module is considered mastered if you correctly completed the practical task for all the actions of the module and solved 8 situational tasks out of 10 proposed.

The duration of the final task- up to 1 hour.

Student Checklist

Profession: driver of vehicles of category "B"

Module task: Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to drive on low traffic roads.

FULL NAME.student _________________________________________

Group _____________




Prepare the car for the start of the movement, drive onto the road from the adjacent territory

Move in the traffic flow, on turns, ups and downs, stop and start the car on various sections of the road and in parking lots

Perform oncoming traffic in narrow passages, rebuilding, avoiding obstacles, overtaking vehicles

Move on bridges and overpasses, pass places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings

Pass regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction

Pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, U-turn for movement in the opposite direction

Assessment result _____________________________________________

Appraisers' signatures ________________________



Date of assessment _____________________

Evaluation assignments by module


Driving on low traffic roads.

A task:

Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to drive on low traffic roads.

Lesson #1

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking

Practical task

Situational tasks:

    What should the driver do when entering the road from the adjacent territory?

    What forces act on the car when turning?

Lesson #2

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings

Practical task- move in the traffic flow, change lanes before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles,

move on bridges, overpasses, pass places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Situational tasks:

    What position on the roadway should the driver take before turning and turning the vehicle?

Lesson #3


Practical task

Situational tasks:

    What are the general rules for crossing intersections?

    What is the procedure for driving through an unregulated unequal road intersection where the main road changes direction?

    What is the procedure for passing unregulated intersections of equivalent roads?

Complex practical task

The student performs all the actions of the module on driving a car on roads with low traffic intensity.

Situational tasks:

    In what cases is the driver required to give warning signals?

    Under what conditions is it allowed to drive a vehicle in reverse?

    In what places and in what way is parking of vehicles allowed?

    In what places is it forbidden to turn the vehicle?

    What should a driver do if a vehicle has slowed down or stopped before an unregulated pedestrian crossing?

    What should a driver do when approaching a stopped vehicle with hazard warning lights on and bearing Child Carriage signs?

    When is a driver prohibited from entering a railroad crossing?

    In what cases does the tram have priority at intersections?

    What should a driver do when turning left at a regulated intersection?

    What is the procedure for driving through unregulated intersections?

Plan for the current assessment by module

Module task: Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to drive on low traffic roads.

Basic module actions

What evidence will be collected

Testimonial Examples

Assessment Methods

Prepare the car for the start of the movement, drive onto the road from the adjacent territory

Move in the traffic flow, on turns, ups and downs, stop and start the car on various sections of the road and in parking lots

Perform oncoming traffic in narrow passages, rebuilding, avoiding obstacles, overtaking vehicles

Move on bridges and overpasses, pass places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings

Pass regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction

Pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, U-turn for movement in the opposite direction

Document 5. Module implementation algorithm

Module name: Be able to drive on low traffic roads.

Module task: Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to drive on low traffic roads.

    Prepare the car for the start of the movement, drive onto the road from the adjacent territory.

    Move in the traffic flow, on turns, ups and downs, stop and start the car on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

    Perform oncoming traffic in narrow passages, rebuilding, avoiding obstacles, overtaking vehicles.

    Move on bridges and overpasses, pass places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

    Pass regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, and a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction.

    Pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction.

Characteristics of students:

Age at the end of training - 18 years; the gender of the driver of the vehicle is not regulated; medical restrictions are regulated by the List of contraindications of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Learning environment:

    Duration - 36 hours (12 hours per week for 3 weeks).

    Trainers - a teacher and a master of industrial training from a driving school.

    Place of training - classrooms, training routes.

Plan of the education

Lesson #1-1

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking


Methods/materials -

Practical task

Lesson duration- 6 hours.

Lesson #1-2

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking


Methods/materials -

Practical task- start moving and drive onto the road from the adjacent territory, move in traffic, on turns, uphill and downhill, stop the car and start moving on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

Lesson duration- 2 hours.

Lesson #1-3

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking

Target- to form skills in leaving the road from the adjacent territory, driving in traffic, on turns, ups and downs, stopping and resuming traffic on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

Methods/materials -

Practical task- prepare the car for the start of movement, start moving and enter the road from the adjacent territory, move in traffic, on turns, uphill and downhill, stop the car and start moving on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

Lesson duration- 4 hours.

Lesson #2-1

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings


Methods/materials - mini-lectures, watching videos (slides), independent study of theoretical material, solving thematic problems (tests), consultations.

Workbooks, a student's journal, educational and methodological literature, electronic teaching aids, examination tickets, teaching aids (multimedia, screen-sound, information-controlling).

Practical task– solving thematic problems (tests), modeling various traffic situations on an electronic board.

Lesson duration- 6 hours.

Lesson #2-2

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings


Methods/materials - practical training on a computer simulator.

Practical task

Lesson duration- 2 hours.

