Searching for a sponsor for financial assistance. Where and how to find sponsors? Finding and attracting a sponsor for a business or project Letter to the sponsor for financial assistance

1). Sports sponsorship levels

The literal definition of a donor is a person or organization that provides funds for a project or activity carried out by another person or organization.

Here are the four most common levels of sponsorship.

Level 1. Gift/Donation – An individual or organization provides funds for a specific purpose. In essence, this does not impose any obligation on the athlete, other than natural gratitude, expressed in the form of a letter or public recognition. Don't forget to thank everyone who helped you!

Level 2. Trade Sponsorship – A local store or company provides the athlete with gear/equipment, free or at a discount.

Level 3. Amateur Sponsorship – Free or discounted gear/equipment plus some reimbursement for travel and competition expenses.

Level 4. Professional Sponsorship – Equipment, expenses plus additional fees.

It is clear that most of us would like to immediately receive sponsorship at the professional level. However, it pays to be mentally prepared to go all the way, from Level 1 to Level 4. As you rise from level to level, you earn trust, experience and the necessary knowledge of how to negotiate with your future sponsors.

Also remember that not all sponsors are created equal. The levels above are just for reference. Each company, corporation, organization has its own sponsorship rules. For example, a sponsorship from Nike will be very different from a sponsorship from a local sporting goods store - even though they are technically the same Level 2.

Before we answer the question of what it means to be sponsored, we first need to understand why companies become sponsors. Here are some reasons why companies sponsor athletes.

2). What does it mean to be sponsored by a company?

  1. The image of these athletes is associated with representatives of the company's target audience.
  2. These athletes can attract and generate positive reactions from different demographic groups.
  3. These athletes can positively influence the image of the company and its products.

In a nutshell, companies look to get an ROI - return on investment - for their sponsorship. In the case of a contribution, the act of helping and supporting another person brings joy to the contributor. But for Tier 2-4 companies look to gain back what they have invested in sponsorships.

In short, companies hope to recoup their investment in sponsorships. In the case of Level 1 - Gift/Donation - the sponsor simply receives pleasure from his act of support. But at Level 2 and above, the company expects to benefit from its investment in sports sponsorship.
When a company sponsors an athlete, they are looking for someone whose image and qualities will complement the company's image. This means that if an athlete is hardworking and dedicated to the sport, he can get the support of a company that wants to demonstrate that he has the same qualities (hard work and dedication). Consumers choose products recommended by a particular athlete because of that athlete's reputation in the eyes of the consumer. If a consumer has come to trust, respect, and admire that athlete, they may feel the same way about the sponsoring company the athlete represents.
What does this mean for the athlete himself? He must understand that being sponsored means:

  1. Please speak well (and hopefully sincerely) about the company and its products.
  2. Mention your collaboration when communicating with the press.
  3. Train hard and increase your sporting achievements.
  4. Participate in company promotions online and offline.
  5. Advertise the company by placing its logo on your equipment, page on social networks, etc.
  6. Attend events organized by the company.
  7. Publish exciting sports news and statuses on social networks, adding the sponsor’s logo and a link to the sponsor’s website.

3) How to find a sports sponsor

You can look for a sponsor in a variety of ways, and very often the sponsor is where you least expected. Here are some possible approaches.

  1. Get recommendations - search for a sponsor through family and friends
  2. Conduct an active search – Call, send emails, make inquiries to various companies.
  3. Attract - make sponsors pay attention to you.

Of course, we would all like the last option to work, and for companies to come to us with proposals. But, as with Sponsorship Levels, you need to start by looking for recommendations and work your way to the top.

Among your relatives and friends there may be someone associated with a company that supports athletes. To obtain sponsorship this way, you need to do two things:

  1. Tell everyone that you are looking for a sponsor.
  2. Ask for this information to be shared.

Very often people forget about these two simple steps. Most athletes take it for granted that their inner circle is aware of their affairs. However, make sure your friends and family know you are looking for sponsorship. Running a campaign will help unite friends and family around your goals. They will be able to support your campaign by spreading the word and making donations.

