Scenario for a New Year's corporate party for a small company. Scenarios for a corporate party for the New Year: funny scenes, fairy tales with jokes, competitions and riddles

The scenario contains an option with a banquet hall, the number of employees is 20 people. If your event is for more people, then just add a few.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snegurochka (they are also presenters), employees.

Props: gifts for participation in the competition, scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers, 3-4 hard-boiled eggs, cards with dance names and song titles, auction lots, men's shirts, men's gloves, glass jars , coins.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall to the music.

Father Frost :
We came to you today
We'll have fun with you
I wish everyone, friends,
Smile and get drunk!

Snow Maiden :
Grandpa is joking, out of the way,
Apparently the old man is tired
Good evening dears,
The hour of miracles is now!

Father Frost :
The most important, first toast,
Your boss will say,
He brought you gifts
The most important leader!

(The director of the organization makes the first toast, with which he opens the holiday)

Snow Maiden :
They say it's the year of the rooster
It will be bright and cheerful,
Are your friends waiting for him?
Is the house full of gifts?

Father Frost :
I'm already waiting for this year
Maybe I'll find my grandmother
Maybe someone younger
I'll take it and love it!

Snow Maiden :
Me too, I’m dreaming here,
To replace grandfather,
So that on a holiday with the newlyweds,
Come under my arm!
In general, I wish everyone
May your dreams come true,
Please accept my congratulations,
We are starting the holiday!

Father Frost :
And let's start with you, perhaps.
From menu selection to table,
You will compose it,
Well, I’ll help you eat!

Competition "New Year's Menu".
3 participants are selected. Everyone must name as many New Year's dishes as possible using the given letter of the presenter. For repetition - relegation. The winner will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
So, we decided on the menu,
You need to raise your glass,
And now the accountant will be
Congratulations to your team!

(The accountant says)

Father Frost :
This is what I thought, my dear Snow Maiden, how do you feel about the fact that I will give you my New Year’s gift in 2018?

Snow Maiden :
I don’t understand something, what does it mean that I have to wear an old fur coat for another year?

Father Frost :
But what difference does it make, they don’t value you for your fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Maybe not for a fur coat, but that doesn’t mean a new one isn’t needed! And although, as you know, I’ll host the next corporate event naked, but what’s the difference?

Father Frost :
Don't get angry, otherwise you'll melt! There will be a fur coat!

Snow Maiden :
Why did you start the conversation?

Father Frost :
Yes, just to keep the conversation going! Somehow we got distracted.

Snow Maiden :
So, we have decided on the menu, it’s time to decide on the alcohol that will be on the festive table! But the whole difficulty is that in order to stage it, we need to solve the riddle.

(Alcohol riddles. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Riddle options:
1. The national drink of all times,
Passed through copper pipes,
Often cooked on the stove,
Well, you name it.

2. Burns the mouth and throat,
But at the same time they drink together,
Usually served in glasses
But they also drink from glasses.

3. Subtle aroma, what a bouquet,
Beautiful color and tartness, sweetness,
Stays in barrels for many years
Well, have you guessed it yet?

4. Sometimes ladies drink a drink,
Adding juice and ice
And it contains something like grass,
Sometimes it hits my head.

5. Quenches thirst, gives a belly,
Goes well with fish
Everyone understands perfectly well
Malt will be included there

7. They often drink it with cola,
They also pour it into barrels,
The most important for pirates,
Sometimes it costs a lot.

8. Goes great with tonic,
The taste is sometimes unusual
Drink with lemon and ice
No friends, I'm not talking about rum

9. Rich aroma and color,
And we have no one closer to us than him,
It plays so easily in a glass,
And the stars always shine

10. Bubbles and gases,
They play in a glass,
We're like aristocrats
Well, who can guess

(Riddle options may be different)

Father Frost :
And now, my congratulations,
Friends will read to us,
Those who are also in leadership
And you can’t live without them!

(Toasts are made by department heads, or one on behalf of everyone)

Snow Maiden :
Stand together, stand in a circle,
You all join hands,
In a round dance you are friends,
Spin around in no time!

Competition "Moonwalking round dance".
All participants stand in a circle. One is selected and stands in a circle. The participant’s task in the circle is to squat down and, while everyone is dancing in a circle, move and repeat: “I am a little moonwalker.” Whichever participant laughs first will take a place in the center of the circle.

(The presenters announce a musical break lasting 10-15 minutes)

Snow Maiden :
And now, I give my word,
To all employees now,
We want to hear a toast from you,
At this moment and at this hour!

(Employees read out)

Father Frost :
There were rhymes and dances,
And now we are waiting for the show,
The most fashionable, New Year's,
Who are the ready friends among you?

Competition "New Year's Dress Up".
3-4 participants are selected. Everyone is given the same set: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers. The task is to make a rooster costume from a set and parade in it. Execution time 3 minutes. The best costume will receive a prize.
You will need: scissors, colored ribbons, rain, tape, colored cardboard, marker, 4 scrapers.

Snow Maiden :
Let's drink to the coming year,
So that everything will be fine with us,
So that the year was the previous one,
May we be lucky in all matters!

Father Frost :
So that there is a lot of money in our house,
So that caviar stands on the tables,
To make all the neighbors jealous,
Only ashes remain from failures!

Snow Maiden :
So that you glow with happiness,
So that love lives in the soul,
So that all wishes come true,
For this, let's drink to the dregs, friends!

Father Frost :
Oh, I feel so good, I’ll sing now!

