How to make a puppet theater with your own hands in kindergarten

Home puppet theater is a good way to develop a child. In particular, the project contributes to the development of speech, imagination, fine motor skills of the hand. At the same time, dolls have an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since they can help the child cope with his fears and feelings, as well as get the attention that is sometimes so lacking. You can make a puppet theater in a kindergarten with your own hands, and this applies not only to puppets, but also to screens and decorations.

Making dolls

Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including improvised ones. However, their size is not important. They can be finger, in the form of gloves or stationary figures.

Finger characters made of felt

Finger puppets allow you to develop fine motor skills of the child, his thinking and speech. Making miniature dolls is very easy. To do this, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil.

You can draw the pattern for the character yourself. To do this, it is first recommended to choose a fairy tale or story that will be staged, and then carefully consider its characters. After that, you can start making characters:

When making finger puppets, you should immediately decide on who will wear them. If this is a child, then the holes in the dolls should be such that the characters do not fall off during the staging process.

modeling paste

A good material for making dolls can be a special paste for modeling. It can be replaced with salt dough or plasticine. The advantages of this material are that both finger and stationary puppets can be made from it. To make characters, you need to prepare:

The modeling process for a child is quite difficult, so an adult needs to demonstrate step by step how to make this or that figure. At the same time, it is still worth leaving the opportunity for the child to express his imagination. If a human figure is needed for staging, you can sculpt it as follows:

  1. From a piece of pasta measuring 2 * 3 cm, you need to roll up a sausage, and then form a cylinder out of it. It should resemble with its figure a nesting doll with a torso and a head. At the bottom of the cylinder, make a notch for the finger.
  2. Separately sculpt the handles that need to be attached to the body.
  3. All facial features can be done with a stack or a plasticine knife.
  4. You can paint the character after the paste dries and hardens.

Paper heroes of fairy tales

Paper dolls are very easy to make, but they can be disposable as they tear easily during use. The sizes of dolls depend on personal preferences. They can be worn on the finger or on the whole hand. To make a paper doll, you can cut out special templates along the contour, and then glue them in pairs so that both the back and wrong sides match the characters. There is an easier way to make paper dolls:

  1. From a sheet of colored paper, it is necessary to glue a small tube, for which the sheet is twisted and glued along the edge. Its dimensions depend on the type of puppet theater. The doll can be put on a finger or be stationary.
  2. On the resulting blanks, it is necessary to glue the elements of the face and hands, depending on the character.

Don't throw away plastic spoons.

You can also make dolls from improvised materials. Plastic spoons work great for this. For such characters, you need to prepare:

Additionally, you may need ready-made plastic eyes, as well as felt-tip pens or markers. After preparing all the necessary tools, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of dolls. For this you need:

  1. Glue eyes to the convex side of the spoon or draw them.
  2. Wrap the fabric around the handle of the spoon and tie it with a ribbon so that you get a dress. If a male character is being made, then a bow tie can be glued at the junction of the handle and the convex part of the spoon.
  3. Make hair out of colored paper. To do this, cut a fringe on one side of the strip, and then glue the whole part to the convex part of the spoon.

You can use other improvised materials. For example, you can make Smeshariki from disks with your own hands or take ice cream sticks.

Socks will help

Very quickly you can make a puppet theater out of socks with your own hands. For the manufacture of such characters, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Scenery for performances

Particular attention should be paid to decorations. The easiest way to make them is from thick cardboard. To do this, you need to draw the necessary element on the cardboard, and then cut it out along the contour. Additionally, you need to glue clothespins to the decoration, which will be used to attach decorations to the screen. It is recommended to disguise them, since fasteners must not spoil the view of the scene or attract attention. Therefore, clothespins should be disguised as part of the decoration, for example, under a flower or mushroom figurine. The number of clothespins depends on the size of the decoration itself.

Theater screen

The screen is the basis of the puppet theater in kindergarten. Its appearance depends on the type of theater. It can be just a fabric curtain, which can be used to close the hole under the table. In this case, all actions will take place at the level of the table top. You can also make a dollhouse out of fabric with your own hands, patterns for which you can draw yourself. If a do-it-yourself puppet theater is made on the fingers or glove puppets are used, then a table screen will be needed. It can be made from different materials.

The plywood screen will turn out to be very light, while it will live for more than one year. For manufacturing, you need to prepare:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • wallpaper or fabric;
  • door hinges.

  1. Cut out 3 blanks from the base material, that is, one central part and two sidewalls. They must be pasted over with a cloth or wallpaper.
  2. After all three parts are dry, they need to be connected using door hinges. This will allow you to close the screen and fold it.

In a similar way, you can make a screen out of cardboard. However, it is recommended to make it three-layer, which will significantly increase the strength of the structure. It is not necessary to connect the parts with door hinges, they can simply be sewn.

The age of the kids who go to kindergarten makes special demands directly on the action itself. For a theatrical performance, it is recommended to choose simple, uncomplicated plots, which, nevertheless, are able to teach important life things. Gradually, the repertoire can be increased, while periodically returning to already staged performances. The peculiarity of children is that they quickly get tired and stop paying attention to any subject. This means that the duration of the performance should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Additionally, you can use musical accompaniment.

A puppet theater in kindergarten will help not only to reveal the talents of each child, but also to unite the team. And not only at the stage of staging fairy tales, but also in the process of making dolls. Children will definitely be delighted and will definitely not forget the emotions that they experienced at these moments.

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