Secrets of organizing an interesting pajama party

The idea of ​​home pajama parties came to us, of course, from America - it is there that girls of all ages practice this way of communication and entertainment. Often, pajama-party is timed to coincide with some event: for example, a bachelorette party, women's birthday, new year, or just an evening without a reason.

This way of holding parties will bring novelty to the usual scheme of holidays, will create a relaxed atmosphere and relax well at home.

It all starts with an invitation

How to organize a pajama party? First of all, you need to start creating the right mood, which begins with an invitation. Of course, you can always agree on the time and place of the event in words, but it’s much more interesting to send bright invitations in thematic style to your friends.

It is exciting to make such postcards with your own hands, but if there is no time for this, then it is quite possible to get by with printed templates from the Internet - here you will be presented with a large collection of choices. Indicate the date, place and time of collection, also add what you need to bring with you - for example, a toothbrush, pajamas, a sleeping bag or a blanket.

Festive outfit

What doubts there can be, well, of course, it will be pajamas! Of course, this should not be the good old pajamas in which you indulged in sweet dreams for more than one night. It is advisable to pick up something bright, cute, funny, maybe even a little daring, depending on what the party is about.

Don't forget about fun accessories like pajama hats, colorful hair ribbons, flirty headbands or cute bunny slippers. A couple of curlers can be woven into the hairstyle, which will add color to the image.

Room decor

In order for a house party to be bright and unforgettable, it is very important to work on the “decorations”, because it is precisely what surrounds you that sets the right direction for the mood. How to arrange a real pajama party? Balloons, a table with sweets, which can contain lollipops, lollipops, funny cookies, small cakes and so on, will help you cope with the right atmosphere.

Also suitable are star-shaped decorations that can be hung on the ceiling and walls, it is desirable that they be made of phosphorus, which will allow them to glow in the dark. Take care of blankets, pillows - they should be according to the number of guests, spread them directly on the floor, on sofas and armchairs.

Electric garlands are also suitable, it is strictly forbidden to use overhead lighting, small lamps and table lamps, sconces, as an option, will create the best atmosphere.

It would be useful to stock up on serpentine, crackers, soap bubbles - all this will give mood and decorate photos if, for example, you decide to capture your party.

Other important points

What else should you think about when organizing a girls' pajama party? Well, of course, about the treats! Naturally, this should by no means resemble a standard feast with heavy salads and hot dishes.

The maximum that can be at such a party is a small buffet table, which will accommodate light snacks, such as canapes, fruits, berries, small sandwiches or pizza for the especially hungry. Don't forget about drinks - make sure you have tea or coffee, milk, juice or cocoa will also work.

If this is, for example, a bachelorette party, then, for sure, alcohol is supposed - the best choice would be champagne, martinis or light types of wines.

Take care of the dishes - it's better if they are plastic - and it's easier to clean, and there will be no risk of breaking anything, because a pajama party does not involve gatherings at the table, everyone is placed where they are most comfortable. Ideally, if you pick up special festive plastic dishes - colored cups and plates will add positive to the party.

What else? Well, of course, entertainment! So that your celebration does not turn into a dull eating of sandwiches, it is important to think over the games and the program for the evening. For example, if the company is going to be completely female, you can do joint hand-made, for example, sew eye pads for sleeping, all the patterns are on the Internet.

If you prefer a more active holiday, then arrange a real fashion show in pajama outfits, as a result of which the best pajamas or the best look will be chosen. You can give each other a manicure or do other spa treatments - face masks, scrubs and so on. Another option is to test out new makeup trends – try your hand at being a makeup artist!

You can play games, for example, a crocodile or "Mafia", and if your strength runs out completely, sit back and watch some good movie. Another essential attribute of any pajama party is, of course, real pillow fights!

By the way, Twister is suitable - another option for outdoor recreation. Be sure to think over the musical accompaniment of the party, who knows, maybe you will arrange a real disco in pajamas?

In addition, you can arrange a fun photo session, where it is easy to capture the brightest and most unforgettable moments of your evening! In order to determine in advance which of the recreation options your guests will like, it would be useful to conduct a preliminary blitz survey.

As you understand, for any party to be perfect, only two components remain important - a good company and a great mood! So everything is in your hands! Good luck!

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