Competition “I Sing on Cotton”.
The task is as follows: all the guests at the table begin to sing together, clapping, any New Year's song. On the second clap they stop singing, but continue to sing to themselves; on the next clap they sing out loud. It will turn out very funny, since many simply will not fall into the rhythm.

Snow Maiden :
I think it's time for us to dance,
We'll set the rhythm now
There will be hot rock and roll
Let's start lighting it up now!

(The Snow Maiden announces a musical break for 15-20 minutes. Before the musical break, you can hold a dance competition)

Dance competition for girls “I dance everything in the world”.
Cards with the names of the dances are prepared in advance. 3-4 participants are selected. Each of them draws a card with the name of the dance. You have 2 minutes to prepare. All dances are performed to Russian hits of the 80-90s. There is a prize for the best performance.
Dance options for cards: hopak, Russian folk, salsa, lambada, cha-cha, cancan, striptease. Options for musical compositions (write on a separate card): N. Koroleva “Little Country”, E. Belousov “Girl, Girl”, E. Osin “A Girl Crying in the Machine”, A. Varum “Winter Cherry”, Combination “Ksyusha, Ksyusha ", Na-na "Faina", A. Apina "The knot will be tied."
You will need: cards with the names of the dances and the names of the songs.

Father Frost :
Do you know who is the coolest in your team? So I don’t know, I suggest you find out!

Competition "There is no cooler".
Only men participate in the competition. 3-4 people are selected from all participants. Place a plate of hard-boiled eggs on the table (according to the number of participants). The host announces that one of the eggs is raw (although this is not the case). Participants must take turns breaking their egg on their forehead. The tension grows with each egg, and the audience's spirits rise.
You will need: 3-4 hard-boiled eggs.

Snow Maiden :
As this competition showed,
That everyone in the team is equal,
We drink to the dregs for equality,
You are all cool, well done!

Father Frost :
And now the auction
Let's organize it for you, friends,
We will distribute gifts
You can't miss the moment!

Announced " New Year's auction».
The presenter shows the lot and sells it for the highest price. Each lot may have its own price and not always monetary.
You will need: lots.

Lot options (may be different):
1. A bottle of champagne with the inscription “Corporate party 2018. Thank you for being with us.” (Starting price from 50 rubles)
2. Day off during the week. (Starting price from 150 rubles)
3. The right to be in the role of director. (Starting price from 250 rubles)
4. Not going to work after winter weekends. (Starting price from 500 rubles, or fulfillment of the presenter’s wishes)
5. The opportunity to leave work 2 hours earlier.
6. Possibility of being late for work by 2 hours. (Starting price from 200 rubles)
7. 3 days off during the week. (Starting price from 600 rubles)
8. Daily praise from the director throughout the week. (Starting price from 700 rubles)
9. Dinner at the director’s expense in any restaurant. (Starting price from 1000 rubles)

(Such lots must be approved by senior management)

Snow Maiden :
Who knows how the Rooster crows?

(They answer her)

Snow Maiden :
Great. Let us all reproduce together! Since it is the year of the rooster, you still need to respect the bird and make it happy!

Competition “I’ll sing, I’ll dance, I can do anything”.
3-4 participants are selected. The task is to crow a given song and at the same time walk like a rooster. Whoever gets it right will receive a prize.

(After this, a musical break is announced. 20-25 minutes)

Father Frost :
I propose to drink for the New Year,
Let him bring with him,
Joy, happiness and luck,
Loot and good mood to everyone!

Snow Maiden :
Fun, passion, affection to everyone,
Let him bring wealth,
Let's have a drink with you, we are friends,
May good luck come to your home!

Father Frost :
But I’m wondering, how smart are the guys who work in this company?

Snow Maiden :
And this is what we will check now!

Competition "Nimble Fingers".
3 pairs are selected (man, woman). Men wear a men's shirt, and women are given men's gloves. The task of women is to button up their shirt while wearing gloves. Time to complete 1 minute. The one who can do it faster will receive a prize.
You will need: men's shirts, men's gloves.

Father Frost :
Let's drink to dexterity, friends,
We all always need it!

Snow Maiden :
Team spirit is always valuable
Let's check this out, gentlemen.
I ask you all to gather together,
It's time to prove unity!

Game "Coins".
Participants are divided into several teams. Each team receives a glass jar and coins (according to the number of participants). The goal is to toss your coin without using your hands or mouth. The team that throws in the most coins will win. Place jars at a distance of 2 meters.
You will need: glass jars, coins.

Snow Maiden :
I offer you a drink for you,
You are so friendly, so interesting,
May miracles fill every hour,
Always work together!

(A musical break is announced, during which a musical competition can be held. For example, you can hold a “Touch” competition. The conditions are simple. When a pause occurs, the presenter says what needs to be touched. For example, touch the nose, tree, leg, green, etc. .)

Father Frost :
Our holiday is coming to an end,
It's time for us to part,
I congratulate you from my heart,
Happy year of the bird - the Rooster!

Snow Maiden :
Lastly, you need to drink
To consolidate desires,
So that the Rooster brings good luck,
So that we can live well!

It is important to remember that the roles need to be played out, the hall decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, and that thoughtful musical accompaniment is the key to a fun holiday.

It seems that the new year is still far away, but autumn is already coming into its own. And it’s not far from winter. Many responsible companies have already booked corporate event spaces for their employees. If you haven’t done this yet, now is the time to get involved.

If you prefer to celebrate the upcoming holidays in a close circle of colleagues right at your workplace, then a comic holiday scenario, which we bring to your attention, will help unite the team. This scenario for the New Year's corporate party 2017 is also suitable for celebrating in a restaurant.

