How to organize a home theater

For most children, home theater is a significant event, because it is much more exciting than traditional games. You can act out funny scenes together, introduce the baby to a fairy tale and its characters, and introduce an element of fantasy. Believe me, the child himself will not notice how he will become the main participant and director of the fairy tale.

Try everything together with your child and become his best friend and helper. By creating a home theater, you learn to make puppets together, sew costumes, draw scenery, write a script, design a stage and, of course, show the play itself.

Home puppet theater for the little ones

For the little ones, puppet theater is ideal, as they are not yet ready to learn the roles and go on stage in front of their parents or relatives. Puppet theater is very similar to the usual game with toys. For kids, familiar folk tales are suitable.

Do not forget to fantasize: introduce new characters, add funny episodes, or redo the ending.

It is equally interesting to compose and play your own story. To begin with, it will be better if you act out the performance yourself. And over time, the kid will join the game by choosing his favorite character. You can buy a puppet theater, or create your own hands, it's up to you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning magnetic theaters, as a wonderful way to develop figurative and creative thinking in preschoolers. Magnetic kits allow preschool children to create their own fairy tales and stories on their own.

Costumes and scenery for home theater

A little older kids can go from puppet theater to the "real" with roles, costumes and scenery.

  • When preparing costumes, old dresses, shreds of fabrics, scarves will be used.
  • For makeup, donate the contents of your cosmetic bag, for sure there will be a lot of unnecessary cosmetics there.
  • Music is what brings the story to life. To make the performance more cheerful and bright, you can choose musical accompaniment. Record to a disc and play music at a low volume during the performance.
  • Pull the rope and hang a large piece of canvas or curtains on it - that's how the screen turned out. You can decorate the screen with flowers, birds, stars or snowflakes cut out of paper, depending on your imagination and the theme of the performance.
  • What is a theater without scenery? Preparing them at home can take time. Make the scenery so that they can be used in other performances. For example, trees can be painted green on one side and yellow on the other to represent autumn and summer. You can pull a thread and hang on it, carved from cardboard, the sun and clouds. Create together with the baby, come up with together what else can be done.

The child will be happy to take part in the design of the scene. It does not matter if something is cut out and painted inaccurately, it is important that the child did it with pleasure. Create with the baby, invent with him.

For yourself, leave the role of the narrator - someone must lead the story: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman ...” and manage the whole process: follow the output of small artists, suggest words if someone gets excited.

The main thing to remember is that children are not actors. They don't have the patience to learn their parts by heart, so don't try to get them to act like they're in perfect harmony. So you can easily discourage interest in your exciting undertaking.

Do not spare time for home productions - the result will be worth it, because for the kids this is a real holiday.

You can arrange a real holiday with a performance. Give theater tickets specially drawn for the occasion to relatives, neighbors or loved ones. Also, do not forget to arrange an intermission with sweets and drinks.

Benefits of home theater

Home theater will help teach a child to conduct a dialogue correctly, look for a way out of difficult situations, develop memory and independent thinking, and enrich vocabulary. And children's memory will keep vivid impressions of your exciting time spent together.

Theatrical games develop expressive speech and creativity in children. And although the hobby for home theater, as a rule, ends with childhood, communication skills, improvisation, fantasy, and most importantly, conversational skills remain. Any performances liberate the child and help overcome shyness.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

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