2. Conduct an active search

Applying to a company where you don't know anyone can seem scary, although there is nothing to be afraid of. We offer the following methods to help attract the company's attention:

  1. "Machine gun" method: You create a standard email in which you introduce yourself and the purpose of your contact. Using this template, you send an email to all possible companies.
  2. "Sniper" method: You contact each company individually. This method can be more effective because in the letter you can state the reasons why this particular company should be your sponsor. (Hint: These should be reasons that are good for the company, not you. “I don’t have money to go to the competition” is not a valid reason. “The spectators of these competitions represent the company’s target audience. Your sports history and achievements are consistent with the company’s values (you will have to look at their website, advertising and find these values)” - a good reason) .

Important people in the company:

  1. Marketing director. The head of marketing almost always manages the budget for marketing activities, which include sponsorships.
  2. Director of State and Local Relations. This is especially true for companies operating in the local market and interested in establishing connections with the local community.
  3. Head of sponsorship programs. This position can be in a large company; in smaller ones, all sponsorship activities are supervised by the heads of the marketing department.
  4. Brand manager. There are such specialists in large companies operating in the consumer market.
  5. CEO.If you know that the head of the company is passionate about sports, or, more importantly, your sport, then it makes sense to try to contact him personally. But in such cases, it is best to get a recommendation from a third party..

How to contact the company?

  1. An email/letter explaining why you are applying, plus a short story about your athletic career.
  2. Follow-up call to the company to ensure that the letter was received. When you call, try to arrange a personal meeting to discuss your proposal in more detail.
  3. Organize a meeting to present to the potential sponsor all the benefits of working with you.

3. Attract

One way to get the attention of potential sponsors is to create a community of supporters and followers on social media. To build a community, you need to post interesting and engaging information related to your sport or another area of ​​your ongoing interest. Use MAKEACHAMP, Facebook, Twitter and post there regularly to build a group of supporters. In the future, you can profitably use this community to attract sponsors.

4) Sponsorship opportunities

1. Corporate sponsorship programs.

Many companies have already developed sponsorship programs, with questionnaires and requirements. You can find them with a simple search in Yandex and Google. Also, the next time you go to a sporting competition, pay attention to the banners and logos in the hall, in printed programs, on the competition website, and on the equipment of other athletes.
Traditionally, athletes are supported by companies that produce and sell products for sports and a healthy lifestyle. Also pay attention to food and mass market manufacturers. Car dealers. Companies in the oil and gas sector.
We advise you to conduct serious research on the Internet, find a description of existing sponsorship programs and send applications to participate in them. Also remember, if once your candidacy went unnoticed, nothing prevents you from applying again and again when you better know the company’s requirements and make the necessary changes to your profile.

2. Agencies providing services in the field of sports marketing.

Whether you have sponsors or are just starting to look for them, working with a specialized agency or agent will be beneficial. They will help you design your sports image and take on negotiations with sponsors. Search the Internet for relevant agencies and propose your candidacy to them.

3. Crowdfunding campaign on MAKEACHAMP

Running a crowdfunding campaign on MAKEACHAMP is a great way to not only get the funding you need, but also attract the attention of potential backers. Throughout the campaign, you'll have to be super active on social media and grow your support group. The more people know about your campaign, the greater the chance that your future sports sponsor will be among them.

The reasons are different for everyone. Some do not see their life at this stage in marriage and raising children. Others need the financial support of a wealthy man, and, realizing that in return they can offer their company, beauty and pleasant communication, they go in search of a sponsor. A student is looking for a sponsor in order to dress beautifully, pay for housing and studies, and a working girl is looking for a sponsor to improve her standard of living and get away from routine.

Why does a man agree to sponsor a girl?