Let us recall the main rules of the New Year's corporate party:

  • it must correspond to the symbolism of the coming year;
  • it must contain jokes directly related to the specifics of your office;
  • finally, remember that you still have to work with these people, and the most important person after any corporate party (especially New Year’s) is the one with the photographs.

Concept of New Year's corporate party scenario

The most logical thing would be to use the hero of the occasion - the fiery Rooster - as the main character of the party. Considering that he is also one of the favorite heroes of Russian fairy tales, we propose to organize a real performance with the participation of Russian fairy-tale characters, whom the presenters will choose from among their colleagues.

Advice! It is not difficult to get the costumes of the heroes - they can be rented at the theater for young spectators, which is located in almost every city.

So, to organize the holiday you will need the following costumes:

  • Rooster;
  • Princesses;
  • Prince;
  • Frog princesses.

Advice! You can introduce other characters from ancient Russian fairy tales, which will make the evening even more interesting.

At the same time, it is by no means necessary to follow the traditions of only one fairy tale. It will be more interesting if you make a performance based on several Russian folk epics at once. Another advantage of this scenario for the 2017 New Year at a corporate party is that you don’t need to study a lot of fairy tales. Nobody needs precision here, the main thing is fun and enthusiasm.

Approximate version for 2017 Year of the Rooster

A scenario for the New Year 2017 for a corporate party with jokes is a great option to please your work colleagues. The presenter appears before the public dressed as a fiery rooster, which in itself should bring smiles to his colleagues.

Host: Good evening, dear guests! How should you celebrate the New Year, whose patron is the noble bully Fire Rooster and the most warlike planet of the galaxy - Mars? We will be organizing Cock Fights!

Dear friends, now you need to split into two teams. The guests sitting on my right hand will be part of the first team called KOKE (rooster in Japanese), respectively, on my left hand the second team will be formed - QIQI (rooster in Chinese).

So, the first competition task! Checking the proud position of the Rooster's head. I invite three participants from each team. Pairs of opponents stand opposite each other, straighten their shoulders, crane their necks and, looking into the opponent’s eyes, loudly pronounce the name of their team. Of the pair, the one who doesn't laugh first wins.

The award “for perseverance” is a keychain with the image of the holiday symbol.

Host: And I see you guys are not a mistake! Well, I have a more difficult competition for you. Each team must choose a captain who goes to the center of the hall.

The rooster is a bright bird; it is rare in nature to find two representatives of the order of birds with a similar color.

Teams, attention! In a minute you must dress up our main “Roosters” in traditional colors: black, red, orange, yellow and green, etc. Don't skimp on clothing and jewelry! The team whose captain is more colorful will win.

The reward “for the right stage image” is a gift certificate for the purchase of clothes in one of the city stores.

Presenter (with a feigned dissatisfaction, looking at his plumage): I don’t know who came up with this whole circus, but I didn’t sign up to play the role of a chicken! (Hereinafter - in a dramatic tone). For what kind of “shoals” of mine in work am I destined for such a fate?! Although, if you remember...

While the Rooster frowns, remembering the shortcomings of his everyday work, the presenter in a princess costume comes to his aid.

Presenter (in a whisper, shushing the Rooster with displeasure): What are you doing! We didn't agree like that! (further - loudly, addressing the audience with a smile): Good evening, dear guests! Try our New Year's treat! While there is still an opportunity to enjoy this year, don't miss it! May the next year bring us all fruitful successes in our work, and may our friendly team unite even more so that the acting manager can be proud of us!

Presenter (finally coming to his senses): Don’t listen to her! She says this so that she can find the Prince faster! 2017 should be dedicated exclusively to yourself! Spend time, money, attention only on yourself! Don't chase anyone or anything!

Presenter (blocking the Rooster): Since we touched the Prince, we need to find him! Prince! Prince, where are you! Let's all call him together!!!

Colleagues modestly begin to chant: “Prince.”

Presenter (parodying): Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Presenter: Look! Yes, here he is! He slipped into the crowd so that no one would find him!

Everyone present looks around in bewilderment. What is most perplexing is the young man whom the Presenter approaches!

Host: There you are, old man! Why are you letting our princess down like this? Or is she not pretty? Or not a prick on the tongue? And dressed up in what - you won’t even be recognized! No, friend, this is not the way to celebrate the New Year! Go and change clothes.

The rooster takes the newly-crowned prince backstage, where he changes into the prince's costume. As a prop, he is given a bow and arrows.

Meanwhile, the princess entertains the audience:

Presenter (dreamy): Previously, before joining our wonderful team, I was bewitched by an evil wizard and was in the guise of a frog. But the arrow, accurately fired by the brave prince, saved me, and now I am with you. Let's remember how it was.

Presenter (approaching the most cheerful representative of the team (preferably a man)): Come follow me!

Backstage, the host gives him a frog costume.

The Prince and the Frog emerge from behind the scenes to the stormy air of the crowd.

A scene plays out between the frog and the prince, who do not understand what to do, which only makes it funnier. The presenters leave the stage.

Presenter (approaching the frog): Now you can compare! It was - it became. Or expectation is reality. Whoever likes it. Take photos quickly!

Presenter: Residents of the kingdom! A new decree has arrived! Starting in the new year, we are shortening our working hours and abolishing the dress code!

Presenter (shushing the Rooster): Don't listen to him! He deliberately misleads you in order to set you up, while he himself does everything right. And now we invite our acting director of the company to tell us all parting words for the New Year 2017!

Speech by the head of the company.

