Small pimples on the palms of children and adults. What do lumps on the palm mean?

Lumps on the palm play a huge role in the teachings of palmistry. The intricacies of lines and hills can tell a lot about their bearer. Since ancient times, people believed in fortune telling by hand and paid attention to the location and size of the mound. The hills correspond to the 9 planets of the solar system, under whose influence we are.

General definitions of varieties of cusps

Reading should be done using the active hand: if you are right-handed, then on the right; for left-handed people, it is on the left hand. In general, the right hand is responsible for what is happening in the future; using it we consider possible options for the future. The left limb is responsible for the past and present. In order to get a complete picture of life and destiny, you need to compare the meanings of the elevations on both palms.

Over time, the lump on the palm can change its size and relationship to the lines on the hand. The quality of reading hillocks indirectly depends on the correct understanding of the locations of hills. There are a huge number of them, they are divided into main and secondary. The main tubercles are located under the phalanges of the fingers and on the edge of the palm, the secondary ones are localized in the center. The most basic hillocks have the names of planets. Lumps located near the lower phalanges of the fingers:

  • Saturn – located under the middle finger;
  • Jupiter – located under the index finger;
  • Mercury – determined near the little finger;
  • Apollo - read at the bottom of the ring finger.

Palmistry, as a science, has studied and identified the hills of Mars:

  • inferior Mars: localized at the top of the thumb;
  • upper Mars is directly below the eminence of Mercury;
  • The plain of Mars is determined by the center of the palm.

On the sides of the plain of Mars are the Hills of Venus and the Moon. Venus – located under the lower phalanx of the thumb. The moon is on the edge of the palm.

Mount of Saturn

If the Mount of Saturn is of medium size, then this indicates a calm, measured life of a person; it is unremarkable. Touching Saturn with the line of fate, which crosses the entire palm, portends career growth and success in business. A small tubercle, the presence of dots on it, promises the owner bad luck. Warns that a person should reconsider his life values.

A flat, inconspicuous hill will tell about the character of a pedant who loves order and rationality. Strength of character and determination make such people good life partners.

The elevated and very wide surface of Saturn speaks of toughness and composure. Firmness is the main character trait of a person and will bring success at work. The profession of a lawyer or criminologist is suitable for such people. If the surface is wide, but not convex, this indicates carelessness and some narrow-mindedness of the person. When the Mount of Saturn moves towards Jupiter, this means greater willpower and wit. A slight move towards the Mount of Apollo shows self-confidence and willpower.

Hill of Jupiter

Jupiter and Saturn are hillocks that interact with each other. An even, smooth mound indicates a lucky and calm nature. Such individuals can handle any task. A wrinkled hillock indicates an ambitious character, a love of primacy. A small-sized mound shows love of love and an inability to build long-term relationships.

A failed mound does not characterize a person from the best side; he is lazy and complacent. If the line of fate and the Mount of Jupiter come into contact, this means that you belong to a group of people with a unique talent. Maybe you sing beautifully or play the violin, maybe you have culinary talent. In any case, the lines of your palms give you a hint about development in a creative direction.

Definition of Apollo's Hill

Palmistry also describes the hill of Apollo as the solar hillock, which is located between the hillocks of Saturn and Mercury. The Solar Elevation is responsible for human spirituality, which is of great importance in the fate and life position of the individual. A clear, lush hill defines a highly spiritual and morally educated person, ready to help others. Often such people are priests and spiritual mentors.

A small, insignificant mound of Apollo will reveal the person’s need for communication; she lacks the warmth and care of her loved ones. More often than not, such individuals are talented in the field of acting, so they skillfully hide their emotions.

The wide hillock belongs to individuals who live a life full of adventures. Individuals with such a pronounced solar elevation are brave travelers and fans of extreme sports.

Hermes hill

The Mount of Mercury is located under the little finger, more often it is shifted to the right or left side. May intersect with the marriage line. The close location and even merging with the tubercle of Apollo will tell about fearlessness and hard work. Such people are not afraid for their lives and can master dangerous professions. The support of loved ones is of great importance to them. A displaced tubercle closer to the base of the palm, smooth and plump in structure, indicates a predisposition to the exact sciences and diplomacy. A flat, small tubercle shows the deceit and frivolity of a person’s nature.

The presence of various forms on a hill can tell a lot not only about character traits, but also warn of danger:

  • dots indicate imminent danger, possibly dangerous illness or injury in an accident;
  • squares on the Mount of Mercury act as protection;
  • the cross means theft and lies - there is a risk of being drawn into a scam and getting a prison sentence.

If a triangle is formed at the intersection with the marriage line, this is an indicator of violence and tyranny towards a person in the family.

