The first days of a newborn at home

When a new person is born, another star lights up in the sky. Is this really true or is it another beautiful legend? But be that as it may, a new sun appears in the house, and around the baby, until he grows up, all the home planets will rotate: both mom and dad, and both grandmothers, and both grandfathers, and all other relatives.

For the appearance of a tiny newborn in the house, most often they prepare in advance. And if they are most often not in a hurry to buy hats, sliders and diapers until the baby is born, then they try to prepare a room or at least a corner in advance, they look after a stroller and a crib, a bath and scales, and future parents, if they don’t attend courses, then look for the most different information about how to care for a baby.

It would seem that there simply cannot be a lack of any information today, but any information is a theory, and when a squeaking lace envelope is in the house, it is not surprising to forget or confuse something. Of course, experienced mothers who already have at least one child will not be at a loss and know exactly the answers to many questions. But young mothers who have given birth for the first time often find themselves in some confusion.

However, a child is not a doll, and it requires every second attention, constant care and the ability to remember many things at the same time. Of course, the skills to care for a newborn will certainly appear, and this will happen quite quickly, but the first weeks after returning from the hospital can be quite troublesome.

Baby in the house: the main rules

When a newborn baby appears in the house, then the main, necessary and obligatory becomes so much that from this huge list you have to choose what is more important than everything else.

Who will help? Who will tell? After all, any theoretical knowledge turns out to be completely inapplicable in practice when a human being with a weight of about three and a half kilograms is looking at you (and it happens even less). Even very active and determined young women can be at a loss. You can not particularly count on the help of a spouse, because his courage extends to even less.

And that is why it is not only important, but archival and extra important, that there is someone experienced nearby who has already dealt with newborn babies and knows how to deal with them. Moreover, it would be nice if this person (and this could be a mother, a sister who already has children, a girlfriend or even a neighbor) was always there for at least a couple of days. During this time, the young mother will come to her senses, get used to the situation a little and master the most important practical skills that are simply necessary when caring for a newborn.

In addition, it is really important that everything necessary for the baby at this stage of his life has already been bought, washed, ironed, washed and disinfected and is not “somewhere in the closet” or “on that shelf”, but is really at hand, and so that not a single second and not a single nerve cell should be spent on searches.

Now we can move on to other very important points.

Feeding a newborn baby

The World Health Organization and all modern pediatricians of the world are absolutely unanimous when it comes to feeding newborns: even the best mixtures cannot replace breast milk, therefore, if lactation is normal, then only breast milk should be fed to the child.

It has long been known and repeatedly confirmed in many studies that breast milk for a newborn is not only food that provides a rapidly developing body with all the necessary nutrients, but also the most important defense against diseases, since the immature immune system of the baby is not yet able to reliably protect him from bacteria and viruses, and with breast milk, the baby receives the necessary protection.

Breast milk is sterile, it contains a lot of lactose necessary for the full development and growth, as well as a perfectly balanced composition of fats, proteins, amino acids. Contained in breast milk and all the necessary vitamins and minerals, including calcium, which is vital for growth and for the formation of all the bones of the skeleton, as well as for the full development of the whole organism.

But perhaps most importantly, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is sometimes associated with a baby sleeping in a parent's bed. There is no unequivocal and absolutely indisputable evidence of the dependence of SIDS on sleeping in the same bed with adults, but is it worth the risk if there is at least the slightest doubt? And there are many doubts about this issue.

Of course, parents determine the place for a newborn to sleep, but it will not be superfluous to heed the advice of doctors and scientists and take into account the experience of millions of families.

The newborn and the environment

What should be the air temperature in the room where the baby lives? Should this room be ventilated and how often should it be done? These questions are of interest to both parents and grandmothers, but many have their own point of view, which, unfortunately, is often far from correct.

As for the air temperature in the room, it should not fall below 20 ° C, but also above 22-23 ° C - this is too much. The room where the baby is located should not be hot, because too high a temperature in the room leads to the rapid multiplication of bacteria, to a decrease in immunity, which is still practically absent and is only at the formation stage, to restless sleep.

Of course, there should be no drafts in the room where the baby is located, however, airing the room should be mandatory and regular. It is ventilation that allows you to clean the air of viruses and bacteria, regulate the air temperature and slightly affect the humidity.

Ventilating a room does not mean making a tiny crack, slightly opening a tiny window for about three minutes, doing this procedure once a week.

Ventilate the room in which a small child lives should be several times a day.

The window for ventilation (and in the cold season, the window) should be opened completely and ventilated for at least ten minutes (if it is very cold outside, then at least five minutes). It is better to take the baby out of the room for the time of airing.

A very important parameter of the air in the room - humidity. Regulating humidity is a little more difficult, but there is also special equipment that allows you to humidify or dehumidify the air in the room, and proven "home" methods. For example, to increase the humidity in the room in winter, you can put wet towels on the radiators.

Such an indicator as the dust content of the air is also extremely important. To make the baby feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily. In addition, while the child is very tiny, it is better to remove any carpets and rugs, as well as everything that can attract and collect dust.

As for indoor plants, it is still better to remove them from the room where the baby is sleeping, because a lot of dust collects on the leaves, and the indoor plants themselves (and most indoor plants are exotic) can release substances that are not very useful for the child into the air. . When the baby grows up a little and gets stronger, all the flowerpots will be able to return to their place.

Very important for a baby. The duration of the first walk can be up to half an hour, then the walk will become longer and longer. Going for a walk, you need to take with you everything that your baby may need: spare diapers and diapers, drinking water, special baby wipes with chamomile extract, and other necessary items.

However, the walk will only be useful when there are no busy highways or other similar objects that pollute the air nearby. Of course, it is better to walk in the park or in the square, in extreme cases - in a quiet courtyard. If walking on the street is not possible, the stroller with the baby can be left on the balcony.

Of course, on a few pages it is impossible to tell about everything that a young mother should know, but experience will come very quickly, and uncertain movements will become dexterous and dexterous. The main thing is to trust your intuition, love the baby and listen to the opinion of the pediatrician. It is very important to ask about everything that raises even the slightest doubt, because the well-being of the crumbs may depend on the timely correct answer to even the most seemingly tiny question.

Attention! If you have any questions about the care of a newborn baby or about his health, you should immediately contact the pediatrician who is watching this child. The phone numbers of the doctor, the visiting nurse and the children's clinic, as well as the phone numbers of emergency medical services, should always be in a conspicuous place.


The baby was born - another star lit up in the sky. And this means that this baby can become a sports star or an opera star, a star in politics or diplomacy, a star in any field and industry. But so far it is such a tiny creature that even mom is afraid to touch it.

Of course, these fears will not last long and mom will quickly learn to swaddle, feed, and cut off tiny nails on miniature fingers, but other fears will appear: will she get a “couple” in the lesson, and won’t she fight in the yard, but didn’t forget whether to dine...

But is there any more pleasant chores and experiences than worries about your child? In the meantime, mom is worried about swaddling and feeding, about walking and airing, and even the eruption of the first tooth seems to her a very distant future. But the main thing that every mother should know is that the future of this baby, the future of the family, and the future of the country are in her hands now. And even the future of all mankind is now in the hands of a young woman who, with some apprehension, is trying for the first time in her life to change the diapers of a screaming treasure.

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