Presenter (looking sideways at the leader): Dear Executive Director, You understand that all my words about work and labor are all just jokes. And finally, I would like to wish that during working hours all fairy-tale characters turn into hardworking bees, working for the benefit of the team!

Games and competitions

Of course, the 2017 New Year's corporate party would not be complete without a script, but cool games and competitions wouldn't hurt either. So, any scenario can be diluted with a couple of fun games and competitions to diversify the party. We also recommend taking breaks to continue the buffet table, which are best done with musical accompaniment.

For all competitions, you need to stock up on prizes in advance - lollipops in the shape of cockerels.

Competition "Mr. World"

The rooster, as you know, loves to show off. Therefore, it is advisable to hold a beauty contest among men. They will have to parade along an impromptu catwalk in front of a women's team, which, after consultation, will choose the most sophisticated dandy. Everything is taken into account - the ability to present oneself, gait, costume, smile, comments and gestures of the contestant.

Competition "The most unusual outfit"

The Rooster is such a dandy, so we suggest you dress up for this competition as brightly and awkwardly as possible. To do this, you need to first stock up on the necessary details:

  • feathers;
  • ladies' hats;
  • straw hats;
  • colored scarves;
  • shawls, etc.

Each contestant walks down the catwalk in their chosen outfit, and a strict jury raises the ratings boards. The owner of the most awkward outfit receives a cool prize - an ice cockerel.

New Year is one of the most amazing and long-awaited holidays! Not only children, but also adults who also want to believe in miracles are looking forward to it!

Give your colleagues a real fun winter fairy tale, or rather, several new fairy tales that will not only give your work friends the opportunity to have fun, but also show off all their talents and abilities! This funny scenario for a cheerful company, with musical accompaniment, artistic transformations, and jokes will turn it into a real unforgettable event.

Cool converted fairy tales for corporate New Year parties for adults, here you can download for free. Have a great time participating! An unforgettable experience awaits you!

New Year's fairy tale “Teremok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  1. The designation “teremka” requires making a square measuring 2x2m. Height 20 cm. The frame can be made of cardboard.
  2. A large beach umbrella on a stand will represent the roof.
  3. Additional props: mop, plate with spoon, centimeter (measuring).
  4. Recording light instrumental music (for background), rhythmic dance music (Disco Crash - New Year is rushing towards us).
  5. A bag with cards that describe roles, moods, emotions:

1 card:

Who? - Mouse.

Which? - Nervous, hysterical. He always shouts his “pee-pee-pee!” loudly!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Mops the floors

2 card:

Who? - Frog.

Which? – Stern, persistent, unhurried. Your “Kwa-kwa!” pronounces like an opera singer.

What is he doing in Teremka? - Feeds you lunch.

3 card:

Who? - Bunny.

Which? - Cheerful, nimble, mischievous. After every jump, his tail wags!

What is he doing in Teremka? – Measures clothing parameters with a centimeter.

4 card:

Who? - Chanterelle.

Which? - Sexy, flirty. Sexily purrs: “Urrrr!”

What is he doing in Teremka? - Flirts, seduces.

5 card:

Who? - Gray wolf.

Which? – Confident, daring, a sort of “decider”, he came to the “showdown”. He coughs as if he was coughing: Cough, cough! Cough cough!

What is he doing in Teremka? – He attacks everyone all the time and threatens!

6 card:

Who? - Bear.

Which? – Smiling, kind, loves everyone very much! He says his “RRRRR” as if he’s saying “I’ll catch up!” I’ll catch up!”

What is he doing in Teremka? – He climbs in to hug and kiss.


  • Presenter (folder with the script);

To somehow designate all the characters so that they are recognizable, just a few elements in clothing are enough.

  • Mouse (headband with ears and tail, apron);
  • Frog (put a green frill (collar) on your clothes, you can also wear green gloves, a chef’s apron and a cap);
  • Bunny (headband with long ears, small tail);
  • Chanterelle (yoke, red collar and fox tail);
  • Gray wolf (dressed like a hooligan, unbuttoned shirt, gold chain around his neck, purse (like in the 90s) on his side, cap, cigarette in his mouth);
  • Bear (on the head is a hat with round ears, a vest, warm knitted socks, large galoshes).

Scene #1

Host: Dear friends! New Year is always a return to childhood. How long have you read the children's fairy tale “Teremok”?

The guests answer: A long time ago!

Host: Do you remember? What was happening there?

All in unison: Yes!

Host: If I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure! Do you want us to check it? Or let's remember everything together?

All in chorus:

Host: I need six volunteers!

Selects the most colorful ones from the audience: the tallest, the shortest, the thinnest, the fattest, etc.

Host: Who would you like to play in this fairy tale?

Participants speculate.

Host: Well, that would be ideal, but here at our fabulous New Year’s corporate party there are miracles everywhere. Even the most ordinary fairy tale can turn into an interesting and unforgettable action! Pull it out of the bag and see who will be who!

Without looking, participants pull out cards indicating who and what they should be in this fairy tale. It will be funny when the biggest person gets, for example, the role of Mouse! Or the frailest one - the role of the bandit Wolf or Bear!

They are taken away and assistants dress them up in elements. The participant who will play the Mouse is given a mop, the Frog is given a plate and spoon, and the Bunny is given a tailor's centimeter.

The disguised artists go out to the Presenter, who tells the task.

Host: So, in our cool remade fairy tale, only I speak! You portray your hero in all known and possible ways. The bunny jumps to Teremok, the frog jumps, etc. You can and even should make the sounds of your character, demonstrate his behavior and manners.