Mounds of Mars

The lower hill of Ares talks about courage, strength and a tendency towards tyranny. The degree of severity of the mound indicates a person’s predisposition to aggressive behavior. The average size of the mound indicates a fairly quiet and calm character of the person.

The presence of a large, deep line on the mound, its power, speaks of the hot temper of nature. Such people can instantly become angry, even in the most ordinary situations, and it is difficult for them to gain control over their emotions. A small hill of Mars indicates a tendency to illness and mental disorders.

Many folds and small lines indicate an optimistic character and the ability to communicate with people. If a star is clearly visible on the hill of Mars, then things are bad, such a person hates everything and everyone, it is difficult to please him.

Description of the Mount of Venus

The elevation of the planet Venus on your hand affects your personal life. Can tell what a person is like in a relationship. A large, flat hill reveals a sensual nature. Such guys and girls take all events to heart and experience breakups and life’s troubles very hard.

The flatness and abundance of lines on the tubercle speaks of self-development, rich imagination, and talent for public speaking. People with such qualities love children, their families are strong and reliable.

The wrinkled Mount of Venus indicates frequent colds, a predisposition to hypertension and heart disease. Lines forming a lattice or a cross on the mound mean a person’s tendency to aggression, often unfounded.

A flat hillock speaks of a romantic and tender personality. Such people know how to love and give their feelings. The curvaceous shape of the Lunar tubercle will tell you about the ability to attract money; such persons can try their luck more than once and win the lottery.

Have you ever looked carefully at your own palms? Once you begin to closely examine your hands, you will discover many things that you did not notice before. For example, you will notice that some tubercles stand out very much compared to others. It is possible that some parts of the surface of the palm will be flat, while others will be raised. The outer side of the palm can be rounded towards the wrist, connected straight or transition smoothly. Have you ever noticed this before? And if you noticed, did you ever think about what it means?

Extend your arm to eye level, palm facing the ceiling. Now bend your hand slightly and look at it from the wrist to the tips of the nails. In this position, you will clearly see the small “pads” on your palms. They are called tubercles and their number can reach nine. Don't worry if you have fewer of them - often some will grow together. You can count only five, or even less, bumps. Experts consider them places of concentration of energy, which, depending on their location on the palm, can tell us about our interests, the strengths and weaknesses of our personality, and how we use our talents. If you mentally divide your palm into sections, you will find that each section reflects some aspect of our life.

One section talks about the state of our health, the other about our feelings, the rest will tell you whether we can be called brave, whether we are interested in science and art, and so on. If any hillock is larger than others, it means that the abilities “hidden under it” are more developed in you, or you have special energy. If the tubercle is flat, it means that you have little interest in the area that this segment of the palm represents. By the largest bump on your palm you will understand in which area your talents lie. Accordingly, the smallest tubercle will tell you what you are missing, what you need to pay attention to and work on yourself.

However, this must be approached with the greatest caution. When comparing the bumps on your palms, remember that the bump at the base of the thumb is almost always taller than the rest! He can only be considered truly big if others appear dwarfed next to him. With the help of the illustration you will be able to determine what each of the hillocks means.

Nine hillocks

  1. Hillock Jupiter located directly under the index finger. He talks about self-confidence. If it is big, it means that you are a completely mature person and can cope with any situations. If it is too big, then you have the makings of a boss! And vice versa, if it is flat and inconspicuous, then you are not confident in yourself, and a career as a boss is not for you. In this case, look at which tubercles on your hand are better developed - look for your talents there, but if it stands out strongly, it characterizes a shy and complex person.
  2. Hillock Apollo located under the ring finger. People with a bump in the form of a round pad can be congratulated: these are creative people. A flat mound indicates that the person is not interested in art; a too large mound indicates a person with conceit.
  3. Hillock Saturn located under the middle finger. It defines a sense of responsibility. Of all the hillocks, it is the least developed. Usually it is barely visible.
  4. Hillock Mercury located under the little finger. It represents different aspects of character: sociability, interest in science or money. If it's big, it means you're a friendly person and like to talk to other people, but if it's very big, then you're just a chatterbox! Often people with a flat mount of Mercury lack a sense of humor.
  5. Hillock Upper Mars lies directly under the Mount of Mercury. The clearly visible mount of Upper Mars reveals people with a strong will who do not give up easily. These are highly moral people, they have strong beliefs that they are always ready to defend. People with a poorly developed tubercle are more easily influenced by others.
  6. Hillock Lower Mars located above the junction of the thumb and palm. This segment characterizes physical health and courage. A person with a large bump is brave, a person with a small one is timid. If the area is loose and the mound rises high, then you have an aggressive person in front of you. He needs to engage in sports or physical work in order to expend excess energy, and not spread his aggression to others.
  7. Hillock Venus located under the tubercle of Inferior Mars at the base of the thumb. Usually this is a fairly large, swollen area. Well developed and elastic, it speaks of human health. The owner of such a mound is usually a very energetic person and quickly recovers from illness. A loose mound characterizes a lazy person; pale and expressionless can mean poor health, as well as arrogance and selfishness. But if the mound is very large, then it betrays a passionate nature, ready to achieve its goal at any cost.
  8. Hillock Neptune located at the base of the palm. Usually it is underdeveloped, but if it exists, it means that this is a sociable person who knows how to get along with others.
  9. Hillock Moon located at the base of the palm opposite the thumb. It speaks of ingenuity, sensitivity and intuition. If he stands out too much, he reveals a narrow-minded personality, flighty and capricious; a flat surface reflects a lack of imagination. We will find a round and elastic mound on the hand of a writer, a lover of music and poetry. Sometimes there is a very interesting shape of this mound, when it seems to hang over the wrist - this means that its owner has an exceptional sense of rhythm and dances beautifully. Very often this type of bump occurs in models who move with amazing grace and rhythm.