Lesson #2-3

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings

Target- to form skills in rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Methods/materials - demonstration of actions on the module, practical exercises on a training vehicle.

Practical task- move in the traffic flow, change lanes before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, moving along bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Lesson duration- 4 hours.

Lesson #3-1


Target -

Methods/materials - mini-lectures, watching videos (slides), independent study of theoretical material, solving thematic problems (tests), consultations.

Workbooks, a student's journal, educational and methodological literature, electronic teaching aids, examination tickets, teaching aids (multimedia, screen-sound, information-controlling).

Practical task– solving thematic problems (tests), modeling various traffic situations on an electronic board.

Lesson duration- 6 hours.

Lesson #3-2


Target -

Methods/materials - practical training on a computer simulator.

Journal student, computer simulator.

Practical task– pass regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction; pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction.

Lesson duration- 2 hours.

Lesson #3-3


Target - to form skills in assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, determining the order of passage of regulated and unregulated intersections, fulfilling the requirement to “give way” in various traffic situations, driving a car when switching traffic lights (changing signals of the traffic controller), choosing speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection during turns and U-turns.

Methods/materials - demonstration of actions on the module, practical exercises on a training vehicle.

Student's magazine, training car.

Practical task– pass regulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction; pass unregulated intersections in the forward direction, with turns to the right and left, a U-turn for movement in the opposite direction.

Lesson duration- 4 hours.

Lesson scenario

Module A1: Driving on low traffic roads.

Lesson #1-1

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking

Target– to form knowledge in the field of starting and exiting the road from adjacent territories, driving techniques when driving in traffic, on turns, uphill and downhill, at a stop, choosing a safe distance and interval, requirements for road signs and markings, the order in which vehicles are located on the roadway, stopping and parking rules.

Methods - mini-lectures, watching videos (slides), independent study of theoretical material, solving thematic problems (tests), consultations.


Teacher tells, using technical training aids, about the order of starting to move and exiting the road from adjacent territories, driving techniques when driving in traffic, on turns, uphill and downhill, when stopping, choosing a safe distance and interval, requirements for road signs and markings, order the location of vehicles on the roadway, the rules for stopping and parking, simulates various traffic situations on an electronic board; gives homework; controls the solution of thematic tasks by students, evaluates the results of tests.

student studies the procedure for starting to move and exiting the road from adjacent territories, choosing a safe distance and interval, the requirements of road signs and markings, the procedure for placing vehicles on the roadway, stopping and parking rules; performs homework, draws up a workbook, solves thematic tasks (tests); the test results, together with the teacher, are entered into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 6 hours.


    Solve thematic tasks in sections 8,9,10,12 of the Rules of the road.

Lesson #1-2

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking

Target- to form skills in leaving the road from the adjacent territory, driving in traffic, on turns, ups and downs, stopping and resuming traffic on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

Methods - practical training on a computer simulator.

materials- a student's journal, a computer simulator.

shows, using a computer simulator, the procedure for entering the road from the adjacent territory, movement in traffic, on turns, ascents and descents, stopping and resuming movement on various sections of the road and in parking lots; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the task.


Lesson duration- 2 hours.


    Repeat sections 8,9,10, 12 of the Rules of the road.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #1-3

Start of movement, movement in the traffic flow,

stop and parking

Target- to form skills in leaving the road from the adjacent territory, driving in traffic, on turns, ups and downs, stopping and resuming traffic on various sections of the road and in parking lots.

Methods -

Materials - student's magazine, training car.

Master of industrial training shows the procedure for entering the road from the adjacent territory, driving in traffic, on turns, uphill and downhill, stopping and resuming traffic on various sections of the road and in parking lots; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the assignment and compliance with the Rules and traffic safety.


Lesson duration- 4 hours.


    Analyze the actions of drivers on the roads, being a pedestrian or a passenger in a vehicle.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #2-1

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings

Target- to form knowledge in the field of rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and passing vehicles oncoming traffic, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Methods - mini-lectures, watching videos (slides), independent study of theoretical material, solving thematic problems (tests), consultations.

materials- workbooks, a student's journal, educational and methodological literature, electronic teaching aids, examination tickets, technical teaching aids (multimedia, screen-sound, information-controlling).

Teacher talks with the use of technical teaching aids about the order of rebuilding, overtaking, avoiding obstacles and oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings, simulating various traffic situations on an electronic board; gives homework; controls the solution of thematic tasks by students, evaluates the results of tests.

student studies the procedure for rebuilding, overtaking, bypassing obstacles and passing vehicles on the opposite side, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings; performs homework, draws up a workbook, solves thematic tasks (tests); the test results, together with the teacher, are entered into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 6 hours.


    Repeat the training material in the workbook, make extracts in the workbook from the Rules of the Road.

    Solve thematic tasks in sections 11, 14, 15, 18 of the Rules of the road.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #2-2

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings

Target- to form skills in rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Methods - practical training on a computer simulator.