All this is done taking into account the emotions and mood that are written in your card. And one more thing: once you get to Teremochek, if you suddenly hear this kind of dance music (the chorus of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident”), you must, again, taking into account your given mood, perform the actions that were indicated on your cards!

Viewers are welcome. And the main condition is that all actions are performed only in interaction with each other! Are you all going to live together?

Participants agree. They leave.

Scene #2

Light instrumental music plays in the background. As soon as a new hero appears in Teremka, dance music is briefly turned on, to which they will perform each of their actions.

Host: So, dear friends, sit down comfortably! Now you will hear and at the same time see a completely new fairy tale called “Teremok”.

In one of the very nice dacha cooperatives, someone took and built a very neat little Teremok!

(Helpers take out a cardboard frame representing the Teremok. In the middle, instead of a roof, they place a large beach umbrella on a stand.)

Presenter: The Little Mouse was running past, on her important business (the “Mouse” runs out, hysterically yelling “PEEP-PEEP!”).

The Mouse was surprised that there was such a treasure, and no one lived there! She ran around Teremok three times (the mouse runs around), and, making sure that there were definitely no owners there, she moved into it! (The mouse steps over and immediately begins to wash the floors).

The Frog-Frog also jumped along the same path, along the same road! (The participant portraying the Frog jumps, singing “Kwa-kwa!” in an operatic style.)

When I saw Teremok, I couldn’t help myself! She came closer and asked Mouse if she could live there with her?

- Come in! It will be more fun together! – she answered and let her friend into Teremok.

Dance music turns on and the frog begins to feed the mouse, which washes the floors under its feet.

Presenter: From afar, the Jumping Bunny heard the smell of a delicious lunch! (Bunny gallops) And when he came to him, he saw Teremok and was stunned! Oh, how he wanted to live in it! Is it possible? – asked the Bunny.

- Can! - Mouse and Frog waved invitingly and ushered the new tenant into Teremok.

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse must wash the floors under the feet of its neighbors, the Frog must feed everyone in turn, and the Bunny must take measurements from both the Frog and the Mouse.

Host: The main party girl, Vixen, also joined in on the fun! (The participant in this image comes out with a sexy gait, purring) Well, who wouldn’t like this kind of entertainment? Of course, she asked to live in Teremochka! And the owners weren’t against it!

Dance music is turned on: the Mouse washes under the Frog, the Bunny, the Fox, the Frog feeds everyone in turn with a spoon, the Bunny measures everyone, and the Fox dances sexily in front of everyone.

Host: But, as in life, so in a fairy tale, nothing is so simple: hearing the noise and din, smelling the delicious smells wafting from the windows of Teremochka, the Wolf came to the house. (The Wolf comes out imposingly, coughing. He approaches Teremochka). Well, again, how this happens in life, he didn’t really ask! He opened the door with his foot and walked in!

Dance music is turned on: everyone does their own thing, and the wolf “runs over” everyone in turn.

Presenter: The frog, seeing such a thing, stopped right next to Gray and let’s feed! And he - “run into”! It is not known how it would all end, but then the Bear walked past.

(Smiling and playfully growling, the participant who plays the Bear comes out).

Presenter: The Bear approached Teremochka and looked at how the animals were having fun there! How they wash cleanly, how they spoon-feed, how they measure joyfully, how they dance sexily! Even Mishka immediately fell in love with the Wolf and his attacks! Entered Teremok and let's hug and kiss everyone!

To the tune of dance music, everyone goes about their business with everyone else, and Bear hugs and kisses everyone on the cheeks!

Host: You may ask why he didn’t ask the residents for permission to live? What for? After all, this is HIS Teremok! He built it for himself! And when I saw such a cheerful company, I immediately decided to live and leave them all here!

Dance music is playing. All heroes interact with each other, constantly changing partners.

Corporate New Year's fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way”

Props and scenery:

  • To stage the fairy tale “Kolobok”, it is necessary to make the facade of a Russian hut with opening window shutters from plywood or thick cardboard.
  • The house needs to be beautifully painted in the Old Russian style.
  • Forest elements: decorative bushes, stumps, etc.
  • Recording of “backing tracks” of music of different nations: for the scene in the house of the grandfather and grandmother - an old Russian melody, for the scene with the hare - a rap beat, for the scene with the wolf - Georgian tunes, for the scene with the fox - Chinese, for the scene with the bear - harmonica playing.


  1. Storyteller (dressed in a Russian sundress and kokoshnik);
  2. Kolobok-Italian (on his head is a hat with a pompom and a long bright scarf);
  3. Hare - American (rapper cap);
  4. Wolf – Caucasian (thick mustache, airfield cap);
  5. Fox – Chinese (kimono, fan, matching make-up);
  6. Bear – Russian (earflap hat, accordion).

Scene #1

In the middle of the stage is the frame of a hut on supports. There is a chair behind. Old Russian music sounds. A storyteller appears in the window.


In one house, on the edge of the forest
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather with his old lady.
Grandma and grandfather in that hut
Suddenly they baked a bun.

The most beautiful gingerbread man,
Round, round, and ruddy.
He jumped off the stove at once,
He rushed off into the forest in the night.

Ran away from grandma
He ran away from his grandfather.
They're both crying, here's a hint
That's the beginning of our fairy tale.

Sit down, guests, make yourself comfortable,
Listen to the story in more detail.

Scene #2

Set forest elements. The bun comes out and dances. The music is in rap style.


Our bun is not simple,
He is not Russian, not native.
Look, he's dressed to the nines!
Because he's Italian.
Humming independently
Something like “bravissimo!”