Many people dream at least once in their lives of meeting an old gypsy woman, as is described in books, who, taking their palm into her old, wrinkled hand, will tell them a fortune. Enveloped in the smoke of her pipe, she will peer into the lines on her hand, see only happiness, love and wealth there, putting an end to anxious thoughts about the future.

Man's ardent desire to look into the future and find out his destiny has led to the creation of various methods and techniques of fortune telling. Predictions were not neglected by those in power, who always listened to the prophecies of court magicians and astrologers.

Palmistry is an ancient system of hand divination that uses all the lines, patterns and bumps on the palm as a tool for predicting the future and analyzing personality. It originated in Ancient India, was known in Tibet, China, and Ancient Egypt.

The lines on a person's palm change all the time. And this is the main aspect of palmistry as a science: man is the master of his own destiny. According to palmists, the lines of the hand represent the structure of the brain. But the dermatoglyphic patterns that appear on the fingertips are formed in the womb and remain unchanged throughout life. Therefore, each person's fingerprints are unique.

According to palmists, every experience, a deep wound in the soul, is in some unknown way displayed on the palm in the form of silent signs.

Active and passive hand

Which hand should you choose to study? In palmistry, a distinction is made between the active and passive hand. The active hand is the one that dominates. For some it is the right, and for others it is the left. It is the active hand, according to palmists, that contains information about all ongoing processes and changes in life. And the passive hand shows the inherent features and predetermined capabilities, the initial data. To get a complete picture, it is necessary to study both hands.

To create a complete picture of human destiny, palmists take into account everything: from color, skin texture, shape of fingers and nails to the smallest signs on the palm. Each line on the palm has its own name. Separate the main and secondary lines. The main lines include:

  • Life;
  • Hearts;
  • Fates.

Secondary lines:

  • Success;
  • Health;
  • Intuition;
  • Marriage;
  • Voluptuousness;
  • Ring of Venus.

Life line

It begins between the thumb and index finger and extends to the base of the latter. This is the line that interests everyone. The life line can be divided into segments, each of which will correspond to a certain age. The exact middle of this line indicates age 40, and the end - 80. The length of the line can have nothing to do with life expectancy. This is just a reflection of the path of life with all its vicissitudes, changes, events of a different nature.

A clean and even line that does not intersect with any others is a favorable sign. A curved shape indicates rich energy, a long and deep shape indicates vitality. A pronounced semicircular line signifies strength and passion. A long line is an indicator of great potential and physical resource. If the line of life and mind are connected at the beginning, then this speaks of a balanced person, incapable of spontaneous and rash actions.

The forked end of the life line indicates that death will overtake a person far from the place where he was born.

If the life line is broken, this indicates that the person’s life has been or will be in danger. If after the break the line continues, then there is a chance to defeat the disease, but if it is weakly expressed, blurred, then there is little chance.

Signs on the life line

Small island - disease or problem. One large island indicates the presence of one big problem. The points on the life line can be compared to a hole into which a person falls and is unlikely to get out. A star on the life line means a problem or illness.

Life line direction

The life line does not always end at the wrist. Sometimes it, curving in a bizarre way, ends on one of the hills - elevations that are located in the human palm. If the life line ends

  • on the hill of the Moon, this speaks of physical pain, injury;
  • Mount of Venus, then this is a sign of impermanence;
  • Mount of Jupiter, this speaks of financial success;
  • Mount of Saturn, these are problems in the family and at work;
  • Mount of the Sun, then this means financial stability and tranquility;
  • Mount of Mercury, it gives happy moments, a happy marriage;
  • mount of Mars, this indicates travel and a rebellious nature.