Some wealthy men simply lack female communication and attention. But they do not need any relationship, except for rare meetings. They have the opportunity to help financially, and they are looking for girls who are ready to exchange this help for their communication and campaign. The student is looking for support, and the man is looking for communication. Other wealthy men have already started a family or a girlfriend and do not want to lose them. But for variety, they prefer to communicate with several girls. In this case, the most convenient option for them is to find a lover with content or a girl for rare meetings.

Whoever you are: an athlete, a scientist or a startup entrepreneur, no matter what level in the social hierarchy you stand at, finding a sponsor who can bring you significantly closer to your goal is available to absolutely everyone. It's no secret that in the capitalist world nothing happens for nothing. In order to find a sponsor, your guardian angel in the business world, you need to offer him something in return. However, this process is labor-intensive, requires special dedication from those in need of investment, and the search itself has a number of pitfalls. For all people starting their own business, the answer to the question of how to find sponsors will soon become less mysterious.

Relationship between sponsor and sponsored

At the first stages, all this looks simple, you just need to provide your services to the company in exchange for some benefits, but this only at first glance seems so trivial. In exchange for the starting capital received, you give your patron the right to use the fruits of your thinking, your capabilities in the most promising type of activity, in his opinion. In addition, having received a lucrative contract, the user of capital will be forced to fulfill a number of additional obligations. The goal of this approach is a kind of symbiosis - mutually beneficial coexistence based on receiving from each subject what the opposite subject wants, and vice versa. For example, you receive various products, necessary software, various types of insurance, and the business sponsor you have found expects a return from you, its dividends, interest on the money invested in you, but this is not always expressed in monetary terms. In most cases, these are your ideas, talents, the fruits of your human capital formed over the years of your life. In any case, you need to sell part of yourself based on the company’s marketing demand, and if you have nothing to offer, then the target audience is chosen incorrectly.

Sponsor information

Demonstrating your abilities in a specific area will help solve the problem of how to find sponsors, as well as partners in this project as an additional source of ideas that can adjust your project for modern business. It is worth remembering that patrons always pursue their own goals, and it does not matter what you ask from him in return. Sponsors want to know that the group of people they support have common ideas and directions of movement, so knowing this, they can adapt to the selection criteria. In the modern world, time is much more important than money, because even the GDP value is subject to a period of time equal to one year, which indicates the importance of this parameter in economics and business. Knowing early who to contact and who not to contact will save a lot of this precious resource. It is most logical to start your search with local investors, which can reduce transaction costs. If the company has not worked with projects like yours before, then the possibility of financing is minimal. And there is no need to go around in roundabout ways, trying to establish connections; you must clearly define the vision of your future patron of the arts.

Start of negotiations

Once the company has been selected, or you already know where to find a sponsor, try to start negotiations. It’s best to start by contacting the marketing director, and if there is no such position in the company, then try to establish contact with the manager himself.


It is worth remembering that philanthropic companies sometimes have sponsorship managers, and there are also entire product development departments that promote the company’s products to the market through advertising. If you have the opportunity to appear on television, then these departments will be interested in sponsorship injections into you, and you thereby provide them with a passive demonstration of the company's products or services, which is what famous football players do when they appear at press conferences with aluminum cans from Coca -Cola", then from Pepsi.

Correct presentation is the key to success

Once the investor phase has passed, the potential project sponsor should be aware of the main goals of your idea, plans for the future, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour own capabilities, as well as the benefit the patron will receive in the future as they support your startup. But more details a little later, and now we’ll talk about the performance process itself. The presentation should follow the "10-20-30" rule. This means showing 10 slides in 30 fonts for a 20 minute presentation, of which only 5 are allocated to your presentation and the remaining 15 minutes to answer questions. Remember that the time it takes to prepare a presentation speech is inversely proportional to the time it takes to present your idea to an investor. You will need to demonstrate your public speaking skills to the best of your ability. Competent half ensures the passage of the idea into the sponsorship basket.