(A hare appears on stage).

And a hare meets him,
He appears to be American.

The hare raps:
Hello, Kolobok, where have you come?
Whom did you look for and who did you find?
I know you ran away from your grandparents.
You came to me, I was waiting for you!

(Music turns off)


The bun rolled
Along the path, through the woods!
And then according to our fairy tale
The gray wolf comes out
Caucasian nationality!

(Georgian chants sound, the Wolf comes out)

Such a serious man
With gray, rough, prickly bristles.

Gray ox:

Uh-uh, buddy, where are we headed?
I won’t let you go further until we support the feast together!
Not accepted in our area,
Stay hungry when visiting!


The table is set, the guests are sitting,
To the left, to the right, toasts sound more beautiful!
“For the hare! For grandma! For grandfather!
And we won't let you go until lunch.
Don't be offended, he says, you're on ME!
You will be a snack on our table!

Our little bun thought.
And he slipped away on the quiet!
(Music turns off)

He goes and is a little sad,
Suddenly he hears an accordion sound!
(The sound of an accordion plays)
He sees that it is neither far nor close,
A clumsy bear comes out to him!
Plays music, plays,
And the bun is already eating from afar.

(The bear comes out.)


He came closer and smiled.
He swallowed his saliva and licked his lips.


Well, that's it, the bun has rolled in!
And it turned into my lunch.
Shut up, I won't listen!
How I want to eat!


Kolobok was not a little scared!
He turned around, dodged and ran!
I'd roll as fast as I could, if only I had them!
So the branches hit me in the face and hit me!

(Music turns off)

And then his strength ran out,
And the scary moments ended.
The bun smiled and shook himself off.
He turned around through his ruddy side.
Here he goes further slowly
And suddenly meet a beautiful fox!

(A Chinese melody plays and Lisa comes out to it)

Our bun was stunned by its beauty!
Lost for speech, he sat down on the ground.
This could only happen to him
Only he could fall in love with a fox!


Come closer to me
Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!
I want to take a look, my friend,
Your ruddy, bready side.
I want to get to know you!
Or rather, rather, gobble it up!


The fox jumped on the bun,
She grabbed her sides with her claws!
And let's torment him,
And at the same time humming.


Stupid, stupid bun,
Your head is round
Who needs you as a friend?
Everyone needs you like food!

(Music turns off)


This would be the end of the fairy tale,
But here's another tip of mine:
He rolled through the forest for so long.
That his barrel has already hardened!

And when the fox attacked him,
She just broke her teeth!
For your business, evil predator!
Appreciate those who have great love for you.

Everything is clear now without further ado,
In life, great and universal love conquers evil!
Ending: all the heroes come out to bow to applause.

Kolobok returned home,
Kohl remained alive in our fairy tale!

New Year is one of the most important holidays in the life of every person. Any self-respecting enterprise or firm will organize an event within the team in honor of him. This measure promotes cohesion among employees and allows them to get to know each other in a completely informal setting, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the organization as a single organism. In order for the holiday not to become an ordinary and boring event, corporate party for New Year 2017 must be thought out to the smallest detail, and the organizers are required to take a responsible approach to their work. You can create a holiday program yourself, this will require a rich imagination and a good sense of humor accompanied by a sense of tact; if there are difficulties with this, then there are many ready-made scenarios that can turn ordinary gatherings at the table into a real holiday. If you don’t have many organizational skills, you can turn to specialists and they will arrange everything for you, based on the client’s wishes and requirements.

The corporate party scenario for the New Year 2017 involves not only an interesting plot, but also funny competitions that will cheer up everyone present. Do not forget about symbols, the coming year 2017 is marked as the year of the rooster, based only on this fact you can come up with many comical and very cool stories. If you don’t have time for this, you can use a ready-made script, adjusting it to your taste and discretion.

An interesting scenario for a corporate party for the New Year 2017.


  • Snowman
  • Santa Claus
  • Snow Maiden
  • Baba Yaga
  • Rooster

Easy-to-understand music plays in the hall, setting a festive mood. The guests take their seats and communication begins.

Very little time passes, and a young man appears in the form of a rooster and tells all the guests present about how Baba Yaga, resorting to a cunning plan, stole Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, gifts and the New Year itself! After which guests are invited to provide assistance in solving the problem that has arisen. To do this, you need to get the old woman drunk in order to reduce her vigilance to zero. This will have to be done as follows:
Everyone present begins to come up with all sorts of synonyms for the word “get drunk.” The last one who can voice the original word receives some kind of encouragement.

Synonyms can be very different, such a competition will bring back memories of all the comical situations associated with alcohol and will undoubtedly lift the spirits of everyone present. After presenting the prize, you can take a break with soft music playing in the background and allow the guests to continue chatting.

After the break, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear in front of everyone present, the rooster joyfully greets them and suddenly, warily, even cautiously, creeps up to the key character in the attire of Santa Claus. Further, according to the New Year 2017 corporate party scenario, the following conversation takes place:

Rooster: As soon as I see it, a spy has appeared among us! You don’t look like our Grandfather Frost, your beard is not the same, and your clothes are foreign! Why did you come, and who sent you? Answer!
At this moment, the rooster can grab Santa Claus by the breasts with undisguised pressure. Here the Snow Maiden intervenes

Snow Maiden: So it is, so it is, it’s not Father Frost, but our dear guest Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Ho, hoo, hoo! Cool down, Rooster, it's okay. I am here with you, and Santa Claus is on exchange in Lapland.