Line of mind (Mars)

It runs between the lines of the heart and life. A long line indicates ambition, and a deep line indicates good memory. People with a short line cannot boast of good memory, but logical thinking and intuition do not let them down. The straighter the line of the mind on the palm, the more practical the person is. His actions are logical. He is able to make decisions quickly.

If the beginning of the mind line is at a considerable distance from the beginning of the life line, this indicates the person’s independence. Such people are independent from childhood and free from parental influence. They tend to be selfish and do not value friendship. But the connected beginnings of the lines of mind and life speak of great parental care and a person’s dependence on them.

It happens that the line of the mind is directed upward and crosses the line of the heart, which is responsible for the spiritual qualities of a person. This speaks of the dominance of the mind over the heart. Such a person does not believe in God, loves money, is selfish, can be a thief and a heartless killer.

Signs on the line of the mind

The chain is a lot of small problems that the mind will struggle to solve.

Islands mean depression, transverse lines can warn of skull trauma, loss of consciousness and other problems with the head. But the square and triangle have a favorable meaning, indicating that one can take risks - a person is protected by fate.

An asterisk does not bode well but problems.

Line of the Heart (Jupiter)

The heart line stretches from the edge of the palm to the base of the index finger and can tell about the emotional sphere of life and love affairs. A line starting from the Mount of Jupiter speaks of a beautiful heart, responsible for relationships, regardless of the situation. And the line originating from the Mount of Saturn reveals a person who is selfish in his love and sexual relationships. Well, if the heart line is long and stretches right up to the edge of the palm, then this indicates a henpecked man, albeit a romantic one. In women, a long heart line is a sign of fidelity.

The line of the heart intersects with the line of the mind - a person will always choose with his mind, not with his heart. If several short lines stretch down from the heart line, this is a sign of a loving nature, which can be in several relationships at the same time.

The heart line is black and originates from the Mount of Saturn - obviously the person hates the opposite sex. But a bright red color indicates a vulgar person, perhaps a rapist.

The arc-shaped heart line belongs to a sociable, eloquent person who does not mince words. Inverted arc - weak character, indecisiveness in expressing feelings.

Signs on the heart line

If the heart line resembles a chain consisting of links, this indicates that the person is sentimental.

Triangles on the heart line are an unfavorable sign, indicating illness, an accident, or interference of a third person in your love life.

The square indicates depression and suicidal thoughts, and at the same time the fear of death.

Double line of the heart - love, attractiveness, stormy personal life.

Many transverse lines cutting the heart line indicate difficulties in your career and love life.

A cross on the line indicates that both career and study are closely related to love.

A star on the heart line implies separation from a lover or partner, an accident.

Line of Fate (Saturn)

The line of fate is a vertical line directed towards the middle finger. It usually starts at the base of the palm, but can start higher up.

In China it is also called the career line. The absence of a fate line does not mean the absence of a career. It may simply mean that a person often changes his field of activity. As with other lines, a deep and level line is always a good sign. A shallow, narrow, blurred line is an indicator of reluctance to work in a team and be connected by a common destiny with someone.

A tilted, as if lopsided line of fate speaks of unique abilities and the ability to think outside the box.

If the fate line is connected to the life line, then this indicates that the person is not afraid of work. He is energetic, enjoys his work and knows how to be happy.

When it originates from the Mount of Venus, it means that money is not a problem for a person, most likely he was born into a rich family or inherited a fortune from relatives.

When the beginning and end of the fate line are on the Mount of Venus, this may indicate that the person is infatuated with a married person.

The line of fate connecting the Mount of Mercury and the base of the palm hints at the talent of a businessman and success in trade.

If the line is interrupted and continues in another place, this indicates a change in profession. The line of fate does not start from the wrist, but much higher, from the line of the head, which means success will come after 35 years.

Signs on the line of fate

A trident at the end of the fate line promises a rich life. An island at the end of the fate line suggests that a person will not be able to realize his plans and ideas and will be disappointed by this in old age. The island at the beginning of the line indicates a special birth history: the person is illegitimate or an orphan. The island in the middle indicates changes in fate or failure in career after middle age.

The chain at the beginning of the line speaks of poor studies in youth for some reason, and at the end - about financial losses.

Line of success (Sun or Apollo)

It starts at the base of the palm and extends to the ring finger. The success line is as important to a person as the sun is to the earth. Such a line, even if not clearly expressed, always guarantees success, even with a bad fate line. A good line of fate, intelligence and talent will not bring a person fame if he does not have a line of success. He will enjoy the life of an ordinary person, not a public one. The line of fate gives more opportunities to a person, it endows him with magnetism.

If the line of success stretches from the lunar hillock to the solar one, i.e. connects, figuratively speaking, the Moon and the Sun, then this is a sure sign of success, wealth and a successful marriage.

