New dance show "Bolero": Complete guide to the project. Laysan Utyasheva: triumphant return to art Bolero performance with Laysan Utyasheva

BOLERO. Dance show by Laysan Utyasheva.

Big premiere! The only concert in Moscow. Only 1000 tickets on sale!

Date: May 21
Place: Moscow Musical Theater
Start: 20:00

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva is a theatrical and dance performance that will take viewers into a world where beauty and audacity of lines rule. No words are needed for mutual understanding, and emotions are read between the lines and expressed in bold body language. There are no boundaries here, and love can turn the world upside down, throw you off the throne and raise you from the ashes.

In the Bolero show gymnastics will appear not as a sport of the highest achievements, but will cross that thin choreographic line between femininity and sexuality. For the first time, the author's elements of Vogue New Way, high heel, modern and elements of gymnastics will gracefully intertwine in one dance. Under original music by Ryan Otter, specially created for the project, previously incompatible styles will become a single whole, and fantasies will become reality.

Only the most talented production directors in our country, Katya Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik, in company with the best dancers Russia.

Every image of the hero was thought out especially for Bolero. The arrogant message of the designer costumes will make the viewer think that he is at a fashion show in London. The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team can destroy any stereotype.

The digital graphics will be no less impressive, turning what happens on stage into an unforgettable performance.

At the center of the play is the story of a woman’s universe. “Goddesses” whose strength is incomparable to others, because her secret is in wisdom and weakness. She will be forced to accept the challenge and enter the fray. But will she be able to emerge victorious and become happy, even after losing everything?

Stage directors: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik
Dancers: Maxim Nesterovich, Anton Panufnik, Ivan Mozhaikin, Oleg Klevakin, Aykhan Shinzhin, Svetlana Kambur, Ulyana Pylaeva and Nikita Ansimov.
Author of original music: Ryan Otter.

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva is a premium class theatrical and dance performance with the winners and finalists of the show “Dancing on TNT” and the legendary Laysan Utiasheva.

Laysan Utyasheva is a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, six-time European champion, World Cup winner, multiple winner of Russian and international competitions, and also the host of the “Dancing on TNT” program.

At the center of the play is the history of a woman’s universe. “Goddesses” whose strength is incomparable to others, because her secret is in wisdom and weakness. She will be forced to accept the challenge and enter the fray. But will she be able to emerge victorious and become happy, even after losing everything?

In the Bolero show, rhythmic gymnastics will not be presented as an elite sport, but will cross the fine choreographic line between femininity and sexuality to the original music of Ryan Otter.

Every image of the hero was thought out especially for Bolero. The arrogant message of the designer costumes will make the viewer think that he is at a fashion show in London. The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team can destroy any stereotype.

(32) is a legend of Russian gymnastics, who has repeatedly proven to herself and the world that there are no barriers to doing what you love. In 2002, she received a foot injury, which resulted in serious problems with her legs, then she was told that the path to big-time sports was forever closed. However, Laysan not only returned, but also won another gold medal– in team competitions at the European Championships in 2004.

And now Utyasheva is preparing to conquer another peak: on October 1, the premiere of her first own dance show with elements of gymnastics will take place in Kazan. And we were the first to come to the team for training and watch how the guys were preparing for the premiere.

Why Kazan? The thing is that it was there that Laysan was supported at the very important point her sports career - at her first performance after two years on crutches and six surgeries. “To put it mildly, I was not in the best shape,” says Utyasheva. “But Kazan greeted me very warmly, and this gave me strength. And now, on October 1, I will show my friend city my adult project, which we have been working on for so long. This will be my confession." They plan to bring Bolero to Moscow only in the spring, but after the premiere in Kazan, the Laysan team will fly to Minsk (November 5), in early December they will be in Cyprus, and then even get to Australia!

Few people know that in the mid-2000s Laysan was a soloist of the Imperial Ballet under the direction of Gediminas Taranda and danced Bolero choreographed by Androsov. “It was always not enough for me to dance in a classical production. I always had many questions for the Goddess: why is she so cruel that she hides? I always wanted to live her life in my own way and convey her emotions and experiences to the viewer. Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva is modern version the same story. The show will have a lot of dances, including elements of rhythmic gymnastics, the author’s style of Vogue New Way, High Heel, modern and much more,” says Laysan.

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She assembled the team for 10 long years: “And now I was finally able to realize my plans with my loved ones and in in a good way this word by crazy choreographers Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik and a team of dancers: Maxim Nesterovich, Ulyana Pylaeva, Nikita Ansimov, Anton Panufnik, Ivan Mozhaikin, Oleg Klevakin, Aykhan Shinzhin and Snezhana Kryukova.”

On October 1, Kazan will be the first Russian city to see theatrical dance show Laysan Utyasheva "Bolero" The viewer is promised to be shown a sincere, passionate and, in some ways, perhaps even dangerous story of the Goddess: defeated, she is ready to rise from the ashes for one thing ─ true love. The legend of Russian and world rhythmic gymnastics, a real businesswoman ─ model and TV presenter, mother of two children, wife of Pavel Volya admits that in anticipation of the premiere she is as excited as if she is stepping on the gymnastics mat for the first time.

Laysan Utyasheva: I have been dreaming about “Bolero” for a very long time ─ since the time of collaboration with imperial ballet under the leadership of Gedeminas Taranda. I was a soloist in his production of Bolero, and even then I wanted to better understand the goddess - her cruelty, her actions. I searched for ten years, and finally I was able to realize my plan with my beloved and, in a good way, slightly crazy directors and choreographers Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Igor Rudnik and the second director of the project Nika Safonova. For them, the project is also an opportunity to appear in new role. We started rehearsing in the spring, and a lot depended on the music. It was important to get into exactly “those” emotions and find the right mood. I can tell you a secret that we built and tore down many times, rebuilt and rebuilt, but we never stopped. And we achieved the right emotions and sensations. Everything that will be on stage is the maximum truth.