The rooster lets Santa Claus go and says with relief: Wow! Well, you scared me, and I already thought that our Grandfather had disappeared.

Snow Maiden: Eh, Cockerel, if only you knew... Santa and I managed to escape, but the witch kept all the gifts. She just sat on our bag and stayed on it... What would a New Year be without gifts!?

Rooster: Puzzled... Well, what can we do, we’ll have to cheer up the drunken grandmother. This is the only way to divert her attention, then I can bring this bag. The task, however, is not an easy one; I don’t know of any fun competitions to carry out my plans.

Santa Claus: Don't worry so much! I know a great many competitions! And our Snow Maiden will definitely support me and provide the necessary help.

Rooster: Oh, I don’t believe it will work! Oh, I don't believe it! After all, you, Santa, are a foreign guest, don’t forget! An old lady who is drunk may not understand your humor. The difference is in mentality, you know.

Snow Maiden: come on, Cockerel! He can handle it, after all, our man!

Rooster with undisguised distrust: I doubt something...

Snow Maiden: Santa, come on, prove it!

At this moment, an assistant from the hall carries out a delivery with a filled glass and a snack, which he serves to Santa Claus.

The rooster perked up: Don’t push too hard, I believe, I believe!

Corporate party for the New Year 2017: cool competitions.

The number of cool competitions can be different, it all depends on the allotted time and the number of guests. The main thing when holding them is not to deviate from the given scenario, then the corporate party for the New Year 2017 will be held with due enthusiasm and will be interesting to everyone present, coming to its logical conclusion.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it and not to drive your guests to death. It is mandatory to have breaks between competitions to eat and rest.

Dance with balls.

The competition is in pairs, men inflate balloons, and women tie them with threads so that they do not deflate. Most often, the competition is held to a slow romantic composition, but for a corporate party for the New Year 2017, a perky melody is also suitable.

The inflated balloons are placed between the couple and the dance begins. Correcting the balls with your hands, bursting them and dropping them means dropping out of the competition. The dance continues while the music is playing, at the end of which the participants must press themselves against each other so that the clap still occurs. The first ones who succeed are considered winners and receive a prize. Remember that a friendly environment is necessary, so applause and consolation prizes will not be out of place.

At the end of the presentation of prizes, Santa Claus and Snegurochka thank the participants and offer a little rest.

A pair for each.

The names of the animals are written on pieces of paper, each in duplicate, and placed in two piles with the same set of names. An equal number of men and women are called and draw one piece of paper at random. The task of everyone is to find their mate to the accompaniment of cheerful rhythmic music, without making sounds or words; you can only use gestures. The first couple to be “reunited” is considered the winner. It is advisable to guess those animals that are quite difficult to explain using non-verbal communication, this will make the competition much more interesting.

The best artist.

The competition is intended for girls. The participants are given a rope on which, while music is playing, the women will have to tie knots, trying to do it as carefully as possible and at the same distance. The winner is the participant whose result more closely matches the competition requirements than the rest.

Santa Claus presents incentive gifts. By the way, in order not to deviate from the script, it will be very good if Baba Yaga is played by a person with excellent charisma and theatricality. During competitions, you can have a fun time with funny comments and remarks from a harmful old woman.

Russian roulette.

All men present are invited and line up. The presenter holds a container with eggs in his hands and invites everyone, in turn, to break one of the products over their heads, explaining that one of the eggs is raw. It’s quite fun to watch how representatives of the stronger sex, before completing a task, try to stand more comfortably, so that in case of failure, they get as dirty as possible. The competition is usually accompanied by advice from ladies and frightened exclamations; in general, the atmosphere is quite cheerful. The catch is that there are no raw eggs among the props; they are all boiled.

Dance in the newspaper.

Pair competition. Men and women turn to face each other, take hands, and raise them to the sides. The presenters “pack” all the pairs, fastening the participants with newspaper above the shoulders, in the armpits and at the waist, using a regular stationery stapler. The contestants' task is to dance actively and rhythmically to cheerful music, while trying to damage the newspaper as little as possible. The winners are the most active pair with the least damage on paper.

At the same time, Baba Yaga can actively disturb the participants by getting under their feet, most importantly, without assault.


Participants are divided into pairs, the task of the men is to wrap their partner, to the accompaniment of sound, in the manner of a mummy, with toilet paper. As soon as the music ends, everyone present determines the most spectacular and attractive mummy. Subsequently, the melody is turned on again, this time the mummy must be unwound, allowing as few breaks as possible in the roll. The winner is the couple whose result is closest to the rules of the competition.

After two couples' entertainment, you can again take a short break, after which you can give the men the opportunity to express themselves in a friendly atmosphere.

Arm wrestling.

Since the evening is already in full swing, the atmosphere is friendly, the competition will be fun and without injury. Prizes should be given not only to the winner, but also to the first loser for courage and bravery, so to speak.

Don’t forget that breaks between cool corporate party competitions for the New Year 2017 can be arranged not only with musical breaks, but also by holding various quizzes that will be appropriate according to the scenario and the general theme of the holiday.

Queue for gifts.

You can involve all present guests. Participants are blindfolded and given a serial number. The task is to take your place in the queue according to your number, accompanied by cheerful music, without using verbal communication. The competition can be extended and made more interesting in the following way: after the chain has been built, the presentation of gifts is announced. It will be simply wonderful if gifts are addressed by personal name, and they are issued in accordance with the serial number. In this case, the person who takes the wrong place will receive someone else’s gift. You can use regular signed cards as a gift, for example.