If the line starts from the Mount of the Moon and ends in the center of the palm, it indicates success and popularity at a young age.

The line of success rests on the line of the head - success will come at an early age. Until the age of 35, a person will taste fame and popularity and have time to enjoy them to the fullest.

A line starting from the middle of the palm and directed towards the Mount of the Sun indicates that success will be late. A person will have to put in a lot of effort and will achieve the desired result in middle age.

The line connects the Mount of Venus and the Mount of the Sun - family will play a big role in success.

Two solar lines are an indicator of the versatility of talent. If there are three or more lines, then this is an inability to manage money, a discrepancy between expenses and income, and therefore an eternal lack of money.

Signs on the line of success

An island at the intersection of the line of success and heart means the loss of a high position in society due to infatuation with women.

The square and star are very favorable, while the cross indicates lost position and wealth.

Line of Health (Mercury)

It begins on the Mount of Mercury and stretches down to the line of life. However, its absence is a favorable sign, indicating good health. A wavy line indicates decreased liver or gall bladder function and nervousness. A broken line indicates problems in the digestive system. Several short transverse lines indicate accidents.

The dotted line of health is also an indicator of the unsatisfactory condition of the body.

Signs on the health line

A star on the health line is a sign that it is difficult for a person to get help and support from loved ones. A star at the intersection of the lines of health and mind indicates poor reproductive ability or infertility. This also applies to men. The star promises them low sexual function.

A square on the health line is a sign of surgery due to heart problems. The triangle indicates mental health problems.

Two lines of health intersecting each other, a sign of a lack of vital energy and chronic diseases

Three lines - mind, health and life can form a triangle. This is a very favorable sign. The wider the triangle, the more luck.

Line of intuition

A crescent line stretches from the Mount of the Moon to the Mount of Mercury. The arc is the distinctive feature of this line.

This is a rare line, and if it is deep and well-defined, it speaks of developed intuition. It is found among clairvoyants, healers and mediums.

Signs on the line of intuition

An island at the beginning of the line may indicate sleepwalking. If the line ends with an asterisk, intuition will bring success. A broken line is a weak intuition that cannot always be relied upon. If the line of intuition forms a triangle with the line of head and fate, the person is inclined to the occult sciences.

Marriage line

There may be several of them and they are located on the edge of the hand, below the little finger. If you clench your fingers into a fist, you can easily see these parallel short lines. Regardless of the size, length, the presence of a marriage line already speaks of a family union that takes place in the life of a fortuneteller.

A smooth, deep, long line, almost touching the Mount of the Sun, speaks of a happy and long marriage and a good career after marriage.

A short line indicates a person’s inability to be in a long-term relationship. If the end of the marriage line is lowered, then this indicates that your partner will die before you. If the slope is sharp, then it may be sudden death.

When the marriage line touches the heart line, it indicates the suffering that the union will bring.

If the end is directed upward, then this indicates constant love in marriage and a calm life without financial problems.

A line forked at the beginning speaks of the danger of divorce, which may not happen if the integrity of the line is restored.

A forked end indicates separation and an unsuccessful marriage.

Several lines of marriage are not the number of marriages, but rather the problems that accompany marriage, relationships on the side.

If the marriage line is located next to the heart line, then this indicates early marriage, and if closer to the base of the little finger, then later.

The marriage line in shape, depth, brightness and length is in sharp contrast with the other lines nearby - interethnic or interfaith marriage.

Signs on the marriage line

Islands on such a line do not promise anything good; they usually mean conflicts and psychological incompatibility. However, all other signs: hash marks, asterisks, triangles and squares only complicate matters, so there is nothing good about them.

Ring of Venus

This line resembles the moon hanging over the heart line. Hypersensitive people and romantic natures have it in their palms. They have a sense of love for beauty, art, and creativity. They are sometimes obsessive in expressing their feelings, and are very attached to the opposite sex. In combination with a pronounced Mount of Venus indicates lust, with a less pronounced one - virtue and a glorious name.

When the belt of Venus is straight, it indicates money workers. They manage finances well. Wavy line – nervousness, pessimism, excessive dependence on others. People with multiple rings of Venus are inquisitive, curious, and strive to succeed in everything. People with broken lines are unfaithful.

Signs on the ring of Venus

The island on the ring speaks of a late marriage. If an early marriage occurs when there is an island on the line, this will lead to an illness acquired after marriage

Children's line

Vertical lines under the base of the little finger and above the marriage line. Deep, well-defined lines indicate boys, while faint lines indicate girls. If the lines are short, small and interrupted, then this indicates the loss of a child for various reasons (abortion, miscarriage).

A bifurcated line is the probability of having twins.