What audience is the show addressed to? How and why did the 18+ age limit appear, and does this mean that children are not allowed in?

Yes! “Bolero” is not for the child’s psyche. There will be a lot of halftones and understatements: we want to give the audience the opportunity to speculate, to think out... This story is the story of a woman, strong and powerful, but at the same time very lonely. Everyone admires her strength and article, but everyone wants to get something from her. Left alone, this woman feels useless, and loneliness turns her inside out. She could be a good mother and wife, but... she is alone, and again picking herself up piece by piece.

In “Bolero” we will dance (that’s right!) about adult serious relationships, so it was better to introduce an 18+ restriction. In addition, you will need to immerse yourself in the history of “Bolero” without being distracted by trifles.

Bolero announces bold, daring suits. How can you characterize the overall stylistic mood of the show?

The costumes may seem strange to you at first, but this is exactly the fashionable fashion scene that you need to plunge into. We have developed a unique one specifically for each character. modern look, avoiding stereotypical concert costumes. It's better to see everything with your own eyes in the final version. For now I can only hint that at some point the viewer will feel like he is at a fashion show.

Why is the premiere taking place in Kazan? Which other cities in Russia would you like to bring the show to and why (perhaps you have special moments or memories associated with some of them)?

Kazan is my friend city, the city where I was supported at the most important moment of my sports career. I came there to perform after two years of walking on crutches and six operations, and was, to put it mildly, not in very good shape. Kazan greeted me incredibly warmly, and this gave me strength. The audience applauded, standing: “Thank you for coming back, and thank you for fighting.” On October 1, I will show Kazan my adult project. And after the premiere on November 5, we will perform in Minsk, on December 1 we will be in St. Petersburg, on December 5 in Cyprus, after which we will go to Australia, and on December 10 we will show a show in Yekaterinburg. You can view our poster and learn more about “Bolero” on the website.

I've been working towards this for so long that I can't wait to go on stage. For those who didn’t catch me in gymnastics, the “Bolero” show will be a big revelation, because they have no idea what physical capabilities a body can retain after 15 years.

Judging by commercial, the color scheme of “Bolero” is restrained, but at the same time expressive: black, red, gold. How harmonious is it for you in terms of perception and acceptance, and what colors do you prefer in everyday life?

On normal days I also choose black and red, so the Bolero colors are very close to me. In fact, when creating the color scheme for the show, we were inspired by the film “The Neon Demon”: the color scheme of this film is very powerful, and it was this that formed the basis of our color range. We also abandoned complex graphics and lighting solutions: “Bolero” does not require unnecessary decorations ─ the emotions from music and dance do not need any cover.

Tell us about your spouse’s participation in the project: what role did he play in its implementation?

A traditional question for businesswomen: how do you manage to keep up with everything? Give our readers a couple of life hacks - pledges wellness, moods and attitudes.

I have special secrets for waking up and having a healthy morning, you can find them in my online courses “Willpower”. This is not just another weight loss project, but a special technique that can change the perception of your own body. Among the main life hacks: always get up at the same time without an alarm clock ─ best at 8-9 am (on weekends you can add a lunch nap with the kids), exclude flour from the diet (it makes the body clumsy and sticky) and do a morning 15-minute complex exercises that suit any posture and age.

Does your soul (and body) require restoration after some large-scale projects, launches, participation in advertising campaigns, etc.? How long does it take, and how do you like to recover?

After serious filming, I try to relax one-on-one with myself: a day without a phone. The second day I spend in pleasant household chores with my family: I try to do laundry, cook something tasty, sort out my wardrobe - this distracts my brain and body from the load. At such moments I really relax.

Concert company “ALL STARS NN” presents:


With the dance show BOLERO

Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva– a theatrical and dance show that will take viewers into a world where beauty and audacity of lines rule. Where words are not needed for mutual understanding, and emotions are read between the lines and expressed in body language. Where there are no boundaries, and love can turn the world upside down, throw you off the throne and raise you from the ashes.

This is the story of a woman, strong, powerful, but at the same time very lonely. She hides her loneliness behind parties in a noisy society. Her strength and article are admired, everyone wants to get something from her without thinking about her. Left alone, the Goddess feels useless; loneliness turns her inside out. She could be a good mother and wife, but she is alone. She pieces herself back together again and again...

The show dances about adults, serious relationships and modern problems.

The action takes place in a closed nightclub, which has its own world and its own rules. It is here that she hides from her loneliness and can feel strong, desired and beautiful.

In the Bolero show, rhythmic gymnastics will not appear as a sport of the highest achievements, but will cross that thin choreographic line between femininity and sexuality. For the first time, the author's elements of Vogue New Way, high heels, modern and elements of gymnastics will gracefully intertwine in one dance. Under original music by Ryan Otter, specially created for the project, previously incompatible styles will become a single whole, and fantasies will become reality.

Only the most talented choreographers in our country, Katya Reshetnikova and Igor Rudnik, in company with the best dancers in Russia, can combine them.

The audacity and boldness of the outfits of Laysan and her team of first-class dancers can destroy any stereotype. No less impressive will be the digital graphics, turning what happens on stage into an unforgettable performance.

Laysan Utyasheva is the host of the top-rating show “Dancing” on TNT and several programs on NTV, a legend of Russian and world gymnastics, a six-time World Cup winner, a world and European champion, who found the strength to get back on her feet, even when they were literally broken... Several complex elements of rhythmic gymnastics are named after Laysan Utyasheva.

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