The greater the number of participants, the more interesting the competition will become. People stand in a circle and take each other's arms, one of them holds a bottle between his legs, just above his knees. The task is to transfer the projectile to a neighbor without disengaging. The pair that fails to complete the task is eliminated. The competition should be accompanied by fast and cheerful music, as if urging the participants on. The last two players are considered the winners.

At the end of the competition, Baba Yaga may show up with a bag of gifts and present it to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with the words:

Baba Yaga: Wow, the damned ones had fun, the old lady had fun!

The main characters of the evening open the bag, and suddenly it turns out that it is empty and there are no gifts. Santa Claus, in a fatherly manner, consoles everyone present and, in return for missing gifts, promises the fulfillment of all wishes.

This stage of the evening can be carried out in the form of public wishes for each other of all kinds of blessings in turn, thereby securing a friendly atmosphere. After which the leading fairy-tale characters say goodbye to everyone present, thanking them for a great evening, and, wishing them all the best, take their leave. Santa Claus, in turn, finally promises that Father Frost will definitely return to his homeland by the evening of December 31 and personally congratulate all his compatriots.

This is not the entire list of cool competitions suitable for holding a corporate party for the New Year 2017. The evening program can be completed to suit every taste and color, everything will depend on the personal capabilities of the organizer and the time allotted for the holiday.

Corporate party scenario for New Year 2017 can be as varied as its completion. You can arrange a themed disco or take an unconventional approach and watch a famous film, for example, accompanied by funny comments from the heroes of the evening. It all depends on the possibilities and wishes, the main thing is to maintain a friendly atmosphere and mood of the holiday. Happy New Year!

Autumn is already a reason to think about what your New Year’s corporate party 2017 will be like. The coming year will pass under the sign of the rooster, so there are a lot of ideas for thought and creativity. We collected many of them in one place and we came up with a new scenario for the New Year's corporate party 2017 - the year of the rooster. Cool scenario, interesting ideas and a lot of laughter at your holiday. This is a New Year you will never forget. So watch and use the material.

Friends! 2016 is coming to an end. The rooster is already standing on the threshold and waiting for 2017 to rule. Are you ready to meet him?
There were so many good things in the past year. Let's remember everything that was good?
(guests remember and answer)
Yes, so many good things. But I am sure that the best is yet to come for everyone. Perhaps already in the new year, perhaps after some time.
I want to start our holiday today with the following poem:

I suggest not putting the matter in a drawer. And start having fun right away. And for starters, here's a fun dance game.

Dance game.

The participants of the game come out. Everyone gets their own role: chicken, cat, dog, sheep, goat, cow, tractor and others (watch the video).
When all the roles are distributed, then show everyone their movement. They repeat it and remember it. Then you turn on the song or video and the participants dance their movements when they are sung in the songs.
Watch an example of the game in the video:

Great! We warmed up. And we can continue playing. We danced, now maybe we can sing?

Competition - let's sing?!
Participants needed for the competition: 5 people. They will sing a New Year's song - a Christmas tree was born in the forest.
But you just need to sing it in a special way. The first one sings in rock style. The second one is in rap style. The third is in the style of chanson, the fourth in the style of opera, and the fifth in the style of Russian folk song. Then the other guests choose the winner.

2017 is already upon us. We found out that this will be the year of the rooster. I invite 18 people to the stage, and from them we need to make two teams of 9 people.

Rebuilding game.
And so, two teams of 9 people each. Each team has 9 letter signs. From these letters you can make a phrase: YEAR OF THE ROoster.
The host asks a question, and the teams must guess the answer. And make up a word. Whoever copes with the task receives one point.
Examples of questions for the game:

The year 2016 was the year of Russian cinema. Do you love movies? Do you often go to cinemas? This means you can easily cope with the next task.

Game - guess the movie.
In this video competition, guests guess films and TV series. A still frame from a film or TV series appears on the screen, and guests give their answers. But it’s not so simple: the actors’ faces are hidden under masks! When everyone has given their options, the next frame appears where the masks are no longer there. And everyone sees the title of the film. Who can answer correctly the most? He receives a prize - a collection of films about the New Year.

Now let's shout a little! And our chant will help us with this. I read the first three lines, and you all read the last one: we will celebrate the year of the rooster!


And now I ask everyone who was born under the year of the rooster to come up to my stage.

Comic game block - who was born under the year of the rooster?
Those are standing on the stage. Who was born under the year of the rooster? The presenter invites them to remember which famous people were also born under this sign. Then the presenter says:
- and the following people were also born under the year of the rooster: Alexander Suvorov, Socrates and Elton John! If so, then let's play these great people.
First, participants must play Suvorov. They are blindfolded and a picture of a rooster without a tail is attached to the wall. Participants are given a tail, which must be attached to the rooster.
Next we play Socrates. This is a great speaker; people listened to his speeches for hours on end. Therefore, each participant must say a toast that will be listened to and listened to, listened to and listened to... in general, you just need to say a beautiful toast in honor of the New Year.
And finally, let's play Elton John! Stop, don't be upset, we play differently. each participant must perform any New Year's song in the style of Elton John.

After all the tests, we give the participants memorable gifts in honor of their year.

Answer me this question: have you already had a fair amount to drink? Then you can move on to the intellectual game!

Intellectual game - what came first?
Everyone knows that there is still a debate about which came first: the egg or the chicken. We call the participants on stage, and they take turns offering their arguments in favor of one version or another. The funnier the version, the greater the chance of winning. The one who turns out to be the funniest wins.

And now I propose to raise our glasses and celebrate the New Year with the chimes ringing! Happy New Year!

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