Project presentation plan

Now about what should be in the presentation. Attracting sponsors begins with justification for the project. At this stage, it is most logical to provide a description of your capabilities and abilities, including a resume. If there is, then you can provide your previous successes, as well as plans for the future with a possible demonstration of a video file, which will help you save nerves in the office of a potential partner, because no matter who you are, the excitement will be present. Then you need to justify the benefits that the sponsor will receive from your cooperation with him. Let's imagine that you are the founder of a large video hosting site, which is visited by millions of network users every day, so the company from which you want to receive funding will begin to promote its products on your site with the help of advertising, and you will begin to receive your margin from this. Next, you can present existing alternatives for obtaining benefits for you. This could include insurance, cash, transportation costs, labor costs, etc. If in your project the patron has additional opportunities ripening in his head from a deal with you, then this is the basis for further fruitful cooperation. Let's imagine that your volleyball team is so successful that it goes to the World Championship, which is a sin for an investor not to take advantage of, so the more your project can attract viewers, the higher the likelihood of funding your idea.

What and how to ask

Another help in finding a sponsor for a business is asking correctly formulated questions, so you need to know what to ask. Never use the “punch the bull in the head” tactic. Try to take an agile approach using real data. In this case, the expression “cunning as a fox” comes in handy. Expecting millions of dollars from a patron is foolish, especially when you don’t know whether your offer meets your own needs. In this regard, carefully study the history of the company's sponsorship activities so that you know what to ask for in return. It is best to ask for something that costs the company nothing, and this depends on the specialization of the organization itself.

Possibility of loss of funding

Don't forget that you can either find sponsors or lose them. Every patron is different. Everyone has their own goals and expectations that you will need to meet. You should have some common interests in a joint business with him. Accordingly, you need to constantly adjust your actions if you really need an investor. If you are a very famous and influential person, then relationships with sponsors rest on your authority, because this allows them to have additional income, but as soon as your fame begins to fade into oblivion, then the NVP from your cooperation with investors will approach zero, which can destroy your contacts with them. Remember, after the deal is concluded, you are the personification of their company, so you need to live up to the image in which the money was invested. It is also worth remembering that if your project, which was initially social in nature, suddenly turns into a commercial project, then the image that corresponds to the views of society will also be shaken. You shouldn’t refuse the company’s offers to participate in various promotions; it’s beneficial for both of you.

Mistakes in the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored

It’s good if the cooperation between you and the sponsor is mutually beneficial. However, finding sponsorship to make this equality a reality is very difficult. In most cases, the advantage of one side will be greater than the other. At the moment, there are no ways to accurately assess the effectiveness of the project for both parties, so it is extremely difficult to calculate losses and benefits. Let's consider the specific reasons for non-receipt of investments. Firstly, when drawing up a business plan, all the requirements of the philanthropist were not taken into account, which may cause termination of cooperation. Secondly, if during the presentation it turns out that you are considering various forms of financing, this indicates that you do not know what you want. Thirdly, your actions must be interconnected with all subjects of your project activity. And there are a lot of such examples, so it’s enough to be a responsible person.


In conclusion, it is worth recalling that sponsorship is not advertising, since it is only an engine of trade. By concluding an agreement, you will begin to advertise the company's trademark. Remember how to properly enter into a dialogue with your future partner, how to negotiate, and also do not forget what place the presentation has at this stage. If you ask a patron for something, then let it be something that he can easily say goodbye to, and this requires good prior knowledge. Always look for a way to find a compromise and meet the expectations placed on you. If you follow the guidelines listed here, the question of how to find sponsors becomes less cloudy.

Urgent financial assistance— a set of measures involving the provision of financial support in a short time. As a rule, the period of accumulation of the required amount is 1-2 days (sometimes more). Obtaining such financing is possible from several sources:

  • Free - from friends, charities, crowdfunding sites.
  • With interest - microfinance organizations, individuals, banking institutions, pawnshops.

Below we will look at where to find urgent financial assistance and what are the features of the available options.

What to do when you need very urgent financing?