Materials - student's journal, computer simulator.

Lecturer (master of industrial training) shows, using a computer simulator, the procedure for rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the task.

student performs a practical task; solves situational problems; doing homework; the results of the tasks, together with the evaluator, enters into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 2 hours.


    Repeat sections 11,14, 15, 18 of the Rules of the road.

    Analyze the actions of drivers on the roads, being a pedestrian or a passenger in a vehicle.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #2-3

Overtaking, oncoming traffic, passing pedestrian crossings,

stopping places of route vehicles,

railway crossings

Target- to form skills in rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings.

Methods - demonstration of module actions, practical exercises on a training car in real traffic conditions.

materials- a student's journal, a training car.

Master of industrial training shows the order of rebuilding before turns, U-turns, when overtaking, avoiding obstacles and difficult oncoming traffic of vehicles, driving on bridges, overpasses, passing places of stops of route vehicles, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the assignment and compliance with the Rules and traffic safety.

student observes the actions of the master of industrial training; performs a practical task; solves situational problems; the results of the task, together with the master of industrial training, enters into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 4 hours.


    Analyze the actions of drivers on the roads, being a pedestrian or a passenger in a vehicle.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #3-1


Target - to form knowledge in the field of the rules for driving through regulated and unregulated intersections, the actions of the driver in response to traffic lights and the traffic controller, the requirements of priority signs, assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, choosing the speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection when turning and turning.

Methods - mini-lectures, watching videos (slides), independent study of theoretical material, solving thematic problems (tests), consultations.

materials- workbooks, a student's journal, educational and methodological literature, electronic teaching aids, examination tickets, technical teaching aids (multimedia, screen-sound, information-controlling).

Teacher talks with the use of technical teaching aids about the rules for driving through regulated and unregulated intersections, the actions of the driver at traffic lights and the traffic controller, the requirements of priority signs, the features of assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, choosing the speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection when turning and turning, simulates various traffic situations on an electronic board; gives homework; controls the solution of thematic tasks by students, evaluates the results of tests.

student studies the procedure for passing regulated and unregulated intersections, the actions of the driver in response to traffic lights and the traffic controller, the requirements of priority signs, assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, choosing the speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection when turning and turning; performs homework, draws up a workbook, solves thematic tasks (tests); the test results, together with the teacher, are entered into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 6 hours.


    Repeat the training material in the workbook, make extracts in the workbook from the Rules of the Road.

    Solve thematic tasks in sections 6, 13 of the Rules of the road.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #3-2


Target - to form skills in assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, determining the order of passage of regulated and unregulated intersections, fulfilling the requirement to “give way” in various traffic situations, driving a car when switching traffic lights (changing signals of the traffic controller), choosing speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection during turns and U-turns.

Methods - practical training on a computer simulator.

Materials - student's journal, computer simulator.

Lecturer (master of industrial training) shows, using a computer simulator, the procedure for driving through regulated and unregulated intersections; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the task.

student performs a practical task; solves situational problems; doing homework; the results of the tasks, together with the evaluator, enters into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 2 hours.


    Repeat sections 6, 13 of the Rules of the road.

    Analyze the actions of drivers at intersections, being a pedestrian or a passenger in a vehicle.

    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

Lesson #3-3


Target - to form skills in assessing the traffic situation when approaching a regulated and unregulated intersection, determining the order of passage of regulated and unregulated intersections, fulfilling the requirement to “give way” in various traffic situations, driving a car when switching traffic lights (changing signals of the traffic controller), choosing speed and trajectory of movement through the intersection during turns and U-turns.

Methods - demonstration of actions on the module, practical exercises on a training vehicle.

Materials - student's magazine, training car.

Master of industrial training shows the order of passage of regulated and unregulated intersections; controls the student's performance of a practical task, after which he proposes to solve situational problems on this topic; evaluates the results of the assignment and compliance with the Rules and traffic safety.

student observes the actions of the master of industrial training; performs a practical task; solves situational problems; the results of the task, together with the master of industrial training, enters into the student's journal.

Lesson duration- 4 hours.


    Record the results of the work performed in the student's journal.

    Prepare for a complex practical task.

Application No. 4


  1. Oleinikova O. N., Muravyova A. A., Konovalova Yu. V. Analysis of the need for skills: Methodological guide. - M.: Alfa-M, 2005. - 142 p.
  2. Oleinikova O. N., Muravyova A. A., Konovalova Yu. V., Sartakova E. V. Development of modular programs based on competencies: Textbook. - M.: Alfa-M, 2005. - 288 p.: ill.
  3. Muravieva A. A., Kuznetsova Yu. N., Chervyakova T. N. Organization of modular training based on competencies: A guide for teachers. - M.: Alfa-M, 2005. - 96 p.: ill.
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