Signs on the children's line

The islands at the beginning hint at poor health in early childhood. The island at the end (at the top) will make them difficult to grow and lift.

Hills in the palm of your hand

Hills are called bumps on the human palm. Some of them are convex, and some are weakly expressed. They are named after the planets and are of no small importance when reading palms.

Hill of the Sun (Apollo)

The Mount of the Sun occupies the place under the ring finger. A person with a developed Mount of the Sun has high ideals and is a lover of literature and art. He has good taste and finishes what he starts. A man with a developed Mount of the Sun knows how to earn money, and a woman marries a wealthy man.

An overdeveloped Mount of the Sun can indicate a lazy, talkative and envious person.

The star and triangle located on this hill are auspicious signs. They will bring wealth and fame. But the cross speaks of a failed idea, a dream.

Hill of the Moon

A well developed mount hints at a sentimental, dreamy person with good intuition.

The absence of a hill is observed among conservative people who shy away from everything new.

An overly developed mount of the Moon is a sign of a capricious, eternally dissatisfied person with an “inflamed” imagination.

Hill of Mercury

It represents wisdom and the ability to think. Located under the little finger.

A well-developed Mount of Mercury is mental work, eloquence, quick action and quick thought, interest in everything that goes beyond ordinary life.

An overdeveloped mount indicates a person prone to lying and stealing.

A star on this hill promises a successful career. The cross protects business and studies from failure. The hash mark indicates problems with nerves.

Hill of Jupiter

It is located under the index finger. A person with a pronounced mount is religious, cheerful, loving, and happily married. The absence of a tubercle indicates low aspirations, laziness, and suspicion.

Hill of Venus

Located at the base of the thumb.

Symbolizes beauty and grace, the need to please, love of sensual pleasures.

An overdeveloped Mount of Venus indicates shamelessness, laziness, and inconstancy.

A cross on a hill indicates that a person will find true love. Islands are missed opportunities.

Mount of Saturn

Saturn is under the middle finger. This is a symbol of fate and a fallen god.

A well developed mount represents intelligence, sincerity, independence and patience. The absence or overdeveloped hill indicates thoughtfulness, sadness, suspiciousness, suicidal tendencies, and depression.

Hill of Mars

Located between the hills of Mercury and the Moon. Symbolizes courage, fearlessness, composure, devotion.

An excessively prominent mount of Mars signifies cruelty, injustice, tyranny and slander.

Pluto Hill

The Mount of Pluto is located next to the Mount of the Moon and often merges with it. A rare bump, indicating a penchant for mysticism and occult sciences.

Neptune Hill

Neptune is located between the hills of Venus and the Moon. A well-developed cusp is associated with music, art, imagination and spirituality.

But excessive growth of the tubercle indicates a suspicious and cruel person, a maniac.

Rare lines and signs

In addition to the main and secondary ones, human palms keep secrets and rare lines that reflect important nuances of life. In no case should you ignore them, because the better the map is studied, the easier the road, the fewer mistakes.

Line of Voluptuousness

This line connects the hills of Venus and the Moon. Refers to rare lines. The owner overestimates the role of some things in life, sometimes becoming dependent on them. For example, sex, food, material goods act on them like a drug.

If the line is on a hard palm, then the person does not know moderation in food and alcohol. And a soft palm in combination with a line of voluptuousness leads to dependence on narcotic substances like opium and morphine.

Curse line

It originates from the edge of the palm and the family ring, located at the base of the thumb, looks like its branch directed towards the Mount of Venus. To analyze this line, you need to study both palms. If such a line is present on the left (passive) hand, then the person was born with it. In this case we are talking about a generational curse.

The presence of a curse line on the right (active) hand in the absence of one on the left indicates an acquired line.

Divorce line

This is also a kind of branch from the family ring. If the presence of a marriage line is fateful in nature, that is, it contains predestination, then the divorce line is just a warning sign. This is a chance to change the situation for the better.

Guardian Angel Line

It is located on the Mount of Venus, parallel to the life line, but much shorter. This is a line of lucky people who are protected by higher powers.

Money triangle

This triangle is formed by three lines: mind, fate and health. A favorable sign that promises wealth. The larger the area of ​​the triangle, the better.

Lattice on the Mount of Venus

This sign is an indicator of great emotionality. Due to their sensitive nature, people with such a grid cannot solve their problems alone and always need the help of friends and relatives. Susceptible to depression bordering on mental illness.