The hardest thing is when you need money within 1-2 days. The reasons may be different - the need to pay off debts, contribute funds for a child’s education, purchase a necessary item at a discount, pay for medications or surgery. There are many situations when an urgent solution is required, but the ways to solve the problem are limited. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Family and friends. If you need real and very urgent financial help, we “hide” our pride and go ask for money. To achieve results, it is important to follow simple tips - clearly explain the reason for the request, state the specific amount and state the return period. At the same time, obligations to a person must be fulfilled.
  • MFO. Another way to save yourself in a difficult situation is to contact a microfinance organization. The advantages of this option are undeniable and include the following: high speed of loan issuance (up to 30-40 minutes), absence of strict requirements for papers (passport and Taxpayer Identification Number are enough), availability of a loan via the Internet. The funds received can be received in a convenient way, for example, to the card of your banking institution, account, EPS wallet, and so on.
  • Pawnshop. When considering where to urgently find financial assistance without prepayments, it is worth highlighting a pawnshop. The idea is to pledge a certain item and receive 50-70% of the market value for it. The advantage is that the assessment and transfer of funds occurs in a short time (up to 10-15 minutes). As a result, a person receives “real” money, and in the future there are two ways - to return the amount received with interest and withdraw the funds, or to keep the cash for yourself, forever saying goodbye to the property pledged as collateral.

How to urgently find financial help from a wealthy sponsor - the best sites

Today, billions of dollars go to charity every day. In this case, funds pass not only through special organizations (funds), but also through the Internet. There are many help pages created on the Internet that allow you to urgently and free of charge find the required amount for various purposes. People collect money for a dream, treatment, surgery, car, apartment and other things. There are no restrictions on the Internet, which allows you to solve any financial difficulties.

It is worth noting that people here are seeking real financial assistance, but they will not be able to receive it very urgently. The reason is that it takes time to write and post an ad, and subsequently wait for monetary support from other people. On average, the implementation of a project takes up to 1-2 months, but much depends on the amount required, the history and activity of the person in need.

The best site to host a fundraising page is The advantages are the absence of payment, the presence of step-by-step instructions for creating and adding an ad, the convenience of the interface and the absence of any limits for users. Finding a wealthy sponsor and getting help to pay debts to debtors, treatment or other tasks is not difficult.

Life in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city, exhausting work and modest holidays at domestic resorts - not every girl is happy with this prospect. But not everyone will be able to live in abundance, devoting all their time to career growth, completely forgetting about worldly goods and entertainment. Most of the fair sex dreams of a beautiful life and mountains of gold without much effort. Holidays at the best resorts, travel around the world, a comfortable life without thoughts of making money - how to make these dreams come true? It’s very simple – meeting male sponsors. But where can you find a wealthy partner who will generously thank his companion for communication, because such men do not lie around on the street? Specialized dating sites with rich daddies will help with this.

Which dating site to choose?

Searching for a rich man on the Internet is one of the most common ways to achieve your goal. And this is not surprising! After all, most successful men simply do not have enough time to find a companion in real life, but everyone wants to have a submissive beauty at their side who is not ashamed to show to friends and partners. That is why the number of dating sites for successful men and their keepers is growing rapidly. But which ones are the best and how to avoid being scammed? Our rating of popular services will help you understand these issues, where girls can easily find a male sponsor in Moscow and far beyond its borders.

Above we have presented you with a list of the most popular sites with successful men. All of them are carefully tested by us and meet all reliability requirements:

  • Confidentiality of personal data - all information used during registration, including your mobile phone or email, will be available only to site administrators.
  • You do not have to indicate your first and last name in your profile, limiting yourself to an invented nickname.
  • Your profile will not be available to unregistered users.
  • You can search for a sponsor using private advertisements for services.
  • All correspondence with other users remains strictly confidential.

RatingDatings presents only high-quality dating sites with daddies, after reading the reviews of which you can choose the most suitable option for yourself according to your requirements and wishes. But to make your search as productive as possible, you should take into account a few of our tips.

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