How to throw a party for girls at home

Very often, our readers are interested in how to throw a party at home for girls. Today we will not only give you some interesting ideas, but also point out the main mistakes of parents!

Rules for a good party for girls

  1. It is very important to choose the right holiday theme. It costs nothing to decorate the rooms with pink balloons and ribbons, buy a few cheap crowns and make skirts from pink tulle. But you can already position your holiday as the Birthday of a real Princess.
  2. Many parents try to save money (and we understand them perfectly) and do not order a professional animator. Of course, this is a mistake, because the specialist not only gets along well with children, he also conducts themed games, and at this moment you are resting :).
  3. No money for an animator? Then share the responsibilities. Let dad (aunt, sister, grandmother) oversee the table setting and other organizational issues, and let mom (neighbor, girlfriend, dad, brother) entertain the children. Moreover, the optimal solution would be the selection of the appropriate costume and the opportunity to “play along” with the children in their fantasies.
  4. It is best to invite a photographer, at least a beginner, at least for an hour. Because it is almost impossible to keep track of what children eat, what children play and take pictures of them!
  5. A girls' house party doesn't have to be a banal feast. Make light snacks for the kids, and the rest of the table space is best given to sweets.
  6. Take the child's holiday seriously, prepare props, gifts for those present (even if symbolic) and organize games.

How to Throw a House Party for Girls: Theme Ideas

Older girls will appreciate it, which will resemble adult gatherings of mothers with friends :).

Also a house party for girls can be arranged or :).

outdoor games will be the best entertainment of this evening!

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