Color of lines on palm

Sometimes the color of the lines on the palm varies from almost black to very pale tones. And this is not a simple play of color, but an important nuance that requires attention. Palmistry deals with the following colors of lines on the palm:

  1. The lines are even pink. This is a healthy and favorable sign.
  2. Red lines – passionate and ardent nature, good health.
  3. Yellow lines are a sign of melancholy and gloominess. They can talk about excess bile in the body, which leaves an imprint on the character. Such people tend to see only the bad in everything and become despondent.
  4. Blue, blue lines indicate poor blood circulation and heart problems. A sign of timidity, indecision, dependence on other people's opinions.
  5. White lines may be a sign of anemia and weakness. Lack of interest in the outside world and selfishness characterize the owners of white, pale lines.
  6. The black color of the lines reveals an arrogant and vindictive person in their owner. He is in poor health and has been plagued by a series of bad luck. Proper treatment and positive emotions can restore the healthy color of the lines on the palm.

Favorable and unfavorable signs on the lines

Depending on where the sign is located, it can be interpreted differently. For example, a square on the heart line indicates depression, while on the fate line it is a sign of support and protection.

But there is still one sign, the presence of which on the line means only good things. This is a trident. It neutralizes bad lines and is capable of making an impact even on hills. The trident triples your happiness.

The triangle can also be classified as a lucky sign, but with some reservation: its presence on the life line is still undesirable.

Unfavorable signs in palmistry are:

  • chains;
  • islets;
  • dotted line, breaks;
  • gratings;
  • crosses;
  • dots;
  • tassels.

As you can see, the list of unfavorable signs is more impressive than favorable ones. But nature is wise because it has endowed everything good with greater power. One successful sign can neutralize several unsuccessful ones. Palmistry helps, prompts, introduces a person to himself and makes it clear that everything is in the hands of a person - in the literal and figurative sense.

If you look at the palm, you will notice that there are different bumps under each finger. Each hill is named after a planet in the solar system. Such mounds differ in varying degrees of expressiveness. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry, hills and tubercles on the hand are. By the name of these combinations, it can be noted that palmistry has a great connection with astrological data.

The finger in the pair is assigned its own tubercle with a specific name of the planet, which has an influence on the fortuneteller, both positive and negative.

What you need to know about hills and tubercles:

  • If they are developed harmoniously and located in their places, then this indicates a balance in the qualities of a person’s character.

  • The case when a hillock or hill is absent or clearly pronounced, then you should pay attention to the meaning of the planet and its influence on the fate of a person.

Mount of Jupiter and its influence

The hill is located under the index finger, and its moderate convexity indicates that the fortuneteller has healthy ambitions and leadership talent:

  1. The ability to sensibly assess the situation.
  2. The opportunity to defend your beliefs.
  3. Lead people.
  4. Such individuals are distinguished by dignity.
  5. They quickly establish themselves and are respected among people.
  6. It is also a symbol of decency, honesty and justice.

Such hills in palmistry, pronounced, exceeding the limits of the norm, speak of ambitious people who treat others with disrespect and are overly vain.

Flat mounds (palmistry) characterize an ordinary fate that does not highlight leadership abilities. Complete lack of ambition for success and leadership. The owner of such a hand dreams of simple human earthly goals.

The role of Saturn in human destiny

Palmistry, hills on the palm, provides for another important tubercle of Saturn, which is located directly under the ring finger.

Note. Saturn influences destiny and is responsible for human well-being. Saturn personifies the god of fertility, who was responsible for the harvest.

  1. If a strongly convex tubercle is observed, then this does not characterize excessive benefits in a person’s life. This speaks about natural traits and attitudes towards life's blessings:
  • frivolity;
  • love of pleasure.

  1. The moderate development of the hill will tell us about a prosperous course in life. These are the people:
  • rational;
  • sensible;
  • reasonable.

Note. Owners of such a hand are truly happy and have good self-control.

  1. Flat hills (palmistry) indicate unfavorable circumstances. This combination predicts various losses and severe upheavals in a person’s life. Such people are characterized by such qualities as:
  • bad habits;
  • frequent depression;
  • self-indulgence and addiction;
  • loss of interest in life and other negative thoughts.

Palmistry, lumps on the palm, Mount of Apollo or Lady Luck

Palmistry, the hills on a person's palm play a huge role in his life, including the Mount of Apollo. This part is responsible for luck and fortune. The location under the ring finger will tell about optimism and the ability to get along with others.

  1. If in front of you is a person who is distinguished by narcissism and is loved by friends and others, then in front of you is the owner of a harmoniously developed Mount of Apollo. A person doesn’t mind taking a break from the work process and having a lot of fun. Such people are never distinguished by apathy and depression.
  2. A depressed, poorly defined tubercle indicates suspiciousness and a person’s tendency to see everything in gray colors.
  3. If a person does not evaluate himself, both in his own life and at work, then this means that you have a pronounced hill. Often such people suffer from lack of attention and suffer from an inferiority complex.

Mount of Mercury and its influence

This hill is located under the little finger and is mainly responsible for trade, and it is also believed that Mercury is the patron of thieves and swindlers.

If the hill is well developed, then it gives the ability:

  • to trade;
  • quick thinking;
  • eloquence;
  • in some cases, advances in science.

If there are lumps on the palm (palmistry) with poor quality, then this indicates that all the good qualities are disappearing.

Note. Please note that if a hill is clearly marked with a cross or a lattice, then a liar and a fraudster may be sitting in front of you, and may also portend a prison.

Palmistry, name of the hills: belt of Venus

The key words of the combination are success, love, sensuality. If the hill is uniform, harmonious and not spoiled by additional lines and signs, then before you is a person with a full cup of well-being in personal affairs:

  • Of course, in some cases, the fortuneteller’s love affairs may disturb his peace of mind, but in general, everything should turn out well.
  • If the hill is not sufficiently developed, then this indicates insufficient attention from the opposite sex. Love dramas, coldness and callousness will be indicated by multiple small lines on the hill.
  • A pronounced tubercle indicates violent passions and love attachments in the life of the fortuneteller.

Note. But you shouldn’t envy such people, since an excessive number of fans cannot compensate for true mutual love for life. Such people often suffer from this.

Mars and its influence on human life values

The upper mount of Mars is responsible for the following qualities: exploits, morality and courage. A normal, harmonious mound speaks of courage from a moral point of view:

  • Large, pronounced indicates a person who likes to mock other people with sarcasm.
  • People with flat hills are characterized by cowardice, selfishness and self-obsession.

Lower, small hill of Mars:

  1. The Lesser Mount of Mars is responsible for such qualities as courage, bravery and bravery. Calm and harmonious indicates that a person is able to keep everything under control.
  2. Bright, convex personifies a person with a cruel, impulsive character. Such people are prone to risky operations. If the line of the mind is short and the hill is convex, this is a sign that the opponent solves issues with the help of his fists.
  3. With a long line of mind and large Mars, all problems are solved with the help of brainstorming, especially if the line of mind smoothly descends to the bottom of the palm.

A flat hill indicates cowardice and a weak psyche.

Palmistry, hills, Mount of the Moon

The moon testifies to the sensuality and romanticism of a person with a penchant for artistic fantasy. Such qualities are inherent in an opponent who has a well-developed Mount of the Moon.

With a flat shape, the fortuneteller is distinguished by fanaticism, coldness and impatience.

A pronounced, large hill refers to people who have a highly developed imagination. In general, these are talented, creative people who, unfortunately, do not develop their talent.

A novice palmist, before starting to read a hand, needs to carefully examine the palms (first impression and what catches the eye at first glance:

  1. Palmistry, hills on the hand are a sign of excellent human qualities when they are developed normally (not completely convex and not completely flat) and are in the proper place.
  1. The pronounced development of the hill indicates a pronounced character trait related to a particular planet. Conversely, a complete absence may indicate bad qualities inherent in a character trait.
  2. If one hill goes beyond its limits and falls into the area of ​​the neighboring hillock, then this indicates that both hills are interconnected and play their role in the aggregate on a person’s character.

Note. In order to find out which planet has more attention, it is necessary to more carefully determine the degree of development.

  1. The dominant influence is exerted by the hills, which are wider and larger than the rest. They determine the character and destiny of a person.

Lumps on the palms

The palms of the hands have elevations called tubercles (palmistry). There are seven of them in total, five are under the fingers. Under the thumb is the Mount of Venus. It is the largest in size. Under the index finger there is the tubercle of Jupiter, under the middle one - Saturn, under the ring finger - the Sun (Apollo), under the little finger - Mercury. The tubercle of Mars is located on the striking part of the palm; Below, towards the end of the palm, there is a tubercle of the Moon (Fig. 10).

These tubercles are formed by the muscles of the palm. They can be very developed and stand out strongly, or they can be absent (in place of the tubercle there is a depression), in which case it is considered that the tubercle is developed negatively. The more developed it is, the stronger the influence of the corresponding planet on a person.

The center of the palm (concavity) is called valley of Mars. This place of the palm represents the struggle of life; all the main life lines intersect here.

Mount of Venus shows sensitivity, mercy, kindness. Jupiter - degree of religiosity, pride, self-love. Saturn - far-sightedness, prejudice, if it is expressed very strongly - a tendency to sadness. Sun - wealth, fame, success. Mercury - trade, contacts; with corresponding additional lines - fraud. Tubercle of Mars - depending on how it is developed - shows courage or cowardice, perseverance or humility. Influence Moon - how lucky you are in traveling and how strongly your imagination is developed. Weakly expressed tubercles indicate the weak influence of the planets and the absence of good qualities in a person. If the tubercles are normally expressed, with semicircular circles, then such a person has harmony and luck in everything.

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